Category of regional beneficiaries. Federal beneficiaries: composition and nature of privileges

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Free in Russia

The state provides social assistance to citizens belonging to one or another category of federal beneficiaries, directly regulated by the norms of legislative acts. Benefits are the most common method at all levels. Not everyone enjoys the right to receive, due to personal legal ignorance.

The legal basis for the separation of persons requiring state social support in the form of benefits, is a series of government laws governing the basic provisions and important aspects legal relations in this area.

Federal benefits are financed from the government treasury. The Pension Fund became the manager of funds from the budget of the Russian Federation, taking care of its citizens who are on the following list:

  1. Veterans of military operations (without restrictions in time and territoriality of the war).
  2. Family members of a war veteran who has died.
  3. Those who took part in the liquidation of the emergency at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 suffered the consequences.
  4. Persons who endured bullying by supporters of fascism.
  5. People who received distinctive signs, orders for special, including labor, services to the Motherland.
  6. Former military, who were in the rear, contributed to the increase in the combat strength of the Soviet army.
  7. Children with an appropriate disability group.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and residents of besieged Leningrad

Members of the Great Patriotic War and residents of besieged Leningrad - federal beneficiaries,
belonging to the same group. Mostly people old age entitled to benefits in:

  • housing industry (it is possible to free receipt residential premises in compliance with regional norms, standards and features);
  • pension provision (the federal beneficiary has the authority to choose the type of pension and the right to receive material compensation in monetary terms is not excluded);
  • sphere social character These are federal benefits, which include:
  1. Providing a discount (up to 50%) when making payment for the provided housing and communal services.
  2. Installation and connection of a local home connection in the form of a fixed telephone.
  3. Free medical care in health care institutions belonging to the municipal form of ownership.
  4. Dental services subject to certain procedures.
  5. Benefits official employment in the process of issuing leave.
  6. Possibility of outlier.
  7. Economic assistance from social workers of specially created institutions.
  8. Accelerated procedure for settling in nursing homes.

It should be noted that depending on the place of residence, regional benefits may imply a number of features in the taxation process.

Disabled people and children with disabilities

We are talking about adult citizens who have 1-3 disability groups received from childhood and the children themselves. Compensation payments are not limited in their regulation to one legal act. There is a whole system.

The main document for registration federal benefit is an opinion issued by a competent medical commission specially created for this purpose.

Liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Persons who have received a dose of radiation exposure as a result of the catastrophe-explosion of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have the right to rely on the provision of federal assistance. This:

  1. Financial support given to individuals and their young generation every month for the purpose of purchasing essential goods.
  2. One-time compensation due to radiation exposure.
  3. Payment once a year for harm to health.
  4. When establishing the fact of disability - receiving the amount of money once.
  5. Financial assistance in the amount of up to 50% of the cost of services provided by housing and communal services enterprises.
  6. Improvement living conditions by providing new premises.
  7. Privileges in the field of labor law.
  8. One hundred percent payment by the employer of the sick period.
  9. Benefits when reducing the working staff.
  10. Out of order.
  11. Fixing the level of wages.

Other beneficiaries

The list of privileged categories includes citizens who have taken Active participation on the battlefield not only in 1941-1945, but also actions of a paramilitary nature in other time periods. Social assistance is provided in the following form:

  1. Housing:
    • provision of housing;
    • extraordinary installation of stationary telephone equipment;
    • a system of privileges when paying for the received services of public utilities.
  2. Medical:
    • no queue for service;
    • free treatment in municipal health resorts, preferential procedure for prosthetics.
  3. Compensatory:
    • one-time cash support (CLS);
    • a certain set of social services (NSS);
    • payments in the event of a disability group.

What is the difference between a federal beneficiary and a regional beneficiary?

Different types of preferential categories have a number of similarities and differences. Which of the citizens belongs to them, we will consider in more detail.

A similar feature is the ability of some persons of the state to simultaneously use two types of assistance.

