Documents for a preferential queue to kindergarten. How to get benefits for kindergarten fees and the procedure for applying for them

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Registration procedure for kindergarten

Modern kindergartens are sorely lacking free seats. You have to get in line almost immediately after the baby is born. Meanwhile some children have benefits, giving them the right to extraordinary and priority admission V kindergarten . In addition, a number of children have the advantage of being enrolled in kindergartens.

Once upon a time, the directors signed up for kindergarten. Now they're doing it special commissions. It is the commission for staffing preschool institutions in the district that needs to present a document confirming your child’s right to benefits, as well as his birth certificate and the passport of one of the parents. In this case, the personal presence of a parent in the commission is not necessary; a relative or friend can go with your passport.

To avoid unnecessary questions, it is advisable to provide parents’ passports with registration in the same area where the kindergarten is needed. Children are enrolled in kindergartens at their place of residence, but you may be asked a number of questions if the parent is registered in another area.

As for our capital, as a result of the order of the Moscow Department of Education “On approval of the Procedure for staffing state educational institutions implementing the basic general education program preschool education, systems of the Moscow Department of Education" many categories from October 1, 2012 lost the right to benefits when entering kindergarten(children of students, refugees, unemployed, twins). Also, first of all, children of parents who have permanent Moscow registration began to be accepted into kindergartens. It was then that the division into groups of rights for preferential admission to kindergartens was adopted.

If there are no free places in kindergartens in your area, then you should be given a referral to a kindergarten in another area.

List of beneficiaries

Extraordinary right

  • orphans (adopted, taken into custody or into a foster family). An extract from the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority is a confirming document of the benefit. This also includes children of young, under 23 years old, orphans who lost their parents before they came of age;
  • children of parents, victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate of death of a parent as a result of an illness caused by radiation during the Chernobyl accident, or a certificate of a disabled person or a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as a certificate of evacuation from the exclusion site;
  • children judges, investigators and prosecutors. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate from your place of employment;
  • children of parents from dysfunctional families and children, registered with the juvenile affairs commission. A referral from this commission is a document confirming the benefit.

Priority right admission to kindergarten have:

  • children from large families . Document confirming the benefit: certificate of birth of three and more children, certificate of a large family;
  • children military personnel serving under conscription or contract. You need a certificate from the military unit at your place of residence or a certificate from the military commissariat;
  • children police officers. You need a parent's certificate from your place of work. This also includes children of parents who died while serving in the police, were injured in the service and left it as a result, or died from an injury received at work within a year after dismissal. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the social security authorities;
  • disabled children and children of disabled parents. Certificate of disability from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

Preemptive right admission to kindergarten have:

  • children single mothers. A birth certificate without a record of the father or a certificate from the civil registry office certifying the record of the father according to the mother;
  • children preschool workers educational institutions . Need a certificate from work;
  • children whose brothers or sisters attend this kindergarten, provided that it corresponds to the health status of the incoming child. We need a certificate from the kindergarten about the visit of his brother/sister.

Please note that in some areas our vast Motherland right of priority admission The following children are admitted to kindergarten:

  • for children whose parents or single mother are students;
  • children of the unemployed;
  • children forced migrants;
  • children whose single parent working;
  • children of veterans.

It is not uncommon for parents to encounter a lack of places in kindergarten groups. Many families with children wait in line until school time comes. However, some children can get into kindergarten and stay there on preferential terms.

Who gets priority when entering kindergarten?

The legislation of the Russian Federation states that children on benefits are enrolled in kindergarten on a first-come, first-served basis. For such children, reserve free places are provided in each institution.

    orphans or wards (law “On Education”);

    for children with disabilities (Presidential Decree No. 1157);

    from families with dysfunctional parents registered with the KDN (Federal Law No. 124-FZ);

    military personnel who became disabled or died as a result of hostilities in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, the Caucasus (Government decisions Russian Federation №936, №65, №587);

    victims of the tragedy at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl (RF Law No. 1244-1);

    employees of the Investigative State Committee (Federal Law No. 403);

    employees of courts and prosecutors' offices (Law of the Russian Federation No. 3132-1, No. 2202-1).

    teachers of a specific kindergarten (presidential decree No. 431);

    children whose brother or sister already attends this kindergarten (Presidential Decree No. 431);

    children single mothers, however benefits single mothers for kindergarten are provided if no last name is indicated in the “father of the child” paragraph. If the father is registered, but the woman is raising the baby alone, such a mother does not have single status (presidential decree No. 431).

