Illusion of choice read online full version. Illusion of choice. Deception. Quotes from the book “The Illusion of Choice. Deception" Galina Dolgova


Have you dreamed of becoming a prince? Young, beautiful, strong, wielding magic? But I'm not! I quite liked the woman, and my world suited me. True, there is no choice: either live by deceit in a new world for you, or die! And then there is a conspiracy that threatens to destroy even a hated, but already native body, a curse hanging over the world, and there is no escape from feelings ... But who will love me as a man ?!

Galina Dolgova

Illusion of choice. Deception

Prologue 1

– Way and the world?

– Conscious transition, the world of Geyator.

- Lifeline?

- Mimicry. Change of circumstances.

- Get started!

Chapter 1

Winter. Cold blinding light pours from the window, decorated with hoarfrost. The north wind, making its way through the loosely closed window, is more like a tangible midnight wolf howl, just as mournful and sad. Involuntarily shivering, I turned away from the window. Disgusting. Everything is bad. And the main problem was that today my girlfriend is getting married ... to my boyfriend. Or rather, an ex-girlfriend for an ex-boyfriend.

Anyone could be blamed, from overly strict parents and a traitorous girlfriend, to their own pride and kindness, which made them just get out of their way, and not fight, but this did not change the essence. Yes, for the last six months they have calmed and pitied me together, which only made it worse, not letting me forget and move on. Sometimes I even hated my mother's sternly-sympathetically-instructive lectures, my father's indifferently-expected statements, and my younger sister's ridicule. And there are still ten whole days ahead with my family ... For the first time, I simply hated the upcoming New Year holidays. And you're not going anywhere!

“So you’ll be here, like a ghost, hanging out,” my sister muttered, walking into the room and turning on her favorite RnB. I still liked some of the tunes, but Timati, who whined from the speakers, was terribly infuriated - no hearing, no voice, no melody, no words. Nevermind!

- You're early - I chose not to answer another joke.

“Anyway, all of us are at the wedding,” she muttered displeasedly. The most interesting thing is that she would gladly go to this solemn event, spitting on all my emotions on this occasion, but her mother strictly forbade it. Unlike me, my sister still spent all her free time with my former friends. We didn’t get along very well before, but now ... Another mention of the wedding echoed in my chest with a dull pain, and I hurried to jump out of the room. - Yes, my mother called, said that they were released from work early today. Prepare something.

But this is bad. I'm willing to bet that no one let my mother go, and she herself asked for time off to be with me today. For some reason, my mother was firmly convinced that today I would lay hands on myself ... I have few virtues and many shortcomings, as my esteemed father says, but I always considered suicide only as cowardice, but I still considered myself strong. My only, already former, girlfriend always said that my strength was in defense. It’s true… I have never been active, a leader, a ringleader, but few people managed to knock me off my decision either. So don't hope! I lived, I live and I will live!

“Then I’m going to the store,” I said, trying to put off my next psychoanalysis session as long as possible. The little sister only grunted something, absorbed by the next news of the Internet, and again went to the "astral plane". She seems to be glad that I'm leaving.

The frosty air immediately made me shiver and even for a couple of minutes forget about the tormenting thoughts. Somehow getting to the store and trying not to rush, I plunged into the New Year's fuss. A large shopping center was completely decorated with colorful New Year's balls, "rain", fir branches and Santa Clauses, the smell of pine needles, tangerines and chocolates was in the air, laughter and cheerful music were heard. Great! Only here I felt my loneliness even more acutely. Actually, there was nothing for me to do here. Looking around, I took a pack of salt, bread, a box of chocolates and a bottle of dry red. I stood a little longer by the flickering lights of the Christmas tree in the central hall, then for almost an hour I chose a disk. Didn't choose. I had to take six. Well, at least there will be something to do on the weekend. The saleswoman, annoyed by my long swarming, breathed a sigh of relief and even squeezed out a smile, noticing the number of discs. Yes Yes.

And in the meantime, it was already dark outside, even though it was not yet five o'clock. The stars were shining brightly, the full moon was just incredibly yellow and seemed to be smiling, the frost intensified. Carefully shifting my feet, I trudged through the creaking snow, blinking rapidly and trying not to let the treacherous tears roll down. I am healthy, alive, my family is also in order, and everything else is not important! So right? and to be honest, I didn’t feel much love for the guy either. Yes, I liked it, but it hurts from betrayal and deceit, but that's all. And most importantly, I don’t need one for free. If he lied to me, then he will lie to her. As the saying goes, "one who betrays once, betrays another time." Not that I wished them harm or separation, but now I would like them to experience the same pain that I did. Although, no, I'm lying. I lie to myself. I wanted them to leave. I would very much like to look into the eyes of the "girlfriend" in a couple of years, when he leaves her, standing arm in arm with her husband. Maybe that's when I'll forgive her.

