meridian theory. Meridians Acupuncture Meridian and Golden Ratio Theory

The peripheral part of the energy system of the human body, described in ancient China, consists of 12 pairs of individual (corporal) meridians (6 pairs of Yin channels, 6 pairs of Yang meridians) and a system of 8 Miraculous channels.

The circulation of energy in the meridians of the body throughout life does not stop for a second, its stop is tantamount to death. According to classical Chinese medicine, the movement of energy along the meridians is directly related to the act of breathing: with each respiratory movement - inhalation or exhalation - energy (Ki) moves a distance of three cun, and during the day it makes fifty full circles of circulation.

Energy enters the meridians and leaves them, obeying the main pattern: the A-energy of Heaven enters through the upper parts of the body and descends, and the Mind-energy of the Earth enters through the lower parts of the body and rushes up. Thus, the A-energy from the manual A-meridians is transferred to the foot A-meridians, and the Mind-energy of the foot Mind-meridians is transferred to the manual Mind-meridians. Therefore, traditionally hand A-meridians and foot Um-meridians are called centripetal, and hand Um-meridians and foot A-meridians are called centrifugal.

Centrifugal (A) and centripetal (B) directions of movement of individual energies along the hand and foot meridians

The corporal meridians are symmetrical and have their own acupuncture points. In six pairs of individual meridians, A (Yang)-energies circulate, in the other six - Mind (Yin)-energies. Individual energies in the human body have their own material representation at the level of organs, called the "main organ". The main organ has a special property to accumulate, process a certain type of energy and provide it to the whole body. Therefore, the names of the main organs are present in the classical names of the meridians. For example, the energy of the Um-Wind meridian accumulates in the liver and this meridian is called the liver meridian.

In the meridional system of the human body, the energy of Wind circulates through the meridians of the gallbladder (A-Wind) and the liver (Um-Wind), the energy of Heat - through the meridians of the small intestine (A-Heat) and the heart (Um-Heat), and the energy of Heat - through meridians of the spinal cord (A-Heat) and the brain (Um-Heat). The energy of Humidity circulates along the meridians of the stomach (A-Moisture) and the spleen (Um-Moisture), the energy of Dryness - along the meridians of the large intestine (A-Dryness) and the lung (Um-Dryness), and the energy of Cold - along the meridians of the bladder (A- Cold) and kidneys (Um-Cold).

Each corporal meridian is associated with a specific chakra:

Energy from the chakra through the system of core pathways enters the individual meridians, and then through another pair of corporal meridians and core channels, similar, but not identical energy returns to the chakra.

To carry out meridional Su Jok therapy, miniature projections of individual corporal meridians are used in the individual hand correspondence system. They are called byol-meridians (“bel” in Korean means special, special).

Through individual byol-meridians, as well as through corporal meridians, energy circulates in a certain order, in accordance with successive two-hour periods of activity. In Su Jok therapy, a convenient system of designating byol-meridians with letters of the English alphabet is adopted, the order of which reflects the sequence of periods of maximum activity of different types of energy. Thus, not only each byol-meridian, but also the byol-chakra and the energy corresponding to them are designated by one letter, which eliminates the need to memorize a large amount of unsystematized information.

Topography of individual corporal meridians in the body

The meridian is manual, paired, symmetrical and centripetal, belongs to the Yang system. The meridian of the large intestine circulates the energy of A-Dryness at the level of vital energies, A-sadness at the emotional level and A-will at the mental level. The meridian receives energy from the meridian of the lungs and directs to the meridian of the stomach. The period of maximum activity of the colon meridian is from 5 to 7 hours.

small intestine meridian F)

The meridian is manual, paired, symmetrical and centripetal, belongs to the Yang system. The meridian of the small intestine circulates the energy of A-Heat at the level of vital energies, A-joy at the emotional level and A-desire at the mental level. Receives energy from the meridian of the heart and transmits to the meridian of the bladder. The period of maximum activity of the meridian of the small intestine is from 13 to 15 hours.

Meridian of the spinal cord (three heaters) ( J)

The meridian is manual, paired, symmetrical and centripetal, belongs to the Yang system. In the meridian of the spinal cord, the energy of A-Heat circulates at the level of vital energies, at the emotional level - of A-satisfaction and at the mental level - of A-intention. Receives energy from the meridian of the brain, transfers to the meridian of the gallbladder. The period of maximum activity of the meridian of the spinal cord is from 21 to 23 hours.

meridian of the stomachC)

Meridian foot, paired, symmetrical and centrifugal, belongs to the Yang system. In the meridian of the stomach, the energy of A-Moisture circulates at the level of vital energies, A-anxiety at the level of emotions and A-consciousness at the mental level. Receives energy from the colon meridian and transmits to the spleen meridian. The period of maximum activity of the stomach meridian is from 7 to 9 hours.

Bladder meridian ( G)

Meridian foot, paired, symmetrical and centrifugal, belongs to the Yang system. It circulates the energy of A-Coldness at the level of vital energies, A-fear at the emotional level and A-wisdom at the mental level. Receives energy from the meridian of the small intestine and transfers energy to the meridian of the kidneys. The maximum activity of the bladder meridian is from 17:00 to 19:00.

Meridian of the gallbladder K)

Meridian foot, paired, symmetrical and centrifugal, belongs to the Yang system. It circulates the energy of A-Wind at the level of vital energies, the energy of A-anger at the emotional level and the energy of A-Originality at the mental level. Receives energy from the meridian of the spinal cord and transmits to the meridian of the liver. The period of maximum activity of the meridian of the gallbladder is from 23 to 1 hour.

