Script for teacher's day final words. Congratulations script for "Teacher's Day". Questions for teachers on Teacher's Day

Scenario of the festive lineup for Teacher's Day.

Presenter Presenter

Our dear teachers! We cordially congratulate you on your holiday! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your enthusiasm, dedication and endless patience!

Presenter------May there be happiness and health,
May there be enough strength for everyone,
And every day of ordinary life

Denis B We may not be in class often
We pamper you with a raise of our hand,
The students want to express to you.

Presenter Let the years pass in succession,
And serve as a guiding star

Dima N Your experience, titles, generosity and participation

From your student victories

Presenter And let the years fly ahead
No need to be afraid of age

Assembly Hall.

In the background of the stage is a colorful greeting on Teacher's Day. Before the start of the holiday, the melody of the song __________________________________________ sounds
Presenters together:
Presenter 1 -
Today is an unusual day!
Presenter 2 -
Today is an amazing day!
Presenter 1 -
It is a holiday today!!!
Presenter 2 -
Glad! Long awaited!
Presenter 1 -
On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold has already begun to breathe,
School celebrates teacher's day
-Celebration of wisdom, knowledge of labor.
Presenter 2 -
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to you
Everything related to youth, childhood,
Everyone owes it to the teachers!

Presenter 1
Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who has studied and is studying. And everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.
Presenter 2 -
The burden of a teacher is not light. These are people who have raised more than one generation. “Teacher-mentor”, this is what they say about the director of our school, Lyudmila Pavlovna Voropaeva. Over to you, Lyudmila Pavlovna.
A word of congratulations to the school director.
Presenter Presenter

Dear Lyudmila Pavlovna, we would like to break tradition and ask you a few questions (interview):
- Everyone has a motto when achieving their goal. Name yours.
- You decided to take on this difficult burden - to become a director. Do you consider yourself a daredevil?
- Please tell me, do you enjoy going to work?
- How do you manage to stay in such excellent physical shape?
- If a wizard appeared now, what is your cherished wish that you would ask him to fulfill?
The director answers.
- This is the kind of director the staff and students of boarding school No. 36 raised.
Applause from the audience.
A word of congratulations to the chairman of the school’s trade union committee, Olga Viktorovna Smyshlyaeva
Number art.samod._ Video
Presenter 2 –
Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there.
Presenter 1 -
What a huge heart you need to have to generously distribute it piece by piece to children day after day, year after year! And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.
Presenter 2 -
Good health to you! Damn the disease!
Live a century without knowing tears,
And if it suddenly becomes difficult,
We ask you not to hang your nose!

Art number Art number samod.__ Song for primary school teachers

This school house is amazing! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.

People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave this house, always seething with passions, because someone very accurately once called the school “sweet hard labor.”

Presenter 2 –
Dear colleagues, may it be so that in your life
bright, kind, you were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school is a safe haven for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Presenter 1-

Dear teachers, MUSICAL MIXES sound for you

Number of amateur artists Chastushki performed 6 "B" class

We composed ditties
We tried really hard.
We only ask that you
They didn't take offense at us.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We have come today for you.
Wish you great success,
So that they teach better than us.

Please, please explain,
Where is the north, where is the south,
Otherwise we’ll go to Africa -
We'll all be happy there.

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You'll mix it up a little
A crocodile might eat it.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Train our muscles
Temper them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and taller.

A Svetlana Aksentievna
He loves silence very much.
Why doesn't he like to make noise?
Well, I just don’t understand.

And the director of our school
He issued this decree:
Who gets one hundred fives?
He will give them bonuses.

We sang ditties for you -
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that you clap for us.

Presenter 1 –

Let in this hall, at this hour
The lights are burning brighter
And again we congratulate you,
All of you, teachers!

Presenter 2 -

Your life is lessons, children,
Your life is a patient concern.
And they love you like no one else in the world!
And they repeat this not for the sake of beautiful words.


Today, dear teachers, graduating class students congratulate you

1st graduate

To a wonderful life, to a journey of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
He is also a tamer.
We can be stubborn, impudent, playful,
We don’t learn lessons - it happens sometimes.
Thank you,
Thank you for being so patient
Thank you for loving us!

2nd graduate

We know there are a lot of disappointments
We brought it to you, it was time,
But we ask, dear ones,
Don't be angry with us.
And say thank you for everything
We want you, dear ones.
For patience, for science
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Number thin. Samod_ Dance gift for 11th graders

Presenter 2
As they say, from century to century
Man does not live by bread alone!

Presenter1 -
While you are burning with inspiration,
While hearts are alive for song,
Dedicate yourself to your work
Beautiful impulses from the soul!


Dear teachers, today is your holiday.
And let this festive concert
He will tell you everything for us
About the fact that for so many years
The students love you so much
For honesty, wisdom, intelligence, talent,
For the clarity of your eyes,
For your kindness
So rare now

Number art.samod.__ Song "Thanksgiving" -

All good things come to an end sooner or later. Our concert also quietly came to an end.
Let failures not break you,
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.
Long years and success in your work
All the children want to wish you
May you have many successful years
Together with the birds of happiness they fly!

Presenter 1-

And let them settle in your family forever
Fun, luck, love for each other,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course
And smart and kind students!

