Bachelorette party in Ivanovo in the style of Moulin Rouge: passionate dances and bohemian chic. Desire and passion - Moulin Rouge style wedding: design tips with photos

  • Moulin Rouge Colors
  • Interior furniture Moulin Rouge

The Moulin Rouge style takes us to the noisy and colorful atmosphere of the Parisian variety shows of the nineteenth century. It is perfect for decorating a young woman's room. As they grow older, the pink candy shades in the girl's room are likely to be replaced by more restrained and noble colors.

It should be understood that when asking the idea of ​​a complex narrow-themed design, it is best to turn to specialists, since not every person has a refined taste and the ability to harmoniously combine colors and stylistic elements. But, if you are confident in your abilities, then you should start immediately.

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Moulin Rouge Colors

First of all, it is worth noting that for the interior in the Moulin Rouge style, the best choice would be rich, muted, decadent colors. It would be appropriate to use wine, purple, burgundy, sapphire and a dark shade of pistachio in combination with pearl gray.

Such deep velvet shades invariably evoke thoughts of French charm of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. They were typical for the decoration of salons and clubs.

Do not think that the predominant use of these colors will make the interior of the room gloomy or vulgar. Each of these colors, acting as the basis, will be complemented by neutral natural shades, which will give a light veil of grace to a bright, languid composition. Instead of neutral colors, you can use pastel shades of the main color as complementary colors.

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Wall decoration, textiles and decorative details

The main color you choose should be used for wall decoration when painting or for wallpaper. As accents, deep color spots are appropriate, contrasting with the main color. For example, if you chose a gray-green pistachio shade as the main one, then heavy purple curtains placed on the windows will perfectly complement it.

Small decorative details and textiles should be kept in the color that is selected as an additional one. So, in the case of the same pistachio color, bedspreads and furniture upholstery can adhere to a noble gray-light green shade, or are made in pearl gray.

A noisy fun holiday, the absence of any constraints, freedom and emancipation in everything .... If you are attracted to such a prospect, a Moulin Rouge party, or Moulin Rouge, is the best fit for you.. The sound itself evokes associations with France, Paris of the 19th century, in a word, sheer romance. How romantic all this really is, you can find out by looking into the past for a second.

What is Moulin Rouge

Literally from the French "Moulin Rouge", or "Moulin Rouge", is translated as "Red Mill". That was the name of the cabaret, opened in Paris in 1889. Its symbol was a mill with red wings. Since then, everything has happened in the history of the institution, but now it is a landmark of Paris. Distinctive features are an unfading cancan and decoration in black and red with gold, plus, of course, mirrors.

Room decoration

First of all, of course, color and lighting, so the appropriate atmosphere will be transferred sooner. The color design for the Moulin Rouge style is preferable in red tones, and these tones must be deep, rich. Black and gold colors well emphasize wealth. Lighting - necessarily artificial, subdued, in the same shades. Of the attributes - full-length mirrors, huge vases of the same red-black-gold colors. Any flowers can stand in them, but it is also desirable to be larger and as red as possible. Among flowers, feather compositions are welcome.

A good option for a Moulin Rouge party would be a rented cafe or restaurant. Modern catering establishments are often decorated in red colors. It is believed that this color is able to stimulate the appetite, so this is not a problem. In addition, there is often a stage here, its presence during the Moulin Rouge party is not out of place. Invited artists will be able to perform there or dance from among the guests who wish, as the script provides.

What to wear

Party outfits can be used both modern and theatrical costumes of those times. A tailcoat is recommended for men, but a regular trouser suit is also acceptable. Luxurious evening dresses for women must include hats and fans. Shoes and accessories must be chosen in the same style. For the role of an employee of an institution, a skirt is needed, very fluffy, multi-layered, and a corset.
Makeup is preferred bright, catchy and defiant - use glitter, shimmering powder, too bright shadows and everything that unlimited imagination can suggest. Aristocrats, visiting such a luxurious cabaret as the Moulin Rouge, could afford to eat red fish, caviar and oysters there. Now, when hosting a Moulin Rouge style party, you can limit yourself to canapes and light snacks. From alcohol you need absinthe, which is completely French. It is better to make cocktails from it, diluting it with orange or pineapple juice.

