Cultural program for the new year at home. Thematic New Year. How to organize

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 7 minutes


The patron of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Dog. It is under her patronage that we will enter 2018: no cunning Monkeys, no fiery Dragons, no biting Rats - only a faithful and kind Dog who promises to become a reliable friend to everyone and bring prosperity to every family.

How to meet a Dog - and not disappoint her? For your attention - the main points of preparation for the holiday in the family and the scenario of a fun holiday.

A few hours before the New Year - preparation and organizational moments

For each of us, the New Year is a long-awaited event that begins on December 31 and lasts until the very end of the holidays.

And, of course, in order to have fun during this time, you need to properly prepare.

What does the Earth Dog like?

  • The main shades in clothing and room design: gold and yellow, orange and ashy.
  • Who and where to meet? Only at home with family and closest friends.
  • What to cook? Meat and more.
  • How to celebrate? Noisy, fun, big!
  • What to use in decor? No pretentiousness! A dog is a simple animal, so this year we will do without frills and use only natural materials in the design.

Video: How to celebrate the New Year? Game for the whole family

What do you need for a fun celebration?

  1. and holiday script.
  2. Small gifts for each participant of the feast (on a plate), packed in neat (preferably the same) boxes. For example, small sets of sweets, notebooks and pens with the symbol of the year, or the symbol of the year itself as a souvenir.
  3. Prepared playlist with the necessary compositions.
  4. Props for contests and celebrations (including serpentine, tinsel, confetti, caps, etc.).
  5. Prizes for competitions. Stationery, sweets, and toys are also suitable here.
  6. If there are many guests, but there is little finance, it is not necessary to stuff a bag of gifts for each guest. A symbolic surprise in a beautiful package (preferably handmade) is enough.
  7. Diplomas, cups and medals for all participants. Of course, they need to be prepared in advance.

How to entertain the family for the New Year - options for boring holidays

After the farewell to the Old Year has taken place, you can begin to reward the guests.

Diplomas can be printed at home on a printer by selecting the most relevant ones on the Internet, and then enter the desired text into them.

For example:

  • Pape (cup) - "For golden hands."
  • Mame (letter) - "For endless patience."
  • Daughter (chocolate medal) - "For the first picture on the wallpaper."
  • Grandmother - "For standing in lines for information."
  • And so on.

Video: Family competitions for the new year. Holiday script

And now directly to the fun. In this collection, we have collected for you the most interesting games and contests for different ages.