Behind these thoughts, I didn’t even notice how I almost made it home. Eh, I don't want to go there. Well, they don’t understand that it will be much better for me if they help me forget, and if they don’t remind me every day. Unable to stand it, I stopped and, turning around, wandered to the bench. Of course, I will not sit, but I will put the bag.

Eh ... taking a deep breath and looking up, I tried to put everything out of my head. But beautiful, however! Fly up there. I have always been fascinated by the movement of the stars, their cold twinkling, unknown secrets ...

Galina Dolgova

Somewhere in the Beyond.

Well? The man looked anxiously at the newcomer.

You've been allowed to play the Game again.


You rejoice early, - the lips of the newcomer twisted in a smile, - last time you cheated, so now restrictions are provided for you.

And what? - Turquoise eyes without pupils and irises narrowed slightly.

Pretty serious, - the interlocutor grunted, and in his exactly the same, without pupils and irises, but bright silvery eyes, discontent flashed. - The complete opposite of what happened at the previous Competition. You had men, warriors, with abilities and knowledge, and they were helped by local gods. Now there will be girls older than eighteen, who can do nothing, without abilities, without strength, from a closed world, and they will definitely never shed blood and virgins.

What a fool?!

And what did you want? Did you think the Council would turn a blind eye to your cheating all the time? Four human girls from the same city and within one year must go to four different worlds from the Fan of Worlds. The way of hitting each time is different, during the transition it is allowed to invest knowledge of one language. All.

Why virgins?

What were you taught? - the silver-eyed frowned. - They should be as little attached to their world as possible. And blood, any blood, is a connection. The girls must not go back.

To fulfill the conditions.

And the mission, the goal?

No mission, no purpose.

That is? This doesn't happen...

That’s right,” the silver-eyed man chuckled. - The main task is to survive. Do you think a maladjusted human girl can do anything in the world of magic? Yes, she should at least stay alive!

So just survive...

No, it's not easy. There is another condition. Exactly after ten years of their stay in the other world, each will be asked one question, and only if all four answer yes, you will be allowed to create worlds again and populate them alive.

And what is the question? - inquired the owner of turquoise eyes.

Is she happy?

O Supreme!

And if not?

You will be deprived of the power of the demiurge for ten thousand years, locked in one of the dead worlds. You understand that after what you did last time, in the twelve worlds, the demiurges had to change the entire pantheon of gods and completely reprogram evolution. Only the intercession of our great mother gave you the last chance. Not a small one already, you know, after all, that the winners of the Game get an area where they can experiment, and you illegally received as many as six pieces by dishonest play. Many people are unhappy with this.

Can I choose the girls myself? - grimly asked turquoise-eyed.

Yes. But the Council of Demiurges itself will appoint the world, the city and the year. Tomorrow.

It's clear…

Well, since it's clear, I'm waiting for tomorrow, brother, don't be late.

Left alone, the turquoise-eyed man chuckled. They really underestimate him. Maybe girls should be without powers and abilities, but no one stipulated that they would not be able to get them. It is so? We need to think everything over. Who, how and where to send. Well, hardly anyone will notice the minimal interference, especially when you consider that the demiurge of the Fates is his beloved sister.

Shall we play? A slight smile flickered across her beautifully defined lips.

So, the second, - a sonorous voice swept through the hall. - The choice is made?

Method and world?

Conscious transition, the world of Geyator.

Life line?

Mimicry. Change of circumstances.

Get started!

Winter. Cold blinding light pours from the window, decorated with hoarfrost. The north wind, making its way through the loosely closed window, is more like a tangible midnight wolf howl, just as mournful and sad. Involuntarily shivering, I turned away from the window. Everything is bad. And the main problem was that it was today that my friend got married ... to my boyfriend. More precisely, an ex-girlfriend for an ex-boyfriend.

Anyone could be blamed, from overly strict parents and a traitorous girlfriend to their own pride and kindness, which made them just get out of their way, and not fight, but this did not change the essence. Yes, for the last six months everyone has been calming me down and feeling sorry for me, which only made it worse, because it did not allow me to forget and move on. Sometimes I was ready to climb the wall from the strictly sympathetically instructive notations of my mother, the indifferently expected statements of my father and the ridicule of my younger sister. And there are still ten whole days ahead with my family ... For the first time, I hated the upcoming New Year holidays. And you're not going anywhere!

So you're going to hang around here like a ghost? - Sister inquired sarcastically, passing into the room and turning on her favorite RnB. I still liked some of the melodies, but Timati, howling from the speakers, was terribly infuriating - no hearing, no voice, no melody, no words. Nevermind!

You are early today. - I chose not to answer another joke.

All the same, all of us are at the wedding, - she muttered.

