Congratulations to a friend on the birth of a grandson in prose. SMS with the birth of a grandson to grandparents in prose. Congratulation to dear grandson on his birthday is cool in prose

I heartily congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter. Let the baby become a great joy and pride, a real joy and happiness. May the grandson be healthy and strong, brave and smart, cheerful and courageous.

Congratulations on the newborn, with a wonderful granddaughter. I wish your boy to grow up smart, handsome, cheerful, kind, talented, capable, cheerful and happy. May the grandson always warm his heart with joy and his love.

Great happiness - the birth of a grandson. Sincere congratulations! May the fate of the boy be bright and happy, may the grandson grow up strong and healthy, please with his achievements and cheerful mood, may the little mischievous explore the world with interest and give his loved ones a kind smile.

Congratulations on a huge and wonderful event - with a newborn! I wish your grandson to give you joy and tenderness. May his sleep be strong, his laughter ringing and his growth fast. Take care and take care of your child. May the love that gave such joy settle in your home forever! Peace, health, opportunities and prosperity to your family!

Happy new youth to you, because a newborn is a source of tone and vigor. Health to you, the baby and his parents. Let the grandson see you as often as possible, reach out to you; May the time spent with him be joyful. May all your replenished family be friendly and happy. Congratulations on the baby!

Congratulations on the heir to the throne, on the birth of a grandson! I wish the cute and wonderful baby to become a strong and brave guy. Good health to the boy and the whole family, a reliable guardian angel to the baby and great happiness.

Congratulations on a wonderful and wonderful event - the birth of a grandson! Let the newborn feel amazingly well, grow quickly and please family and friends a lot. Enjoy the second youth, develop together with the baby and radiate the fibers of happiness!

How long have you been waiting for this wonderful moment, and now, your granddaughter was born! Let him be the happiest child in the world, because you will give him all your love, care and affection! I wish your grandson to grow up a healthy, strong guy and always be your pride!

Congratulations on the appearance of an heir in your family! I wish the baby to grow up healthy, strong, courageous! Let the best qualities be transmitted from parents, and your wisdom will be enough to bring up another generation!

Catch our congratulations on the long-awaited arrival of a new member of your family. Let it be attached to mom and dad for joy, for grannies - for pride. Only heroic health, a certain contact with the beautiful world, favorable achievements and useful prefaces. May dreams always become a reality, and happiness flow like a stream. More impeccable opportunities, a smiling attitude and a colossal victory from life.

Becoming parents is a great happiness and a real gift of fate, which sooner or later all adults dream of. And becoming a grandmother is a special happiness, a doubly gift, a great honor and a real pride of every woman!

After all, now the whole life is changing, a new happy stage is coming, a new status - honorable, beautiful and worthy - grandmother! Of course, you need to sincerely congratulate the woman on her newborn grandson, because this is a holiday, and what a holiday! Whether there will be a holiday and a feast on this wonderful occasion or not, in any case, the newly-made grandmother should be honored with her attention, express admiration, wish good and joy. She will be so pleased!

What should be the congratulations to the grandmother on the birth of her grandson, what should be said or written on this holiday? In fact, you don’t need to invent anything special, you just need to sincerely express your love, care, admiration and wish you great happiness! You can congratulate grandparents together, you can prepare congratulations on the birth of a grandson - the first, second, great-grandchildren or even twins! Everything is individual.

There are a lot of options. It is not enough just to choose your favorite congratulations to your grandmother on the birth of a granddaughter, you need to take into account various details: your family ties, the nature and age of the woman, whether the first grandson was born, and other points. Well, as for the form, then everything is simple. Choose what you like best:

  • Solemn speech in prose.
  • Beautiful poems.
  • Cool and original toasts.
  • Good wish.
  • Speech in your own words.

This is the most general list of options, in fact there may be more. Choose yours, the most beautiful, cheerful, sincere and festive. And may the newly-made grandfather and young grandmother be happy on this day like never before!

