Regional benefits for veterans of military service. Benefits for military veterans. How to replace or repair a prosthetic/orthopedic product

Do you know what benefits you are entitled to and how to get them?

In 2018, the program will continue to provide additional support measures to persons who have merit in defending the Fatherland and other achievements in the military sphere. This year, it is planned to index the amount of payments and expand the circle of persons who are entitled to claim them. In this article, we will consider in detail all aspects related to the specifics of benefits and the procedure for their appointment.

Veteran of the Armed Forces: the concept and features of conferring this honorary title

As a result of heated parliamentary discussions in 1994, the Federal Law "On Veterans" was adopted, on the basis of which to this day state bodies exercise their powers in relation to the affairs of military personnel.

In our country, getting a veteran's certificate is quite difficult. The legislation states that the status of a veteran of the Armed Forces can only be assigned to certain categories of citizens and only if certain conditions are met. These are the people who served:

  • in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • in internal structural divisions;
  • in other departmental units whose activities are aimed at ensuring state security.

In this case, the candidate must have insignia or departmental awards that he was awarded during his military service. Distinctive signs are considered to be orders, medals, certificates or letters of thanks signed directly by the President of the Russian Federation.


Only persons with more than 20 years of military service are eligible to apply for the title of veteran.

Persons with group I or II disability, which was assigned due to a serious injury or other serious illness received in the course of service, can also receive a veteran's certificate. This category also includes military personnel who were sent to the reserve.

The rank is awarded by the structural unit in which the candidate served. The procedure can only be initiated on the basis of his own written application.

The application must be accompanied by a package of documents confirming the citizen's right to be awarded this honorary state status. The collected documents must be submitted to one of the branches of the RF FIU or the personnel department of the unit where the service took place. After a thorough study of all documents, a decision is made to award the title or to refuse. Such a decision must be made no later than 30 days from the date of submission of documents.

If a positive decision is made, the applicant is issued a certificate confirming his veteran status.


If the executive bodies make a decision to refuse, they must substantiate it in detail and provide references to the legislative norms confirming the legitimacy of such a refusal.

After receiving the certificate, the interested person acquires the right to apply for state social support measures provided for veterans of military service.

Benefits for veterans of military service in 2018

Persons who participated in hostilities should receive social support from the state in full. Their contribution to the affairs related to the defense of the country's independence and defending its interests in the international arena required considerable effort and courage. Therefore, the state provides for military personnel benefits that apply to all spheres of public life.

Armed Forces veterans are entitled to a rather impressive list of benefits that apply to almost all areas of public life. It should be borne in mind that the benefits provided by the state as a measure of additional social support are not subject to summation and are executed only in one of the areas.

tax incentives

  1. This category of persons, in case of filing a claim with the court, is exempted from paying a mandatory fee (state duty). This rule applies to claims of a property and non-property nature.
  2. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation fully exempts veterans from property tax. This measure applies only to real estate that is not used for financial gain.
  3. The land tax for persons involved in the liquidation of nuclear accidents is reduced by 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Full or partial compensation of funds spent on paying property tax earlier.

Veterans are provided with not only federal, but also regional benefits, such as, for example, transport tax. Often, regional authorities exempt this category of citizens from paying a transport fee for one of the cars they own.

Social payments

  1. Additional pension payments and increased pension. To date, in the regions of the Russian Federation, the size of the UDV varies from 700 to 1 thousand rubles. The size of the pension and the number of benefits will increase significantly if the person applying for additional support measures has a disability, work experience in the Far North, or participated in the elimination of the consequences of a nuclear disaster.
  2. In the event of the death of a soldier, the amount spent on funeral services is compensated. The state guarantees the burial of each veteran at its own expense, regardless of what caused the death. This includes the delivery and preparation of the body of the deceased, the purchase of a place in the cemetery, as well as the installation of a tombstone. If the burial takes place at the expense of the personal funds of the relatives of the deceased, then they have the right to apply for compensation for all expenses.
  3. The right to receive 60 days of vacation on demand.

