Additional payments to military pensioners from 01.02. By decree of the President, the state will pay a special supplement to military pensioners. Subsidy for payment of housing and communal services


Since the beginning of the year, military pensions have been indexed by 4%. In many sources of information, news appeared that in addition to the main increase, there should also be an allowance from February 1 in the amount of 2,500 rubles. Will she really? Whether the pensions for military personnel will be increased by another 2,500 rubles, the journalists figured out.

Since February 1, 2018, military pensioners from the state receive an additional payment. Many media outlets wrote that it would amount to 2,500 rubles, but they misinform the population. Yes, this category of elderly citizens will indeed receive a surcharge, but not in this amount. The amount will be "floating", for each different.

Why they didn’t pay an allowance of 2,500 rubles to military pensioners in February 2018: Orders from Vladimir Putin

On October 25, as part of a meeting with government officials, the current leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, first of all raised the issue of raising military pensions next year. The President instructed nevertheless to fulfill the promise given to the servicemen, and to immediately make an increase. Vladimir Putin noted that for the period 2011-2017. payments to the military increased only 1.9 times. Earlier, the president said, the indexation of the monetary allowance of servicemen and military pensions took place simultaneously. The budget for 2018 has already included funds to increase benefits for the military from January 1, and from February 1 - to index payments to military personnel. But these two processes should be carried out simultaneously from January 1, the leader of the country said.

Anton Siluanov (Ministry of Finance) said: it is possible to increase military pensions from the beginning of the new year, because incomes make it possible to carry out Vladimir Putin's order. So far, the government's decree has not been signed, but military pensioners can be sure that their pensions will increase from January 1. It is preliminary reported how much the payments will increase: the planned percentage of indexation is 4%. Thus, on average, after the increase, the amount of pensions for the military will be 24,500 rubles.

Because in Russia the standard of living of elderly people is low, the government is simply obliged to increase their pensions. According to the latest news, from January 1, 2018, military pensions will rise to the level of inflation. Those who have served in the army for at least 20 years can receive this type of pension payment. Also, recipients of military pensions are Russian citizens suspended from service for health reasons up to 45 years old, and all who have reached retirement age and the required level of service.

Why didn’t they pay an allowance of 2,500 rubles to military pensioners in February 2018: Who is entitled to a pension increase?

According to the decree signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the following categories of pensioners are entitled to increase their pensions from February 2018.

The pension provision of military personnel is regulated by a special legislative act, therefore, in the procedure and conditions for establishing a military pension, there are a number of features:

  • payments are made from the federal budget;
  • funds for the maintenance of this category of persons are transferred not through the FIU, but through relevant ministries(these may be: the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.).

The state also provides for family members of a serviceman in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, if he died while on duty or died while receiving a military pension.

It is necessary to timely inform the authorities that transfer pension payments about the death of the recipient. Overpaid funds are recovered in court.

Types and conditions for assigning military pensions

  • payment is made through the branch Russian Post at the place of residence of the pensioner (in this situation, the postman can bring it to the house, or the citizen will independently receive it at the post office);
  • by transferring funds to account in Sberbank(a person can draw up a card and withdraw a pension from it at a convenient time for him);
  • if a pensioner is not able to receive a pension himself (due to poor health, hospitalization, etc.), he has the right to give power of attorney to a third party. The authorized person comes for payment with his passport, a photocopy of the pensioner's passport and a power of attorney.

Upon delivery of a pension to a person's home, specific date issuance of pension funds according to the existing delivery schedule. The issuance of a pension in a bank or post office is carried out within the established delivery period.

Terms and schedule of payment of military pensions

Depending on the type of collateral, the payment can be assigned for different periods of time:

  • Security by seniority- until the end of life.
  • By disability- for the period of validity of the certificate from the medical and social examination (including indefinitely).
  • On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner- while the beneficiary of the security is considered incapacitated.

According to the legislation, pension authorities consider an application for a pension within 10 days from the date of application. If not all the papers that are required are provided, the pension is assigned from the moment the full package of documents is submitted (if the 3-month period for supplementing the package of papers has expired).

- the period of time during which the collateral is paid directly to its recipient.

The procedure for paying pensions is based on the following principles:

  • this period starts from the 3rd of the current month;
  • the date of receipt of payment is set within approved schedule;
  • delivery of a pension intended for payment on holidays and weekends can be made ahead of schedule(not earlier than 3 days before the scheduled date);
  • money not received on time can be obtained later in the current month within the delivery period or in the next month on the basis of the relevant order of the pension authorities.

