Awarded the Order of Friendship. Social privileges and material benefits for holders of awards of the Russian Federation. External description of a valuable reward

Social work, by definition, is the provision of assistance to those individuals or social groups who are in a difficult life situation, a vulnerable position, cannot cope with their difficulties on their own and therefore need the assistance of specialists. At first glance, it seems that military personnel under normal social circumstances, by the very nature of their activities, by a special set of personal qualities that serve as a prerequisite for it, cannot belong to vulnerable segments of the population: these are, as a rule, people in the most favorable age range who have left their childhood but still far from old age. Their state of health is under vigilant professional supervision and meets rather strict criteria set by the military service. Finally, the armed forces belong to one of the most respected social institutions, their representatives have a high social status and are in a favorable material and moral position.
However, the very specificity of professional activity associated with military service contains certain objective difficulties that negatively affect military personnel and may impede their social functioning. Such problems are common to the armed forces in any modern society, perhaps even in any society, regardless of its historical and socio-cultural certainty, although we currently have insufficient data to judge on this last issue. In addition, the peculiarities of the position of military personnel in the Russian Federation leave an imprint of special complexity on their social situation, and this cannot but affect their well-being and social functioning.
Before considering a set of problems that are objectively inherent in people performing military service, it is necessary to give some definitions, which, in accordance with the current legislation, establish the status of the phenomena being determined.
A citizen doing military service is a serviceman and has a legal status determined by law.
Military service is a special type of public service of citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops (border troops, internal troops, government communications troops providing communications with military command and control bodies, railway troops of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops), foreign intelligence agencies and federal state bodies. security (Law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service", Section VI, Art. 35).
For those undergoing military service, the composition of military personnel is established: soldiers and sailors; sergeants and foremen; ensigns and midshipmen; as well as officers: junior, senior, higher. In accordance with belonging to one or another composition, there is the status of a serviceman, his subordinate position, financial situation, indirectly - age, health status, family circumstances and other factors. Therefore, the social problems of military personnel can to a certain extent be grouped depending on their attitude towards one or another composition.
Military service can be carried out by conscription (for soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen), or by contract - for all military personnel. In the Russian Federation, there is a recruitment of soldiers and sergeants of the Armed Forces mainly by conscription, on the basis of universal military duty, although certain steps have recently been taken to form a professional army and organize the service of soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen also on a voluntary contract basis.
Conscription for military service in peacetime is subject to male citizens, aged 18 to 27 years, who do not have the right to exemption or deferment from conscription. The following are exempt from conscription:
recognized as unfit or partially fit for health reasons;
performing or having completed military or alternative service;
who have completed military service in the armed forces of another state;
having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a serious crime;
a citizen whose brother was killed or died during military service by conscription.
For some categories of conscripts, a deferment from conscription is established, for example, while studying at the full-time department of a higher educational institution, in other cases; the terms and conditions of such deferrals are established by the federal legislature and may vary widely.
The terms of military service on conscription are established by the legislator, for those undergoing military service under a contract, they are established by contract.
The problematic complex of military personnel and their families is due to the duties assigned to them for the armed protection of the state, related to the need to fulfill the assigned tasks in any conditions, including with a possible risk to life. This determines the characteristics of the social-role system in which they operate. The functional duties of military personnel are strictly regulated, and the subordination structure is strictly hierarchical. Orders of superiors are not discussed and are subject to strict implementation, regardless of the attitude to the order of the person to whom it is given. In addition, mention should be made of the lack of the possibility of choosing an occupation and place of residence, both for the serviceman himself and, in a number of cases, for his family. In military service, there are often adverse factors in the form of emotional and physical overload of military personnel, exposure to noise, vibration, chemical reagents, confined spaces, monotony, and sensory deprivation. A test for the moral, emotional and physical strength of servicemen is also the influence of constant and involuntary contact with the same age and same-sex team, the lack of privacy, interpersonal tension, especially interpersonal conflicts. Similar factors are typical for all armies.
The armed forces are closely connected with the state of the state and society. Accordingly, almost all the problems and troubles of Russian society leave their mark on the activities and well-being of military personnel. Thus, the decline in the quality of health and intelligence of each subsequent age cohort of the population leads to the fact that, while maintaining the scale of conscription, people with serious somatic or mental illnesses enter the military service. On the other hand, unbearable loads, poor-quality nutrition with a pronounced protein-vitamin deficiency leads to the appearance or exacerbation of diseases. Illegal behavior in the period before entering the military service, the growth of crime in society, drug addiction and alcoholism affect people in uniform: a large number of crimes committed by military personnel increases the risk for the military personnel themselves to become a victim of crime by their colleagues.