Lung Meridian ( A)

Meridian manual, paired, symmetrical and centrifugal, belongs to the Yin system. In the meridian of the lungs, the energy of Mind-Dryness circulates at the level of vital energies, the energy of Mind-sadness at the level of emotions, and the energy of Mind-Will at the mental level. It receives energy from the liver meridian and transfers it to the colon meridian. The period of maximum activity of the lung meridian is from 3 to 5 hours.

meridian of the heart E)

Meridian manual, paired, symmetrical and centrifugal, belongs to the Yin system. In the meridian of the heart, the energy of Mind-Heat circulates at the level of vital energies, Mind-Joy at the level of emotions and Mind-Desire at the mental level. Receives energy from the spleen and pancreas meridian and transmits to the small intestine meridian. The maximum activity of the meridian of the heart is from 11 am to 1 pm.

Meridian of the brain (pericardium) ( I)

Meridian manual, paired, symmetrical and centrifugal, belongs to the Yin system. The energy of Mind-Heat circulates in it at the level of vital energies, on the emotional level - the energy of Mind-satisfaction and on the mental level - Mind-intention. Receives energy from the meridian of the kidneys, transmits to the meridian of the spinal cord. The period of maximum activity of the meridian of the brain is from 19 to 21 hours.

Meridian of the spleen D)

The foot meridian, paired, symmetrical and centripetal, belongs to the Yin system. The spleen meridian circulates the energy of Mind-Moisture at the level of vital energies, Mind-anxiety at the emotional level and Mind-consciousness at the mental level. Receives energy from the meridian of the stomach and transfers energy to the meridian of the heart. The period of maximum activity of the spleen meridian is from 9 to 11 hours.

Meridian of the liver (L)

The foot meridian, paired, symmetrical and centripetal, belongs to the Yin system. It circulates the energy of Mind-Wind at the level of vital energies, the energy of Mind-anger at the emotional level and the energy of Mind-originality at the mental level. It receives energy from the gallbladder meridian and transmits it to the lung meridian. The period of maximum activity of the liver meridian is from 1 to 3 hours.

The foot meridian, paired, symmetrical and centripetal, belongs to the Yin system. It circulates the energy of Mind-Coldness at the level of vital energies, the energy of Mind-fear at the emotional level, the energy of Mind-wisdom at the level of mental energies. Receives energy from the bladder meridian and transfers it to the pericardial meridian. The maximum activity of the meridian of the kidneys is from 17 to 19 hours.

Governor's Meridian ( Y)

The meridian is unpaired, belongs to the Yang system, controls the Yang meridians of the body. It is a permanent meridian, but in conditions of chronic violation of the circulation of energy, it functions as a wonderful meridian (Ruler).

Meridian of Conception ( X)

The meridian is unpaired, belongs to the Yin system, controls the Yin meridians of the body. It is a permanent meridian, but in conditions of chronic disturbance of energy circulation it functions as a wonderful meridian (Conception).

The peripheral part of the energy system of the human body, described in ancient China, consists of 12 — ty pairs of individual (corporal) meridians and a system of 8 - Mi Wonderful Channels.

These views reflect:

  • 6 pairs of yang - meridians are a component of the system;
  • 6 pairs of yin channels are a component of the system;
  • miraculous ones serve as a link that connects and unites the components into a single whole.

The circulation of energy in the meridians of the body throughout life does not stop even for a second. Stopping it is tantamount to death.

Energy goes into meridians and leaves them, obeying the basic pattern: A- The energy of Heaven enters through the upper parts of the body and descends, and Mind- The energy of the Earth enters through the lower parts of the body and rushes up.

The corporal meridians are symmetrical and have their own acupuncture points. In six pairs of individual meridians circulate A(Yang) Energy and in the other six - Mind(Yin) Energy.

Individual energies in the human body have their own material representation at the level of organs, called the “Main Organ”.

The main organ has a special property to accumulate, process a certain type of energy and provide it to the whole body. Therefore, the names of the main organs are present in the classical names of the meridians. For example, the energy of the Mind-Wind meridian accumulates in the liver and this meridian is called the liver meridian.

Each corporal meridian is associated with a chakra. Energy from the chakra through the system of core pathways enters the individual meridians, and then through another pair of corporal meridians and core channels, similar, but not identical energy returns to the chakra.

In topography and features of the course A And Mind- meridians, manifestations of the Homo-Hetero law are easily traced.

A- meridians () are mainly located on the outer, extensor surface of the limbs and on the lateral and posterior surfaces of the body.

Mind- meridians () - mainly on the inner, flexion surface of the limbs and on the front surface of the body. move Mind- the meridians are simple (having a Homo-character, they follow the shortest path), while the course A - meridians are presented in the form of complex, zigzag lines.

Particularly clearly - the properties are presented in foot A- meridians, occupying the maximum possible space in an effort to expand.

So the meridians of the bladder ( A- Cold) and stomach ( A- humidity) have points even on the Yin - surface, while the foot Mind- meridians (liver, spleen and kidneys) occupy a narrow (compressed) space in the center of the Yin surface of the leg.

Also A meridians are different Mind- Meridians are much longer.

Refers to the most important teachings of Chinese medicine, the meridian serves to explain the physiological functions and pathological changes in the human body, and is also necessary for understanding the relationship between internal organs.

According to the doctrine of channels (or meridians), life energy passes through them. This teaching is called Jing Lo. In Chinese medicine, twelve main organs of the human body are distinguished, into which energy enters through twelve meridians. Both organs and meridians

divided into Yang and Yin. But all the meridians are connected to each other and are a single system.