The differences are as follows:

  1. Source of financing.
  2. Design individuality.
  3. Legislative body, the procedure for agreeing and adopting a rule-making document.

Main types of benefits: social, EDV, DEMO

State aid
Social Material
1. Free medical drug treatment.

2. Providing food.

3. Resort recovery.

4. Free travel by municipal public transport.

The cash payment is intended for persons related to actions of a paramilitary nature, services to the Fatherland, the Chernobyl disaster. If there are signs of several categories, the finances are not summed up, the principle of the greatest benefit is applied. The choice of normative regulation is determined by the beneficiary. The size of the social program can reach from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Additional material is intended for a certain circle of people.
500 Russian rubles 1000 Russian rubles
1. Soldiers of the rear in the 41-45s.

2. Wives of those who died in the Finnish, Japanese, IN wars.

Check if you are eligible for additional social assistance. We talk about how to become a federal beneficiary and get the right to monthly social benefits.

In addition to pensions, certain categories of citizens are entitled to additional payments. One of these categories includes federal beneficiaries.
There are three main types of additional social assistance federal beneficiaries:
Monthly cash payment (UDV).
Kit social services.
Additional monthly financial support.
Citizens can apply for the appointment of an EVD themselves or through a representative. The Pension Fund annually makes monthly cash payments to 16 million citizens.
In addition, citizens receiving a monthly cash payment are entitled to a set of social services (NSS) in kind or in cash. NSU includes medical, sanatorium and transport components.
Assignment and payment of EVD to the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory, who are citizens of Russia, have their own characteristics.
Some categories of federal beneficiaries are also entitled to additional monthly material support.

Federal beneficiaries - who belongs to them

Federal beneficiaries- these are categories of citizens who are provided with benefits and measures of social support on the basis of federal laws and are attributed to the powers of the federal level (Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance").
The Pension Fund of Russia carries out the following types payments to federal beneficiaries: monthly cash payment (UDV) and additional monthly material support (DEMO).

Monthly cash payment

Monthly cash payments are provided to certain categories of citizens from among veterans, disabled people, former juvenile prisoners of fascism, persons affected by radiation exposure.
If a citizen has the right to receive UA on several grounds within the framework of one law, UA is established on one basis, providing for a higher amount of payment.
If a citizen simultaneously has the right to UA under several federal laws or other regulations, he is granted one UA on one of the grounds at the choice of the citizen.

Who is entitled to two monthly cash payments?

Citizens who have been exposed to radiation and who are entitled to a CDU under the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster” and simultaneously under another regulatory legal act, two CDUs are established.
How and where to apply for EDV

EDV for minors or incapacitated

In cases where a monthly cash payment is assigned to a minor or incapacitated citizen, the application is submitted at the place of residence of his legal representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee). In this case, if the parents of the child live separately, then the application is submitted at the place of residence of the parent with whom the child lives. A minor who has reached the age of 14 has the right to apply for the establishment of a monthly cash payment on his own.

Refusal or appointment of EDV

The appointment and payment of the UDV are made on the basis of a personal appeal of a citizen or his representative with an application and all necessary documents confirming the right to the UDV.
If necessary, documents proving the identity and authority of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee), confirming family relations, the presence of a disabled person as a dependent, etc., are attached.
A decision on the appointment or refusal to appoint a UDV is made within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application. Another 5 days are given to inform the applicant about decision.
The monthly cash payment is established from the date of application for it, but not earlier than the right to the specified payment arises:
if you applied personally or through a representative, then the day of application is considered the day of receipt by the territorial authority pension fund Russian application with all necessary documents; if you sent the application by mail, then the day of the application is the date indicated on the postmark of the Russian Post at the place where this application was sent; if you applied through the Personal Account of a citizen on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, then the day of application is considered the date of registration of the application in electronic form.

