Kickboards for children. Micro kickboards: a modern take on the scooter! The most attractive trider for kids

A baby scooter can be an ideal first vehicle for a toddler to get around on its own due to its light weight, safety and ease of handling. Unfortunately, not all scooters can please you with quality and convenience, so when choosing this product, Price Expert advises you to pay attention to several important points.

Wheels are a key part of a scooter

When making a purchase decision, pay special attention to:

  • number of wheels. Scooters come in two-wheel, three-wheel, and four-wheel types. Among the three-wheeled ones, there are both options with a classic wheel arrangement (one in front, 2 in the back), as well as more modern kickboards, which have 2 wheels in front and one small one in the back. By the way, it is kickboards that are especially stable and easy to manage.
  • wheel material. Rubber-coated plastic wheels are the cheapest, but they rattle on the road, have little to no bounce, and wear out quickly. Polyurethane wheels perform much better: they are elastic, silent, durable and do not require maintenance. Inflatable pneumatic wheels provide extra softness of movement, but they are more cumbersome and are recommended for children from 4 years old.
  • wheel size. The smaller it is, the more bumps the scooter “catches”. "Golden mean" - a scooter with wheels 12-15 cm.

The material from which the scooter is made

Basically, it is plastic and metal (aluminum, steel). In a good scooter, the handle and connecting panel should only be metal. Toddler options may have plastic elements to facilitate construction.

Control method

There are two of them: this is a classic steering wheel that turns left and right or an innovative joystick steering wheel that needs to be tilted in different directions to turn. The first is ideal for two-wheeled models, helping to maneuver, and the second is great for "baby" scooters, because. allows you to not lose the stability of the vehicle when turning.
When choosing, also consider what age (and therefore, what height and weight of the child) the scooter is designed for, the possibility of its simple and compact folding, durable and non-slip framing of the handles, and for children over 3 years old, the obligatory presence of a brake.

The best manufacturers of children's scooters

The best in quality are children's scooters of European and overseas brands - Micro(Switzerland), Scoot and Ride(Austria), Globber(France) and tech team(Russia). These companies pay a lot of attention to the safety and reliability of their products. True, their products cost a lot: from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. Models of Chinese and Russian production will help save on purchases. But in no case do not buy copies of low-quality bending plastic with falling off stickers - these will not last long. Better take a look at trusted brands: Trolo And sweet baby(Italy), Novatrack(Russia), who have good quality models at affordable prices.

Rating of the 8 best scooters for kids

Having studied the market for this type of children's transport, Expert Price chose the 8 most worthy children's scooters.

Meet, in front of you - a kickboard in person! A kickboard is a successful hybrid of a scooter and a skateboard. Its creator, Sieghard Streik, took up crossbreeding in 1994 and the result took root.

kickboard- a godsend for outdoor enthusiasts. It develops: strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination. At the same time, while riding, you will get the impression that you are just relaxing, but your muscles will be actively working.

What immediately catches the eye is kickboard 2 wheels in front, and one in the back, for a total of three wheels (the scooter has one here and there, two in total). At kickboard ideally a joystick and not a T-shaped scooter steering wheel (conservative kickboarders can buy a T-classic in addition). Well, the board on which we put our feet is wider than that of a scooter, it’s understandable - it was crossed with a skateboard!

kickboard Micro

But in general, if you do not bother with details, outwardly, a kickboard and a scooter (aka a scooter) are very similar.
But the first difference that our dad noticed when the first kickboard was delivered to us - you can’t ride it around an average apartment, unlike a scooter - the turning radius is larger, you need to go outside for a test :) But I want to try!