Conditions for suspension and termination

If certain reasons arise, the payment of a pension may be suspended, and after their exclusion - resumed. But there are situations when the payment of all possible types of pensions stops altogether. This is possible in such cases:

  • an error was found in the documents when establishing pension provision;
  • termination of the document, which is necessary for the purpose of payment;
  • when appointing another (higher) type of pension payment, etc.

Provision for long service not paid if the person resumes the service for which he was appointed. Suspension is coming from the 1st month following the month in which the person entered the position.

With regard to disability and survivor benefits, the following factors may affect their suspension:

  • Absence of a disabled person recertification to the ITU.
  • Expired certificates of full-time education a student receiving a survivor's benefit.

Military pension when moving to another region

If a citizen moves to another region, he must first apply at the previous place of residence and apply for the suspension of pension payments and the resumption of it at a new address. In this case, the presence of registration does not matter, it is enough indication of the actual address where the former military intends to move.

The recipient of military support at the new place of residence will be extended the payment of the pension, taking into account the date of its suspension.

If you have any questions regarding the appointment and transfer of a military pension, you need to contact Military Commissariat at the location of the payment case.

It is worth considering the fact that when a military pensioner moves from the regions of the Far North to another permanent place of residence, he preserved the amount of the pension, taking into account the corresponding district coefficient (with a length of service of 15 years for these districts and 20 years for areas equated to them).

Military pensioners belong to a certain category of citizens for whom a different procedure for calculating and calculating pensions is established. Its size does not depend on the accumulated individual points. The calculation of the size is based on reducing components and length of service.

How is it calculated

In Russia, military retirement is equated with age. The military belongs to the category of citizens who are entitled to registration of early preferential pension. It can be of two types:

Estimated size

A military pension supplement can be accrued upon the onset of disability or. In addition, there are still a certain number of reasons why you can count on an additional amount to your pension.

The amounts of the allowances are spelled out in. It states that the indexation of allowances and pensions should be based on an increase in the estimated amount. Myself the calculated size corresponds to the value. Thus, the increase in its amount occurs simultaneously with the growth of social pension payments.

As a result of the increase in the estimated amount, allowances are being increased for certain categories of pensioners in the military sector who are entitled to additional payments.


The legislation establishes several types of allowances that can be established for a military pensioner, depending on the type of pension he receives. Military pension supplements are established in the following cases:

  • upon reaching ;
  • the presence of dependents;
  • the onset of disability as a result of a previously received military injury.

The estimated size is set individually in each case.

Increased values

The procedure for establishing allowances for military pensioners is established by Law No. 4468-1. Pensions will be increased in the following categories and in the following amounts:

  1. Heroes of the Soviet Union and persons with the Order of Personal Glory 3rd degree - in the amount 100 % .
  2. Heroes of labor in total 50 % from a military pension.
  3. 50 % established for participants of any kind of Olympic Games.
  4. 15 % due to citizens who were awarded the Order "For Service in the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR".
  5. 32 % former prisoners of concentration camps receive from the estimated size.

Military pension supplements 2019

Collateral Indexing

The indexation of the insurance pension is carried out on the basis of the inflation rate twice a year:

  • from February 1;
  • Happy April, 1.

Since December 29, 2015, indexing for . The pensioner will be able to return the amount by which the payment was indexed if he quits his job.

For military pensioners at the beginning of 2019, it was provided in connection with the imposition of a ban on indexation in the amount of 5000 rubles.

What to expect for the military from January 1, 2019

The issue of pension provision from January 1, 2019 is relevant for all categories of citizens, including military pensioners. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin gave instructions increase pension payments to military pensioners and other categories equivalent to them from January 1, 2019.

The federal government previously provided for an increase in the salaries of military personnel from January 1, 2019, and an increase in pension payments from February 1, 2019. But it was decided to increase both salaries and pensions from January 1.

Vladimir Vladimirovich stressed that pensions will increase for a number of citizens:

  • former employees in the Russian army;
  • pensioners of power structures of internal affairs;
  • military of the National Guard.

Indexation of pension payments will be made by 3.7%. At the same time, since the period for the increase was reduced by one month, therefore, the military will be able to receive an increased pension in December.