Meridians come out of each other and intertwine with each other. In addition to the main twelve meridians, which are paired, there are also two unpaired, eight wonderful and fifteen secondary meridians. All internal organs are connected to each other and to the surface of the human body through these channels. In addition, the main internal organs have their own meridians (lung meridian, large intestine meridian, stomach meridian, spleen and pancreas meridian, heart meridian, small intestine meridian, bladder meridian, kidney meridian, pericardial meridian, three heaters meridian, gallbladder meridian , liver meridan, posterior median meridian, anteromedian meridian).

Characteristics of the main 12 meridians


1). The lung meridian controls the level of metabolism and respiration. A pathological change in the lungs affects the functional state of the skin, hair and sweat glands.

2). The meridian controls the larynx, tonsils, trachea and bronchi, whose functions are closely interrelated. Deterioration of respiratory function in the lungs often leads to deterioration of nasal breathing function.

Indications for effects on the lung meridian- Fever, disturbances in the lungs, in the chest, throat, stagnation of energy and blood, difficulty urinating, urinating in small quantities. Impact on this meridian activates the circulation of energy and blood.

Meridian course. The meridian begins in the region of the middle part of the body (stomach region), descends to the large intestine, then turns again to the stomach (pylorus, cardia), crosses the diaphragm, heading towards the lungs. From the lungs it continues its way to the larynx and throat, descends to the axillary fossa and exits to the front outer side of the arm (lateral to the meridians of the heart and pericardium), descends to the fossa of the elbow joint and along the front side of the forearm goes to the end of the radius (in the region of the pulse position "thon ”), on the anterointernal side of it, heading towards the corner of the nail bed (radial edge) of the first finger of the hand (Fig. 2).

Branches. At the point liet-khuet (le-tsue, 7P), a branch separates from the meridian, which descends along the back of the hand to the nail of the second finger, where it connects with the meridian of the large intestine.

Pathological symptoms associated topographically with the areas where the meridian 2 passes. 1. In case of violations in the meridian 3 . Pain in the region of the supraclavicular fossa (when the pain reaches a particular intensity, the patient involuntarily crosses his arms over his chest, embracing his shoulders), darkening of the eyes, cardiac arrhythmia, pain on the inside of the upper limbs.

2. In case of violations in “your” organ: tightness in the chest, asthmatic cough, shortness of breath, thirst, frequent urination in small portions, yellow urine, unreasonable anxiety, fear, hot palms; in case of illness from the pathogenic factor "wind - cold" - fever, chills, sweating is possible


The main function is to remove waste to the outside. Forms a pair with the meridian of the lungs and is closely connected with them. So, constipation is often accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest and discomfort. In addition, these two organs - the lungs and the large intestine - are directly connected with the external environment.

Indications for effects on the colon meridian: diseases of the colon and stomach, diseases of the mucous membranes and skin, diseases

lungs, hypertension, heart disease, pain syndromes of the body, pain in the mouth (tongue, teeth, tonsils) and face (nose, ears).

Meridian course. It starts on the radial side of the index finger, from the outer corner of the nail bed, runs along the back

side (radial edge) of it through the gap between the I and II metacarpal bones - through the point hop-kok (he-gu, 4GI) - to the pit of the anatomical snuffbox between the tendons of the long and short extensor thumb, through the point zuong-khe (yang-si , 5G 1), then along the dorsal side of the forearm to the outer fossa of the elbow joint [point Khuk-chi (qu-chi, 11C1)] and along the anterolateral side of the shoulder approaches the anterior part of the acromion - the point kien-ngung (jian-yu, 15GI). Further, the meridian passes to the back surface of the shoulder joint and meets the meridian of the small intestine [at the point bin-fong (bin-feng, 121G)] and the posterior median meridian - at the point dai-chui (da-zhui, 14 VG), at the meeting point 6 yang meridians. Then it returns to the supraclavicular fossa [Khyuet-bong point (Que-pen, 12E)], descends to the lungs and, after passing through the diaphragm, goes to the large intestine (Fig. 3).

Branches. In the region of the supraclavicular fossa, a branch departs from the meridian. Having passed the neck, it rises to the face, to the gums of the lower jaw, bends around the upper lip, where both meridians meet at the point thui-kau (jen-zhong, 26VG). The right meridian ends near the left wing of the nose, the left - at the right wing of the nose, where they connect with the yang meridian of the stomach.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. With disorders in the meridian: swelling of the neck, pain in the teeth of the lower jaw, pain in the shoulder joint, forearm. Difficulty in moving the thumb and forefinger. With a significant development in the meridian of disease-causing energy, swelling and pain are observed along it. With the weakening of the channel energy - chilliness in the areas of passage of the meridian.


The main function is the reception and processing of food. The stomach and spleen form a close relationship. The stomach, as an organ, is the center of the human energy system, which receives energy from food and distributes it throughout the body. The vitality and health of other organs largely depend on its condition. In the meridian of the stomach, protective energy is formed, which protects the human body from external influences.

Impact on the meridian largely depends on the location of the points on it. The points located on the head normalize the blood circulation of the sense organs and the oral mucosa. Treat neuralgia and facial muscle spasms. The points of the meridian of the stomach in the neck affect the larynx and upper respiratory tract. Points in the chest area affect the lungs and bronchi.