  1. Comic fortune telling. Age: 6+ . We wrap small items in gift paper - any, depending on your imagination, and on what you find in the house: wrenches and just keys, tassels and globes, wallets and so on. We write in advance the decoding of the meaning of each item. For example, a letter - for positive news, a ring - for a great offer, vitamins - for a year without illness, a map - for travel, and so on. We put the "predictions" in a bag and invite each guest to pull their luck. We write the decryption inside the package. You can provide it with additional wishes.
  2. Me and the tree. Age: 5+. We start the competition with a pre-prepared presentation, in which we collect 2 photos of each guest - in childhood near the Christmas tree and in adulthood. Of course, we accompany the presentation with funny comments on each character. And then each participant in the holiday, young and old, should read a quatrain about winter, New Year and Santa Claus. Or sing a song. Well, in extreme cases, dance or tell a joke. The most shy must portray the character that the guests will indicate to him. Each one is awarded a chocolate medal for courage.
  3. Caught a fish . Age: 6+. We stretch the rope and tie 7-10 threads to it, at the ends of which we hang prizes hidden in mini-bags (pen, apple, lollipop, etc.). We blindfold the first participant and hand (directly into the hand) scissors with which he must cut a gift for himself without looking.
  4. The best Christmas tree. Age: 18+. Couples participate. Each "stylist" dresses up his own "Herringbone". For the image, you can use New Year's toys prepared in advance by the hostess of the house, various cosmetics, ribbons and jewelry, beads, clothing items, tinsel and serpentine, and so on. The brighter the Christmas Tree, the closer the Victory. The jury (tablets with points are prepared in advance) are exclusively children! Don't forget about the main and incentive prizes!
  5. Candle Festival. Age: 16+. What is the new year without candles! This competition is sure to appeal to girls of all ages. We prepare in advance materials that may come in handy (string and shells, colored salt and molds, beads and beads, ribbons and wire, etc.), as well as the candles themselves. It is recommended to choose white candles of different thicknesses and sizes. Plastic glasses and wine glasses for drinks are suitable as coasters (they can be found in any market). Or metal molds.
  6. Quiz "Translator" . Age: 6+. We prepare 50-100 cards in advance, on which a foreign, funny-sounding word is written on one side, and its translation on the other side. For example, "Umbrella" in Ukrainian is "Parasolka", and "T-shirt" is "mother" in Bulgarian.
  7. Quiz "Correct Answer" . Age: 6+. We write out on the cards the most ridiculous and outlandish words from the dictionary of ancient Russian words. For each such word - 3 explanations to choose from. Whoever correctly guesses the meaning of the word wins a prize.
  8. Quiz "Quotes of Great People". Age: 10+. You can prepare a quiz in the form of a presentation, so it will be more convenient for both the guests and the presenter. We show only half of the well-known saying on the screen, and the guests must complete the phrase.
  9. Karaoke for the whole family. Age: 6+. Everyone can participate in the competition. We choose, of course, winter and holiday songs (Three White Horses, Ice Ceiling, Five Minutes, etc.). It is recommended to divide the competition into 2 parts: first, children sing, and adults act as judges, then vice versa. Of course, don't forget about the incentive and main prizes!
  10. Let's travel together! Age: 10+. We prepare cards or a presentation with questions and answers in advance. Each question contains a veiled description of a particular country. For example - "there is a Great Wall here, and this country is considered the birthplace of Confucius." The guesser receives a surprise related to this country (magnet, souvenir symbol, fruit, etc.).
  11. Bowling alley. Age: 6+. What you need: skittles, heavy ball or ball. The essence of the game: the one who manages to knock out the most number of pins wins. Skittles are knocked down only when the participant is blindfolded!
  12. Stop music! Age: for kids. We seat the kids in a circle, give one of them a box with a surprise and turn on the music. With the first notes, the gift should go from hand to hand. The gift is received by the child in whose hands the box remains after the music is stopped. The child who received the gift leaves the circle. The host takes out the next box, and the game continues. And so on until only one kid is left without a gift - we simply hand him a gift.
  13. Who is bigger? Age: for kids. Each child takes turns saying a word related to the New Year. The child who "takes a break" (cannot remember anything) is out. The main prize goes to the child with the most solid vocabulary.
  14. Relay race with tangerines. Age: for kids. We line up the children in two lines, put a tray of tangerines on the table, give a spoon to each first in the lines and put 2 plastic baskets - one per team. Task: run to the table (at the end of the room) through obstacles, pick up a tangerine with a spoon, bring it to a plastic basket and pass the spoon to the next player. Back we run, bypassing obstacles! As obstacles, you can use a stretched rope, sofa cushions, etc. The team that fills the basket first wins.

Remember: even the losers should receive prizes. Let comforting, modest - but it is necessary!

Yes, adults too. After all, the New Year is a holiday of magic, not resentment and grief.

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family ties, have fun, and enter the new year with loved ones. If you take care of fun, food, drinks, games and entertainment in advance, then you will have a wonderful time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare homemade meals. Taking into account the fact that on New Year's Eve food delivery rises in price (as well as other products before the holidays), nothing prevents you from spending a little money and preparing a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can’t afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Prepare fun appetizers and desserts. Try making cookies, toffees, or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy over New Year's Eve. You can also add New Year's spirit and prepare special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts like Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake that hides a coin in the dough when baked. It is believed that a person who comes across a piece with a coin will be lucky in the coming year.

    Prepare festive drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails. All children love hot cocoa, sugary drinks and carbonated grape juice. You can also make other cocktails with strawberries and kiwis, cranberries and peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “adult” plastic utensils so that the children celebrate with you. For adults, you can prepare separate cocktails or stick to the classic champagne option.

    Watch movies. Include movies you already have in your collection and buy new releases you've been wanting to watch for a long time. Make movies one of the many entertainments or arrange non-stop movie watching. During the movies, you can eat snacks and drink drinks that you have prepared together.

    Create a New Year's photo corner. Organize a place in the room where you can take pictures. Choose a wall or corner to use as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade holiday decorations. You can also print some fancy dress details to make your own photo props.

