Marriage mini scenario is not the first time marriage. Wedding scenario for a small company without a toastmaster

At the entrance to the banquet hall, the groom's father holding a loaf and the groom's mother holding an icon stand on the street. Mother blesses.

Parents hand over bread and salt, congratulate, kiss the newlyweds and offer them to break off a piece of loaf and eat. Whoever breaks off the most will be the head of the family.

Part I

Witness: Dear guests, I will not explain for a long time why we have gathered here today. Of course, to congratulate and rejoice for our young people. We all know and love them very well, and many of us even saw how they grew and matured. Today they have created their own family, built their own little nest. And let's hope that the fire of love and understanding will never go out in their hearth. And the first thing I would like to start our evening with is filling your glasses and a toast to the heroes of the occasion.

registry office, champagne, solemn speeches,
Just left behind
But already under the windows blue evening
In the confusion, he quietly rolled up.
Soon the intoxicating potion will play,
Dispersing the ghostly peace,
Everything will drown in festive fun,
In honor of love and a young couple.
And Alina in a wedding dress
The heart will forever give to a friend,
Let the first toast to your happiness
In the music of glasses will sound!

Witness: BITTERLY!!!

Witness : Guests! Silence please!
You must accept the CHARTER!

Kohl at the wedding you came
Dressed up, dressed up,
You are no one else now
Like an ordinary at a wedding!
You know the wedding charter
And, of course, do it!

If the wedding breaks out: "BITTER!",
You scream as much urine as you have,
Tired, take a breath,
Have a drink and eat.
If they say a toast,
Raise your glass right now!
Support the initiative with dignity
You can not drink - rest!

If the song of the wedding breaks out,
If you don't know the words, don't be shy.
Sing without words, the neighbor will pull up,
Sing along - pull friendly!
If suddenly the dance starts
Go to the circle, get up boldly!
Know that a shake is good for everyone,
You can't, come on!

Mood and fun
We will help you create
To make this wedding long
You wanted to remember!

Witness : And now let's raise our glasses and approve the Charter!

(Drank. Break for food - 15-20 minutes)

Witness: addresses parents
Dear Parents! Today you have a happy and a little sad day. Today your children have educated new family. And your hearts are torn in half: one part is crying, the other is laughing. He rejoices because your son and daughter met their fate, and is sad because they are leaving you, although not far. Remember how difficult it was to raise and educate your children. And here they are in front of you, adults and happy, and I want to tell you - Thanks a lot for your good hands, tender hearts and for affection.

Let's raise the hello
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Parents are sad, a little sad.
For this we will not judge them strictly.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
We know children from end to start
For many years, love married.
And you, not hiding your worries at all,
They must take them on their matrimonial journey.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For the work of your parent, let's just say to you:
Let time fly, but don't get old
Let the grandchildren grow up, you become younger in soul,
Good to you, health is a huge increase,
We will raise for you holiday toast.


Witness: Dear (-names of the groom's parents-), probably, you will also find good words towards your children.

Witness: And now let's listen to what they want to say (-names of the bride's parents-).

(Parents say their wishes)

Witness: There are grandmothers among us, and we would like to express special gratitude to them. After all, they are the oldest generation among us. And I want to tell you thanks a lot for what you are. For dear grandmothers!!


Witness: And now, dear guests, the young people invite you to dance. Traditionally dance program opens the first dance of the young.

(Dance break for 30-40 minutes.)

Part II

(When all the guests are seated at the table, the witness continues the banquet.)

Witness: Dear guests! And now the new titles received by Alina and Alexei in the registry office are confirmed by the presentation of diplomas.

Witness: Alexei is awarded a diploma confirming that he really has turned from a fiancé into a husband.

(Reads the diploma of the groom and solemnly presents)

Witness: Alina is awarded a diploma certifying that she has moved from a bride to the category of a wife.

(Reads the diploma of the bride and solemnly presents)

Witness: And so that the ranks do not fade, you need to wash them soon!

(Drank. Break for food 5-15 minutes)

Witness: For best use in family life, the groom is accompanied by a passport and recommendations for the use of her husband.

(Reads her husband's diploma and solemnly presents)

Witness: Alina, having received exhaustive information about your fiancé, you will have to take an oath:
Do you swear that at any cost
Will you be a good and faithful wife?
(I swear!)
Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband,
not even let the wind blow on him?
(I swear!)
- You swear that you will cook cheesecakes more often,
Stronger tea pour and sweeter?
(I swear!)
- And after dinner, when he lies down with a newspaper,
do you swear not to swear about it?
(I swear!)

Witness: For better conservation in family life, the bride is accompanied by a bride's passport, recommendations for care and instructions for use.

(Reads the registration certificate of his wife and solemnly hands it over)

Witnesses a: Alexei, having received exhaustive information about your bride, you, in turn, must also take an oath!