One of the acute problems of the modern Russian Armed Forces is the presence of several status systems in its ranks - the official (formal) "statutory" system of relations determined by general legislation and departmental documents: charters, instructions, etc.; the "grandfather" system, based on the informal, but, nevertheless, widespread priority position of old-time soldiers over new recruits, and the "compatriotic" status system, according to which power and influence in military collectives are distributed depending on belonging to a certain territorial or national grouping. The spread of parallel official informal status systems is a reflection of the anomie characteristic of modern society, that is, the collapse of pre-existing value systems and a symptom of a general social moral and psychological crisis. The consequence of this situation is a decrease in the controllability of military teams, a drop in discipline, acts of violent behavior against a number of military personnel, and the spread of suicides in the Armed Forces.
The growing socio-economic difficulties in society are expressed in many months of delays in the payment of salaries to military personnel, the collapse of the logistics system, obsolescence of equipment and weapons, and the inability to conduct normal combat training. The collapse of the previously existing ideological system, in which the Armed Forces occupied one of the leading places as a symbol of statehood, as a carrier of the high-status values ​​of patriotism, the sacred duty of defending the fatherland in the face of external dangers, the discrediting of these latter in the absence of other values ​​that could replace them, lead to a moral and psychological crisis in the minds of a number of military personnel, to a sense of the aimlessness of their activities. This entails a drop in the prestige of military labor, mass draft evasion, and military personnel's lack of confidence in the stability of their existence and their future. An acute indicator of social trouble in the Armed Forces is the increase in the number of suicides, not only among privates and sergeants, which is usually associated with "informal" relations in military teams, but also among officers.
The universality of military service does not seem justified to society: the majority of the population supports the transition of the Armed Forces to the contract principle of formation and exclusively voluntary military service by citizens. The lack of a constitutionally guaranteed right to alternative military service, weak legal and social protection for all categories of servicemen, economic and everyday difficulties - all this aggravates the moral and psychological well-being of servicemen.
The vagueness of plans for military reform, personnel prospects for military personnel, mass layoffs of officers without providing housing and payments required by law, difficulties in finding a job after military service - all this creates another problematic complex of the “transitional” period - between the end of military service and adaptation to civil reality.
An acute group of problems is the well-being of people who took part in wars and armed conflicts, and their readaptation to civilian life. Firstly, persons who were injured in their course, or, moreover, who lost their health, ability to work, and ability to social functioning, do not currently enjoy an adequate level of social security; they and their families have a whole range of material, financial, housing, medical and social problems, for the solution of which neither they nor the state currently have enough resources.
Secondly, even those military personnel who have not received injuries in such armed conflicts are, to a large extent, carriers of the so-called "post-traumatic stress syndrome". For the first time, such a state of health and mentality was diagnosed in American veterans of the Vietnam War, and subsequently was observed in many participants in "strange" armed conflicts. Its main symptoms are mental weakness, in which minor problems turn into insurmountable obstacles that push people to aggressive outbursts or suicides, a sense of guilt in the dead for being alive, a negative or dismissive attitude towards social institutions. Moreover, time does not heal such phenomena: the psychological problems of the former “Vietnamese” worsened 15-20 years after the end of the war, among them there are a third more suicides and divorces, half as many alcoholics, drug addicts than the national average. Psychological stress leads to the development of such psychosomatic diseases as ulcers, hypertension, asthma. The most painful effect on the participants in such wars is the alienation of society, the debunking of the goals and methods of war.
Unfortunately, in the history of our country there have been quite a few "strange" wars and conflicts. In addition, a number of actions by representatives of the Armed Forces have not received due public recognition, and their participants, who risked their lives and lost their health, do not have proper social security - for example, participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is a serious social problem, and its solution can only be comprehensive, including social measures, all types of rehabilitation of persons injured in the course of military service, the development of prosthetic services and the formation of an accessible environment for the disabled, the organization of psychological support, as well as a change in society's attitude towards those persons. who honestly fulfilled their duty to the state and therefore deserve help and support.
Military families are affected by all the problems that are typical of any other type of family, but they also have their own difficulties. For example, the families of conscripts are deprived of their earnings - often the main source of income, which, in the presence of a child, puts the family in a difficult financial situation. The allowance paid in such a case does not cover the needs of the child.
The resources of the family of a contract serviceman are involved in ensuring defense capabilities along with the personal resources of the serviceman himself, ensuring to a large extent his health and performance. However, it does not receive adequate compensation for these resources. The family follows the soldiers to their destination, where housing difficulties are very common, there is no work for the wife, and the climate is often unsuitable for children. Repeated moves to a new place of service give rise to difficulties in the study of children who are forced to adapt each time to a new school and a new team. Existence in the conditions of a military camp, fenced off from the outside world, can give rise to a syndrome of socio-psychological deprivation of military personnel and members of their families.
A common problem for families of military personnel is poverty, as their wages lag behind the growth in the cost of living, especially from the specific needs of subsistence in military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law. The wives of servicemen, despite usually having higher education, often cannot get a job with a limited number of jobs, unemployment benefits are paid only to a small part of them. The socio-economic crisis of the state with many months of non-payment of money to servicemen often puts their families in a situation of social disaster.