In some regions of the country there are also benefits for twins, for families of internally displaced persons, for the poor or single-parent families, full-time students, unemployed parents, veterans of various military operations. They have a priority right to admission.

Local authorities of the region have the right to establish the list of these benefits. More accurate information about possible benefits can be obtained from the social security office at your place of residence.

Required documents

To take a place, you need to register your child with the education department at your place of residence or on the official website for the provision of municipal services - to register in the electronic children's queue.

Upon admission, parents will be required to provide a set of documents, including: The main thing is a certificate that confirms the special status of the family or child. This rule is general, and recipients of kindergarten benefits must take it into account. If such a document is not provided to the enrollment commission, its members have the right to refuse the child. Thus, he will be included in the general queue.

There is a standard list of documents, approved by Government Decree No. 305, required for the admission of a child:

    Application requesting admission of a child to kindergarten;

    Birth certificate of the baby;

    A medical certificate describing the child's health status. It is issued by a pediatrician or local doctor after the results of tests and examination of the baby by specialized specialists;

    After registering in electronic queue You need to print out the registration card, which will confirm the possibility of enrollment in the kindergarten.

For families hoping for benefits when enrolling in kindergarten, you will additionally need to collect the following documents:

    for disabled children, as well as children whose parents suffered in hostilities - a medical report describing deviations in the health of the child or his parents;

    documents certifying the status of liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster at the nuclear power plant;

    for orphans - a certificate from the guardianship authorities confirming that the child is being raised without natural parents;

    for children whose parents occupy certain vacancies - an extract from work with information about the position held;

    for large or single-parent families - a certificate of family composition from the social protection department;

    if there is a benefit for kindergarten for military personnel, provide confirmation from the military unit or local commissariat;

    For low-income families- documents from the social security service confirming the status, as well as certificates of income from the work of each parent.

Benefits for paying for kindergarten

The second problem after enrolling in a kindergarten is the fee for the institution’s services. In order to financially relieve some families, Russian Government Regulation No. 907 identifies four categories of persons for whom state assistance is available. Beneficiaries in kindergarten can count on certain discounts.

1.100% discount. In other words, free admission to kindergarten. This assistance applies to:

    disabled children;

  • a child who is sick with tuberculosis;

    a child whose parent died in the line of duty official duties;

    children whose parents are students of universities or other educational institutions;

    a child from a large family with more than 3 children.

2. 75% discount for pre-school services. They can count on it:

    children conscripts except for the officers.

3. 50% discount. This benefit is provided for:

    widow's child;

    a child who is raised by only one of the parents;

    a child whose parents are divorced;

    coming from a family of teachers, including a family of preschool employees.

4. 25% discount for kindergarten services:

    for families where two or more children attend kindergarten;

    for internally displaced persons.

In addition, there is a monthly compensation for meals for children in all state preschool institutions. It applies to those children who suffered from radiation after the Chernobyl disaster. This issue is regulated by the Russian law “On social protection injured as a result of the accident."

All listed benefits are accrued to citizens according to the usual reverse payment scheme.

So, the family first pays for the services themselves kindergarten in full, and then receives state compensation to a bank account opened specifically for these purposes.

Discounts are valid only in state preschool educational institutions. If the kindergarten is privately owned, it can set its own criteria for admitting children and the amount to pay for its services.

How to apply for financial benefits?

To enjoy preferential discounts for kindergarten services, you should prepare in advance a package of documents confirming your rights to privileges. These include:

    certificate of composition of a large family;

    certificate of a forced migrant;

    a decree on adoption or guardianship of a child without parents;

    medical certificate confirming the child’s disability;

    certificate of service of one of the parents in the Armed Forces of Russia, in the Investigative Committee or in law enforcement agencies;

    a certificate confirming the participation of the child’s parents in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster.