EDV indexing

For different categories of federal beneficiaries, the size of the UDV is different. The amount of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year.
The recalculation of the amount of the monthly cash payment to persons with disabilities is made when a higher or lower disability group is established. In this case, the recalculation of the amount of the unified income takes place in an undeclared manner on the basis of an extract from the certificate of examination received by the territorial body Pension Fund of Russia from the federal institution of medical and social expertise:
- upwards - from the date of establishment of the disability group, which gives the right to a higher amount of the unified income;
- downwards - from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the previous disability group was established, giving the right to a lower amount of the unified income.
Citizens receiving a monthly cash payment are required to immediately report to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the monthly cash payment, as well as leading to the termination of the monthly cash payment. For example, if another disability group is established.

Set of social services

The right to receive a set of social services (NSU) arises for a citizen from the date of establishing a monthly cash payment to him.
NSU is provided on a non-declared basis and includes medical, health resort and transport components. It is only necessary for citizens who belong to the category “exposed to radiation” to write an application for the provision of NSU.
When appointing the UDV, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia issues to the citizen a certificate of the established form on the right to receive the NSU. The certificate indicates: the category of the beneficiary, the deadline for the appointment of a monthly cash payment, as well as social services to which the citizen is entitled in the current year. The certificate is valid throughout the Russian Federation.
A set of social services is part of the monthly cash payment, and a citizen can choose in what form he receives NSI: in kind or in the form of its cash equivalent.
Upon receipt of the NSO in kind, its value is deducted from the amount of the established UA. If a citizen refuses to receive a set of social services in full, one social service or any two social services in favor of its monetary equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of the UC. The monetary equivalent of a set of social services as part of the monthly cash payment is indexed annually.

It is enough to submit an application for a decision made once before October 1 of the current year. It will be effective January 1st. next year and until the citizen changes his choice. In this case, it will be necessary to apply with a new application directly to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence or through the MFC, or online through the citizen’s Personal Account on the PFR website. How to work with Personal account on the website of the Pension Fund, read here.

Additional monthly material support (DEMO)

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", the DEMO is established:
In the amount of 1000 rubles
invalids of the Great Patriotic War; participants of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 federal law dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Appendix); former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War; In the amount of 500 rubles
military personnel who passed military service V military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least 6 months, as well as military personnel, decorated or medals of the USSR for service in the specified period; widows of military personnel who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, widows of deceased disabled veterans of the Second World War; citizens awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"; former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos. Only citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, have the right to additional monthly material support. DEMO is assigned and paid by the body that assigns and pays the corresponding pension.

Documents for appointment DEMO

In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit a passport and documents confirming the right to DEMO (certificate of the right to benefits or a certificate from an archival institution, a certificate from a medical and social examination). Widows of military personnel who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, widows of deceased disabled veterans of the Second World War must additionally submit:
notification of the death of her husband;
marriage certificate or a copy of the civil status act;
husband's death certificate.
Citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside of Russia confirm their citizenship on the date of applying for the appointment of a DEMO.

DEMO disabled due to military injury

Since September 1, 2005, citizens of the Russian Federation who have been duly recognized as disabled due to a military injury have the right to receive additional monthly material support in the amount of 1,000 rubles (in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2005 No. 887 "On measures to improve financial situation of disabled people due to military trauma”).
The above provision is paid to citizens who have been recognized as disabled due to a military injury in the prescribed manner, except for those citizens to whom DEMO is paid in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 “On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Receipt simultaneously of two payments under the decrees of March 30, 2005 and August 1, 2005 by disabled people due to military trauma, which also includes disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, is not provided for by law.
It does not matter during which military and equivalent service a citizen became disabled due to a military injury. Specified reason disability must be associated with the passage of military and equivalent service. In the current document of the institution of medical and social expertise (in the certificates of the VTEK and ITU), the cause of disability must be indicated - “military injury”. It does not matter when this disability was received.

