Accurate list of payments from work during pregnancy. What a future mother needs to know about payments and benefits in Russia

The basic benefit is the maternity benefit you receive for your maternity leave. The duration of the leave is set as follows: 140 days for normal births, 156 days for complicated births (including with) and 194 days with. You can receive maternity allowance at your place of work. At the 30th week of pregnancy in the antenatal clinic, you should be issued a disability certificate (sick leave). You present it to the accounting department of your company for the calculation of benefits. The allowance must be paid no later than 10 days from the date of submission of documents. You can apply for benefits both during pregnancy and after childbirth, but no later than 6 months from the end of maternity leave.

The maternity benefit is paid in full to the extent of your average earnings. But there is a limit on the upper limit of the benefit. If your salary was less than 38,583 rubles, these restrictions will not affect you. But if more - pay attention to the formula for calculating the maximum amount of benefits. The maximum is calculated based on the amount of 463,000 rubles per year, that is, when divided by 365 days - 1268 rubles per day.

The formula for calculating the total amount of benefits is: multiply your average earnings per day by the number of days of maternity leave (140). If your average daily earnings are more than 1268 rubles, multiply this amount by 140. That is, the maximum allowance for ordinary childbirth will be 177,589 rubles.

If your work experience at the time of maternity leave is less than 6 months, the allowance is calculated using a different formula. Then the monthly allowance cannot exceed the minimum wage (minimum wage). The maximum allowance will be the same if you are an individual entrepreneur. You can receive benefits if you were registered with the FSS (social insurance fund) and paid contributions for at least a year.

If you are a full-time university student, the amount of the allowance will be calculated based on the scholarship.

If you work part-time in several different companies, apply for benefits to each employer separately.

Unemployed women do not receive maternity benefits. Have you become unemployed as a result of the company's liquidation? Has this happened within the last year? You can apply for benefits from RUSZN (district department of social protection of the population). The allowance will be 412 rubles per month. In addition, in some regions there may be additional payments for this category of pregnant women. So, in Moscow there is an additional allowance for women who were fired due to liquidation within 12 months. This allowance is 1500 rubles per month.

Benefit for working women registered with the antenatal clinic at an early stage of pregnancy

If you are under 12 weeks, you are entitled to a federal allowance of 400 rubles. There is also a Moscow allowance in the amount of 600 rubles. for registered up to 20 weeks. To receive these benefits, you must take the relevant certificates from the antenatal clinic. The federal allowance is issued in the same place as the maternity allowance, and the Moscow surcharge through the RUSZN. This type of benefits applies only to working pregnant women.

Other benefits for pregnant women

Keep in mind that in addition to cash payments, you are also entitled to a number of benefits.

Pregnant women are entitled to some free. The prescription is written out in the antenatal clinic, and you can get medicines in the district pharmacies. The list of free drugs includes the main drugs that are usually prescribed during pregnancy: iron, folic acid, multivitamin complexes.
On the recommendation of a gynecologist, you can even get free food. The grocery set includes vitamins and dairy products.

If there are indications, pregnant women can also be issued free vouchers to the sanatorium. They are issued for the rehabilitation period after a stay in a hospital for medical reasons.

The current system of state support for families with children provides for the provision of several types of social payments to women on the occasion of pregnancy and the birth of a child. Their basic fixed amounts, established in 2015, will be additionally indexed from February 1, 2016 in accordance with last year's actual inflation, and for the current 2016, indexation of benefits will be carried out no earlier than February 1, 2017.

The procedure for calculating and the timing of payments to pregnant women are provided for by the Federal Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” (social insurance benefits at the place of work or in the FSS and budgetary).

What benefits are due to pregnant women in Russia in 2016? These include:

Maternity allowance

These lump-sum payments are made to the woman at the enterprise when she goes on maternity leave. It may have the following duration:

  • In the event of the birth of one child- 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth (or 86 "postpartum" days in case of complications during childbirth - caesarean section, birth trauma, etc.).
  • At the birth of two or more children- 84 days before delivery and 110 days after.

The allowance includes payment in the amount of 100% of the expectant mother's average earnings for the previous 2 years. In addition, if a pregnant woman works at several enterprises at the same time, she can choose the one where it will be convenient for her to receive money. At the same time, her total earnings at all enterprises are taken into account.

