How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways. Learning to read by syllables in a playful way How to teach a child to read by syllables

Remember that big blue primer with which all of us, parents, once began our acquaintance with the school? This book has helped teach millions of children to read. However, the modern market of educational literature is oversaturated with materials, choosing from which is not so easy.

Books that offer to teach your child to read differ not only in appearance, but also in the methodology used. For example, Tyulenev's educational literature promises to teach your child to read quickly almost from the cradle, rough Montessori letters and Zaitsev's cubes are designed for learning in the form of a game, etc. Such a variety of information available does not make life easier for young parents who do not know which method to choose for their baby. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what method the child uses to learn to read, it is important that they LEARN!

If your child knows the alphabet, but he has some difficulties with reading syllables and words, you need to develop some kind of system according to which you will have to practice regularly and always with the baby. And you should start just by teaching how to put familiar letters into syllables.

How to teach a child to read by syllables: when to start learning?

You can teach a child all the letters even in a year. Asking questions about what this letter is and what words begin with it is a kind of game that a child is interested in playing at any age. But when to start teaching a child to read syllables and merge them into words?

Recently, there has been a real boom in the early development of children. The child will not have time to reach the age of one (and sometimes much earlier), as the parents immediately rush to teach him to read and write.

Dear parents, don't rush! Scientists (sociologists, psychologists, teachers, etc.) have already proved that such an early development does not lead to anything good. The consequences of early education are most often deplorable, especially for the not yet fully formed child's psyche. If you do not want to have more serious consequences with a violation of the development of children in the future, it is better not to rush, but to clearly determine at what age it is best to start learning to read by syllables.

So how do you know when your child is ready to start learning? To do this, you need to know at what stage of development your child is at the moment.

How to teach a child to read in syllables: do no harm

The first functional block of the brain, which is responsible for the cognitive, emotional sphere and bodily perception of children, begins to form from the earliest stages of a woman's pregnancy and completely completes its formation only by the age of three years of a child's life.

At the age of 3 to 5-8 years, children start the second important process - the formation of the second functional block, which controls the organs of perception: hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell.

After the studies, ophthalmologists gave their conclusion: with early education of the child, his eyes may suffer in the first place.

It is in children experiencing premature visual load that myopia is most often observed. Experts say that it is much more useful and safer to wait until the child is 5-6 years old, because only at this age the ciliary muscle responsible for visual acuity is finally formed in children.

Between the ages of 7 and 15, children develop conscious mental activity.

Each functional block of the brain is formed in a certain sequence with the rest, therefore, each attempt of parents to “step over” some stage negatively affects the development of one or another developmental process characteristic of each period of the child’s formation.

In the natural development of children there will be a distortion, the consequences of which most often appear not immediately, but over time. Today you can teach your child to read in a year or two, and in a few years he will have serious problems in an emotional and personal relationship with others. It can also cause neurosis, tics, stuttering, obsessive movements and numerous speech disorders.

It is much easier to prevent all these disorders than to treat them later, do you agree?

How to determine the physiological readiness of a child to start learning to read?

  • the child's speech has formed, he speaks in full connected sentences and can compose a story;
  • the child has no speech therapy disorders, there is no violation of the melody and rhythm of speech;
  • the child has a good orientation in space, it is not difficult for him to determine where the right and left are;
  • the child has a fairly well-developed phonemic hearing, he easily distinguishes certain sounds both at the beginning of a word, and in its middle or at the end.

If all these skills are formed in a child, his brain is ready to start learning to read. Why the brain?

Scientists have conducted numerous studies, after which they came to an unambiguous conclusion. The eyes see, but they cannot comprehend what they see. The ears hear, but are unable to perceive sounds. All processes of understanding and awareness occur exclusively in the brain.

Having heard a certain word or a whole sentence, our brain converts sounds into certain electrochemical impulses that make information more understandable and accessible to the brain. All these impulses are further combined in the brain into one whole, after which we begin to perceive the meaning and meaning of what we hear. The same thing happens with vision - having seen what is written, our eyes do not understand it, our brain is engaged in processing the content and meaning of what is written.

How to teach a child to read in syllables so that he does not get tired?

So that children do not lose interest and do not get tired during classes, it is necessary to exercise regularly. At the same time, the duration of each lesson should be short - 5-10 minutes will be enough for the first lessons. Gradually, this time can be gradually increased, but it should not exceed 30 minutes.
It is best if you conduct classes in a playful way - then the child will perceive the incoming information easily and naturally, he will be interested.

Before learning to read, it is necessary that the child knows all the letters of the alphabet. You can learn letters in the traditional way using a primer, using Zaitsev's cubes with pictures, or in any other convenient way. While studying letters, be sure to teach children to correctly pronounce the sounds that these letters represent (the sound “d”, not “de”).