Happy holiday!

A new man has decided to be born in your family, and this is a great event, a great happiness for everyone: for parents, for siblings, and, of course, for the newly-made “old people”. Tell them beautiful words, do not bypass your attention!

1. A great option is a congratulation on the birth of a grandson to grandparents in the form of prose. With prose you can say so much! Express your gratitude and admiration, say a lot of pleasant and warm words, wish only a happy future and note all the best features and qualities. In other words, prose is a good choice!

2. You can also congratulate a newly-made granny with a granddaughter or grandson through a short SMS message, especially if you are far from each other and there is no way to say everything in person, hug and wish something good.

So the easiest and most successful option is to send beautiful SMS congratulations on a newborn (or newborn) and write everything you want to wish a young granny and her granddad!

3. Of course, poems should not be ignored either. After all, to say a speech with the birth of a grandson in verse is a great way to please grandparents, thereby evoking in them the best emotions and a festive mood!

4. A toast is a wonderful congratulation on the birth of a grandson to grandmother and grandfather, from which not only the heroes of the occasion, but also all the guests at the table are touched. During the celebration, be sure to raise your glass and say solemn, sincere words that will make hearts beat faster.

From everyone who loves...

Would you like your congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter or baby-grandchild to be individual and special? It is very simple, and the effect and impressions will be indescribable!

1. Congratulations from loving children to a newly-born grandmother and young grandfather on the birth of a granddaughter or little granddaughter will make an amazing impression on them, create a great mood and truly make them happy! Show them how grateful, glad and happy you are, what a friendly and strong family you have, and let this day be remembered for a long time and become significant for everyone!

2. A granddaughter was born, joy and pride in the family! Congratulate grandma and granddaughter on the birth of a granddaughter in prose, in a poem, in the form of a toast or a postcard, as you prefer. Treat your loved ones, because for them this is such a wonderful and significant event!

3. There are many wonderful solemn words in honor of the birth of a boy: both prose and poems, and just beautiful words from myself. A grandson is hope, it is joy and pride, and raising and educating him is a great happiness. Do not regret beautiful words on this day and say them with all your heart!

4. But a great-grandson or great-granddaughter is a special pride, such happiness does not fall to everyone in fate, and this means that the old people will be glad to hear good words in their honor. Congratulate them beautifully, sincerely and sincerely, they deserve it!

5. There are beautiful words in honor of grandma and grandpa, for the two of them, with a newborn granddaughter or granddaughter, excellent holiday texts intended for both "old people". Now they are not only parents, they have a new, solid status in the family, and this is worthy of respect and great admiration. So express it in beautiful heartfelt words!

The appearance in the family of a new man, the successor of the family, is a significant and very big event, which everyone is happy about. You should not be too lazy and prepare the best congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter to grandparents, such words that reflect all your emotions, light a spark of happiness in the soul of the ancestors, make them happier on this day.

The main thing is not the beauty and pathos of the words you said, but sincerity, sincerity and simplicity. Say from the bottom of your heart everything you think is necessary, and this day will be the best! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,,,

Congratulations on the birth of great joy and joy, on the birth of a wonderful grandson. I wish the boy to grow up cheerful, mischievous, happy and loved, I wish the grandson to be true pride and a real hero in life.

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! May he become strong and courageous, may your granddaughters please you every day, may more and more new talents open up in him, may a ray of goodness and happiness always shine in life for your beloved boy.

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. I want to wish the baby to grow up strong, to eat well and play merrily, walk with interest in the fresh air and delight you with his wonderful achievements. May your grandson always warm your heart, may you never be bored with such a mischievous kid and just a wonderful child.

With a wonderful newborn, a magnificent grandson, we heartily congratulate you. We wish the baby to grow up as a cheerful and kind little boy, sincerely happy and strongly loved by his relatives, may his fate develop safely and beautifully, and his life every day be filled with success, joy and good.