Military service gives citizens additional cash bonuses and benefits. Military pensioners belong to a specially protected category of the population. The state makes sure that people who gave their lives to defend the Fatherland have a dignified old age.

Video: Latest related news

In 2018, the Government plans to revise the amount of pension payments to citizens of the country. Thanks to this, the income of people who have gone on a well-deserved rest should, at least not by much, but increase. In addition, many older people receive additional payments and have certain preferences. Benefits for military pensioners in 2018 are under special attention, especially in the field of medical care and tax payment.

Who belongs to the military pensioners

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the circle of persons who apply for allowances from the military structures. This category of citizens according to the law includes:

  • military personnel of the Ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs and other military structures;
  • fire service workers;
  • employees of bodies for combating the spread of drugs and psychotropic drugs;
  • employees of structures of the penitentiary system;
  • members of the National Guard.

To receive a military pension and assign benefits, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • experience in the above structures for at least 20 years;
  • 25 years of total service, provided that at least half of it is given to the performance of military duties. The reason for going on a well-deserved rest should be the achievement of the age limit, health problems, or the reorganization of the department.

Regulatory framework

Among the main legal acts, firstly, it is necessary to note the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2012) “On the status of military personnel”. In addition to the rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel, it establishes rules in the field of social and legal protection of pensioners and their families. In addition, it is necessary to be guided by law No. 4486-1, which deals with issues related to military pensions.

In the capital and other subjects of Russia, additional legal acts have been adopted that apply to this territory. Thanks to them, military pensioners have the right to receive additional benefits or preferences from municipal authorities. They concern not only monetary allowances, but also material incentives, which can be expressed in the provision of food and medicines.

Who is entitled to benefits

According to the legislation, benefits are provided to the military personnel of the Russian Federation, those who served during the Soviet era and in the Commonwealth troops:

  • military personnel with an officer rank;
  • contractors (soldiers, sailors);
  • border guards;
  • citizens who served in the railway troops;
  • government communications employees;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Drug Control Service;
  • persons employed in intelligence, civil defense;
  • employees of the FSB, the National Guard and the State Guard;
  • spouses, minor children and dependents of the above citizens.

Payouts in 2018

The ongoing pension reform affects all segments of the population, and military pensioners are no exception. In addition to allowances, they have the right to count on a number of benefits and bonuses through the Ministry of Defense and federal or regional structures. The state has provided for the preservation of a number of benefits for pensioners in 2018. The main ones are additional payments for length of service, allowances assigned on a one-time basis upon transfer to the reserve, material assistance, allowances for contract servicemen serving in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them.

One-time allowance upon dismissal upon reaching the age limit

Upon dismissal from service, military personnel have the right to count on a lump-sum allowance. However, it must be borne in mind that retirement should be associated with the achievement of the age indicated by law, for health reasons or in connection with events that entailed the reorganization of the structures where the service took place.

According to the order of the Ministry of Defense, the amount of payment depends directly on the number of years given to service in the army and other departments to which the law applies:

  • up to 20 - 2 monthly salaries;
  • more than 20 - 7 monthly salaries of the monetary content.

An additional bonus in the form of one military salary is received by pensioners marked with a state order or having an honorary title received at the present time and / or during the Soviet Union.

Indexing from January 1, 2018

According to the latest information, it is not necessary to expect an annual increase in pensions by the end of 2018. However, citizens can count on indexation. It will be carried out simultaneously with the indexation of insurance pensions. Unlike other years, in 2018 the event is scheduled not for February, but from the first of January. You should not expect a big increase - only 3.7% (slightly more than the official inflation rate for the year). It is important to note that the indexation will only affect those military personnel who have retired and are no longer working.

In addition, military pensioners, in addition to allowances from the Ministry of Defense or the Interior, can receive an additional insurance pension. To do this, they need to have the required minimum length of service and the appropriate individual pension coefficient. In addition to this, you need to prepare the necessary documents by submitting them to the PFR authority in your region.

Seniority pension supplement

The service pension is a kind of compensation to military personnel for difficult working conditions. It is assigned to citizens who have served 20 or more years in the line of law enforcement agencies, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense. It is possible to retire after years of service in case of health problems, therefore, benefits for military pensioners in 2018, as before, will be provided for receiving a disability group due to a military injury:

  • the first - 300% of the estimated pension;
  • the second - 250%;
  • the third - 175%.