Each country has its own privileged categories of citizens. They have special rights to support from the state. For example, for free provision of medicines or additional cash payments. What can be said about Russia in relation to this issue? Who is included in the privileged categories of the population? What type of support can be obtained in one case or another? Where and how are benefits issued? It's actually not that hard to figure it all out. It is more difficult to remember what bonuses are due to beneficiaries. Very often the list of these is huge.

Full list

In fact, there are more beneficiaries in Russia than it might seem. Not everyone knows in which cases citizens have special rights to social support. Now attention will be presented to an approximate list of privileged categories of citizens. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account the region where a person lives - somewhere bonuses from the state are given to certain segments of the population, somewhere not. Therefore, the issue requires a thorough study.

  • children under 3 years old;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled adults;
  • pensioners;
  • military;
  • large families;
  • needy;
  • the unemployed;
  • young families;
  • donors;
  • WWII).

Also, beneficiaries often include disabled citizens, dependents who have lost their breadwinner, military widows. Women on maternity leave and pregnant women sometimes also have special rights.


Social protection of the population is a responsibility that is assigned to each state. It should somehow help those who live within a particular territory. It has already been said that each category of persons has its own benefits and bonuses from the state. But what exactly? About all a little in order.

Small children have special rights in Russia. They can ride for free public transport, if they do not occupy a separate place. Schoolchildren with the appropriate certificate are able to buy tickets at a reduced price.

Also in Russia there are preferential categories of citizens. Children under three are included in this list. True, not all medicines are given free of charge. It is recommended to find out the exact list at the clinic at the place of residence in which the child is attached. Many prescription drugs are given to children free of charge. Or sold at a discount to some extent.

Disabled children can receive a special pension. To do this, it is enough for parents to contact the so-called social service with a certain list of papers. Namely with:

  • statement;
  • legal representative's passport;
  • bank account details;
  • birth certificate of the child and marriage, if any;
  • health certificates for minors;
  • SNILSami of the legal representative and the baby.


Social protection of the population is extremely important. The next category of citizens who are entitled to certain benefits in Russia are veterans. And any. The main list of benefits and social support, as in most cases, is regulated by regional level. That's why exact list the possibilities of certain beneficiaries must be clarified in each city.

Veterans are entitled to:

  • drug supply;
  • obtaining prostheses (with the exception of dental ones);
  • medical care without a queue (free of charge);
  • supplementary pension supplements;
  • tax deductions;
  • exemption from property and transport taxes (not always);
  • free pass by public transport (not on everything and not everywhere);
  • discounts on medicines in pharmacies;
  • 50% discount on housing and communal services;
  • installation of a home phone out of turn;
  • compensation for the cost of funeral services (paid to relatives).

Some veterans are eligible for free housing or land. For example, such an opportunity is listed for the citizens-heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR. The rest of the veterans will have to provide housing for themselves on general conditions. This is the social protection of the population provided for in Russia. But that is not all!

Large families

The thing is that each category of the population has its own bonuses from the government. What is due to large families? Such people for a long time may receive various types of support. Starting with allowances and payments and ending with the provision of housing.

A large family is considered to be the presence in the family of three minor children. And it does not matter, adopted or relatives. The main thing is that minors are legally brought up in the cell of society.

Citizens basically everywhere have different bonuses. Large families have almost the same number of children as veterans. And they are the same everywhere. Regardless of the region of residence, large families have the right to:

  • provision of medicines;
  • payments due to children under 16;
  • all standard benefits for the birth of babies;
  • free places in kindergartens;
  • free meals in educational institutions;
  • security school uniform and some school supplies;
  • receiving maternity capital(Federal and regional);
  • free housing;
  • obtaining a land plot in the region of residence free of charge;
  • benefits by September 1;
  • the opportunity for children to visit museums for free once a month (sometimes more).

In general, now in Russia they are trying to support large families as much as possible. Therefore, such citizens are paid benefits that depend on the number of minors in the cell of society. Also, all families with children can receive tax deductions.

Adults with disabilities

What can disabled people who are already 18 years old qualify for? Much depends on the group of disability. But in general, the social protection of the population belonging to this category is similar.

