Hides the fact of pregnancy treatment. Is it necessary and why to hide pregnancy from friends, colleagues, neighbors? Such knowledge makes it possible

According to statistics, every fifth woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle. In addition, the remaining 80% also experience various failures or violations from time to time, and there can be a huge number of reasons for this.

But sometimes menstruation "not the same as always" becomes perhaps the only symptom of pregnancy that is called hidden.

Pregnancy is not only desired / unwanted, early / late, single / multiple, planned or not ... There are many other designations for this condition of the female body, depending on the characteristics of the onset and course of pregnancy. Frozen, ectopic, color, biochemical and even false, in which the fetal egg is not detected, but the woman has symptoms.

One of the conditions in which the development of the fetus occurs in a special, peculiar way is hidden pregnancy. The name speaks for itself: if there is a fetal egg inside the uterus and the development of the embryo, the expectant mother does not know what is happening in her womb. That is, pregnancy occurs, but at the same time does not give itself away, which not only makes diagnosis difficult, but also carries certain risks, because a woman does not correct her own diet and lifestyle, as it should be done during the period of bearing a baby. And if an unhealthy way of life was habitual for the expectant mother, or she underwent serious treatment, then this can negatively affect the development of the fetus and even cause a miscarriage.

Symptoms and signs of hidden pregnancy

That is why every woman should always listen to her own body and not ignore the detected changes and failures.

It should be noted right away that women who are eager to get pregnant tend to see signs of pregnancy when in reality they are absent. Often these girls have a false pregnancy. But as for the hidden one, in this case the woman does not know about its development precisely because there are no symptoms. And even the most reliable and obvious of them - a delay or absence of menstruation - does not manifest itself.

Meanwhile, very often (if not to say that almost always) there are at least some changes in the nature of menstruation during the onset of latent conception. This may be the appearance of spotting instead of bleeding, a decrease in the duration of bleeding, a failure in the schedule (usually menstruation in this case starts earlier). And such changes are noted from month to month, until in one of the cycles a woman finds a delay in menstruation and begins to look for its causes.

Most often, hidden pregnancy is detected already at the beginning of the second trimester, but in practice there are also cases when menstruation continues to appear until the birth itself. At the same time, the belly of the expectant mother increases so slightly that she either does not notice it at all, or accepts such a change as a slight weight gain.

As for other signs that occur in most pregnant women (nausea, heartburn, salivation, breast enlargement and sensitivity, pigmentation, changes in appetite, mood and ability to work, etc., etc.), they are actually absent or rather weakly expressed. And since menstruation does not stop, the woman does not attach special importance to temporary malaise and poor health, because it is completely normal if sometimes we have weakness or pain in the lower abdomen.

Hidden pregnancy: negative test

Precisely because menstrual bleeding during occult pregnancy continues to appear from cycle to cycle, even with some differences, no one usually tests. However, even in this case, home testing should determine the onset of conception. If the fetal egg is attached and develops normally, then it will produce hCG, the level of which increases, including in the urine, that is, the test should show a latent pregnancy.

But let's not forget that tests tend to be wrong and not show pregnancy, and people - to think and exaggerate. It is quite possible that a negative test is not lying, and the violations that have arisen have other causes, most likely a hormonal failure.

In any case, it will not be superfluous to contact a gynecologist: he will not only examine you on a chair and assume the presence / absence of a fetal egg, but will also begin to understand the reasons that led you to it.

Will an ultrasound show hidden pregnancy?

If a hidden conception is suspected, the gynecologist will certainly send her ward for an ultrasound scan to determine the place of attachment of the egg and assess the well-being of its development. Regardless of whether the woman’s new condition manifests itself somehow or not, the fetal egg is unlikely to “hide” from ultrasound if the device is of high quality and the specialist is experienced. Of course, even a classic pregnancy can not be seen on an ultrasound, but a conventional ultrasound shows a hidden one.