In addition, it is provided:

  • for the maintenance of a pensioner who has crossed the 80-year mark or is a disabled person of group 1 - 100% of the estimated pension;
  • when a non-working pensioner is dependent on one disabled family member - 32%,
    two - 64;
    three or more - 100% of the calculated amount of the pension payment.

Territorial monthly cash payment (UDV) to certain categories of citizens

Another benefit for military pensioners can be considered EDV. This social payment implies the monetary equivalent of a number of benefits. Its goal is to ensure that everyone has the right to use the preferences due. The amount of the monthly cash payment for each category of citizens is set separately, and its exact amount can be clarified at the regional office of the PFR.

The following pensioners-military personnel are eligible to apply for the benefit:

  • participants in combat events on the territory of Russia or foreign states;
  • military personnel sent to Afghanistan during the conduct of hostilities there by the army and special services of the USSR in the ranks of automobile battalions, intended for the delivery of cargo and flight crews of military aviation, who flew from the territory of the USSR.
  • military personnel and law enforcement officers who participated in combat missions to clear objects and territories from 1945 to 1951 and in post-war combat minesweeping operations in the navy from 1945 to 1957.
  • military personnel of the internal affairs bodies, state fire defense, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, whose contusions, wounds or injuries received in the performance of military service duties (duties) were the result of disability;
  • veterans participating in military operations;
  • family members of military personnel who died in the line of duty, in captivity or as a result of injury.

Financial assistance to disabled people due to military trauma

Many are interested in what benefits military pensioners will have in 2018 if a person has received a disability due to service. According to the law, the monthly payment in this case will be 1000 rubles, and military personnel who have become disabled will be able to receive it:

  • during service;
  • when exposed to elevated levels of radiation, performing official duties;
  • when illegal acts are committed by representatives of various authorities;
  • during the performance of official duties.

Tax incentives in 2018

In the field of tax legislation, certain benefits are provided for retired military personnel, but they are not provided automatically, but on a declarative basis. To do this, an application is submitted to a certain authority with mandatory documentary confirmation of one's status. The tax rate, the procedure for its payment and all possible benefits for military pensioners are determined by legislation at the regional or federal level:

  1. Property taxation. Not only the military, but also all other pensioners are exempted from it, but only if they own one house, apartment, dacha, etc. For the second similar object, you will have to pay a fee.
  2. Land tax. The benefit consists in complete exemption from its payment or reduction of the tax base by a certain amount.
  3. Transport tax, which is calculated based on the period of ownership of the car and the amount of horsepower. Benefits are not available in all regions, therefore, for each individual subject, it is necessary to obtain information from the home tax office.
  4. Income tax. It is not calculated from pension payments, gifts up to 10 thousand rubles, compensations and insurances. In addition, pensioners have a number of tax deduction preferences when calculating personal income tax.
  5. Exemption from the payment of state fees when filing lawsuits.

Providing housing for reserve officers

Until now, it has not been possible to solve the problem of providing housing for military personnel, but the state is taking a number of steps in this direction. The Housing Code and other regulations define certain categories of citizens who have benefits when receiving square meters in property. Housing is provided if the officer has served at least 10 years and is retired for health reasons, in connection with organizational and staff activities, or simply because of reaching the age limit, and at the same time is registered as needy.

The benefit is in the form of:

  • housing subsidy;
  • residential premises under a social tenancy agreement;
  • a land plot intended for the construction of a residential building;
  • one-time financial assistance for the construction of an individual residential building;
  • monetary compensation for renting residential premises;
  • the right to become a member of a housing cooperative out of turn.

An important condition is that the pensioner himself can choose the area where he plans to build. If housing or compensation has not been provided, then the reserve officer remains on the waiting list until the housing issue is resolved.

Medical support

The state takes care of military personnel during their service and when they go on a well-deserved rest. The main condition for pensioners is that they can be served in any medical institution in the country, regardless of the place of registration or residence. For retirees, the following preferences are provided:

  • free provision of medicines with a doctor's prescription;
  • free provision of medical devices;
  • service in specialized medical institutions;
  • prosthetics or dental treatment;
  • Spa treatment.

Vouchers are provided once a year, and the state pays for travel to the place of recovery and back. In addition, compensation for accompanying a pensioner can be received by persons accompanying him during the trip.