The most interesting thing is that she would gladly go to the mentioned event, spitting on all my emotions on this occasion, but her mother strictly forbade it. Unlike me, my sister still spent all her free time with my former friends. She and I didn’t get along very well before, and now ... Another mention of the wedding echoed in my chest with a dull pain, and I hurried to jump out of the room.

Yes, my mother called and said that they would be released early from work today. Prepare something.

But this is bad. I’m willing to bet that no one let my mother go, and she herself asked for time off to be with me. For some reason, my mother was firmly convinced that today I would lay hands on myself ... I have few virtues and many shortcomings, as my esteemed father says, but I always considered suicide only as cowardice, but I still considered myself strong. My only, already former, girlfriend assured me that my strength was in defense. It's true… I've never been a leader, a ringleader, but few people managed to knock me down from the decision I made. So don't hope! I lived, I live and I will live!

Then I go to the store! - I shouted, hoping to postpone the next session of psychoanalysis as far as possible.

The little sister only grunted something, absorbed by the next news of the Internet, and again went to the "astral plane". She seems to be glad that I'm leaving.

The frosty air immediately made me cringe and even for a couple of minutes to forget about the thoughts that tormented me. Slowly making my way to the store, I plunged into the New Year's fuss. A large shopping center was completely decorated with colorful balls, "rain", fir branches and Santa Clauses, the smell of pine needles, tangerines and chocolates was in the air, laughter and cheerful music were heard. Great! But it was here, in the crowd, that I felt my loneliness even more sharply. Actually, there was nothing for me to do here. I went to the supermarket and, wandering between the shelves, bought a pack of salt, bread, a box of chocolates and a bottle of dry red. I stood a little longer by the flickering lights of the Christmas tree in the central hall, then for almost an hour I chose a disk. Didn't choose. I had to take six. Well, at least there will be something to do on the weekend. The saleswoman, irritated by my long swarming, sighed with relief and even forced a smile, noticing the number of discs. Yes, I take everything.

And in the meantime it was already dark outside, although it was not yet five. The stars were shining brightly, the full moon was just incredibly yellow and seemed to be smiling, the frost intensified. Carefully shifting my feet, I trudged through the creaking snow, blinking rapidly and trying not to let the treacherous tears roll down. I am healthy, alive, my family is also in order, and everything else is not important! So right? And to be honest, I didn’t feel much love for the guy. Yes, I liked it, yes, it hurts from betrayal and deceit, but that's all. And most importantly, I don’t need one for free. If he lied to me, then he will lie to her. As the saying goes, he who betrays once, betrays another time. It’s not that I wish them harm or separation, but at least let them experience the same pain that I did. However, no, I'm lying. I lie to myself. I wanted them to leave. And I would very much like in a couple of years, when he leaves her, to look into the eyes of the “girlfriend”, standing arm in arm with her husband. Maybe that's when I'll forgive her.

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* * *

Somewhere in the World

- Well? The man looked anxiously at the newcomer.

“You were allowed to play the Game again.

- Great!

“You rejoice early,” the lips of the newcomer twisted in a smile, “last time you cheated, so now restrictions are provided for you.

- And what? Turquoise eyes without pupils and irises narrowed slightly.

“Pretty serious,” the interlocutor muttered, and displeasure flickered in his exactly the same, without pupils and irises, but bright silvery eyes. - The complete opposite of what happened at the previous Competition. You had men, warriors, with abilities and knowledge, and they were helped by local gods. Now there will be girls older than eighteen, who can do nothing, without abilities, without strength, from a closed world, and they will definitely never shed blood and virgins.

– What for foolishness?!

– What did you want? Did you think the Council would turn a blind eye to your cheating all the time? Four human girls from the same city and within one year must go to four different worlds from the Fan of Worlds. The way of hitting each time is different, during the transition it is allowed to invest knowledge of one language. All.

- Why virgins?

- What were you taught? The silver-eyed frowned. “They should be as unattached to their world as possible. And blood, any blood, is a connection. The girls must not go back.

- Why?

– To fulfill the conditions.

What about the mission, the goal?

No mission, no purpose.

- That is? This doesn't happen...

“That’s right,” the silver-eyed man chuckled. “The main goal is to survive. Do you think a maladjusted human girl can do anything in the world of magic? Yes, she should at least stay alive!

So just survive...

- No, it's not easy. There is another condition. Exactly after ten years of their stay in the other world, each will be asked one question, and only if all four answer yes, you will be allowed to create worlds again and populate them alive.

- And what is the question? – inquired the owner of turquoise eyes.

- Is she happy?

– O God!

- And if not?

- You will be deprived of the power of the demiurge for ten thousand years, locked in one of the dead worlds. You understand that after what you did last time, in the twelve worlds, the demiurges had to change the entire pantheon of gods and completely reprogram evolution. Only the intercession of our great mother gave you the last chance. Not a small one already, you know, after all, that the winners of the Game get an area where they can experiment, and you illegally received as many as six pieces by dishonest play. Many people are unhappy with this.

