View the queue in kindergarten. How to find out the queue number in kindergarten. Why do you need an electronic queue

It is very difficult to get a place in a kindergarten near the house. And every parent knows this. Many of them are registered already during pregnancy.

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There are many children, but there are quite a few educators, as well as preschool institutions. That is why it is important to apply correctly and in a timely manner. This will make it easier for the child to set up and keep track of enrollment information.

Electronic accounting

One of the most popular ways of setting up is the Internet.

With the advent of this method, the queue in multifunctional centers has significantly decreased, and it also saved the time of the parents themselves.

How to get up?

is a procedure consisting of several stages:

  1. Stage 1 involves active registration on the electronic queue website in your region. Gotta get through simple procedure registration, specify contact and personalized data. This allows you not to personally visit the state structure. To register, you will need to come up with a password and enter personalized information about yourself and your child. Also at this point you need to make a benefit if available.
  2. Stage 2 contains the collection of documentation. The required package of documents is displayed on the official resource of the company. All these actions are given six months from the date the child is placed on the waiting list.
  3. Stage 3 - control over the child's admission to kindergarten ik. This can be done remotely. It is enough to have a number and registration on the official resource of the state instance. On it, everyone kindergarten has its own page, which describes the main activities of the company.
  4. Stage 4 involves obtaining a place in a kindergarten. As soon as the mark of enrollment appears in your personal account, you need to come to the preschool institution with necessary package documents.

The advantages of this type of recording are as follows:

  • filing an application remotely, without spending additional time on visiting a branch of a multifunctional center in person;
  • electronic queue- the official method, so it is impossible to outbid the line here, the child cannot be overtaken by another baby;
  • this method saves a lot of time;
  • a minimum of bureaucracy, you no longer need to wait for your turn in the state instance.

About benefits

According to on extraordinary right can count on:

  1. Children of Chernobyl survivors or disabled people who were injured due to radiation on the territory of Chernobyl. There is also the possibility of enrolling children whose parents are from special risk units. This stipulates the legislation on social protection citizens. As confirmation, a certificate of a disabled person and his passport, as well as all other documents confirming the status, are used.
  2. Children of those killed in the war in Dagestan, the North Caucasus, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The law is regulated by a government decree. Confirmation is a status statement.
  3. Children of prosecutors, employees investigative committee, judges. Regulated by the law on the status of citizens. The supporting document is a certificate from the place of work.

Children can count on priority right:

  1. From large family, regulated in the same way social support and presidential decree. A certificate of a large family becomes a confirmation of the status.
  2. Children are disabled or if the parent is disabled. Regulated by the order of the President on additional measure support. Confirmation - certificate from medical institution and commissions.
  3. Children of law enforcement officers, military personnel. Regulated by the Federal Law on the Police and the Status of the Serviceman, respectively. A certificate from the place of work becomes a supporting document.
  4. Single mothers. This status is the most controversial issue in global discussion. Someone considers widows and other mothers who do not have support from the father of the child to be such. And someone does not at all consider mothers raising a child alone as such.

How to track the queue in kindergarten?

You can track the queue to the kindergarten both by personal request and by remote method.

By application number

To apply, you must go to the public services portal, if you have access. First you need to register and get an access code to the system. This can be done through various government agencies.

As soon as registration has passed, the parent fills out a form where he writes his personalized data and information about the child. After that, you can see the status of processing the application by the application number.

It can also be viewed in multifunctional center, more precisely on his online version by completing a simple registration.

In addition to the above methods, you can view information on the education portal, where there is an online view of the queue for kindergarten.

By birth certificate

In a kindergarten with a birth certificate, it is possible on the portal of public services after registration. To do this, you need to apply for an access code to the state authority.

In addition, such a function is available on the municipal services portal, where the parent enters the personalized data of the child, including a birth certificate, and views information about the queue.

Through the Internet

Tracking the queue for kindergarten by application number and birth certificate is possible both remotely - and in person at the department.

All you need to check online is:

  1. Go to the official website for providing information -, or the MFC, or the education portal.
  2. Complete a simple registration by entering your passport data and information about the child.
  3. Go to the "Kindergarten" tab.
  4. Click on the View Queue tab.
  5. Get the information you need.

