What are the benefits per year? Privileges. Medical benefits for pensioners

Citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation), who have worked conscientiously for the benefit of the state for many years, are awarded the title of Veteran of Labor. Together with him, the pensioner receives the privileged status of a beneficiary and has the right to count on social federal and regional assistance.

Types of benefits for pensioners and labor veterans

Preferences and benefits for labor veterans of the Russian Federation can be divided into 2 main categories:



  • use of city public transport on preferential terms;
  • 50% compensation for payments for housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services);
  • free prosthetics and repair of dentures in public health institutions;
  • For working pensioners: registration of annual paid leave and 30-day unpaid leave at your own expense at any time convenient for the pensioner.
  • 50% discount on payment for a landline phone number;
  • monthly cash payments (hereinafter – EDV);
  • free travel on commuter trains;
  • annual resort and sanatorium treatment for medical reasons;
  • transport preferences

Tax benefits

Free medical services

To apply for veteran's preferences, a pensioner-beneficiary will need to prepare a package of necessary documents:

  • application for benefits;
  • labor veteran certificate;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioner's ID.

Legal regulation

The conditions and procedure for providing benefits to pensioners with labor veteran status are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. List of main regulations:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation) dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ;
  • Law of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 70;
  • Government Decree (hereinafter referred to as PP) of Moscow dated 08/11/2009 No. 755-PP;
  • GD of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2005 No. 761;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “Housing Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ.

Subsidies and benefits for housing and housing and communal services

Benefits for federal labor veterans include a 50% discount on housing and communal services. The preference is provided under the following conditions:

  • the property is fully or partially registered as the property of a pensioner-beneficiary;
  • Housing is assigned to a labor veteran in accordance with a social tenancy agreement.

The procedure for providing benefits allows for 2 forms of its application - discount and compensation:

  • the amount payable for housing and communal services reduced by half is displayed on the receipt;
  • compensation funds are transferred to the recipient's bank account monthly.

The discount on housing and communal services is calculated for each item provided:

  • use of residential premises;
  • maintenance of common property;
  • gas supply;
  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • garbage collection;
  • drainage;
  • electricity supply.

If there are installed meters - metering devices (hereinafter referred to as metering devices) for water, electricity or gas - the calculation is made based on their indicators. If there are no PUs, the discount is provided according to regional standards. A local preference includes the exemption of a pensioner with labor veteran status from paying contributions for capital repairs.

Tax benefits for labor veterans

Fiscal preferences due to pensioners with labor veteran status include:

  • Complete exemption from property tax. Since 2016, the benefit is provided only for 1 object - a room, apartment or individual house - at the choice of the pensioner.
  • Transport tax benefit. Since 2016, the reduced fiscal rate or tax exemption applies to 1 car. The size and conditions for providing transport preferences depend on the region; they should be clarified at your place of residence, for example:
    1. in Moscow, Sakhalin region - not provided;
    2. in Bashkortostan and Irkutsk they operate at 100% rate.
  • Preference for land tax. Russian legislation provides for a deduction of 10,000 rubles from the tax base for pensioners receiving benefits.
  • Income tax benefits (hereinafter – personal income tax). The following types of income are not subject to 13% personal income tax:
  • pension payments;
  • material benefits;
  • financial assistance, the amount of which does not exceed 4 thousand rubles per year, including the annual amount of the monthly allowance;
  • funds allocated for sanatorium and/or medical treatment as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Exemption from paying state fees when going to court.