- Swear on your wife to take care of you,
Always kiss when leaving for work!
(I swear!)
- You swear that you will be an exemplary husband,
Defender, friend, faithful helper!
(I swear!)
- Swear that your spouse with words, deeds
you will not give offense to whoever is in front of you!
(I swear!)
Do you swear to go through life together,
Keep each other on the road?
(I swear!)

Witness: Do you swear to family and friends
And grief and joy to share in half?
(We swear!)

So that the sun shines young
And there would be so much happiness in life
So that before last days enough
Let's shout BITTER in unison!!!

(Drank. Break for food 10-20 minutes)

Well, now with your permission
We are starting a giveaway!
We will hold a toasting contest along the way.
Everyone sit comfortably, comfortably.
Prepare a healthy toast
Kind, thoughtful and bossy.
And prepare gifts. Give them to the young
From the bottom of my heart to their happiness!

(Guests take turns getting up, saying a toast and presenting gifts to the newlyweds)

Part III

Witness: And now I'll ask for a moment of attention! Now everyone will know how the newlyweds will distribute family responsibilities. They will take turns taking notes from the tray and reading their duties aloud to us.

(A competition is being held. The bride and groom read out their duties - who gets what)

Witness: The acceptance of these duties must be sealed with the seal of joined lips.


Witness: And now let's try to find out who will be born to the newlyweds first.
Those who vote for a boy put a coin in a sock with a blue pom-pom, and for a girl - with a pink one.

(Witnesses walk around the guests)

Most of all those present wish the birth of a girl / boy!

We wish the newlyweds left
So that they have a child a year,
And if by chance it arrives twice,
No one will ask you, no one will judge you.


Witness: Since ancient times, there has been a custom to tie two bottles of champagne for good luck. Young people drink the first drink on the first wedding anniversary, and the second - when the first-born is born. I want to ask the young people to take this ribbon and tie the bottles tightly.

(Two bottles of champagne are placed on the table and the young people tie them with one ribbon)

Witness: Wearing gold rings
There is a seal on the certificate.
Well, dear spouses,
Wish you this evening!
Live happily and amicably
With my little family!
Alyosha, be an exemplary husband,
Alina, affectionate wife.
So that music sounds in the house,
So that it would not be boring together,
Let the third be for starters
We'll bring you a stroller!
So let me congratulate you
Good luck, wish you happiness.
To you golden wedding celebrate
And everyone who is here, call again!

(Dance break for 20-30 minutes)

Part IV

The witness shows the guests a specially prepared folder for congratulations and invites the guests to leave wishes to the young people in it.
Everyone who wants to say toasts and wishes
The cake is ceremoniously served. You can hold an auction for the sale of the first piece of cake
At the end of the evening, you can conduct a farewell ceremony with a veil:

Now you are together, you are one
And therefore it is necessary
Quietly remove the veil from the bride,
Say goodbye to girlhood.

(The bride takes off her veil and gives it to her mother)

Take off the veil, beautiful bride,
And here the applause will be in place.
Kiss the husband, the young wife
In the holy moment of unity!

Many newlyweds believe that a wedding is a personal event that excludes the presence of a huge number of strangers. They correctly believe that on this important day, only the closest people who can sincerely rejoice at the happiness of the newlyweds should be nearby. Therefore, a small company of no more than 20 people - perfect option for a cozy wedding. And about how to do it right wedding evening in a small company, let's talk further.

How to hold a wedding without a toastmaster?

The presence of a small number of invitees indicates that there is no need to invite a professional wedding host. Still the wedding night needs proper preparation and organizations. Therefore, the organizers of the evening have an important mission - to turn the wedding into an exciting, creative and bright holiday for all invitees.

In order for the evening not to be boring, it is necessary to clearly spell out the entire plan of the event. You can entrust this important mission to any of the guests with a sense of humor, able to improvise and play any role. General Scenario Evenings can be written together, distributing roles in advance. Teamwork will create a unique, interesting evening program for everyone.

Not an unimportant moment of organizing an evening without a professional host is economy. Good toastmaster is not cheap, but if only what could just ruin the evening. Among the guests you can find a talented entertainer who will collect common ideas and create an amazing program for the evening.

Evening preparation

It is better to prepare the program of the evening in advance. It is possible that its implementation will require the purchase of various attributes, costumes or items that must be ordered in advance. If the organizer knows the entire list of invitees in advance, he can ask the guests to prepare some kind of congratulatory number in advance. You can also distribute comic questionnaires with questions about what guests want to see or hear at the wedding and what they want to participate in.

The wedding organizer should take care of the following things in advance:

  • Dressing suits
  • Various congratulatory letters and medals;
  • All kinds of attributes for competitions;
  • Necessary audio and video equipment, discs with records.

Be sure to think about the decoration of the wedding venue. It can be an apartment or a house, and possibly a rented hall. In any case, decorations must be ordered in advance. Can be used as decoration air balloons, ribbons, bows, colored hearts, garlands. Bridesmaids can take care of the placement of jewelry on the eve of the celebration.

