Son's birthday 3. Happy birthday greetings to son three years old

Aged three years The child is already showing some special character traits. His face becomes similar to his parents’ and he is trying with all his might to adopt their habits and habits, therefore, if you have a three-year-old son, then watch not only his behavior, but also your own.

Usually at this age the son already knows what he wants to receive as a gift, so there is no need to be shy - ask him directly. If you don’t do this, you run the risk of getting the gift wrong and ruining your baby’s entire holiday. But he is still so vulnerable. Having found out what he wants, go and buy it, if, of course, it’s yours family budget designed for this. If you don’t have the required amount of money, reassure your child and assure him that he will receive his full gift after he behaves well for a while. Thus, you will find a few more days for yourself to acquire the right amount funds.

Although the three-year-old son is very distracted, he should be explained some rules of life. This must be done with words. Happy birthday greetings to a 3-year-old son who has been trampling on this earth should also contain a formula of encouragement and approval. I mean, remember what good deeds he did, how he obeyed his dad and mom. Even though the child is not yet very receptive, you will show him that he needs to tell the truth to close people. In addition, he will understand the importance of oratory. Pay attention pay more attention to my own son.

How quickly the days fly by...
You are exactly three today,
It seems like just yesterday
The first words were spoken.

You grow to the delight of your loved ones,
You bring them love and happiness.
May childhood give miracles.
May the heavens protect you!

You are three years old. Smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try really hard
Good luck and good luck!
Your birthday wishes
Let them come to life, like in a fairy tale.
Gifts, games, treats
They will be everywhere - here and here!

The radiant sun came into your house -
Bright, cheerful - you couldn't find anything better.
Three years have already passed since then,
We must congratulate the sun on his birthday.

May your energy last for a hundred years,
The head, throat and stomach do not hurt.
Kind and brave people surround,
And the love of parents always protects!

Today is your birthday, baby
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let your whole life be a fairy tale,
We wish you success in everything.
Today is the holiday of your three years,
There is no one sweeter and better than you in the world,
You are our joy, our happiness and fun,
We wish you good health, good luck and laughter.

You are only three years old,
We'll tell you a couple of lines.
Give us more happiness,
Don’t offend your friends yourself,
Be an obedient citizen
When you grow up, buy a car.
Will you take us everywhere?
And you will remember your childhood.
Please accept all our congratulations,
Baby - Happy Birthday.

Dear, beloved son!
You are the only one we have.
The best, the bravest,
Smart, dexterous and skillful.
The third year has gone well for you -
This is very good!
You better grow up
Help mom and dad!

It's hard to contain emotions
And joy warms us inside
From fast child growth,
Not a year, not two, but three.

May the child be healthy
And let your relatives be happy,
Dreams of a wonderful miracle,
And happiness flows over the edge.

It's your birthday today
You were waiting for him, our glorious one, with impatience,
You gladly accept gifts,
And you shine with happiness.
We wish you a happy birthday,
Always be healthy and strong,
Get to know the world little by little
Make us all happy, and don’t be bored yourself.

IN a three-year-old child will not yet understand much of your
Congratulations, but he will certainly grasp the general meaning of the words. This
age is probably the one when a boy or girl consciously
refer to your birthday. They already understand what it is
a solemn event and at the same time that it is a real big
a holiday that the kids themselves usually look forward to with great impatience. IN
First of all, they are attracted by gifts and new experiences, unusual
bright events, special atmosphere. But the children themselves, and their parents and
other close people will be happy to receive a good poem as a gift
baby. Choose beautiful congratulations with this and other dates you
you can on our website.

Happy Birthday to you!
Teddy bear and a big doll,
Little bunny and pink elephant
Sending congratulations on different sides.
Everyone sat down at the table in a row with toys,
After all, it’s their oldest friend’s anniversary,
(name) celebrates exactly 3 years
There is no better and no more beautiful.

Happy birthday, my dad and I will congratulate our son,
Because today he is three years old.
He's almost grown up and understands everything
And he even reads books to his toys.
We wish you to be obedient,
So that you grow well, and so that you eat porridge,
To love dad and mom very, very much
And so that you don't get sick. Happy birthday, son!