Sex in the army. Sexual culture of servicemen Evgeny Avgustovich Kashchenko

3.8. military family

3.8. military family

Let us consider a social institution in which the foundations of sexual culture are laid in childhood, where a young man goes through the path of formation and awareness of the sexual interests of a young man before being drafted into the Armed Forces (or signing a contract). This family is the main social unit in which servicemen improve their sexual relations in their mature years. At the same time, the family is a historically evolving core of exercising social control in society to maintain a certain level of sexual culture among servicemen.

- Permission to enter, comrade lieutenant colonel? asked Captain Sh. quietly, bowing his head.

- Come in, come in. What's the matter? The head of the command post of the brigade felt that his subordinate, duty officer Valery Shch., was going to say something important. And he was not mistaken: the best CP specialist, indispensable at any training ground, who participated in dozens of exercises, just got into disgracefully - fell in love! And in whom?! To the telephone operator! A young girl who signed a contract just two years ago. Judging by the story of Valery, she herself seduced him into one of the night shifts. Right on the table in one of the rooms of the command post, she gave herself to the handsome captain. Slender, pretty Natasha (that was the name of the telephone operator) could not be compared with the captain's wife - a full imposing lady, mother of two children.

The relationship has been going on for three months, and things are heading for a divorce, says Captain Shch. But he doesn’t know what to do and what to do: his wife is roaring, it’s a pity for the children, Natalya bewitched ...

- The situation is not simple, - summed up the head of the command post, - but we will think of something. Time will heal everything!

To begin with, the first opportunity was used to send Captain Sh. on a business trip. During those six months, while he and his staff assisted in harvesting on the virgin lands, the matter was decided in favor of the officer's family. Natasha found herself a new "love" - ​​sergeant T, who was being retired. Judging by the letter to the head of the CP, they live well, they are waiting for replenishment. And Captain Sh. returned, wrote a report on the transfer to another unit and was sent with his family to one of the regions of the Far North.

There is no doubt that the sexual culture of a particular soldier, like any citizen, is formed due to the existing atmosphere in the family, the moral microclimate in it and the established lifestyle before being drafted into the army. Parents, relatives - the inner circle - up to 18 years old are the first teachers in mastering the basics of sexual behavior.