Transport preferences for labor veterans of Moscow and the region

Preferential travel in the capital and Moscow region is a preference valid for persons with labor veteran status for all passenger public transport. Exceptions: route and commercial taxis, long-distance trains, air travel - air tickets will have to be purchased at your own expense. Pensioners receiving benefits have the right to refuse the preference and replace the in-kind form with cash compensation. The dimensions of the EDV will be:

Medical benefits of federal and local significance

Persons with disabilities, citizens who were involved in eliminating the consequences of man-made disasters, including the Chernobyl accident, war and labor veterans are entitled to medical benefits. The procedure and conditions for providing regional preferences for health improvement:

  • free services in government medical institutions;
  • free dental prosthetics in budget clinics from standard (inexpensive) materials;
  • sanatorium-resort treatment with free travel to the place of treatment by rail;
  • free medications purchased in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Pension supplement

In some cases, retired veterans of labor are entitled to supplements to their benefits. There are 2 of them in total:

  • EDV - compensation for the social package in case of partial or complete waiver of preferences due to the beneficiary in kind:
  • Local supplement to pension, if its amount is below the regional subsistence minimum (hereinafter referred to as PM).

Privileges for working retired veterans of labor

Due to the difficult economic situation in the Russian Federation, the amount of funding for social programs has been reduced. In 2019, pensioners with benefits who continue to carry out working professional activities and have received labor veteran status retained the following preferences:

  • free treatment in government medical institutions;
  • provision of extraordinary leaves - both annual compulsory and at your own expense - at any period convenient for the benefit recipient with preservation of the job;
  • improvement of living conditions as a priority;
  • free dental prosthetics, repair of orthopedic structures;
  • reimbursement of costs for appropriate medications in state city pharmacies.

Social support measures for labor veterans in Moscow

Capital benefits intended for pensioners with labor veteran status include:

  • free travel on city public transport and commuter trains;
  • 50% discount on housing and communal services;
  • annual free sanatorium and resort vouchers for medical reasons;
  • reimbursement of travel costs to the place of treatment;
  • free provision of medications in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2006 No. 655;
  • 50% discount on city telephone services;
  • free production, installation, repair of dentures;
  • an increase in pension taking into account annual indexation, provided that the insurance part of the benefit of an elderly beneficiary is lower than the regional minimum wage;
  • EDV for the monetization of benefits due to a labor veteran in case of refusal to receive them in kind.

In this material:

In the Russian Federation, people of retirement age are not prohibited from continuing to work. Does this category of people have any benefits from the state? Absolutely yes. However, not every person who has reached retirement age knows about their rights.

Legislative norms

Let's look at some legislative norms that indicate the possibility of receiving benefits:

  1. Federal Law No. 76, which is in the nature of regulation, continues to work after the date of registration of age payments.
  2. Law of the Russian Federation No. 173 in article number 18 explains the process of regulating full pension services, or rather the ability to recalculate accrued age payments from year to year.
  3. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifically refers to various pretexts for the dismissal of persons who have reached retirement years.
  4. Article 128 of the Labor Code in the Russian Federation provides workers with a chance to use additional vacations.
  5. The Tax Code, namely Article 217, along with the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, talks about a benefit that implies a discount on the purchase of medicines exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.
  6. Article 218 of the tax code in Russia addresses the issue of income tax.

List of possible benefits

In 2019-2020, a working pensioner can count on the following types of benefits:

  1. Labor.
  2. Tax.
  3. Social.
  4. Pension.
  5. Medical services.

Labor benefit

The priority component of this benefit is the provision of additional leave. Its duration should not exceed two weeks. Temporary release from work is carried out without pay, that is, at your own expense. Many categories of able-bodied pensioners can increase the duration of the provided leave to two months.

There is another main benefit for people of retirement age. If a person is not officially employed and has plans to acquire another profession, he has the right to visit the Employment Center at his place of residence with a request to provide him with courses in mastering a third-party profession.

Tax benefit

In case of sale or purchase of residential property, a deduction is provided:

  1. When purchasing real estate or land, the tax deduction amount will be about two million rubles. This category includes major or finishing repairs of real estate.
  2. When overpaying interest paid when repaying a mortgage or consumer loan, a deduction in the amount of three million rubles is provided.
  3. In case of resale of property owned by a pensioner, the amount will be one million rubles.