We are celebrating three years baby
Our son has grown up so quickly,
He helps us a little
And he speaks like an old man.
We congratulate you on your birthday,
You are our dear flower,
Growing up is a feast for all of us,
Handsome, smart and big!

You are three years old. Smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try really hard
Good luck and good luck!
Your birthday wishes
Let them come to life, like in a fairy tale.
Gifts, games, treats
They will be everywhere - here and here!

Today in our house there is noise, fun,
In the morning in everyone great mood,
Our most main man celebrates birthday
He sorts out the gifts with concentration.
You are 3 years old, what a blessing,
Let all bad weather pass you by,
May your life pass carefree,
Good luck, joy, health and warmth.

Today is your birthday, baby
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let your whole life be a fairy tale,
We wish you success in everything.
Today is the holiday of your three years,
There is no one sweeter and better than you in the world,
You are our joy, our happiness and fun,
We wish you good health, good luck and laughter.

Today is your holiday, our little one,
We love you madly, our prankster,
You are already 3 years old,
May you be lucky, baby, always, everywhere.
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you to be obedient and cheerful,
May your childhood wishes come true,
And, like in a fairy tale, they turn into reality.

It's your birthday today
You were waiting for him, our glorious one, with impatience,
You gladly accept gifts,
And you shine with happiness.
We wish you a happy birthday,
Always be healthy and strong,
Get to know the world little by little
Make us all happy, and don’t be bored yourself.

The clock is ticking towards your 3rd birthday,
You are glowing with happiness, our baby,
There are many gifts and bright impressions,
Always be healthy and strong.
Live like in a fairy tale, without worries,
Don't cause trouble for your parents
Always be cheerful and smart,
May fate generously reward you.

Turned three years old today
We give you a couple of lines
Give your loved ones your smiles
May it be a holiday gold fish
Will fulfill all your dreams
The ones you dream about so much.

How old are you, tell me!
Come on, show me your pen!
Hide your two fingers, look -
There are only three left!
Yes, you are not two, but three!
Tell everyone that!
Have fun and don't get sick
And grow even faster!

Let the sky be very blue,
And the sun is very golden!
Let there be peace as in good fairy tale:
Radiant, light and colorful!
Let it be fabulously cheerful
Your third birthday!!!
Which has a lot of sweets,
Sweets, cakes, cookies.

All the bears are quiet in the corner, friends are gathering -
It's the baby's birthday, and the whole family is worried.
There is a large birthday cake on the table in the huge hall -
Our golden angel is celebrating three years.
There are sweet candies in a vase - they beckon childish look,
And the gift bags are upstairs in the closet.
Everyone comes, congratulates, you can hear it everywhere children's laughter.
The birthday girl, of course, is the most beautiful of all on this day!

Congratulations 3 years

You are three years old today.
“Three years old!” - you tell everyone.
And if someone doesn’t hear,
Show me your fingers.
Today is your holiday, and nothing more!
There were so many guests
And uncles and aunts congratulate.
They wish everything to come true.
So that there are many toys,
Beautiful books, rattles,
Jump ropes, cubes, balls
And a lot of stuffed animals.
And most importantly, health, happiness,
So that the ringing laughter does not subside,
And many clear discoveries,
And children's joyful fun!

Happy birthday, our kitten,
How old are you today?
Count it: one, two, three.
Be good and obedient
Respect mom and dad
And today, on a magical day,
Make three wishes.
Enjoy your childhood
Don't rush to become an adult.
Dear little man
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy third birthday to you! Grow healthy
smart, funny and happy child. May you have today
most best holiday with lots of sweets, gifts, congratulations and

Baby, dear, we congratulate you!
We wish you great happiness forever.
So that you grow up inquisitive, sweet, beautiful,
Kind, loved and very happy.
To listen to my mother and respect my father
And I didn’t hurt the cat on the street.
Peace, kindness and good toys -
Plush bunnies, bright firecrackers.
Today you are exactly three years old,
I wish you good luck in your future destiny!

Happy birthday! 3 years is a long time,
Your baby has become so sweet and beautiful!
Congratulations and wish you further development,
So that your health becomes stronger every day.
So that the smile does not leave the child’s face,
So that you want to smile and laugh loudly,
To be surrounded by care and tender love
Your baby, so that happiness becomes inevitable!