After conscription or the conclusion of a contract, military families are included in the process of institutionalization of his sexual culture only if the conditions of its formation and existence accordingly affect the lifestyle: living in a military camp (or mass residence of military personnel), spouse (husband) - from a military family , the period of courtship and marriage for at least one of the spouses falls on the period of service in the army, etc. Therefore, the determination of the sexual culture of Russian military personnel in the family can be considered from two sides: in the parents' family as such and in the military's own family. But first of all, a few words should be said about marriage as the basis of today's family.

Marriage in the usual, monogamous sense is a lifelong union of two free, independent, mature individuals who share life and love. This is a union that contributes to its own development and the well-being of its children. This form of marriage has been considered an enduring cultural ideal for centuries, which does not exclude other types of unions: group marriage (polygamous or polyandrous, Swedish families and homosexual couples), promiscuity, free love, religious and sexual prostitution.

Here are some examples of sexual relations that I. Bloch described at the beginning of the 20th century:

Namazons from Africa, the inhabitants of the Balearic Islands, have a custom according to which if a man marries for the first time, then his bride on her wedding night should sleep in order with all the guests, and each guest after the copulation left her a gift that he brought from home.

Among the Buryats in Siberia, men and women dance "nadan", from time to time the couples disappear into the night, then return to make other couples disappear.

Among the inhabitants of Tibet, a man does not marry a woman who has retained her virginity. Her parents offer her to travelers in order for her to receive a ring. The more such gifts she has, the more success she enjoys with hunters to marry.

According to Schultz, a scientist of the early 20th century, ugly living conditions caused promiscuity among European proletarians.

Marriage is not only union, it is also a restriction of freedom. And first of all sexual freedom. Those men who believe in revealing their sexual possibilities with a single partner in marriage are happy if they have achieved a harmonious union (in a physiological, psychological and socio-cultural context). Others suffer, suffer, get divorced.

REASONS for unhappy MARRIAGES (according to I. Bloch):

habit, uniformity,

Marriage too early

Age difference,

Bad financial situation

The burden of marital responsibilities

loneliness in marriage (when you are waiting for a miracle, but it is not), illness.

Russian servicemen built and are building their families and enter into marriage unions with an eye on the traditions and customs of the past. And first of all, they remember patriarchal families and Christian marriage. True, for the majority, the Domostroev phrase pops up in their memory: “A husband beats his wife - it means he loves”

According to modern theologians, Christian spouses must fulfill their vow until the end of their lives, “without violating its holiness with vile debauchery,” since “fornicators do not inherit the Kingdom of God” (see: Christian family and marriage. M .: Resurrection, 1992. P. 6). They argue that the greatest wisdom of Christian marriage is to give complete freedom to the one you love, because our earthly marriage is like a heavenly marriage - Christ and the Church - and there is complete freedom (p.15). At the same time, the worst thing in marriage is the loss of love (p. 15).

“Marriage is enlightenment and at the same time a mystery. It is the transformation of man, the expansion of his personality. A person acquires a new vision, a new sense of life. Only in marriage is it possible to fully understand a person, to see another person. In marriage, a person plunges into life, entering it through another person. This knowledge and life give that feeling of completeness and satisfaction, which makes us richer and wiser.

Here, for example, are some Christian commandments from the Gospel:

... Everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart (from Matt. 5, 28).

... Whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of fornication, he gives her a reason to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Matt. 5:32).

…God created them male and female. Therefore a man will leave his father and mother. And he will cling to his wife, and the two will become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh (from Mark. 10, 6, 7, 8).

…Food for the womb, and the womb for food; but God will destroy both. The body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.

... Do not deviate from each other, except by agreement, for a while, for exercise in fasting and prayer, and then be together again, so that Satan does not tempt you with your intemperance. However, I said this as a permission, and not as a command. For I wish that all people were like me; but each has his own gift from God, one this way, the other another.

…It is good for a man not to touch a woman. But, in order to avoid fornication, each one has his own wife, and each one has her own husband.

... If they cannot abstain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to be inflamed.

... He who marries his maiden does well; but he who does not give out does better (he will save himself for the Lord. - Auth.) (First Epistle to the Corfinians, Ch. 7).