    Put on sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear their best clothes to feel like part of the New Year's ball. You can turn on music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make pouches to keep track of time. Place various goodies and sweets in small bags to open one bag every hour while waiting for midnight. The number of pouches you need depends on what time you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use construction paper, thread, and embellishments to make party hats. Also try making homemade Christmas rattles by putting rice, confetti and glitter in plastic bottles. Close them with a lid and shake them loudly to greet the arrival of the New Year noisily. You can also fix balloons under the ceiling and release them when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Think back to the past year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight, or at any other time, get together and remember what happened last year with each of you individually and with the whole family. After that, try to formulate plans for the next year. You can make a plan for the whole family to be responsible for it to each other.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If there are small children in the family, it will be difficult for them not to fall asleep before midnight. Try celebrating the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or the Japanese. Thanks to this, small children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

  1. Do not forget about those who are a little bored of spending New Year's Eve with their families. Teenagers and young adults tend to think that by staying home for the New Year, they are missing out on all the fun. You can ask them about the pleasant moments of the outgoing year and expectations for the next 12 months. This conversation will help you get closer.
  2. You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members will not want to party all night! If you are tired and want to go to bed earlier, then this is completely normal. In the morning there will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be slightly shifted.
  3. Warnings

  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Be mindful of your neighbors when you turn on the music. Even on New Year's Eve, people have small children and sick relatives.
  • If you spend the whole evening regretting that you stayed with your family and could have had much more fun, then it will be difficult for you to feel the moment and appreciate its importance. It will be much easier and more fun for you if you consider this as another great way to celebrate the New Year. Think about what you have avoided - long taxi waits, drunken brawls, slightly crazy crowds of people who strive to hug everyone in honor of the New Year!

Before inviting guests, take care of home New Year's comfort. It's so nice when the pre-holiday atmosphere reigns at home. It reminds you of the upcoming holiday, and this instantly improves your mood. Here are a few options for decorating your home simply and tastefully:

  • buy spruce branches, sprinkle them with glitter varnish and put them in a vase. If you have a chest, a box, you can put them there;
  • be sure to purchase the main symbol of the coming year - an earthen pig. Put it in the living room on the fireplace or coffee table. Next to the pig, you can put acorns, nuts;
  • if you have Christmas socks or flags to decorate your house for the new year, hang them in front of the fireplace, near the TV;
  • windows can be decorated with stencils, themed New Year's stickers;
  • make your own Christmas wreath. It is not necessary to make a wreath from spruce branches, you can take rods, hard fabric, wire as a basis;
  • garlands, lanterns. candles are those interior items that give a sense of celebration and a magical atmosphere in the house. Feel free to hang them throughout the apartment.

If you live in a private house, decorate the outside of your home. For decoration, use bright lights, make snowmen, decorate plantings and trees on the site with New Year's toys.


Use plastic toys to decorate street trees, the glass on the street will quickly break.

How to spend the New Year at home with your family

Most families prefer warm home gatherings at the New Year's table. Invite relatives, if there are children in your house, be sure to think over entertainment for them too. It is better to choose family games in which all participants will be involved, regardless of age. Here are some ideas for New Year's Eve:

  • game "What's in the box?". A couple of days before the new year, look for a large box, decorate it with tinsel, foil. Make a hole in the center so that you can stick your hand into the box. Now prepare the contents for filling: these should be unusual things (glasses with a nose, a skirt, wigs). During the celebration, turn on the music and pass the box clockwise to everyone at the table. As soon as the music has stopped, the person who has the box must pull out the first object that comes across and put it on himself. You can offer to dance a short dance in such an outfit, for example, then it will be even more fun to play;
  • Fairy tale game. You will need a piece of paper and a pen. The host announces that all guests must complete the fairy tale with one sentence or phrase. You can suggest a topic and write the first sentences, then the sheet is folded so that the previously written is not visible. You can ask the next participant, whose turn it is to write, a leading question so that the continuation of the tale turns out to be logical, but very funny. Playing such a game is fun, even if the family consists of 3-4 people;
  • Wish game. The meaning of the game is that you need to say a wish to the neighbor on the left. Wishes made earlier should not be repeated. The atmosphere at the table will be warm and touching;
  • Memories game. A couple of hours before the holiday, give each participant a task to remember a funny or warm story from your common past. At the New Year's table, let everyone tell about their memories;
  • creative competition. Write pieces of paper with the words "Snow Maiden", "Snowman", "Santa Claus, "Herringbone". Put the wallets in the hat and let the participants draw it out. The participant must either sing a song with the name of his staff, recite a verse, dance a dance. You can even offer to play a scene, it will be interesting, especially for children;
  • "Get an apple." A simple but funny contest can be held for the new year. Pour water into a bowl, put an apple in it. The participant needs to get an apple from the basin, while using his hands is prohibited;
  • "Snowflake". Make a small snowflake out of a piece of cotton wool. Throw it up in the air and blow on it. The main task is to prevent the snowflake from falling to the floor. All household members will be involved;
  • letter assignment. The host thinks of a word on the New Year's theme, and other participants must name words from the New Year's theme into letters from the proposed letters. For example, the host thought of the word "Snow Maiden". Participants take turns saying words starting with the letter “C”: snow, snowflake, icicle, then starting with the letter “H” - new year, outfit.