What are babies made of?
From whims, diapers, pacifiers?
From sleepless nights over the crib?
From mom’s savory diet?
Three years have flown by quickly,
Mom and dad have grown up too,
Kindergarten, scooter, friends, girlfriends -
New worries and toys.
There are masterpieces on wallpaper ahead,
Huts, insects in the palm of your hand,
After all, at three years old the world is so wonderful,
Full of adventures and interesting!

How? Three years? So baby
She's grown up a little already.
We all congratulate you,
We wish you a fabulous life:
Definitely a palace
After all, you are great in everything.
And good luck to the bird,
To grab her tail
And hold on tight all your life.
Anyway, happy birthday, baby.

The radiant sun came into your house -
Bright, cheerful - you couldn't find anything better.
Three years have already passed since then,
We must congratulate the sun on his birthday.
May your energy last for a hundred years,
The head, throat and stomach do not hurt.
Kind and brave people surround me,
And the love of parents always protects!

Our beloved little one,
Happy Birthday to You!
Three years is a holiday
Noble, just like never before.
Let the sun shine brightly
Looking through your window
They draw “bunnies” on the wall
Magic movie for you
Any wishes will come true,
A house full of new toys,
And the porridge will be the most delicious,
Like a chocolate popsicle.
Grow up healthy and strong,
Well-mannered and combative.
Luck, happiness, a sea of ​​laughter,
Bright, brilliant destiny!

Merry friends and good habits
I wish the hero of the holiday.
You are three years old - this is an excellent age,
I sincerely congratulate you on this!
Let your life be like a fairy tale,
Where there are many different, beautiful miracles.
Let loved ones give care and affection.
And let the Guardian Angel guard from heaven.

Happy anniversary!
And although it is small,
But we wish the little one
At this golden age,
So that your health is strong,
To open - every day,
To be smarter than everyone, more beautiful
And happier on Earth!

Birthday wishes for son from mom

Happy birthday son!
Let your dreams come true.
So that you are my dear,
Achieved heights.
May you be healthy, smart and strong.
So that I can achieve everything.
Be beautiful, rich, beloved.
Happy birthday son!

Happy birthday, son, congratulations!
Reach heights in this life.
You live, dreaming about good things.
And then, know, you will be lucky!
You are the smartest, most responsive,
I am amazed at your kindness.
And I'm proud of you, like a mother.
Be true to your dream, son!

Son today, on his birthday
With love I greet you!
May happiness, vigor and luck
Heaven will give you today.
You are, of course, a joy to me,
You are my pride, my dear.
That you are my son, I am very glad
May God always be with you.

You are my pride
Joy, joy,
And nothing for me
No more!
You are my happiness,
My hope
I love you very much
Son, you!
On your birthday
I congratulate,
And from the heart
The blessings of the earth
I wish you all!

Happy birthday son
Dear beloved,
I wish that you
I was happy in life.
Mother's love
May mine protect you
I'll follow you,
Protecting and loving.
I'll translate for you
Through all the obstacles
Don't be afraid of life, son,
Mom is always there.

Happy birthday, precious son!
You are dearest to everyone in the vast universe,
Be healthy and be sure to be lucky,
Be successful and, of course, very happy!
I, like a mother, will be there, helping
And loving, always appreciating and understanding.
You go through life with this bold step,
And let successes fly like stars!

My kind son, my gentle son,
Happy birthday, dear,
Let hope live in your soul,
Faith, joy and love!
Let the years flow in streams -
There will be a lot to come.
Let capricious adversity
They will bypass you on the way.
Be an optimist and be cheerful
This kindness is everywhere,
Be happy and healthy
What you have, don’t break it!

My dear son, beloved and dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I ask fate for your happiness,
I light a candle before the Mother of God.
Let the sun shine brightly above you,
There will be no thunderstorms or bad weather in life,
Let my mother's love
Goodness will be guaranteed for years.

I wish you happiness, son,
So that you can increase it
And the guardian angel saved me from troubles.
Don't let this bother you.
I want you to have friends with you -
Worthy, honest people.
And no matter what happens, know that I am for you.
Which means everything will be great.