... Wives, obey your husbands as the Lord ... as the Church obeys Christ, so wives obey their husbands in everything (Ephesians. Ch. 5).

... Let the wife study in silence, with all humility. And I don’t allow my wife to teach… For Adam was created first, and then Eve (Epistle to Timothy. Ch. 2.).

Such an approach to marriage and family relations assumed peculiar rules that were prescribed to the husband and wife. For example, in the old days, the groom gave the bride a ring (formerly a seal, a ring) made of iron, silver (like the moon shining with sunlight), gold (the light of which the husband is likened to), depending on the wealth of the groom. The wedding ring was worn on the ring finger (since one of the finest nerves of this finger was in direct contact with the heart - at least at the level of ideas of that time) “... Not for external decoration, but in order to put a seal on the household, which from then on, it passes into her possession and is entrusted to her cares, ”said Climen, Bishop of Alexandria in the 2nd ch. his "teacher".

In Russia, the Orthodox place the ring on the finger right hands, for with this hand a vow of allegiance is made, the sign of the cross is made. They bless, greet with it, hold both a tool of labor and a sword in a righteous battle.

Weddings are not allowed (all exceptions - with the permission of the ruling bishop):

During all four fasts, in the wet week, Easter week;

In the period from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany (Christmas time);

On Saturday, on the eve of the twelfth, great and temple holidays, so that the pre-holiday evening does not pass in noisy fun and entertainment;

On Tuesdays and Thursdays (on the eve of the fast days of Wednesday and Friday);

on the eve and on the days of the Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29) and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14).

The fundamental thing in the sexual culture of the Orthodox is that polygamy and polyandry, marriages between close relatives, are contrary to Christian laws. The Church does not allow marriage more than three times and defines the following barriers to marriage:

If one of the spouses is an ardent atheist, not baptized;

One of the spouses is married to another person;

If there is a blood relationship between the bride and groom;

With those who profess a non-Christian religion (Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism);

With priests and deacons after their ordination;

With those who once bound themselves with a monastic vow of virginity;

if there is a spiritual relationship, through the reception at baptism.

Orthodox Christianity recommends: "Love a beautiful and healthy wife, a rich sister, and you yourself do as the Bible requires - without conventions and restrictions." At the same time, sexual relations with a legal spouse are not recommended on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, on the feasts of the Lord, on Great Lent.

The determination of the modern sexual culture of military personnel by family factors leads to the appearance of its peculiar features that are not characteristic of other socio-professional formations. The mere fact that 67% of servicemen and members of their families are in a state of mental stress at home, realizing that they can be called to duty at any moment77, has a key effect on their sexual behavior.

Finding a wife that matches the ideal is difficult in general, and even more so for a cadet, a young officer. If we take into account that the main number of marriages among the military falls on the peak of male sexuality, when physiological attraction still prevails in the actions of a young man, then the probability of making a mistake in choosing a life partner increases many times over. In the first and second years, the greatest frequency of sexual intercourse prevails in the families of military personnel, it seems to young people that they love each other, and the marriage is maintained, but in the subsequent monotony of sexual life, sexual technology often leads to betrayal and rupture of family relationships.

As studies and observations of recent years show, most marriages persist and endure difficult trials due to changes in social and financial situation, the separation of adult children, etc. At the same time, after 1991, the number of divorces in the families of officers living in large cities increased: Moscow, St. Petersburg. The initiators are women in the "blooming age" - from 25 to 35 years old, who hope to change their fate for the better. Some saw a better standard of living, others found themselves in a new social environment, and they are not attracted by the disorder of life in army garrisons. Others were affected by the decline in the social status of Russian servicemen and the prestige of military service.

According to the data of specialists from the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of O. Kryshtanovskaya, by 1997 the professions of an astronaut, a military man, and a scientist completely disappeared from among the prestigious ones. (See: Arguments and facts. No. 1-2 (846-847). 1997. P. 5). According to the results of a sociological study of 1994-1995, the profession of a military man (officer) took a number of other activities (from among the following professions: businessman, diplomat, accountant, lawyer, computer programmer, economist, farmer, journalist, radio electronics engineer, scientist, miner , a priest, a driver, a doctor, a civil engineer, a policeman, a turner, a teacher, an art critic) one of the last, low-prestigious places)78.