On a note!

Throughout the apartment, hide little gifts from Santa Claus with clues to where the next one is. In the meantime, put the main gift under the tree.

If you have card games or games like "Monopoly", "Crocodile", then take them out and invite the household to play. If you, on the contrary, like experiments and outdoor entertainment, then arrange a dance competition or a parody competition. If you have a karaoke house, you can arrange a talent show. Take care of the prizes for the participants: buy in advance some memorable souvenirs, trinkets, sweet prizes. For the most active participant in the evening, make a special gift - you can give a craft or other memorable gift.

Make it a tradition to walk around the city before New Year's Eve, for sure you have ice towns, slides, snow sculptures in your city. Gather your family and go outside. You can go to the forest, play snowballs, make a snowman and have fun. Fans of outdoor activities like to celebrate the New Year at the recreation centers, why not go to the fresh air? This is a great option to be with your family and take a break from the bustle of the city. Take the smallest family members to the Christmas tree or invite Santa Claus to visit. The child will be happy, and the memories of this will remain for life.

How to spend the New Year at home with friends

If you plan to celebrate the new year 2019 in the company of friends, then have fun from the heart. The meeting place can be not only a restaurant, cafe, but also an ordinary apartment. Invite loved ones for the evening. You can arrange a theme party and arrange costumes in advance. For example, set the theme of the holiday to "Animals". Then your buddies should come in costumes of any animals. You can agree on a Viennese masquerade, it will be more aristocratic.


If you have a cottage with winter accommodation, then it is ideal for meeting the new year.

Think about in which part of the apartment you will accommodate guests and arrange a competitive program. Free up the room a little: rearrange the flowers, remove small unnecessary furniture. Make a New Year's menu, prepare a buffet table with soft drinks. You can involve friends: assign someone to be in charge of buying alcohol, and so on.

The culmination of the evening will certainly be an entertainment program. There are so many contests on how to entertain your guests that it's hard to imagine. Here are the most popular ideas for compiling a competitive program:

  • Film Marathon. Ask your friends to take turns naming all the famous Christmas movies. Whoever knows the most can be rewarded with a prize;
  • game "What's in the box", but only version 18+. The essence of the game is the same as described above, but the content of the box will be different: men's underpants, bras, socks. The more extraordinary things there are, the more fun the game will be;
  • game "What's my name" Prepare stickers and markers, distribute them to guests. Each guest must guess an animal and write it on a piece of paper. Glue a piece of paper on the forehead of a neighbor, while he should not know what animal he has written. With the help of leading questions, the guest needs to guess about his animal, whoever does it faster wins;
  • "Trial cartoons". Bring some creativity into New Year's Eve. Prepare sheets of paper and pencils. Let the guests feel a little like children and draw. You will need to draw a neighbor, but the neighbor himself should not know about it. The facilitator collects art in one pack, and then takes out one drawing at a time. and the guests must guess who is drawn there. The one who guessed correctly takes the art as a keepsake;
  • "Wish Alphabet" In turn, each guest should wish everyone present a wish for a letter of the alphabet, sort through all the letters and start: A - appetite, B - B - well-being, C - luck and continue like this until the very end of the alphabet;
  • toasting competition. Who will say the most unusual toast with creative congratulations will receive a prize;
  • "Dancing with body parts." In the second part of the holiday, when things move smoothly to dancing. invite the guests to stand in the center of the hall and announce the rules of the game: you need to move only with that part of the body that the host calls. Legs, arms, lips, head and even tongue will be used. It will be a lot of fun, don't forget to capture your friends in the most unusual poses on your camera;
  • themed fans. Time the theme of writing fantas to the symbol of the coming year. Let the tasks be like “roll in impromptu mud”, “scratch your side”, “grunt loudly”. Put fanta in a hat, let each guest get his task;
  • "taster". If there is a large selection of alcoholic beverages, select a participant, blindfold him, and supply a variety of alcoholic beverages. By smell and taste, the participant will determine what is poured in his glass. For each correctly named position, treat the participant with a candy or any sweet;
  • "guess the movie" Make freeze-frames in advance from famous Soviet and foreign films on the New Year theme. Guests must guess the frames, whoever guesses the most wins.