I wish you health dear,
And also patience, strength and will,
May it be with you in your work and study
Success. And fortune favors you.
May everything be well in your family,
Live in peace, love and abundance.
So that you will certainly find everything you were looking for,
And may all your affairs be in order.

Happy birthday greetings to son from mother

My dear, most beloved son, I congratulate you on your day
birth! I wish you incredible happiness, reliable and loyal
friends, good health, self-realization and achievement of all
goals! I really want everything to be easy for you,
kindly, with a smile and without obstacles. You can always come at me
count. I, your mother, are always with you.

Happy birthday, son,
I congratulate you lovingly.
My beloved angel,
My life, my soul!
Every year you become more and more beautiful,
More and more powerful and agile.
And it’s hard to even imagine
That you were my baby.
I didn't sleep with you at night,
You have grown quite big.
I wish with all my heart:
Be the happiest of all, dear!

On your birthday, son, from mom
Please accept congratulations, my dearest.
Be strong in life, go, don't give up,
And if you happen to fall, get up.
Learn from mistakes, from mistakes - no, no,
May God protect you from laziness and stupidity.
Let your goals fill your life with meaning,
They inspire you to follow the right path.
Responsibility is a masculine trait
In everything and everywhere, although sometimes it’s not easy.
In work, in love, in friendship, remember her,
Then you will achieve recognition from people.
Good health to you, because where would you be without it?
Irony helps when it's hard.
Be happy, my boy, live, prosper,
Walk through life with a wide smile.

You are always a child for me,
It doesn't matter how old you are.
I've loved you since I was in cradle,
Since I was born.
And on your birthday, my dear,
I wish only the best for you.
Let there be golden friendship
Never know betrayal.
I wish you victories and success.
Walk through life with pride
And having met great love,
Keep it carefully.

The years have flown by quickly,
You have grown and become big,
Became more serious and mature
The best son in the world.
Happy Birthday!
Be happy, believe in luck.
Let love, hope, faith
They'll knock on your door!

Sweet, dear son,
My beloved angel.
I adore you, you are my little blood.
Let him give you a birthday
Dreams come true
And of course my son,
Be happy in your life.

Happy birthday, son.
Be happy you.
I will beg God for happiness
For your destiny.
Mother's love
I will heal the wounds,
All your sins are yours
I will pay with my soul.
Let them pass you by, son,
Troubles and worries
I'll follow you
On any road.
With a mother's heart
I'll be next to you,
If only you were happy,
No more is needed.

I wish you, son, on your birthday,
Great happiness, good luck at work,
Good, reliable and loyal friends,
In business, be more successful and only wiser.
Let only luck shine brightly in life,
And every minute to be only richer,
Success, wealth and only prosperity,
Love, only joy and prosperity!

My dear son, happy birthday,
How happy I am that I have you!
May luck accompany you all around,
Let there be so much happiness that you can’t count it!
I want to wish you to be the first in everything,
It doesn’t matter who or what is whispering behind your back,
Good health, only true friends to you,
And, of course, a lot of love!
Step forward towards your cherished goal,
And please, don’t listen to anyone in the bustle!
After all, only the one who wins, in fact,
Who is always sincerely devoted to his dream!

Son, be healthy, dear,
Live without knowing grief
For those who are dear, be a mountain,
Be a support for women.
Look for opportunities there too
Where only obstacles are visible,
At least a sharp mind
You will receive it as a reward.
Be happy, don't lose your enthusiasm,
After all, more for mom
There is no happiness than her child
With a radiant, bright look.
Find your path in work
I wish you on your birthday.
Well, of course, let love
It will definitely come.

Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old boy - prose, poetry, SMS

Three already for the boy,
The guy is very fighting.
Mom and dad are blown away -
I won't get bored with you.
I wish to be healthy
A brave, nimble baby.
May fate warm you
A warm, gentle ray.
New fabulous discoveries
I wish you.
Be obedient and smart
The kindest on earth.