Number of amateur artists 11th graders

student ------May there be happiness and health,
May there be enough strength for everyone,
And every day of ordinary life
May it only bring you happiness!

student We may be in class infrequently
We pamper you with a raise of our hand,
But on this day there are many beautiful words
The students want to express to you.

student Let the years pass in succession,
With teachers, life is always new,
And serve as a guiding star
Your wise words are in our lives.

student Your experience, titles, generosity and participation
They will leave a good mark on our souls!
Teacher's happiness is formed

From your student victories

student And let the years fly ahead
No need to be afraid of age
May you have many years of experience
But in your heart there are only 20!

\ Documentation \ Scenarios for school holidays

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Scenario for the school holiday "Teacher's Day"

Student Hello! Hello!

Dear teachers.

Each of us is ready to convey to you a thousand kind and affectionate words from your yesterday, from your current, from your tomorrow's students. Today, on behalf of our youth, we carry a happy burden... On behalf of our sonorous childhood, we all say thank you together! Thank you! Thank you!

1 presenter of the Teacher's Day holiday: Good evening!

2 presenter of the Teacher's Day holiday: Hello!

1 presenter Today we have gathered to congratulate our teachers on their professional holidayHappy Teacher's Day!!!

2 presenter In our school and country it is celebrated on the first Sunday of October. On this day, people honor teachers by expressing their love and gratitude to them.

1 presenter

To those who are strict and affectionate, to those who are wise and sensitive, to those who have gray hair at the temples, to those who have recently left the walls of the institute, to those who told us the secrets of discoveries, to those who teach us how to achieve victory through work - to everyone who has the proud name of “teacher”, We dedicate the concert .

("Farewell Waltz")

2 presenter If the theater begins with a hanger, then the school begins with the director.


Don't you dare forget your teachers! They worry about us and remember us. And in the silence of the thoughtful rooms, they are waiting for our returns and news. They miss these meetings of the unfortunate. And no matter how many years pass, teacher happiness is made up of our student victories. And sometimes we are so indifferent to them: We don’t send them congratulations on New Year’s Eve. But in the hustle and bustle or simply out of laziness, we don’t write, don’t visit, don’t call. They are waiting for us. They are watching us. And they rejoice every time for those who, somewhere, will again pass the test of courage, honesty, and success. Don't you dare forget your teachers. Let life be worthy of their efforts. Russia is famous for its teachers. The disciples bring glory to her. Don't you dare forget your teachers!

1 presenter

“Tell me, Lena, it was not for nothing that Moscow, burned by fire, was given to the Frenchman?” This is how the survey begins: Question - answer, question again... Lena is silent and the class is quiet. The teacher gives a bad mark.

2 presenter What are you talking about?

1 presenter I mean it’s time for ____ class to go on stage

2 presenter Congratulations are accepted by the history teacher______________ (full name)

(Sketch "Ishmael")

1 presenter Just as our teachers do not age, who, despite their age, continue their teaching shift. Without knowing fatigue, they flit around schools, teaching children, giving them the warmth of their hearts.

2 presenter

I wish I had wings like these birds, And easily rise into the skies. But how many good songs have not been sung! You let your childhood fate pass through yourself, experiencing torment, mobilizing yourself to fight, staining your working hands with chalk... And how many roads have you traveled! How many invisible barriers were taken! And how many tears were shed... God knows, Besides... the minimum wage. You, as a hero, are not afraid of comparison, You will not stop your path on the road... I will bow to you today, Only Gods can do this!

1 presenter Any teacher in our school can be called God, but among them I would like to highlight veterans of teaching work. This is first and foremost

__________________________________________________________(FULL NAME.)

("Astrological forecast")

2 presenter And now all of you, and especially primary school teachers _________________________________ (full name) have come to congratulate our younger generation.

(Song "School Years")

1 presenter Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave school - they are still there.

2 presenter

You are always young at heart, Sharing work and joy with us, Our strict, our family, Patient teachers. You give us a lot of strength and love - no matter what. How much do you believe in us! - that perhaps no one can believe like that

1 presenter

I remember a wonderful moment: The call! He is before us again. Around the class - whispers, excitement And a sure sign of respect. Almost instantly - silence. There are some cutlery on the table. Hush, stop talking. It clicks, blinks, smells of mystery. Maybe it will flare up, maybe it will boom! The steel arrow will twitch sharply and a completely different life will begin.

2 presenter Our kind and strict mathematicians and related subjects of physics, computer science, teachers_____________________________________________

_______________________________ (full name) congratulate the students of the _ class.

(Song “Fractions, we didn’t solve problems that way” (to the tune “There is only a moment”))

1 presenter A living current has joined the team of teachers at our school - this is a young

life safety teacher ______________ (full name). This poem is dedicated to him.

(Verse "Young Teacher")

2 presenter

Teachers! They are like light on the way. What a huge heart it takes to have a heart in your chest to bring light to people, so that its trace cannot be erased forever!

1 presenter I would like to say a special word about technology teachers ________________

___________________ (full name) they actually have a fiery heart, they bring people

light. For them this is congratulations.

(Song “Now years of separation await us” (to the tune of “Friendship”))

2 presenter

Today I praise teachers, Devotees, dreamers, poets, Worthy daughters and sons of the Land of Labor, my native country.