By adhering to these simple tips, you can easily teach your baby to read in syllables so that both of you get the maximum pleasure from the process - without scandals and tantrums, with interest:

Council number 1. We choose a methodology. The best choice for all parents is the method of teaching reading by syllables using a primer. The author of one of these textbooks, K. Zhukova, compiled an effective book that will be a real helper for the child. With it, the baby will learn to understand, not memorize, he will be able to quickly put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. There are not so many pictures in the book, but this is quite enough so that the child does not lose interest in learning.

In any case, you can choose any technique you like. The main thing is that the training is interesting for the child, in a friendly manner. If you are too strict, this can discourage the child from the lessons, because he will prepare himself in advance for possible failures and, as a result, your disappointment in his abilities.

Council number 2. We choose the correct sequence for studying vowels and consonants. The initial study of open vowels is considered optimal - a, o, u, e, s. After the open vowels are learned, we learn hard consonants - n, m. Be sure to make sure that the baby correctly pronounces each sound - m, and not me and not em. Then we turn to the study of deaf and hissing sounds - s, w, etc. Do not forget that we see and write letters, and we pronounce and hear sounds.

Council number 3. Repetition is the mother of learning. Each lesson must begin with a review of what was learned in the last lesson. Together with your child, remember the previously learned sounds. At the end of the lesson, be sure to consolidate what you have learned - this way you will help the child form the correct reading mechanism.

Repeat the same syllable several times. It’s great if you have prepared a bright handout before starting the training - separate cards with different syllables are perfect for this. Such cards can be mixed, and then randomly invite the child to read the letter combinations passed. This will help the child in a playful way to learn to read certain syllables on the machine.

Council number 4. Once you and your child have learned some of the simple sounds, you can try to put the letters into syllables. Although it seems like a very difficult task, in practice everything is much easier.
Look in the primer, tell the baby how "m" hurries to visit "a". Show your child how to pronounce this combination correctly - mmmmm-aaaaaaa. Tell your child that because the sounds are in such a hurry to meet, they need to be read together, not separately from each other. Be sure to pronounce the correct pronunciation of the syllables before the baby does it - he must clearly hear how to pronounce certain syllables in order not to make a mistake. If you hear that the error still slips - do not hesitate, correct it immediately, otherwise an erroneous understanding of sounds and syllables will form in his mind.

Council number 5. We study simple syllables. To facilitate the learning process, it is necessary to start introducing the child to simple syllables consisting of only 2 sounds - la, ma, ra, mo, mu. The child should form an understanding of how one syllable is obtained from two letters. Once this mechanism is mastered, further learning will be much easier. After that, you can begin to study more complex syllables - with hissing and deaf consonants (yes, shi, in, etc.).

Council number 6. When the previous steps have been completed, you can start learning more complex syllables. Do not rush to try to get the child to read the words after a couple of learned syllables. Let the baby better master the reading mechanism in general first, bring the skill of reading by syllables to automatism. Just gradually complicate the tasks over time - you can learn to read syllables that begin with vowels - aw, oop, um, he ...

Council number 7. Once all the syllables are learned and mastered, you can start learning to read the simplest words. Ideally, these should be words with the same, but repeating syllable - mom, dad, then you can add rarer ones to well-known syllables - ma-lo, we-lo, ra-ma ...

Or you can start by learning the shortest three-letter words. To do this, choose words that begin with syllables familiar to the child and end with one additional letter. For example, cat, poppy, cancer, soup, onion, forest, etc.

Tip #8. Before teaching a child to read in syllables, be sure to show him how to pronounce all the syllables correctly. Only in this way can he learn to read correctly. In some preschools, teachers teach children to chant syllables. Simply put, they sing syllables with the children. This is not entirely correct, because children quickly get used to this method and then try to pronounce all the available syllables in one breath. They do not pause either between syllables or between words. Once they have learned to read sentences, children will often chant an entire paragraph without pausing where they need to (punctuation marks). This leads to the fact that the child either does not understand what he read at all, or understands it incorrectly.

Since you have taken up learning to read by syllables, do it well so that later the child does not have problems.

The child should not sing everything in a row, he should be able to observe pauses where they are needed, especially between sentences. Do you want to teach your child through singing? Please! But teach him the following order: sang a syllable or word - pause, sang the second syllable or word - pause. Over time, children independently learn to make pauses between syllables shorter, but doing them at the beginning of learning is simply necessary. By focusing on this point, you help your child develop automatic and correct reading from the very beginning, as a result, he will not have problems with pauses in the future.

Tip #9. Everything has its time. You should not teach a child to read in syllables at 3 or 4 years old, because at this age it will simply not be interesting to him. At this age, it is good if he likes to look at pictures or has the patience to listen to a fairy tale you read. You need to teach when you definitely notice the child's obvious interest in this process.

But at the age of 5-6, before the start of schooling, you can begin to conduct classes with your child to teach reading and writing. Moreover, it must be taught to read and write in block letters.

Some children are taught this by kindergarten teachers. The child comes to school already sufficiently prepared to read the sentences in syllables. But if you didn’t teach your child to read before school, it doesn’t matter! The main thing is to teach correctly, otherwise it will be doubly difficult for the teacher.