Working pensioners who are completely exempt from personal income tax are entitled to the following types of income:

  1. State pension provision.
  2. Reimbursement of the amount spent on the purchase of vouchers to medical institutions (sanatorium, dispensary).

This list can be expanded due to funds allocated by the budgets of various regions.

Social benefit

This benefit is not extended by government agencies, but by regional authorities. What is included in this benefit? This:

  1. Free travel on city public transport and commuter trains.
  2. When paying for utilities and housing and communal services, you rely.

It is important! But not all categories of working pensioners fall under the listed payments. First of all, it depends on the region of residence.

Health benefits and services

  1. Free medical examination once a year.
  2. People who have retired are vaccinated against influenza and viral diseases free of charge.

The list of benefits in this area is small, but some elderly citizens have the full right to receive vital medications with a doctor’s prescription, paid for by the state.

Pension benefit

The main priority of this benefit is the opportunity to write an application once a year with a request to recalculate old-age pensions. The basis for this is the accrual of pension points for official employment.

On behalf of the worker, the employer contributes certain funds to the social insurance department and tax authorities. These amounts play the role of accruing additional points, according to which the amount of pension benefits is calculated. One important point needs to be taken into account: you can apply for recalculation of pensions only until the month of August of the current year. Please note that depending on the region of residence, the terms of the benefit may vary.

Other various benefits

A pensioner who is officially employed has the right to a reduced working day or a part-time working week. Often this benefit comes from management. The legislation provides for this point for the following categories:

  1. In cases of caring for any family member who has lost his ability to work.
  2. An officially employed pensioner is a disabled person of the first or second group. In the first case, it is allowed to work only in specialized places provided for this.

For reference! To receive this benefit, you need to negotiate with your superiors on this issue. In most cases, the employer himself offers pensioners such working conditions in order to reduce wages.

What payments should employed pensioners not count on?

The list of benefits that bypass working pensioners should include the absence of receiving social supplements. They are only available to those category of pensioners whose monthly income does not reach the subsistence level established by the state. An employed pensioner does not fall into this group. Restrictions may be imposed by local governments on various other benefits. They regulate the presence or absence of certain additional rights.

Features of regional benefits

These benefits vary in different regions. For example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, working pensioners have the following advantages:

  1. Free travel on buses, trams, trolleybuses and metro trains. To receive benefits on long-distance train tickets, you need to visit the social assistance office located in your area.
  2. Working pensioners who have a veteran of labor certificate are given the opportunity to reduce utility bills in the amount of 50% of the accrued cost. It is worth noting that the discount applies to the share of housing documented for the pensioner, as provided for in the Housing Code.

There are also discounts of varying amounts on medications prescribed by the attending physician. This benefit works throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of your region of residence.. To apply for it, you need to contact the social security office at your place of registration.

Military pensioners with the right to work

  1. Receive free medical care in clinics of the relevant department.
  2. Have priority when applying for a civilian position.
  3. Children and grandchildren are assigned to kindergartens and schools without a queue.
  4. Pension provision.
  5. Purchasing free housing for those especially in need.
  6. Once a year, you are required to pay for a round-trip ticket for treatment and prevention to any city in Russia.

Veterans of Labor

This category of pensioners has the opportunity to use gratuitous leave, in addition to that provided for by the labor code, for a period of one month. And:

  • free visits to clinics;
  • receiving medications prescribed by a doctor with a 50% discount;
  • travel on city public transport that does not require payment (except for taxis).

Disabled people

Working pensioners with different disability groups receive the following benefits according to labor legislation:

  1. The employer is obliged to provide a position that corresponds to the disability group.
  2. Use of annual leave for up to two months.
  3. Shortened working week for disabled people of the second group.
  4. Complete exemption from property tax.
  5. Receiving a one-time cash payment.
  6. If desired, a set of social services can be replaced with monetary compensation.