Women who have been made redundant and duly registered with the Employment Center are also entitled to receive this benefit, but it is paid in 2016 in the amount of 581.73 rubles. per month regional departments of social protection, which corresponds to:

  • RUB 2714.74- during normal childbirth (140 days on sick leave);
  • RUB 3025.00- with complicated childbirth (156 days of incapacity for work);
  • RUB 3761.85- with multiple pregnancy (194 days).

The amount of the maternity benefit

Since 2011, the amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. It is determined based on the average earnings of a woman over the past two years. When calculating it, periods when a woman was on vacation (maternity or parental leave), on sick leave, and also absent from the workplace with pay were not taken into account.

If a woman worked at several enterprises during this time, then the income she received is summed up. And if the average salary for it turns out to be less than the minimum wage established by the state (in 2016, the minimum wage is 6204 rub.), then the minimum wage is taken as the average monthly salary. Similarly - if the insurance experience of a woman is less than 6 months.

In addition to the minimum guaranteed size, it is also set maximum possible income from which the average earnings are calculated:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 415 thousand rubles;
  • in 2011 - 463 thousand rubles;
  • in 2012 - 512 thousand rubles;
  • in 2013 - 568 thousand rubles;
  • in 2014 - 624 thousand rubles;
  • in 2015 - 670 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 718 thousand rubles.

Documents for registration of maternity

In order to process payments, a working woman must submit to the personnel department of her enterprise the following documents:

A one-time payment to women who are registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy

For women who entered the medical register in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), it is provided in the amount RUB 543.67

To obtain it, it is necessary to provide the employer with a medical certificate indicating the period, registration, and a corresponding application.

This money must be paid at the same time as, or within 10 days from the date of application. Learn more about Early Benefits.

Lump-sum allowance for a pregnant woman whose husband is serving on conscription

The wife of a military man serving on conscription, after the onset of 180 days of pregnancy, receives, the amount of which in 2016 is RUB 22,958.78

These payments are made by the regional departments of social protection of the population, to which, for its registration, it is necessary to submit next package of documents:

  • Statement;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate;
  • A certificate from a medical institution on the registration of a woman;
  • A certificate from the unit in which the husband serves on conscription (indicating the length of service).

The state takes care of citizens by establishing financial payments and benefits for socially vulnerable categories of residents of the country. Pensioners, disabled people, military personnel, law enforcement officers have long been "under the wing" of social services. Pregnant women were not ignored either. Confirmation is the maternity allowance, which every woman can receive. The procedure, conditions, terms for granting benefits are regulated by federal and regional legislation.

Lump sum payments for pregnancy and childbirth

Being in an interesting position, the expectant mother requires moral and material support. Relatives, friends, relatives provide all possible assistance to a woman who is expecting a baby, understanding her quivering position with understanding. The state does not stand aside either. Every pregnant woman has the right to receive state benefits for pregnancy and childbirth if she submits the necessary package of documents at the appointed time.

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Who can receive benefits

A one-time allowance for pregnancy and childbirth is targeted assistance that is used for the needs of a future mother. Therefore, only a woman who is in an interesting position and has a certain status can receive it. Husbands, parents, sisters, brothers are not entitled to claim payments. Such material assistance should not be confused with the money that parents receive after the birth of a child. State funds are intended:

  • Working moms. The disability certificate is provided to the employer's administration, which is responsible for the timely accrual and payment of monetary amounts.
  • Business women who have the status of an individual entrepreneur and have been payers of contributions to the state social insurance fund for at least a year (in the absence of debt).
  • Full-time students receiving a scholarship.
  • The unemployed, dismissed due to a reduction in staff or during the liquidation of the employer's organization, if they are registered with the employment service.

There are nuances with unemployed pregnant women who are not registered with the state employment service. The allowance is not paid to them, since it is a kind of compensation to the employee for the loss of earnings due to being in an interesting position. Unemployed pregnant women had no earnings, which means that compensation was not due.

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Help in early pregnancy

Financial assistance in early pregnancy is received by women who applied to a medical institution before twelve weeks of pregnancy (obstetric weeks are considered). The amount of payments, taking into account indexation, is 543.67 rubles. The following may apply for payment:

  • working women;
  • female students;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • unemployed pregnant women registered with the employment service.

To receive money, a document of the medical organization that registered the pregnant woman, confirming the fact of pregnancy, is submitted.