Adults with disabilities receive benefits when entering universities. They may also be awarded scholarships. This category of the population in without fail provided for the payment of a pension. Its size depends on the group of disability.

If necessary, citizens are provided with free treatment, medicines, rehabilitation devices, prostheses. Or it is proposed to pay compensation for all previously listed purchases.

At work, disabled people are required to provide suitable conditions work, they cannot work in night shifts, overtime - only by personal consent. abbreviated work week and are also prescribed by law.

Often, citizens of preferential categories provide for the provision of housing or land. Disabled people are also among the main contenders.

Unemployed and needy

Preferential categories of citizens in Moscow and other cities often receive certain benefits and payments. They are also provided to the unemployed and needy people. Only the first category of persons - certain time. Namely, about 12 months. Everything depends on the situation.

To receive cash, the unemployed must register with the employment center. At the same time, they will receive But those who need this payment do not apply if they have a job. But you can contact the social support service of the population and receive benefits and allowances. Also, those in need will be helped to collect a certain list of documents that proves the need.

The unemployed cannot receive free land, but they are helped with finding a job - the employment center will offer a variety of vacancies to those who are listed as a person who does not fulfill their labor obligations.


Beneficial categories of citizens are varied everywhere. In Russia, pensioners are considered eternal beneficiaries. Often they combine the status of the disabled, as well as the needy. What measures of social support are applied to them?

Mostly from the state to people who have reached retirement age, rely on:

  • pension payments (even to working citizens);
  • the possibility of free travel on public transport or the purchase of a ticket at a discount;
  • preferential payment utilities(in some cases);
  • the right to book tickets on the train (preferential categories of citizens in Moscow, especially pensioners, have the opportunity to order a ticket 10 days in advance);
  • exemption from property taxes;
  • reduction of transport tax or its complete absence;
  • installation of a telephone in the house (landline);
  • free provision of medicines (in some cases).

Service members are entitled to seniority pay. Widows of the military (not even of retirement age) before entering into a new officially registered relationship - a pension.


It is clear what children of the privileged category of the population receive. And what about pregnant women and mothers with babies? This is also a kind of beneficiaries, albeit to a lesser extent.

Among the opportunities provided to girls in an "interesting" position, they single out the right to unimpeded employment with the lack of probationary period. Employers have no right to fire such women.

Social support of the population in relation to pregnant women is expressed in the form of various payments and benefits, as in most cases. Here non-working women apply to social services for:

  • allowance for caring for a baby up to one and a half years;
  • lump sum payment for birth;
  • allowance up to 3 years of age of the child (not everywhere);
  • governor and regional payments.

Where to apply for benefits

The list of privileged categories of citizens is already known. Some bonuses from the state for certain cases - too. And where to get them? The main provision of social support is the so-called social service. In it, everyone can learn about due benefits and get some payouts.

But not all bonuses are issued here. They are now available at:

  • hospitals;
  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • city ​​administration (usually on land or housing issues);
  • pension fund (pensions are issued);
  • one-stop shop or MFC;
  • through the State Services website.


Now it is clear what are the preferential categories of citizens in Russia. In fact, everything is simple - the exact information about the beneficiaries and the bonuses that they are entitled to is specified in social service. Here, as already mentioned, some benefits and cash payments are issued.

There are many beneficiaries in Russia. But everyone gets help in one way or another. More often than not, people are unaware of the benefits they are entitled to. It should be remembered that the social support of the population is the responsibility of the state, which the government has taken upon itself.

The state protects citizens who cannot fully provide for themselves on their own. One of the types of assistance offered is social benefits. They affect the main areas of life: medicine, travel, housing. Additional subsidies are provided for payment to pensioners.