In addition to exciting competitions, you can hold a small master class on making New Year's cocktails. Put alcoholic drinks, juices, ice, fruits on the table. Let everyone come up with their own cocktail and make a presentation of it. The cocktail should have a name. If you don't drink alcohol, then do a similar master class on making and presenting desserts. At the end of the evening arrange a disco. Prepare a playlist before the celebration so you don't waste time picking up music during the celebration. Don't forget to include slow songs in your playlist as well.

In order to appease the patron of the year, you need to celebrate New Year's Eve in a large company or with your family. You need to spend time actively, so it’s better to think in advance how you will celebrate the New Year at home with your family, and try to make sure that everyone has fun and interesting.

  • "Unification of cultures"
  • "Dandies"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 at home

Traditionally, the New Year is considered a family holiday, in which all family members take part, therefore, when developing a program for a celebration, one must take into account that it is suitable for everyone. Entertaining competitions and games should be interesting, both the younger generation and beloved grandparents should participate.

You can organize joint entertainment already in the process of preparing for the holiday. The joint production of original desserts, unusual decorations for the home or Christmas tree will rally the whole family around an exciting activity and create a festive atmosphere.

The feast will be held solemnly and joyfully, if you can create the appropriate mood. Even if the event takes place at home, it is necessary to choose beautiful outfits for all family members. Special costumes or suitable elements of the outfit will help turn the participants of the festival into fairy-tale characters.

In the absence of the necessary attributes, a theme party can easily be replaced by elegant evening dresses. Musical accompaniment also plays an important role, rhythmic, cheerful songs will create a mood and give a positive charge.

A special role in the holiday scenario should be given to competitions and games, especially if you are spending a holiday with children in the country or at home. Among the large number of fun, choose those that will allow the assembled guests to show ingenuity, sense of humor and artistry.

Let's look at some examples of entertainment:

1. "Music competition". In order for the competition to be fun, you need to choose the appropriate props. Any object with which you can make sounds will do, for example: a sheet of paper, a baby rattle, a saucepan and a spoon. Participants are divided into teams, each of which must perform a New Year's song using the proposed "instruments". The most artistic and creative performers will be the winners.
2. "Christmas tree". This unusual game will captivate children and adults, and give a whole storm of positive emotions. The essence of entertainment is simple: you need to draw a Christmas tree and decorate it beautifully, but you need to do this with your eyes closed. At the beginning of the game, the participants are divided into teams. Representatives of each team go to a large sheet of paper, they are blindfolded and given the appropriate props. The task of the “artists” is to listen to the prompts of their team: how to draw a line, place an ornament and complete the drawing. The most beautiful Christmas tree wins.
3. "Gift bag". You can start fun entertainment while sitting at the festive table, for this there is a simple and interesting game. The first participant says any item that may be in Santa Claus's bag, the second participant repeats the named item and adds his own. The game continues in a circle and the one who forgot at least one item is out. The most attentive player wins.

For any fun and competitions, it is necessary to prepare prizes and consolation gifts in advance. You can also celebrate the New Year in an unusual and interesting way as part of a themed evening dedicated to your favorite fairy tales, foreign countries or folk traditions.

How to celebrate the New Year in an original way with friends

For a large company, a themed evening is best suited, within which the event is prepared in the same style and each participant of the evening is sure to be involved. The appropriate menu, games and musical accompaniment are selected for the chosen theme, and we will consider the most inventive ideas for holding the evening further.

"Unification of cultures"

Traditions, customs and customs of other countries are always interesting, and if they are told in a festive atmosphere by the banquet participants, it will be doubly interesting. Each participant of the event chooses the country he likes and tries to transform into its resident. He must choose the appropriate outfit, master the habits and characteristics of the representatives of the chosen nationality and learn a few foreign phrases.

During the feast, each guest is given the opportunity to tell or demonstrate interesting customs and customs of the chosen state. The rest of the participants can ask questions and discuss what they heard. Joint games should also reflect the theme of the event, so the most relevant will be fun that is popular in different countries. Each "foreigner" also chooses a song that corresponds to the culture of the country of which he is a representative, and performs a national dance.