You should know that when an individual entrepreneur reaches retirement age, age payments will be assigned by the state in accordance with the laws established by Russian legislation. Please note that the above benefits for working pensioners may vary depending on the region of residence.

Citizens recognized as needy, military pensioners and other privileged categories of people apply for a subsidy to pay for utility bills. When organizing a major renovation of an apartment building where such a citizen lives, he will be reimbursed half of the amount spent. If a pensioner has the title of Hero of the USSR or Russia, the amount of compensation is 100% .

The possibility of receiving a subsidy is regulated. At the same time, the right to use these social support measures for each category of citizens is determined by its own law or order. For example, . The procedure for providing benefits and the list of required documentation is set out in .

The amount of the benefit is calculated monthly depending on the size and amount of total income. As a general rule, the amount of compensation is equal to 50% utility costs. According to housing legislation ( Art. 169 Housing Code of the Russian Federation) when organizing major repairs of real estate, the pensioner also receives certain compensation:

  1. Veterans, disabled people, low-income people – 50% .
  2. All citizens over 70 years of age - 50% .
  3. After 80 years - 100% .

To obtain this type of benefit, you must contact the regional social protection center or MFC (multifunctional center), Social Insurance Fund or local government. At the place of application, a corresponding application is drawn up, to which the necessary documents are attached.

List of documentation:

  1. Title documents of real estate ownership. In the case of its rental - a social, service or other rental agreement.
  2. Payment papers (receipts and checks) confirming the facts of previous payments for utility bills.
  3. A copy of a document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran’s certificate).
  4. Information about the income of the applicant and his family members.

The required application and documents can be sent by registered mail via mail or via the Internet on the Unified Public Services Portal.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for pensioners

Sanatorium-resort treatment for pensioners is included in the medical care of certain categories of persons and is financed from the federal budget. In the list of health-improving social benefits:

  • discount when purchasing medicines at retail outlets. Its size is 50% . This right is exercised upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician. The document is valid for 10 days;
  • to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of the clinic where the pensioner was examined;
  • preferential sanatorium-resort treatment.

Health activities are regulated by relevant by-laws and departmental standards. For example, preferential treatment for WWII veterans is secured by letter. According to the standard, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

To obtain a voucher, you must contact the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund or Pension Fund and fill out an application. The application must be accompanied by:

  1. Medical examination documents.
  2. A copy of your passport.
  3. A title document confirming the right to a benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of refunding money for non-use of a sanatorium-resort voucher. In this case, funds are transferred from the FSS budget.

Medical benefits for pensioners

Medical benefits for retirees consist of preferential and free provision of medicines, preferential right to services and the opportunity to take a health course with a voucher once within one or two years.

The specifics of the provision of medicines are regulated by government regulations, orders of the Ministry of Health and its individual departments. Eg:

Medical benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 in the field of preferential distribution of medicines are regulated.

Pensioners have the right to preferential prosthetics for missing limbs. This opportunity is provided free of charge for veterans.

You can receive medical benefits directly at the clinic itself upon presentation of the appropriate certificate. The discount on medicine is valid in any private or public pharmacies. To register, you must visit the social security office (this opportunity is provided once every two years if the pensioner is not a veteran).

Transport benefits

Pensioners receive in addition to their basic benefit set of social services(NSU). It includes compensation for travel on public transport. Its value varies depending on the region of residence of the pensioner and is established by local authorities. If the applicant refuses the discounted travel pass, the compensation amount will be included in the amount of the additional pension increase. For example, to a monthly cash payment (MCA).

Certain travel benefits for pensioners operate:

  • (the amount of the discount is set by the carrier company);
  • when traveling by train;
  • for Russian Railways tickets.

Receipt of travel benefits occurs at the time of purchasing the appropriate ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued at the local social security office.