Benefits in the social sphere, these are the benefits offered by the Government at the level of legislation for different categories population. In the Russian Federation, all types of available social preferences are divided into several groups:
  1. Medical.
  2. Housing.
  3. Retirement.
  4. Travel cards.
  5. Other.
It should be noted that any type of social assistance can be provided only after a citizen submits an application to organizations that provide certain types of support. General types of benefits:
  1. Exemption from certain types of payments, fulfillment of various obligations, for example, payment of utility bills.
  2. Getting the necessary medicines, visiting doctors, getting advice.
  3. Travel in trams, trolleybuses is free of charge, and in some regions - in suburban transport.
  4. Spa treatment.
  5. Provision of apartments under a social tenancy agreement.
  6. Registration of children in kindergarten at a discount or on conditions of complete exemption from payment.
  7. Discounts on tax payments.
  8. The possibility of opening IP according to a simplified scheme.
  9. Providing necessary equipment for prosthetics of some organs, body functions, for example - glasses, hearing aids.
  10. Discounts when visiting theaters, museums, cinemas, state parks.
In order to receive benefits, a citizen must meet at least one or two of the following criteria:
  1. Low income - as a rule, it is for the disabled, the poor, pensioners, families with many children or families in which a disabled child is brought up.
  2. Absence of one or two parents - due to their death or deprivation of parental rights.
  3. Achievement of respectable, retirement age.
  4. The presence of certain merits before the country.
  5. Permanent or temporary disability.
  6. Difficult life circumstances, large families, loss of a breadwinner.
Certain types of benefits may or may not be available in some regions of the country.

Differences between federal and regional

Tax benefits or in the presence of 1,2 or 3 disability groups can be provided at the federal or regional level. Financing of social support for citizens occurs at the federal level, throughout the country. The authorities of individual regions have the right to form some additional preferences, in accordance with financial capabilities. Clearly the difference between federal and regional benefits presented in the table: The federal beneficiaries are:
  1. Persons with disabilities.
  2. Participants of the Second World War, hostilities - in Chechnya, Afghanistan.
  3. Liquidators of accidents that occurred at nuclear power plants, including Chernobyl.
  4. Persons who were previously underage prisoners of fascist camps.
The Pension Fund of Russia transfers additional financial assistance the above categories of people. Additionally, they can receive support in non-material terms. Such persons have the right to visit state organizations out of turn, and receive housing in the first place. They are provided with facilitated working conditions, the possibility of registration additional leave All of these conditions are governed by federal law.

Who is supposed to

The right to receive state assistance, compensation, discounts on housing and communal services and travel benefits are the following categories citizens:
  1. Labor veterans, invalids of all groups.
  2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War, fighting.
  3. Citizens who received state awards.
  4. Honorary Donors.
  5. Persons who have reached retirement age and have stopped working.
  6. Citizens from low-income families.
  7. Large families.
  8. Persons in the civil service.
  9. Citizens who are politically persecuted and their relatives.
  10. Persons who eliminated the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other nuclear power plants.
  11. Citizens who are unemployed.
In Russia, for the preferential system, the main principle is egalitarian. That is, first of all, the state takes care of those citizens who are least protected and need support most of all. Funds are redistributed through the federal and regional budgets, and transferred in the form of compensation, benefits, subsidies.

The state considers the protection of minor children, both those who have parents and those left without care, to be especially important.

How to issue

In order to start receiving benefits, they must be issued. All types of social assistance are declarative in nature, and are accrued only after a citizen applies to a state organization. In order to apply for benefits, you must take the following steps:
  1. Get a status that gives you the right to free travel, treatment, housing and other types of preferences. You will need to contact the ITU - for disability registration, the FIU - when applying for pension payments.
  2. The next step is to prepare all required documents. Initially, find out which of them must be provided, and whether photocopies are required.
  3. The application is written by hand or filled out on a ready-made paper form. Some organizations can apply electronically.
  4. This is followed by an appeal to the state organization with complete package documents. As a rule, they are taken for verification. Both originals and photocopies may be required.
  5. An instant result almost never takes place; it takes from 5 to 30 business days to process benefits, depending on the instance.
  6. After a certain amount of time, you need to come back for a second appointment and find out the result of the consideration of the application.
Some types of benefits are provided upon request, after presentation of a document confirming the right to receive them. Others (in cash) are transferred to the personal bank account provided by the citizen during registration.