On the portal of public services

Information can also be obtained through the State Services Portal. To get started you need:

  • go to the official resource of the state instance;
  • complete the required registration;
  • apply with a passport, for example, to Rostelecom;
  • verify your identity and get an access code;
  • go back to the official website;
  • go to the tab "Education" - "Kindergartens";
  • view the child's queue.

By phone

Nowadays, a child can get into kindergarten only in turn. This is due to the lack of places in kindergartens due to the increase in the birth rate and the small number of preschool institutions.

If you have drawn up documents for enrolling a child in a kindergarten and are waiting in line, you will probably be concerned about the question of how to quickly check the current queue for enrollment. Below we will talk about how to enroll a child in kindergarten and how check the electronic queue in kindergarten different ways.

Online queue for kindergarten

An electronic queue for kindergartens was introduced in 2013.

When enrolling a child in a kindergarten, you can apply for enrollment both in writing and by submitting an electronic application.

The presence of an electronic queue makes it possible:

  • Apply to enroll your child in a preschool electronically.
  • Check and control the correctness of the entered data in the applications through a message with government bodies registration (registry office).
  • Receive notifications of available places in kindergarten by sending SMS messages or emails.
  • Send out notifications that a child has been admitted to kindergarten from a certain date.

Kindergarten without a queue - the right to preferential admission

According to the law, the following have the right to preferential admission to kindergartens:

  1. Orphans and children without parental care.
  2. Children of parents who are themselves orphans.
  3. Children of employees of divisions of special risk.
  4. Children of citizens who eliminated the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and suffered from radiation sickness because of this.
  5. Children of prosecutors and judges.

To register in the electronic queue for kindergarten, you must first be registered on the public services website If you have not yet registered for public services, we recommend that you do this, since this site greatly simplifies interaction with government agencies and organizations.

To speed up your identification on the site, as well as to confirm your signature, you can purchase electronic signature in the form of a flash drive, with which you can quickly identify yourself.

The activation of the personal account of the public services website occurs using the activation code sent to you for verification. If the account is activated, you will have access to all public services, including the electronic queue for kindergarten.

Application for enrollment in the electronic queue in kindergarten

In order to take a place in the electronic queue for kindergarten, parents must follow the link and submit an application.

Once a child is born, parents can enroll, withdraw their enrollment application, and change their application.

In the application submitted for registration, parents indicate the following data:

  • Estimated year of child enrollment educational institution.
  • Information about the family's rights to preferential enrollment in kindergarten.
  • Selected from 1 to 4 kindergartens in the area where the child lives for possible enrollment.

It is very easy to see the queue for kindergarten. Viewing the queue is available in your personal account on the public services website. Sign in Personal Area and enter your personal details.

Check the electronic queue for kindergarten, you need to enter an individual user code.

You receive a user code when you enroll in a queue. To get the code, you need to enter the details of the child's birth certificate - name, surname, patronymic and number of the birth certificate.

As soon as you enter your personal data and individual user code, the portal will show you your place in the electronic queue.

You will see the place in the queue as follows: the information line will show your queue number, date of birth and name of the child, as well as information about whether you have benefits for admission.

How to check the queue for kindergarten by phone

We will also publish this reference number here: 8-800-100-70-10. It is available for calls around the clock.

Receiving notification of the child's enrollment in kindergarten

Do you want to check the electronic queue for kindergarten? When your turn approaches and your child is enrolled in kindergarten, the parents of the child will receive a special notification. A message containing information about admission will be sent to the specified contact details that parents indicate when registering in the queue. It is obvious that the unified portal of public services provides a fairly developed system for recording and notifying parents about the progress of movement in the electronic queue, and when a child is enrolled, notifications about the positive completion of waiting for an appointment.

Discussions about whether it is possible to watch the queue for kindergarten online through the “Gosuslugi” and stand in this queue have been going on for more than a year on the World Wide Web. To clarify: in 2019, it is possible to queue up for a garden through the State Services, but not in all regions. At the same time, the portal user must have an identified account to receive this service.

How to enroll a baby in the queue for a place in kindergarten through "Gosuslugi"?

Applying for an enrollment in a kindergarten is carried out according to the following scheme.