Housing Benefits

  1. Payment of only 50% of the cost of housing and communal services. This support measure does not represent a discount in the full sense of the word. Veteran after payment of utility services is simply returned 50% of the amount paid to the bank account. Such compensation is a regional measure of assistance, therefore, difficulties often arise with its implementation in the regions.
  2. If the veteran is found to be in need of better housing conditions, then he is given a subsidy for the purchase or construction of housing.
You can save on utility bills. Military veterans receive a 50% discount.

Medical Benefits

  1. Free provision of a full range of medical services in institutions that are part of the public health system. This provision does not apply to receiving medical care in commercial clinics.
  2. Extraordinary visits to all specialists.
  3. Opportunity to purchase certain drugs at a reduced cost.
  4. The possibility of installing free prostheses. But there is one caveat in the legislation: the procedure for installing the prosthesis itself is paid from its own funds. Dental prostheses are also included in this list, with the exception of those made from expensive materials. For example, cermets or structures containing precious metals are not covered by this measure of state support.
Veterans of military service can not only visit doctors for free, but also count on service without a queue.

Preferences for family members

  1. The wife of a serviceman, who traveled with him to hot spots, is added up to 3 years of work experience.
  2. In the event of the death of a spouse, the widow will receive survivor benefits. Many factors influence the amount of payments: the rank of the deceased soldier, length of service, salary, etc.
  3. If it is necessary to go to the place where the husband is buried, the widow can use the right of free travel.
  4. If the cause of death of a soldier was injuries received in the line of duty, then the family is paid insurance payments, which are equally distributed among all family members.

Benefits for veterans of the Armed Forces in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In 2004, a law was passed containing an exhaustive list of benefits in Moscow, as well as the procedure for their appointment. According to this document, the city authorities are obliged to provide veterans of the Armed Forces with:

  • free travel, the only exception is a taxi;
  • receiving free housing if housing conditions do not meet certain standards;
  • benefits for payment of utility bills;
  • installation of free dentures;
  • material compensation of funds spent on communication services;
  • 50% reduction in the transport tax rate.

In St. Petersburg, benefits are provided on the basis of Art. 62 of the Social Code. Veterans of the Armed Forces have the right to count on:

  • monthly payments that are fixed (after reaching the age of 60);
  • preferential travel;
  • preferential terms of payment for housing and communal services;
  • exemption from transport tax. This benefit is provided only if two mandatory conditions are met: the car was manufactured earlier than 1990 and the vehicle's power does not exceed 80 horsepower.


In this article, we examined the features of assigning benefits to veterans of the Armed Forces. Keep in mind that the order of appointment may vary depending on the situation. Therefore, in order to obtain accurate information, it is advisable to contact the FIU department of the Russian Federation or the personnel department of the structural unit in which the service took place.

The state always pays close attention to the observance of the rights and interests of privileged categories of citizens. Therefore, the registration of benefits provides an excellent opportunity to shift part of their own financial costs to the “shoulders” of the state, which is extremely important in the current economic situation. However, please note that in order to use the benefits, they must be issued in a timely and correct manner, you will not receive them automatically. To understand the nuances of registration and find out exactly your rights, order a free consultation on our website and an experienced lawyer will answer your questions.


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Veterans of military service in the Russian Federation have every right to apply for a number of benefits. About what benefits are provided for a veteran of military service in 2020 in Moscow will be discussed in this article.

Who can become a military veteran?

The application must include the following information:

  • tax authority code;
  • personal data of the taxpayer;
  • the method of informing about the results of consideration of this application, with the exception of taxpayers - individuals who gained access to the taxpayer's personal account and did not send a notification to the tax authority about the need to receive documents on paper;
  • I ask for a tax relief on transport tax;
  • I ask for a tax relief on land tax;
  • I ask for a tax relief on the property tax of individuals.

You can download the application form for the provision of benefits for the property tax of individuals by the link.

How can a military veteran apply for property tax relief?