Meanwhile, if you have doubts and concerns, if you suspect that a new life could have arisen inside, then you can most accurately check your guesses with the help of not only ultrasound, but also a blood test for hCG, especially in the early stages. With a normally developing pregnancy, it can be determined as early as 4-5 days of delay: by this time, the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's blood reaches a sufficient concentration for this. Therefore, this analysis will accurately show whether the fetus develops or not.

Causes of hidden pregnancy

Many women wonder about the reasons for such an interesting phenomenon. Physicians cannot answer this question. However, most importantly, they say, hidden pregnancy is not dangerous. The only risks are associated with the fact that a woman does not get registered in a timely manner and is not observed by a doctor, as expected. And also, if she leads an unhealthy lifestyle, which affects the development of the fetus.

Probably, each of us should think about how to always eat right, sleep well, be less nervous and give up bad habits. And then the probability of such unexpected news will not force you to be exhausted from experiences.

And finally: doctors say that hidden pregnancy does not occur so rarely - in about 20% of all cases. And scientists believe that this percentage includes women with difficult destinies who cannot independently decide to conceive and give birth to a baby. Perhaps that is why they have children who certainly need to be born. Despite the increased risks of interrupting hidden pregnancies, babies who are thirsty for life go through all the difficulties and are already born winners in this world.

So love and respect them for such a striving for life!

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

Almost everyone knows the primary signs of pregnancy, which include: sudden mood swings, toxicosis, suspension of the menstrual cycle, swelling of the mammary glands, weight gain, etc. But there are times when such signs are absent and a woman does not know until the last that she is pregnant. Moreover, this is far from uncommon, about 20% of girls, even at 4 months, did not suspect that they were pregnant.

Hidden pregnancy: what is it?

Hidden pregnancy implies an asymptomatic course of this situation. In ancient times, it was believed that such a state was by the will of God, who decided to hide the future hero, prophet or king to the last.

In the modern world, this can really be considered "God's grace" due to the large spread of abortions, since in this case, the child is under greater protection, because in the later stages, it is impossible to get rid of the fetus.

It would seem that reliable signs and natural manifestations during pregnancy should be the same for all women, but not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, because there are a fairly large number of varieties of this condition:

  • hidden and false;
  • frozen and ectopic;
  • biochemical and color;
  • late and early;
  • complicated and normal;
  • unwanted and planned;
  • prolific and normal.

Important! The insidiousness of hidden pregnancy lies in the fact that a woman, not knowing about it, continues to function in her usual mode, experiencing heavy loads, not getting enough sleep or succumbing to bad habits, which can adversely affect the health of the unborn child.

Causes of hidden pregnancy

As an explanation of the reasons for the development of hidden pregnancy, several psychological and physiological theoretical reflections have been proposed. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon is more likely to manifest itself in women with existing mental disorders, just a greater number of such situations are observed in mentally healthy expectant mothers.

Not only many women, but also men, as well as doctors, are wondering about the reasons for this phenomenon. However, no one can give a reliable answer.

Important! All experts agree that a hidden pregnancy does not carry any risks. It is very important to try to recognize it as early as possible and be registered with a doctor to monitor the process of fetal development.

Symptoms of hidden pregnancy

Hidden pregnancy is so called because it is asymptomatic. However, it is still possible to characterize such a situation, despite the fact that the symptoms are not characteristic and can change in each individual case:

  • menstruation continues for several months during pregnancy, but the intensity and color of the discharge should change;
  • weight gain occurs, which may not be noticeable if the woman is overweight or does not monitor weight;
  • in the case when the fetus is unstable, the body can balance on the verge of a pregnancy failure, while there are heavy periods, but a woman can perceive this as an unstable hormonal background.

Important! Often there is a hidden pregnancy without the presence of toxicosis.

It is much worse if all the symptoms of pregnancy are present, but the fetus itself is absent in the uterus, and instead there is a tumor process. In some cases, even ultrasound can be wrong.