Such assistance is paid by the employer, educational institution or social protection authority at the place of permanent registration of the applicant. The term for obtaining financial assistance is ten days from the date of submission of the certificate, which is the basis for payments. If a woman was fired due to a reduction or due to the liquidation of a legal entity, the money is transferred by the twenty-sixth day of the month following the month in which the medical certificate was registered by the social security authority.

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Benefit Timings

Pregnancy is a period in which a woman should take care of herself, take care of the health of her unborn baby. Therefore, quite a considerable time has been allocated for the submission of documents. Since the term for paying maternity benefits is directly related to the promptness of preparing the required documentation, expectant mothers are in a hurry to collect certificates and receive money before the birth of the child. Some believe that childbirth is a kind of “point of no return” upon the onset of which maternity leave is not paid.

This is an erroneous judgment. After all, the legislation determines a six-month period from the end of the decree for filing documents. That is, the right of a pregnant woman to maternity leave arises on the day she receives a certificate of incapacity for work, and ends six months after the end of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

After submitting the paper to the employer, the applicant receives maternity leave within a ten-day period. The social security authority pays the money until the twenty-sixth day of the next month. Assistance is paid in one amount for the entire period of incapacity for work.

If the newly-minted mother missed the deadlines for a good reason, she has the right to go to court with a reasoned statement and ask for their extension. Exculpatory materials are attached to the claim. The judge examines the evidence objectively. When confirming the validity of the mother's reasons, the terms are extended.

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How to determine the amount due

All pregnant women know about their right to maternity leave, but few guess where to run with a medical certificate to get money. The answer is simple. Pregnant women go to the personnel department of the employer; individual entrepreneurs, as well as the unemployed, who are registered with the employment service, - to the state agency of social protection of the population; students - to the administration of the educational institution. But how much money will “fall” into the account? You can tell fortunes on coffee grounds or take a piece of paper, a pencil and make simple calculations yourself.

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Calculation for working women

Medical institution certificate of pregnancy - the only basis for calculating benefits

The settlement period of the benefit is two full calendar years (730 days). Before calculating the maternity benefit, you need to know the total amount of income for a two-year period. Art. 136 of the Labor Code obliges the employer to inform employees about accrued earnings, withheld taxes, mandatory contributions.

That is, in order to find out the total two-year earnings, it is enough to summarize the data of the payslips for this period. The “dirty” salary (excluding taxes, contributions) is taken into account. You can get the coveted figure by contacting the accounting department of the employer. Everything is taken into account: salary, bonuses, vacation pay, material assistance.

Let's say the amount earned was 730,000 rubles. Initially, the average daily income is determined: 730,000 rubles / 730 days = 1,000 rubles per day. Now the amount received is multiplied by the number of sick days, thereby recognizing the amount of maternity leave.

The duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth depends on the condition of the pregnant woman, the number of expected children:

  • 140 days (70 days before delivery + 70 days after the birth of the baby) for normal childbirth;
  • 156 days (70 days before delivery + 86 days after the birth of the baby) in the presence of complications;
  • 194 days (84 days of delivery + 110 days after the birth of the baby) with multiple pregnancies.

That is, in order to find out the amount of the allowance, it is necessary to multiply the average daily income (1000 rubles) by 140, 156 days or 194 days. Taxes, fees, contributions are not deducted from the amount received.

The state limits the amount of wages that are taken into account when determining material benefits, and the maximum amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is accordingly limited.

Financial assistance for pregnant women in military service is calculated based on the amount of their monthly allowance for the previous two-year period.

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Benefit for unemployed pregnant women

If a woman who is in an interesting state quit of her own free will, or did not work before pregnancy, then according to federal law, she is not entitled to maternity payments. However, such persons may be supported by local authorities at the regional level.

To receive federal payments, a pregnant woman must be registered with the public employment service. Upon receipt of a medical certificate, she forms materials for receiving benefits and transfers them to the territorial body of social protection of the population at the place of permanent residence.

The following are submitted to the government agency:

  • statement;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • a copy of the work book (if available);
  • original medical certificate;
  • certificate of the employment service on being registered;
  • Bank account number.

After checking the completeness of the submitted documentation, the social security authority issues a written receipt of their receipt. This avoids disputes regarding the timeliness of applying for benefits.

When determining the minimum maternity allowance, officials and accountants take into account the size of the minimum wage. Now it is 5965 rubles. Accordingly, the average daily earnings are 196.11 rubles (5965 X 24 months (two years): 730 calendar days). This means that a pregnant unemployed woman who gave birth to a child without complications will receive 196.11 rubles X 140 days = 27455 rubles 40 kopecks.