Required documents

You need to confirm the status of a beneficiary only once by preparing a voluminous package of documents. Then only the extension of some types is necessary social benefits. Basically, cash compensation, pensions and reliefs are valid throughout life. You will need to collect the following package of documents:
  1. Passport of a citizen of Russia - the original and a copy of the main spread with a photo, pages and registration information.
  2. Certificate of beneficiary (pension).
  3. Extract from the house book, if the applicant lives in a private house.
  4. A certificate issued by the Housing Office, or the Management Company that services the apartment building. The document is necessary in order to confirm the absence of debt for utilities.
  5. Certificates of receipt of state awards.
  6. Certificate of ownership of the dwelling.

All these papers in the form of originals and copies are provided to the regional organizations responsible for providing citizens with social benefits. The list may vary slightly depending on the region.

When can you get rejected?

Citizens who fully meet all the conditions do not receive a refusal, and subsidies and benefits are provided to them at the first application. However, there are several common causes for which social benefits may still be denied:
  1. The absence of the applicant's right to receive state assistance, or documents confirming it.
  2. Errors in official documents, incorrect data.
  3. Non-compliance of the applicant with the conditions for obtaining certain types of benefits. So, a pension can be issued only after reaching a certain age.
  4. Appeal to the wrong state organization that provides a specific type of social assistance.
  5. Lack of a certain benefit in the region of circulation.

The refusal is formalized in writing, and, if necessary, it can be appealed. To do this, you need to submit a second application to the head of the department or to a higher authority.

Before applying for benefits at the branch social protection or the FIU, you need to clarify what types of social assistance the applicant is entitled to count on. This will save a lot of time. The authorities of the regions can establish certain types of subsidies, for example, for free travel in the subway, which is not available in every city, or for certain types of assistance to orphans. Benefits can only be granted after an analysis of the regional budget.

Citizens recognized as needy, military pensioners and other privileged categories of persons apply for a subsidy for utility bills. When organizing a major overhaul of an apartment building where such a citizen lives, he will be reimbursed half the amount of money spent. If a pensioner has the title of Hero of the USSR or Russia, the amount of compensation - 100% .

The possibility of receiving a subsidy is regulated. At the same time, the right to use these social support measures for each category of citizens is determined by its own law or order. For example, . The procedure for granting benefits and the list of required documentation is fixed in .

The amount of the benefit is calculated monthly, depending on the size and amount of total income. By general rule the compensation amount is 50% utility bills. According to housing law Art. 169 ZhK RF) when organizing a major overhaul of real estate, a pensioner also receives certain compensation:

  1. Veterans, the disabled, the underprivileged 50% .
  2. All citizens over 70 50% .
  3. After 80 years - 100% .

For the provision of this type benefits, you must contact the regional center for social protection or the MFC ( Multifunctional Center), FSS or local government. At the place of application, an appropriate application is drawn up, to which the necessary documents are attached.

List of documentation:

  1. Title deeds of real estate ownership. In the case of its lease - a contract of social, official or other employment.
  2. Settlement papers (receipts and checks) confirming the facts of previous payments for utility bills.
  3. A copy of a document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran's certificate).
  4. Information about the income of the applicant and his family members.

The necessary application and documents can be sent by registered mail via mail or via the Internet on the Unified Portal of Public Services.

Sanatorium treatment for pensioners

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners is included in the medical care of certain categories of persons, and is financed from the federal budget. In the list of health-improving social benefits:

  • discount when buying medicines at their retail outlets. Its size is 50% . This right sold upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician. The document is valid for 10 days;
  • to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of the clinic where the pensioner was examined;
  • preferential sanatorium treatment.

