Reimbursement from the parental fee for kindergarten. How to get a refund for attending kindergarten

Theoretically, the monthly fee for a child attending a kindergarten in Russia starts at about 1,000 rubles. But in reality, this figure is significantly different upwards, and even in those gardens that are controlled by the municipal authorities. Often the above amount (minimum amount) is exceeded several times.

It is logical that for families with a small total monthly income, it is very difficult to pay for the services of a preschool educational institution (DOE). This is especially true for families with several children of preschool age growing up at once. In order to support such families, regional authorities in settlements provide parents with material assistance in the form of compensation for payment for kindergarten services.

Regional monetary compensations partially solve the problem of paying for the child's stay in a preschool educational institution. So, for example, in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, if three children from one family go to kindergarten at once, then the parents of the kids are completely exempted from paying for their maintenance in the preschool educational institution.

Another very urgent problem today is the lack of places in municipal and state kindergartens. This is especially felt in nursery groups for children aged one and a half to three years. It should be noted that basically all kindergartens accept children from 3 to 7 years old, while the need for nursery groups remains without due attention. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as of mid-2015, it was not possible to provide the following number of children with places in state and municipal preschool institutions:

    up to three years - more than 430 thousand children;

    from three to seven years - 244 thousand children.

The bill, which has been submitted to the State Duma more than once, included a provision on the need to introduce compensation for the impossibility of providing a place for a child in a preschool educational institution. However, until now such assistance has not been provided at the federal level, and the problem is becoming simply catastrophic.

Kindergarten payment reimbursement

According to the current norms of federal law, any family that has placed their child in a preschool educational institution has the legal right to receive a refund of part of the monthly payment for the child's visits to this institution.

Formation of the price for visiting a preschool educational institution

The amount of the monthly fee for a child in kindergarten changes annually. It is established by local authorities and directly depends on the category of kindergarten, the age of the child, the number of children in the family, as well as on a number of other factors.

Law regulating the issue of compensation for payments for a child for kindergarten

This norm is regulated by Federal Law No. 273-F3 of December 29, 2012, according to which the minimum amount of compensation that parents can count on is:

  • 20% (of the deposited amount) for the first child;
  • 50% for the second child;
  • 70% for the third and all subsequent children.

State-reimbursed funds are transferred to the bank account of the parent who pays for the child. Compensation is transferred to the account monthly until a certain date, which is established by regional law. In other words, in order to receive financial compensation from the state, you must first pay for the child's visits to the preschool educational institution (and the amount must be paid in full).

The amount of compensation due to the family is proportional to the following factors:

  • the number of children in the family under the age of 18 or under 23 (in the latter case, if the child is studying full-time at an educational institution);
  • the cost of services of a preschool educational institution;
  • from the established amounts of federal and regional benefits.

Application for compensation for paying for the child's stay in preschool

A parent or guardian who has an agreement to attend preschool must apply for a refund. Usually this application is filled out on a special form, which is issued directly at the preschool institution.

The standard statement contains the following information:

  1. the name and number of the preschool in which the applicant's child is staying;
  2. Full name, as well as the place of residence of the parent-applicant;
  3. the very content of the application with a request for partial compensation of the child's fee;
  4. list of attached documents;
  5. a written obligation to report all changes that have occurred, which in one way or another may affect the amount of compensation.

Along with the completed application, the parent must submit the following documents:

  • passport (other relevant ID);
  • birth certificate of the child (children);
  • bank details for transferring funds (compensation).

Calculation of the amount of compensation for a child in kindergarten

As an example, let's take a family living in Petrozavodsk. This family has two children aged 3.5 and 5 years. The family pays 3,410 rubles a month for every child attending a kindergarten. The monthly compensation from the state will be:

  • for the first child 682 rubles (20%);
  • for the second child 1705 rubles (50%).

Thus, on a monthly basis, the state will compensate this family for 2,387 rubles (1,705 + 682) out of the 6,820 rubles that the family is obliged to pay.

Compensation for the lack of a place for a child in a kindergarten

As mentioned earlier, the law on education in the Russian Federation provides for the right of citizens to free children in a preschool educational institution. However, in reality, the actual number of places in preschool educational institutions does not correspond to the number of children who need to be admitted to kindergartens. What should parents do when they have to come out of maternity leave and at the same time they have no one to leave their child with, and there are simply no free places in the nearest kindergartens? This question is still open. A few years ago, they tried to solve this problem by amending the relevant federal law, but as a result, these innovations were never adopted.