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What is required for students

How is maternity allowance calculated for female students? Girls who are expecting a baby are entitled to receive material assistance only if they are on a full-time basis and receive a scholarship. If pregnant women study in the third year, then assistance is determined based on scholarship amounts. In the absence of such payments in the "required" two-year period, they are replaced by the minimum wage.

So, when determining the size of the allowance for pregnancy and childbirth of a sophomore, the scholarship for the first year of study and the minimum wage are taken into account. The allowance is calculated after the original medical certificate is provided to the educational institution. Payments are made within ten days from the date of registration of the document.

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What foreigners and stateless persons can expect

Living in Russia a significant number of foreigners, refugees, stateless persons is perceived as a common occurrence. They work on a par with the citizens of the Russian Federation, enjoy social support. Officials did not leave without financial assistance and pregnant women from among the above persons. When applying for assistance, they must provide evidence of a special status.

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Lump sum at an early age

Expectant mothers can count on a lump sum payment only if they are registered in a medical institution. Moreover, the setting is carried out no later than twelve weeks (obstetric weeks are taken into account). Pregnant women can receive payments at the place of employment or in the social security authorities. To accrue assistance to the employer, a medical certificate is enough, but the state agency needs to submit:

  • statement;
  • original medical certificate;
  • a document (original, copy) proving the identity of the applicant;
  • paper (copy, original) confirming the right to stay, live in the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, temporary or permanent residence permit, residence permit);
  • Bank details;
  • certificate of the employment service about being registered.
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Help with pregnancy and childbirth

The question of how to calculate the maternity allowance for foreign women, pregnant women without citizenship and refugees, most employers baffle. Some mistakenly believe that such persons are not entitled to assistance, and refuse to pay, thereby violating the rights of expectant mothers. In fact, only persons staying illegally in Russia are automatically deprived of financial assistance.

Calculation of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth occurs according to the general rule. Two-year earnings are taken as the basis, in its absence, the minimum wage is used. The duration of the decree depends on the complexity of the birth process, the number of babies born and is 140, 156 days or 194 days.

140 days are taken as the basis for maternity leave calculations for pregnant women expecting one baby, and 194 days for multiple pregnancies. After a difficult birth, the medical institution issues an appropriate certificate, which the woman in labor submits to the organization that pays the maternity leave. Based on it, the previously received allowance is recalculated. The difference is paid within ten days from the moment the institution receives the certificate.

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What documents are required

When is the maternity allowance paid to pregnant foreign women, refugees, stateless persons? The legislation determines that the terms for the payment of assistance are the same as for Russian women. If the expectant mother is unemployed, then a mandatory package of documents is formed for submission to the state social security agency:

  • application for money;
  • passport, other identity card;
  • certificate of a medical institution, indicating the duration of pregnancy;
  • certificate of the state employment service on the status of the unemployed;
  • a document confirming the legality of the applicant's stay in the Russian Federation.

On the acceptance of materials, the state agency issues a written confirmation (receipt) to the pregnant woman.

Every expectant mother should understand that state assistance is addressed not only to her, but also to the unborn child. Therefore, do not delay with the formalities that allow you to get them. If it is difficult to collect all the documents on your own, you can seek help from close relatives, husband or specialists.

In 2018, a one-time maternity allowance (M&R) is provided for the period of childbirth to women who subject to compulsory social insurance(at the place of work or service) and is not paid (with the exception of those officially recognized as unemployed within a year after the dismissal during the liquidation of the organization).

The allowance is paid in the same way as in previous years: for the entire period of maternity leave(usually 140 days) as compensation (insurance) for the fact that some time in prenatal and postnatal period(in the simplest case, respectively, 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth), a woman will not be able to work and receive a salary.

Who pays - the employer or the FSS?

Initially, the personnel department at the place of work must be provided and (usually combined with an application for the provision maternity leave). Then, upon the fact of payments between the employer and the FSS, an offset occurs - as a rule, against payable insurance premiums. That is, in fact, it turns out that the money is still ultimately paid out of the FSS funds.

Only after the court decision comes into force, the mother of the child will be able to receive the money (FSS). It is easier to make a payment without litigation through the FSS in the regions in which it operates.

If a woman works two or more employers(insured) at the same time and for the last two years she worked for them, she can issue payments in full each of them separately. If during the last two years the expectant mother worked in other places, the allowance is issued for one of the current jobs (at the choice of the applicant).