Documents are attached to the application for admission to kindergarten.

It is mandatory to submit a bank certificate with all documents with the exact details of the parents’ personal account, for the monthly receipt of compensation funds for keeping the child in kindergarten.

So, to the children's families preschool period should be carefully studied Russian legislation to learn about your options. Perhaps these are benefits for admission to kindergarten or for maintaining children in this institution.

Benefits will help you overcome the long queue at kindergarten or save on paying for services and food.

Some children have priority rights to enter kindergarten. You should know these categories

About the queues for providing benefits when entering kindergarten

First of all, institutions accept children whose parents (legal representatives) are permanently registered in the city.

However, there are certain requirements for enrolling a child. According to the law, there are:


First priority;

Preferential right to enroll children.

Provided to applicants on the basis of a document confirming the existence of such a right.

The right of priority admission is established by current legislation. AND m used by children from families:

Judges (Article 19, paragraph 3, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1 “On the status of judges in the Russian Federation” (as amended on August 22, 2004),

Prosecutor workers (Article 44, paragraph 5, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 4, 2005),

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Article 14, 17, 18, 19 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” (as amended on 05.12 .2006), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2006 No. 246);

By resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, this right is granted to the children of deceased (missing), deceased, disabled military personnel and employees of federal executive authorities who participated in:

In the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1999 No. 936 “On additional measures on social protection of family members of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, directly involved in the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and those killed (missing) in the performance of official duties");

In counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public safety in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/09/2004 No. 65 “On additional guarantees and compensation for military personnel and employees of federal executive authorities participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public safety in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation”);

In carrying out tasks to ensure the security and protection of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2008 No. 587 “On additional measures to strengthen the social protection of military personnel and employees of federal executive bodies involved in the implementation of tasks to ensure security and protection of Russian citizens living in the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia");

The right of priority admission to preschool institutions has been granted federal laws for children:

From large families (Article 52.2 Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on January 6, 2007 No. 1-FZ);

For disabled children (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1992 No. 1157 (“On additional measures of state support for disabled people” as amended on September 9, 1999);

Children, one of whose parents is disabled (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10/02/1992 No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people” (as amended on 09/09/1999);

Children of police officers, as well as police officers who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, children of police officers who died as a result of a disease received during their service in the police, children of citizens of the Russian Federation, dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluding the possibility of further service in the police, children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police, children who are (were) dependent on a police officer, a citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in the above categories of this parts (parts) 6 Article 46 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”);

Military personnel (Article 19, 23 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (as amended on December 4, 2006);

Children of drug control officers (Regulations on law enforcement service in agencies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2003 No. 613). State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, within their competence and with appropriate compensation from the funds of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, provide children of employees with places in preschool institutions and boarding schools at the place of residence, regardless of the departmental affiliation of these institutions and boarding schools, within three months from the date of employees’ request.

Children of working single parents, student mothers, children under guardianship, children whose parents (one parent) are in military service, children of the unemployed and internally displaced persons, students, children whose parents (one parent) are employees of this preschool educational institution institutions are employees of educational and general education institutions located on the territory municipal district, are employees of organizations financed from the local budget.

The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Department of Education system;

Additional categories of citizens who have the right to extraordinary (priority) admission to preschool educational institutions may be established by local government bodies and secured by relevant resolutions.

Required documents:

1. Extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority for orphans, children left without parental care, transferred to the families of citizens for adoption, guardianship, in foster family, children whose parents are orphans and children left without parental care (persons aged 18 to 23 years, who, when they were under the age of 18, died both or a single parent, and also who were left without the care of one or both parents);

2. Certificate of participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for children of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

3. Certificate of employment for children of prosecutors and investigators Investigative Committee at the prosecutor's office, children of judges, children of police officers, children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of your city;

4. Certificate of a large family or birth certificate of three or more children in a family for children from large families;

5. Certificate from a military unit or from a military commissariat at the family’s place of residence for children of military personnel serving under contract or conscription;

A certificate from the social protection authorities for children of police officers who died (died) in connection with the performance of official activities or who died before the expiration of one year after dismissal from service due to injury (concussion), illness received during the period of service, as well as children of employees under Preferential The following have the right to be admitted to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, an application for registration of the child in electronic register is considered on a general basis.