Preferences in the field of education

Many military personnel, due to certain reasons, can retire at a relatively early age, so most of them try to get a civilian job. However, the education received before the service does not always give them the opportunity to receive a decent salary. The state has taken this moment into account, therefore citizens have the right to receive education on a preferential and free basis. So, if you have a certificate of completion of 9 classes without exams, you can enter institutions that provide secondary specialized education.

When entering a university

According to federal law, if a serviceman dismissed for length of service, health reasons, or due to organizational and staffing events has a high school diploma or a citizen has received a secondary vocational education, then he can count on free enrollment in the preparatory departments of state educational institutions of higher professional education. education. After graduation, beneficiaries have the right to additionally count on priority employment.

When receiving a second higher education

If you have an incomplete higher education or a university diploma, it is possible to enroll in the first or subsequent courses of state institutions that provide education free of charge. However, for this you need to pass the exam. Enrollment under the benefit will occur only if the applicant has the required number of points. It is noteworthy that they receive both the first and second higher education exclusively free of charge, if such an opportunity is provided by the university itself.

Compensation for spa treatment

As noted, benefits for military pensioners in 2018 for sanatorium and resort treatment are provided to retired military personnel a maximum of once a year. Acquisition of vouchers to the sanatorium is possible either through the Social Protection Fund, or through the Ministry of Defense. Compensation can reach 100 percent of the cost of the tour, but sometimes this value may be less. To travel, you must write an application and go through a medical commission, where the doctor will write a conclusion on the need for treatment.

It is important to understand that the desire to improve your health is not enough, therefore, when writing an application, a person can be given a ticket only if there are unrealized ones, or someone has refused a sanatorium trip. In all other cases, the pensioner will be put on a waiting list, and they must notify him of the availability of a voucher at least 2 weeks before the expected date of arrival.

Combat Veteran Benefits 2018

The pension for war veterans is calculated taking into account additional payments. In addition, citizens receiving such allowance, and for this it is imperative to document their fate, have a number of benefits:

  1. providing housing for those in need;
  2. reimbursement of payment for the rental of residential premises;
  3. 50% compensation for deductions for capital repairs;
  4. priority position if you wish to become a member of housing, construction and garage cooperatives;
  5. advantages in joining horticultural, dacha and horticultural associations of citizens formed on a non-profit basis;
  6. receiving free medical care and treatment, with the possibility of undergoing procedures in hospitals and medical institutions to which pensioners were assigned during their service;
  7. mandatory annual leave (including without pay);
  8. free provision of a disabled person with prostheses or prosthetic and orthopedic products.

These benefits are due to Afghan soldiers and members of Chechen companies.

Regional preferences for Moscow military pensioners

The federal budget cannot bear all the costs associated with benefits for pensioners, so local authorities are actively helping this category of citizens. As for the capital region, here the military personnel who have retired on a well-deserved rest have, in addition to monetary supplements to allowances, some additional preferences:

  • social assistance programs;
  • targeted financial assistance;
  • transport tax benefits;
  • compensation for the use of a landline home phone;
  • privileges on payment of contributions for the land plot;
  • free medical care at home due to health reasons;
  • free garbage collection;
  • Spa treatment;
  • free consultation of a lawyer on social issues;
  • dental plan services.

Subsidy for payment of housing and communal services

In order to understand what bonuses military pensioners living in Moscow and the region are entitled to count on, you need to refer to Decree No. 850 of the Moscow Government. According to it, a 50% discount is set for:

  • payment for the occupied living space;
  • payment for all types of utilities (this includes electricity, heating, hot and cold water supply, gas).

The right to free travel by all types of public transport

Travel by urban and suburban passenger transport is constantly becoming more expensive, so for many categories of beneficiaries, the purchase of tickets becomes a tangible expense item. Regional and federal authorities are trying to do everything possible so that vulnerable citizens can, if not completely free of charge, use public transport, then pay a minimum fare. In Moscow, all citizens who receive a military pension and live in the capital or the Moscow region enjoy the right to free travel. The only exception is a taxi.

Benefits for the wives of military pensioners

As noted, not only retired military personnel have benefits, but also members of their families. So, for example, even the period when they lived with their husbands in military camps, where it was not possible to get a job and receive wages in their specialty, is added to the experience for wives. Distribution occurs in accordance with three periods:

  • up to 1992 - the entire period is taken into account;
  • 1992-2014 - periods when the spouse could not work;
  • Since 2015 - the time when the spouse could not find a job, but not more than 5 years in total.