Regional compensation for lack of places in kindergartens

Some subjects of the Russian Federation make compensation payments to those families in which children do not go to preschool educational institutions due to lack of vacant places. The amount of monthly payments is not unified, it directly depends on the possibilities of the regional budget. In most regions, compensations are paid to families with children from 1.5 to 6 years old. It should be noted that there is no official list of regions where this compensation is paid. You can find out about the existence of such a regional program only in the local social security authorities.

To receive such compensation, you must write an appropriate application, as well as provide certain documents to the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of residence. Depending on the region, the list may vary slightly, but often it is presented in this form:

  • passport of the parent-applicant;
  • certificate of marital status (marriage or divorce) of the parents;
  • bank details for receiving compensation;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • a certificate from the kindergarten about the placement of the child in the queue and about the lack of places in the institution;
  • an order from the place of work on the provision of maternity leave for the mother;
  • medical policies for mother and child;
  • certificate of complete family composition.

It is worth remembering that regional monetary compensations are exclusively the initiative of local authorities, since there is simply no binding federal law now.

Payment for child care services at the expense of maternity capital

For young parents, a norm is fixed at the federal level, according to which payment for childcare can be made at the expense of maternity capital. This norm is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this norm, maternity capital funds can be used in whole or in part to pay for services provided by educational institutions that have the appropriate state accreditation.

For such a disposal of funds, the certificate holder must submit an appropriate application to the PF authority at the place of residence, as well as an agreement (or a copy of it) with the preschool educational institution on the provision of educational services for the child by the latter. Money within two months by bank transfer is transferred to the account of the organization that will provide services.

Reimbursement of funds for paying for a private kindergarten

In many regions, the authorities provide compensation for kindergarten if the child goes not to the state, but to a private kindergarten. However, the main problem of such reimbursement is that educational services in such institutions are more expensive than in state preschools. Therefore, the regional budget is not always able to pay even 20% compensation for the maintenance of one child. That is why local authorities try to tie the amount of compensation to the average cost of visiting a state preschool educational institution in a given region.

It should be noted that reimbursement of expenses associated with visiting specialized (artistic, musical, sports, etc.) educational organizations is not compensated by the state. Reimbursement of funds is made only for attendance at educational institutions operating under the state official program and having special state accreditation.

In conclusion, we can say that the problem of the shortage of places in kindergartens has not yet been resolved. Moreover, there are a number of "inconsistencies" even in regulatory legal acts. The fact is that there is simply no federal program for paying compensation to those families who cannot arrange their child in a preschool educational institution. Only individual subjects of the Russian Federation were able to independently develop and implement local mechanisms for compensating funds from local budgets.

At the level of federal regulations, only compensation for the already actual payment for kindergarten services has been introduced. The amount of such compensation directly depends on the number of children in a single family and their age categories. Of course, such assistance partially relieves the financial burden on the family, but it is still insufficient if the parents have several children.

In certain regions, compensation is paid from the local budget to those families in which the child goes to a private kindergarten. However, this payment is too small compared to the cost of visiting such gardens. And besides, in order to receive compensation, a private kindergarten must have state accreditation, working according to a generally accepted state program.

Visiting a kindergarten in our time is a paid pleasure. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to pay for a child's attendance at a preschool educational institution, but this is a necessary measure, especially if both parents work. The government of the Russian Federation has introduced many measures designed to financially support young families.

Compensation for kindergarten is one such measure. It represents the return of a certain share of the money that parents spend on paying for kindergarten attendance. You can find out how the amount of payments is calculated and how to issue a refund in this article.

The amount of compensation for attending a preschool educational institution

The amount of the payment is not fixed by law. The fact is that the amount of money compensated by the state depends on:

  • the number of children in the family;
  • the cost of attending a particular kindergarten.

Therefore, the Russian government decided to establish the amount of payments as a percentage of the payment for the services of kindergarten teachers. Knowing this share, you can easily calculate the amount of material assistance that your family is entitled to.

As mentioned above, the amount of the allowance also depends on the number of children in the family.

  1. For the first child attending a preschool educational institution, the amount of money returned is 20% of the cost of kindergarten services. Thus, if you pay 1,000 rubles for the services of educators per month, then 200 should be returned to you.
  2. For the second kid who attends a preschool educational institution, compensation for kindergarten is due in the amount of half of the money you paid, that is, 50%. By analogy with the previous example, you should return 500 rubles out of 1,000 per month.
  3. For the third child, a refund of 70% of the amount paid is due.
  4. For the next guys, the share of returned funds is the same as for the third - 70%.

