Electronic register for kindergarten. How to check the queue for kindergarten by child's last name

Kindergarten is a place where children undergo the primary stage of socialization. This period is very important not only for babies, but also for their mothers and fathers, who after maternity leave can continue their labor activity. It is customary to enroll in preschool institutions immediately after the baby is born, but check the queue at kindergarten You can access Mosreg remotely at any time.

Residents of the Moscow region have the opportunity to receive a variety of government and municipal services remotely. To do this, you need to register on the website uslugi.mosreg.ru. Using the portal you can solve the following issues:

  1. Attachment to a clinic and registration of vouchers for an appointment with a selected medical specialist.
  2. Registration of children in preschool and school institutions (1st grade).
  3. Payment of receipts, taxes, fines, state duties, etc.
  4. Ordering and servicing transport cards.
  5. Obtaining licenses and hunting tickets.
  6. Submitting applications for free sanatorium and resort vouchers for privileged categories of citizens.
  7. Registration of special permits for vehicles and much more.

The process of registering a new user takes 1-2 minutes and includes entering some personal data (full name, phone number and/or email address).

Advice! If a resident of the Moscow region has an active account on the gosuslugi.ru portal, he can log in to “Mosreg” - “Services” and find out the queue for kindergarten without additional registration steps.

Checking the queue for kindergarten

The number of children who need a place in preschool institutions in the Moscow region is not decreasing. To understand why a particular child goes or does not go to kindergarten this year, you need to imagine a sequence formation scheme. Important have several factors:

  1. Year of birth. Regardless of what age the child was at the time of submitting an application to kindergarten, there are certain criteria for admission to kindergarten. preschool. For example, most organizations work with children aged 3 to 7 years. That is, regardless of the time of application, applicants will have to wait to achieve the right age son or daughter.
  2. The date the request for the service was generated. If the age or preferential information is the same, the first in line will be the child whose parents or other legal representatives have previously submitted an application to attend the kindergarten.
  3. Availability of benefits. If children or parents belong to a preferential category of citizens, they are given priority or priority enrollment in a preschool institution.

The right to preferential enrollment of children in kindergarten is following categories citizens:

  • military personnel;
  • police officers;
  • investigators;
  • prosecutors;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • large families;
  • disabled children;
  • children raised in a family where one or both parents have a disability group.

Important! Children living near a preschool institution have a priority right to admission to kindergarten among candidates with similar input data (age, availability of benefits, etc.).

The formation of the queue is carried out using automatic sorting as follows:

  • a selection of statements for children, suitable age category(age of candidates is calculated as of September 1 of the current year);
  • first in line are priority candidates, then first-priority ones, then the main stream (children without benefits);
  • sampling among each group according to the date of the request for admission to preschool educational institution;
  • the priority of the kindergarten for a particular applicant is taken into account (residence near a preschool educational institution).

How to check the queue at a preschool institution

You can check the queue for a kindergarten in the Moscow region on Mosreg.ru. This opportunity is provided to those citizens who filled out an application through the electronic queue. The algorithm of actions for a user who wants to clarify when his child should go to kindergarten is as follows:

  1. Log in to the official website of public services of the Moscow region.
  2. Go through authorization to gain access to your personal account.
  3. Select section " Preschool education and education”, then “Find out the queue”, click the “Find out” button.

The system will redirect the user to a page to obtain information about the queue for enrollment in the preschool educational institution. You will need to go through 3 stages:

  1. Agreement. The user must confirm the reliability and accuracy of the data specified in the application, as well as confirm their understanding of their responsibility for providing false information. In addition, a mandatory condition is to give consent to the use of personal data of the child and parent.
  2. Selecting a verification method. Users can carry out verification using their own SNILS number or the child’s, as well as using the baby’s personal data (series and number of the birth certificate).
  3. Queue status. After entering all the required data, the system will issue a queue number that is current at the current time.

At the birth of a child, parents rush to get in line at kindergarten, so that by the age of 2-3 years this line has come and they can begin to accustom the child to a new routine and place. The first visits to kindergarten will last 30 minutes, but within a month the baby should learn to stay there full time. Of course, these terms are extremely individual, since you cannot do without sick leave, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. In this article we will look at how to check the current queue for your kindergarten using the government services portal.