In order for the wedding to be a success, the novice wedding organizer should consider the following tips:

  • It is not necessary to take the first script that came across on the Internet as the basis of the wedding program. The program needs to be prepared for a specific wedding and newlyweds;
  • Any basis can be taken finished script, but be sure to remake it taking into account the invited guests, as well as the views and tastes of the newlyweds;
  • You should not do all the work yourself, connect other invitees and relatives;
  • It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the newlyweds, their relatives and parents. For the competitions useful information about birthday, height, weight, shoe size, place of study or work;
  • The program should be developed for a certain number of guests, taking into account their age, status, views and traditions.

All this information will allow you to quickly and cheerfully rally even a little-known company and make the wedding evening fun and memorable.

Mandatory stages of the wedding program

Any wedding with the invitation of a professional host or without a toastmaster goes through several stages. The first stage, without which not a single wedding can do, is the ransom of the bride. Then the young go to the registry office to register the marriage. If the couple decided to seal the union not only on earth, but also in heaven, then the newlyweds go to the temple for a wedding.

Usually, after the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds, accompanied by a photographer and witnesses, go to memorable places for a photo session. And their relatives have time to prepare for the meeting of the newlyweds. Parents greet the couple with bread and salt, a towel and a parental blessing.

After that, the guests are placed at the festively set tables, where the bride and groom are given the dominant place. Then a festive feast begins, which is mixed with toasts, dances, holiday contests and numbers. At the end of the evening, the young people cut the wedding cake. Then a festive salute is possible and the guests go home to return the next day and continue the wedding fun.

wedding party competitions

If the organizer of the evening is chosen correctly, then the wedding will not be boring. without spending big money at the invitation of a professional host, a wedding with the family will be interesting and exciting. The main thing is not to forget that during the wedding evening it is necessary to thank the parents, give the guests the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds, organize the dance of the newlyweds, undertake the kidnapping of the bride and thank those present.

The host must successfully insert contests and holiday numbers so that guests do not have time to get bored or hungry. Here are some examples of fun and incendiary contests:

Who was born?

Several pairs are selected for the competition. The girls stand opposite the guys. The organizer distributes to the girls pictures that depict different kids, such as a Negro or a Chinese. The girl should describe the drawn baby with gestures, and the man should understand what she is trying to explain;


It is necessary to select several guests, each of whom is given a pencil and a piece of paper. In a pre-prepared hat, papers with the names of guests. Participants, taking a piece of paper, determine whose portrait they should draw. The portrait is not signed, the guests themselves must guess who was depicted in the portrait, whose drawing scored the most correct answers, he won;


For the competition, you need to prepare several bottles of beer and put a pacifier on them. The task of the participants is to empty the bottle as quickly as possible through the nipple. Whoever did it first, he won.

Weddings are very different, from chic and stunning in their scale celebrations, to modest family and discreet events. Marriage can be customized for any wishes and financial opportunities , but it must be taken into account that a significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. A wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Contests and various plot twists are important precisely because they do not let guests get bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other in the process various games and relay.

If the wedding is designed for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is optional.

Who to entrust the preparation of the script and holding?

  • The most organically in the role of leaders will look witness and witness. They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to write a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then beat him at the wedding;
  • If at the wedding for the most part there will be people of adults and advanced years, you can entrust the holding of the event parents of a new family. Well, the script can be found on the Internet and corrected according to your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing a wedding, invite friend from the side. In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay money (payment can be arranged by holding paid contests, from which your presenter will take the money for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

Conduct beautiful wedding It can be done both in a restaurant and at home. But a homemade feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying " buffet» and work of service personnel.

wedding at home


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly wash White dress with a wine stain, sew up the unexpectedly torn pants of a witness and find props for the contest);
  • the ability to send "overdone" guests to sleep in the next room;
  • no need after a tiring but have a good day going home, taking with him numerous gifts.


  • "simplicity" and lack of entourage;
  • monotony wedding photos (home furnishings not conducive to luxurious photo shoots);
  • the likelihood that in the process of stormy fun the interior of the apartment can be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

wedding in a restaurant



  • serious spending;
  • limited actions (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, with the help of improvised means);
  • the need to return home with a "baggage" of gifts, alcoholic beverages etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However good script a wedding without a toastmaster for the closest will compensate for any shortcomings and help people relax.


Before writing a script, choose the direction in which you will move. It could be:

The basis for creating your script you can take the classic plan for wedding celebrations.