Teachers of Russian, foreign languages ​​and literature________________

_________________________ (full name) we give this congratulation.

(Song "School Waltz")

1 presenter

Our physical education teacher is a Model for each of us. It teaches you how to run and jump, and the figures of the girls and guys are just great!

(Scene "Exam on a computer")

2 presenter To you ________________________


(Full names of teachers of biology, chemistry, geography)

We are incredibly grateful! There are no words for surprise. How do you know the subject! May the Sun shine more generously on you! And from everyone who is near and far, We send you greetings from all the pets - And a bow - from heaven to earth. Please accept congratulations.

(Song "Chemistry lessons float into the distance" (to the tune of "Blue Car"))

1 presenter

The teachers in human society were different, But our land, Our discoveries rested on them... They did not expect from us Indispensable fame, But they preferred a certain reserve of Decency and honesty. Many winced from the chatter, Empty glibness. They taught by personal example Elementary perseverance... They had a strong spiritual backbone, Respected their calling. Some are honored, others are so without title.

2 presenter

Thank you for loving us, Even though you were strict with us at times, For teaching us to think, For everything, for everything you did for us! Sincere son “thank you” We say to all teachers. Be young and happy. Peace, long life, health to you!!!

1 presenter And at the end of the evening, dedicated to Teacher's Day, we invite everyone to sing the song “Bending the Yellow Guitar.”

(Song "Bending of the Yellow Guitar")

End of the holiday Teacher's Day At school

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The script for Teacher's Day was provided by: Irina Elchaninova, email: irinka.nik.67[@] I am in My World -

Good afternoon, dear teachers, educators, children, students of our school.

Dear friends! I see that everyone is in a good mood today, and if anyone is in a bad mood, I hope today’s holiday will lift them up.

Today is an unusual day for us. We have gathered to celebrate the wonderful Teacher's Day holiday.

Teacher!!! There is so much in this word... There is no person on earth whose fate is not connected with it.

The one who became a teacher will hire

What a joy it is to be useful to people

His Majesty's teacher is the people!

Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge

And the light of your heart’s kindness -

There is no responsible recognition on earth,

There is nothing more honorable and joyful.

Song "They teach at school." (performed by children)

Presenter of the script for Teacher's Day: The word for congratulations is presented to the school director and head teacher.

Leading: Teacher!... What a word! It lives in the hearts of many generations. It blooms like a beautiful flower on the fertile soil of children's hearts. It’s not for nothing that teachers are called “the engineer of human souls.” And the soul is immortal, which means the teacher and his deeds are immortal.


The autumn day is shining outside the windows, and the sun has blossomed in the sky. And every morning, when you meet your children, you don’t think about your work. What work is there - this is your life! Leaving a bad mood somewhere there, you entered the classroom and again soared into the heights of the Immortals of Gogol and Pushkin. Days follow days, years fly by - Youth is ever further away, old age is ever closer, But believe: in children's souls forever, a piece of your youth remains!

There is nothing more honorable on Earth than the profession of a teacher. It is a great happiness to pass on your knowledge to children, knowing that the future is in their hands.

I want to greet our dear teachers. Teachers' presentation.


How much love and fire is needed.

To be listened to, to be believed

So that people remember you.

How to find worthy words.

How to say it without unnecessary phrases.

That we are very grateful to you.

That we love you very much.

The teacher gives us all our school years,

Treasures of knowledge, the joy of discovery.

We can be stubborn, impudent, playful.

Sometimes we don’t learn our lessons.

Thank you, thank you for being so patient

Thank you for loving us.

Presentation of flowers to teachers.

Presenter of a funny scenario for Teacher's Day: Let's tell each other about our first teachers.

Presenter of the script for Funny Teacher's Day: This poem is dedicated to our first teachers:

Everything was there: roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun and the light of your beloved eyes:

I look back at the past years.

And I remember you with a warm feeling.

After all, it was you who planted it in my soul.

Love for the earth, for those living on earth,

To native forests and abundant fields,

And to the warm aromas of poplars.

I took you as an example.

I came to you for advice,

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

And how much warmth and light they gave me,

That's enough to warm ten people.

And you managed to breathe into me -

Always go forward

And see the light of the promised goal.

And don't be afraid of any adversity.

You give everything to a great job,

You awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!

Everyone is singing. The song “Our Teacher”.

Leading: An educator is a teacher who devotes himself to raising children. In our school there are teachers in every class. You know them well: let's greet them. This song is dedicated to you.

Teacher's song.

I There are many different professions in the world,

And each has its own charm.

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful.

Than the one I work for!

Chorus: Teachers, teachers,

How much sensitivity and tenderness you have.

Teachers, teachers.

This waltz sounds just for you.

II And if the poet is rewarded with praise,

Or they praise the artist, the doctor,

I am happy because recently

I raised them with love!

Chorus: same

Educator: We are educators, it is obligatory for us

Love for your profession.

We have a task - all our knowledge -

Send to raise children.

Song (performed by teachers):

We were born to make a fairy tale come true.

To implement school reforms in life.

And we need to make every effort.

So that thought shines in our children.

Chorus: Getting closer, getting closer and closer.

Our hearts yearn for you.

And every teacher breathes. 2 times

Our love for our students.

Leading: Our teaching staff is always ready to walk alongside you, our dear students.

The teachers' anthem is performed.

The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart.