Meridian course. Both branches of this paired meridian begin at the wings of the nose, on both sides of it. Under the nose, in the center of the gums of the upper jaw, they meet each other, then diverge to the sides and meet with the yang meridian of the bladder at the point tyn-min (qing-ming, IV), descend along the outer line of the nose to the upper jaw, approach corners of the mouth, rounding the upper lip, meet on the posterior median meridian (at the point thui-kau (zhen-zhong, 26VG)]., having rounded the lower lip, they touch the anteromedian meridian at the point thia-tuong (cheng-jian, 24 VC), then , sharply changing direction, return along the lower part of the lower jaw, go to the corners of the lower jaw [at the point dai-ngen (da-in, 5E)], turn to the area in front of the auricle and approach the Yang meridian of the gallbladder [at the point thuong- kuan (shang-guan, 3VB)], go to the temples, connect with the meridian of the gallbladder [at the points hyuen-li (xuan-li, 6VB) and ham-yem (han-yang, 4VB)], rise to the corners of the forehead and , having passed horizontally along the front border of the hairline, they meet with the posterior median canal [tang-ding (shen-ting, 24 VG)].

From the area anterior to the point dai-ngen (da-ying, 5 E), the branches of the meridian descend to the neck and along the larynx approach the supraclavicular fossa [khyuet-bong (qu-pen, 12E)], pass along the chest (along the nipple line) , go down to the stomach and on both sides of the anterior median meridian reach the inguinal canal fuk-tho (fu-tu, 32E), along the rectus muscle of the thigh down to the knee [doc-you (du-bi, 35E)], along the outer surface there are more the tibia descend to the tarsus and then along the back of the foot they approach the outer corner of the nail bed of the second toe (Fig. 4).

Branches. In the area of ​​the supraclavicular fossa [khuet-bong (qu-pen, 12E)] a branch departs from the meridian, which crosses the diaphragm and approaches the stomach, due to which it also communicates with the spleen.

In the region of the pylorus, a branch departs from the meridian to the lower abdomen, connecting again with the main meridian in the region of the inguinal canal.

From the tuk-tam-li point (zu-san-li, 36 E) a branch departs distally from the main meridian, which descends to the nail of the third toe.

In the region of the back of the foot [at the point sung-duong (chun-yang, 42 E)], a branch departs to the beginning of the nail of the big toe, where it connects with the foot Yin meridian of the spleen.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: bleeding from the nose, rashes on the lips, pain in the larynx, swelling of the neck, distorted mouth, pain in the chest, swelling, pain, numbness and coldness of the lower extremities. With the development of pathogenic factors in the meridian - high temperature, sweating, possibly a delusional state.

2. In case of violations in hollow organs: if the stomach is in a state of "heat", - increased appetite, yellow urine, unaccountable confusion, fear, possibly a delusional state; if the stomach is in a state of "cold" - a feeling of fullness, poor appetite.


The spleen meridian controls the movement and digestion of food in the intestines and stomach, as well as the absorption of nutrients. If these functions are impaired, then there is bloating, dyspepsia and swelling.

Impact on the meridian indicated for the development of postoperative pulmonary edema, after surgery on the abdominal organs. The spleen, together with the liver, is responsible for the condition of the muscles.

Meridian course. It starts from the inner corner of the nail bed of the 1st toe, follows the line of transition of the skin of the back of the foot to the skin of the sole, passes to the posterior end of the 1st metatarsal bone, turns up, passing in front of the medial malleolus, then along the lower leg, along the posterior edge of the tibia bones, crosses the meridian of the liver and, passing in front of this meridian, rises to the inside of the knee joint, the anterointernal surface of the thigh. Further, having passed into the abdominal cavity, it penetrates into the spleen, establishing a connection with the stomach through it, passes through the diaphragm and, bypassing the chest, comes to the point chu-vin (jou-jun, 20 RP), from there down to the point dai-bao ( da-bao, 21 RP), and up again, along the larynx, through the root of the tongue, located under the tongue (Fig. 5).

Branches. In the region of the stomach, a branch departs, which, bypassing the diaphragm, approaches the neurovascular bundle of the region of the heart, where it merges with the manual Yin meridian of the heart.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: aches, a feeling of heaviness throughout the body, yellowing of the skin, hardening and pain in the tongue, swelling on the inside of the legs, numbness of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

2. In case of violations in "your" organ: pain and a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, indigestion of food, nausea, difficulty swallowing, acute pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, difficulty urinating.


The meridian of the heart determines the functional state of the heart, the circulatory system (vascular tone). Under the control of the meridian are consciousness, mental activity, sensations and emotions. A person is cheerful and cheerful as long as he has a healthy heart. The deterioration of his work leads to irritability, low activity, indecision, various fears, a state of anxiety and sadness arises.

Indications: emotional stress disorders, neurosis, fainting, dizziness, functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, anxiety, sadness. Impact on the meridian of the heart leads to calming the heart and improving the state of mind of a person.

Meridian course. The meridian starts from the heart, passes into the system of coronary vessels, bypassing the diaphragm, and approaches the small intestine. From the system of coronary vessels rises to the lungs, along the bottom of the axillary fossa and the anterointernal edge of the upper limbs follows the medial hand meridians "great yin" and "end of yin" , then, along the anterior outer edge of the little finger of the hand, it comes out to its end (from the side of the thumb), connecting with the manual yang meridian of the small intestine (Fig. 6).

Branches. In the region of the system of coronary vessels, a branch departs, which follows along the larynx up to the eye, to the system of periocular vessels.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: pain in the shoulder area, along the inner surface of the hands, hot or cold palms, dry mouth, thirst, pain in the eye area.

2. In case of violations in “your” organ: pain in the heart area, hiccups, acute pain in the chest area, with the “fullness” of the disease - a delusional state, with “emptiness” - melancholy, fear.


Takes digested food in the stomach and absorbs nutrients and fluids. The meridian of the small intestine and the meridian of the heart form a pair

Yin Yang. During surgery on the small intestine, the effect on the meridian of the heart is effective. The close relationship with the meridian of the heart also explains the effectiveness of the impact on the meridian of the small intestine in states of excitation associated with the nervous system.