There is a certain type of women who can recover up to 15 kg by winter, and by the summer period again return to their original shape. As for pregnancy, during this period, on average, girls are able to gain about 12 kg. Moreover, even athletes and those who monitor their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle gain at least 5-6 kg.

It must be understood that the norm of seasonal weight gain should not exceed 4 kg, therefore, exceeding this limit may signal an asymptomatic pregnancy. However, it is difficult to recognize the cause of fullness in the event that a woman eats improperly, eats at night, leads a sedentary lifestyle, does not exercise, etc. In this case, only the first movements of the fetus will be able to make it clear about pregnancy.

Attention! It will not work to determine the presence of a small fetus in a large woman with an asymptomatic pregnancy without the help of doctors.

How to check if there is a pregnancy with doubtful signs?

In order to be sure of the presence of pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a standard examination that all expectant mothers undergo before being registered. Before this, you can use an ordinary pregnancy test, bought at the nearest pharmacy.

Admission to the antenatal clinic will look like this:

  1. Initial examination by the attending physician.
  2. Passing a smear on the flora.
  3. Complete blood count and hCG test.
  4. Ultrasonography.
  5. General urine analysis.
  6. The specialist may prescribe other additional studies if necessary.

Attention! If there are any changes in the cycle, but there is no complete certainty in pregnancy, you need to contact a specialist in a antenatal clinic. Regular visits to the gynecologist is a normal position for any woman who has an intimate relationship.

Will an ultrasound show hidden pregnancy?

In case of suspected hidden pregnancy, any specialist should send the patient for an ultrasound examination. Naturally, even a classic pregnancy may not be recognized, but if the ultrasound machine is modern and its operator is experienced, then the fetal egg will not “hide” from his sight.

In the event that there are any suspicions, then you can go for an ultrasound and a blood test. In the case of a normal pregnancy, it will be possible to recognize it after a month of a delay in the menstrual cycle. A woman should always be attentive to her health and visit a specialist regularly. Only in this case, a hidden pregnancy will not come as a surprise to her and she will have time to prepare for the safe delivery of a healthy child.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Probably ... In the next life ....

Perhaps money? Is this a generic gift?
A question for ordinary people, not oligarchs.
What did you give (if you have children of the right age)?
What did they give you (if you recently got married / got married)?
What is the minimum/average amount?
In this particular situation, the mother and father of the newlywed do not live together and do not even communicate. That is, the gift will be purely from mom.


tatyana konyukhova

I found an article on the Internet) Girls complain that men at the present time do not show initiative for dating. Like, at the same corporate parties, they unite in companies of interest. Who is NRI to discuss who is politics. And you can't wait to flirt with girls. Making long-term acquaintances is even rarer. Though all young, pretty, unmarried. Is it really true? The topic is just to chat)


Elena Merkushina

Good evening! I know the forum is power. Who recently bought or "felt" such a couch, write your impressions. There are no exhibition samples in any store, but you don’t want to buy a pig in a poke. I really like how it unfolds.


Alexandra Novikova

There was an unpleasant situation with my girlfriend. She brought me to emergency everywhere and doesn't want to hear anything...
Another friend called me to the sea for a week, the cost of only 7 thousand for me alone with a child of 3 years. You know, it's free. A friend is in a car and needs to be back by the 24th because her mother will be 40 days old ... She and I finally decided that we were going only today, because her daughter fell ill and it was not clear whether she would recover or not.
Now to the problem.
A friend who was offended and made an emergency, invited her daughter to her birthday. Yes, it was before the offer to go to the sea from the second girlfriend. But ... there was no clear invitation to come on the 16th, there were plans to celebrate. And now, when I tell her that we are leaving tomorrow, she says that I left her and her daughter is now crying that we will not come, etc.
I tried to explain everything to her. And about the fact that I will not have another opportunity, and that it is very cheap and you have to seize the moment, and that this is health. Tk mountains and forest nearby, plus the sea. That, after all, I was at sea for the last time at 13, and my three-year-old daughter never. And that I will definitely congratulate her daughter when I arrive, we will sit somewhere, I will give a gift. But... she blocked me everywhere, that's all. And we are 30 years old, for a second. I don't understand this kindergarten.
I sit and think now, well, am I really to blame ..