How to find out the queue for kindergarten through government services

For any type of service you will need. If you already have a username and password to log in, then log in to the site. Check if you have filled out all the data in your so as not to enter it manually each time. Go to the catalog of available services and find the "Education" category. There we are interested in the item “Registration for kindergarten”.

Select your region and a page will open in front of you on which the system will clarify what exactly you want to do:

  • register your child for kindergarten
  • cancel or change registration in kindergarten
  • check the current queue for kindergarten

As you understand, we are interested in the last point, so click on it. Now we are taken to a page on which there is a “Check Application” button on the right side of the screen. It is she who interests us.

In our case, the system reported that no applications were found, and you should see information about your position in the queue for kindergarten. In addition, this information will be sent to your email address, which you specified when registering in the system.

All young mothers and fathers are well aware that enrolling a child in a state kindergarten is not at all easy. There are many children, but there are a limited number of vacant places. And, despite the fact that people are accustomed to solving issues as they arise, it is necessary to take care of the kindergarten in advance. In this regard, practically in the first month of a child’s life, parents need to be puzzled by the issue of collecting documents for registration in a kindergarten, and in the future they should be able to check the queue for kindergarten through State Services.

What opportunities are there to register for kindergarten?

  1. Fill out an application on the State Services website and join the queue for kindergarten via the Internet;
  2. Also using the Internet on the website of your city administration;
  3. When visiting a branch of the Federal Migration Service in person, you have the opportunity to fill out and sign a real application in the presence of a service employee.

Important! Each application is assigned a number that must be saved, since this is what you will later use to check the queue for kindergarten.

Now there is an opportunity at any time free time track the queue to your kindergarten.

How can I check my place in the queue?

There are several options here:

How can I find out my current position in the queue for kindergarten through the State Services website?

To receive the necessary services on the State Services website, you must be registered on the portal. If you initially filled out an application through the portal, then all that remains is to log in to the site using the login and password that were specified during registration .

Accordingly, if you already have an account, then you can find out the kindergarten queue number using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account using your login (mobile and e-mail) and password.
  2. Select “Service Catalog” from the menu list.
  3. Inside, select the “Family and Children” subsection.
  4. In the “Family and Children” section, choose from the popular “Kindergarten Registration” services.
  5. Next - “Checking the status of the application.”
  6. Next, click on the blue “Check Application” button.

After the few minutes required to process the request, you will see information about the status of your application and find out the queue number for the kindergartens that you indicated when submitting your application.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Parents' applications are placed in lists relative to the submission date on which the preschooler was placed on the waiting list. This includes taking into account the age of the children. That is, children of the same age are placed in line in accordance with the date on which parents submitted applications for kindergarten. It's important to note that we're talking about about children who enter kindergartens without any benefits. Accordingly, the number in the queue also shows the number of children of a similar age who are also waiting for a place and will get it before you.

How are children distributed among kindergartens?

Children are automatically assigned to kindergartens. The database sorts applications based on the following information:

  • application system number;
  • in accordance with the category of the future visitor to the preschool institution: this can be a general or preferential category, it is also divided in accordance with the level of benefits and the date of application;
  • according to the age of the children: in groups, applications are arranged strictly by number and taking into account privileges;
  • regarding the selected gardens (if there are no places, the system will give priority to the nearby ones, and then to the more distant gardens).

Consequently, the system makes decisions about the selection of children different dates births in each kindergarten regarding benefits and places on the list.

As a rule, the distribution of children is carried out in the summer, usually in June, but you can also get a place in any quarter, since replenishment occurs if places become available.

It is worth noting that the queue may move, as some parents change their plans and do not send their children to kindergarten, choose paid institutions, decide to use the services of a nanny, or get a place in a kindergarten to which they do not want to send their children.

In accordance with the above, the lists are adjusted and groups are added.

Why does the shift occur?

The data on the portal is updated periodically, and one day you will find that you have sharply moved up several places in the list or, on the contrary, moved lower. For what reason could this happen?

You can be higher in the queue in the following cases:

  • the child who was higher in the line left it because the family moved. Either the parents changed their minds about sending their child to kindergarten or decided to go in another year;
  • if the beneficiary who was in front of you suddenly lost the benefit and got into the queue for a place on the date of his application, and it turned out to be later than the date of your application;
  • if the list includes refuseniks or those who do not want to go to the proposed garden.