There is a tendency to reduce the number of married cadets and officers among graduates of military schools: the number of potential brides has increased, who are frightened by the prospect of an unsettled life and a low subsistence level of young lieutenants.

According to the materials of speeches at the Second Russian Conference of the Family Planning Association in 1994, the average age of those entering into marriage: for men - 24.4 years, for women - 21.7 years.

in the sixties - about 5% of cadets,

in the seventies - up to 35-75% of cadets,

in the nineties - 12-24% of cadets.

Analyzing the factors contributing to success in married life, it can be argued that, first of all, those partners who approach marriage seriously and with a sense of responsibility, accept their partner with all his (her) features, perceive him ( her) as a person, show disinterestedness, altruism, empathy, experience mutual love, are on the same level of sexual culture. However, in the military subculture of the garrisons, the wives of military personnel develop a peculiar one in the process of the forced daily absence of their own husbands. They exchange views on the importance of sexual intercourse, inform each other about the peculiarities of sexual behavior, about sexuality issues at their own level of sexual culture. Inadequate to the expectations of any of the partners, sexual intercourse, due to this kind of socialization, often leads to conflicts and tragedies.

One of the typical features of the sexual culture of military personnel is the presence of sexual disharmony in family and marriage relations on the basis of belonging to the army. In the sexological literature, it is customary to consider the presence of physiological, psychological, sexopathological and some other disharmony, determined by the individual characteristics of the individual. Sociocultural disharmony is caused by external and internal factors that make it difficult to maintain harmonious relationships between husband and wife, parents and children. A. Kharitonov writes about this.

Another characteristic feature, determined by the level of sexual culture of military personnel and manifested in family life, is the avoidance of an active role in the sexual education of children due to their own incompetence in matters of children's pedagogy, the special delicacy of the topic, the inability to approach it, and due to habit - "their own received knowledge from friends and girlfriends. This was noticed by many researchers: K. Bush, O. Lakhner, V. N. Kolbanovsky, E. G. Kostyashkin, I. S. Kon, V. I. Barsky, L. A. Bogdanovich, A. G. Khripkova, A N. Shibaev, I. Foreman, I. Haas and others.

In recent years, the acceleration of children has led to earlier information about sexuality. There is even such an anecdote. To the father’s question: “Son, would you like to talk to me about sexual problems?” - the child remarks: “What can I explain to you?”

It is known that due to the increase in the duration of the period between puberty and marriage, the premarital sexual activity of Russians is growing. The military, limited by the specifics of their service and its conditions, are trying to independently resolve the sexual problems that arise in connection with this. Nevertheless, without excluding the influence of premarital and extramarital sexual relations on the development of individual sexual behavior, it should be noted the importance of the family as one of the factors in determining the level of sexual culture of military personnel that determines their sexual behavior.

At the end of the 20th century, under the active onslaught of propaganda of immorality and lack of spirituality, the commercialization of sexual culture and spiritual degradation, the gender effect is triggered in the mass consciousness of military personnel. Then it is the family as a symbol of traditional moral values ​​that comes to the defense. She and only she is able to set in motion the mechanism of the defensive reaction of the constructive conservatism inherited from Orthodoxy. The situation that has developed in Russian society diminishes the place of the family in the lives of men and women. But only in the family is it possible to resolve the contradiction between the decline of public morality and the strengthening of spiritual values ​​in the mass consciousness.

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The statute and description were approved on June 1, 1995. The author of the drawing of the order is the artist A.B. Zhuk, who is also the author of the drawing of the Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 17, 1972 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR for awarding great merits in strengthening friendship and fraternal cooperation of socialist nations and nationalities, for a significant contribution to the economic, socio-political and cultural development of the USSR and the union republics and the former predecessor of the new Russian award. A.B. Zhuk himself is a holder of the Russian Order of Friendship, while he was not awarded the Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples. The candidate of historical sciences P.K. Kornakov took part in the development of sketches.