Select the "Services" section in the top menu of the portal.

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You will be taken to the page for selecting the desired service from the 3 options offered. Again, click on the link "Enroll in kindergarten."

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Next, you will be taken to an information page that tells you how to correctly enroll your child in the queue for a place in kindergarten, and clarifies that you can not only borrow, but also check the queue for the garden through the "Gosuslugi".

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If your Gosuslug account is not identified, the system will not let you go further than this step. Block number 1 in Fig. 4 tells how you can verify your account information.

Among the types of receiving the service, select If you select the "Personal visit" item, the site will only tell you what documents will be needed to queue up in the general order.

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Check out the list of documents that are needed to put the baby on the waiting list. Mandatory documents are considered:

  • Birth certificate.
  • Parent's passport.
  • A document confirming the place of residence of the child.

If the application is sent by a guardian, a document confirming his right to represent the interests of the child is required. You can attach additional papers if they entitle you to receive benefits and extraordinary enrollment.

Click the "Fill Application" button.

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Next, you will need to fill out a page with personal data. As for your data, they will be uploaded automatically from your account (including passport details). It remains only to indicate the degree of relationship.

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But the child’s data will have to be entered manually, starting with the full name and ending with the SNILS number, if the baby’s “green card” has already been issued. Is it possible to issue SNILS to a child through public services?

  1. Enter the addresses of the actual residence and registration of the baby (if they do not match).
  2. Choose from the map the most suitable kindergarten in terms of geography (and other criteria). If there are no places in the selected garden on the desired date of enrollment, Gosuslugi will offer you a choice of several more nearby options.
  3. Specify the enrollment parameters, namely the desired date, the specifics of the group (general education, compensation). If you have benefits, then check which ones.
  4. Upload scanned documents from the list above. Pay attention to the requirements for files: it is possible to upload only documents in .jpg, .doc, .pdf, .xls formats, each of which does not exceed 3.5 MB in size. It's better not to risk it with .docx files.
  5. Carefully check everything that was entered, and click "Submit".

After a few days, you will be notified of successful enrollment or refusal in the way that you indicated in the questionnaire (SMS, e-mail).

How to check the queue for kindergarten?

To be aware of how to find out the queue for the garden online through "Gosuslugi", read the following instructions:

  1. Return to the service selection page (Fig. 3) and follow the link "Check queue".
  2. You will be taken to a page with up-to-date data on the place in the queue. A notification about the child's placement in kindergarten will also be sent to your e-mail, so you will not miss important information for you.

Please note: you can not only see the queue for kindergarten online through the "State Services", but also change an already submitted application, for example, adjust the desired enrollment date. To do this, from the service selection page (Fig. 3), follow the second link "Cancel or change the entry".

Registering a child in a kindergarten in Russia is not always possible without being placed on a waiting list. At the same time, you need to know how to quickly check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet. Since this procedure can be carried out in several ways.

Key Aspects

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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In Russia, a separate commission is engaged in completing preschool institutions. It is under her leadership that the distribution of places and children in the preschool educational institution is carried out.

The beginning of the procedure for the formation of kindergartens is March 1. From now on, you can receive a notification about the received place.

Supervisory authorities notify by letter to e-mail or by phone, which was indicated in the application for a place in the garden. Parents have 30 days to apply to kindergarten from the date of receipt of the right to a place.

However, if you do not collect all the papers in time and do not come to the kindergarten, then there is a risk of losing the opportunity to get a place for the child. During this procedure, the application will be canceled and the child will be removed from the lists.

Initial concepts

The analysis of such a topic requires knowledge of certain concepts:

The main methods of applying to the DOE

To get on the waiting list for a place in a particular children's institution, you must submit an application. And in Russia there are several options for this procedure:

In the first case, it will be easier to track the progress of the state of the queue. Since any of the Internet resources allows you to get information about the progress of the queue and about what place the child takes.

If the application is submitted in person, then this option is more difficult to determine the passage in turn. This method involves contacting these authorities in person or by phone.

This is the only way to find out about the progress in the queue. Plus, you need to take into account working hours and days, since you won’t be able to get such information on weekends and holidays.