Provision of documents for registration of benefits on property tax is carried out as follows:

  • personally contacting the IFTS;
  • send documents by mail;
  • by contacting the MFC;
  • through the Taxpayer's Personal Account on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

What are the cash payments to a veteran of military service in 2020 in Moscow?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 3 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow”, military service veterans are equated with labor veterans who can count on the following benefits:


The provisions of normative acts establish such a preferential category as a veteran of military service. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, these citizens can count on certain privileges. The benefits that may be provided to veterans of military service are established in accordance with the procedure approved by the Order of the President, adopted on May 19, 1995 No. 501.

Who is awarded the title of veteran of military service

In order to take advantage of the benefits, the military must initially receive the honorary title of "Veteran of Military Service".

This title is awarded to the military who served in the troops of the Russian Federation, the USSR, as well as in the united troops of the CIS countries, acting in accordance with the adopted charter of these forces. Obtaining the title is possible upon reaching the service life of 20 years.

In addition, these military personnel must have the following awards or ranks of honor:

  • Order.
  • Medal.
  • Title of honor of the USSR.
  • Title of honor of the Russian Federation.
  • Departmental signs.

A veteran of military service can be issued by the military who have served and received in the performance of their duties:

  • Injury.
  • Wound.
  • Disease.
  • Contusion.

Help! The rank is granted when these injuries could lead to the appearance of a disability group in this soldier. The honorary title of "Veteran of Military Service" is granted both to retired military personnel and to those who are still in service.

How to get a title?

The procedure for obtaining the title is enshrined in the Order of the President of the Russian Federation.

Where to go

To receive this honorary title, a serviceman, active or retired, must apply to those paramilitary structures where he is or has been serving.

The decision to award the rank is made by the federal executive body and the state body of military service. As a rule, the appeal is submitted to the personnel department. If a serviceman has already retired, he can apply to the territorial office of the PFR to obtain this status.

Attention! The application must be redirected within 3 days to the body making a decision on this issue. After the receipt of the forms, a decision is made on the assignment or refusal to award this title.

List of documents

A citizen must submit the following list of documents:

  • Application in the prescribed form.
  • A copy of the identity card (passport).
  • Photo (2 pcs)
  • Documents confirming the receipt of a medal, order, honorary title or departmental badge.
  • If the status is obtained for health reasons, supporting documents for obtaining a disability (certificate of disability, medical and social examination).
  • Documents confirming the length of military service (20 years or more).

The content of the document confirming the status of a veteran

If a positive decision is made on conferring the title, the citizen is issued a certificate of the established form.

It includes the following information:

  1. Document's name.
  2. The name of the authority that accepted and issued this form.
  3. Number and series of certificate.
  4. Full data (full name) of the citizen who received this document.
  5. Signature of the citizen - the recipient of this certificate.
  6. Photo.
  7. Veteran category - "Veteran of military service".
  8. List of rights that this citizen is vested with.
  9. Date of issue of the document.

Appearance of the ID

The certificate has the following dimensions - a width of 10 cm and a length of 7 cm. The form is made of PVC or green leatherette.

The name of the document "Veteran's Certificate" is indicated on the front page.

The inside spread reflects a standard typographical form, in which all the necessary information about the bearer of this honorary title is entered.


The title is awarded for the life of a citizen. Therefore, the validity period is indicated as unlimited in the certificate.

This form is valid throughout Russia.

Form requirements

This certificate belongs to the protection category of polygraphy "B", therefore, the following requirements are imposed on it:

  • The document must contain elements of special technological protection against forgery.
  • The certificate must be made of a specialized material intended for the manufacture of this printing protection.
  • The material from which the certificate is made (paper) should not glow, have signs of luminescence.

Important! The document should not contain any errors or inaccuracies. If, when filling it out, they are still allowed, then the damaged form must be destroyed. This procedure requires the preparation of a special act for destruction.

Where are forms kept?

The certificate is a form of strict accountability. Which is issued to its owner against signature. Therefore, it is subject to mandatory recording in the register of the authority that issues it.

What laws govern military service veterans' benefits?

Veteran Data Benefits can be provided for both by regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and by decrees and laws of regional authorities.

The main regulations that provide benefits to veterans of military service are:

  • Law "On Veterans" FZ-35 of 01/12/1995.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 501 dated May 19, 1995.