6. The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

7. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

8. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

9. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

10. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

11. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

12. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

13. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

14. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

15. The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

16. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

17. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

18. The following have priority rights to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

19. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

20. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

21. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

22. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

23. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

24. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

25. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

26. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

27. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

28. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

29. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

30. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

31. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

32. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

33. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

34. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

35. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

36. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

37. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

38. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

39. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

40. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

41. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

42. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

43. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

44. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

45. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

46. ​​The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

47. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

48. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

49. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

50. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

51. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

52. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

53. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application to register the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

54. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

55. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

56. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

57. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

58. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

59. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

60. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

61. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

62. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

63. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

64. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

65. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

66. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

67. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

68. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

69. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

70. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

71. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

72. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

73. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

74. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

75. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

76. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

77. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

78. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

79. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

80. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

81. The following have the priority right of admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

82. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

83. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

84. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

85. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

86. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

87. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

88. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

89. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

90. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

91. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

92. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application to register the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

93. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

94. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

95. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

96. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

97. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

98. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application to register the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

99. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

100. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

101. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

102. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

103. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

104. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

105. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

106. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

107. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

108. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

109. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

110. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

111. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

112. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

113. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

114. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

115. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

116. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

117. The priority right of admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

118. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

119. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

120. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

121. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

122. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

123. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

124. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

125. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

126. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

127. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

128. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

129. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

130. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

131. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

132. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

133. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

134. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

135. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

136. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

137. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

138. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

139. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

140. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

141. The following have a priority right to admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system;

Children whose siblings already attend preschool groups of this institution, except in cases where the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

142. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in the institution to the district information support service.

143. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic registry is considered on a general basis.

144. Police who received bodily injuries in connection with the performance of official activities, excluding them from the possibility of further service;

145. Certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the determination of disability for disabled children and children whose one of the parents is disabled;

146. A birth certificate of a child in which there is no record of the father or a certificate from the civil registry office stating that the record of the father was made at the direction of the mother for children of single mothers.

Svetlana Shevchenko, Alexander Belanovsky

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Benefits in a general sense are rights or advantages provided to established categories of individuals or legal entities. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW that any benefits come at four levels (federal, regional, municipal and others), since they can be established by the relevant government entities or legal entities within the framework of their powers. At the same time, federal benefits for kindergarten are valid throughout Russia.

Benefits for kindergarten(preschool educational institution or DOW) can be divided into two categories:

- benefits for kindergarten when accepting a child (pupil) - benefits when recruiting a preschool educational institution;

- benefits for kindergarten when a child (pupil) is in it - benefits provided during educational process at the preschool educational institution.

BENEFITS FOR A KINDERGARTEN WHEN ADOPTING A CHILD are provided at the stage of paperwork.

Admission to a kindergarten (preschool educational institution) is a clearly regulated process, complicated by the Russian realities of a catastrophic shortage of places in kindergarten. According to clauses 25 and clause 26 of the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562), the procedure for staffing preschool educational institutions is determined by the founder in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is enshrined in the charter. At the same time, children aged from 2 months to 7 years can be admitted to preschool educational institutions. Admission of children is carried out on the basis of a medical report, an application and documents proving the identity of one of the parents (legal representatives).

Thus, the founder of the preschool educational institution (federal department, municipality, commercial organization) has the right to make decisions on the procedure for admitting children to preschool educational institutions, and therefore on benefits to kindergarten when admitting a child (pupil), taking into account the law.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW that such decisions must be reflected in the charter of the preschool educational institution.

The admission procedure is reflected in the section of the Charter “Educational Process”. The contingent of pupils is formed in accordance with their age and type of kindergarten. The number of groups in a preschool educational institution is determined depending on sanitary norms and conditions of the educational process, the maximum occupancy rate adopted when calculating the budget funding standard.

Taking into account the impact on children’s rights, the procedure for admission to a federal or municipal kindergarten must be approved in advance, published in the media and posted on the founder’s website (usually on the website of the management, department or education committee).