- Can I choose the girls myself? – grimly asked turquoise-eyed.

- Yes. But the Council of Demiurges itself will appoint the world, the city and the year. Tomorrow.

- It's clear…

- Well, since it’s clear, I’m waiting for tomorrow, brother, don’t be late.

Left alone, the turquoise-eyed man chuckled. They really underestimate him. Maybe girls should be without powers and abilities, but no one stipulated that they would not be able to get them. It is so? We need to think everything over. Who, how and where to send. Well, hardly anyone will notice the minimal interference, especially when you consider that the demiurge of the Fates is his beloved sister.

- Shall we play? A slight smile flickered across her beautifully defined lips.

“So, the second one,” a sonorous voice swept through the hall. - Has the choice been made?

– Way and the world?

– Conscious transition, the world of Geyator.

- Lifeline?

- Mimicry. Change of circumstances.

- Get started!

Chapter 1

Winter. Cold blinding light pours from the window, decorated with hoarfrost. The north wind, making its way through the loosely closed window, is more like a tangible midnight wolf howl, just as mournful and sad. Involuntarily shivering, I turned away from the window. Everything is bad. And the main problem was that it was today that my friend got married ... to my boyfriend. More precisely, an ex-girlfriend for an ex-boyfriend.

Anyone could be blamed, from overly strict parents and a traitorous girlfriend to their own pride and kindness, which made them just get out of their way, and not fight, but this did not change the essence. Yes, for the last six months everyone has been calming me down and feeling sorry for me, which only made it worse, because it did not allow me to forget and move on. Sometimes I was ready to climb the wall from the strictly sympathetically instructive notations of my mother, the indifferently expected statements of my father and the ridicule of my younger sister. And there are still ten whole days ahead with my family ... For the first time, I hated the upcoming New Year holidays. And you're not going anywhere!

“So you’re going to hang out here like a ghost?” - the sister inquired sarcastically, passing into the room and turning on her favorite RnB. I still liked some of the tunes, but Timati howling from the speakers was terribly infuriating - no hearing, no voice, no melody, no words. Nevermind!

- You are early today. - I chose not to answer another joke.

“All of us are at the wedding anyway,” she muttered.

The most interesting thing is that she would gladly go to the mentioned event, spitting on all my emotions on this occasion, but her mother strictly forbade it. Unlike me, my sister still spent all her free time with my former friends. She and I didn’t get along very well before, and now ... Another mention of the wedding echoed in my chest with a dull pain, and I hurried to jump out of the room.

- Yes, my mother called, said that they would be released from work early today. Prepare something.

But this is bad. I’m willing to bet that no one let my mother go, and she herself asked for time off to be with me. For some reason, my mother was firmly convinced that today I would lay hands on myself ... I have few virtues and many shortcomings, as my esteemed father says, but I always considered suicide only as cowardice, but I still considered myself strong. My only, already former, girlfriend assured me that my strength was in defense. It's true… I've never been a leader, a ringleader, but few people managed to knock me down from the decision I made. So don't hope! I lived, I live and I will live!

- Then I'll go to the store! I shouted, hoping to postpone the next session of psychoanalysis as long as possible.

The little sister only grunted something, absorbed by the next news of the Internet, and again went to the "astral plane". She seems to be glad that I'm leaving.

The frosty air immediately made me cringe and even for a couple of minutes to forget about the thoughts that tormented me. Slowly making my way to the store, I plunged into the New Year's fuss. A large shopping center was completely decorated with colorful balls, "rain", fir branches and Santa Clauses, the smell of pine needles, tangerines and chocolates was in the air, laughter and cheerful music were heard. Great! But it was here, in the crowd, that I felt my loneliness even more sharply. Actually, there was nothing for me to do here. I went to the supermarket and, wandering between the shelves, bought a pack of salt, bread, a box of chocolates and a bottle of dry red. I stood a little longer by the flickering lights of the Christmas tree in the central hall, then for almost an hour I chose a disk. Didn't choose. I had to take six. Well, at least there will be something to do on the weekend. The saleswoman, irritated by my long swarming, sighed with relief and even forced a smile, noticing the number of discs. Yes, I take everything.

And in the meantime it was already dark outside, although it was not yet five. The stars were shining brightly, the full moon was just incredibly yellow and seemed to be smiling, the frost intensified. Carefully shifting my feet, I trudged through the creaking snow, blinking rapidly and trying not to let the treacherous tears roll down. I am healthy, alive, my family is also in order, and everything else is not important! So right? And to be honest, I didn’t feel much love for the guy. Yes, I liked it, yes, it hurts from betrayal and deceit, but that's all. And most importantly, I don’t need one for free. If he lied to me, then he will lie to her. As the saying goes, he who betrays once, betrays another time. It’s not that I wish them harm or separation, but at least let them experience the same pain that I did. However, no, I'm lying. I lie to myself. I wanted them to leave. And I would very much like in a couple of years, when he leaves her, to look into the eyes of the “girlfriend”, standing arm in arm with her husband. Maybe that's when I'll forgive her.