Local effect on the meridian is effective for headaches, pain in the posterolateral part of the neck, in the shoulder girdle and elbows, as well as for noise in

ears caused by the pathology of the inner ear.

Meridian course. The meridian originates from the corner of the nail bed of the little finger (from the ulnar side), follows the line of transition of the skin of the back of the hand to the skin of the palm, rises to the wrist, passes the styloid process of the ulna and, following along the ulna from the side of the little finger, approaches the process of the elbow joint and the medial epicondyle of the humerus. Then the path of the meridian runs along the inner edge of the back side of the shoulder, rises to the back side of the shoulder joint and zigzag passes from above and below to the spine of the scapula, meets the foot yang meridian [at the points fu-fan (fu-fen, 41 V) and dai-chi (da-zhu, 11V)], the posterior median meridian [at the point dai-chui (da-zhui, 14 VG)], passes into the supraclavicular fossa [at the point khuet-bong (qu-pen, 12E)], descends into the heart and , following along the esophagus, penetrates through the diaphragm, comes to the stomach and then to the small intestine (Fig. 7).

Branches. At the khuet-bon point, a branch departs, which rises to the cheek, approaches the outer corner of the palpebral fissure and enters the ear.

In the cheek region, another branch departs, which follows the lower edge of the orbital cavity, penetrates into the nasal cavity, goes to the inner corner of the palpebral fissure, where it connects with the foot yang meridian of the bladder [at the point tyn-min (qing-ming, 1 V)] and then down to the cheekbone.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. In case of disturbances in the meridian: deafness, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, swelling in the lower jaw, pain in the throat, in the area of ​​the shoulder joint and the inner edge of the back of the shoulder; spastic condition of the muscles of the cervical-occipital region. 2. In case of violations in “your” organ: pain and bloating in the lower abdomen, irradiation of pain in the lumbar region and in the ovarian region, liquid stools or abdominal pain, constipation, difficult defecation.


The meridian of the bladder plays the role of a regulator of the activity of the kidneys and controls urination. The impact is effective in painful and spastic conditions (headache, lumbago, spasms of the calf muscles).

Indications: chronic skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis), disorders in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), sciatica, headache, cerebrovascular accident, pain in the neck, back, lower back and leg muscles. Impact on the points of "consent", located on the meridian along the spine, has a regulatory effect on the functions of any organ.

Meridian course. The meridian originates from the inner canthus of the eye, rises to the forehead and meets the posterior median meridian on the head. In the parietal region, it penetrates the brain (the first branch), then goes to the back of the head, passes along the inner side of the scapula, descends down along the spine, close to it, passes deep into the sacral region, where it meets the kidneys and through them with the bladder ( Fig. 8).

Branches. In the parietal region, a branch separates from the meridian, which approaches the upper edge of the auricle. In the lumbar region, another branch branches off, which continues along both sides of the spine, passes the buttock, descends along the back of the thigh to the popliteal fossa. On both sides, at the level of the scapula, another branch is separated, which, having passed the shoulder, goes along the spine, on both sides of it (lateral to the main meridian), reaches the greater trochanter and, having passed along the posterior side of the thigh, exits at the upper edge of the popliteal fossa, then continues the path through the area behind the ankle [through the point of con-lon (kun-lun, 60 V)] and further along the outer edge of the back of the foot goes to the outer edge of the fifth finger, falling into the foot yang meridian of the kidneys.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: pain in the eye area, lacrimation, bleeding from the nose, pain in the head, neck, back, lower back, spine, sacrococcygeal region, back of the legs; elevated body temperature.

2. With violations in the hollow organs: difficulty urinating, acute pain in the lower abdomen, bedwetting.


The meridian of the kidneys is a repository of "essential" energy, which determines the energy resources of the body. The meridian of the kidneys contains nutrients that are the basis of the activity of internal organs and systems, and the energy of the kidneys themselves is the basis of growth, development and reproduction.

1). After long illnesses and major operations, patients often complain of irritability, unpleasant visual

sensations, insomnia, sweating at night, etc. This is a consequence of the lack of energy of the kidneys.

2). The kidneys are the roots of life. They also control bone tissue, bone marrow function, growth, development and repair of bones.

Indications: congestion in the chest with bronchial asthma, conditions similar to angina pectoris; menstrual disorders and pathology

urogenital area; hypertonic and hypotonic conditions; constipation, belching, dyspepsia, vomiting; dysfunction of the kidneys, uterus, its appendages, gallbladder and pharynx; violation of the genitourinary sphere, adrenal function and sexual dysfunction.

Meridian course. The meridian starts on the lower surface of the fifth toe, goes to the sole, then, passing along the navicular bone along the inner surface of the foot [nien-kok point (zhan-gu, 2R)], passes behind the medial malleolus, goes down to the heel and again rises to calf muscle. Then it rises along the inner surface of the lower leg to the popliteal fossa, then along the posterior surface of the thigh it approaches the perineum and connects with the posterior median canal, goes along the spine to the kidneys, establishes a connection with the bladder (first branch). From the kidneys, the meridian rises to the liver, passes the diaphragm and approaches the lungs, then, having passed through the laryngeal-pharyngeal region, ends at the root of the tongue (Fig. 9).

Branches. In the region of the lungs, the second branch departs, which connects the meridian with the heart and, located in the chest region, meets the Yin meridian of the hand.

Pathological signs associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: sensation of heat in the mouth, parched tongue, swelling of the throat and larynx, pain in the spine, pain or cold on the inner surface of the lower extremities, hot soles.