Sing our song to the end.

We gathered the hard way -

But this is a thorny path.

Only optimists can prevail.

Chorus: And we are from the hot flames of young hearts.

Think, dare and create.

We are all in this mood.

It will always be ahead!

Leading: And the guys have prepared a “Dream Book” for you as a gift.

Burdock - the school will be smashed to dust and fluff.

Ice cream - the heating was turned off at school.

The school principal with a ladle - soon they will feed the children something tasty.

Head teacher - wait for the school-wide meeting.

2 teachers included: Of course, they were waiting for us. There are so many people here and everyone is waiting for help. And not just help, but ambulance.

All teachers:“Expedited assistance is ready.” Our motto: “We stick our nose into any question.”

Teacher of Russian language: So that we don’t get tired of saying:

“We need to study Russian, literature

I boldly declare to you, gentlemen

You can’t go anywhere without these items.”

Mathematic teacher:

“It’s in vain that the mother waits for her son to be a lady, he solves problems at school

And the sine graph, wave after wave, flies past the ears.

In vain the children wait for their mother to be a lady; she sits and prepares the class.

A swarm of crosswords and puzzles fly over her even in her sleep.

A history teacher:

I’m not a wizard, not a mage, but I’ll say this, guys:

There is an archipelago in the sea, and the GULAG is a gulag.

Primary school teacher.

It’s fun to walk along the corridor together and we also learn better in chorus.

Solving equations as well as drawing?

I will do my best so that you learn,

To be friends, smile, and be kind.

Primary school teacher.

I always help as much as I can while running.

I run after the truant, I help those who lag behind,

I can write with a pen... but about this - no gu, gu,

I’ll help anyway, I’ll help as much as I can.

Head teacher:

It’s a hard day for me - I don’t have a minute,

We need to scold everyone, what a joke!

And then I have to do the opposite

We need to praise everyone - there’s a lot to do.

“Heals with carrots and sticks.”

Drip, drip, drip from your cheeks onto your dress, Drip, drip, drip, no need to cry.

Is there such a grief in the world that it’s worth crying for?

Not because of bad marks. Not because of the track. Neither because of the boys, nor because of the girls,

There is no need to cry out of resentment or frustration. There is no need to cry.

“He always takes tears from everyone into his vest.”

Teacher: Life safety.

I constantly weaned myself off fear

I was distracted from all the little everyday things

And now every day on the school playground

I will help you learn life safety

Norms for providing assistance knowledge

Execute them clearly and competently!

Leading: And now we will have a warm-up.

Kuzya runs out. Does exercises.

Leading: Kuzya, what are you doing?

Kuzya: Charging. You said “Warm-up”.

Leading: A mental workout where teachers and students must show their ingenuity, wit and sense of humor.

Questions for teachers on Teacher's Day.

  1. Why the student is kicked out of the class (out the door).
  2. What brainless heads are always needed? (pins).
  3. In which month do women gossip the least (February has 28–29 days).
  4. When is a fool smart? (when silent).
  5. What can’t a person live without? (no name).
  6. What branch does not grow on a tree? (railway).
  7. How many nails does a well-dressed horse need? (not at all).
  8. What will happen to a red silk scarf if it is released to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes (it will become wet).

Questions for students for Teacher's Day.

  1. What will a crow do after living for 3 years (living for the fourth year).
  2. Why does a hunter carry a gun? (behind the shoulder).
  3. Where can't you find dry stone? (in the river, in the water).
  4. When do people have so many eyes, so many days in a year? (January 2).
  5. What do you never get tired of doing throughout your life? (breathe).
  6. A hunter walked past the tower, there was a clock on it, and he fired. Where did the hunter end up (to the police).
  7. Why does the pop buy a hat? (because they don’t give it for free).
  8. It doesn’t light up, but you have to turn it off? (Duty).

Leading: Well done guys.

Kuzya: How smart everyone is. This is based on what they study at school!

Leading: Kuzya, I have a question for you. Do you like to sing? Do you have a favorite song?

Kuzya: Yes! Sings la, la, la.

Presenter: Kuzya! Is that really how they sing? You have to sing with words.

Kuzya: I don’t know the words.

Presenter: Listen to the students of our school sing the song.

Song "They teach at school."

Leading: Well, Kuzya, did you like the song? And now the children and teachers will perform school ditties.

The teachers' ditties are performed.

Like a crow on a tree

Stayed up late

I sat and told

Everyone about school matters

At our KVN school

We all have a lot of problems

We assembled a team

What's what, and who is behind whom.

“We all love diaries,”

The students say

But in class, as always,

The student does not have a diary.

There are no problems on duty,

Only the hubbub can be heard by everyone -

On recess as always,

Someone got into trouble.

Kolya is the best mathematician

Everyone in the village knows him,

It's even a square root

I wanted to find it in the ground.

They began to teach physics,

Just to get something.

And the first thunder of spring

Suddenly it became a solid substance.

Like a crow on a tree

I'm tired of telling us

What's fun about school?

And never tell.

Chastushki - students.

Frank girls

We don't know how to push

Without ditties - jokes

We can't live even a day.

Our teacher is very strict

We didn't go to class

How happy he was

That he is freed from us.

I really wanted to go to school

Is it too early to go to bed?