Advice! Let each guest prepare the national dish of the chosen country and bring it with them. The festive table will be decorated with masterpieces of foreign cuisine, and everyone will have the opportunity to try unusual delicacies.


A riot of colors and endless dancing will be the hallmarks of the event in this format. Bright, creative costumes that can be assembled from several elements, sewn on your own or purchased in a store, as well as appropriate hairstyles and makeup, will help to celebrate the New Year at home with friends in a fun and unusual way. Snacks are best organized as a buffet or buffet. Colorful canapés, light sandwiches and pies with various fillings are perfect for a dance evening.

Incendiary hits, corresponding to the idea of ​​the event, will finally take you to the past era and allow you to feel the spirit of youth, mischief and style. Dancing will require a large space, so be sure to make room and get ready to meet the most fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Another idea of ​​how fun and interesting to celebrate the New Year at home will take you to the magical world of your favorite fairy tales. At the New Year's feast, your favorite heroes will come to life: sorcerers, princesses, brave queens, invincible warriors and forest evil spirits.

It is best to choose one narrative and invite guests to parse the appropriate roles. The entire scenario of the event should be drawn up with the participation of fairy-tale characters, and the games can be closely intertwined with the storyline of the fairy tale.

To create a unique fabulous atmosphere, you need to work on the interior in advance. Candles in candlesticks, mirrors, antique furniture, beautiful tablecloths will certainly please the princes and princesses who came to the celebration. Beautiful music and exquisite dishes will come in handy, and the main masquerade competition will determine the owner of the most unusual costume.

Ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2019 with children and family

It is quite easy to please little fidgets during the holiday, but the task of adults is to make the holiday memorable. In order to organize a fun family holiday at home with children, follow some rules:

Be sure to include creative contests in the entertainment program, this may be the choice of the best drawing, vocal or dance numbers;
prepare as many sweets and gifts as possible, participation in competitions and victories must be encouraged;
select some interesting outdoor games, children will not be able to sit at the festive table for a long time;
involve everyone present in the fun and entertainment, the kids should not feel cut off from the common holiday.

You can draw up a program of events with the participation of fairy-tale characters or heroes of your favorite cartoons. In order to celebrate the New Year with children in a fun and interesting way, combine various games, contests and tests into one scenario for the New Year's quest.

Draw a map showing the location of the New Year's gifts, and together with the young heroes go through all the stations on the way to the treasured treasure. At each station, contests and tasks will await the participants: tell a poem, sing a New Year's song, guess a riddle. The tests may also include drawing, dancing, and acting classes.

Note! When organizing events for children, stock up on the necessary amount of props in advance. Lack of art materials, toys or sweet prizes can lead to unpleasant conflicts.

We meet together: a romantic New Year

The New Year's feast is more often associated with noisy companies, but you can spend this magical night at home with your loved one in an exciting and unforgettable way. The secret to creating a romantic atmosphere is simple: you need attention to detail. The soft light of the garlands in the room, delicious dishes on the table, candles, joint photographs, reminiscent of the best moments of the outgoing year, will immediately set you in the right mood. It is better to choose your favorite films and music in advance, and also think over holiday outfits.

A homely cozy atmosphere, a festive table and a favorite movie are indispensable attributes of the traditional holiday of lovers. However, you can show your imagination and move your other half to a world far from the daily routine. Here are some ideas:

1. "Oriental tale". Try on New Year's Eve to be transported to the unique world of the East. From improvised materials, build a tent filled with pillows and incense aromas. Prepare a fruit hookah and oriental sweets, select the appropriate music. The culmination of the theme evening should be an oriental dance, performed according to all the rules.
2. "Country house". Imagine yourself as the happy owners of a cottage located in a picturesque corner. Spread an artificial skin on the floor, light candles and take out long cozy sweaters. Quiet conversation, mulled wine and pleasant music will help you relax and remember the best moments of the outgoing year.
3. "Spa". The bathroom is perfect for creating a romantic getaway in this style. You will need bright candles, rose petals and fragrant foam. Stock up on massage oils and bathrobes, prepare light seafood snacks and alcoholic cocktails.

When planning a romantic holiday, it is better to consult with your soul mate in advance and choose an option that suits both of you. To make the evening more interesting, small surprises prepared in advance by lovers will help. It can be unexpected gifts, exciting stories, creative performances or a spontaneous photo shoot. Give each other emotions that will be remembered for the whole year.