Almost the same is true for the martini, which is indispensable, wanting to convey the spirit of France. Here, too, it is important not to overdo it, it is still alcohol, so cocktails are ideal. The main entertainment at the party is dancing, if desired, all guests can dance, acting in turn as spectators and dancers. Soundtracks from the musical of the same name, music by Offenbach, songs by Charles Aznavour are well suited as background music. The choice is wide enough, it all depends on the preferences of the participants, of course, a pre-designed scenario.

If the bride and her bridesmaids are not modest, and do not want to sit at home, having a pajama party, seeing their girlfriend down the aisle, but want to have fun, then | | in the Moulin Rouge style what they need.

What is Moulin Rouge

For many, burlesque is associated with girls of easy virtue in revealing outfits who behave very obscenely and even defiantly, but this is not so.

Everyone knows from history that the Moulin Rouge, or the Red Mill in translation, is a cabaret built in Paris in the red light district. Not only middle-class people gathered here, but also thieves, artists, as well as people from the wealthy segments of the population. Here the boundaries between their position in society were blurred.

The visiting card of the "Red Mill" was the quadrille. Visitors could enjoy breathtaking dances with fluffy skirts flying up, exposing slender legs. The performances did not look vulgar, all the numbers were carefully rehearsed, and if one of the dancers allowed herself liberties in behavior, she was immediately taken to the police. Also in the cabaret, a striptease was performed for the first time.

The whole institution was saturated with the spirit of violent passions, desires and luxury.

The Moulin Rouge remains one of the main attractions of Paris to this day. Many films have been made about him, songs have been composed, paintings have been written.

Deciding on a place

Preparations must begin in advance or allow the bridesmaids to find a suitable room themselves, thus they will arrange a surprise for the bride. So let's look at the options:

  1. Cabaret;
  2. Night club;
  3. dance class;
  4. Entrust the search to the agency for the preparation of festive events.

Let's start in order - cabaret. Currently, finding such an institution will be difficult, but possible. The main thing is not to confuse it with a striptease bar where men come to relax and watch erotic dances.

The cabaret program also always includes dances performed by half-naked girls, songs, and sometimes numbers with acrobatic elements. When choosing a date, check with the manager the program of the evening, perhaps on this day there will be a popular show program.

But do not forget that prudes have nothing to do in a cabaret. And if you are not ready to see the half-naked bodies of dancers and their incendiary dances, it is better to give up this idea.

The second option is a nightclub. Its interior should contain elements of antiquity, pin-up posters. The design of the hall in black and red colors is also welcome.

When booking a room, think over the program for the evening in advance:

Invite a couple of handsome strippers;

Arrange a fashion show;

Invite everyone to participate in the competition for the best erotic dance with striptease elements.

The third option, more modest, is a dance lesson. Arrange with a choreographer who can teach the cancan. Forget about embarrassment, prepare dresses or suits with puffy skirts and a corset, stockings and high heels.

Choosing the right outfit

There is plenty to choose from here.

  • Perhaps you associate yourself with a spoiled girl from a wealthy family. Then the outfit should be restrained, all the details are taken into account: a short skirt, a long string of pearls around the neck, stilettos, bracelets, long gloves, discreet makeup, playful curls.
  • Courtesan. The costume should be open and frank, but in moderation. An obligatory element is a corset, which should be tightened quite tightly. The image will be complemented by shoes with thin stilettos, bright make-up with glitter, stockings, and jewelry. And do not forget to flirt, flirt, in general, be feminine!
  • Dancer. The outfit should be revealing, but be a little more modest than the previous one. For such a girl, fit: shoes with steady heels, fluffy skirt, stockings, corset, boa. After all, a girl - a dancer should tease, and not frankly invite.


The main thing that should be on the table is champagne. This is the main drink of the bohemia of that time. Try to buy a good quality drink. You can also recommend martinis and various liquors.

Don't skimp on the menu. Treat yourself and your guests to various dishes and delicacies of French cuisine: julienne, French meat, veal stew with pineapple and others. Seafood, for example, red fish steak, will also be appropriate.

The dream of lovers is that their wedding is interesting, beautiful, perfect and memorable. The wedding of your dreams can be a Moulin Rouge wedding.

It is so beautiful and amazing that both the bride and groom and the guests who were lucky enough to be present at the celebration will remember it. Lucky, because when else will there be an opportunity to plunge into the world of colors, fun, music and dance.