You can slide down the queue if:

  • a new beneficiary has appeared in front of you;
  • “transferrs” have been added to the list (those who transferred to your garden from another, but their application date is earlier than yours).

Please note that it is really worth checking the website regularly for the availability of your application and its status. Unfortunately, there are cases of applications missing from the portal.

Therefore, try to control the queue after completing your application. If the application disappears from the system, you may need to contact your city's Education Committee in person or by phone, and then to the staffing commission to clarify whether your child is on the list. Most likely, a technical glitch did not affect the number in the queue, but it is better to make sure for your own peace of mind.

The article will talk about electronic queue to kindergarten in 2019. What kind of service is this, who can use it, and how to sign up - below.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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To make life easier for parents, they are increasingly introducing electronic technology. Today, to find out the status of the queue for kindergarten, you do not need to personally visit the institution. You can control the movement via the Internet. How to do it?

Important aspects

At the moment, in order to enroll a child in kindergarten, you do not need to run there with documents immediately after the baby is born.

Young parents have access to the service of queuing on the government services portal. The queue is formed and reviewed at the beginning of each year.

Registration is carried out after presentation of the application and documentation. The progression of the queue is influenced by workload, the number of children and parental preferences.

Some families are moving, so the line is moving. Education department employees are responsible for maintaining the queue.

U electronic recording there are both advantages and disadvantages. TO positive aspects include:

  • independent control of queue progress at any time of the day;
  • the ability to submit an application without leaving home;
  • the ability to amend the application.

Of the minuses - bad job service in some areas. Sign up for the queue at kindergarten Children from 2 months to 7 years are eligible. The number is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Children are enrolled in this order:

  1. Children on benefits - no waiting list.
  2. Children eligible for enrollment first.
  3. Children who are transferred from another kindergarten.
  4. The rest of the children are next in line.

This is done by a special commission.


What is its purpose

Currently, you can enroll a child in a preschool institution not only during a personal visit, but also through an electronic application.

This right has been in effect since 2013 and provides the opportunity to:

  • submit an application electronically to place your child on the waiting list for kindergarten;
  • automatically check the queue status;
  • receive notifications about available places in other kindergartens and approximate dates enrollment in them.

It will not be possible to bypass the queue, since everything is controlled automatically and a person will not interfere with this system in any way.

Legal regulation

If a person has privileges, then his child will be enrolled in a preschool institution without waiting in line. If there are any in the garden free places, then the child will be able to attend it immediately after submission.

This opportunity is provided:

  • children who are left without parents;
  • children of parents who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident;
  • children of judges and prosecutors;
  • children of parents working in high-risk services;
  • from ;
  • disabled children;
  • children whose parents were orphans.

These benefits concern the indigenous residents of the capital. For visiting citizens there is a different benefit system T.

If a child does not fit into any group, then his admission to kindergarten will be carried out on a general basis. To confirm the benefit, the parent is required to provide relevant certificates.

Places in the queue are allocated in a strict order. Applications are included in the main and additional lists:

An application - a paper sent to the preschool institution where one of the child’s parents works - will help you find a place in kindergarten faster.

It requests the organization to allocate a place for the child of employees. The document should be sent to the district department for control of preschool education.

It happens that the queue moves not forward, but back. This happens for the following reasons:

If the queue has moved to reverse side for other reasons, you must file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

Different regions of Moscow have their own characteristics. In addition to registering on the public services portal, the Education Department may require you to present documents to certain period time.

If the applicant does not do this, the placement in the electronic queue at the kindergarten will be cancelled.

Who can apply

The public services portal allows you to put a child on the waiting list for kindergarten if he has permanent registration at his place of residence.

One of the child’s parents or his legal guardian is allowed to submit an application. Citizens have the right to apply as Russian Federation, and foreign powers - applications are accepted only locally.

Arrangement order

Each individual subject of the Russian Federation has its own website where people are put on a waiting list for admission to the garden.

In order to be able to use it, you must first register on this site.

First, parents need to decide on the institution to which they want to send their child. The law prohibits joining a waiting list at multiple institutions.

After that, visit the portal of state or municipal services and register there. To register for State Services you must:

  1. Enter personal information.
  2. Provide a phone number and email address.
  3. Confirm that the information entered is correct.
  4. Enter the code from SMS to confirm registration.