Behind these thoughts, I didn’t even notice how I almost made it home. Eh, I don't want to go there. Well, they don’t understand that it’s much better if they help me forget, and if they don’t remind me every day! I turned to the bench. Of course, I will not sit, but I will put the bag.

Eh ... Taking a deep breath and looking up, I tried to put all the bad things out of my head. But beautiful, however! Fly up there. I have always been fascinated by the movement of the stars, their cold twinkling, unknown secrets ...

A young man was sitting on a bench (and how quietly he crept up like that?!) in silver-white clothes. Or maybe not silvery white, but it almost blended into the winter landscape. And here's what's interesting: the face seemed darkened, so it was impossible to see it, and the clothes, on the contrary, were brightened. Like a film negative.

“Yes, it’s beautiful,” I agreed cautiously, pulling the package closer. Who knows…

- And why are you so unhappy?

- I'm normal. - Another psychologist turned up on my head!

- Completely. I grabbed the handles of the package as I prepared to leave. Exactly, either a psycho or a drug addict.

“You're lying,” he typed, so confidently that I even stopped. “You don’t want to go home either. Do you know why? - And he continued, without waiting for an answer: - But because you do not belong here.

“Great,” she said through clenched teeth. It looks like I made a mistake, and this is some kind of sectarian. Or emo. Now he will offer to go and jump off the roof. Inopportunely, I remembered a recently read book, how demons inspired people with a desire to commit suicide, and then took their souls to hell and tortured them.

Your sarcasm is completely inappropriate...

Wow, what words do we know!

“…Have you ever thought that your place is in another world?”

- In paradise, right?

Why so radical? Just… a different world, not as boring and mired in everyday life and other problems as this one. Tell me, what books do you read?

- And what? - I was cold, the package pulled my hand away, but for some reason I could not get away from this incomprehensible person.

- And then. I bet you only read fantasy and fairy tales. Am I right? You don't have to answer. You run away from your gray reality to where there is magic, true friends and dangerous enemies, where life is seething...

“Oh, don’t tempt me with donkey ears!”

Well, elves. I had enough of Orlando Bloom in the role of Legolas to be disappointed in the elves, not to mention the actor who played the role of Lord Erlond, I don’t remember what to call, and the “beauty” Galadriel. I don’t understand at all why, as a fantasy book, there must be these weirdos, and the main character or hero must find his sharp-eared love among the fir trees and reeds! Here, too, canons of beauty for me! Pale, long, flat, with donkey ears and Graves' disease.

There was a suppressed laugh.

“Hmm… interesting description. And if the world without elves?

“Well, then there will be dragons who simply cannot live, so as not to turn into a man at night and merge in ecstasy with human females.

- M-yes. Hard case. Vampires?

- Red-eyed, pale-skinned overgrown mosquitoes with a languid look, fine mental organization and photophobia.

- Werewolves?

- Brutal flea machos with a mental disorder and chronic periods not outward, but inward.

- A? In terms of?

- I mean raw meat with blood.

“Ah… yes… I mean, no!” Phew, chatted. OK. And without them? Would you like to visit a world where there is magic and adventure, but there are no above-mentioned characters?

“You know,” I thoughtfully looked at the moon, “such worlds are good only for those who own this very magic, or for aristocrats. After all, if there is magic, then it is not necessary to move science. And I'm used to comfort and do not want to be in a place like this in the role of some kind of maid or peasant.

- Well ... it will depend on you ...

- Oh, I don’t need to hang noodles! How, from me! Yep, now! Here I appear all so beautiful in the forest, I don’t know the language, customs and laws too, and right there the handsome prince will find me and call me in marriage. Yes. At best, some local healer will take pity on me, and after that I will live with her until the end of my days, if they don’t burn or slaughter me first.

- A pessimist.

- Realist.

Yes, it's hard for you. But still? Would you like?

- Don't know.

- Well, think!

- She said I don't know. Listen, why are you attached to me? I looked at him suspiciously. He's kind of weird. Well, otherwise he will suddenly slaughter him, and then he will declare, they say, she herself agreed to move to another world. Also, my feet started to freeze...

- You did not answer.

- I'm not going to! Bye! She turned around and walked quickly towards her house. Better notations from relatives than voluntary relocation to another world through the efforts of an unfamiliar psycho.