Pilot project "Direct payments" with registration in the Social Insurance Fund

Some employees have conflict situations with the employer, especially in the context of the economic crisis, when, according to the law, he must pay benefits, but does not.

  • In accordance with the terms of the project, usually the documents (sick leave and salary data) are transferred to the FSS by the employer himself.
  • In some cases, a woman will be able to do this herself - then you need to contact the FSS at the place of registration of the employer company.

This opportunity simplifies the life of a woman, the accounting department of the enterprise and the FSS employees themselves. Accountants do not need to calculate the amount of offsets with the FSS. And a woman who has gone on maternity leave, regardless of how her employer’s financial affairs are, will receive a payment:

  • in a timely manner;
  • correctly calculated;
  • in the right amount.

How to get maternity benefit

The allowance is paid for the number of days that a woman will actually be on maternity leave. The right to exit on maternity leave and at the same time to receive benefits:

  • 30 weeks (7 months) in normal pregnancy;
  • 28 weeks - with multiple;
  • 27 weeks - for women living or working in an area contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or Mayak;
  • upon the occurrence premature birth- in the period between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks.

The important point is that a woman should apply for the maximum within six months after the end of the vacation in BiR. It happens that for some reason beyond the control of the employee, an appeal within such a period is not possible. Then, if there is a good reason, you can apply for benefits later and.

Valid reasons are:

  • insurmountable obstacle (natural disaster, fire);
  • prolonged illness for more than 6 months;
  • moving to another locality;
  • illegal dismissal and forced absenteeism associated with it;
  • death of a loved one.

If the deadline is missed for another reason, you can go to court with a request to recognize her respectful.

Order of appointment and payment

First, a pregnant worker must go to the antenatal clinic, where she will be given sick leave indicating . This certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the accounting department of the enterprise or directly to the FSS.

The application for benefits is usually submitted on the same day with. This may happen:

  • On the day indicated in the sick leave- this is done most often. Then the allowance will be assigned (generally) from the 30th week.
  • On any other day after the start of the maternity period specified in the sick leave - this makes sense if the woman feels well and wants to continue working. Then the vacation days during which the woman worked simply burn out, and the allowance is assigned from the day indicated in her application.
  • Any day after childbirth, observing the period specified by law - the money will be credited from the day of the actual departure on maternity leave (with the exception of cases of premature birth, when the allowance is assigned for the full period).

In general, the allowance is calculated for the standard period of sick leave. If, for example, complications related to childbirth have occurred, then the employee is issued, on the basis of which the payment is recalculated. The additional amount is transferred to her account.

Terms of payment and transfer of money

The law provides that when applying for benefits to the employer maternity allowance:

  • appointed before 10 calendar days after the submission and registration of the application;
  • is transferred on the next day after the appointment, on which the salary payment(the allowance itself is transferred to the salary card).

When applying for an allowance through the FSS sometimes you have to wait a little longer:

  • application is also considered within 10 days;
  • in case of a positive decision, the money can be paid by the 26th day of the month following for the month of treatment (then the payment is transferred to the woman's bank account or credited by postal order).

How to calculate maternity benefit

  • at work two employers for at least two years, you can apply for the calculation of maternity leave to each of them;
  • if, before going on maternity leave, for some time out of the two previous years, the woman was in or, she may replace calculated years.

When adopting a baby The payment is accrued from the date of adoption until the end of:

  • 70 days from the birth of one child;
  • 110 days since the birth of the adopted twins.

It will fall within certain strict monetary limits. For working women, with a decree duration of 140 days, it cannot be:

  • less than the minimum amount (from 01.07.2016 - RUB 34,521.20);
  • more than the maximum (from 01.01.2016 - RUB 256,027.40).

What documents are needed to receive benefits

The basis for calculating benefits is. With him, a woman should contact the accounting department of the company where she works.

Usually, in the organization's workflow, the registration of benefits is combined with the registration of maternity leave. woman writes one statement to go on maternity leave and to receive maternity leave. Vacation is a prerequisite for receiving benefits.

Mandatory documents for the appointment of payments from the employer are an application and a sick leave. Other documents may also be required:

In the FSS you need to apply with a passport or other identity card. When submitting documents for payments, the following should be considered. A woman must change documents in a timely manner in the event of a change of surname during marriage, otherwise her application will be returned to the FSS.