A child who has learned to read in syllables before school will be much more confident, will feel better psychologically, will overcome stress faster, and will quickly join the team. He will be more calm and confident, which will only have a positive effect on his overall achievements.

Tip number 10. Try to conduct classes on learning to read by syllables in the form of a game. Do not rush to force the child to read quickly. It is not important! It is important that he correctly names all the sounds, understands what he read. Thoughtful and conscious correct reading by syllables is much more useful. The main thing is that the child understands the mechanism of correct reading.

By following these simple rules, you will help your child quickly and painlessly master the technique of reading by syllables. Experts say that if all these requirements are met, as well as with regular classes, your child will learn to read after a month and a half after the start of the lessons. Agree, this is such a short time compared to endlessly long training, first at school, then at the institute, then somewhere else ... The main thing is to help the child form the right system, help him develop the concept of the main mechanisms, love the reading process itself, and the rest - matter of technique and habit!

Remember: your child will definitely learn to read, sooner or later. Your task is to make this learning happen in an easy and unobtrusive way so that the child does not experience additional stress (believe me, he will get it at school without it!). Just love your child and play with him! And do not deprive your children of childhood - let them play at an early age, and you can start learning before school!

Now it is accepted that it is necessary to start a full-fledged school education at the age of 6-7. By this time, the baby should learn to read and write.

A preschooler of this age is already independent, knows a lot and understands almost everything. When do you need to teach your child to read in syllables so that he is ready for school?

Important: All children are different in development, thinking and independence. Some kids begin to read by syllables at 5 years old, while others can do it at 4 years old.

Parents should help the development of the baby: buy coloring books, colorful books and include them with animals, toys and nature.

But the psychological characteristics of the development of babies indicate that children can easily learn to read even at 3 years old. Of course, a child at three years old is still quite a baby, but it is this age that is considered a crisis in its development.

Important: Babies at the age of three actively explore the world, speak well and therefore they absorb information like a sponge. At the age of three, the formation of logical thinking and a generalized sense of space takes place.

First, the baby must learn the letters. Then he needs to explain that vowels and consonants are read differently: some stretch or sing, while others “break off”.

Important: Without this rule, the child will not understand how he needs to read syllables.

Tip: Speak the syllables together with the baby, combining into simple words: ma-ma, pa-pa, mo-lo-ko. Then move on to more complex words: cat, turnip.

Hang a bright poster with pictures and letters in the children's room. It will be easier for the baby to remember the words if he sees them visually.

Important: Thanks to this technique, you can activate passive memory. These workouts will allow you to subconsciously memorize syllables and words.

The child can quickly run and jump, that is, play. Therefore, he will easily learn to read playfully.

The game "Read by syllables":

  • Take cubes with consonants and put them one on top of the other
  • Now take the cube with the letter “a”, and alternately substituting it for the cubes with consonant letters, pronounce the resulting syllables with the baby
  • Reach the top and lower the letter "a" down, repeating the syllables again

It seems to any mother or father that they will not be able to teach their baby to read on their own. Parents think that this should be done by teachers who have teaching experience. But this is not so, it is easy to teach a child to read by syllables at home.

  • If your child has an older brother or sister, use their example to show how good it is to be able to read on their own.
  • Let the child himself in the toy store choose blocks with letters, a magnetic alphabet or a colorful poster with pictures and syllables
  • Engage with your child for as long as he is interested. When desire disappears, don't force it. Put off reading for a couple of days and then continue again
  • Do not be afraid to praise the baby. He will want to please his parents and he will try to read better and better every time

Few parents know that a reading assistant can be downloaded from the Internet. There are different programs to teach a child to read by syllables.

Each tab of the interface of such a program is levels. The kid must pass them and by the end of all levels, he will confidently read syllables and even words.

Important: The program has a colorful design of the menu and sub-items. For a child, it will seem like a game, which means that it will be exciting for him to learn.

How to teach a child to read by syllables, video lessons?

How to teach a child to read in syllables? Video lessons

Modern children are advanced and very developed. Almost every 3-4 year old kid has a tablet with their favorite games. Many children are allowed by their parents to play around with their laptop.

The child will enjoy watching colorful videos that teach reading. It's interesting and exciting.

Video: Learning syllables with a train. Reading syllables with kids

Important: Say the syllables together with the child, and in a couple of days, he will read them on his own.

Video: All series in a row. Fixies. Learning to read in syllables. Surprise Egg Learn-A-Word! Lesson 1-10.

Important: If it is still difficult for a child to pronounce a syllable, name the letters first, and then add them to a syllable.

Video: Learning to read in syllables with a brownie Boo - educational video

Important: It is much easier to learn to read with a cheerful brownie. Press "Pause" on the video if the baby does not have time to repeat letters or syllables.

Video: Learning to read by syllables with Peppa Pig. All series.