Tax benefits

Citizens who have reached old age or have certain privileges that allow them to receive material benefits for the rest of their lives also have the right to tax benefits and payment of government fees. for pensioners:

  1. Exemption from income tax.
  2. Cancellation of taxes on real estate and other property registered in the name of a pensioner.
  3. Exemption from transport tax fees for one unit of equipment, capacity no more than 100 hp(valid for most regions of Russia).
  4. Discount on payment of land tax. From 2018, the benefit will apply to plots of no more than 6 acres. The indicated value is subtracted from the total area of ​​the larger plot.
  5. Exemption from the state fee paid when filing a claim with the courts. If the claim concerns property worth more than 1 million rubles– the tax amount is withheld.
  6. The right to a tax deduction when purchasing residential real estate.

Responsibilities of employers


Citizens who have reached old age or have other grounds for receiving a pension are provided with a number of measures social support. What benefits are provided? old age pensioners?

  1. The right to improve living conditions if necessary.
  2. Right to payment housing and communal services in the amount of half their cost.
  3. Reimbursement of expenses for major repairs after 70 years old(age of pensioner) size 50% , after 80 – 100% .
  4. A set of certain social services or payment of monetary compensation for it.
  5. Free and discounted medical care.
  6. Providing health resort vouchers.
  7. Exemption from certain taxes and the use of deductions when calculating the amount of personal income tax.
  8. Additional unpaid leave if the pensioner continues to work.
  9. Preferential dispensing of medicines in a wholesale and retail pharmacy network upon presentation of a pension certificate and a prescription from the attending physician.

The most popular questions and answers regarding benefits for pensioners

Question: Good afternoon. My name is Antonina Sergeevna. I am 70 years old. I am labor veteran. What's the latest news about benefits for pensioners in 2018? Will there be a long-awaited indexation of old-age benefits this year?

Answer: Hello, Antonina Sergeevna. Every pensioner should know that benefits are provided in two directions: federal and regional. The list of government concessions has not changed significantly. The list of regional ones is periodically updated depending on the applicant’s place of residence. For example, in Moscow, Having a social card in hand, a labor veteran has the right to use railway transport for free.

As for indexation, according to government officials, the review of payments will be carried out twice during the year - in February and April.

Title "Veteran of Labor"

A labor veteran is a citizen who has worked for many years and has been awarded the appropriate regalia by the state.

This title was first enshrined in the Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ. Before this, in the USSR, there was no title of “Veteran of Labor”, but only a medal “Veteran of Labor”, which was awarded to citizens as moral encouragement. This medal itself did not provide any benefits or privileges.

In the Russian Federation, after reaching retirement age (and in connection with the beginning of the implementation of the pension reform - upon reaching the pre-retirement age of 55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively), labor veterans are entitled to social support measures, various compensations and payments.

Law on Labor Veterans of the Russian Federation

When retirement age approaches, many citizens begin to look for reasons why they can be assigned the title of “Veteran of Labor” (See. How to apply for and receive the title of labor veteran? Who is assigned (experience)?). And it’s better at the federal level. And now the treasured crusts have been received. What's next?

The Law on Labor Veterans in Article 7 establishes that labor veterans include the following categories of citizens:

  • received the title “Veteran of Labor”;
  • awarded an order or medal, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR/RF and having the work experience necessary to grant an old-age or long-service pension;
  • those whose working activity began as a minor during the Second World War, and who have a work experience of 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

The law also contains an article regarding how federal policy regarding veterans is carried out.

Firstly, it is planned to create appropriate units in government agencies that would deal with veterans' affairs.

Secondly, the federal legislator assumes that all the necessary funds for the implementation of social policy regarding veterans will be available at both the federal and regional levels.

Despite the fact that many entities, due to lack of funding, are curtailing their social programs to support labor veterans, the federal legislator still remains in his firm position. For example, the 50% compensation for utility bills, which is so widely discussed among the masses, is still in effect.

What benefits does a federal labor veteran have?

Basic benefits for labor veterans are not established at the federal level. Thus, Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” in Article 22 clearly states that the list of benefits is established by the subjects independently.