Attention! Direct benefits may be provided for this category of citizens by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, etc. Regional acts on the establishment of benefits for this category of citizens are adopted by each subject of the federation independently. For example, Moscow Law No. 70 of November 3, 2004.

List of eligible benefits

Social benefits

A veteran of the armed forces of the Russian Federation can count on the following benefits:

  • Pension benefits (early retirement).
  • The right to a pension supplement in the form of a military supplement.
  • The right to install a telephone without a queue.
  • Free education in public educational institutions.
  • Entry without a queue in housing cooperatives.
  • Benefits for receiving funeral services.
  • If the veteran continues to work, then he is given the right to take leave at his own expense for 60 days a year.

housing subsidy

If a citizen who has a certificate confirming the status of a military service veteran needs to improve his living conditions, then he can be allocated a housing subsidy.

It is provided for the purchase of a house, part of it or an apartment. It is allowed to use this subsidy as a down payment on a mortgage, or to cover the cost of purchasing a home.

Tax preferences

The following income received by an aircraft veteran is not subject to personal income tax - allowances, compensations, and other cash payments.

At the regional level, a veteran is exempt from paying property tax, and he is also granted a tax deduction in the amount of 10,000 rubles for the cadastral value of a plot that is subject to land tax.

In some regions, a decision has been made to completely abolish the land tax for veterans.

Attention! In the case of applying to the court, the veteran is exempted from paying the state duty. However, this benefit is valid only if the amount of the claim does not exceed 1 million rubles.

Health care

By law, a veteran has the right to apply free of charge for treatment at any clinic or hospital, while he does not need to pay for services.

To receive free services, several conditions must be met:

  • Services must be used only in government structures;
  • You can not go to private clinics, with the exception of those that have announced benefits for military veterans;
  • Veteran identification is required upon receipt of services.

Help! In addition to treatment, under the same conditions, you can undergo various examinations.

In addition to treatment, the law also establishes free receipt of the following services:

  • Medicines;
  • Prosthetic and orthopedic goods.

In the latter case, the benefit applies specifically to the prosthesis itself. Its installation, if such an operation is performed on a reimbursable basis, is paid by the veteran himself. However, this operation can also be carried out free of charge if it is contained in the regional law, or a free installation is due to a different acquired status.

Free dentures also include prosthetics made of conventional materials. This means that prosthetics made of metal ceramics or precious metals are not free of charge.

Discounts on utility services

The federal law establishes that a veteran of military service is compensated for 50% of the cost of utility services.

This is usually done in the following way:

  • Veteran pays 100% for services to the service provider;
  • After that, he draws up and submits an application to the social security authority, to which copies of receipts are attached;
  • Based on the results of consideration of the application, 50% of the amounts paid are transferred to the current account or the veteran's pension card.

Attention! This exemption is rather vague in federal law. Therefore, in the regions, veterans are often denied compensation for housing and communal services. However, these contradictions are usually successfully resolved through the court, which in 99% of cases takes the side of the citizen and obliges the state agency to pay compensation for paid services.

Transport benefits

This benefit is established by each specific region and is voluntary. Usually, in large cities this type of benefit is established. To use it, you must purchase a special ticket, presenting a supporting document.

In addition, it is not uncommon for a veteran to first purchase a ticket at his own expense, paying the full price for it, and at the end of the month present it to the social security authority and receive monetary compensation.

If in a particular region free travel in transport is not established by law, then it is not legitimate to demand the provision of this benefit.

Payments and benefits to veterans of military service


Working veterans of military service have 100% sick leave to pay.


A veteran of military service is assigned a seniority pension, it is:

  • With 20 years of experience, 1/2 of the cash payment is provided. For each subsequent year, 3% is added, but a maximum of 85%.
  • If a veteran has a mixed insurance record of 25 years, then he is assigned 1/2 payment and 1% for each subsequent year.

Help! Regions may set an additional payment at their discretion. In 2019, its size is set in the range of 600-900 rubles. To receive the payment, you need to independently contact the social security authority and provide the required package of documents: passport, veteran's certificate, other supporting documents.