  1. bride and groom meet with a caravan, and the mother-in-law sprinkles the young couple with millet. Then the newlyweds are seated in a specially designated place and the parents give a parting speech ( opening remarks prepared in advance). Then the word is passed to relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the invitees have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been made, you can proceed to competitive program. Active games diluted with board games. Relay races are held between meals and congratulatory words(if the guests express a desire to make a toast). Leading events, focusing on the mood of people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. First dance of the bride and groom is announced when the guests have drunk no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to correctly bring the script to this touching moment. For example, before the dance can be presented musical gift from parents, and close friends of the family can read beautiful poems.
  4. Closer to the end festive evening announced disco and group games(for example, boys against girls). ALL guests must be involved in the final competitions. Scenario home wedding without a toastmaster, you can plan without a disco, replacing it with karaoke singing or dance mini-competitions.
  5. After cutting wedding cake or loaf. Parents conduct a rite of farewell to the bachelor life for children. Mothers remove the veil from the bride and “hand over” the young wife into the reliable hands of her husband. beautiful point there will be a lighting of a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth new family.

Suitable competitions, mobile and table

Scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster narrow circle can be "seasoned" with the most bold and unusual contests , which guests warmed up by alcohol will take with a bang.


Pairs consisting of girls and guys (at least 6 pairs) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are offered to kiss their partners, voicing the places for the kiss.

For example, "I will kiss Marina on the cheek." It is impossible to repeat, which complicates the task for the following applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

heart gift

Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their companion. And women, not suspecting what they are going to give, tell how they will use the gift. This is enough fun competition, because in the process, girls can dress for a holiday in new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

inflatable tango

Several people go to the center of the hall and randomly split into pairs. On a signal (when the music starts), the people who are in a pair should connect in passionate dance, holding the inflated balls between the stomachs. Those who burst the balloon the fastest, while performing the original dance, will win.

Walls have ears too

This competition can be held to raise money. The hosts prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. Whoever makes a mistake pays a "tax".

my beloved

You can take any number of people to the competition. Everyone is invited to name the most beautiful part of the body of a person standing next to them. When everyone in a circle voices their own version for the neighbor on the left, the host announces that now the “place they like” needs to be kissed.

young mother

Prepare for the competition plastic bottles and nipples that are put on bottles.

As a "feeding" you can use sprite, cola or fanta.

The winners will be those who drink the contents of the bottle more accurately and quickly.

guessing game

Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the participants of the competition. She must find her betrothed, feeling only the noses of the guys.

Knot for good luck

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united guys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with their touching hands. Next, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneakers and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and "purely" cope with the task will win.

You can easily create wedding scenarios that are cool and without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not be limited by standard canons holding a celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant the guests and newlyweds will remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready scripts

Option number 1

Option number 2

The toastmaster is invited not so that he amuses the guests, but so that he increases the pauses between toasts with his chatter and saves the hosts vodka.
folk wisdom

Scenario wedding without toastmaster

A wedding is an event that must be organized touchingly, cheerfully and beautifully, especially for the closest relatives and friends. Then such a holiday remains in the memory of the heroes of the occasion and the guests present for a long time. Therefore, if you decide to hold a wedding on your own for small company without resorting to the help of a professional toastmaster, then this scenario implies significant savings. After all, in wedding scenarios without toastmaster the host will be named the person who took over (relative, witnesses) the holding of this celebration.

The traditional wedding scenario is implemented in the process of marriage, which, according to the plan, consists of certain blocks:

At every wedding, there is a rite of redemption of the bride, which has long been famous for serious trials, because representatives of one clan paid another for the bride. Nowadays, everything is much simpler, the ransom scenario is prepared for the groom by the bridesmaids and relatives, giving everyone positive attitude for the upcoming celebration. It all starts with the meeting of the groom at the house of the bride's parents, where he is tested. In this peculiar game, the bridegroom and the witness are bargaining, showing miracles of ingenuity and wit, offering different kinds"barter": champagne, sweets, obsolete banknotes, money "dolls", ridiculous gifts. The point is that the groom should not be in a hurry to lay out money. Having bargained enough and agreed with the bridesmaids in the "price", they finally redeem the bride and go to the registry office.

Registration of marriage in the registry office

Produced solemn registration marriage in the registry office, where the organizers imply the introduction of video filming and photography into the wedding script without a toastmaster. Since the criterion for this scenario, which ensures the minimum cost of organizing a celebration, we will choose the option when photo and video filming will be carried out by guests who have the appropriate skills.

Festive photo session

On the way to the place of the celebration, the bride and groom will have a photo session on memorable places and beautiful landscapes of the city. Where one of the guests also acts as a photographer.

wedding feast

Newlyweds meeting

Young people are solemnly welcomed in banquet hall, with the economy option, the wedding can be held at home. According to tradition, parents are greeted with bread and salt, where they bless the young. This tradition dates back to ancient times, when the bride after the wedding went to live in the house of her husband's parents. However, in practice, the mother-in-law and father-in-law first speak together, and then the father-in-law and mother-in-law. Next, determine who will be the head of the family. Breaking a plate for happiness, after which everyone is invited to the table.

First wedding toast

The first toast is voiced by the presenter, in our case, one of the guests. Often the first toast includes a story, legend, or quote from a great person that is worth pondering. Thus wedding toast becomes not only wishes, but also plays the role of advice for the future for the newlyweds and their relatives.