Important: Teachers of preschool education have identified the following truth: "To remember a text, you need to read it 5 times." But it is difficult to force a small child to read the same words many times - this is not interesting for him.

Therefore, it is worth using special exercises to teach a child to read by syllables:

  • Reading a word backwards. It will be funny for the kid to read the words from the end. The purpose of this exercise is to teach how to merge letters into syllables. Tell the child that Vrednyuchka came to him, who wrote the word the other way around, and he needs to read this word
  • Reading upside down. Put the book upside down in front of the child and read the word with him. Repeat the exercise, but only with reading not from left to right, but from right to left
  • Reader "Tugboat". Call an older brother or sister for help. The assistant will read the words a little faster, and the baby will then repeat in a whisper. If the baby is behind and lost the line, then stop reading and start over. Thanks to this exercise, articulation develops - fast reading and pronunciation of the text.
  • Reader "Halves". Close the lower halves of the letters with a ruler (they should be large), and let the child read the word in the upper halves. At first it will be difficult for him. Therefore, read the whole word once, and then in halves. This exercise develops anticipation - the ability to predict. This will be useful for the baby in the future for quick reading.

Important: If the child performs these exercises daily, then after a couple of weeks, he will be able to read even complex words well.

Games to teach your child to read by syllables

Fascinating games with parents, caregivers, other children and older brothers or sisters help the kid to master the material well and quickly. With this approach, the baby will perceive reading not as learning, but as an exciting pastime.

  • "Hide and Seek". Find simple text with large letters. Tell the baby a 4-letter word and let him find it in the text and show it with his finger. If the child already reads well, then complicate the task: let him find the word, and read not him, but the next
  • "Excavations". Draw a table with letters. In it, the kid must find the letters, and add the word. For example, a task: what you drank today is hidden here - juice, milk, cocoa
  • "Good singer". Invite the child not to read the word, but to sing, stretching out the sounds. This makes them easier to remember
  • "Who, Where and When". It is necessary that the baby not only read the words, but also understand their meaning. Ask him after reading to talk about the word. For example: "hare" - who is he, where does he live, what is he

Important: You can independently come up with interesting exercises for your crumbs that will teach him to read quickly and easily.

Mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers try long before going to school to teach their child to read. But this must be done reasonably so that the child does not lose interest in learning, but develops his skills.

Tip: Start teaching your child no earlier than 3 years. If you engage in reading from an earlier age, then the child will not become more successful than others, he may lose interest in learning new things.

Tip: Don't try all the teaching methods at once. Pick one and follow that path.

Tip: Start introducing your child not with letters, but with sounds - not “me”, but “m”. So the child will quickly understand how the vowel is friends with the consonant.

Tips and feedback from parents on how to teach a child to read by syllables

Reading time: 8 minutes

Children should receive certain skills and knowledge from their parents. All mothers and fathers should know how to teach a child to read correctly at home using an ABC book or using other methods. This skill will help the child to perceive the world around him more easily, to adapt at school, to gain knowledge in other subjects. There are different methods of teaching children to read. Learn about their features.

How to teach a child to read correctly and quickly

Some parents believe that only specialists should deal with the baby, but this opinion is erroneous. Knowing a few secrets, showing perseverance and patience, you will teach your baby the basics of fast reading on your own at home. With such skills, it will be much easier for the baby to adapt to society, he will master the school curriculum much faster.

When to teach your child to read

Previously, this skill was instilled in kids only at school, in extreme cases, in kindergarten, i.e. not before the age of five. Now times have changed and it is recommended for children to start learning almost from the first year of life. How can parents make sure that the child is psychologically and physically ready to engage in:

  1. A good sign is that the child is interested in children's books at an early age.
  2. The kid must speak, understand the meanings of simple words, be able to formulate sentences, express thoughts in phrases, perceive information and sounds in a phonemic way.
  3. The child knows the basic directions (up-down, left-right), can navigate in space.
  4. The crumbs have good hearing, there are no serious problems with pronunciation and other developmental abnormalities. If there are speech defects, make an appointment with a speech therapist.

What alphabet to learn

As a rule, a classic primer and some other materials are used for classes: posters, cubes, cards. Many parents, having tried modern methods, return to teaching reading in the usual way. You can purchase a primer designed by Natalia Zhukova. This teacher offers a way of teaching that combines classical and original approaches.

Basic rules of reading technique

It is worth noting that some actions of parents can kill a person's interest in books for life. How to teach your child to read:

  1. Never force. Try to keep your child interested by telling interesting stories. Read aloud to him, set your own positive example, so you will quickly teach him. Do not force the child and do not swear if he makes mistakes. Praise your child for success.
  2. First, learn to perceive sounds, and only then move on to the letters of the alphabet.
  3. Engage in the development of syllables. This will make it easier to learn the letters.
  4. Review what you have learned regularly. It is better to do it in a playful way, do not arrange tests, because it can be offensive.
  5. First, learn the simplest words with repeated warehouses (ma-ma). Then you can move on to more difficult tasks. A syllable-letter scheme (ko-t, do-m) will do. When the baby has mastered the technique of reading words, teach elementary, and then complex sentences. The latest to introduce exercises with d, b, b. This is a very simple mechanism for mastering the skill of reading aloud.
  6. On a walk, ask your baby to say what is written on signs, billboards, so you will quickly teach him to read.
  7. Choose games for the knowledge of individual letters. Buy alphabet blocks.
  8. Do not teach the names of the letters ("er", "es"). He can mangle words later.
  9. Practice every day to learn to read. Do not give up lessons, even if you think that the baby already knows everything.