For example, the Regulations on the staffing of municipal preschool educational institutions of the Mytishchi municipal district (approved by the head of the Mytishchi municipal district dated June 30, 2011 No. 1983) are posted on the website of the relevant education department (URL: and defines as 4 categories of beneficiaries upon admission to a preschool educational institution:

  • out-of-turn (children of Chernobyl victims; judges; persons killed in action, as well as employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia);
  • priority (children from large families, from families of disabled people, military personnel, drug control officers, police officers, etc.);
  • persons with priority right of admission (orphans, guardians, children from single-parent families, children in difficult life situation);
  • persons with priority right of admission - children of preschool educational institutions employees.

According to Art. 1 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” children in difficult life situations are:

  • children left without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities health, that is, having deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development;
  • children are victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, and natural disasters;
  • children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • children in extreme conditions;
  • children are victims of violence;
  • children living in low-income families;
  • children with behavioral problems;
  • children whose life activity is objectively disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family.

The order of priority for the admission of beneficiaries themselves provides for admission,

firstly, out-of-turn and first-priority,

secondly, beneficiaries with preferential rights are accepted.

In this case, the procedure for admitting categories of beneficiaries is established by the founder, but it is worth noting that, as a rule, children of the preferential queue are admitted through one of the children of the main queue, otherwise the rights of children who do not have benefits will be violated.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that the above first two categories of beneficiaries are established by federal legislation, that is, in federal and municipal preschool educational institutions the presence of these categories is mandatory.

It is also worth paying attention to violations that occur in practice, when, for example, children from single-parent families, children of preschool educational institutions employees, and others are admitted first, rather than children whose parents are designated by federal legislation. Such violations are easy to challenge, since federal beneficiaries in any case, priority.

BENEFITS PROVIDED DURING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN A PRESENTER EDUCATIONAL IOU mainly relate to the reduction of fees (providing compensation) for services provided in a kindergarten (for maintenance in a preschool educational institution, meals in a kindergarten, etc.).

Such benefits are also divided into federal and other (established in the region and municipality).

Federal benefits (MANDATORY throughout Russia) include:

1. according to the rules of paragraph 2 of Art. 52.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” - reduction of fees for child maintenance (child care and supervision) in state and municipal educational institutions that implement the basic general education program of preschool education (federal or municipal kindergartens);

2. in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 52.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” compensation for child maintenance (child care and supervision) in educational organizations implementing the basic general education program of preschool education (federal or municipal kindergartens);

3. in accordance with Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” monthly monetary compensation for meals for children in preschool institutions (specialized children's institutions of medical and sanatorium type).

1) The following can take advantage of the reduction in child support fees:

  • half are parents (legal representatives) with three or more minor children. That is, in in this case all children in the family under 18 years of age must be taken into account;
  • completely - parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities, as well as children with tuberculosis intoxication.

Children with disabilities include:

  • taking into account the rules of the letter of Rosobrandzor dated March 5, 2010 No. 02-52-3/10-in - children who are blind, visually impaired, with severe hearing impairments, with severe speech impairments; with musculoskeletal disorders; others (diabetes, asthma, heart disease, enuresis, ulcers, complex forms of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.);
  • in accordance with the norms of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2011 N 06-1277 - children with poor vision or hearing, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, with leukemia, neurological diseases, etc.

It should be added that the fee for maintaining a child in a preschool educational institution includes only the fee for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that this benefit, like the general fee for keeping a child in a kindergarten, does not apply to additional paid services that can be provided in a preschool educational institution.

That is, benefits do not apply to additional paid services at preschool educational institutions. Such services may include any that are not included in the general education program. Composition of the general education program

2) Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 52.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, compensation for maintenance for the first child is 20% of the fee paid by the parents, for the second child - 50% and for the third and subsequent children - 70%, respectively.

