Advantages when enrolling in kindergarten. Benefits for priority admission of a child to kindergarten

Benefits for paying for kindergarten

Benefits for kindergarten fees in each region of the Russian Federation are established by local authorities. In Moscow, such benefits are valid on the basis of a resolution Government of Moscow dated January 31, 2006 N 62-PP. Today we are publishing the full text of the document so that parents can familiarize themselves with its contents.

Excerpt from the position:

Benefits for paying for kindergarten in Moscowuse:

  • In the amount of 25 percent of the monthly fee for child support - for families with two children attending kindergarten.
  • In the amount of 50 percent of the monthly fee for kindergarten:

- families with three or more minor children;

- single parents (legal representatives), incl. widows and divorced people;

- guardians;

- mothers of children whose paternity is established by mutual consent of the parents or by a court decision, who are not married to the child’s father and do not live with him;

- citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;

- teaching staff of state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations that have state accreditation;

- families in which a parent (legal representative) holds a teaching or other position in a state educational institution of the Moscow Department of Education system that implements general education programs for preschool education, a preschool educational institution of the Moscow Department of Health or a preschool educational institution of the Moscow Department of Social Protection .

  • In the amount of 75 percent of the monthly fee for child support - for families, conscripts (except officers).

From fees for keeping children in kindergarten

  • Families in which one or both parents are disabled 1 and 2 groups.
  • Families with 10 or more minor children.
  • Families with a disabled child under 18 years of age.
  • Families of military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died during performance of official duties.
  • Students of primary, secondary and higher institutions professional education, if both parents (legal representative) receive full-time education.
  • Parents (legal representatives) for keeping children in groups short-term stay “Special child”, in state educational institutions “compensatory kindergarten” and “children “combined garden”, state educational institutions “primary school - compensatory kindergarten” for:


- children with severe speech impairments attending preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Health.

Benefits for paying for children in kindergarten is provided annually on the basis of an application from parents (legal representatives) and documents confirming the family’s right to the benefit. If a family has the right to apply for several benefits, one benefit is subject to application at the choice of the parents (legal representatives).

Full text of the document:

On the Regulations on the procedure for determining the fee charged to parents (legal representatives) for the maintenance of children in public education, preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Health and preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Social Protection.

In order to create conditions for the implementation of new approaches to
formation of a developmental environment, improvement of educational,
developmental and health services provided to children in accordance with
content of educational programs, expanding the range of dishes for
organizing children's meals in state educational institutions
systems of the Moscow Department of Education, implementing

social protection of the population of the city of Moscow Moscow Government
1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for determining the fee charged to
parents (legal representatives), for keeping children in state
educational institutions of the city Department of Education system

2. Enact the Regulations on the procedure for determining fees,
collected from parents (legal representatives) for keeping children in
state educational institutions of the Department system
education of the city of Moscow, implementing general education programs
preschool education, preschool educational institutions of the system
Moscow Department of Health and Preschool Education
institutions of the city Department of Social Protection system
Moscow (item 1) from April 1, 2006
3. The order of the Moscow Government dated 10
December 2001 N 458-RP “On payment for the maintenance of children in preschool
educational institutions."
4. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to
First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government Shvetsov L.I.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

to the resolution of the Moscow Government
dated January 31, 2006 N 62-PP

On the procedure for determining the fee collected from parents (legal
representatives), for the maintenance of children in public education
telnyh institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow
you, implementing general education programs of preschool education
vaniya, preschool educational institutions of the Department system
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
details of the system of the Department of Social Protection of the City Population

This Regulation on the procedure for determining the fee charged to
parents (legal representatives), for keeping children in state
educational institutions of the city Department of Education system
Moscow, implementing general education programs for preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the Department system
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
system of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (hereinafter -
Regulations) were developed in order to create conditions for the implementation of new
approaches to creating a development environment, improving
educational, developmental and health services provided to children in
in accordance with the content of educational programs, expansion
assortment of dishes for organizing children's meals and regulating relationships
between parents (legal representatives) and government officials
educational institutions of the city Department of Education system
Moscow, implementing general education programs for preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the system
Department of Health of the city of Moscow and preschool educational
institutions of the system of the Department of Social Protection of the City Population
1. The amount of the monthly fee for the maintenance of children in state
educational institutions of the city Department of Education system
Moscow, implementing general education programs for preschool
education, is set at 50 to 110 percent of
minimum wage approved by Federal Law dated
June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ “On the minimum wage”:

1.1. In the amount of 50 percent of the minimum wage - in
short-stay groups (except for the “Special” groups
1.2. In the amount of 70 percent of the minimum wage - in
state educational institutions “kindergarten” and “kindergarten”
combined type” (except for groups of compensating type).
1.3. In the amount of 90 percent of the minimum wage - in
state educational institutions “general developmental kindergarten
type”, “kindergarten care and health improvement”, “kindergarten
compensatory type” and “kindergarten with ethnocultural (national)
component of education”; in groups of compensating type of state
educational institutions “combined kindergarten”; V
preschool groups of state educational institutions “primary
school-kindergarten”, “primary school-kindergarten of compensatory type” and
"comprehensive school".
1.4. In the amount of 90 percent of the minimum wage - in
state educational institutions (groups) implementing
general education programs of preschool education, with 14- and 24-hour
stay of children.
1.5. In the amount of 110 percent of the minimum wage -
in state educational institutions “child development center -
kindergarten"; preschool groups of state educational
institutions “progymnasium” and “education center”.
2. The amount of the monthly fee for maintaining children in preschool
educational institutions of the city Health Department system
Moscow and preschool educational institutions of the Department system
social protection of the population of the city of Moscow is set at 50
percent of the minimum wage approved by the Federal
Law of June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ “On the minimum wage”.
3. Benefits for paying for the maintenance of children in state
educational institutions of the city Department of Education system

Moscow, implementing general education programs for preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the Department system
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
systems of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow
established for the following categories of families and parents (legal

3.1. In the amount of 25 percent of the monthly fee for
child support - for families with two children attending
educational institutions implementing general education programs
preschool education.
3.2. In the amount of 50 percent of the monthly fee for
child support:
- families with three or more minor children;
- single parents (legal representatives), incl. widows and
- guardians;
- mothers of children whose paternity is established by mutual consent
parents or by court decision, who is not married to the child’s father and is not
living with him;
- citizens exposed to radiation due to
Chernobyl disaster;
- teaching staff of state educational institutions
institutions and non-state educational organizations that have
state accreditation;

- families in which the parent (legal representative) occupies
pedagogical or other position in public educational
institution of the Moscow Department of Education system, implementing
general educational programs of preschool education, preschool
educational institution of the city Health Department system
Moscow or preschool educational institution of the Department system
social protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

3.3. In the amount of 75 percent of the monthly fee for
child support - for families, conscripts (except

4. From fees for the maintenance of children in state educational
institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system,
general education programs of preschool education, preschool
educational institutions of the city Health Department system
Moscow and preschool educational institutions of the Department system
social protection of the population of Moscow 100% exempt:
4.1. Families in which one or both parents are disabled 1 and
2 groups.
4.2. Families with 10 or more minor children.
4.3. Families with a disabled child under 18 years of age.
4.4. Families of military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died during
performance of official duties.
4.5. Students of primary, secondary and higher institutions
professional education, if both parents (legal
representative) receive full-time education.
4.6. Parents (legal representatives) for keeping children in groups
short-term stay “Special child”, in state
educational institutions “compensatory kindergarten” and “children
“combined garden”, state educational institutions
“primary school - compensatory kindergarten” for:

-deaf and hard of hearing children;
- blind and visually impaired children;
- children with intellectual disabilities;
- children with tuberculosis intoxication;
- children with severe speech impairments attending preschool
educational institutions of the city Health Department system

5. Benefits for paying for the maintenance of children in state
educational institutions of the city Department of Education system
implementing general education programs for preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the Department system
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
systems of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow
provided annually on the basis of an application from parents (legal
representatives) and documents confirming the family’s right to

Parents (legal representatives) have the right to refuse to use
established benefits. Educational institution implementing
general educational programs of preschool education, has the right to produce
checking the grounds referred to by the parent (legal
representative) to receive benefits for child support
If a family has the right to apply for several benefits
one benefit is subject to the choice of parents (legal representatives).