May the birth of a grandson illuminate your house with great happiness! May life always smile at him and raise him as an honest, courageous and noble man. May his beloved and true friends be near him in his life. Let him be the pride and support for his parents. I wish you a stellar number of great achievements in his life and endless good luck in all your endeavors!

It happened - you became a grandfather and grandmother! We want to congratulate you on your grandson, and wish him to grow up to the joy of everyone, to be a reliable support for you in the future. And now you give him all your love, care and attention. Congratulations!

My dear children, you have become parents! This is an incredibly grandiose and welcome event! Now your family has a son. Little beloved man. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! As grandparents, we will always help, support, prompt and help out. Happy moments to you, sonorous children's laughter, health and only the best and good!

Grandfather and grandmother, congratulations, you have joy today - a grandson has appeared. Let him be strong like a saxaul, let him be hardy like a turtle, let him be smart and talented, like all geeks. Visit more often, visit, teach, invest your soul.

Congratulations on a touching and such a welcome event - on the birth of a grandson! I wish good health to the newborn. Pleasant troubles and family happiness. Mutual understanding, support and love. Let every day be full of new events, good emotions and joy!

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The strong man was born in the family, the holiday has come!
With his appearance, he gave a lot of happiness!
May the road in life be bright and easy,
And let the hand generously bestow his fate!
Grandma and grandpa dreamed about him so much,
For a long time they were waiting for their grandson!
I heartily congratulate them today,
Trouble pleasant most sincerely wish!

With the granddaughter of the desired golden
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May his path be simple
Luck indulges rays.

Let his dream butterflies flutter
Everything will come true
And fortunately strong bridges
In fate, it is easy to unite.

With a newborn, grandma and grandpa,
Accept congratulations,
May the granddaughter give you strength
And the desire to achieve.

May the boy be healthy
Your helper is growing,
Every day with my beloved grandson
May it bring you only joy.

The new status inspires
May you, grandmother, always
Run, jump with your grandson
Will never get bored.

My dears! Congratulations on the birth of a wonderful grandson! I wish the crumbs good health, strength and a happy fate. And to you my dear wisdom, patience and kindness.

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. I wish the boy strong strength and good health. Let the grandson grow up as a mischievous and kind little, inquisitive child and just a good person who will always please you and make you proud.

Congratulations on such a joyful event for your family. Let the granddaughters grow up happy, healthy and be a real protector. Let your heir bathe in love, understanding and joy.

Congratulations on your newborn grandson! We wish you the happiest and most beautiful intra-family paradise, unity and complete mutual understanding. Healthy growth, tenderness, admiration and love. Let the grandson be your wonderful continuation!

Congratulations to the newly-made grandparents on the birth of their grandson! We wish the baby a happy fate and good health, may his birth make your family more united and happier.

Congratulations on the birth of the heir to the throne, on the birth of your wonderful grandson. I wish the boy to grow up healthy, cheerful, happy and courageous, so that there are no cloudy days and failures in his life, so that only kind people always meet on his way. I also wish that your grandson will please you and give you a reason for pride, a reason for a smile and a ray of bright love every day!

Today your grandson was born, and it's wonderful! Let your granddaughter be the strongest, strongest and healthiest guy! I wish that he brings only pleasant chores, pleases you with his successes and always be a happy and beloved child!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the birth of the successor of the family, on your grandson. I wish that you are always proud of the deeds and achievements of your little boy, that your granddaughters from childhood please you with their love and smile, that they never forget to give you their attention and care. I wish strong strength and health to the newborn, a wonderful and happy atmosphere in your family.

Congratulations to the happy grandmother with her grandson! Let the newborn delight the granny with his cute pranks, and the grandmother can only wish to give her kindness and love, knit a whole bunch of socks and sweaters, feed and water to the fullest, prepare gifts for the holidays.

A beautiful baby was born in your family! This is your joy and pride, may health and perspective meet in everything on his long life path. The main thing is that he grows up in care and love. Let the warmth of loved ones and relatives become his outlet.