And we got kickboards thanks to the children's kickboard TM Micro - Mini Micro (Mini Micro).
However, Mini Micro calls the entire Runet "three-wheel scooter Mini Micro with two wheels in front" ubiquitous, although in fact it is a classic kickboard adapted for toddlers.And what about the design and driving principle, what is the difference? Why buy a kickboard and not a scooter? By moving the front wheels forward, the scooter violated the control principle that had been in effect before, and I had to look for an alternative. As a result, a kickboard, like a skateboard, can be controlled with your feet - the tilt of the platform. But most of the riders still rely on the classics of self-driving - the steering wheel, aka the joystick. In general, kickboarders have a choice - you want with your hands, you want with your feet.Thanks to this double control system, more sensitive to the movements of the rider, the kickboards are more nimble and develop more speed. However, from a modern scooter, the kickboard got a brake on the rear wheel, easily activated by the kickboarder's foot, there is no reason for concern.In general, an adult kickboard is not for lovers of quiet walks along the paths of cozy parks. It is more suitable for lovers of tricks and descents from the mountains.

And one more difference that my husband immediately discovered as soon as he unpacked the package with a brand new Micro Original kickboard - it has a larger turning radius than a scooter, I can’t test it right in the apartment :) no matter how much I want to.

And what about children, why do they choose Mini Micro Kickboards?

Since it is much easier to balance on a three-wheeled board, children who have barely learned to walk successfully master it. In the children's version kickboard the steering wheel is T-shaped, like a conventional scooter, but still works on the principle of a lever, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the usual device where the steering wheel must be turned.

In general, the children's version is so stable and thought out that it is easier and safer to ride on it than on an ordinary children's scooter, you can safely take it for a walk even for the smallest kid, as long as he stands confidently on his feet.

We're talking Micro kickboards, yes yes!

By the way, many people raise the topic of kickboards, namely, three-wheeled Mini Micro scooters before the summer, and I would correct that this is a great toy for spring and autumn, for a family walk in the park.
Kickboards want a flat road, and where we rest in the summer, it is not always there, and dragging it along for hundreds of kilometers to then look for a flat road on the spot does not make sense, consider better scooters designed for rough roads, with relatively large and springy wheels, For example MicroFlex. Well, scooters with really large inflatable wheels are suitable for off-road driving, although I am not familiar with them.

In general, our opinion remained ambiguous. Kickboards it is interesting and driving, but there is a good road only where there is a good road, and we are often not there. And this impossibility to meet overshadows our joy of use.

But, this applies to adult kickboards. Kids kickboard Mini Micro there are simply no alternatives, we strongly advise you to get to know him better, for a start with the help of our

Updated: 03.05.2018 11:57:25

A scooter is the best first means of transportation for many children. It should be light, easy to handle and safer than a bicycle. Not all scooters meet these requirements, so the EXPERTOLOGY portal offers a rating of the most convenient and safe models according to experts and users.

How to choose a scooter for a child

When choosing a scooter, it is important to pay attention to several parameters of this vehicle:

    Number of wheels. The most convenient and safe are three- and four-wheel scooters, they are produced for both the smallest and adults. Two-wheelers are suitable for those who have already mastered the technique of riding and are confident on their feet.

    Wheel material plays an important role. Rubber inflatable chambers provide a soft and silent ride, suitable for scooters with an age category of 4+ due to bulkiness. Polyurethane wheels are a universal solution for all ages, they are shock-absorbing, maintenance-free and relatively quiet. The cheapest and at the same time the most rattling option is rubber-coated plastic wheels: they are noisy and poorly level vibration.

    Wheel diameter determines how much roughness in the road you will experience, and the ratio is inversely proportional. Accordingly, children's scooters with wheels 8-10 cm "feel" every hole and bump, models for adults with large wheels 12-15 cm are the best option for a comfortable ride.

    Case material– plastic or steel. Bearing elements in adult models can only be metal; in small children's models, high-strength polymers are allowed.

    Control method: conventional steering wheel right and left, tilt (joystick) or electric.

Rating of the best scooters

Nomination place Name of product price
The best two-wheeled children's scooters 1 3 990 ₽
2 3 990 ₽
3 4 890 ₽
4 2 990 ₽
The best three-wheeled children's scooters (kickboards) 1 5 700 ₽
2 3 500 ₽
3 4 500 ₽
Best Electric Kids Scooters 1 -
2 15 525 ₽
3 13 900 ₽

The best two-wheeled children's scooters

This type of mobile transport is a universal solution for any age.