6. Payment for child support is made according to the actual amount
days of his stay in a state educational institution of the system
Department of Education of the city of Moscow, implementing general education
preschool education programs, preschool educational institution
system of the Moscow City Health Department and preschool
educational institution of the Department of Social Protection system
population of the city of Moscow.

7. Funds received from parents (legal representatives) for
child support are credited to the personal account of the state
educational institution of the city Department of Education system
Moscow, implementing general education programs for preschool
education, preschool educational institution of the Department system
Moscow city health care and preschool educational institution
systems of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow for accounting
transactions with funds received from business and other
income-generating activities, and are spent according to the approved
head of estimates for:
- development of educational institution and improvement
educational process;
- improving living conditions for children;
- wages and social support for employees of the institution.

8. The amount of funds allocated from the Moscow city budget for maintenance
educational institutions implementing general education programs
preschool education cannot be reduced by the amount of funds
received from parents (legal representatives) for keeping children in
educational institutions implementing general education programs
preschool education.

9. Paragraphs 1-4 of these Regulations apply to parents
(legal representatives) who are citizens of the Russian Federation
Federation and are registered in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

10. Payment for the maintenance of children of citizens of foreign countries and
CIS countries is paid in the amount of the full cost of child support
in this institution.

Enrollment of a child who has reached the appropriate age in kindergarten begins with the registration of a voucher at the district education department upon application. In many regions it is now possible to enroll a child in kindergarten using an electronic queue.

Federal legislative acts provide benefits relating to the activities of preschool educational institutions (DOU). These are benefits that give the right to enroll in kindergartens outside the general queue and benefits after enrollment in a kindergarten.

Benefits for parents of children already enrolled in kindergarten

These benefits mainly apply to payment for maintenance in kindergartens. There is a list of beneficiaries who have the opportunity not to fully pay for the maintenance of their child in kindergarten:

  1. Among the beneficiaries at the federal level who do not pay for maintenance (100% benefit): parents of children with disabilities and health restrictions; children who have been diagnosed with tuberculosis intoxication;
  2. Among the beneficiaries at the federal level who pay half of the payment for maintenance are: parents of three or more children (minors). Please note that this benefit cannot apply to additional services;
  3. In addition, parents receive compensation for maintenance in kindergartens: for the first child - in the amount of 20% of the cost for kindergarten, 50% for the second and 70% for the third child;
  4. Citizens who have status and are parents (guardians, trustees), grandparents, receive monetary compensation every month to pay for their child’s meals in kindergarten.

Benefits when registering for kindergarten give parents the following advantages:

  1. The following categories of the population enjoy the right outside the regular enrollment in kindergartens in the Russian Federation:
  • . The commission on guardianship and trusteeship issues decides whether to assign the child orphan status. An extract of this decision must be provided to the kindergarten to enroll the child without waiting in line. This extract has no limitations in validity;
  • Children of orphan parents are also enrolled out of turn upon provision of the same extract. This category also includes parents who lost one or two parents before reaching adulthood. They also register their children in kindergartens without a waiting list;
  • Children left without parents due to various circumstances;
  • Children living in a foster family have either been adopted or taken into custody;
  • Children who found themselves in the Chernobyl disaster zone, and as a result were exposed to radioactive radiation, are registered in the kindergarten with a certificate that confirms their status as migrants from mandatory resettlement zones;
  • Children who have confirmation of the death of a parent due to the Chernobyl accident, radiation sickness they suffered, or another illness caused by the Chernobyl accident;
  • Children whose parents have a certificate of a disabled person who participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident. All these documents are of an indefinite nature;
  • Children of judges. In this case, parents provide a certificate from their place of work, which is valid for 3 months;
  • Children from a dysfunctional family registered with the department for minors. The same commission sends them to the children's institution.
  1. The right of first priority may be used by:
  • Family members of police officers. Families who have lost their breadwinner while on duty. Families of police officers who are unable to continue serving due to injuries and injuries. Children from these families are enrolled in kindergartens on the basis of a certificate provided or from the place of work of their parents or a certificate from the social security departments about the loss of a breadwinner, disability, and so on;
  • Large families. In Russia, families with three or more children are considered such. Children from such families are enrolled in kindergartens upon presentation of a certificate of family composition, birth certificates of children, and it is possible to provide a document confirming the status of a large family. These documents do not have a limited validity period;
  • Military personnel, conscripts, contract soldiers. Their children are enrolled in a child care institution after providing a certificate from the district military registration and enlistment office or from a military unit. This certificate is valid for three months;
  • Disabled people. Their children are enrolled with a certificate of disability from their parents.
  1. After enrollment of priority beneficiaries, children are enrolled in priority order. Among these are the following citizens:
  • Single mothers. Their children are registered in a child care institution after providing the child’s birth certificate with an empty paternity column; in this case, it is possible to provide a certificate from the registry office about making a record of paternity with an oral instruction from the mother;
  • Teachers, employees of other state preschool educational institutions. Parents must provide a certificate from their place of employment valid for three months;
  • Children whose siblings already go to a specific kindergarten. Condition: the registered child must not require a corrective approach due to health reasons. They are issued upon presentation of a birth certificate, written confirmation from the kindergarten about the visit of the child’s brothers (sisters) to the institution.

At the regional level, the list of beneficiaries for priority receipt of vouchers changes and is supplemented by other categories of citizens. You can find out about this from the relevant institutions (social protection departments, kindergarten administrations, education departments).

In recent years, Russia has seen an increase in the birth rate. In some regions of the country there is a catastrophic shortage of preschool educational institutions. There is also a staffing problem in such institutions. All these difficulties lead to queues forming, and parents are forced to enroll their child in kindergarten several years in advance.

For a long time, discounts for kindergarten in 2019 were a real opportunity to get into a preschool institution, bypassing the waiting list and significantly reducing fees for services provided. But recently, among such benefit parents who want to enroll their child, there has also been a waiting list, and in some regions it is quite large. Therefore, families whose children, even by law, are entitled to preferential places in a preschool institution, are often forced to enroll their children almost immediately after birth.

Benefits on the waiting list when entering kindergarten in 2019

Certain benefits that are provided to individuals are called benefits. Depending on who exactly assigns and, if necessary, subsidizes such privileges for certain segments of the population, the following levels are distinguished:

  • state;
  • regional:
  • urban.

The former are considered a guarantee of the state, and their effect extends throughout Russia. The rest can be accepted or liquidated by local authorities and administrations in accordance with their powers.

If we talk about benefits for entering kindergarten in 2019, they can be divided into two components. Certain benefits are provided:

  • when forming groups;
  • in the maintenance and education of children in preschool educational institutions.

Benefits for entering kindergarten in 2019 are taken into account at the registration stage. Enrolling a child in a preschool institution is an orderly process, which is complicated by the realities of Russian life, namely the lack of places. If we talk about the legislative framework, the admission of children to a preschool institution is regulated by paragraphs. 25 and 26 of the Regulations on preschool education, which was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2562 in 2011. In accordance with this document, “the procedure for staffing a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is enshrined in the charter.” This means that the administration of the institution has the right to make its own adjustments regarding the admission of children. But she can only do this according to the letter of the law. In addition, such provisions must be reflected in the kindergarten charter in the “Educational process” part. Age restrictions for admission range from 2 months to seven years of age. The charter also determines the number of groups and children in them, which largely depends on the sanitary requirements, conditions and opportunities that exist in the kindergarten, the funding budget of the preschool educational institution, as well as the direction of its work with children.

Recruitment is carried out in the presence of a doctor’s report, as well as parents’ identification documents. In order to receive benefits for first admission to kindergarten in 2019, you must also provide relevant certificates that confirm the family’s status.