But if we summarize the legislation of different regions, we can highlight the following benefits for labor veterans:

  • Free travel on all types of public transport.
  • Payment of 50% of utilities.
  • Providing leave at a time convenient for the veteran.
  • Free production and repair of dentures in public health care institutions (meaning only the service).
  • Free healthcare services, etc.

What other benefits does a labor veteran enjoy?

In addition to federal benefits, there are also regional benefits that a veteran can apply for. They are established by regulatory legal acts of a subject of the Russian Federation and are subject to execution exclusively in this subject.

Benefits for labor veterans in many regions are associated with the provision of an old-age (disability) pension; in the light of the pension reform, these provisions may also be revised (changed to reach pre-retirement age). Therefore, you can often find social benefits in the regions that are assigned to citizens after reaching retirement age.

Let's look at the example of St. Petersburg, where the following benefits are established for labor veterans of the Russian Federation:

Don't know your rights?

  • Monthly cash payment.
  • Payment for housing in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area of ​​residential premises within the limits of social norms.
  • 50% discount on utility bills, etc.

The number of benefits for labor veterans depends on the possibilities of regional funding.

Supplement to pensions for labor veterans of the Russian Federation

If a labor veteran receives a labor pension and its amount is below the subsistence level provided for in the region of his residence, then he is entitled to a regional social supplement to the pension.

In addition, if a labor veteran refuses a set of social services (the so-called monetization of benefits under 122-FZ), then he is entitled to an additional pension in the form of the cash equivalent of these services. But in order to refuse services, you must write a corresponding application to the pension fund authorities before October of the current year.

Subjects of the Russian Federation may establish additional pension supplements for labor veterans. An example of this is Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Let's look at the issue of indexing pensions for pensioners (including those with the title “Veteran of Labor”). In January 2020, insurance pensions were indexed by 6.6%.

Let's look at this using a monetary example.

On average, in January 2020, the size of the insurance pension increased by 1,000 rubles. Agree, pension indexation is a pretty good help for labor veterans.

Tax benefits for labor veterans

Tax legislation establishes a list of the following benefits for labor veterans:

  1. A pensioner who owns real estate, in accordance with the Law “On Property Taxes for Individuals,” is exempt from property tax.
  2. Part of the income of labor veterans is exempt from personal income tax:
    . pensions and social supplements to them;
    . the amount of financial assistance paid by the former employer (but not more than 4,000 rubles per year);
    . amounts that were spent on paying for sanatorium-resort treatment from one’s own funds.
  3. Transfer of balances of property tax deductions for personal income tax to previous tax periods. A veteran who has confirmed ownership of acquired real estate or land can receive a property deduction for expenses incurred and for the payment of interest on a targeted loan or loan in the amount of 2 million rubles. and 3 million rubles. respectively. Deductions can be obtained for 3 tax periods preceding the period in which the carryover balance of the property deduction was formed.
  4. As for transport and land taxes, they are established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently. Accordingly, benefits for labor veterans can be established by the regulatory legal acts of the subject.

Benefits for labor veterans in Moscow

The benefits for veterans in Moscow are as follows:

  • Free travel on public transport.
  • 50% cash compensation for telephone fees.
  • Discount on utility bills of 50% (within social standards).
  • Free travel on commuter rail (previously there was a 50% seasonal discount).
  • Monthly city cash payment (247 rubles), taking into account annual indexation.
  • If there are medical indications - free sanatorium-resort treatment and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment and back (by rail only).

Monetization of benefits for labor veterans

Monetization applies only to federal beneficiaries. 3 types of benefits are converted into cash equivalent: transportation, medication and sanatorium-resort treatment.

At the regional level, the legislator acts differently: in some regions, monetization of benefits is allowed on an application basis, while in others benefits are issued as is.

The monetization of benefits did not suit all segments of the population.