So I wouldn't be late

Yes, my alarm clock slept through

Cups are in short supply these days,

We bought ourselves a basin

Metalheads - you understand,

They took him away from us.

We will overcome all sciences,

We will succeed

Because our teachers

They also study with us.

We love solving problems

Who's faster and who's ahead?

And what are the tasks?

The professor himself will not understand.

Mothers used to read to us

About the rabbits and the fox

Now let's read it ourselves

About love and about the moon.

We sang ditties for you, is it good or bad?

And now we will ask you to clap.

Let's remember the teachers - veterans of our school. This poem is dedicated to them.

You are a Teacher with a very capital letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

Do you give your soul to the young?

And so the soul for many years

Remains young -

You will be full of happiness and health!

Kuzya runs in.

Kuzya: I understand everything, I also want to go to school!

Accept me to school! I will try very hard.

Leading: Let's admit Kuzya to school.

All. Yes!

Leading:“Here, Kuzya, learn the alphabet, and we will all help you.”

Everyone sings "School Waltz".

Completion of the script for Teacher's Day

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education

Municipal Administration

Usolye - Sibirsky

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school No. 8, named after. A. A. Razgulyaeva"

Designed by: music teacher 1st quarter categories Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8 Usolye - Siberian Utratina O. G.

Teacher's Day

Leading:- I walk on fallen gold, on gold,

And under the feet of the puddles there is fragile glass.

Summer gives way, gives way to cold,

And everything in my soul is as bright as spring.

Today is a quiet day and exceptionally bright,

And in the waltz the leaves fall onto the asphalt.

Today is a holiday - Russian Teacher's Day,

Warm greetings will relieve your stress,

Smoothes out your fine wrinkles

And with an equally happy expression

The stars of your sweet, stern eyes are shining.

For honorable and sometimes painful work

The entire Russian land is grateful to you.

The smartest rulers of the rebellious souls of the boys,

Sorry if we offended you in any way...

God bless you, God bless you, teachers!

1 . – Hello, our dear Teachers! Today we have a festive episode of the program “School and We”. The whole country celebrates a great holiday - Teacher's Day. Today all our reports are dedicated to this date.

What is autumn? No. 1336 (+2)

1.What's going on at school today?

We will answer your question directly:

This is a holiday here with us, here we have it

And the teachers should be congratulated.


Happy to see you all now

At this most exciting hour.

Happiness, smiles, light, kindness

We wish you children.

2.A teacher working at a school

The best teacher in the world,

Because he has his big heart

He gives it to all the children without any reserve.


2. – And we have political news. Yesterday a delegation of teachers visited the principal's office. Issues of external and internal policy of our school, attendance and academic performance were discussed. Our special correspondent reports.

A reporter comes out with a microphone.

Correspondent: - Hello! I am reporting from the director's reception room. As you understand, the meeting is taking place behind closed doors, but we will try to hear something (puts his ear to the door). You won't believe it, but what am I hearing? Again complaints about students.

Song to the tune of “I’m standing at a stop” No. 1287 (+2)

1. I’m standing at recess 6th grade.

Pressed right against the wall,

And kids run past.

And children, as usual,

They make peace, they quarrel,

They fight and scurry back and forth. – 2 rub.

2. And in a reading lesson, 5th grade.

Asking for a poem

I suddenly didn’t hear anything.

In Russian she gave a rule,

And repeat everything correctly

Again, no one could do it for me. – 2 r.

3. And at the music lesson, everyone is together

They said: “Why are you loading us?

We don't need classics anymore.

Jasmine, Alsou and Katya Lel -

We sing with them all day long,

We’ll eat pop until the morning.” – 2 r.

2. - Never-ending repairs. This summer, renovation work on an unprecedented scale took place in the vast expanses of our school. To monitor the progress and quality of work, the school management installed hidden cameras. We present to you a recording made one summer morning.

Scene “Sleepy Painter”

The painter comes out with a bucket and roller. He stretches and falls asleep. A fly flies out and circles around the painter. He waves it away, but the fly continues to bother him with its buzzing. Finally the Painter can't stand it anymore and throws his brush at her.

1. – Now you understand what enormous efforts were made by the school management to ensure that the repairs were done efficiently and on time.

2. – Crime chronicle. Yesterday evening, on the territory of our school, there was a criminal showdown between smokers, high school students and smokers, junior students. The result of the dismantling was the division of the school territory. Now Don Cigarka's clan smokes behind the right corner of the school, and Don Cigarka's clan smokes behind the left. Middle school students can smoke at the interface. We inform you that, to the delight of law enforcement agencies, there was no bloodshed.

1. – Medical news. An authoritative source from the medical office reports that from October 1, a number of paid services will be introduced for truants and test evaders. Thus, issuing a certificate of exemption from lessons with a diagnosis of “inflammation of the cunning” will cost you 500 rubles. Calling an ambulance during a test at the request of an imaginary patient – ​​1000 rubles. All proceeds will go to pay for additional sanatorium vouchers for teachers.

2. – Activists of the school council and school medical workers have compiled a list of the main complaints of students. Based on them, a song was written with the symbolic title “It hurts me, it hurts.”

Song to the tune of “It hurts me, it hurts.” No. 390

Doctor and three sick students (dramatization)

1. I didn’t prepare the lesson,

And there was a reason for that:

The younger brother played with cars,

And I got hit by a car.