It is necessary to point out the regulated (specified in the law) features of receiving such compensation:

  • The procedure for applying for compensation and the procedure for its payment are established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. That is, it is IMPORTANT TO KNOW that if difficulties arise in obtaining compensation, you should contact the regional administration.
  • ONLY one of the parents (legal representatives) who contributed parental fee for maintaining a child in kindergarten. That is, it is IMPORTANT TO KNOW that the law does not allow it to be divided if, for example, parents pay the fee in turn.
  • Compensation for kindergarten is paid regardless of the affiliation of the preschool educational institution. That is, it is IMPORTANT TO KNOW that for fees in a commercial kindergarten such compensation is required by law.
  • The specified compensations in accordance with clause 42 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to income tax individuals(regardless of the owner of the preschool educational institution and the source of financing). IMPORTANT TO KNOW that this is indicated in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 20, 2007 N 03-04-05-01/417 and dated November 30, 2007 N 03-04-06-01/426.

In practice, there are cases when such compensation was paid in organizations and parents wanted to receive them from both the administration and the employer. There are no specific explanations in the legislation on this matter, but by analogy with the payment of pensions, it is advisable to choose one.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW that given the presence of many groups short stay compensation for maintenance in such groups must also be paid, but in proportion to the time of stay.

In this regard, an example should be given Krasnoyarsk Territory, where compensation for kindergarten is set in proportion to the time the child spends in a short-term stay group. That is, a full day is provided for according to the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562) 12 hours, in the short-term stay group - 3 hours, therefore in the Krasnoyarsk region such payment is 1/4 of the full one.

3) Payment of monthly monetary compensation is not carried out to one of the parents or grandparents, guardian (trustee) of the child, who have the status of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

The procedure for paying this compensation is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 N 907.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW that benefits for kindergarten, as mentioned above, can be assigned by regional, municipal authorities and legal entities. The article outlines only federal benefits that are mandatory throughout Russia.

Therefore, in order to know everything benefits provided It is advisable for families with children to apply in person, in writing or in the form of an electronic document to the regional administration and district administration, where, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, they are required to register such an appeal and send to the initiator a comprehensive answer about all the benefits provided.

Such requests can be sent regarding any questions for which answers have not been received from the head of the kindergarten.

LIST OF FEDERAL REGULATIVE LEGAL ACTS, the rules of which relate to the benefits discussed in the article.

Model regulations on preschool educational institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562).

For special category kindergartens, other Model Provisions may also apply:

1. Model regulations on an educational institution for preschool and junior children school age(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 1997 No. 1204 (as amended on March 10, 2009);

2. Model regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities (as amended on March 10, 2009) (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 1997 No. 228);

3. Standard regulations on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance (as amended on March 10, 2009) (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1998 N 867).

Publication of the Charter of a municipal preschool educational institution in the media and on the website of the founder must be carried out in accordance with Art. 47 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ (as amended on July 10, 2012) “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation".


Extraordinary right to receive vouchers to a preschool educational institution (6 categories):

1. Children of judges - clause 3 of Art. 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the status of judges in the Russian Federation” dated June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1.

2. Children of Chernobyl victims - clause 12 of Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1.

3. Children of citizens exposed to radiation - Art. 1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 1998 N 175-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2010) “On the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River” .

4. Children of the dead (missing) and other persons participating in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region - clause 14 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02/09/2004 No. 65 “On additional guarantees and compensation for military personnel and employees of federal executive authorities participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring law and order and public safety in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.”

5. Children of the dead (missing), etc. on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan - clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1999 No. 936 On additional measures for social protection of family members of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, criminal justice executive system, directly involved in the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and those killed (missing), deceased, disabled in connection with the performance of official duties.

6. Children of citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families (within 1 month from the date of application) - Art. 23 of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ.

Priority right to receive vouchers to a preschool educational institution (5 categories):

1. Children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families - clause 6 of Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ.

2. Children of police officers, deceased officers, etc. - clause 6 of Art. 46 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Police” dated 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ.

3. Children of employees and military personnel of the federal fire service - Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ (as amended on November 30, 2011) “On Fire Safety.”

4. Children from large families - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992 No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families.”

5. Disabled children and children whose one of their parents is disabled - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On additional measures of state support for disabled people” dated October 2, 1992 No. 1157.

The article was prepared by lawyer Vladimir Korzhov.