How to correctly calculate the amount of compensated money in 2019-2020?

When calculating the amount, only those days when the child actually visited the institution are taken into account. Thus, you could pay for a month of visiting the kindergarten, but for some reason your baby could not be there for several days. During these days, financial assistance is not required.

To calculate the amount of compensated funds, follow the algorithm below:

  1. Calculate the cost of one day's stay in a preschool. To do this, you need to divide the cost of the services of kindergarten teachers per month by the number of working days in this month.
  2. Multiply the daily cost by the number of days the child was actually in daycare.
  3. Divide the resulting number by 100 and multiply by the percentage that was indicated in the previous section of the article (for the first child - 20, for the second - 50, for the third and subsequent - 70 percent).

How is a claim for compensation made?

In order to be able to compensate for part of the money spent on kindergarten, the parent must collect a small package of documents (the list will be given below) and submit it to the manager of the preschool institution. From the moment you submit the documents, the recalculation of funds will begin, and part of your money will be returned to you.

According to the federal law "On Education", adopted back in 1992, a parent who paid for the maintenance of a child in a kindergarten has the right to receive back part of the money spent. Compensation of part of the parental fee for kindergarten in 2017, as in 2016 and 2015, is not subject to income tax. Previously, personal income tax in the amount of 13% was deducted from the amount of funds to be returned, as well as from all other income.

From January 1, 2018 (and in some regions and from 2017) compensation is not paid to everyone. we wrote in a separate article.

Otherwise, the legislation regarding partial compensation of parents' fees for kindergarten has not changed much. But despite this, many parents have questions about who is entitled to a refund of part of the parental fee, what is the amount of compensation, what needs to be done to receive it, and others. Let's try to clarify this topic.

Who is eligible to receive kindergarten fee compensation?

Compensation is received by the legal representative of the child who has concluded an agreement with the kindergarten and, in accordance with this agreement, pays for the maintenance of a child or several children in it. Most often this is one of the parents, less often - the guardian.

Payment can be denied to someone who lives in another region or who has not paid the parental fee.

The basis for calculating compensation is the application. If you haven't written it, don't expect money. Applications are usually submitted to the head of the kindergarten. There you can also specify the application form and a list of documents that are required to be attached to it.

What is the amount of the parental fee compensation in 2017?

The amount of compensation depends on two points. The first is the average amount of parental fees in kindergartens belonging to the municipal or state department in a particular region. The second point is the number of children in the family who attend kindergarten.

For the first child, compensation is 20 percent of the average parental payment in the region, for the second - 50 percent, for the third - as much as 70 percent. Which child is considered the first, which - the third or second, the parent decides when he submits the application: in what order he will indicate them, in that order they will be considered. Age does not matter.

On the Internet, you can find information that when calculating compensation, all children in the family who have not yet celebrated their majority are taken into account. This, alas, is not so. Only kids who attend any preschool are taken into account.

What is the parental fee?

The amount of the parental fee is calculated based on the cost of the institution for the maintenance of the child, care and supervision of him. In other words, the cost of maintaining the kindergarten building, the purchase of game equipment, and various types of repair work are not included in the parental fee. Parents also pay separately for educational services that are not mandatory, that is, they are not included in the state standard. For example, if someone wants his child to study foreign languages ​​and practice karate in kindergarten, he will have to pay for it completely out of his own pocket, not expecting to receive compensation for this.

Can those whose children go to a private kindergarten get a receipt?

Yes, they can, but only if the educational organization has the appropriate license. And it’s probably not worth sending children to a kindergarten that operates without a license.

It should be borne in mind that 20%, 50% or 70% will not be calculated from the amount that you paid for a private kindergarten, but from the average parental fee in municipal and state kindergartens in the region.

Are music or art school fees reimbursed?

No, after all, educational services that a child receives in institutions of additional education, sports schools and art schools are considered additional. There is no compensation for them. But they can be paid from.

What documents are needed and where to submit them?

The procedure for processing and receiving part of the parental fee in 2017 may vary in different regions. It is best to go to the website of the municipal or regional authority responsible for the operation of the preschool education system and look at the relevant document. They are required to post it in the public domain. There you will find a list of required documents.

Most likely, you will be required to have copies of the child’s birth certificate and your passport, and if you have different surnames with him, then a document explaining this fact (marriage certificate or its dissolution). You will also need a certificate of family composition and details of your account, where the money will be transferred. You may need other documents as well.

How long does it take to pay compensation?