It probably wasn't my day after all. No, it wasn't my year! Either I was walking too fast, or my karma is like that, or this weirdo croaked, but on the steps of the entrance I slipped and fell on my back. There was the sound of breaking glass. Oh... how it hurts! Multi-colored dots flashed before my eyes, as if a concussion in addition to a bruised coccyx could not be obtained. Also, I think I broke the bottle. Damn! With difficulty, groaning like a hundred-year-old grandmother, I began to get up. It looks like I have bruised all over me. M-yes, here it is, karma, in action! You can not wish for evil, it will return to you. Only for some reason this law applies only to my bruised person. It was so embarrassing that even tears welled up in my eyes. Well, where is the justice, huh? The best friend took the guy away, they are having fun, celebrating, and not only did I fall, I also broke a bottle of wine ... and now I’ll come home, listen to my mother’s notations and sister’s jokes. Don't want!

Sniffing offendedly and brushing away tears, I crawled on all fours to the package. One pleases - you can cry and write off everything for a fall. She crawled to the bag and looked. So it is, the bottle is shattered, the red liquid soaked a pack of salt and stained the bag of bread. Without getting up, I began to sort through the package, there was nothing broken to drag into the house. She carefully shook out the contents, wiped the plastic bag of bread, bag and salt on the snow, and raked the pieces into a pile. She sat for a few minutes, contemplating whether to bury them or not, and then decided to leave them, you never know, and the janitor will clean it up.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the laughter of a child. Raising my head, I saw a flock of children approaching, playing snowballs with passion. A smile appeared on his lips against his will. Good for the kids, no problem, everything is simple and clear ... One of the snowballs flew over my head, followed by several more. There was a slight ringing, and I was showered with white flakes. She laughed, wiping her face with her hand, and was about to get up when a very large snowball flew over her head. A crunch, a scream, and I, as if in slow motion, raise my head, watching a huge icicle fall, which the janitors were too lazy to knock down. They lie when they say that in such moments, the whole life flashes before your eyes. Nothing like this. Nothing is passing. Time freezes and stretches to infinity. And then it hits you with full speed. Along with death.

Did I hear someone yell or was it really?

- Agree! Say yes"!

And what does he need? I'm already dead, right? The spreading cold began to shackle the body. I'm dying... I know it, but for some reason it still won't let me go, although it's already dark before my eyes.

- Yes. - Just get off! Peace lies ahead of me.

- Great! he breathes a sigh of relief, and darkness envelops me.

There are no thoughts, no emotions, no pain either ... There is nothing THERE!

Here it is!

I would never have thought that in the next world everything would also hurt. It seems like it is assumed that during the transition to another world, mortal flesh remains on earth. However, my body ached from the onset of weakness, my eyelids did not rise, it was as if woodpeckers settled in my head and hammered, hammered ... Looks like they are lonely there, without a brain ...

An attempt to move led to a new attack of pain. Consciousness floated again, but I bit my lip, trying to drive away the goose bumps. I was so focused on my own feelings that I did not even hear the approaching footsteps. Only the quiet creak of a turning handle made me freeze without movement. The feeling of other people's views literally nailed me to bed. Frozen and even stopped breathing, I listened to someone else's breathing.

"Are you sure everything worked out?" - A masculine, cold and slightly tense baritone. I terribly wanted to open my eyelids and look at the owner of this explosive voice mixture.

“Yes, your majesty.

Wow! So am I in the palace?

- I think the awakening will happen any day. - The second voice was much warmer, although perhaps it was from excitement.

- Hope. You understand that if there are no changes until tomorrow, you will follow.

“Of course, Your Majesty.

There was a rustle, the door slammed. I lay with my eyes closed for some time and, as it turned out, I did the right thing. There was a tired sigh, and a cool hand lay on my forehead, followed by a stream of air around me. He caressed, stroked, fed me. It became easier, the pain receded. I couldn't even suppress a small smile.

“That's good,” said the stranger with satisfaction, and after a few minutes he left the room.

"That's good," I muttered, opening my eyes.

My gaze first met the starry canopy. I got up and looked around in surprise. Above the head of the bed, a dark blue wall with a purple tint flowed smoothly into a ceiling of the same shade, completely strewn with small stars. Further on, the ceiling brightened, acquiring a pinkish shade of dawn, turning into heavenly blue, and with the last overflow it became absolutely white, approaching the chandelier in the form of a golden ball of the sun. Closer to the door, blueness and light white clouds reappeared, gradually darkening, and night was descending again along the opposite wall. Dark sapphire, with a slight greenish sheen, the carpet completely covered the floor, like moss in a forest. In the far wall was a wide and high floor-to-ceiling window, curtained with airy white tulle and adorned with heavy pelmets of the same color as the carpet. Fireplace, in front of it are two armchairs and a glass table between them. Painting depicting snow-capped mountains. A wooden door leading most likely to the bathroom and dressing room, a couple of chests of drawers, a closet. All carved, bleached wood, with white and blue glass. In general, a strict, cold, masculine room, but at the same time stylish and comfortable. I can’t say that I like this color scheme, reminiscent of either winter or a hospital ward, but in general you can live, especially considering the color of the bed linen. My favorite. Violet. More precisely, like alexandrite, shimmering in the light in shades from blue and green to red.