Many women try to keep secret that they are in an interesting position. There are several reasons at once, but they are not always reasonable and it is not always worth fighting to keep a secret at any cost. Is it possible and necessary to hide the pregnancy? How exactly and how long will it take to do it?

Of course, there are women in the world who, at the moment two stripes appear on the test, immediately change their status in social networks, and the whole world immediately learns about their interesting situation. But, as a rule, we rejoice and share at first only with the closest ones, and only after some time we announce the news publicly.

Why are secrets needed? Do not jinx it and do not provoke

Most often, couples who are expecting a child prefer to hide their pregnancy because they are in the grip of superstition and are afraid that they will not be jinxed. They fear that as soon as they begin to share their bright future, Murphy's law may work - and then expect a miscarriage or other unpleasant complications. Therefore, couples hiding the "position" from people are guided by the saying "Don't say gop until you jump over." In other words, hiding a pregnancy is a superstition, and partners understand this, but, nevertheless, do not risk experiencing its veracity on their own experience.

This argument is especially important for women who have a history of miscarriage or who suffer from diseases and pathologies that make pregnancy difficult, such as an abnormal structure of the uterus.

Many future mothers are afraid not so much of the evil eye as of the need to explain themselves to others in case the pregnancy fails for some reason. They do not want to listen to condolences, consolations, they are not eager to talk to anyone about a possible loss. And they can be understood!

Secrecy is also very often associated with a professional situation. A woman who is left without a job and is looking for her will prefer to hide her pregnancy when applying for a job, otherwise she runs the risk of not getting it, even if she is an excellent specialist. An employee who is on probation, of course, will also not run to her boss with a “striped” test. After all, she risks very quickly losing her source of income and the right to benefits and benefits in the future. Likewise, freelancers who work on the basis of contracts will not want to show off their stomachs, because they know that they will quickly find a replacement. Hiding pregnancy at work from the employer and colleagues is often preferred by those women who are afraid that the new status will at least somehow interfere with their career, which they are so eager to make.

Finally, some expectant mothers just need time to get used to the new situation themselves. These are such pleasant weeks just for yourself, when you can enjoy wonderful dreams and prospects without having to listen to endless instructions, prohibitions and worried questions from your mother, mother-in-law or aunts.

How long can you hide your pregnancy?

If desired, there is nothing particularly complicated here. The world is full of cases where women kept their pregnancy a secret until the very birth, and not necessarily because they did not know about it. From this point of view, tall, strongly built or obese women have a clear advantage, in whom it is not so easy to easily recognize a belly typical of pregnancy. Adolescents also cope well with this task, who, under wide, spacious T-shirts, effectively hide their future offspring until childbirth. There are girls and ladies who are on strict diets, mortally risking the health of the child, but they never reach the size of a “standard” woman in position.

However, these are radical situations. How long, until what time is an interesting position hidden in the general case? Most often, pregnancy is hidden until 12-13 weeks, that is, before passing the border of the first trimester, associated with the highest risk of miscarriage. More consistent and superstitious expectant mothers last until 16-22 weeks, when the sex is already known, and the results of prenatal tests are also possible. And the least restrained pregnant women often choose the "moment of truth" visit to the gynecologist, who can already hear the heartbeat.

Tricks to "stay underground" the first trimester

If you've decided it's worth hiding your pregnancy until the end of the first trimester, then take care to prepare a well-thought-out strategy before someone smart or "friendly" spoils your plan. Keep in mind that especially vigilant women from among relatives and curious girlfriends will watch for every possible signal of pregnancy!