The most popular scooter model of the French assembly GLOBBER MY TOO FIXED SCOOTER is in the first place. Leadership is not accidental: the body is made of stainless steel, all parts are interconnected by reliable welds; wheels made of high-quality polyurethane are soft on bumps, and their different diameters (120 mm front and 100 mm rear) provide good maneuverability even at high speeds.

The adjustment and safety system in the GLOBBER MY TOO FIXED SCOOTER deserves attention: a non-slip platform, a handle (73 ...


    Maneuverable scooter for children weighing up to 50 kg;

    Polyurethane wheels of different diameters;

    Ergonomic design;

    Light weight.


  • The high price is more than 5000 rubles.

The bright Razor Party POP Al scooter, which attracts the attention of children of both sexes, is equipped with bright lights that turn on by pressing a button on the steering wheel or activate when driving. This feature is not only interesting, but also increases the safety of the child at night on the sidewalks and near the roadway.

Polyurethane wheels with a diameter of 100 mm behave well on the road, bumps are compensated by the elasticity of the polymer coating. The height of the handle is adjustable for height up to 122 cm.

The scooter gets the second place in the rating for not the best alloy of the aluminum case, which is not very durable, dents and scratches appear on the surface over time. The price of such a vehicle starts at 3990 rubles.


    Neutral design for girls and boys;


    Light scooter 3.2 kg;

    Polyurethane wheels.


  • No expressed.

The Tech Team Crosstour 2018 city scooter is suitable for children from 7 years old: it has large wheels (front - 230 mm and rear 200 mm) covered with polyurethane. The ride is moderately soft and fast, it is facilitated by high-quality ABEC 9 Chrome bearings and shock absorbers, there is a smooth brake on the rear wheel.

A distinctive feature of the model is the unique system of folding handles, the front tube is milled, the frame can be folded in half and stored in a carrying bag. The weight of the device is 4 kg. But it can withstand children and adults up to 100 kg, so the purchase of the Tech Team Crosstour 2018 is a purchase for several years ahead. Available in several colors for boys and girls.


    Passable large wheels;

    Foldable handle;

    Shock absorbers and high-speed bearings;

    Adjustable handle height;

    Folding model;

    Non-slip platform.


    The folding button does not always work;

    High price from 5500 rubles.

An interesting Chinese-made scooter Small Rider Dragon will not go unnoticed by the children's environment: it is equipped with such special effects as imitation of engine operation, bright LED lighting, and a steam machine for generating puffs of steam. Add here a bright color in green or red.

From a technical point of view, the scooter is an ideal vehicle for teaching children to ride 4-5 years old: the height of the handle is adjustable, the polyurethane wheels with a diameter of 120 mm do not allow you to accelerate quickly in a short time, but they are stable and easily controlled on asphalt.

Why is the scooter ranked fourth in the category? The point is in the body materials: the main assembly is aluminum, but the polyurethane frame is not very durable at all. True, there is an advantage in its presence - the weight of the Small Rider Dragon is only 2.5 kg and it will not be difficult to transfer yourself in the hands of even young owners.


    Stable wheels;

    Lightweight construction;

    Interesting for the child special effects and bright colors;

    The optimal cost is from 2600 rubles.


    plastic frame;

    Not always the correct work of special effects;

The best three-wheeled children's scooters (kickboards)

A kickboard is a scooter with three wheels: 2 in front, 1 in the back, they ensure the stability of the vehicle. It can be equipped with a joystick control that increases the speed of movement and develops the coordination of the child's movements.

This multifunctional device is suitable for children from 1 year old, because it combines 4 devices at once:

    Wheelchair with parental control (handle) and seat,

    Wheelchair with seat without control handle,

    Three-wheeled low scooter for kids from 2 years old,

    Scooter with increased handlebar height.

Each of the devices is obtained with the sequential removal of one part. Thus, the Y-Scoo RT Globber My free Seat 4 in 1 replaces the stroller (provided that the child sits confidently and holds on to the handles), the balance bike, over time, becomes an ordinary three-wheeled standing vehicle.