2. In case of violations in "his" organ: swelling, difficulty urinating, hemoptysis, the patient tries to lie down, asthma, ripples in the eyes, palpitations, pale skin with a grayish tinge, diarrhea (usually in the morning).


The main function is to protect the heart and provide additional assistance to it. Physiological functions and pathology of the pericardium affect the heart.

1). The meridian is a representative of the functional circle, has similarities with the meridian of the heart.

2). But the pericardial meridian has a wider range of influence on blood circulation. It has a predominant effect on the nervous system.

3). Sometimes this meridian is called the cardiovascular-sexual meridian. By influencing points 4-9 of this meridian, one can influence the psycho-emotional sphere.

Meridian course. The meridian originates inside the thoracic region, from the pericardium; penetrating the diaphragm, descends until it meets the upper, then the middle and lower parts of the body (Fig. 10).

Branches. In the chest area, a branch departs to the side of the chest, 3 cun below and axillary folds, goes around the axillary region and passes along the front surface between the Yin meridians of the lungs and heart, goes to the middle of the elbow joint, then descends to the forearm and passes between the tendons to the palm and further along the middle finger of the brush goes to the end of it.

The second branch departs from the meridian in the palm area, follows the ring finger of the hand (from the side of the little finger) to its end, where it joins the manual yang meridian of the three parts of the body.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: flushing of the face, swelling in the axillary region, the patient's arms are spasmodically bent at the elbow and shoulder joints, heat in the palms.

2. In case of violations in "your" organ: pain in the region of the heart, unaccountable anxiety, fear, chest tightness, palpitations, delirium, coma.


Meridian does not refer to any one organ. This is a whole functional system, which includes three cavities, three functional units.

1). The upper cavity includes the trunk and chest up to the diaphragm (respiratory and circulatory systems).

2). Middle cavity - from the diaphragm to the navel, digestive organs, stomach, spleen.

3). Lower cavity - the space below the navel, kidneys, bladder, urinary organs.

The pericardial meridian influences spastic and pain syndromes. Topographic features of the course of the meridian on the hands and in the area

shoulder girdle are effective in diseases of the limbs.

If the meridian of the pericardium significantly affects mental disorders and has a connection with internal secretion, then the meridian of the three heaters

more affects the state of increased excitability, regulates the sympathetic nervous system. Vascular spasms, hyper- and hypotonic

conditions, some symptoms in vascular sclerosis, as well as states of strong excitement, excessive stress of will and intellect, it is possible

remove by acting on this meridian.

Meridian course. The meridian originates from the ring finger, passing along its back side, closer to the little finger, rises to the gap between the little finger and the ring finger, passes along the back surface of the hand (between the IV and V metacarpal bones), then follows the wrist, rises higher between the radius and ulna bones, bypasses the process of the elbow joint and along the back outer surface of the shoulder reaches the shoulder joint, crosses the Yang meridian of the gallbladder and, passing the shoulder [through the point Kien-tyn (jian-jing, 21 VB)], passes into the supraclavicular fossa [khyuet-bon (Que pen, 12 E)]. Then it descends between the mammary glands [dan-chung (tan-chung, 17 VC)], meets the pericardium, crosses the diaphragm, descends into the abdomen, to the upper, middle and lower parts of the body (Fig. 11).

Branches. At the dang-chung point, a branch departs from the meridian, which rises to the supraclavicular fossa [khuet-bong (qu-pen, 12 E)] and further to the back of the head, then, having passed along the back surface of the free edge of the auricle, reaches its upper edge and turns down to the face, under the eye socket.

Another branch departs from the meridian behind the ear, passes into the ear, exits into the anterior region, passes in front of the point [thuong-kuan (shan-guan, 3 VB)] and exits to the outer corner of the palpebral fissure, where it again merges with the main meridian of the gallbladder .

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: deafness, tinnitus, swelling and pain in the larynx and pharynx, pain in the eyes, swelling of the cheeks; pain behind the ear, in the area of ​​the shoulder joint, shoulder, outer surface of the elbow joint, impaired mobility of the ring finger.

2. In case of violations in “your” organ: bloating and tension throughout the abdomen, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence, frequent urge to urinate, urine output in small portions, swelling.


The meridian of the gallbladder is in close connection with the meridian of the liver. Their functional states are interconnected. meridian used

with various pain syndromes. A large number of points on the head makes it possible to influence the headache in the fronto-temporal region.

Migraine, facial pain, some inflammatory diseases of the ear, eyes, are also treated by acting on the gallbladder meridian. Impact

indicated for other pain syndromes, such as intercostal neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, especially of the knee and hip joints,

as well as diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

Meridian course. The meridian originates from the outer corner of the palpebral fissure, descends to the behind the ear, goes around the head, approaches the forehead, returns to the back of the head, then along the neck (in front of the meridian of the three parts of the body) descends to the shoulder, passes behind the manual Yang meridian to the supraclavicular fossa and further down , into the axillary region, then goes along the chest [tiong-mon (zhang-men, 13 F)] to the greater trochanter and along the outer side of the thigh goes to the lower edge of the knee joint and further along the lower leg; passing along the outer side of the fibula and in front of the lateral malleolus, it goes to the back of the foot and ends at the outer corner of the nail bed of the fourth toe (Fig. 12).

Branches. One of the branches departs from the main meridian in the behind the ear region and passes into the ear, exits in front of the auricle and approaches the outer canthus.

The second branch from the outer corner of the palpebral fissure descends to the point dai-ngen (da-in, 5 E), meets the manual yang meridian, rises to the lower edge of the eye socket, turns down, to the angle of the lower jaw, and then to the neck, meets with the main meridian above the clavicle [khyuet-bong (tsue-pen, 12 E)], enters the chest, passes the diaphragm, connects with the liver and through it with the gallbladder, passes along the ribs, descends to the inguinal canal [khee-sung, ( qi-chun, 30 E)], goes around the pubic area and goes to the greater spit.