I scratched my little finger -

They put a bandage on me

Gave me liberation

And they let me out of class.


It hurts me, it hurts!

This evil pain cannot be relieved!

It hurts me, it hurts!

Let me go home!

2. I have a test now -

Headache, no urine.

I watched the film on VCR,

She went to bed at twelve at night.

I can't remember the formula

And I won’t solve the problem -

Give me release

And I'll go home soon.


How should I write a summary?

At home yesterday I ate something -

It turned out to be indigestion!

I just “made Dew”

“snickered”, I didn’t slow down,

“I ate two bags of Cheetos chips,

I washed everything down with Pepsi-Cola.


2. – Yes, by the way, what did you say about sanatorium vouchers for teachers?

1. - What, you don’t know yet? Our school travel agency offers exclusive tours for subject teachers.

Dramatization by 6th grade students.

3. – So, where should we send philology teachers?

4. – Of course, to the literary places of Russia: Boldino, Karabika... Travel to your health!

5. – Where will the school administration spend their summer vacation?

6. – Vacation packages to a desert island have long been prepared for them. So that no one disturbs or distracts from your rest.

7. – What do we offer to mathematics teachers?

8. – And we invite mathematicians to take a trip to the homeland of Pythagoras.

9. – Where can history teachers relax?

10. – Oh, exclusive for them! A solo journey through the labyrinths of the pyramids in Giza.

11. – Where should we send a geography teacher?

12. – It’s high time for her to see the white spots of the Earth.

13. – Where would a biology teacher be interested?

14. – On an expedition in the footsteps of Professor Paganel. We are waiting for new exotic herbariums.

15. – Where will we send a foreign language teacher?

16. – On a tour of Western Europe.

17. – What will we offer the chemistry teacher?

18. – I’m thinking of taking a trip to Mendeleev’s estate.

19. – We send art teachers on a three-day journey through the halls of the Hermitage.

20. – And the music teachers go to Strauss’s homeland.

21. – Where will we send elementary school teachers to travel?

22. – I propose to send the group to the happy island of Chunga-Changa.

23. – Physical education teacher, a tour to the homeland of the Olympic Games is for you!

24. – And the life safety teacher, together with the team from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will visit the hot spots of the planet.

All: – Happy holidays!

1. – And we have news from the staff room, where “harmless” advice is given to teachers.

“Harmless” advice from 5th graders.

1. If in your lesson

You will hear snoring

Still, there is no need to be indignant

Suddenly in a dream, like Mendeleev,

The student will reveal the law,

And science will advance

For decades to come.

2. If your painting is accurate

The student reproduces

Puts it in diaries, in tests,

On tests, on report cards,

Don't shame, don't scold,

So as not to fade away by accident

In this young talent

Restorer talent.

3. If your class has a bunch of

Very bad kids

They all scream and fight

Don't swear, it's useless.

You better take a pen

With red and fatty pasta

Put “five” on the sheet.

Explain that this assessment

Only you deserve it.

4. If there are children in your class

They love to correspond,

And notes across desks,

They fly like flocks of birds,

There's no need to stop this

A very important job

After all, speech is developing

In constant correspondence,

And perhaps they will

Pushkin or Tolstoy.

2. - That's it. And now news from the State Duma. On the eve of the next elections to the Legislative Assembly, deputies are showing interest in education issues. They visited several schools in our city, where they carried out a control weighing of school bags.

1. – There was no limit to the indignation of the elected representatives. The weight of the portfolios was 2-3 times higher than the norm allowed by the Ministry of Health. We bring to your attention a report from school No. 8.

Scene "Deputies".

The deputies take briefcases from the pile, weigh them, write down the results in a notebook, indignantly show each other the notes, and wave their arms indignantly.

A student appears, bent under the weight of his briefcase. Heading to the deputies.

1 deposit - Comrades, is it really possible for children to carry such heavy weights every day?!

2 dep. - This mess! We will immediately send a request to Moscow, the State Duma, and the Ministry of Health! You can't overload children like that!

3 dep. - Come to us, boy! Show me what textbooks and notebooks you carry in your briefcase?

The student approaches the deputies, opens his briefcase and takes out a bottle of Pepsi-Cola, comic magazines, CDs, chips, a player, etc.

Dep. (in chorus) - Where are the textbooks? Where are the notebooks?

Student. - Yes, that’s it! (takes out a small notebook).

1 deposit - Well done! Now we see that you are ready for classes!

2. – The work of a teacher has always been difficult, because not all students are ready to show zeal in lessons and fulfill the requirements of teachers. But if they cannot always show prudence outwardly, then in their souls each of them repents of their mistakes and vows to improve next time.

Song to the tune of “Road” No. 242 (-5)

1. We sing a song about you, teachers.

Although you were sometimes very strict,

But we know they will be useful to us in life

all your lessons.

When you stand next to your desk,

Look at us with such a stern look,

And you're waiting for a hint, you don't know the answer -

What a shame!

You put a two in your diary -

The student is not ready for the lesson!


Lessons, lessons, lessons, lessons!

Either joy from them, or sadness.

Sometimes your children don't learn their lessons,

They don’t teach – and you’re very sorry!

2. And if we solved all the problems,

And we didn’t miss any letters in the word,

You smile, give a high five -

We deserve this.