The amount of the assigned pension may be increased in the following cases:

  • In the course of service, a disability was acquired;
  • The service was carried out in the conditions of the Far North;
  • A citizen was involved in the elimination of the consequences of a nuclear accident.

If a person has a disability, the following allowances apply:

  • group 1 - by 300%;
  • group 2 - by 250%;
  • Group 3 - by 175%.

Regional differences in the provided social package

Currently, benefits for veterans of military service are established directly in the regions. Depending on the standard of living and the availability of funds in the budget, a veteran may be provided with a wide package of services and discounts, or not at all. It should be noted that in some regions such support measures are not implemented at all.

So, in Moscow, the following types of support are provided for this category of persons:

  • Free travel in transport, except for taxis and minibuses;
  • Free dental prosthetics without the use of expensive materials;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • 50% discount for city telephone communication;
  • 50% discount on commuter trains to certain destinations;
  • Retirement supplement.

So, in St. Petersburg, in comparison with Moscow, there is no discount for veterans of the armed forces on telephone communications and electric trains, but additional payments are made to members of the family in which the veteran lives.

Help! It must be remembered that in all regions the benefit is declarative in nature. This means that the benefits will not be provided to the veteran until he himself declares his desire to receive them and provides supporting documents.

Can a veteran of the armed forces be deprived of the right to benefits?

The category "Veteran of the Armed Forces" is established by law. Thanks to the issued normative acts, these people are provided with benefits and other privileges, which can be established both by federal and regional laws.

The benefit may be canceled if the law or part of it, which provided for privileges, is declared invalid. This may be due to the introduction of new regulations or amendments to old ones.

In certain situations, a cash payment may be terminated when one of the stipulated conditions is met. For example, an employee's earnings become higher than the indicator established by a regulatory act. In such a situation, the resumption of the transfer may occur upon the provision of supporting documents on a decrease in the amount of income.

The cancellation of benefits at the regional level occurs in a similar way - it is necessary to amend or invalidate the relevant regional normative act.

Important! If the law provides for privileges for a veteran of military service, but for some reason he is denied them, a citizen has the right to defend his rights in court or apply to the Prosecutor's Office.


In addition, regional legislation may introduce additional benefits. To obtain veteran status, you must prepare a package of mandatory documents. After consideration of the application, the veteran is issued a certificate of the established form.

People who have given most of their lives to military service, who have earned state awards, diplomas, thanks, and other distinctions, are awarded the title of veteran. Subsidies, compensations, benefits and social guarantees rely on it.

Their development, approval and financing is delegated to the executive authorities of the republics, territories and regions of the Russian Federation. The Moscow government has created a package of documents defining the social policy of the Russian capital. They provide benefits and privileges for veterans.

Who is entitled to the title

The honorary title of veteran of military service is awarded to applicants in strict accordance with Federal Law 5 of 01/12/1995.

To receive it, citizens who served in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union and Russia, other units and subunits where military ranks were awarded, it is enough to have one of the awards:

  • Soviet or Russian order;
  • medal of the Soviet Union or Russia;
  • an honorary title received in the Soviet Union or in the Russian Federation;
  • a Certificate of Merit signed by the President of Russia;
  • gratitude on behalf of the President of Russia;
  • departmental awards.

There is an important condition - the total service life before applying must be twenty or more calendar years. Veterans are also recognized as military personnel who have a disability group, the cause of which was an injury or illness associated with the service.

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Military personnel who have been transferred to the reserve (retirement) can apply for the assignment of status. In case of moving from the place of the former service, you can submit documents to the nearest military registration and enlistment office.

What benefits do military service veterans have in Moscow in 2020

The same law lists the areas in which veterans receive social state support:

  • appointment of pensions and benefits;
  • regular additional cash payments;
  • allocation of housing to the needy;
  • reimbursement of mandatory utility bills;
  • medical service.

Considering these areas, Moscow has developed its own benefits for military veterans. Law No. 70 of 03.11.2004 an additional payment for this category of citizens. In 2020 its amount is 1000 rubles. per month.