Congratulations to the wonderful little boy on his 3rd year of joyful life.
I wish you to grow up to be a brave and courageous boy, a kind and faithful comrade,
beloved and obedient son, successful and a cheerful person. Let it be
a lot of happiness in the house, a lot of luck on the path of life and a lot of sweets in

As many as three already for the boy -
A true gentleman.
Let childhood give you
Many bright changes.
You grow up, baby, healthy,
Strong, lively, strong-willed.
Just make mom and dad happy
Good-natured, but tough.

You are 3 years old today
And this is happiness for the family.
Let the love of the Lord protect
All your happy days.
Grow healthy and skillful,
Cheerful, very lively,
Unique, the most daring!
Baby, happy birthday!

Turned 3 years old
Already for you, baby,
Jumping for joy
You are in a hurry in life.
I wish you not to get sick
And obey your parents
I wish to grow up to be a fighter,
Become a winner in life.

Such a big boy already,
Cheerful, kind, mischievous,
You play with balls, cars,
You are such a funny prankster!
And I hasten to congratulate you,
With the fact that you are three today,
I wish you to be healthy
Grow up to be an obedient boy!

Dear and wonderful baby,
Happy birthday to you.
You are three years old, you are a big boy,
I wish you great health.
Grow up to the joy of mom and dad,
Be the smartest and the most adorable.
You will always be for your parents,
The most wonderful child in the world!

We love you, dear, with all our hearts,
Our most beloved and wonderful!
Today you are three years old, you are big,
Our strong guy is serious and charming!
We wish you to grow up healthy, cheerful,
And every day new world open,
After all, so much awaits you ahead,
What you can’t even dream of yet!

Your little son is already 3 years old,
How quickly time flies,
I wish him not to have problems,
He will always live in harmony and peace.
May your little son be happy,
May joy fill all his days,
I wish him from the bottom of my heart, I am here and now,
May your dreams come true!

Wonderful day! Why?
Because you were born.
And to your family
Fell off the stork.
And already, like three years
You make your parents happy.
They are your angels
Organizers of life.
Don't be sick and don't be sad,
Be the happiest of all.
We really want to hear
Your cheerful laugh.

Happy Birthday to son from mom

My beloved son, my hope,
Happy birthday to you!
Be strong and gentle, be healthy,
And never forget your mother!
I love you, believe me, with all my soul,
Grow up, my dear, big, big!
Know no sorrow or evil in life,
So that my mother has support in life!

It's such a wonderful day today,
It's my son's birthday!
Let the grace of the Lord descend,
And maternal, only on him!
I wish you well, my dear son,
May all your dreams come true,
You are the best, I know that
Be happy, dear, in life!

You were once a little girl
But year after year time passed,
You have grown up, mother's delight!
The heart is tender and light,
When I see you, darling,
I always thank fate
And on my birthday, today,
I give you my love!

My dear son, dear,
Beautiful, gentle, dear,
Accept congratulations from your mother
Happy birthday to you, beloved!
I wish to live without any troubles
In our world for a hundred years!
Keep love in your soul,
And be happy again and again!

Once upon a time, many years ago,
Fate gave you to me!
I remember how happy dad was
And I opened the world with you!
Beautiful, gentle mother's world!
He is the best, without a doubt
You are my God, son! You are my idol!
Darling, happy birthday to you!

I wish you reliable friends,
On your birthday, there are certainly guests!
Let there be fun, jokes and laughter,
Son, believe me, you are the best for your mother!
Wish excellent studies, son,
And let happiness come to your doorstep,
May you always be lucky in life, dear,
And let there be love and warmth in your heart!

Happy Birthday, my son!
You've become quite big.
And you are handsome and tall,
I've already caught up with my mother's height!
I wish you, darling,
You study and love life,
Let there be enough strength for everything,
And take care of your mother!

Son, you are your mother's blood,
I love you with all my soul,
And now there's a tear running down my cheek
Slid down. You're so big,
And he became smart, son, beloved,
Happy birthday to you, dear!
Always be guarded by an angel,
And be happy, my dear!

I know, son, the time will come,
Your achievements and victories,
I believe in you, without a doubt,
And I know that there will be no troubles,
And your life will be wonderful,
Happy birthday to you, son!
Let them be with you throughout your life
A hundred roads are always open!