First problem usually there is a concealment of nausea, vomiting and bouts of drowsiness, which can turn the first months of bearing a baby into a real nightmare. Fortunately, as a rule, nausea appears at a certain time, and thanks to this, you can plan your day so that you stay at home during this period. If you have to be at work, chewing slices of ginger or sucking on ginger candies, as well as chewing a crust of bread, brings good results.

Second problem
is to refuse alcohol at social events, especially if the woman has never ignored a glass or two before. A good way in this case is to arrive at the party by car or make an excuse that right now you are experiencing a hangover or stomach flu. Other good explanations are the current detox, antibiotics, or a weight loss diet. Some expectant mothers, in order to lull the vigilance of others, take or order a glass of wine as if nothing had happened, and then all evening just moisten their lips a little in it.

In the question of how to hide pregnancy, it remains stomach problem, which from 12 weeks can become noticeable, especially in very slender ladies. Luckily, fashion has a solution for every situation, and it's easy to combine wide shirts, baggy dresses, or pants that hide a flared waist.

Hide pregnancy or not?

Or maybe you should not lie and encrypt? The decision to keep the pregnancy a secret should be carefully considered.

Firstly, because being in a web of lies is a stressful and very tiring business, and in fact, during the period of bearing a baby, peace of mind is needed more than ever.

Secondly if everything ends well, excuses and fabrications will be exposed, and many people will remember more than once that the truth was hidden from them. If you hide pregnancy from friends or even from your husband, parents, as some do, then you need to be aware that relationships can be spoiled.

Third if the question of whether to hide the pregnancy or not was decided in favor of confidentiality, and the child could not be saved, then the fact that no one knew anything could play a cruel joke. After all, a mother who has lost a child is depressed, full of regrets, very sad. And if the environment behaves as if nothing had happened (which is quite natural), this does not help at all to survive such a difficult period. Maybe you should trust family and friends who, in case of failure, will become support and comfort, and not enemy number one? Yes, and at work they can humanly make indulgences, be treated with understanding, and not put a spoke in the wheel.

To hide pregnancy or not, whether it is worth doing it - each woman or couple decides for herself, based on some of her personal arguments and circumstances. But, whatever they may be, you always need to mentally go a few steps ahead and think about what the decision can turn out to be.

The waiting time for pregnancy can feel like an eternity. Even if the menstruation did not come exactly on time, the test will show a more reliable result only after some time has passed. Nevertheless, hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother begin to occur immediately after conception.

If we talk about statistics, then 90 percent of women experience some symptoms of pregnancy in the eighth week. Listen to what your body is signaling. Pay attention to all these subtle physical and emotional changes. All of these signs will tell you that you are pregnant.

Breast changes

The changes that occur with the chest are one of the surest unconventional signs of an "interesting position." Body aches, slight pains and swelling of the mammary glands testify to conception. Soreness in the chest is not characteristic of all pregnant women (about 20 percent of the respondents noted this trend). However, if you are one of those whose mammary glands are actively preparing for lactation even before childbirth, then characteristic changes can be expected one or two weeks after conception. In addition, the breasts will change their shape and size, and along with the engorgement, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. The areola of the nipple often becomes darker. The good news is that once your body gets used to the hormonal changes, the discomfort will subside.


Here is another unusual sign of pregnancy. We are talking about fatigue, as well as physical and mental exhaustion. Most often, a pregnant woman begins to feel exhaustion already in the first week after conception (almost immediately), which is associated with an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. The body of the expectant mother begins to adapt to new conditions by changing blood pressure or lowering blood sugar levels. An important factor causing exhaustion can be considered sleep disorders (as reported by 80 percent of pregnant women).