It was then that my gaze caught on a crystal jug standing on a small table against the far wall. Hellfire flashed in his eyes, and the Sahara desert formed in his throat. I have never experienced such dryness in my life. Picking up the sheet that covered me, I jumped with kangaroo jumps to the coveted object. Clinging to the vessel, she didn't even bother looking for a glass, leaning close to the very neck. Blessed moisture irrigated the throat, reviving to life and cooling the inner fire. Well, how! Some of the water spilled on my chest, but I didn't care.

We live! I smiled, feeling just fine. Unable to resist, she ran to the window, opening the curtain. Damn, why is it so uncomfortable to walk? .. I straightened the sheet that had slipped between my legs and looked out the window. Wow!!! It was the only word that fit what I saw.

From a bird's eye view, and no lower, I looked at the city spread out below. Colored roof tiles, green islands of trees, stone pavements, small dots of people. And at an equal distance are three incredible palaces, their spiers and towers soaring into the heavenly heights - greenish, blue and red, with bright flags to match. They seemed to enclose the city along the perimeter, and exactly in the middle between them there was either a castle or a palace with four towers and multi-colored flags on the spiers - green, blue, red and white. Amazing and very beautiful. I wanted to go out to the balcony, but I think it would be too extravagant in a sheet.

Perhaps you need to get dressed, otherwise it’s not the case to walk around in a negligee. So-with … and where have us here closet? I turned my back to the window and ... froze. A rather simple thought came into my empty, and, probably, bad head. Where I am?!! This is clearly not planet Earth. Turning around, I flung open the window. Idiot, I saw beautiful turrets, right? Yes, we can't have that. And after this revelation, memories came: winter, night, a conversation with a psycho, a fall, red drops in the snow, an icicle flying at me ... Am I dead? I was killed by an icicle three days before the New Year, on the wedding day of my traitorous friends. How?! Why?! For what?! For the next two minutes, the flow of the rich and powerful flowed by itself, and I could not help myself, and then a rollback began. I dropped to the floor wearily and closed my eyes, concentrating on my breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out ... Still, the psycho killed me. And what did I do to him?

“Your highness, thank the gods you are awake!”

A vaguely familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts. In front of me stood a man of about forty, with ash-colored hair pulled back in a ponytail, in a silver-white robe, consisting of a caftan, trousers and a light cape embroidered with pearls. Quite pleasant to look at, except for the hunted expression on his face and the shadows that lay under the transparent blue eyes.

- How are you feeling?

"Fine," I mumbled, standing up. "Why do you call me 'Your Highness'?"

The man's eyes flashed a wild cocktail of fear and disbelief.

“Wh-how w-why?” Your Highness, don't you remember anything? You are the crown prince of the kingdom of Xeoria and the One House of Air of Meoria Skyner ord Triard.

- What?! P-p-prince?! - The voice let me down, the hand went down by itself and felt for something that should not be there. In any case, for the last twenty-three years I have been sincerely sure that nothing of the kind is provided for by the female anatomy in that place.

It probably didn’t look quite… hmm… well, let’s say, decently, but now I was in such shock that I didn’t care much. She darted around the room at a wounded trot in search of a mirror. As if realizing what I needed, the man opened one of the doors, nodding inside. There really was a bathroom. My attention was immediately attracted by a huge, full-length mirror. I froze in front of him, afraid to look up. She took a deep breath, slowly opened her eyes...

A MAN was looking at me!!! A young, handsome, ash-blonde with shoulder-length wavy hair, slightly darker eyebrows and eyelashes, steel-gray eyes with a thin silvery rim around the pupil, full, beautifully defined lips, a well-groomed aristocratic, but slightly haughty face. The hand itself released the fabric clamped in the fist, revealing everything else. A slender, toned body with developed, but not very noticeable muscles and a small light path going down from the navel. A blush flared up on her cheeks as she lowered her gaze. And he, that is, now I am, quite nothing. Not to say that I saw this part of the male body live, but TV and magazines did their job. Hmmm ... At least one was lucky. I am handsome. With this happy thought, my consciousness, bashfully hiding behind a dark sheet, left me, promising to write letters.

Galina Dolgova

Somewhere in the Beyond.

Well? The man looked anxiously at the newcomer.

You've been allowed to play the Game again.


You rejoice early, - the lips of the newcomer twisted in a smile, - last time you cheated, so now restrictions are provided for you.

And what? - Turquoise eyes without pupils and irises narrowed slightly.