Happy birthday to you!
You are my favorite, believe me!
I wish you, without a doubt,
May happiness come to your door!
You, son, be healthy and strong,
And let sadness not touch you,
Always be cheerful and beautiful,
May your path always be easy!

Son, never lose heart
There is no reason to despair
Go towards your goal boldly,
And remember, honey, you are my son!
I will always be proud of you
And don't let me down!
Happy birthday to you, my love,
May happiness only lie ahead!

It seems to me quite recently
She fed you with her milk.
You grew up as a fat-cheeked, nice kid,
And screaming at night woke up the whole house!
When I often cried on dark nights,
I fought for silence as best I could,
Even then, now I know for sure
You developed a commanding voice in the night!
We wish you to be simply happy,
So that you do not know betrayal and pain.
We still wish you career growth,
Patience, good luck, willpower!

How old are you, tell me!
Come on, show me your pen!
Hide your two fingers, look -
There are only three left!
Yes, you are not two, but three!
Tell everyone that!
Have fun and don't get sick
And grow even faster!

Here you are already three!
You'll soon grow up completely
Your cheerful voice
Gives joy to everyone, everyone, everyone.
Not a child, but simply lovely!
Everyone admires you
Lots of happiness on your birthday
We wish with all our hearts!

The number "3" is a number from a fairy tale:
Three wishes, three tips,
Three bears, three horses
And the king has three sons!
At 3 - everyone is sent to kindergarten,
They don't consider kids
Sometimes they ask for help -
The man is already “big”!
And everyone in the world knows
The third step leads to victory!
Congratulations! Without a doubt
The third is the best birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!
Please accept congratulations
And give everyone a smile,
After all, today you are THREE!
How great it is to frolic,
Sing, laugh, have fun!
Shine like the sun
And everyone is happier to grow up!

You are exactly three today,
Look at the huge world
There are so many wonderful things in it
And very interesting -
Toys, entertainment,
Sweets, congratulations -
May you like everything
And the holiday doesn't end!

Birthday! Exactly three!
We are with gifts, look:
These are books and toys.
These are loud firecrackers!
Three wonderful years
The whole family is proud of you!
Have fun and laugh loudly,
There is no smarter child!

Eyes, cheeks... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!!!

Ran to the edge of the forest
Mischievous and funny deer
And he said: What a wonderful holiday!
Happy Birthday to you, child!
Here you are three years old, little one!
May these happy days
There will be games, smiles and jokes,
And there are sparkles in the mischievous eyes!

Three years, baby!
Let your dreams come true:
Just a little more -
You're going to go study!
May you have many years to come
Love, kindness and happiness light!!!

Happy Birthday for 3 years old

Eyes, cheeks... Look:
Here you are already three!
You're turning three
Have the best year ever!
On this wonderful anniversary
You are the most beautiful and sweetest of all.
Healthier, smarter, grow
About a hundred and six years old!!!

Congratulations for children 3 years old

In all fairy tales the number three
It's like she's spellbound.
And yours now, look
Happy birthday beckons in the morning.
Congratulations on the cake
We have already lit three candles.
Let your wish come true
The big man!

Poem for a 3 year old child

May it be your third birthday
It will be joyful for everyone
And more and more often it is heard
Your happy children's laughter!
Show us what you can do:
Songs, dances and poems.
Tell me it's delicious
It smells like mom's perfume!

Congratulations to a child for 3 years

Birthday! Exactly three!
We are with gifts, look:
These are books and toys.
These are loud firecrackers!
Three wonderful years
The whole family is proud of you!
Have fun and laugh loudly,
There is no smarter child!

Congratulations on 3 years

Toys, various sweets,
Happy Birthday!
Gifts, children's joys,
And plenty of treats!
3 years is a glorious occasion
Play, joke, laugh,
Sing funny songs
And (who - name) admire!

Comic congratulations for 3 years

Birthday is coming
For the third time in your life!
See, butterflies are fluttering,
And the little fox sends a message:
To behave,
Listen to mom and grow up!


Happy Birthday to you!
Please accept congratulations
And give everyone a smile,
After all, today you are THREE!
How great it is to frolic,
Sing, laugh, have fun!
Shine like the sun
And everyone is happier to grow up!