Methods of teaching reading to a preschooler at home

There are different schemes of classes with children proposed by experts. Parents are advised to study in detail the features of each of the methods, choose the preferred one and engage only in it. If you use several lesson schemes, you can simply confuse the baby, discourage him from learning. Check out some popular ways to learn early.

Maria Montessori Method

An Italian educator suggests starting with writing. Maria Montessori advises children to draw capital letters. Techniques such as stroke, hatching should be used. Then you need to move on to making letters from bulk materials, for example, plasticine. Drawings and layouts need to be drawn up, folded letters, and at the last stage, pronounce syllables.

Nikolai Zaitsev's technique

One of the most popular training methods that provides quick results. Perfect for active kids. Training is conducted on cubes with warehouses. There are those with one letter, and those with two. They are multicolored. Cubes with vowel sounds are golden. Those with sonorous warehouses are gray in color and are called iron. Brown wooden cubes contain voiceless syllables, while white and green punctuation marks. All of them have different content, weight and size for ease of perception.

All classes with cubes according to the Zaitsev method are carried out only in a playful way. The set includes tables with warehouses, which should always be in sight, and examples of special exercises. Warehouses need to be collected according to certain principles, sing, imitate the sounds of animals. You can invent games on your own, together with the baby, based on what will be more interesting to him.

Glen Doman Method

It is aimed at mastering not sounds and syllables, but whole words at once. They are written on special cards with pictures. Parents should show each of them to the child for 15 seconds, loudly explaining the meaning. The first lessons should be very short, no longer than 5-10 minutes. Advantages of the effective Doman technique:

  • suitable for children from birth;
  • you can use an individual approach, form a certain vocabulary;
  • comprehensively develops;
  • material can be made independently.

The Doman system is not without a number of shortcomings. Teachers highlight its disadvantages and shortcomings:

  • the learning process is passive;
  • not accepted by children older than three years.

How to start teaching a child to read

Be sure to select the appropriate teaching aids. Use books, posters, cards and blocks. Stages of learning:

  1. Introduce your child to open vowels. Say them and sing them.
  2. After the initial stage, move on to voiced consonants.
  3. Remember the dull and hissing sounds. Only after that you can proceed to learning to read by syllables. Remembering letters, not sounds, can be difficult in the future.
  4. Teach your child to make syllables from two vowels. He must understand how sounds are combined.
  5. Move on to syllables where the first letter is a consonant and the second is a vowel. It will be easy.
  6. Fold syllables with hissing.
  7. Change to closed warehouses (vowel-consonant).

Teaching a child to read in a playful way

Having fun, the easiest way for a child to instill an interest in books. There are many gaming techniques aimed at working out the reading technique:

  1. Learn together short poems about letters.
  2. Make your own letters. To learn the alphabet, collect them from improvised materials: plasticine, counting sticks, matches. You can cut them out of cardboard and glue them with colored paper.
  3. Create an album where every page is a home for a letter. Paste pictures with words that begin with it.
  4. Choose the letter you are learning. Throw the ball to the baby and name the words. If he hears the right sound in them, let him catch the ball, and if not, he will beat it off.
  5. Make round cards with syllables and play "Shop". Each warehouse is a coin. The buyer gives one of them and orders from the seller the goods that begin with this syllable (ba - banana, ku - doll).
  6. Write the warehouses on the cards in large, bold type. Cut each horizontally and mix. Let the child collect all the halves and read the syllables.
  7. Give your child a long word. Let him find a few small ones in it.
  8. Make word cards. Show your child a picture of a particular word. Let it be made up of syllables.

How to learn to read by syllables

Experts recommend starting to do this right away, the child does not even need to know all the sounds. Then the learning process will go much faster. Use game techniques, various auxiliary materials. If the baby confidently composes warehouses, go to the stage of collecting words. Remember how to properly teach a child to read by syllables. Classes should be held in the sequence described below.

Reading lessons by syllables

The process must be consistent. What are the stages of learning to read by syllables:

  1. First, make simple words from repeated syllables (pa-pa). Watch your pronunciation.
  2. Move on to easy and understandable words of three or four letters (le-s, on-le).
  3. The process gets more complicated. Teach your child to read words of three or more syllables (ko-ro-wa). It is advisable to work with pictures.
  4. Move on to reading simple sentences (ma-ma we-la ra-mu).