Two hearts to the beat sound from now on.
The union was held together by two rings.
Now, on the path of life
You two will go to the end.
We wish you great happiness
To always have spring.
To never know bad weather
And they had pure hearts.
We raise our glasses higher
We wish you love and happiness! Bitterly!

Newlyweds first dance

The beautiful and touching first dance of the newlyweds is a tradition that has been formed over the centuries and is still alive in our time. At every wedding, the newlyweds are given the entire dance floor for their first dance. How do you want this dance to be remembered by the heroes of the occasion and their guests, because the beautiful first dance of the newlyweds takes the soul of all those present. It is important to express all your feelings in it, to show how the newlyweds love each other.

Board games and contests

After the first dance of the young, give the guests the opportunity to have a bite, but not more than 5 minutes, otherwise the guests will start drinking on their own when they have to. And while the guests are having a snack, invite them to play, for example, in the "Auction of affectionate words", where they say to young guests sweet words(Beautiful, smart, charming, etc.), who will say final word will receive a special prize...

Such contests should be held if the guests are tired or want to have a bite to eat. It can also be done by time, for example, every hour, since the wedding is held without a toastmaster. That person in charge should take care of it. For example, this table competition for a wedding for a small company, the organizer will only need to purchase a couple of kilograms of sweets. All participants take turns taking as many candies from the bag as they want. The catch is that most will try to grab more sweets. But after everyone has sweets in their hands, the host announces that for each sweet, the participant must tell something interesting about the groom or the bride. This competition will allow two families to become much closer.

Gifts and congratulations at the wedding

While the guests are eating and listening, then according to wedding plan it is necessary to carry out the presentation of gifts and congratulations from guests and relatives. The first to congratulate the parents of the bride and groom. Then you can go clockwise so that it would not be a shame who is the first, all the other guests of the wedding celebration.

The most pleasant time has come for a young family - replenishment family budget. Their parents gave them savings book, and we, the guests, must fill it.

A savings book should be made in advance, preferably of a huge size and with glued pockets on which to make inscriptions: “for a husband for beer”, “for a wife for a fur coat”, “for education for the first child” and so on. Witnesses go around the guests, collecting dues. Guests, putting their gift envelope in a certain pocket, must say loudly for what needs they give money. After accepting gifts to continue the festive banquet, you can arrange a dance break ...

Active wedding contests

It's no secret that we don't celebrate a wedding, but play! This suggests that games and contests are an integral part of the wedding scenario, especially without a toastmaster, so the mood of the guests directly depends on this program.

Competition "Find the extra". You don't need to worry about props in this contest, as it will be enough just to stock up on a couple of packs of colored clothespins and eye ties, you can use the usual scarves that every woman has. 2-4 couples take part in the competition. Men are hung with the same number of clothespins. The task of women will be to remove them as quickly as possible blindfolded. Music plays during the competition. She stops when the first couple completes the task.

We determine the gender of the firstborn in the form of a competition. The guests stand in two lines. Balls are awarded to the first participants of both teams. The task is to send the ball to the end of the row as quickly as possible without the help of hands. The final participant will have to burst the balloon. Who will cope faster, parents of this color will collect the dowry for the baby.

Competition "Drink to the bottom". Several couples participate in this wedding competition. The girls sit on chairs and squeeze a glass between their legs, and the guys press a bottle of champagne with their feet. Task young man- get to the girl, pour champagne into a glass without the help of hands and also drink it to the bottom without the help of hands. The winner is the pair that completed the task faster and more accurately than the others.

A proven way to make your celebration memorable is wedding contests. What they will be depends not only on your preferences, but also on the status, financial situation, age of the guests. Need to alternate active contests, with dances, songs, musical breaks, table games, quizzes.

Comic sketches for a wedding

A little comic mysticism can be added to the wedding evening. This is very original congratulations for the wedding in the form of a scene. You will need an artistic guest who is dressed up, for example, a clairvoyant. Any paraphernalia will do. Hang on it everything that is at hand: jewelry, spiders, rats, snakes, a crystal ball, a broom, scarves, cards. The bride and groom are handed pens and sheets, they are offered to write down four lines from their favorite songs, more can be, but then you need to add questions to this scene. As soon as this task is completed, the leaves are transferred to the clairvoyant, and she enters the hall:

Clairvoyant Hello guests and new spouses! I had a vision of your wedding and I hurried to it. I want to show you my prediction, how much you love each other, and fulfill your dream - to read the thoughts of your soulmate!

Such sketches of congratulations on the wedding are best done at the end of the evening, when the guests are already tipsy. But at first, such scenes keep the audience in suspense, and then cheerful laughter is heard. The leader starts asking strange woman questions, and she, pretending to go into a trance, reads the answers from the sheets.


  • What is the groom thinking now?
  • What did the bride think after the first kiss?
  • What song did the groom hear during their first dance?
  • What will the bride think about on her first wedding anniversary?
  • What did the groom think when he first saw his chosen one?
  • The first thought of the bride after the marriage proposal made to her?
  • Feelings of the groom after meeting the future mother-in-law?
  • What thoughts on this moment swirling in the head of the bride?