Moulin Rouge is a French cabaret. To recreate the bohemian atmosphere, you will have to work hard, but the result, if everything works out, is worth it.

Photo session of a chic, bold, interesting and fun wedding in the style of Moulin Rouge

Who is the Moulin Rouge wedding for? Couples who are not alien to creativity, laughter and art. Couples who want to surprise guests and remember their wedding as one of the most wonderful events in their lives. We invite you to see what this stunning wedding looks like./p>

General characteristics and style features

Let's break down the arrangement of the wedding in the style of the Moulin Rouge. This way you won't miss a single detail. And do not forget to agree in advance with a professional photographer and videographer, otherwise the photo shoot will be a failure, not to mention video shooting.

DIY Moulin Rouge Wedding Invitation Cards

According to the invitation, guests should guess what awaits them. You can order, or you can make them yourself - who feels the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration better than you? Here are some easy options.

  1. Insert into invitation programs with a wedding script.
  2. We glue a postcard made of silk paper to the touch with lace, imitating a garter, on top of a red ribbon bow.
  3. Take striped paper as a base. From above, make an application in the form of mademoiselle in a revealing outfit.

The text of the invitation should not be simple. Make it ornate:

“Monsieur and Mademoiselle will be glad to see you at their Moulin Rouge cabaret on the occasion of a joint celebration. You will see stunning lights and colors, enjoy music and fun. Waiting for you. The dress code is appropriate."

Features of the clothes of young people, witnesses and guests

The clothes of young people, witnesses and invited guests should correspond to the theme of the wedding.

  • The bride's outfit is a dress with a corset, with a seductive and deep neckline, high-heeled shoes, a lace garter on the leg. The color can also be white, the main thing is that the skirt is fluffy with a long train and a high slit on the side, feathers, boas, lace. Long gloves, a red bow, a rose accentuate the Moulin Rouge outfit. A veil, in any case, at the celebration itself, is not required. Instead, a miniature hat with feathers and a veil flaunts on her head.
  • The groom's attire is a black tuxedo or tailcoat with a bowtie and a white shirt with cufflinks. Ceremonial shoes: black lacquered shoes. A black cylinder will also come in handy, as well as a cane, gloves, a mouthpiece, a watch on a chain. A red flower is inserted into the buttonhole of the tailcoat.
  • Witnesses must be dressed to match the young, that is, like cabaret actors. Unless their outfits are less pretentious than the outfits of the bride and groom.
  • Do not forget to do hairstyles - large curls playfully descend on bare shoulders, a lush rose flaunts in your hair.
  • A costumed wedding is a troublesome and expensive business. You cannot dress all women and men in dresses and costumes of that time. But this is not critical. The main thing is that all guests should be in evening dresses, preferably with clutches (ladies). At the entrance, offer guests accessories in the spirit of the Moulin Rouge. Women - fishnet stockings, a flower or a bow in their hair, red garters, lace fans with feathers. For men - a cane, gloves, mouthpieces, a red flower in the buttonhole.

Wedding bouquet of the bride

The bride's bouquet is bright, elegant, but not large. The perfect combination: white and red wine roses. The bouquet contains dark blue or black feathers, rose petals and feathers decorated with rhinestones and stones.

Decorating the wedding venue

Pay close attention to the choice of the hall, and its design, decor, entertainment and, of course, the kitchen. Then the Moulin Rouge wedding will go like clockwork. And be sure to think over and hold a bachelor and bachelorette party in the Moulin Rouge style, and perhaps even a bride price. And go all out on them.

Moulin Rouge Wedding Party

The party program should be exciting, memorable and fun. Invite mimes who will follow the mood of the guests and copy them. A musician with an accordion who will play French melodies throughout the evening.

The selection of a toastmaster (entertainer) is also important. He must not only be smart and witty, but also able to draw guests into entertainment and dancing.

Competitions and entertainment reflect France, Paris:

  • the most incendiary can-can;
  • best suit;
  • pantomime;
  • shadow play;
  • cartoonist;
  • poetry competition in honor of the young;
  • tricks;
  • and, of course, incendiary dances.

At the beginning of the party or immediately after registration, launch pigeons into the sky, and at the end, light fireworks.