ON A NOTE. Educational toys for low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten"—

You need to keep in mind the benefits when entering kindergarten. When enrolling your child in kindergarten, you need to know some laws regarding benefits, both when providing a place and when paying for the care of your baby. Federal benefits, approved by the government, are valid in all institutions for preschool children, but regions can establish additional concessions for parents. You can find out about them from the head of the kindergarten or the local administration.

Benefits for admission to kindergarten

When you get in line to get a place for your child in kindergarten, you need to know that there are benefits by which you can get into kindergarten out of turn, as first priority or by priority right. However, as a rule miraculously The people for whom the benefits are prescribed are not taking advantage of their opportunities. And why all? Decency and ignorance of one's rights. It is worth exploring the possibilities and taking advantage of them if there are arguments.

You can be provided with a ticket without any queues if you:

  • orphans and are between 18 and 23 years of age;
  • work as a prosecutor, investigator;
  • you are a victim of or participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

Orphans are also admitted to kindergarten without a queue.

First of all, you will be provided with benefits for kindergarten if you:

  • parent of a large family (from 3 children);
  • one or both of you are disabled;
  • military personnel;
  • you work for the police.

Disabled children also enjoy this benefit.

The right of preference over non-beneficiary parents is granted if you:

  • work in a kindergarten;
  • you are a single mother or father;
  • took the child into custody; children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances and refugees enjoy priority.

In the regions, preferential rights may be granted to other categories of families; you can find out about this when you submit an application to the head of a preschool institution, to the social security authorities or to the administration.

All benefits must be confirmed by documents (certificates, certificates, etc.) upon first contact with the kindergarten or the education department.

Beneficiaries receive vouchers through one of those on the waiting list, so that the rights of other children are not violated.

Benefits when paying for kindergarten

The amounts that parents now pay for their child’s visits to kindergarten, supervision and care are not very small. Therefore, the state provides benefits and compensation for individual families.

Children visit the institution free of charge:

  • disabled people;
  • with hearing, speech, vision impairments, nervous diseases;
  • with asthma, diabetes, spinal curvature, tuberculosis.

In order for your child to attend kindergarten for free, you must bring a certificate of disability or disease that your child suffers from.

Be careful.
The fee is halved if you have three or more children. In this case, children who are under 18 years of age are taken into account; if one of the three is an adult, you will not be able to use the benefit. To receive the benefit, copies of the birth certificates of all children are provided to the kindergarten.

Compensation upon payment

The Law on Kindergartens states that you will pay the full cost of kindergarten visits on a receipt, but part of this amount will be returned to your account:

  • you have one child - 20% compensation;
  • the second child went to kindergarten - 50%, the same with subsequent ones.

That is, for the first child the compensation will remain the same, but for the second it will increase.

Neither benefits nor compensation apply to Additional services which the kindergarten will provide you with.

It could be choreography visual activity, Sport section etc. You will pay in full for these services.

Collections and charitable assistance

The fee for kindergarten includes services for supervision, care and nutrition of children. Education, according to the Constitution, is free in our country.

However, poor budgets often do not make it possible to adequately provide kindergartens with everything necessary for the education and maintenance of our children. Therefore on parent meetings the question of purchasing often arises stationery, hygiene items, etc.

Parents, as adults, should understand this.
On the one hand, the administration can claim that the children have everything they need. With another - toilet paper, which is issued per quarter in a preschool institution, is enough for children for a week. Parents pay for everything by collecting money or personally buying albums, paints, detergents etc.

Furniture, bedding, and towels tend to age and become unusable. The group's premises require renovation and there are not enough toys. And only parents, who often have money in their pockets, can help. extra money No.

But to help your group so that the child sleeps on whole sheets, wipes his face with a beautiful and soft towel, paints with good brushes - this is a sad necessity, which is in the documents preschool passes as a charitable donation.

You have the right to refuse such help and even go to court, but your child in this group will need to study, prepare for school, sit on a rocking chair that has been repaired a hundred times, etc.

Benefits for admission to kindergarten are provided by federal laws (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Preschool Education Institutions), and the maintenance of preschool children falls on the shoulders of local budgets. Therefore requests parent committee donating money for toys or group repairs is not extortion, but providing for the needs of children.

Benefits do not apply to private kindergartens, but you can try to demand compensation.