Compensation begins to be paid from the 1st day of the month when the application was submitted, but, of course, not earlier than the child began attending a child care institution. If you applied too late, you are not required to pay parental fees for previous months, although some regions do. It is worth saying that in some regions a different amount of compensation for the first child has been established. After all, the 20% bar is the minimum, and the ceiling is set by the regional authorities themselves.

In any case, it is preferable not to delay the application for reimbursement of a part of the parental fee for kindergarten.

Elena Pronina

According to current regulations, families with children attending a preschool institution are entitled to receive monetary compensation in a certain percentage of the necessary payment for the services of the institution.

The mother, the father of the child, or another guardian who has entered into an agreement with the kindergarten and pays money for the child's stay in it, is entitled to claim the rights to compensation.

So for the first child, 20% is due, for the second already half, and for the third and all subsequent - all 70%. In addition to the above, there are some categories of citizens who are provided with 50% compensation for the first baby.

These include:

  • employees of the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • MDOU employees;
  • military conscripts;
  • disabled parents.

There is a separate procedure for compensation for children of military personnel. So for the first and second kids will be reimbursed 80%, for the next 90%.

According to Federal Law No. 388, the regions have the right to provide compensation based on the criteria of need, that is, to leave payments at their discretion only for low-income families or for large families.

Therefore, you need to find out specifically what you can get in the preschool that the child attends.

In any case, the mother or father is required to provide the territorial body of social protection of the population with a list of necessary documents and fill out the required application.

If the family has the right to a benefit (for example, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident), this must also be documented. Otherwise, the application will not be granted.

Governing Laws

The rights for families to receive compensation for the kindergarten are regulated by Federal Laws No. 273-FZ and No. 388-FZ, as well as No. 81-FZ.

The procedure for payments is enshrined in the Federal Law No. 76-FZ, also Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 555. Benefits for military families are enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 862.

These are the main legal acts. In addition, other support programs have been developed by the regions, but they do not operate in all areas.

How is the payout amount calculated?

The law on compensation applies to all citizens of the Russian Federation. But not all families will be able to claim reimbursement.

This is possible thanks to Law No. 388 FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Accounting and Improving the Provision of Social Support Measures Based on the Obligation to Comply with the Targeting Principle and Apply Need Criteria” dated 12/29/2015.

It allows regional authorities to set a threshold for payments at their discretion. In many regions of the Russian Federation, the main criterion is the minimum wage, on the basis of which family income is determined and criteria of need are established.

Important: in this case, in order to receive compensation, you must provide a certificate of family income for three calendar months.

The calculation takes into account the period actually spent by the son or daughter in the garden. If the baby went to the kindergarten for two weeks, then in two weeks they will reimburse the costs, even if the parents paid the full monthly fee. To receive compensation, you must collect and write.

The amount of compensation is calculated according to the following principle:

  1. The cost of one day of stay in the institution is calculated (the income of the educator is divided by the number of days of the month).
  2. The number of days actually spent by the child in the institution is multiplied by the cost of a one-day stay.
  3. After that, the resulting number is divided by one hundred and multiplied by a factor (20, 50, 70).

You can not divide by a hundred, but immediately multiply the result by 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7.

How much can you get?

Reimbursement for visiting the kindergarten depends on the number of children who go there and on the amount of the cost. There is no single rule here, each region sets the size separately.

Read more about the procedure for paying compensation in.

In addition to compensation for families who pay for kindergarten services, there is also compensation for non-attendance by a child of a preschool educational institution in case of a shortage of places there.

But such a program does not work in all cities. For Krasnoyarsk, this is 3,709 rubles. In Kirov it is already less - 2 thousand 500 rubles. Permians have the right to count on 5,295 rubles for the lack of gardens, the residents of Tomsk - 4,000, and the families of Samara - only one thousand rubles.

Compensation example

You can consider the accrual on the example of a particular family. There are three children in the Ivanov family: six years old, four years old and two years old. All three go to kindergarten, for which they have to pay the amount of 3,000 rubles a month for the maintenance of children in the garden for each offspring.

How much money can be received? Having collected the necessary documents, mother will receive 20% for the eldest- 600 rubles. For the average already one and a half thousand - this is half of the monthly cost. For the youngest 70%- it will be 2 thousand 100 rubles.

Putting it all together, it turns out 4 thousand 800 rubles. This will be the refund amount.

Useful video

You can watch the video below for more information:

So, it turns out that in many subjects of the Russian Federation, families with children have the right to receive compensation by providing the necessary documents. But the amount and criteria for receiving in different regions are different, so the specific amount of compensation must be found in the preschool that your baby attends.