Pretty serious, - the interlocutor grunted, and in his exactly the same, without pupils and irises, but bright silvery eyes, discontent flashed. - The complete opposite of what happened at the previous Competition. You had men, warriors, with abilities and knowledge, and they were helped by local gods. Now there will be girls older than eighteen, who can do nothing, without abilities, without strength, from a closed world, and they will definitely never shed blood and virgins.

What a fool?!

And what did you want? Did you think the Council would turn a blind eye to your cheating all the time? Four human girls from the same city and within one year must go to four different worlds from the Fan of Worlds. The way of hitting each time is different, during the transition it is allowed to invest knowledge of one language. All.

Why virgins?

What were you taught? - the silver-eyed frowned. - They should be as little attached to their world as possible. And blood, any blood, is a connection. The girls must not go back.

To fulfill the conditions.

And the mission, the goal?

No mission, no purpose.

That is? This doesn't happen...

That’s right,” the silver-eyed man chuckled. - The main task is to survive. Do you think a maladjusted human girl can do anything in the world of magic? Yes, she should at least stay alive!

So just survive...

No, it's not easy. There is another condition. Exactly after ten years of their stay in the other world, each will be asked one question, and only if all four answer yes, you will be allowed to create worlds again and populate them alive.

And what is the question? - inquired the owner of turquoise eyes.

Is she happy?

O Supreme!

And if not?

You will be deprived of the power of the demiurge for ten thousand years, locked in one of the dead worlds. You understand that after what you did last time, in the twelve worlds, the demiurges had to change the entire pantheon of gods and completely reprogram evolution. Only the intercession of our great mother gave you the last chance. Not a small one already, you know, after all, that the winners of the Game get an area where they can experiment, and you illegally received as many as six pieces by dishonest play. Many people are unhappy with this.

Can I choose the girls myself? - grimly asked turquoise-eyed.

Yes. But the Council of Demiurges itself will appoint the world, the city and the year. Tomorrow.

It's clear…

Well, since it's clear, I'm waiting for tomorrow, brother, don't be late.

Left alone, the turquoise-eyed man chuckled. They really underestimate him. Maybe girls should be without powers and abilities, but no one stipulated that they would not be able to get them. It is so? We need to think everything over. Who, how and where to send. Well, hardly anyone will notice the minimal interference, especially when you consider that the demiurge of the Fates is his beloved sister.

Shall we play? A slight smile flickered across her beautifully defined lips.

So, the second, - a sonorous voice swept through the hall. - The choice is made?

Method and world?

Conscious transition, the world of Geyator.

Life line?

Mimicry. Change of circumstances.

Get started!

Winter. Cold blinding light pours from the window, decorated with hoarfrost. The north wind, making its way through the loosely closed window, is more like a tangible midnight wolf howl, just as mournful and sad. Involuntarily shivering, I turned away from the window. Everything is bad. And the main problem was that it was today that my friend got married ... to my boyfriend. More precisely, an ex-girlfriend for an ex-boyfriend.

Anyone could be blamed, from overly strict parents and a traitorous girlfriend to their own pride and kindness, which made them just get out of their way, and not fight, but this did not change the essence. Yes, for the last six months everyone has been calming me down and feeling sorry for me, which only made it worse, because it did not allow me to forget and move on. Sometimes I was ready to climb the wall from the strictly sympathetically instructive notations of my mother, the indifferently expected statements of my father and the ridicule of my younger sister. And there are still ten whole days ahead with my family ... For the first time, I hated the upcoming New Year holidays. And you're not going anywhere!

So you're going to hang around here like a ghost? - Sister inquired sarcastically, passing into the room and turning on her favorite RnB. I still liked some of the melodies, but Timati, howling from the speakers, was terribly infuriating - no hearing, no voice, no melody, no words. Nevermind!

You are early today. - I chose not to answer another joke.

All the same, all of us are at the wedding, - she muttered.

The most interesting thing is that she would gladly go to the mentioned event, spitting on all my emotions on this occasion, but her mother strictly forbade it. Unlike me, my sister still spent all her free time with my former friends. She and I didn’t get along very well before, and now ... Another mention of the wedding echoed in my chest with a dull pain, and I hurried to jump out of the room.

Yes, my mother called and said that they would be released early from work today. Prepare something.

But this is bad. I’m willing to bet that no one let my mother go, and she herself asked for time off to be with me. For some reason, my mother was firmly convinced that today I would lay hands on myself ... I have few virtues and many shortcomings, as my esteemed father says, but I always considered suicide only as cowardice, but I still considered myself strong. My only, already former, girlfriend assured me that my strength was in defense. It's true… I've never been a leader, a ringleader, but few people managed to knock me down from the decision I made. So don't hope! I lived, I live and I will live!

Then I go to the store! - I shouted, hoping to postpone the next session of psychoanalysis as far as possible.

The little sister only grunted something, absorbed by the next news of the Internet, and again went to the "astral plane". She seems to be glad that I'm leaving.