Based on the rights of children, all these subtleties are included in the charter in advance and should be made public through the media and the Internet, which allows the interested person to quickly find the necessary information.

Benefits when paying for kindergarten for low-income and large families in 2019

This concept means full or partial subsidization by the state of services provided in a preschool institution (payment for the maintenance of a preschool educational institution, nutrition, development, etc.). Benefits for paying for kindergarten in 2019 are also divided into state benefits, valid throughout the country, and city benefits, established in a certain region and accepted by local authorities.

Federal benefits are regulated in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, namely clause 2 of Art. 52.1 and clause 1 of Art. 52.2 “On education” (, as well as Art. 25 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster” (

The following segments of the population can take advantage of the right to reduce the amount of payment for child support in a preschool educational institution:

  1. Parents who are legal adoptive parents, and the family has at least 3 children under age.
  2. Natural parents with a disabled child.

Benefits for children from low-income families in kindergarten in 2019 are fully subsidized by the state, but on the condition that this status is confirmed by the social protection authorities of the region.

These privileges apply only to the child’s allowance, but do not apply to additional services that may be provided by the preschool educational institution (everything that is not included in the general education program).

For the following groups of citizens there is a 50% reduction in payment for keeping a child in a kindergarten group:

  • large families;
  • liquidators and participants of the Chernobyl accident;
  • disabled people of groups 2, 3;
  • contract soldiers.

Who has benefits when enrolling children in kindergarten in 2019?

Beneficiaries who can enroll their children in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Beneficiaries can be divided into categories according to the order of admission:

  • first-priority and non-priority;
  • beneficiaries who have preferential rights.

But, as a rule, the acceptance of these categories is dictated by the administration of the institution. In most cases, beneficiaries are enrolled alternating with candidates from the main queue, which allows the rights of all applicants to be respected.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, there are categories of parents who have benefits when enrolling their children in kindergarten in 2019. These are the so-called out-of-turn - mothers or fathers who are:

  1. Persons recognized as victims of the Chernobyl accident. This is confirmed by a certificate of assignment of a disability group received as a result of an incident at the station, or a certificate of evacuation from the zone.
  2. Orphans between the ages of 18 and 23, if they have a child under their care. Confirmation of this status will be a corresponding extract from the guardianship authorities.
  3. Families recognized as dysfunctional, as confirmed by the Commission on Minors' Affairs.
  4. Judges and prosecutors who just need to present a certificate of employment.

Foster parents raising orphans also fall into the group of those whose children are entitled to benefits for enrollment in kindergarten in 2019.

Please note that the above beneficiaries are protected by law. Therefore, preschool institutions must provide adequate places. But preschool educational institutions of a non-state type may be refused or put in a queue along with other preferential categories.

If your child is not accepted into kindergarten, although you fall into one of the above-mentioned groups of out-of-turn students, this decision can be easily challenged. Unfortunately, such violations, when, without respecting the order, children from single-parent families are recruited, kindergarten workers, and not those designated by law, occur quite often.

Cancellation of benefits for those outside the waiting list for admission to kindergarten in 2018

Just a few years ago, quite a few categories of families were considered out of turn. Today, many of them have been moved to the ranks of first priority. This cancellation of benefits for entering kindergarten in 2019 continues to apply. The priority group includes children:

  • from families with the status of large families;
  • whose mothers or fathers are current or former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who received injuries or disabilities while performing their duties;
  • whose parents are in contract service;
  • disabled people.

All these social statuses must be documented. For example, contract workers are provided with a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, disabled people - a certificate from MSEC, large families - a certificate of status assignment. Please note that in order to enroll children from large families on benefits in kindergarten in 2019, it may be necessary to provide birth certificates for all young family members.

Benefits for children of single mothers and preschool teachers for enrollment in kindergarten in 2019

  • single mothers;
  • preschool employees;
  • families whose children already attend this institution.

Benefits for children of single mothers for enrollment in kindergarten in 2019 are provided upon presentation of a child’s birth document that does not indicate the father. This will be quite enough. But families whose children already attend preschool educational institutions may be refused if the child requires a special preschool educational institution. Benefits for kindergarten employees in 2019 are provided based on a certificate from their place of employment.