Application for maternity benefit in 2016 (sample)

The application for grants must include the following: required information:

  • the name of the organization to which it is submitted (name of employer, branch of the FSS);
  • Full name of the applicant without abbreviations in accordance with the passport;
  • information about the identity card (passport);
  • information about the place of registration and separately - about the place of actual residence;
  • a request to provide (dates from sick leave are indicated) and accrue benefits;
  • method of receipt (by mail, bank transfer);
  • grounds for applying (in this case, maternity sick leave);
  • Applicant's signature, date.

Sample Application

The application can be submitted in person, through a legal representative under a notarized power of attorney, or sent by mail. In it, a woman declares her desire to go on maternity leave and apply for a BiR allowance.

When using the scheme (pilot project), the employer is excluded from the scheme for calculating and transferring benefits. However, he must still accept the application and sick leave from the employee, submit to the FSS a certificate of the woman's salary for the previous two calendar years.

Help 182n on the amount of earnings for calculating benefits

The main purpose of the earnings certificate 182n is to become the basis for. If a woman draws up a payment at her enterprise, then help is not needed. It is provided:

  • is transferred from a woman's additional place of work if she draws up an BI allowance from her main employer.

Help Form and the procedure for its issuance were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 182n dated April 30, 2013. The conditional name of the document comes from the number of the order. In addition to other data (details of the employer organization, full name of the pregnant woman, etc.), the certificate indicates:

  • The amount of salary, other remuneration and payments for which insurance premiums were calculated for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave.
  • The number of days during these periods during which the woman was temporarily unable to work, was on maternity leave, child care.

If necessary, the certificate is issued by the employer on the last working day of the employee. If the organization in which the woman worked ceased to exist, or a certificate cannot be obtained for other reasons, salary data is requested independently by the FSS employees in the Pension Fund.

Order on the appointment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth (sample)

There is no approved order form. The document is published in any form. The organization order usually combines the same information as in the woman’s statement:

  • the head of the organization orders the woman to be sent on leave to B&R and to assign her an allowance;
  • the document is drawn up on the basis of an application and sick leave.

Order example

Organizations in the accounting department know how such orders are made, and there are usually no problems with paperwork. A copy of the order is issued to the woman in her hands under a subscription for familiarization on the main instance.

Other social benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

In some regions, there are analogues of maternity benefits, which are paid through social security from the regional budget under different conditions. For example:

  • The local B&D allowance is paid only to the unemployed, university graduates, disabled people of groups I and II. The payout amount is small - about 326 rubles. for each completed month of pregnancy from 12 weeks.
  • In an additional monthly allowance in the amount of 500 rubles. can be issued by a pregnant woman from a family with a low average per capita income.
  • In many local surcharges are due to pregnant women with the wording “for food”. So, in 2016, for each month of pregnancy, starting from the 4th, until the very birth, they will give out 300 rubles, in - 580 rubles, in - 566 rubles.

Also, each individual employer on their own initiative may establish an additional payment to a woman on maternity leave, however, this amount will already have to be subject to personal income tax. Exception - if the additional payment for the birth of a child is issued as financial aid and represents an amount up to 50,000 rubles.


The allowance for pregnancy and childbirth is due to working, employees, full-time students - that is, those from whose income insurance premiums are deducted. The payment is issued together with the place of work, service or study. Dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise should apply for benefits to the Social Security.

In some regions, there are B&R benefits, which are very convenient to use.

  • She has practical benefits for all parties: women, employer and FSS.
  • The only downside project - poor awareness of the population that the payment can be received in this way.

Payment is calculated for the entire period. Under normal conditions, this is 140 days (70 days before and after childbirth). The payment is due to a woman, regardless of the length of service (service), but its size depends on the time of work in the company. For those who work less than six months, will be calculated in terms of minimum wage(will amount to 34,521.20 rubles for 140 maternity days). In general, the payoff will be 100% of average monthly earnings.

Formally, in order to apply for (BiR) and the corresponding allowance, a woman must be officially employed and the employer must pay mandatory contributions to the FSS (Social Insurance). Then the basis for going on vacation and accruing maternity money will be (sick leave).

However, some categories of pregnant women are entitled to maternity allowance, even if at the time of its registration they are officially does not work and are not subject to compulsory social insurance. They receive benefits in the form of a lump-sum payment - in the same way as working expectant mothers. But the principle of accrual and funding sources are changing.

Are maternity payments due if a woman does not work?