Holidays allow us to escape from the usual everyday life and daily worries, relax and have fun. Children are looking forward to the beginning of the holiday, and even adults every year, with bated breath, believe in a New Year's fairy tale. Please your family and friends, and think in advance how fun and unusual to celebrate the New Year 2019.

The modern entertainment industry provides a lot of opportunities for an unusual celebration. In special stores, you can buy home decorations, New Year's costumes, ready-made games for a fun company, and even holiday scenarios.

The main thing is to choose the main idea and theme of the holiday, and make all the preparations in advance. Guests will be happy to support the unusual format of New Year's Eve, because deep down every adult remains a child.

There are only a few days left before the New Year, but there is still so much to redo, draw up a menu, buy provisions and gifts, and organize a holiday. Many people celebrate the New Year in the company of loved ones according to traditions designed to bring good luck and success in the coming year. Different cultures celebrate this happy day in their own unique way. As a rule, customs and traditions include celebrating with champagne and a variety of different dishes. The New Year marks the date of newfound happiness and a clean slate. For many, the celebration is an opportunity to compare experiences with the previous year and make positive changes in their lives.

Corporate for the New Year

Not all organizations can afford to take employees out of town or organize a trip to a restaurant; sometimes you have to be content with a conference room or an office lobby. However, the merry New Year's holiday is not canceled, and everything needs to be thought out so that it remains in the memory of colleagues for a long time. Usually each worker brings some ready-made dish or salad on the X day. Offices, departments and corridors are decorated. Everyone gathers in the conference room or settles in the lobby, sets the table, the music turns on and the "fun" begins. The CEO gets up, raises a glass to the employees, makes a speech, and that's the end of the official part. People start tasting dishes, wines and other spirits. And the next day, he remembers who was wearing what, who brought what and how drunk he was.

Corporate party with Baba Yaga

However, this scenario for the New Year can be changed with a little ingenuity and a little effort. You can make a traditional matinee, but only for adults, invite Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga or grow them in your team. Conduct a survey among colleagues, maybe someone wants to spend the evening in the costumes of these fairy-tale characters. For the holidays, all "boys" should be bunnies, and "girls" should be snowflakes. It is not necessary to sew a starched gauze dress and a bunny costume, it is enough to buy masks or headbands with bunny ears, and wrap the ladies in tinsel and also offer them a variety of masks.

Contests for the New Year

You can put a stable chair or a low bench near the Christmas tree or in the middle of the hall and take turns inviting colleagues to read a poem or sing a song. For the completed task, Santa Claus should give the “children” a gift - a candy or a glass of tea. It is necessary to think over funny contests for the New Year, but it is better not to use vulgar and frivolous ones if the team is large and consists mainly of respectable uncles and aunts. Although many people will like interesting riddles about employees. For example, "who here always dances with a tambourine, nervously waves the wires, he fixes the computer, sends it to the accounting department," or "he gives us money, he knows the income and expenses, he knows how to count everything, not to forget anything." A gift is also given for the guessed riddle.

With proper organization and preparation, the question of how to have a fun corporate party for the New Year will not arise.

family celebration

Not everyone knows how to celebrate the New Year with their families, someone thinks that no effort is needed at home, it is enough to set the table, buy alcohol and turn on the TV. At best, such people will take care of buying fireworks to set off on a festive night. However, your loved ones deserve the best, and they too should know how to have a fun New Year's Eve at home.

Family holiday in the style of the USSR

If a large family is going to several generations, then the flight of fantasy is simply unlimited. You can make a themed holiday in the style of the 70s-80s of the last century: decorate the Christmas tree with old toys and tinsel, cut out garlands and balls from colored paper and postcards with the kids, cook dishes that were popular in those years, such as chicken on salt, herring under a fur coat, Olivier. You can ask the older generation if there were any special family recipes that were prepared only for the New Year.

You can also pick up the then fashionable music and even download the Blue Light program of those years, watch a comedy, a fairy tale or Soviet cartoons. It will be very interesting if everyone tries to dress in the style of the chosen time, including children. By the way, the kids can tie red ties or pin the Octobrist badge on their clothes. You can also ask the older generation to bring albums with old photographs and magazines, if someone has them, to remind you how fun it was to spend the New Year in those days.

Be sure to dress up one of the relatives as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, arrange a mini-performance with children, a round dance, riddles and give out gifts from a bag. After the chiming clock and a small snack, it would be nice to go outside and make a snowman with the kids, arrange a snowball fight and fall in a snowdrift. The whole family can go to the city Christmas tree and ride down the hill.