Who's next - bouquet toss

The bride tosses the bouquet to determine the next couple. She herself must throw it to those gathered unmarried girls. Each of them really wants to take possession of it. Indeed, according to signs, then the lucky woman will have to marry after her donor, i.e. become a bride.

Birthday cake or end of celebration

The celebration ends, namely the prepared wedding scenario without toastmaster two events - formal (cutting the wedding cake and treating everyone present) and symbolic (depriving the bride and groom of their status and turning them into husband and wife. The mother-in-law removes the veil from the bride, and the mother-in-law removes the boutonniere from the groom. This seems to emphasize the peculiarity and uniqueness of the day weddings.) You can also set off fireworks to celebrate the birth of a new family. The bride and groom thank those present and leave the festive celebration before everyone else. The remaining guests continue to celebrate the marriage of the young.

As a rule, all this happens in a playful way. This is not surprising, because a successful ransom is a unique sight. He is usually remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and their guests. The ransom of the bride should not last too long. Most suitable option- This is 15 minutes for all the main actions. Competitions must be chosen, starting from the ability of the groom to freely cope with the proposed tasks.

It is necessary to compose such that the bride and groom have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle, laugh, cry. The guests were able to say important words and congratulate the newlyweds. If you competently approach this issue you can please absolutely everyone! The script is compiled for the venue wedding banquet, taking into account the composition of the guests. Success festive celebration lies in careful planning, where there should be no trifles. Do not forget about the needs and preferences.

Wedding at home is a great option! You are in a comfortable and cozy environment, the closest people are around you, and you hold the hand of a person who is dearer to you than all the riches of the Earth.
For a wedding at home, you will need funny scenario with competitions, taking into account the peculiarities festive premises. If the apartment is quite large and has spacious rooms, then all the action will be concentrated in the main hall. If there are several small rooms, it doesn’t matter, choose the format of the celebration - a buffet table. Arrange tables along the walls and prepare seating areas - sofas, armchairs for everyone. And use the rest of the area for dancing and entertainment.

When choosing a script, pay attention to the ratio of dance and table competitions: for a wedding at home, fun is better with the involvement of all guests, but preferably without getting up.
Connect the hands of the young with a garland of flowers (Flowers can be made of paper)

Witnesses of the newlyweds were chosen as the hosts in this wedding scenario at home. The apartment can be decorated with white bows, white flower arrangements and sheaves of wheat.

The guests are waiting for the young at the entrance of the house with balloons and flowers. When the couple gets out of the car, someone shoots a confetti popper over their heads, other guests can throw rice and coins. The groom carries his beloved in his arms across the threshold of the house. Parents meet a couple with a wheat loaf. Young people treat each other. After, according to tradition, for the strength of marriage, the newlyweds are tied up with a towel and escorted to the table with the words:

We knit tightly
Fate will not untie.
Step on the family path together, but smoothly,
To walk on it happily and well!

Everyone is seated at the tables.

The fanfares sound loudly,
In honor of best couple on the ground,
Smiles round dance beautiful,
We are not afraid to get tipsy from love!
Gentlemen are good, guests are handsome,
Drink from the glass to the bottom,
To our young, yes good
Have been side by side now and always!

The guests raise their glasses of champagne. Newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a white ribbon. The feast begins.

Praise and admire you
We would like to never end!
We wish you a life full of miracles!
In the pockets of a ringing gold piece!
The solemn moment has come!
For our entire modest and cozy hall
Words fastening declare

Convince your guests of firm intentions!

Oath of the bride and groom

IN family life entering,
In front of parents, friends
In the presence of family and all
With seriousness we declare:

I chose my own wife
I will keep it like the apple in my eye.
Loyalty, tenderness and attention,
Understanding all whims,
I wish to promise
And fulfill my oath.
Assuming the position of head of the family,
I will take care of food.
Become a support and a friend
Worthy of your spouse!

I marry willingly and with joy
And I will treat my husband with gentleness.
I will care for and delight
And a delicious dinner to cover.
Clever thoughts I will suggest
I will not express my grievances
I promise to praise him
I accept the position of hostess!

Together: We swear! We swear! We swear!

To be inseparable
A friend without a friend is not complete.
So that the family lives in harmony,
To be born naughty.
overstuffed purse
Brighten up your every day!
About worries and worries
Let you be unaware!
Let's not be embarrassed at all
Let's shout to our couple "Bitter!"

table break


Let everyone be surprised
Your love will be strong!
parental blessing
Strengthen the union for the time being!
On behalf of all guests, we give a simple wish
And at the same time, tender and lively:
Let time run, and you get younger
And warm the young family with warmth,
We send you all the best and health,
We raise a celebratory toast to you!

Congratulations from parents

Witness: Dear newlyweds, you probably also want to congratulate your parents!
The response word of the bride and groom.