Fabulous 3rd birthday greetings

Ran to the edge of the forest
Mischievous and funny deer
And he said: What a wonderful holiday!
Happy Birthday to you, child!
Here you are three years old, little one!
May these happy days
There will be games, smiles and jokes,
And there are sparkles in the mischievous eyes!

Happy Birthday 3 years

Give your smile to everyone
And laugh more cheerfully
You are exactly three today,
Welcome your guests soon!
Blow out the candles on the cake,
But just don't forget -
Make your wishes!
And be happier everyone!

Congratulations on 3 years

You are 3 years old. Smile
You are like the sun in the morning
And try really hard
Good luck and good luck!
Your birthday wishes
Let them come to life, like in a fairy tale.
Gifts, games, treats
They will be everywhere - here and here!

Happy Birthday for 3 years

You already know so much
You're growing up every day
You understand everything in the world -
And you'll tell me everything.
Do you know about my birthday?
That today has come,
About surprises
Oh fun
After all, today you are 3!

Three most difficult and happiest years
You lived side by side with your baby.
And so he became cheerful and amusing,
An assistant to parents in everything!

Three years doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a lot
They are filled with care and kindness.
My son’s three years is a mega-holiday,
Please accept congratulations and flowers!

You are three years old today
We give you a couple of lines
Give your loved ones your smiles
May it be a holiday, goldfish

Will fulfill all your dreams
The ones you dream about so much.

On birthday cake, quickly look,
Three candles are lit and burning brightly!
Three years old means you, our dear,
Please accept congratulations on your holiday!

We wish you to be as cheerful as before,
Obedient and kind, smart, perky!
We wish you good health, good friends,
Grow and grow stronger, become stronger and stronger!

At three years old you walk through life
You are so that you will go far.
At three years old you already know so much
That it's not easy to argue with you.

Congratulations on turning three years old,
What can I wish for you?
We solemnly declare,
That we will pamper you!

Toys and teddy bears
We will buy for you
Drive on swings and from towers
At least skate for an eternity.

You're no longer crying in your crib
(In the third year of life!)
And if we start playing hide and seek,
I won't find you right away...

You are this blessed century
Enjoy it longer, please!
I congratulate you on your third anniversary
Today, my boy, I’m in a hurry!

Today you are three years old,
We'll tell you a couple of lines.
Give us more happiness,
Don’t offend your friends yourself,

Be an obedient citizen
When you grow up, buy a car.
Will you take us everywhere?
And you will remember your childhood.

Please accept all our congratulations,
Baby - Happy Birthday.

Three years is not enough,
Today you are already big!
And even the sun rose earlier,
To say hello to you!

We are happy to congratulate you,
Wish you many toys!
Tell me where to put the gifts?
Let's start playing quickly!

Grow big, skillful, brave!
Let you be an astronaut!
And let in this white world,
Your dreams will come true!

We congratulate you today,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you -
Grow up quickly
Continue to please,

May success lie ahead
Never go astray
We wish you the best!
You get your way.

Well, you're three years old, friend!
So accept congratulations!
I wish I didn’t hang my nose,
I would always find entertainment.

And to please my father
And mother, who is responsible for you...
And be with them... Until the end...
After all, you are alone in the world!

Our little child!
Our little miracle!
You are growing as you should
And when people saw you

Smiling like children:
If only we could have such a paw!
Just know: like this in the world
You are alone with mom and dad!

Again a small piece
Childhood years have been snatched away...
Happy birthday, son!
Happy birthday, son!

Our main reward
The best anywhere and everywhere!
Happy birthday, our child!
Happy birthday, our miracle!

I congratulate you, dear baby,
Your birthday, the holiday is coming!
With us you are growing up very quickly,
And you make us all smile!

May life give you gifts,
And it won’t make you cry at all!
Grow big, live, fall in love,
Make as few mistakes as possible!

Today we celebrate our third birth,
You have grown noticeably during this time, friend,
Accept our congratulations soon,
And quickly become a circle with your friends,

We will lead round dances,
And sing songs and dance,
Then joke, play and run,
Well, then eat all the sweets.