How to teach a child to read out of syllables

Combining warehouses into words takes a lot of time and attention from children. Parents should teach the child to read fluently, pronounce syllables smoothly, learn the text well and perceive it as a whole. For this, there are such methods:

  1. Reading for speed. Choose texts that are appropriate for the age of the child, and note how much he can read in a minute. Then let him retell the summary of the text.
  2. Shuffle the words in the sentence and let the child form it correctly. Start with simple examples.
  3. Role reading. Choose a children's story. Let the child voice one character, and you another. Read by role. This will help the baby choose the right intonation, keep the rhythm, pause in the right places, understand the meaning.
  4. Difficult words. Every day, let the baby read 2-3 times about 30 words, in which there are many difficult combinations of consonant sounds.
  5. Develop peripheral vision and logical thinking, train memory, correct pronunciation, reading speed.
  6. Eliminate speech therapy and other problems.

How to teach a child to read Zhukova's primer

This book offers a combination of traditional and modern techniques. Already on the third task, the child will have to read syllables. The author offers his own order of acquaintance with letters, and not the traditional alphabetical one. The book has detailed instructions for conducting lessons, so even parents without a pedagogical education can easily organize a lesson. To teach a child to read at home, the following scheme is used:

  1. Introduction to vowels and consonants.
  2. Learning to read in syllables.
  3. Development of closed warehouses.
  4. Transition from simple words to complex ones.


The modern pace of life makes not only adults accelerate. The term “early development” imposes responsibilities on children as well. The famous phrase of the famous teacher “After three it’s too late” excites the minds of parents and does not allow kids to rest. After all, as you know, the sooner the better, which means that the slogans “read before walking” and “we must give the child everything!”

Preparing children for school now includes compulsory reading instruction. And this is not bad, since it has been proven that a child who can read well by grade 1 is confidently ahead of his peers in school success, for whom this skill is given with difficulty.

But the question of how to teach and when to start doing it is decided by everyone in different ways. New techniques inspire parents, but are they any good?

New reading techniques - new results?

Learning to read from the cradle according to the Tyulenev system, the famous Zaitsev cubes, Glen Doman's cards have not yet had long-term studies. However, appearing "in defiance" of the classical letter method, they promise unique results at a very early age!

What do we have?
Reading children at 2 and 3 years old? Separate guys - yes. But there are also the conclusions of speech therapists, teachers and neurologists who, for some reason, are dissatisfied with the new methods.
Children who memorize individual syllables do not cope with the sound analysis of words at school. They "swallow" endings, make mistakes when dividing words into syllables. The teacher is forced to retrain the child, which, as you know, is more difficult than teaching from scratch.

Neurologists note that children who study "from the cradle" have problems with socialization, increased excitability and hyperactivity. In addition, very often such children quickly combine syllables into words and sentences, but at the same time they read mechanically, that is, without understanding the meaning of the text.

As a result, the classical method of teaching reading by primer begins to take its rightful place again.

When to start learning to read, or is it really too late after three?

The human brain develops gradually, it makes no sense - and even dangerous - to stimulate those parts of it that are simply not yet ready for active functioning. The process of reading involves sound analysis and synthesis, which is beyond the power of a small child simply due to physiological development.

Signs that a child is ready to learn to read:

  • Active speech consists of complete sentences. Learning to read too early can even lead to a delay in speech development. After all, at a time when the child's brain should work most actively on the formation of speech, the child adds sounds and syllables.
  • The child has already developed phonemic hearing. The ability to isolate individual phonemes from the sound stream is formed by about 5 years. In order to read, a child must be able to identify each sound in a word. Offer to play - to determine with what sound the word begins, or to pick up words for an invented letter.
  • All sounds in speech are pronounced correctly. The presence of problems in sound pronunciation will definitely prevent the child from perceiving the text, and also interferes with the development of phonemic hearing.
  • The child is well oriented in space. The concepts of "right", "left", "up" and "down" must be understood very clearly. Otherwise, children get confused about which letter to start reading with, or even “mirror” the word, starting from the end.
  • Another important point is that the child should love reading, listen with interest to a new fairy tale, and show love for books. To develop these qualities, you need to start as early as possible. Read to your child from an early age!
  • It happens that reading problems arise due to hearing impairment in a child, in which case help will be needed.

Learning to read by syllables - 15 ways

Classes with preschool children should be carried out in a playful way and not cause him to overstrain. Tears and whims are not the best accompaniment to lessons.