In this scenario, everyone should like the holiday, and you can tell your colleagues and friends about how to have a fun family New Year next year.

In the forest with family and friends

This winter holiday can be celebrated not only at home, but also in the forest. With the right preparation and organization, it can be turned into a fairy tale. Of course, if there is a snowstorm outside the window and minus thirty, this answer to the question of how to spend the New Year fun is not suitable. However, if the weather allows, then why not arrange such a holiday in the style of "Twelve Months".

Be sure to take care of warm clothes and thermal underwear for yourself and your children. It is better to go out into nature in several cars, so that in case of emergency there is someone to help. Do not forget about drinks and snacks, it is better to take hot tea in a thermos, a variety of sandwiches. Adults can add a few drops of strong drinks to tea, of course, those who are driving should not be given such a drink. It is not forbidden to bring a brazier with you and start barbecues and grill on coals.

It would also be nice to decorate the forest, for these purposes they take battery-operated garlands and Christmas tree decorations. It is better not to take tinsel, not to litter nature. When evening comes, you need to light all the garlands and see how beautiful the forest is at this time of the year, and everyone will understand how fun it is to spend the New Year with your family.

With the kids, you can build a variety of fortresses, dig passages, stick snowmen, play catch-up and snowball fights. It is better, of course, not to stay overnight in the winter forest, although if you thoroughly prepare, then it will be interesting to spend the night. For these purposes, tents, sleeping bags are taken, a special thermal protective coating is laid on the floor, which protects from the cold. Also, a heater is installed in the tent for children (preferably under the supervision of adults). And in the morning you can build a fire, make forest winter tea and find gifts from Santa Claus under the trees.

new year together

It so happens that this winter holiday has to be met together. If this is a young couple, then the scenario for the New Year may not be one, but several. It can be an ordinary romantic evening by candlelight and a lit Christmas tree, with a fragrant dinner and slow music. Outfits can be varied, ranging from the usual Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and ending with an English teacher and a student.

The holiday can be spent first at home, and then continue on the street:

  1. Go to the skating rink, go skiing in the forest, visit the city Christmas tree.
  2. Travel around the city at night by taxi or by car, if you wish, you can even take passengers.
  3. Go outside and build snowmen, roll in the snow and play snowballs.
  4. Dress up as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and walk the streets, wish Happy New Year and give gifts, sweets and tangerines.

Even if you are well over twenty, then all these tips will help answer the question of how to have a fun New Year together at home.

In the country

Not everyone wants to celebrate the winter holiday in the city, and many prefer going out into nature - to the country house or the village. You will have to take care of such an event in advance, go, reconnoiter the situation, clean the road, heat the house. It is also worth taking care of the accommodation of guests, stock up on warm blankets and pillows. If there is a sauna in the country, then, most likely, friends will want to take a steam bath, so do not forget about firewood, coal and water.

Holiday in the country - good luck all year!

On the day "X" you will need to bring decorations for the house and the Christmas tree, the green beauty itself, if one has not grown on the plot. How to have fun in the new year? Decorating with friends the cottage and surroundings. It is advisable that each of the guests take ready-made salads and snacks with them so that they do not have to mess around with all this. But hot can be cooked on the grill or on the grill. You can organize a tent around it, put tables, benches and chairs. The heat from the brazier will warm those present, and the tent will not allow the cold wind to penetrate inside. Just don't forget about safety. This also applies to the launch of fireworks and sparklers, it is better to do all this away from home.

At the dacha, you need to organize fun contests for the New Year. For example, whoever builds a snowman the fastest, tells the funniest joke, rides in bags through snowdrifts and throws tinsel on the highest branch. Rolling in a snowdrift and ordinary snowballs will add even more fun. The holiday should be celebrated in such a way that next time there will not even be a question of how to spend the New Year in the country with fun.


Not everyone wants or manages to celebrate the New Year in a noisy company, someone prefers loneliness or is forced to put up with it. However, a holiday is a holiday, and it still needs to be celebrated. For yourself, you need to save a bottle of fizzy drink, a couple of fish sandwiches, salad and hot. If there is no desire to cook, then everything you want can be ordered from sites with ready-made food.

You can prepare some interesting and funny comedies for this evening, call relatives or friends on Skype, or maybe find the same lonely person in the chat and chat with him. You can go to the local Christmas tree or just go to bed early. There are a lot of options for celebrating the New Year alone, the main thing is not to lose heart.