The third branch separates in the back of the foot, passes between the I and II metatarsal bones to the end of the first toe, then turns around the hair bundle of the first toe and meets with the foot Yin meridian of the liver.

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: fever, deafness, headaches, pain in the jaws, eyes, swelling and pain in the supraclavicular fossa, swelling in the armpit, tuberculous lymphadenitis, pain in the hip joint and on the outer surface of the lower extremities, heat in the outer part of the feet, loss of mobility of the fourth toe.

2. In case of violations in "your" organ: pain in the chest along the lateral surface, bitterness in the mouth, nausea.


The liver has the property of enhancing body functions. It occupies a leading place in ensuring metabolism, being a "biochemical

laboratory" of the organism.

1). Proper metabolism promotes growth, constant self-renewal of the body. The liver is a blood depot, performing the function

storage, regulation of the amount of blood. Regulates the composition of the blood, produces biologically active substances.

2). The emotion of intense anger hurts the liver. At the same time, adrenaline is intensively released into the blood, which is accompanied by the release of blood from the blood depot. The result is a violation of the function of preserving blood in the liver, so the impact on the points of the liver meridian is effective in uterine bleeding. 3). On the other hand, liver disease is characterized by a state of angry irritability. A number of brain syndromes are associated with liver disease.

Meridian course. The meridian originates at the outer corner of the nail bed of the 1st toe, passes along the back of the foot, to the lateral malleolus (at a distance of 1 cun in front of it), rises up the lower leg, meets the Yin meridian of the spleen, crosses it above the medial malleolus (at a distance of 8 cunei from it), comes to the inner edge of the popliteal fossa and along the inner surface of the thigh - to the pubis. Then it goes around the external genital organs, rises to the lower abdomen, passing parallel to the meridian of the stomach, approaches the stomach, liver, gallbladder, passes the diaphragm, rises higher, follows the ribs and, having passed the area behind the trachea and larynx, rises to the soft palate. . Then it comes into contact with the system of periocular vessels, exits in the forehead and merges on the crown with the posterior median meridian at the point bat-hoi (bai-hui, 20 VG) (Fig. 13).

Branches. In the region of the system of periocular vessels, a branch departs from the main meridian, which descends to the cheek and turns to the lips. Another branch departs from the liver, which, penetrating the diaphragm, approaches the lungs, where it merges with the Yin meridian of the lungs.

Pathological symptoms associated with. meridian. 1. In case of disturbances in the meridian: headaches, ripples in the eyes, loss of clarity of vision, tinnitus, high body temperature; possible convulsions, bedwetting, difficulty urinating.

2. In case of violations in "your" organ: tightness in the chest, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, yellowing of the skin, liquid stools, feeling of obstruction in the throat, hernia, pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition to the main 12 organ meridians, there are also two unusual wonderful meridians. They are different from the twelve meridians, the organs are neither direct nor external relations with their other line. They have a special course of movement, therefore they are called unusual wonderful meridians. These two meridians can not only connect with the main 12 meridians, but also circulate the vital energy (Qi) of the 12 main meridians.


Meridian course. It originates in the perineum, passes through the point Truong-Kuong (Chang-Qiang, 1 VG) and rises along the spine to the point Fong-Fu (Feng-Fu, 16 VG), enters the brain, passes to the crown of the head and further through the forehead to the nose, the roots of the teeth of the lower jaw (Fig. 14).

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. Limited mobility of the spine, with serious disorders - spasms of the spinal muscles of the nature of tetanus or a dull headache, accompanied by weakness in the back.

Indications for the use of the meridian. Stiffness of the spine and spasms of the spinal muscles of the nature of tetanus as a result of disorders in the brain area, lesions in the internal organs located near the meridian path.


Meridian course. It originates in the perineum [hoi-am (hui-yin, §1 VC)], passes through the pubis, enters the abdomen and through the point kuan-nguyen (guan-yuan, 4 VC) rises to the junction of the pharynx and larynx and further through the chin comes out on the face, ending in the eyes (Fig. 15).

Pathological symptoms associated with the meridian. In men: hernia. In women: leucorrhoea, tumors in the uterus.

Indications for the use of the meridian. Violations in the urogenital organs, stomach, chest, throat and larynx; it is also used when it is necessary to strengthen yang energy or replenish energy in general.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a storehouse of sacred knowledge, which was gleaned from Taoist hermits thousands of years ago. According to her theory, the human body is a microcosm, within which energy flows flow. The energy in the body moves through the channels that form the system. /website/

The theory of Chinese medicine is far from the understanding of Western science, as it concerns deep and invisible processes and mechanisms. Of key importance in Chinese medicine is the concept of energy channels through which internal energy - Qi circulates.

12 main channels

There are 12 main channels (meridians) and 8 "wonderful" channels in the human body. In addition, branches of the main canals and collaterals are also distinguished.

This whole system is a complex network that runs from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from front to back and back throughout the body.

The main circulation pathways of Qi are represented by 12 main channels. Qi moves through them constantly throughout life. “Wonderful” channels resemble reservoirs for storing energy and are actively activated only with a lack and excess of Qi. Only two miraculous channels are constantly working: the anterior median and the posterior median.

The theory of Chinese medicine is far from the understanding of Western science, as it concerns deep and invisible processes and mechanisms. Of key importance in Chinese medicine is the concept of energy channels through which internal energy - Qi circulates. Photo: BY 4.0

The twelve main channels are associated with 6 dense and 6 hollow organs. The meridians of dense organs are located along the inner side surfaces and in front. These are the Yin meridians.