  1. Alphabet. Any textbook is suitable for learning letters. However, it is important that the child remembers the letter, and not the picture that stands for it. First, let the letter A on the card represent a watermelon. But then offer the child cubes, where A is a stork, etc. The last step should be symbols without a picture. The magnetic alphabet will come in handy at this stage of learning, and at the next, when the child can already add words from letters.
  2. The child perceives the world through movement. Letters can be sculpted, drawn on asphalt and "run" with feet, painted with paints in an album, and so on. It is also often used in the classroom.
  3. You should not learn the names of letters, it is better to name the sound denoted by the letter. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the child to connect "EM" and "A" in "MA".
  4. No need to learn the letters strictly alphabetically. Let first this one be vowels - A, O, U, E, S and voiced consonants - M, L, N ...
  5. When learning a new letter, do not forget to spend time repeating the previous ones.
  6. Have you learned all the letters of the alphabet yet? But you can already start putting them together!
  7. Tip: Zhukova's primer, a well-known speech therapist and teacher, is well suited for teaching reading. Many parents note that by following the little men running from one letter to another, their children easily taught how to add sounds.
  8. If you are using Zhukova's manual, tell your child how the boy runs from one letter to another. Ask him to pull the first sound until the little man runs to the next one. "AaaaaU". Don't have a primer handy? Take the car, doll, teddy bear. Let them move from letter to letter, and the child makes sounds with them.
  9. Your main task is to teach the child to pronounce sounds together. As soon as he understands, realizes what is required of him, consider it in the bag!
  10. Now the main thing is not to rush and not put pressure on the child. Continue to learn letters (more precisely, sounds) and form syllables from them. First, open "MA", "LA", "LU", then syllables with deaf and hissing consonants "ZHU", "SHU", "SHA".
  11. After open syllables are mastered, offer another type - a syllable ending in a consonant - "UZH", "US", "AM".
  12. Pay attention to the child that he has already learned to read the words! After all, UZH, US, OH are no longer just syllables, but real words that carry a semantic load! So you explain to the child how the word differs from the syllable, and at the same time give him confidence in his abilities.
  13. After the alphabet is learned and the different syllables are mastered, move on to reading simple words.
  14. It is very important to follow the pronunciation at first. The child must leave pauses between words and between sentences, observe the rhythm of the sentence and intonation.
  15. Do not rush the child and do not run ahead of the engine. Reading books will not immediately be easy, even if all the letters and syllables have already been learned. Look for books for your child with little text and large pictures.

However, experts in the field of pedagogy do not recommend loading a baby in this way at this age, because a two-year-old already has something to comprehend. At this time, socialization and communication skills should be formed, without which in the future it will be difficult for a child to find his place in society.

Parents may object: after all, children recognize the letters in the pictures very well! Indeed, it is. Kids 2-3 years old remember well and recognize graphic images of letters, but regard them only as pictures.

But to correlate a letter with a sound, to combine two letter pictures into a syllable are too difficult tasks for a child of early preschool age. It is too early to learn to read at 2-3 years old.

Signs that your child is ready to start learning

The first rule regarding the timing of learning such a skill as reading says that this process must begin when the baby is already:

  • speaks well
  • does not miss or “swallow” sounds,
  • successfully copes with the difficult to pronounce "r",
  • does not lisp and does not whistle.

If the baby begins to learn to read before these problems are eliminated, in the future he may have problems not only with reading itself, but also with writing: rearranging sounds and letters, skipping sounds during speaking and letters when writing words.

Another condition for successful literacy education is that the child has developed skills of analysis and synthesis. It is they who will help the baby figure out that he sees not just an image, but a letter that corresponds to a certain sound. And also to understand that two letters form a syllable that can be pronounced.

As a rule, a child masters these skills by the age of 5. It was at this time that experienced teachers recommend starting to master the skill of reading by syllables.

In addition, you should engage in reading with your child when he is ready for it, that is, he can focus on one thing for 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, science will not go for the future, and the kid will not like learning at all.

Preparatory stage: mastering letters and sounds

Another condition, without which reading by syllables, and even more fluent, is simply impossible, is the child's knowledge of all letters and sounds. It is important that the child understands which image corresponds to a particular sound.

That is why learning to read should begin with the study of literacy. To do this, you can use any children's book with large letters.

But still, it is better to purchase a primer: this is a manual that has been proven over the years, contributing to the gradual mastery of the skill. Here are letters, sounds, and interesting pictures on the topic. The training will be both productive and interesting.

Vowel Mastery

As a rule, the sound-letter composition of the language begins to be studied with the vowels A, O, E, U, Y, I. The child remembers how these letters look and how the corresponding sounds are pronounced. Show your baby how well the vowels are sung. Following the simple vowels, you can study the iotated ones, making all 10 sounds in pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, E - E, plus another pair of Y - I.

In this combination, the child will quickly master the vowel sounds. You should not delve into phonetics and explain to the child that iotated vowels denote two sounds, and even more so, you do not need to use the term itself in class. It is enough just to study the letters and sounds themselves. The theory will be explained to children in detail at school.

Learning consonants

Having dealt with the "singing" vowels, you can move on to consonants. Usually, sonorants are first studied - L, M, N, P and sonorous sounds. Then you can begin to master deaf consonants using the same method as when studying vowels - combining letters (sounds) into pairs: B - P, Z - C and so on.

After that, it is the turn of unpaired hissing and Y. The “silent” letters - b and b - are introduced last.