Additionally, we note that benefits for kindergarten teachers in 2019 for the maintenance of their children can be given at the local level. This often happens when budget funds are available in the region. In order to find out whether kindergarten employees are entitled to benefits in 2019 in your city, contact the preschool administration or representatives of city authorities with a question.

Benefits for kindergarten provide legally regulated privileges for registration and admission to a preschool educational institution.

Categories of beneficiaries

Kindergarten beneficiaries mean children who, due to disability, professional, official, service affiliation of their parents, or for other reasons, have the right to apply for first or priority admission to kindergarten. Benefits for kindergarten in 2019 are regulated by Art. 55, 65 Federal Law-273 “On education in the Russian Federation”.

When registering for kindergarten, the following categories of beneficiaries are distinguished:

  • having the right to priority admission to preschool institutions;
  • priority admission;
  • preferential admission to preschool institutions.

Persons interested in this data have the right to request detailed information, consultation and reference information from the territorial divisions of the social protection authorities.

Important! The exact list of beneficiaries is approved at the federal level, but constituent entities of the Russian Federation may have their own preferential positions for admitting children to kindergarten. Download for viewing and printing:

Payment benefits

In addition to benefits for admission to kindergarten in 2019, there are still benefits for payment. They are provided to some citizens in the form of compensation for part or all of the costs of maintaining a child in a preschool institution.

The fee for a child in kindergarten is reduced by half if his legal representatives belong to the following categories of persons:

  • disabled people of categories 1-2;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • conscripts;
  • employees of kindergartens themselves;
  • parents with many children (with 3 or more children).

Parents whose children are officially recognized are 100% exempt from the costs of maintaining children in preschool educational institutions:

  • living in low-income families;
  • tuberculosis infected;
  • those left without parental care;
  • orphans;
  • disabled people.
Download for viewing and printing:

Some aspects of providing benefits in kindergartens

The benefits listed above are provided by law only for state or municipal budgetary institutions. Private (commercial, home) kindergartens are mostly self-sufficient through parental contributions. Therefore, state-established priority or any other preferential enrollment is not practiced there.

Important! However, this does not mean that such institutions cannot independently establish lists or priorities for admission to kindergarten in their rules, charters and other local acts.

Registration and admission to kindergarten (including) occurs after parents provide all the necessary documents, including confirming the rights of the beneficiary.

Applicants should carefully study the current legislation on the provision of benefits. Since the legal system is constantly changing, constant adjustments, editions, and amendments are made. Currently, displaced persons, refugees, mothers studying, and families of students are excluded from the list of beneficiaries.

Required documents to receive benefits

When submitting the documentation collected from the list (common for all applicants), those wishing to enroll their children in kindergarten must certainly attach documents confirming their rights as beneficiaries. In the absence of such, the regional commission for staffing preschool institutions will consider the application without taking into account any privileges.

Documents confirming the rights of beneficiaries include:

  • acts of guardianship authorities (for benefits assigned to orphans, children from low-income families, raised in dysfunctional, single-parent, large families, single mothers);
  • certificate of resettlement from exclusion zones (for Chernobyl victims);
  • a certificate of the place of work/position of the parents or one of them (for benefits related to the service of parents in law enforcement agencies: courts, prosecutor's office, investigative committee, police);
  • certificate of a large family (issued by territorial divisions of social protection authorities);
  • certificate from the commissariat or military unit at the place of service;
  • certificate of medical examination about the disability of the child and/or parents.
Important! Parents should also know that they have the right to pay the kindergarten for the maintenance of the baby using maternity capital. To do this, you need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund. Download for viewing and printing:

Is compensation due for failure to enroll in a kindergarten?

Problems with enrolling children in preschool educational institutions that are pressing for all Russians are forcing mothers to extend their maternity leave indefinitely. This situation is completely contrary to Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that education in Russia is publicly accessible.