In the hierarchy of Russian orders, the Order of Friendship takes its place after the Order of Honor.

The Order of Friendship is awarded to citizens for strengthening friendship and cooperation between nations and nationalities, for achievements in the development of the Russian economy, for especially fruitful activities in the development of science, rapprochement and mutual enrichment of cultures of nations and nationalities, strengthening peace and friendly relations between states.

Although nothing more is said in the Statute of the Order of Friendship, they are also awarded for other merits - for space flights, for testing new technology, for sports achievements, for achievements in production activities, for work on the patriotic education of young people.

The first holder of the Order of Friendship No. 1 is the governor of the Samara region K.A. Titov, who was awarded this award on November 1, 1994 for his great personal contribution to the implementation of economic reform, the implementation of democratic reforms and active work to strengthen the Russian statehood.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1995, 144 veterans of the Great Patriotic War were awarded the order, among them I.S. Mudretsova.

Among the holders of the order: Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.Ya.Livshits; President of the Republic of Buryatia L.V. Potapov, President of the Republic of Kalmykia K.N. Ilyumzhinov; President of the Republic of Tuva Sh.D.Dorzhak; Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation R. G. Abdulatipov; Marshal of the Armored Troops O.A. Losik; army generals V.L. Govorov, I.I. Gusakovsky, V.N. Lobov, G.I. Obaturov; Major General of Militia A.N. Zakharov; Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans of the Primorsky Territory KF Kravchenko; cosmonaut V.A. Dzhanibekov; writers Ch.T. Aitmatov and A.A. Vainer; conductor V.T. Spivakov; composers O.B.Feltsman and V.Ya.Shainsky; film directors V.M. Kotenochkin and V.N. Shilovsky; People's Artists O.V. Basilashvili, V.I. Gaft, L.I. Golubkina, M.M. Derzhavin, L.K. Durov, A.D. Zharkov, V.M. Zeldin, L.I. I.V. Kvasha, E.E.Kio, B.V.Klyuev, Yu.D.Kuklachev, O.K.Popov, V.V.Tolkunova, A.B.Freindlikh, G.V.Khazanov, B.V. ; Honored Masters of Sports E.V. Berezhnaya, I.A. Netto, A.T. Sikharulidze, V.I. Starshinov, S.V. Khorkina, G.A. Yartsev; head coach of the CSKA football club VG Gazzaev; mother of R.G. Nazmukhanov.

On March 24, 1997, the Order of Friendship was awarded to 33 employees of enterprises of the Belarusian military-industrial complex. They were awarded this award for their great contribution to the development and creation of the Moscow anti-missile defense system. Most of them are specialists of the system programming design bureau of the Russian-Belarusian corporation Vympel.

The Order of Friendship has been awarded to 475 people from 58 countries of the world. The German cosmonaut-researcher Ulf Merbold (January 24, 1994) became the first foreign recipient of the Order, and one of the last was C. Hewitt, Air Force Major of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (September 4, 2005), who was awarded for dedication and high professionalism shown during rescue of Russian sailors.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2002 No. “for a great contribution to the development of technical cooperation, preparation and conduct of the operation to raise the Kursk nuclear submarine, 9 citizens of the Netherlands and Great Britain, including the president of the Mammut company, I.F. van Seumeren, were awarded the Order of Friendship.

High awards were also given to 91 church ministers, including Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine, and Archbishop Veniamin of Vladivostok and Primorsky.

Posthumous awards were awarded to 4 people - Chairman of the Kursk City Council of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Veterans N.G. Presnyakov (04.05.2000); Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Shali of the Chechen Republic L.Kh.Abkaev (21.03.2003); Deputy Head of the Administration of the Shali District of the Chechen Republic I.M. Dzhabrailov (21.03.2003); member of the Electoral Commission of the Chechen Republic D.D. Mezhidov (23.07.2003).

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type 1. The MMD stamp is round.

type 2. MMD stamp is oblong.