An important point: when showing the letters to the child for the first time, do not pronounce their names, but sounds, that is, not “be”, but “b”, not “en”, but “n”. So it will be easier for the baby to correlate the sound and the letter. Otherwise, the five-year plan may confuse the name of the letter and the sound and give out the mysterious “enoes” instead of the simple and understandable “nose”.

We start to read in syllables

Sonor + A

Learning to read syllables follows from the simplest examples. As a rule, at the first stages, syllables are mastered that begin with sonorants and end in A: MA, LA, RA, and so on. At this stage, it is important to explain to the baby that while reading a syllable, one sound seems to be attracted to another, the sounds must be pronounced together.

Using the combination “sonor + vowel”, you can visually show the merging of sounds by chanting the syllable: “mmmmaaaa”. Even more clearly, the essence of the connection of sounds can be demonstrated by the example of a combination of two vowels: AU, UA.

Of course, such a combination is not a syllable, but using it at this stage will help the child understand how one sound gradually, seamlessly passes into another.

Sonorant + other vowels

Having dealt with the combination of sonorant and vowel A, you can attach a new vowel to the same consonants. Then you can also replace consonants - with other voiced or deaf ones: ZhI, KO, SA. Having understood the principle of adding sounds, in the future the little reader will be able to independently pronounce and compose syllables.

Some techniques suggest already at this stage to try to read words consisting of syllables familiar to him: “mother”, “milk”. If the baby succeeds, you can finish the lesson by reading the phrase from the old Soviet primer: "Mow, scythe, while the dew."

If the training is not too easy for the child, you should not yet load him with reading words and phrases.

Mastering more complex syllables

Traditionally, closed syllables (that is, ending in a consonant) are considered more complex: AM, OK, EX. You can study them by comparing them with already familiar open ones: MA - AM, KO - OK. So the child will understand that the same letters and sounds can be combined into syllables that are different not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation.

When closed syllables are mastered, you can move on to three-letter combinations: constructions “consonant + vowel + consonant”. For example: CAT, NOSE, VOL.

A more complex option is a three-letter syllable, where two consonants go in a row: TRA, PLI, STO. Learning three-letter syllables prepares the child for reading words.

Let's move on to reading words and sentences

Reading words from open two-letter syllables

Of course, there will be small pauses between parts of the word, there is nothing wrong with that. However, you need to make sure that the pause is not too long, otherwise the word will turn into just syllables.

Learning more difficult words

Then you can practice reading the three-letter words of the “consonant + vowel + consonant” construction: “mouth”, “sleep”, “world”. Explain to your child that these words are nothing but complex syllables that you have already practiced reading together before.

The next stage involves reading phonetically complex words with two consonants in a row: “table”, “stove”, “grass”, as well as with Y, b and b.

Features of learning to read syllables and words

It is worth saying that today there are a lot of methods for teaching reading. Their authors distribute the material in different ways.

The proposed sequence of teaching a child to read in warehouses can offer the following alternative: having mastered simple syllables with one vowel, for example, with A, you can start reading more complex syllables with the same sound, and then try to add words (for example, "fun", "parade").

Then you should go the same way with other vowels, and then try to read whole sentences in syllables, for example: “Mom washed the frame.” Syllables and words with Й, Ь and Ъ traditionally remain at the end of the learning period.

It is important that the common point of all modern methods is to consolidate the material in a playful way. The game is the most important element of learning today, especially when it comes to preschool children.

How to make your child's education more productive?

Basic moments

So, when teaching a child to read by syllables, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. We repeat: the letters should be called as sounds: “m”, not “em”, “k”, not “ka”.
  2. Make sure that the child pronounces the syllables correctly, and correct mistakes immediately to avoid remembering incorrect options.
  3. Do not overload the baby with unnecessary information, in particular phonetic terms, as well as sound-letter analysis. For example, do not go into detail about the fact that some letters in certain positions in a word represent two sounds.
  4. Turning to the reading of words, provide the child with the text in the book with their correct spelling, without hyphens, which make it difficult to understand the whole word.

Student interest is the key to success

Try to make classes interesting for the child, spend them in a playful way. Only in this case, you can hope for a result.

Reading is a complex science, and visualization is indispensable here. Use bright pictures, cards with letters to form syllables and syllables to form words, present information in the form of mini-crossword puzzles.

Together with your child, illustrate what you read, use board games and figurative tools (classic examples: a syllabic train or caterpillar), turn on online learning games and videos for your child on a computer or tablet - in general, diversify and supplement the learning process with everything your heart desires.

There is only one goal: a steady interest in the child's activities. A bored student practically does not perceive information.

Every parent can teach a child to read in syllables. To do this, you do not need a pedagogical education, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the manuals, which today are in a large assortment, take an interest in the main methods, choose the one you like and follow the advice of the author.

And if you make mastering this necessary skill also exciting, you can be sure that your kid will go to the first grade already knowing how to read at least syllable by syllable.