Soft wheels (front and rear respectively 121 and 80 mm) with polyurethane coating, which can be blocked from turning movements, are stable and equipped with good bearings and shock absorber springs. The kickboard goes smoothly and almost silently, the rear wheel, equipped with a brake, glows. The device is suitable for children weighing up to 50 kg.


    Soft move;

    Wheel lock;

    5 color versions;

    Reliable design;

    Wide non-slip platform


  • High price from 5700 rubles.

The second place in the ranking of three-wheeled kickboards is occupied by the Razor T3 scooter. It is designed for boys and girls from 2 to 5-6 years old in height - the maximum height of the steering rack is 62 cm. Elastic wheels with a diameter of 120 mm front and small rear provide a fast and confident ride on a relatively flat asphalt surface. The brake on the rear wheel is smooth and reliable.

The design of the kickboard is simple: it consists of a fixed-height handle and a deck with a non-slip surface. Connecting them is simple: just insert the tube until it clicks, you don’t need to configure anything, the scooter is ready to go. It can be disassembled for storage and transportation in the same way, but children will not be able to cope with the process due to a rigid connection that excludes backlash. The colors of the frame are bright, the manufacturer uses durable saturated paints that do not lose their aesthetic properties even with hard use. The cost of a kickboard is optimal and affordable - from 3990 rubles.


    Bright design;

    Safe collapsible design;

    Easy handling and stable wheels;

    Optimal cost.


  • Not identified.

The kickboard for the smallest Micro Mini Micro is designed and assembled in Germany from aluminum and strong plastic, the platform and the handle are inserted into each other without any problems and disassembled for storage and transportation in the same way.

Thick polyurethane wheels with 24 mm coating (rear - 80 mm, front - 120 mm) provide a smooth ride on any road surface and do not transmit shaking, bearings can withstand any load within a specified maximum weight of 20 kg. The length of the handle is fixed and does not change - 67 cm, convenient for use by children up to 98 cm (2-3 years old). The scooter is stable, equipped with a rear wheel brake, soft and maneuverable, the model can be one of 9 colors to choose from.

Unfortunately, the Micro Mini Micro is not found in the highest quality assembly despite its German origin - users note the failure of bearings and brakes, although the cost of 4500 thousand does not imply the expectation of breakdowns in a short time. Therefore, the kickboard takes only the fourth place in the ranking. Fortunately, the manufacturer provides a two-year warranty and problems are eliminated in a timely manner at the service center, and there are no problems with self-replacement of parts.



    Any color to choose for a boy and a girl;

    Plastic deck with fiberglass reinforcement;

    Elastic wheels;

    Warranty 2 years.


    There is a poor-quality assembly;

    The handle does not extend;

    High cost from 4500 rubles.

Best Electric Kids Scooters

An electric scooter is a vehicle for children who have mastered stability on two wheels. The device does not pick up high speed, it runs on battery, after the end of the charge it can be used as a regular kick scooter. This is a great helper for parents on long journeys and trips.

The first place in our rating was taken by the WELLNESS Sambit Eho 100 electric scooter. It has everything you need for such transport: a reliable stainless steel body, a 100-watt engine, a cruising range of about 25 km, a speed of no more than 15 km/h, polyurethane elastic wheels for a comfortable ride with a rear smooth brake. Razor Power Core E100

The Razor Power Core E100 electric scooter with extended battery life provides up to 90 minutes of continuous riding on a single charge at speeds up to 18 km / h, therefore it is suitable for children and teenagers with a height of 110 to 170 cm (8 years and more) and weighing up to 55 kg. The case is made entirely of steel with applied indelible logos. Riding comfort is provided by a wide foot platform and an elastic inflatable front wheel with a diameter of 20 cm, a smaller rear wheel with a polyurethane coating and a motor. Bumps on such a scooter are almost not felt, the bumps in the road are overcome gently. The handbrake is very easy to use.