Legislative regulation of the issue

From a legal point of view, the procedure for admitting a child to a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of federal law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Article 67 establishes the obligation to accept a baby in a preschool educational institution. But point 4 talks about possible reasons to refuse admission - only in the absence of places in a children's institution.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 293 “On approval of the procedure for admission to study in educational programs preschool education” allows you to install all necessary nuances when registering a child in kindergarten.

The work of the state portal is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”.

In this law, all data of a similar type are in article 21. And the viewing of data on the progress of the queue is carried out on the basis of paragraph 4, which refers to the possibility of exchanging information.

How to find out the queue for a child's kindergarten

Ensuring order in turn is carried out at different levels. How to check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet?

If the application was submitted online, then tracking the queue will be quite simple:

  1. Initially register on the portal and then submit an application.
  2. After that, the information is processed for reliability.
  3. Further, it is possible to place the child in the queue. And from now on, the information will be updated.

After receiving the application, the citizen will be notified in a convenient way. From this point on, the counting is carried out in turn. An application for placing a child on a queue for kindergarten is possible.

Initially, they go to their personal account and select progress on applications. It will contain information about the number in the queue.

After it appears free place and the child's turn comes up, a notification will be sent to the parents.

Step-by-step instructions for recording

Registration for a place in a children's educational preschool should be done in this order:

  1. Includes applying after selecting a specific kindergarten.
  2. It involves the collection of documentation for appeal.
  3. Tracking all information about the queue.

As a result of simple manipulations, you can get in line for a place in a children's institution.

Parents need to take into account the fact that there is the possibility of extraordinary and priority enrollment in a place in the garden. This right is given by federal and regional benefits.

The error in calculating the rate of distribution of places should initially be clarified whether there are grounds for such enrollment among children. Since the availability of benefits will make it much faster to register a child in a preschool educational institution.

On the portal of public services

Registration of a child in kindergarten by queuing on the portal, where there is a public service, involves the implementation of the following series of steps:

Registration on the portal Here it is worth understanding that you need to go through all the stages of the procedure to the end. Since not always standard registration allows you to apply for a queue in a kindergarten. Here you will need to transfer supporting documents through mail or scan documents
Filling out an application The electronic application has the form of a questionnaire in which you need to enter the data of the parents, the child and the place where they want to place the baby. The public services portal allows you to choose three accommodation options - from priority to less desirable
Applying It involves scanning documents and sending an application for processing. Upon completion of the verification of information, they receive notifications, which means either that there are errors in the application, or that the document has been accepted.

Checking is quite simple - just find the status of the application in your personal account and select it. The system itself will give the number of the child in the queue at the time of the request.

Checking can be carried out as much as you like and at any time of the day or night. There are no restrictions in this regard. Plus, the application is autonomous and does not involve payment.

By application number

You can also find out the status of the queue in accordance with the application number. This value is assigned to the document after submission and registration in the system.

Verification can be carried out both by telephone, which is less convenient, and through Internet communications. The second option involves accessing the resources of regional administrations.

On sites public institutions there are separate sections with the possibility of entering the application number, which will allow you to obtain data on the number of the child in the queue.

But in terms of updating information, there may be some slowdown due to the need to enter data manually.

Notice of Enrollment

After the child enters one of the selected kindergartens in turn, the supervisory authority - through which the application was submitted, must notify the applicant about this.

IN this case applies one of the most convenient ways for the parent itself:

  • text message to mobile phone;
  • letter in electronic form;
  • postal response at the place of residence.

Each applicant sets his own option for obtaining information from government agencies. Within a month, you will need to complete package documents visit children's institution and register there.

Features for different regions of the Russian Federation

Depending on the regional capabilities of the locality, there are chances to use other options for tracking the queue and applying.

So, not everyone knows how to check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet in St. Petersburg. Although the city's official website has complete instruction and application and tracking forms.

In Moscow, there is a portal of the city, after registration in which it is possible to use all electronic resources. To enter your personal account, use SNILS indicators and a personal password.

When applying, you will need information from the following documents of the child:

  • birth certificate;
  • SNILS.

They should be prepared in advance.

When placing a child in kindergarten, there are many things to consider. And most importantly, apply correctly.

This can be done both in person and through Internet technologies. And here it is worth focusing on your own convenience.