From February 1, 2017, the amount of the additional payment to the military pension will almost double. The corresponding Decree was signed by Vladimir Putin on December 21, 2016. The site for pensioners "My Years" () figured out what happened.

The recipients of the additional payment, in addition to military pensioners, also include persons who served in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, drug control, the fire service, the penitentiary system and the National Guard.

Supplement to military pension

The amount of the monthly supplement to the military pension is increased from February 1, 2017. Photo

A year ago, on December 9, 2015, Presidential Decree No. 610 “On the monthly supplement to pensions for certain categories of pensioners” was issued. The surcharge was established for a number of former military personnel and employees of federal services in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

We are talking about citizens who receive a pension in accordance with the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, service in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system and their families.

On December 21, 2016, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 698 “On Amendments to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2015 No. 610 “On Monthly Supplements to Pensions for Certain Categories of Pensioners” was signed.

The head of state clarified the list of categories of citizens receiving a monthly pension supplement, and also increased the amount of this supplement.

The first change is a legal formality caused by the formation of the National Guard in 2016. No new category of copay recipients is introduced. Since the troops of the National Guard were created on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and withdrawn from the staff of the internal affairs bodies, then, as when changing the surname, there was a need to make appropriate changes to the necessary documents. What happened: employees of the National Guard are classified as recipients of the surcharge.

The second change - the increase in the size of the surcharge - is a pleasant surprise. Especially given the government's policy of saving on pensioners. It is clear that with such aversion of pensioners on the part of government officials (it must be admitted - mutual), it is impossible to increase the pension provision of Russians. This was done by the president, albeit for a narrow category of pensioners across the country - former military personnel and security officials.

The monthly surcharge for military pensioners went up

According to Putin's Decree of December 21, 2016, the amount of the monthly additional payment to pensions for military pensioners from February 1, 2017 increases to 4900 rubles. Almost twice as compared to the additional payment of 2,500 rubles, established a year ago.

At the same time, the president also increased the size of the additional payment to the military pension from February 1, 2016 to 3,700 rubles. This means that pensioners will be recalculated: in addition to the already received 2,500 rubles, they will also receive an additional 1,200 rubles for each month from February to December 2016.

Source: official Internet portal of legal information

Such is the New Year's gift from the head of state to military pensioners. To be precise - not so much a gift as the return of debts.

For the fifth year now, the Decree of the President of May 7, 2012 No. 604 "On the further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation" has not been fully implemented. Then Vladimir Putin ordered that military pensions be increased annually by at least 2 percent above the inflation rate.

However, in all subsequent years, this presidential decree has never been fully implemented. As a result, according to the calculations of the State Duma Defense Committee, the under-indexation of military pensions amounted to: in 2013 - 0.25 percent; in 2014 - 7.26 percent; in 2015 - 7.4 percent; in 2016 - 3.8 percent; in 2017, under-indexation is expected to be within 2 percent. Read more about the situation.

On the site "My Years" you can find the latest news about the social and pension provision of military pensioners.

Vladimir Shpikalov, "My Years"

"My Years" publishes a presidential decree dated December 9, 2015, which was amended on December 21, 2016.

DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION dated 09.12.2015 No. 610 “On the monthly additional payment to pensions for certain categories of pensioners”

In order to increase the level of pension provision for certain categories of pensioners and in accordance with Article 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, I decide:

1. Install from October 1, 2015 pensioners whose pensions have not been revised since January 1, 2012. when reforming the monetary allowance of military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies, a monthly supplement to pensions assigned in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who have served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies , the State Fire Service, the authorities for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families”, in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

2. Establish that the monthly surcharge provided for in paragraph 1 of this Decree:

  • made to pensioners receiving two pensions at the same time in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, only to one pension;
  • made simultaneously with the payment of pensions;
  • is carried out at the expense of budget appropriations of the federal budget provided for the payment of pensions.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation shall provide funding for the costs associated with the implementation of this Decree.

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2005 No. 176 “On the establishment of a monthly supplement to pensions for certain categories of pensioners” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, No. 8, Art. 630);
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2010 No. 1091 “On Amendments to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2005 No. 176 “On the Establishment of a Monthly Supplement to Pensions for Certain Categories of Pensioners” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 36 , item 4601).

5. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

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