Ignition of the hearth

Witness: (to a light lyrical melody) I ask all guests to form a large circle!

In the center are parents with newlywed children, where the witness places a small table on which there is a single candle decorated with ribbons. The parents of the young ones light their candles and approach the couple.

mother-in-law: To the origin of years, the custom leads its history,
Newlyweds as a gift to carry fire.
To ignite the immortal, symbolic
The hearth of the family - open the heart of love!

Take a hot light from our hands,
And hide it carefully in your heart.
Let the fire of love burn tirelessly
Like a light in the eyes, let it glow inextinguishably.
Now forever and henceforth in your power
On a small fire, kindle the fire of the family.

Both approach and pass the light from their candles to small candles in the hands of the newlyweds. Parents extinguish their candles.

Witness: Our ancestors kept their wisdom simple:
Take care of the sacred hearth of the family,
Do not meet with trouble.

The bride and groom combine the flame of their candles over the wick of a single candle. After the wedding, it is recommended to keep the candle for the time being, and then pass it on to your children.

Witness: The sun has visited you and given a particle of its light, promising you its protection. Keep this valuable gift throughout your life as a symbol of your birth, the birth of your family. Let's raise our glasses to the hot warmth and constant light of the family hearth (the name of the newlyweds).

Table pause.

A wedding dance

Soft sounds are heard in the distance
The rustle of a dress, joyful laughter.
I predict the moment will come
Charming dance of love!
I invite wonderful couple to the center of the room!

The young people come out to the music, they begin the first wedding dance. At the end of the waltz, the witnesses shower the newlyweds with white rose petals.

As the wise people say: "He does not know the troubles who has a grandmother and grandfather"! I give the floor dear grandfathers and grandmothers!

Congratulations from the older generation. Aunts, uncles of respectable age or other relatives may go with them or instead of them.

Witness: I propose a toast to wisdom!
Indeed, for the grandson, the grandmother is the soul, and the grandfather is the mind!
Another 100 years and vigor to hearts
We sincerely wish you!
What's going on, look!
Silently everyone sits side by side,
And drink bitter wine!

Just need to shout out loud
What is actually "Bitter!"

The guests raise their glasses.

Drinking and dancing break

Round dance around the young

The couple stands in the center of the hall, the guests form a ring around them. If there are many guests, form a double or triple ring, then the outer ring will move in a different direction from the inner one. The host starts, and the guests pick up the last phrase.

U (surname of the newlyweds) at the gate
Winds, winds round dance,
Winds, winds round dance,
The people are gathering.

Spring is red with flowers
And the young with golden crowns!
Spinning round dance,
Good for the young!

The sun rises in the sky
Happiness comes as a gift to you!
Spinning round dance,
Good for the young!

Love has transformed you
Do not rebuke the wife to her husband!
Spinning round dance,
Good for the young!

Dances, songs, wishes
Let there be no end!
Spinning round dance,
Good for the young!

Issuance of comic documents to the newlyweds

All the highest blessings of the Earth are worthy
Union, held together by the Sun and the Moon,
And they witnessed
One hundred thousand good angels
Friends, girlfriends confirmed
Parents set the seal.
I invite the newlyweds to accept a commendable, honorary diploma!

The facilitator unrolls a scroll-charter (can be stylized and made of birch bark), tied with a ribbon.

This birch bark certificate is awarded to young people,
Good fellow, yes beautiful girl.
For love devoted, heartfelt
What will happen to you for all eternity,
Yes, for mutual and personal wisdom,
Your choice is perfect!
You live to live, but not to grow old,
And let the work-deeds smoothly argue,
Let the darlings bloom and grow
To the hefty joy of grandparents,
Let your hearts shine with goodness,
You will meet a bird of happiness along the way!
And every year life will certainly be more beautiful,
And let your union be called a full bowl!

A great French writer once said: “For a lasting family happiness you need to look for and find outstanding qualities in each other, because love will not tolerate family squabbles. Gold words! Friends, let's raise our glasses so that our young people notice only the best sides of each other!

Drinking and musical pause. Those who wish go to the dance floor.

Dance game "Dancing Hearts"

Witness: I invite the most beautiful and smartest to the dance floor! The names of famous couples are written on these hearts, among them you will find Orpheus and Eurydice, Tristan and Isolde, Gray and Assol and many others. Your task is to find your soul mate, and then everyone dances! Whoever performs all the dances becomes the honorary winner! (After everyone finds each other, a potpourri of well-known melodies is turned on: sirtaki, chardash, seven-forty, gypsy, rock and roll, dance of little ducklings).

The Order of "Dancing Hearts" is solemnly awarded to a couple (names).

Thanksgiving parents


Newlyweds, I invite you to say words of gratitude to the most important, most worthy people in your destiny - your parents!

Video greetings to parents. After the young give lush bouquets mother-in-law and mother-in-law and gifts.