Moscow is an independent subject of the Russian Federation, therefore it has the right to determine the following parameters for transport tax and property tax for organizations and individuals:

  • rates;
  • terms of payment to the regional budget;
  • reporting procedure;
  • categories of legal entities and citizens who are granted benefits.

For transport tax

The transport tax in the territory of Moscow is regulated by Law No. 33 dated July 9, 2008, with the latest amendments dated November 29, 2017. Veterans of military service in the capital, as well as labor veterans, do not enjoy any preferences in relation to the transport tax.

In the Moscow region, the benefit for this category is 50% for a passenger car up to 150 hp. In the city, you will have to pay in full, depending on the power of the car.

Paying property tax

Veterans of military service in the capital are completely exempted from paying property tax on individuals. The basis is Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the law of the city of Moscow No. 51 with the latest amendments of November 29, 2017. Starting from 2016, when granting benefits, a quantitative factor is taken into account.

That is, one veteran does not pay tax for one object. It can be an apartment, a house, a share in common property, and so on. If a person owns several premises, you need to come to the tax office and write an application for which building to apply the benefit.

For housing and communal services

Veterans of military service in Moscow are provided with the following preferences in paying for the maintenance of residential premises and housing and communal services:

All these discounts apply only to one apartment. Benefits for housing and communal services for veterans of military service are declarative.

To obtain them, you need to contact the management company or another organization involved in the calculation of rent and other services.

A document confirming belonging to a certain category of beneficiaries is presented. A person who is eligible for benefits for various reasons (for example, a veteran and a disabled person) may choose one that is most suitable for him. In this case, discounts cannot be combined.


Veterans of military service are entitled to free sanatorium treatment once a year. An applicant who really needs medical rehabilitation can use it.

If a veteran has complained to a doctor, has a confirmed diagnosis and has repeatedly undergone treatment, he is issued a certificate of form 070 / y-04.

An application for a permit is submitted to the department of social protection. Referrals are issued in sanatoriums with which contracts for the maintenance of beneficiaries have been concluded.

Veterans of military service are provided with gratuitous dental prosthetic services. The direction is also issued at the department of social protection. A medical certificate confirming the need for prosthetics is required. Services are provided only in public dental institutions.

The budget pays for certain consumables, cermets and precious metals are excluded. If desired, a veteran can make an additional payment for the replacement of consumables. The benefit for the manufacture and installation of prostheses is granted once every five years.


Veterans of military service in the Russian capital are allowed to use all types of public transport for free, except for minibuses and taxis.

The number of trips is not limited. You can ride commuter trains for free. When a veteran is given a preferential voucher to a sanatorium, he can travel free of charge by rail to the place of rest and back.

Registration procedure

The issue of awarding veteran ranks to former servicemen is decided by the Moscow Region and other federal departments.

The applicant needs to contact the department for work with personnel or the pension at the place of service. From there, the submitted documents are transferred to the Ministry of Defense or another department for their intended purpose within three weeks.

The assignment procedure is determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 501 of 05/19/1995. Federal authorities have one month to consider. After the applicant is awarded a certificate or receives a message about the refusal indicating the reasons.

What documents are required

For a report with a request to consider the issue of veteran status, you need to prepare:

  • a copy of the civil passport;
  • a copy of the service certificate;
  • order books;
  • certificates for medals;
  • certificate of conferment of an honorary title;
  • certificates of awarding departmental awards;
  • an extract from a personal file confirming the length of service;
  • medical reports confirming the disability group, as well as the circumstances of its receipt.

Reasons for rejection

They can refuse to process documents only if the law 5-FZ "On Veterans" is violated.

For example, a detailed study of an extract from a personal file will reveal periods of service that have not been properly confirmed. It is possible that some documents will raise doubts among the inspectors and additional confirmations will be needed.

A veteran of military service in Moscow who already has a certificate may be denied benefits on the grounds that he has not reached the age that gives the right to an old-age insurance pension.

In law No. 70 Art. 6, paragraph 2, this is a prerequisite. A citizen can get all the rights to the title of a veteran of military service and issue a certificate long before the age of 60 (for women 55 years old). Benefits will become available only upon reaching retirement age.