And that means you didn’t work in vain,

And we learned something from you.

May you never get angry.

I'm going home light -

I have an A in my diary.


3. Perhaps you are tired in this race,

After all, life passes, and you have become older,

It’s getting more and more difficult to move forward every day,

And there were enough problems.

Then look into the eyes of the children

And read love and respect in them.

We know: school is both joy and pain.

Forgive us for the prank:

It is difficult to go to knowledge.

You are our support on the way.


1. – So the festive episode of the program “School and We” has come to an end. We hope that you were able to smile and look at your students differently.

2. – We all love you very much and are grateful to you for choosing this wonderful profession

All:- Teacher!


    Newspaper "Pedagogical Council"

    Newspaper "Last Call"

    Magazine “How to Entertain Guests”

Presenter 1
Happy Teacher's Day today
We hasten to congratulate you.
Wish you an abyss of patience
We want it with all our hearts.

Presenter 2
Your strength is the word!
So be stronger.
After all, skills and talents
Given to you by the Lord.

Presenter 1
Teacher's Day is a global holiday; it is celebrated in more than a hundred countries. The teaching profession has always been considered honorable. But few people decide to engage in teaching, since the teacher requires serious dedication of strength, enthusiasm, energy and simply the desire to devote himself to this matter.

Presenter 2
However, there is a misconception that everyone can teach and if a person is deprived of abilities, he can safely become a teacher. But can everyone be an experienced teacher, an excellent psychologist and just a good person at the same time? Can anyone explain the material so that every student in the class understands it? Pedagogy is one of the few professions in which there are many subtleties and pitfalls.

Presenter 1
Who helps you step into a new world?

Hall(or other presenter):

Presenter 2
Who taught you to write and read?

Hall(or other presenter):

Presenter 1
Who lends his shoulder in difficult times and defends passionately?

Hall(or other presenter):

Presenter 2
Who teaches children only good things?

Hall(or other presenter):

Presenter 1
We thought for a long time about what surprise to prepare for our teachers.

Presenter 2
And they came up with it! And we ordered the teacher’s horoscope for 2013 from the best city astrologer.

The horoscope is read out one by one by the hosts

Be prepared to spend extra money on office supplies, as pens will break every time you give a two. But basically the school year will pass in the same cheerful rhythm as usual.

You will stop 5300 attempts to cheat. In the second half of the year, it is quite possible to work overtime due to numerous requests from students for additional lessons.

The last call of 2014 will be a joyful and long-awaited event for you, after which the stars promise you an unforgettable vacation on a desert island. And before the rest, you will have good luck when checking tests and homework. There is a foreshadowing of a forest of hands in the classroom.

During the school year, you will more than once hear everyone’s joyful exclamation: “Hurray!” when calling from class. Frequent substitutions are possible in lessons, but not in the core subject. Therefore, we advise you to learn a few songs for a music lesson and prepare a small demonstration program for a physical education lesson: “Higher, faster, further”

a lion
Look forward to a pleasant year with all sorts of little surprises in the form of broken windows, destroyed desks and colorful fireworks in the classroom. Thanks to your patience and skill, 150 students will begin to dream of becoming teachers, so that they can then take revenge on another generation for the bitter hours spent doing homework.

Each new working day will be happier for you than the previous one, the apogee of happiness will come between May 24-25. You should not stock up on valerian, mint and motherwort. You won't have time to take them anyway. It is unlikely, but there is still a chance that wages will increase 5 times.

A simply wonderful school year awaits you. 253 poems, 1522 ditties and 658 song adaptations will be dedicated to you. You can safely sleep an extra half hour in the morning, since all students will be 35 minutes late for your first lessons.

You can witness a miracle when the notebooks for checking will follow you home themselves, which will save you from carrying heavy loads. During the winter, autumn and spring holidays, you will breathe easier, but you shouldn’t relax. Inexorably after the holidays a new quarter begins

The year will pass in labor and worries. Try to teach those who are at least somewhat amenable to learning. It is likely that you will find yourself in exactly the right place and at exactly the right time, which will prevent the school from being set on fire.

For you, the second quarter is a particularly favorable time for spending extracurricular hours. Only your intuition and instinct will help your class finish the school year without failing. There is a high probability that the purchased lottery ticket in the fourth quarter will be a winner - a trip to Paris for the period August 26 - September 1, thus, the beginning of the next school year will be joyful and bright.

During the entire academic year, it is not expected that situations will arise when, in order to create a favorable atmosphere for mastering educational material, it will be necessary to use a water cannon. But you may need help from relatives, friends and colleagues. Victory will be on your side.

At the end of each quarter, you will feel that students do not know the answers to questions related to the material covered. But, nevertheless, from the Olympiads taking place in the city and region, there is a chance that your students will bring medals, which they will then have to give to the real owners and compensate them for damages for clothes that have become unusable during the hand-to-hand fight for the medals.

For the entire school, the 2013-14 school year will be rich in various memorable events, such as Teacher's Day.

Presenter 1
Yes, in order to prepare a surprise for you, we turned to an astrologer - a magician according to the stars.

Presenter 2
But our school has its own magicians and sorcerers, who know the secret of how to manage such a large country of knowledge. This is our director...and our head teachers...