The engine has no protruding working parts, they are all packed in a compact and durable case in the rear wheel.

This miracle device gets the second place for a high cost of 16,900 rubles, which not everyone can afford. In addition, a large weight (11.8 kg) somewhat slows down maneuverability. Otherwise, it is an excellent city scooter for children and teenagers.


    Elastic wheels, front - inflatable;

    Increased speed 18 km/h;

    Hand brake;

    Full steel frame;

    Long battery life - 90 minutes;

    Quiet operation of the engine;

    Ergonomic design.


    High price.

    Big weight.

This scooter is chosen by buyers for the best value for money. The device costs an average of 13,900 rubles, while it is equipped with good performance: motor power 90 W, speed 16 km / h, cruising range 20 km (90 minutes), urethane wheel with a diameter of 140 mm in front, rear slightly smaller with the same coating and built-in motor that runs absolutely silently. Permeability is limited by a ground clearance of 6 cm, it overcomes unevenness with dignity, not without the participation of maneuvering control, which is facilitated by the optimal weight of the device of 9.9 kg.

The scooter is designed for use by children from 7-8 years old weighing up to 55 kg and up to 160 cm tall. These are average figures, so the Razor Power Core E90 takes third place in the category without any claims to quality.


    Soft move;

    Convenient management;

    Hand brake;

    Good power reserve;

    Interesting design;

    Price-quality ratio.


  • Not identified.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Modern technologies allow you to regularly make interesting discoveries, and sometimes it seems that there is no limit to them. This is true! And Micro kickboards are real proof of that! For many people, the concept of a kickboard raises a lot of questions, but in fact everything is very simple. The kickboard is the best that was taken from the scooter and the skateboard and put together. This is how the very kickboards that attract not only children but also adults appeared in the design bureau of the Swiss company Micro!

Kickboards and their features

​Kickboard is a three-wheeled scooter with great features. Everyone knows how fast our children grow up and how quickly they get bored with the monotony. The Kickboard scooter is both a toy and sports equipment, and a great tool for organizing children's leisure. They will never cease to amaze your children, because kickboards can interest even adults!

In the process of riding such a scooter, all muscles and the musculoskeletal system as a whole are perfectly worked out, such qualities as flexibility, agility and the ability to perform maneuvers develop.

The design features of the Kickboard Micro are as follows. Outwardly, the structure resembles an ordinary scooter, but if you look closely, you can see significant differences, namely:

Handle-steering wheel, which serves not just as a support, but as a mechanism for controlling the kickboard.
- The main platform has a special structure that bounces with every movement, creating special comfort and opportunities.
- Three wheels - one in the back and two in the front. It is this ratio that allows you to maintain balance and stability.
- Almost all models have the ability to replace the T-shaped handle with a joystick handle, with the help of which the movement on the kickboard scooter becomes especially maneuverable and interesting.
- Rear brake - will allow you to stop in time and adjust your route according to the pace if necessary.

In the manufacture of kickboards, only high-quality materials are used that provide special protection in those places where it is needed (rubberized handles, anti-slip coating, etc.).

Kickboard is ideal not only for children's recreation, but also for adults. By choosing different models for the whole family, you can organize weekend trips with pleasure. For example, the Kickboard Monster scooter belongs to professional developments and is designed for any age, but it is more suitable for men, because in addition to its capabilities, it is also stylized to match the mood of fans of extreme sports and eternal drive!

Fitness Kickboards

If you don’t have time to visit sports clubs at all, combine a walk with your children with outdoor activities, but the three-wheeled Micro Kickboard scooter will help you work out all the necessary muscles, and believe me, after such activities you will lose much more calories than in the gym . Do not forget that scooter rides are carried out in the fresh air, which is extremely beneficial for the health of you and your family!

You can buy Kickboards Micro at an attractive price in our store. We offer exceptionally favorable terms of cooperation as an official distributor of Micro.

Kickboard Micro is a completely new direction for organizing active leisure! Do you want to be always fashionable and at the peak of perfection? Kickboards are waiting for you!​