The channels of the hollow organs run along the outer side surfaces, as well as behind. They are of Yang nature.

The twelve main meridians are:

  • lung meridian (I, P) - Show-tai-yin-fei-jing;
  • meridian of the large intestine (II, GI) - Shou-yan-ming-da-chang-jing;
  • meridian of the stomach (III, E) - Zu-yan-ming-wei-ching;
  • meridian of the spleen and pancreas (IV, RP) - Zu-tai-yin-pi-ching;
  • meridian of the heart (V, C) - Shou-shao-yin-hsin-jing;
  • meridian of the small intestine (VI, IG) - Shou-tai-yang-xiao-chang-jing;
  • meridian of the bladder (VII, V) - Zu-tai-yang-pan-guan-jing;
  • kidney meridian (VIII, R) - Zu-shao-yin-shen-jing;
  • meridian of the pericardium (IX, MC) - Shou-jue-yin-hsin-bao-lo-jing;
  • triple heater meridian (X, TR) - Shou-shao-yang-san-jiao-ching;
  • meridian of the gallbladder (XI, VB) - Zu-shao-yang-dan-jing;
  • liver meridian (XII, F) - Zu-jue-yin-gan-jing.

Energy flows

The channels are listed in the order in which Qi flows through them. For example, the lung meridian descends from the chest along the inside of the arm and on the thumb passes into the large intestine meridian. Qi passes into the second meridian and travels to the head along the outer side of the arm. The whole circle through the Qi channels passes in 24 hours.

All channels are arranged symmetrically and are paired. Each canal runs on both sides of the body.

Each meridian has a maximum activity (Yang period) and a minimum (Yin period).

During the high season, this is a good time to work on the channel. For example, the maximum activity of the lung meridian occurs at 3-5 o'clock, the meridian of the large intestine - at 5-7 o'clock, then the stomach - at 7-9 o'clock and so on. And so every day.

Energy channels also have an external and internal course. The internal passage is located inside the body between the organs. After the meridian comes to the surface in the limb, the external course begins. The outer passage is the main place for influencing the channel. For example, with acupuncture.

Yin and Yang

Energy channels form pairs, among which one channel is yang and the other is yin. In addition, each pair represents one of the elements according to the Wu-Sing system (five primary elements).

Of the 6 yang energy channels, 3 meridians run from the hands to the head, and the other 3 from the head descend to the feet. On the other hand, from the Yin meridians, 3 channels rise from the legs to the chest and 3 from the chest pass into the arms.

With the help of such circulation, the balance of Yin and Yang in the body is controlled. The sun gives the body yang energy, which descends down the meridians, warming the yin coming from the earth. Yin rises, thereby cooling Yang.

This is a general idea of ​​the meridians. There are many more subtleties and concepts that Chinese medicine doctors use to understand the causes of energy circulation disorders and the causes of disease.

Corporal acupuncture is a method of alternative medicine, in which the effect is made on active. In the classical sense, this method is the main method of acupuncture, using the approaches of classical Chinese medicine as a basis.

Philosophy of methodology

The body and the human energy environment are united by special meridians, each of which has an external topography located on the surface of the body, as well as an internal topography - it passes through the human organs. The number of meridians correlates with the number of organs. In addition, there are two unpaired meridians - this is the middle meridian and the back middle meridian, which are responsible for various functions of the human body, which include the psyche.

Life energy constantly circulates along each of the meridians, and physiological processes occurring in the body depend on its movement. Due to the fact that the body is an integral system, damage to any organ disrupts the correct circulation of energy and its balance.

In oriental medicine, energy flows are related to the flow of water through channels. Water thanks to locks can be redirected or delayed in a certain place. It also happens with vital energy - it can be distributed along the meridians due to the effect on.

Using the technique

From the point of view of ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture helps to harmonize the movement of energy in the body, thanks to which it allows you to treat pathologies and maintain a person’s health. In a healthy body, the amount of vital energy is sufficient to maintain the correct flow of physiological processes, thanks to which a person is able to adapt to a large number of changes and maintain his health.

The method of acupuncture cannot always be combined with drug treatment. Some medicines reduce the effectiveness of the method, and some, on the contrary, are able to enhance its effect, which makes it possible to reduce the dose of drugs.

Acupuncture is especially indicated for patients with allergic lesions and in case of drug intolerance. At the same time, acupuncture helps to restore the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes metabolism and body weight, improves immunity and the functioning of the genitourinary system. In essence, acupuncture is a method of treatment that has no specific contraindications and does not cause complications, provided that the doctor is professional.

The effectiveness of the technique

The method of corporal acupuncture gives positive results for the treatment of many diseases, for example:

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, arthritis, shoulder and neck pain, etc.
  • Pathologies of the central nervous system - insomnia, neuralgia, migraine, etc.
  • Mental disorders - depression, mania.
  • Circulatory disorders - dystonia, hypertension, anemia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis.
  • Respiratory disorders - sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - allergies to the product, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, anorexia, indigestion, gastritis.
  • Increases resistance to viruses and infectious lesions.
  • Improves metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  • The risk of developing inflammation processes is reduced.
  • The condition of the skin and muscle tissue improves.
  • Eliminates the dependence of the human body on alcohol, smoking, food.
  • There is a pronounced general strengthening and tonic effect.

In addition, acupuncture helps to alleviate the course of hypertension, angina pectoris, prostatitis, cystitis, prostate adenoma, menstruation disorders, menopause.

In particular, acupuncture has shown good results for the treatment of pathologies with an unexplained cause of their origin.