The next symptom, signaling the onset of conception, cannot be classified as unusual. One out of four women reports that she found out about pregnancy because of nausea or vomiting. Very often, expectant mothers with a sensitive stomach are forced to overcome their malaise. And although it is believed that the peak of poor health occurs in the morning, the urge to vomit can be observed at any time of the day. This phenomenon is better known as toxicosis. Until now, scientists argue about its nature. Maybe this is due to the increase in progesterone and estrogen levels, and maybe with human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is produced in the body of the expectant mother immediately after conception. There is also a version that with the help of toxicosis and aversion to food, nature protected the body of a pregnant woman from food poisoning.

implantation bleeding

Almost 30 percent of women are sure that the absence of menstruation indicates the onset of conception. If you are one of them, then you are in for an interesting surprise. Spotting and light bleeding can also be a sign of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding occurs approximately 10-14 days after conception and can be mistaken for the next menstruation. However, the color of the discharge has a brownish or pink tint, and this is different from menstruation.

Cramping pains

Drawing pains in the back or lower abdomen are considered by women as a harbinger of the next menstruation. However, such a symptom often indicates the onset of pregnancy. Pay attention to the duration of the cramps. Harbingers of menstruation end after three days, while the sign of pregnancy lasts much longer (up to several weeks). These sensations are associated with the expansion of the walls of the uterus.


Bloating and flatulence are commonly referred to as symptoms of PMS. However, increased gas formation can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. And again, this is due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, in particular, with an increase in the amount of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for many functions, in particular, for relaxing the muscles in the intestinal walls. At the same time, the processes of digestion of the expectant mother slow down, there are sensations of heaviness and bloating. Once again, a pregnant woman will experience digestive difficulties in the third trimester when the growing uterus puts pressure on the abdomen.

mood swings

How long ago did you lose emotional stability? How long do all these whims and whims last? Sometimes a pregnant woman experiences extreme mood swings. Now she feels an elevated state of mind, and after a minute she is faced with depression and dejection. As you might have guessed, the main culprits for this condition are hormonal fluctuations. At a later date, emotional instability is associated with moral exhaustion and heavy thoughts about the future of the family and the health of the unborn child. Fortunately, anxiety can be relieved with herbal tea, meditation, walking, meeting friends, and other enjoyable activities.

Frequent urination to the toilet

Other hidden signs of pregnancy include frequent urination. Many believe that frequent urination or constipation “threatens” a pregnant woman only in the third trimester, when the pressure of the fetus on the internal organs is high. However, the urge to go to the toilet can begin much earlier. In addition to the growth of the uterus, this problem is provoked by the hormone hCG, which increases blood flow to the pelvic region. Pregnant women often notice that urinary incontinence can cause violent laughter, sneezing, or coughing. Another hidden sign of conception can be constipation. This comes with a surge in the hormone progesterone, increased gas, bloating, and a slowdown in the digestive process.

Nasal congestion

You would never think that a runny nose (without other cold symptoms) would send you to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. Immediately after conception, expectant mothers sometimes experience nasal congestion associated with changes in blood flow. Swelling of the nasal passages is also provoked by hormonal surges. In medicine, this condition is known as non-allergic rhinitis, which still occurs at the time of puberty in girls.

Headaches and dizziness

Back pain, dizziness and migraines are some of the most unusual pregnancy symptoms. These symptoms are associated with an increase in hormone levels and changes in blood pressure. Weakness in early pregnancy can be caused by low blood sugar levels. Migraine can be explained by changes in blood volume and nasal congestion.

Vaginal discharge

These vaginal discharges are called whites. Unlike implantation bleeding, they have a thick consistency and a deep white color. Many women associate these discharges with sexually transmitted infections or candidiasis. Buy a pregnancy test before you go to your gynecologist's appointment. After conception, the cells lining the vagina actively divide and the walls thicken. It is worth noting that vaginal discharge can haunt the expectant mother throughout all three trimesters. And this is considered a completely normal and natural phenomenon.

Dislike for food

Completing our list of symptoms is food dislike. Often a pregnant woman begins to notice an aversion to foods that her diet could not do without before.

Instead, the expectant mother gets an irresistible craving for the most sour or salty foods. Often the body requires the most unexpected flavor combinations. Doctors also associate this phenomenon with the hCG hormone.