Prepare the newlyweds dance in the style of the Moulin Rouge. For example, the same can-can. The bride, lifting her skirts and revealing her slender legs, performs a dance for the groom, who is sitting at a separate round table. Cheerful music, ringing of coins - the young man obviously liked the dance.

Culinary style delights and a wedding cake

Guests may not like turtle soup, snails or frog legs. But you can find decent dishes on the French menu. Or call them in the French manner:

  • goose liver pate (foie gras);
  • beef and chicken baked under French wine;
  • French bread and baguettes;
  • French sauces: Provence, mustard, bechamel;
  • wines, champagne with specially made labels in French.
  • Creme brulee;
  • pears with chocolate and vanilla ice cream (Poire Belle Helene);
  • chocolate mousse;
  • hot chocolate;
  • hot croissants and profiteroles.

The Moulin Rouge wedding cake is tall with many tiers. At the very top are the figures of the newlyweds. The color of the cake is classic, but the decor is bright, sustained in black and red: mastic draperies, sugar or oil flowers.

The style of the cake can be classic or fantasy, for example, in the form of a scene with dancers, a retro car, a puffy layered skirt or a corset.

Honeymoon transport

The newlyweds must drive retro cars to the ceremony, to the banquet hall and around the city. Well, if there are several of them, you get a wedding procession. Decorate cars with ribbons, flowers, long feathers. And don't be afraid to overdo it in car decoration.

…it’s in the details, and this has a lot to do with the Moulin Rouge style wedding

Important little things and decor elements inherent in the style

Finally, about the hall, its design and other important details.

  • The lights are subdued and the room has an intimate atmosphere.
  • Primary colors in the design: white, red, black.
  • If space permits, set up round tables for guests.
  • Each table is decorated with flower bouquets in baskets.
  • There are always many flowers at a wedding. Ask the waiters to arrange bouquets throughout the hall, and not collect them on one table.
  • The place for the newlyweds is literally immersed in flowers.
  • Feathers, candles, paintings depicting the streets of Paris, paper and light garlands, drapery, huge hearts and roses hanging from the ceiling will not be superfluous.

Feel the cabaret atmosphere, and then the themed wedding will be perfect. And don't forget the gifts for the guests. It can be magnets or all the surroundings that were waiting for them at the entrance.

By the way, you can see how wonderful guys organized their wedding in the style of Moulin Rouge: Natalya and Victor by watching the video clip below. Happy viewing and happy holidays!

The stone French pavement, the night, the wings of a scandalous mill lit with red lights in the bohemian sky of France ... The decline in the morals of society, and an unshakable faith in the sincere feeling of individuals. Now silence reigns in this area, but very soon the Moulin Rouge will open its gates, decorated with a scarlet bulldenezh to the first dressed up guests. And you are the lucky winner of an invitation card for this evening? And are you sure you want to be there? And, of course, you will be as magnificently dressed as the royal ministers, or - the Maharaja? Or, on the contrary, will you be among the cabaret dancers, in a magnificent hat with feathers?

Fortunately, the Moulin Rouge is rich in images, and there are plenty to choose from for a party!


First, a few words about colors. Extravagant outfits in red, green, gold and silver tones will harmonize well with the entire environment of the impromptu hall of the Red Mill.

Yes mom, to comply with the established dress code, it is best to give preference to long evening dresses with a train and a deep neckline. It is important to pay due attention to accessories, adding a red or black boa, garter, sequined ribbon or satin gloves to the outfit. Be sure to wear your most expensive necklaces, bracelets and rings with the dress. Flashy wealth is a natural pass for a woman at the Moulin Rouge.

Men should come to the holiday in a formal suit or tailcoat with a tie (bow tie) and black leather shoes. You can also (to better match that era) put on a high black cylinder on your head. If you plan to be not only a passive spectator at the holiday, but also actively participate in the entertainment program, you can put on a bright showman costume.

This is the minimum by which you will be able to achieve compliance with your appearance specified in the invitation to the dress code requirement. If you want to show off your imagination, chic figure, and also - demonstrate your love for the film - we can offer some more very interesting options for participating in an impromptu cabaret.

I am the courtesan of the Moulin Rouge

Do you want to feel the longed-for looks of men and the lightning bolts that are thrown at you in the wake of their wife? Do you want to know what it's like to be a whore? Blood plays, requires adrenaline ... Then it is your image - the courtesan Moulin Rouge!