Divination with guests

Witness: Invite the groom to the center of the room! We need the lucky hand of the chosen one of Fate, who managed to make his own happiness!

The groom is served a ritual plant Money Tree”, the branches of which are decorated with small colored ribbons, and notes with predictions are tied to the ribbons.

Groom: Who dares, come out to us
I'll give you a sign for the future!
Only for seven guests
There's news in store here!

Seven volunteers come out.

Prediction cards:

  • Such a fate awaits you - Chastushka in honor of the young you will now read out!
  • For you the answer is this: Compose a couple of poems!
  • You are prophesied to play a joke not in vain. Everyone knows you are a great actor!
  • The answer comes to you from the branches, You will sing like a nightingale!
  • Such a prediction, listen. You must eat three slices of lemon!
  • Providence sends you advice - Today this guest will make a toast to us!
  • Now you will know your fate: You will guess a riddle for us!

During the prank, the bride is stolen: she is imperceptibly taken to another room.

bride kidnapping

Now the help of three guests will be needed. They are dressed up as Zmey Gorynych: they put on a huge shirt for all three, attach a cardboard tail, put a hat on one head, give a smoking pipe to the other, and sunglasses to the third.

Once the groom realizes that the bride is missing, the witness calls for the kidnapper to come out and announce his terms.

Witness: Oh, Serpent Gorynych, what kind of mess you made! Here is such a holiday, fun! And you kidnapped the bride!

Dragon(heads begin to speak and interrupt each other): What, I didn’t think of anything like that! I’m dying of boredom, you know, I’m sad! In my fairy tales, all the princesses are the same! Boredom to death! Tired of everyone! Here I am myself new beauty found

Witness: Zmey Gorynych, and if we cheer you up, let's have a good time, then maybe you will give us a beautiful girl?

Dragon: Uh, you can't!

Witness: Well, we'll see now! Tell me what you like What will lift your spirits?

Hat head:
I am a ballet lover!
Head with glasses:
What a ballet! Cool rap - that's what will dispel any boredom!
Tube head: What are your tastes! There is nothing better than love poetry! This will make me happy!

Witness: This is a mixture of genres! How, the groom, is ready to save his beloved? Let your friends support you!
Prepare in advance for ballet plain skirts from a white rigid mesh. The melody "Dance of the Little Swans" stylized as a rap sounds. For the groom - a cap with wide nose and the text prepared in advance, or the groom composes a rap on the go. Friends are dancing, the groom expressively raps.

Dragon(dreamy): Lovely sight, what love! Clear rap! Dance top notch! I surrender and capitulate! I give you your bride!

For the daring groom
Yes, for friends, do not miss
Three times "Hurrah!",
Yes, dashing for anyone!

The guests raise their glasses.

Guests, gentlemen!
Well, it's time to stretch your sides!
Get on the dance floor
Dance rock and roll!

dance break

Throwing a bouquet

On request, you can classic version with throwing a bouquet to unmarried girlfriends. In this scenario, an idea of ​​a different nature is proposed.

Witness: A beautiful bride is invited to the dance floor! And also all the girlfriends that dream of a prince-groom! Organize a round dance girls!

The bride is given a crown in her hands, blindfolded. To the music of a friend, they lead a round dance. Suddenly, the melody breaks off, the bride puts the crown on the head of her friend, who is in front of her.

Cutting the wedding cake

Witness: Dear friends, in a few seconds a real culinary miracle will appear in front of you! Dear newlyweds, cut the first piece for yourself!

The newlyweds cut off a piece for themselves and serve it to each other from a spoon.

Witness: And now the sweet auction begins! Guests can exchange a gift for a treasured piece, and poems, dances and songs are also included in the settlement currency! First, I ask the smallest guests of the evening to take part!

The fun cake sale begins.

The end of the festival

Dear (names of newlyweds)!
We call you husband and wife!
So it's time for the last tradition!
Quietly we will remove the veil from the bride,
And despite silent protests
We will cover our heads with a handkerchief.
We give the veil to mom for safety.

The mother of the bride accepts the veil, and the mother-in-law ties a scarf on her head.

Quietly extinguish the candles on the table,
Ends the evening with his run.
You are free to step on your own path.
It is necessary to walk on it foot to foot.

And we are your support and support,
We wish you never to lose heart!
To descend on you from heaven
Radiant grace!

Witness: Be always close to each other
And in joy, and in happiness, and in trouble.

And to seal the union
Lightly blow out the candles on the table!

Props for the wedding

  • Balloons, flowers, crackers;
  • Wedding loaf, towel;
  • 4 small candles and 1 large single;
  • Certificate of honor, issued in the form of a scroll;
  • Contests: paper hearts with the names of couples, a comic order "Dancing Hearts", decorated with notes "Money Tree";
  • Video greetings and gifts to parents;
  • Zmey Gorynych costume, ballet tutus, love rap text, crown.

Home wedding video

Of course, the wedding is a solemn moment for the newlyweds, and it would be unforgivable not to capture the entire event on video.