The page on the State Services portal is ready. Now you need to log in Personal Area and find the category “Registration for kindergarten”.

A form will appear in which you need to enter the following data:

  • baby's initials;
  • information from ;
  • kindergarten number and name;
  • the initials of mom or dad - the one who puts on the line;
  • residential address;
  • email address and telephone number for contact;
  • availability of benefits.

After entering the information, the child is assigned a serial number. The application must provide truthful information, otherwise the application will be rejected.

The form contains the following information:

Data is verified within 1 month. If the commission has doubts or questions, the applicant is obliged to personally visit the selected preschool institution and provide the relevant documents.

Otherwise, the record is moved to the archive. When the places are allocated, a letter will be sent to the mail with a decision whether to provide a place in the future or not. In case of refusal, the reasons are indicated.

You can apply for admission on the official website of the electronic queue for kindergarten.

What documents may be needed

To get in line, you will need the following photocopies of documents:

  • passports of the baby's mother and father;
  • – if the parent does not apply personally;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificates of residence or;
  • a certificate confirming the child’s enrollment in kindergarten without a waiting list;
  • written decision of the commission in case of placing the baby in the compensation group.

If the decision is positive, you will need to present the originals of these documents.

How to check the queue status

To find out your place in line, parents must follow several steps. To obtain the information you are interested in:

The verification will take little time. If access to the Internet is not possible, information can be obtained by calling a 24-hour consultation.

You can also track the queue by birth certificate number - there, on the government services portal. Or call support.

The phone number is available on the portal website. Not every parent has the ability to independently monitor the queue. There is a special notification mailing for this purpose.

Video: place in kindergarten - vouchers are distributed by an electronic queue

When it’s the child’s turn, parents are sent an alert - to their phone or email. Check the queue status.

How to change kindergarten in the electronic queue

It is not difficult to change the queue in kindergarten. There are several ways to do this - by phone, via the Internet or at a multifunctional center in your region.

This will take a minimum of time. However, sometimes difficulties arise. It happens that there are only a few places left before the turn, and if you change kindergarten, you will have to wait for your turn again.

How to change the queue if your place of residence changes? As already mentioned, children who do not belong to the kindergarten at their place of residence are included in an additional list. You will be able to get a place only after allocating children from the main list.

Modern parents are forced to worry in advance about a place in a preschool educational institution for their child. is possible immediately after the birth of the baby and many new parents take advantage of this opportunity. However, even early enrollment in kindergarten does not guarantee that your child will definitely go to a preschool educational institution on time. In this regard, parents have to monitor the status of the queue. There are several ways to gain access to this information, but most often parents are interested in how to check the queue for kindergarten through State Services.

It seems possible to control the status of the queue to the kindergarten through the public services portal, regardless of how exactly the registration was made. That is, even if you signed up for kindergarten not through government services, you still have the opportunity to check the queue through this resource. This procedure takes a minimum of time and will only require you to have an account on the unified website of government services. We will show you step by step how to check the queue for kindergarten through State Services in this article. You just need to follow the instructions.

Instructions for checking the queue for kindergarten through government services

To check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet, you need to do this in advance. If you still don’t have a government services account, it won’t take long to fix it. Registration on the resource will take no more than 5 minutes. You will also need to go through an identity verification procedure. After this, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. When applying for a queue at a kindergarten, you should have been provided with a number through which you can track the queue. In principle, if you submitted an application through the government services portal, then this number will not be required. The system will automatically find necessary statement and will show you your place in line.

To check the queue for kindergarten, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website gosuslugi.ru and log in;
  2. Open the “Service Catalog” section;
  3. Select the “Education” category;
  4. Select “Enroll in kindergarten”;
  5. Click on the “Check Queue” link;
  6. Click on the “Check Application” button.

  7. If you have submitted several applications for a waiting list at a kindergarten, you must additionally indicate information on which particular application you want to receive. After this, information on the application will appear and you will be able to see where your child is. If you have any difficulties, try. It’s also worth adding that you can check the queue for kindergarten not only through government services, but also on regional government websites.

    How to check the queue for kindergarten in Moscow

    If you and your child are registered in Moscow, then registration for kindergarten and checking the queue will be available on the official portal of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru. Operating principle in in this case will differ little from a similar procedure on the public service portal. Of course, you must be registered on the official website of Moscow. Registration on mos.ru can be done using an account in