On the one hand, carriers in the transport sector, for example, were happy: they finally saw a “real” profit, and not a belated transfer of funds from the budget.

On the other hand, those citizens who had the right to receive free, scarce medicines now have the money to purchase these medicines on their own.

But the amount of monetary compensation was small, which upset most of the population.

However, if a labor veteran refuses benefits in favor of their cash equivalent, this will be a good addition to his pension.

Thus, if you nevertheless received the title “Veteran of Labor,” you have the right to apply for both federal and regional benefits, allowances and payments. You can find out what benefits you are entitled to at your place of residence from the social security authorities. Federal benefits are scattered across various laws - for example 5-FZ, 122-FZ - and require more careful study.

What benefits are available to labor veterans in Moscow in 2020? Who has the right to receive such benefits, and what documents are required to be provided for this?

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Benefits are a type of privilege that is provided to certain categories of citizens. They manifest themselves mainly in the form of additional rights and payments.

Sometimes a citizen who has received benefits may be fully or partially exempt from making payments or fulfilling obligations.

But what benefits do labor veterans deserve in 2020? After all, such people have dedicated their whole lives to hard work, so they are respected at the state level.

General concepts

The title of labor veteran was enshrined in. Before this, the USSR only had a medal for labor veterans, without any benefits.


Now a labor veteran is an honorary title, which is awarded to people with many years of work experience, which is marked by state and departmental awards.

In fact, labor veterans are pensioners. This is the least protected layer of citizens. The government should take care of them so that they do not experience want.

But sometimes it is very difficult to implement this concern, for example, in times of economic crisis. That is why, by 2020, the country’s leadership introduced several reforms that relate to the payment of benefits to labor veterans.

What is their purpose

The state provides such people with a whole list of privileges, for example:

  • free medical care at any municipal medical center;
  • the opportunity to take part in a program to improve living conditions at any time;
  • discount on housing costs under Article 36 Law 1 Paragraph 2 Moscow Law;
  • 50% discount on all payments;
    cheap medicines, and some free.

For labor veterans, despite the unstable economic situation in the country, the government is trying to reduce the financial burden as much as possible thanks to benefits.

Moreover, individual government structures must implement and monitor the implementation of all measures provided for by law to support not only the veterans themselves, but also their families.

All social support measures for labor veterans are prescribed in.

Legal grounds

Tax payments to veterans are not the same as . All rules and guidelines for action that relate to this population group are found in Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”.

The first group of people must fall under the following criteria:

Here are the criteria the second group of people must meet:

  • they started working before they were 18 during World War II;
  • work experience of at least 45 years for men and at least 35 years for women.

To avoid confusion and doubt when deciding to award a citizen with a veteran title, the entire list of certificates, diplomas, departmental signs and awards is approved by the Ministry of Labor.

What benefits does a labor veteran have in Moscow in 2020?

A retired labor veteran has the right to receive cash payments and other social support immediately after he is assigned pension payments. The basis for receiving it is his ID.

Labor veterans from Moscow will receive the following payments this year:

  1. EGVD. City cash payment, which is carried out monthly. It is paid only when a citizen does not receive a monthly payment from the federal budget.
  2. Every month compensation for telephone calls.
  3. Compensation for social city services.
  4. Reimbursement of expenses for travel to the sanatorium and back.

You can apply for a regional additional payment of a social nature, but only if the labor pension that the labor veteran already receives does not reach the regional subsistence level.

Federal benefits are provided for by various laws, for example No. 5 and.

Who exactly belongs to this category of citizens?

A labor veteran must meet the following criteria:

For example, a man who began working at the age of 16 in factories during the war, but at the same time worked, in general, in various industries for about 30 years, may not receive the title of labor veteran.

It is worth noting that today there are fewer and fewer labor veterans, and this title is practically not awarded. Therefore, the state is trying to protect such people.

What types of privileges are there?