Currently, such compensation exists, but only at the regional level in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For example, in Perm, for a child who is not enrolled in a kindergarten, they pay about 6 thousand rubles per month from 1.5 to 3 years, from 3 to 6 years - about 4.5 thousand rubles. In Samara, the amount of compensation depends on the number of children. The first one gets 1 thousand rubles, the second one gets 1.5 thousand rubles. On the 3rd, 4th - even more. Download for viewing and printing:

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

June 27, 2017, 10:32 March 3, 2019 13:47

Considering the acute shortage of preschool educational institutions and people willing to work in them in Russia, benefits for kindergarten in 2019 are the most realistic way to send your child to kindergarten on time and avoid extortionate payments for the provision of services. The scale of the disaster is enormous: among those people who have benefits for kindergarten, an impressive queue is formed, which they strive to occupy immediately after the birth of the baby.

Who can enter kindergarten without waiting in line?

  • Orphans who are in the age range of 18-23 years, and persons raised by one parent (at the same age). This basis is confirmed by an extract from the guardianship authorities.
  • Citizens affected by the Chernobyl accident. To confirm this basis, a certificate of evacuation from places of exclusion, a certificate of disability caused by exposure to radiation, and other documents can be used.
  • Dysfunctional families. To qualify for the privilege, parents must receive a referral from the juvenile affairs commission.
  • Judges and prosecutors. To obtain the privilege, a certificate from your place of employment is sufficient.

Also, orphans and children raised by foster parents are admitted to preschool educational institutions out of turn.

Who's first in line?

The following have the right of first priority:

  • Police officers, former police officers who were unable to continue serving due to injuries sustained on the job, and families of police officers who died in the line of duty. You will need a certificate from the social security authorities.
  • "Contractors." Children of contract employees are enrolled in kindergarten after their parents provide a certificate from the military commissariat. It is important to remember the date: the certificate is valid for only 3 months.
  • Disabled people and parents of disabled children. The basis is confirmed by a certificate from the bureau of medical and social examination.
  • Large families (more than 3 offspring). Documents confirming the right to the privilege are birth certificates of all children and a certificate of a large family.

Preemptive right holders

After the children of holders of extraordinary and priority rights of admission are distributed, a new queue of beneficiaries is formed. The holders of priority rights include:

  • Single mothers– they just need to show a birth certificate with an empty “Father” column.
  • Teachers and employees of state preschool educational institutions. Preferential rights are granted based on a certificate from the place of employment.
  • Parents whose child already goes to this kindergarten. There is a condition: children enrolled under such a benefit should not require a corrective approach.

The listed benefits for admission to kindergarten are established at the federal level, however, there are also regional benefits for kindergarten - students, internally displaced persons, and military veterans can apply for them. The full list of preferential categories of citizens must be clarified at the territorial branch of the social protection authorities.

Are there payment benefits?

The state bears the full cost of maintaining kindergartens:

  • Children diagnosed with tuberculosis intoxication.
  • Orphans and disabled children.
  • Children raised in a low-income family (as proven by social protection authorities).

The following citizens receive a 50% discount on kindergarten fees:

  • Parents with many children.
  • Disabled people of the first or second groups.
  • Participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.
  • Persons serving under contract.

Is compensation paid for “not getting into kindergarten”?

Problems with placing a baby in a preschool educational institution force mothers to “stay too long” on maternity leave. This situation contradicts Article 43 of the Constitution, which states that education should be publicly accessible.

Compensation for the inability to send a child to kindergarten exists only at the regional level and not everywhere. For example, in Perm, for a child from 1.5 to 3 years old they pay about 6 thousand rubles per month, from 3 to 6 years old it is much less - about 4.5 thousand rubles. And in Samara, the amount of compensation depends on the order of the child: the payment for the first is 1 thousand rubles, for the second – 1.5 thousand rubles, and so on.

Of course, these payments cannot cover the financial damage of a family, one of whose members is forced to stay at home with a child. The current situation in the country practically deprives citizens of the opportunity to enroll their children in kindergarten in 2019 without benefits. Therefore, it is not surprising that Russian families strive to limit the number of children to a maximum of two - there can be no talk of any increase in the size and rejuvenation of the population of Russia with such an education system.