Health-improving activities are regulated by relevant by-laws and departmental regulations. For example, preferential treatment for WWII veterans is enshrined in a letter. According to the standard, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

To obtain a ticket, you must contact the regional branch of the social insurance fund or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and fill out an application. The application must be accompanied by:

  1. Medical examination documents.
  2. Passport copy.
  3. A document of title confirming the right to a benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of reimbursement of funds for non-use of a sanatorium-resort voucher. In this case, the funds are transferred from the budget of the FSS.

Medical benefits for pensioners

Medical benefits for retirees They consist of preferential and free provision of medicines, priority right to services and provision of the opportunity to take a health-improving course on a voucher once within one or two years.

Features of the provision medicines regulated by government decrees, orders of the Ministry of Health and its individual departments. Eg:

Medical benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 in the field of preferential dispensing of medicines are regulated.

Pensioners have the right to preferential prosthetics for missing limbs. For veterans, this opportunity is provided free of charge.

Get medical benefits You can directly in the clinic itself upon presentation of the appropriate certificate. The drug discount is valid in any private or public pharmacies. For registration, you must visit the department of social protection ( this opportunity provided once every two years if the pensioner is not a veteran).

Transport benefits

Pensioners receive the basic allowance set of social services(NSU). It includes compensation for travel in public transport. Its value varies depending on the region of residence of the pensioner and is set by local authorities. If the applicant refuses the concessionary travel pass, the amount of compensation will be included in the amount of the additional increase to retirement benefit. For example, to the monthly cash payment (UDV).

Certain travel allowances for pensioners operate:

  • (the amount of the discount is set by the carrier company);
  • when traveling by train;
  • for Russian Railways tickets.

Travel benefits are received at the time of purchase of the corresponding ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued at the local social security office.

tax incentives

Citizens who have reached old age or who have certain privileges that allow them to receive material allowance for the rest of their lives also have the right to tax benefits and payment of government fees. for pensioners:

  1. Exemption from income tax.
  2. Cancellation of the tax on real estate and other property registered in the name of a pensioner.
  3. Exemption from transport tax for one unit of equipment, capacity not higher than 100 hp(valid for most regions of Russia).
  4. Discount on land tax. From 2018, the exemption will be valid for plots of no more than 6 acres. The indicated value is subtracted from the total area of ​​the larger plot.
  5. Exemption from the state fee paid when filing a claim with the judicial authorities. If the claim concerns property worth more than 1 million rubles- the amount of tax is withheld.
  6. Right to tax deduction when buying residential property.

Obligations of employers


Citizens who have reached old age or have other reasons for receiving a pension are provided with a number of measures social support. What benefits are provided old age pensioners?

  1. The right to improve housing conditions if necessary.
  2. Right to pay housing and communal services in the amount of half of their cost.
  3. Reimbursement for repair costs after 70 years old(age of pensioner) 50% , after 80 – 100% .
  4. A set of certain social services or the payment of monetary compensation for it.
  5. Free and subsidized medical care.
  6. Provision of health resort vouchers.
  7. Exemption from certain taxes and the use of a deduction when calculating the amount of personal income tax.
  8. Additional unpaid labor leave if the pensioner continues to work.
  9. Preferential supply of medicines in the wholesale and retail pharmacy chain upon presentation of a pension certificate and a prescription from the attending physician.

The most popular questions and answers to them on benefits for pensioners

Question: Good afternoon. My name is Antonina Sergeevna. I am 70 years old. I am labor veteran. What are last news O benefits for pensioners in 2018? Will there be a long-awaited indexation of old-age benefits this year?

Answer: Hello, Antonina Sergeevna. It is worth knowing for every pensioner that benefits are provided in two areas: federal and regional. The list of state concessions has not changed significantly. The list of regional ones is periodically updated depending on the place of residence of the applicant. For example, in Moscow, having on hand social card, a labor veteran has the right to use rail transport free of charge.

As for indexation, according to the statement of the authorities, the revision of payments will be carried out twice during the year - in February and April.