In addition to monetary compensation, there are also additional privileges:

  1. Complete exemption from payment if a citizen owns real estate. For example, an apartment, a house.
  2. does not apply to the amount of pension benefits, as well as additional payments and allowances to it. It also does not apply to financial assistance from an employer if the amount of assistance is at least 4,000 rubles per year.
  3. Preferential types also include such types of tax as land and.
  4. However, in each region the amount of the benefit is set separately. For example, labor veterans living and registered in Moscow and the region pay transport fees on a general basis.
  5. Also, the balance of the tax deduction, which relates to property issues, can be transferred to the previous tax period.

Moreover, if the veteran has all the documents necessary for this, which confirm his right of ownership, then he can demand to receive.

This type of benefit can be used in relation to the payment of interest on the amount that a citizen took for the acquisition of real estate or expenses associated with the execution of a transaction for the acquisition of property.

What exactly are they given for?

Retired labor veterans have the right to count on and take advantage of all the privileges established at the federal level:

  1. 50 percent discount when paying by phone.
  2. Also a 50 percent discount on payments for utilities, housing and communal services.
  3. Free travel on commuter trains and city public transport.
  4. Monthly city allowance.
  5. Complete free resort and sanatorium treatment if you have any health problems. Moreover, as already mentioned, the costs of traveling to the sanatorium are also fully compensated.
  6. Free repair and production of dentures in all municipal and state institutions. But to take advantage of this privilege, the veteran must reach retirement age.
  7. If a citizen continues to work, he also has the right to an annual, whenever it is convenient for the veteran, unhindered leave for 30 days a year without pay.

After a veteran is granted a pension, he can use the services of state clinics free of charge and at any time, and he can also receive full and high-quality treatment in state and even municipal medical institutions.

Required documents

A citizen who has reached retirement age must find out whether he is entitled to the status of a labor veteran. To do this, you need to contact the social authorities. protection at the place of registration.

There you can find out about the assignment procedure and length of service for this title. In total, in 2020, a woman must work 35 years, and a man 40.

You can start collecting documents only if the citizen is fully on the preferential list


Documents for obtaining a labor veteran's certificate must be submitted to the social security department at the place of registration. For all papers there must be two copies.

It is necessary to copy the papers, since one package assigns the title to a citizen, and another package establishes mandatory monthly payments for all veterans.

After submitting all the certificates, you just have to wait to receive the certificate; it is usually issued from 45 to 60 days.

After the certificate is received, a package of documentation is submitted to reimburse utility bills.

You need to send the package in the same direction, only to a different office. After this, the beneficiary will be able to pay only half of the total amount.

List of documents for a veteran's ID:

  1. Pensioner's ID.
  2. Identification.
  3. Certificate from the Pension Fund about the years worked and the assignment of monthly pension payments.
  4. If a citizen continues to work, a certificate from work is required stating that all deductions are made on time and in full.

Make copies of all the above documents. One matte photograph measuring 3*4 is also required. It will eventually be pasted into the ID.

List of documents for compensation of payments for services:

  1. Identification.
  2. Veteran and pension certificate.
  3. Pension insurance document.
  4. Family composition document.
  5. Account number where compensation should be transferred.

A citizen will receive preferential payments in the form of compensation only after paying all utility bills.

How to submit an application

An application for the status of a labor veteran, as well as for the payment of taxes, is drawn up in a strictly established form.

Forms for such applications can be obtained from social security authorities, that is, in the same place where documents are submitted. All items of the form must be completed.

Basically, you need to provide information such as:

  • full documentary name of the body to which the documents are submitted;
  • full last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen who is applying for a title or registration of preferential payments;
  • grounds for assigning status to a citizen or establishing monthly compensation;
  • a complete list of documentation that will accompany the application.

At the end, put the date when the application was drawn up and the signature of the citizen-applicant.

Who is eligible for tax exemption?

It is worth noting that if a labor veteran owns land, he is completely exempt from paying taxes on it.