The details of the costume characteristic of the "courtesan":

Hard corset - the upper part of the outfit;

A silk fluffy skirt with many ruffles, lace ribbons and frills is the lower part of the outfit.

I am a Moulin Rouge cabaret dancer

Cancan. Are you crazy in love with this amazing, energetic dance? And besides everything else, do you know how to perform it professionally? Then for you - image of the Moulin Rouge dancer! The main purpose of such an outfit since ancient times is to tease and excite. Because - he simultaneously hides the feminine forms of the dancer, and opens them for show. This costume does not include such a rigid corset as the outfit of a sexy courtesan, but at the same time it is executed in an identical red and black color scheme and is not without a lot of feminine lace, ribbons and frills. Depending on the merits and demerits of her figure, as well as on the presence of all kinds of complexes, or their absence, each girl can choose for herself a dance stage dress both more frank and more modest.

Dance costume details you need to pay attention to:

Lace neckband with "cat's eye" in a seductive dimple;

A miniature flirty hat with feathers and a veil, stockings with garters and long silk gloves (red or black).

I am an actress of the Moulin Rouge cabaret theater

This costume is a successful combination of courtesan and dancer costume details. The costume of the actress suggests the presence of a tight corset with puffs and a very short, naughty tulle skirt. Another option (a more modern version of the carnival costume, stylized as a French burlesque of the late 19th century) is a black and red top and lace short shorts. By choosing an actress costume, you get a unique chance to show off the beauty of your slender legs without thinking about "what people will say." You can absolutely with impunity be colorful, sexy, and at the same time - enjoy the absence of ambiguous views ...

If you think the image you have chosen is not quite complete, not glamorous enough, you can add a few extravagant accessories to it.

Accessories for the image of the Moulin Rouge

For example, put on a bright wig, decorate your hair with ostrich feathers or swan down, or put on a fancy handmade top hat.

Among other things, antique jewelry and lace “work” perfectly with dresses for the Moulin Rouge, as well as a mask with feathers. Most often, women from high Parisian society, appearing in such a haunted place, resorted to “disguise”. It was impossible for aristocratic ladies to come to the Moulin Rouge, but at the same time, it was the easiest way to weave networks of state intrigues here ...

Makeup and hair

And a few more words about makeup and hair. If you are a happy owner of long hair or medium length hair - give it a little volume and decorate your hair with large curls.

Make-up should also be bright, evening, fantasy. Drawings on the face and the use of long false eyelashes, applications, etc. are allowed.

Well, the costume is ready, the guest of honor cannot wait for the appointed hour and visit the mysterious Moulin Rouge. But, somehow it is not customary to go to a party of this magnitude without a gift. What to present to the hero of the occasion such that it matches the theme and has a hidden meaning, in harmony with the Moulin Rouge? Now I'll tell you!

Will be appropriate (if the hero of the occasion is a woman) Jewelry (or - expensive jewelry made of natural stones). Black necklaces, beads, earrings, brooches with an emphasis on the fashion of that era will be a great gift for such a holiday!

Will look extravagant handmade gifts , stylized as French burlesque of the late 19th century - pillows with a black and white batik photograph of the hostess of the celebration, fashionable hats with rhinestones, feathers and sequins, stage masks and elaborate garters.

However, such gifts are appropriate if you already know the person you are going to the party very well and for a long time. If, however, a work colleague (especially the boss) invited you to your place in the Moulin Rouge, or just an acquaintance, gifts of an intimate nature should not be presented. It's better to give bottle expensive French wine (in an unusual "clothing" - a corset), old book with the story of the French "Red Mill", or disk with a good copy of the famous movie.

And you can also (if there is a real cabaret in your city, or tours of the famous French theater are supposed) to give ticket for This show .

Do not forget also about the packaging for your original gift. After all, it is when you look at the packaging that the person gifted by you forms the first impression of the gift itself! Don't ignore this fact! Choose from red, black and gold, or old-France inspired wrapping paper.

Now everything seems to be ready! Time to start the show! However, there is one more important point that we need to discuss with you ... Even - as many as two! About building an entertainment program for your imposing guests and treats for them - read in the next article!