  • 140 days in general (70 days before delivery and 70 after).
  • 156 days for birth complications (the postpartum period is extended to 86 days).
  • 194 days for multiple pregnancies (84 days before delivery and 110 after).

That is, certain categories of the unemployed are granted the right to immediately for two welfare. To apply for benefits, a woman must write an appropriate application and provide a certificate of contact with a medical institution and registration within 12 weeks.

Pregnancy benefit for the unemployed upon liquidation of the organization

If a woman worked until recently, and contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) were paid from her income, the state cannot leave her without guaranteed disability payments related to the birth of a child.

Special conditions are provided to women who are left without work and earnings if they are registered with the state for unemployment in employment center(TsZN), and within 12 months before:

  • lost their jobs in connection with the reorganization(liquidation) of the enterprise;
  • ceased activities as;
  • lost the status of a notary or a lawyer.

Is sick leave paid for pregnancy and childbirth for the unemployed?

Unemployed citizens dismissed from work have the right to join the labor exchange and within 12 months receive unemployment benefit which is a certain percentage of the salary. According to current regulations, the sick leave extends this period by the number of days indicated on the disability certificate (but this period for 1.5 years cannot exceed 12 months).

For unemployed pregnant women in this regard, there are special conditions. They should be issued immediately for several reasons:

  • Pregnant paid for all vacations in BiR duration . True, in a rather small size. In 2016, a non-working woman is supposed to RUB 581.73 for every month decree, however, this amount (in 2018 - from February 1).
  • A woman during maternity leave cannot be deregistered as unemployed.
  • For a period of a woman extended unemployment benefits:
    • that is, the allowance itself is not accrued, but it will be paid (if 18 months have not passed since the moment of registration with the employment service);
    • if, after the decree, a woman wants to apply, the payment of unemployment benefits to her for the period of its payment will be suspended.

These conditions apply only if no more than 12 months have passed from the moment of dismissal until the woman was recognized as unemployed, and until the day she went on maternity leave, and the dismissal is related to the liquidation of the enterprise.

In all other cases (voluntary dismissal, lack of work before registration with the employment service, a break in work for more than a year) maternity allowance for a woman not paid.

Payment of B&R benefits to the unemployed through Social Security

The payment of maternity allowance to women who have lost their jobs and wages due to the reorganization (including liquidation) of an enterprise or staff reduction is carried out through the authorities Social protection of the population at the place of residence of the pregnant woman.

Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth through the employment service (CZN) is not provided. Only unemployment payments can be processed through the labor exchange.

Need to contact Social Security in application form, that is, submit an application and the necessary documents:

  • issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy with a seal and signatures;
  • a certified extract from the work book with a record of the last place of work and dismissal in connection with the reorganization (liquidation) of the company;
  • a certificate from the employment service that the woman is registered as unemployed;
  • the decision of the tax service to register the fact of termination of activities as a notary, a lawyer (for the self-employed population).

Funds are provided from the federal budget in the form of a subvention to the region for the payment of benefits. Social Security must be assigned within 10 days after registration of the application from the applicant. Money is transferred to the woman's bank account or sent by postal order until the 26th day of the month following the month of applying to Social Security.

Maternity benefits for unemployed women

Because of the above features, women who are doing military and equivalent service under a contract, as well as students, can be classified as unemployed in the proper sense of the word. They receive pregnancy benefits under special conditions, different from those that can be used.

Employees under contract and non-working students in any case must take sick leave at a medical institution in order to apply for payment on its basis.

Passing military service under the contract and service in the state. bodies

Expectant mothers in public service are entitled to maternity payments in the amount of monthly allowance(for each month). This category of women includes:

  • undergoing military service under a contract;
  • employees in enlisted or commanding positions in:
    • internal affairs bodies;
    • fire and customs service;
    • drug control authorities;
    • penitentiary system.

An employee must provide the following documents to the accounting department of her unit:

  • application for maternity leave and benefits;
  • a certificate from a medical organization;
  • a certificate from the place of residence stating that she does not receive B&R benefits there (if the place of service does not match the place of residence).

According to Russian legislation, 10 days are allocated for the calculation of benefits. The recipient will be able to count on payment from the day when she officially retired from service. That is, if she continued to serve after the start of the sick leave, during this period she will receive only one monetary allowance, but not in the form of its amount c.

The money is transferred from the federal budget allocated to executive authorities that provide for contract service.