Presenter 1
Now comes the exciting moment! We will hear magic words from the lips of (director’s name and patronymic)

Director speaks

Presenter 2
A real home, a family, begins in childhood. Our school has the youngest students who sat at a school desk for the first time in 2013.

Presenter 1
But they have already managed to appreciate and understand how hard teacher’s work is. Dear teachers! Please accept the congratulations prepared by the first-graders!

Children read poems

Teacher's Day for us
An important holiday without a doubt.
We want to congratulate you
With undisguised excitement.

You are overflowing with goodness
You are our source of inspiration.
Be happy always
You alone are our salvation.

Our first teacher
Positive storage.
You generously share with us
Positive speeches.

You are our favorite teacher
You are our guardian angel!
We can't imagine without you
Our cheerful friendly class.

First-graders dance with balloons, which the children then launch into the auditorium.

Presenter 1
There is a magical atmosphere in our school today.

Presenter 2
Which the head teacher of the school wants to support with his speech...

Speech by the head teacher(s)

Presenter 1
Every year our children, with the help of teachers, discover more and more new and unknown things.

Presenter 2
The children's desire for knowledge does not fade, just as the desire to say words of gratitude to their teachers does not fade. High school students prepared their own poetic and musical congratulations.

Congratulations to high school students:


We would like to congratulate you on this festive hour
All head teachers and teachers.
What would this school be like without you?
So fair and harsh?

The teacher is a mentor who nurtures the class,
Dealing with problems with courage.
In any situation he is alert,
He will help in word and deed.

Cultivate courage and kindness -
His task, without a doubt.
To be an example, an idol for schoolchildren -
It means a lot to them!

The teacher will advise, guide, understand,
Will find any solution.
And this is his good calling,
And children are his inspiration.

Strong with his experience and kindness,
And he is attached to children, of course.
We wish you happiness, health, warmth,
And again our hearty congratulations!

Musical greeting:
to the tune of the song “Dolphin and Mermaid” with lyrics by Igor Nikolaev.

Teachers teaching a lesson
With reverent love for the subject,
And they really like to put “two”
Since there is no answer on the board.

Teachers, you forgot
Learning is not easy
You were young too
And youth will not return again.

Relevant at all times,
Not a couple, not a couple, not a couple.

You listen to us laughing,
We answer questions
And so as not to get a bad grade,
We help each other with spurs.

Today we want to ask
Use doubles less often.
We promise to teach everything,
To earn an A from you!

The teacher and the deuce - this story
Relevant at all times,
The teacher and the two, to be honest,
Not a couple, not a couple, not a couple.

To the tune of the song “You Don’t Want Peace in Your Heart” from the movie “Merry Guys.”

There are many good teachers
They give us so much knowledge.
But only one thing worries us all,
They ask a lot about the house, they ask us.

Dictation will come unexpectedly
When you're not expecting it at all.
And immediately the heart beats faster,
And the lesson is terribly bad, and you sing!

Chorus (2 times)
School, you don’t give us any peace!
School, how good it is to live outside of school!
School, why do we need this?
When, teacher, will you love us more!

Presenter 1
How much a teacher needs to redo in one day! Conduct lessons, assign homework, check a huge number of notebooks.

Presenter 2
Constantly be an uninterrupted motor in the school mechanism. It is necessary to give advice to both first-graders and high school students. And sometimes play the role of a mediator in a school conflict.

Presenter 1
But teachers are also mothers and fathers. And their children need both parental supervision and guidance.

Presenter 2
It’s good that there is such an invention as the telephone - an indispensable assistant in education these days.

(played by high school students)

Imitation of a teacher's room, teachers sit at tables during breaks. One teacher picks up a landline phone.
- Hello, son, have you been home for a long time?
(a boy speaks for his son from behind the scenes)
- Yes, mom, I’m already home from school.
-You had math at school today, what grade did you get? Two?!
- No, mom, I got an A. And also an A in biology and a B in physics.
Mom covers the phone with her hand and tells her colleagues in a victorious voice
- No deuces today! There are only A's and B's!
Colleagues enthusiastically: “Bravo!”
Mom continues talking on the phone
- I asked you to go to the store for bread and milk, I forgot, of course!
- No, mom, I didn’t forget, I bought bread, milk and potatoes.
Again he speaks to his colleagues
- Did not forget! I also bought potatoes!
Teachers give grades without looking at notebooks.
Mom on the phone
- Did you wash the floor?
- And I washed the floor, and took out the trash can, and watered the flowers.
- I took out the trash can myself without a reminder!
Several colleagues faint
By phone
- Son! Kolenka! You can play on the Internet!
- I’m not Kolenka, I’m Igor!
Mom hangs up the phone in disappointment and says to her colleagues with a heavy sigh
- this is someone’s Igor...
and the bell rings for class...

Presenter 1
Our dear teachers! Please accept heartfelt congratulations and words of gratitude from redheads and blondes.

Presenter 2
From brunettes and asteraceae.

Presenter 1
From obedient and not so obedient.

Presenter 2
From excellent students and not quite excellent students.

Presenter 1
Each of them is ready to give you
A million kind and affectionate words!

At this moment, the children walk around the teachers with trays. Teachers take themselves several postcards, notes with wishes and congratulations (they themselves (or instruct the children) to make simple homemade cards in advance).

Presenters together:
Happy holiday!