Extraordinary right to kindergarten. Benefits for kindergarten

Beneficiaries in kindergartenare credited on special conditions determined by law. Under beneficiaries who enjoy special rights when entering a preschool educational institution, they mean children who, due to their profession, their parents' disability, or for other reasons, have an out-of-priority right to enter a kindergarten. You will learn about the procedure for obtaining these benefits and the documentation necessary to confirm the status of a beneficiary from this article.

Kindergarten benefits provided at the enrollment stage

Benefits for enrolling in kindergarten are regulated by Art. 55, 65 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law No. 273-FZ). There are the following types of benefits at the stage of admission to kindergarten:

  1. The right to enroll in an educational preschool institution out of turn. These benefits are:
  • orphans (we are talking about round orphans, that is, children who are left without both parents; they can be adopted, live in orphanages or foster families);
  • children of judges;
  • children of prosecutors;
  • children of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • children of employees of the fire service, penitentiary authorities, anti-terrorism authorities, military personnel who died or became disabled due to the performance of their duties;
  • children of persons who in 1986 liquidated the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and became disabled or sick in connection with such activities;
  • children brought up in incomplete and/or dysfunctional families.
  • Priority right to enroll in an educational preschool institution. These benefits are:
    • children who are disabled of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups;
    • children of disabled people of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups;
    • children from large families (a large family should be understood as a family where three or more minor children are brought up);
    • military children;
    • children of police officers.
  • Preemptive right to enroll in an educational preschool institution. These benefits are:
    • children of teachers working in educational state or municipal institutions of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit;
    • children raised by single mothers.

    This list is approved at the national level, however, in the regions additional preferential terms may be established for enrolling a child in a kindergarten. Interested persons can obtain additional information, advice on such benefits in the territorial body of social protection.

    Benefits for paying for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten

    In addition to benefits for enrolling a baby in a preschool institution, the legislation provides certain categories of citizens with benefits for keeping a child in such an institution. The categories of persons who can enjoy such benefits are defined in paragraph 3 of Art. 65 of the Law No. 273-FZ and the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2014 No. 862 "On the fee charged from parents for supervision and care."

    The amount that parents (guardians, adoptive parents, etc.) have to pay for keeping a child in kindergarten is reduced by 50% if such persons are:

    • disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group;
    • participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
    • military personnel serving on conscription;
    • kindergarten workers;
    • parents with many children (having three or more children).

    Completely exempt from paying for the maintenance of the baby in a preschool institution:

    • children recognized by the social protection authority as living in a low-income family;
    • children with tuberculosis intoxication;
    • children left without parental care;
    • orphans;
    • disabled children.

    The nuances of granting benefits when enrolling a child in kindergarten

    • Benefits are provided for state or communal preschool institutions, private institutions, as a rule, are fully provided at the expense of the parents (guardians, guardians of the child) and do not practice priority or other preferential admission.
    • Enrollment is subject to the provision of all documents, including those that confirm the right to receive benefits.
    • Applicants should carefully study the applicable legislation on the provision of benefits. Thus, the children of displaced persons, refugees, studying mothers and students were excluded from the list of those entitled to benefits.

    Documents confirming the right of a person to benefits

    When submitting a package of collected documents (common for all applicants), citizens must attach a document confirming their right to benefits. If they forgot or ignored this point, the regional preschool recruitment commission will consider the application without taking into account discounts and benefits. Documents confirming the right to benefits are:

    Today, not every family can afford to pay for the maintenance of a child in a preschool. In this regard, the state provides certain categories of persons with benefits. Citizens should familiarize themselves in detail with the above information and current legislation in order to protect their interests as much as possible when receiving benefits for enrolling a baby in kindergarten.

    Getting a place in kindergarten has become a new challenge in the 21st century. Every year, thousands of children cannot get a job in a kindergarten due to the lack of places in preschool childcare facilities.

    The state annually tries to resolve this issue, but so far it is only at the stage of consideration. But there are certain individuals who are enrolled out of turn, which puts off citizens for several months. Such citizens are considered beneficiaries.

    Beneficiaries are subject to enrollment under certain conditions, which are prescribed in the current legislation. This category of citizens is understood as children who, due to various circumstances of their parents, have the primary right to receive benefits upon admission to a preschool institution.

    Legislative regulation of the issue

    Benefits for enrolling children in an institution are regulated by articles 55, 65 of the law of December 29, 2012 No. FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

    It is here that all categories of children who can count on for priority enrollment.

    In addition to this legislation, there is several provisions, also regulating the enrollment of beneficiaries.

    These are:

    Also several legal acts governing benefits:

    • Article 23 of the Federal Law “On the status of servicemen”;
    • Clause 6, Article 19 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Servicemen”;
    • Clause 6, Article 46 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police”;
    • Federal Law of December 21, 1994 children of employees and military FPS;
    • Decree of May 05, 1992 No. 431 “On measures for social. support for families with many children.

    Extraordinary admission benefit

    For extraordinary enrollment in a preschool child care institution the following categories of citizens:


    Priority benefit for children is provided at the time of enrollment.

    To those include children:

    1. From .
    2. Having a disabled parent.
    3. Police officers or police officer.
    4. Military personnel. If the father or mother is doing military service under a contract, dismissed upon reaching a specific age.
    5. Raised by one parent.

    Rules for registration and list of documents

    For determining child of Chernobyl need to provide:

    For device deceased parent's child in the territory of the countries represented:

    • certificate from the place of work, which describes the fact of participation;
    • a document confirming the status of a disabled person or a death certificate.

    Prosecutor's child- only a certificate from the place of work, as well as the children of the parents from the investigating authority and the courts.

    For large families You must provide an identity card or birth certificates for all children.

    Disabled child. For this, a certificate with a medical examination is provided.

    Police officer's child- certificate from the place of work.

    military child- certificate and military registration and enlistment office or part.

    Child, single parent:

    • birth certificate of children;
    • certificate from the registry office;
    • certificate from the labor exchange.

    Regional features

    Children of police officers are also not defined with a status. It is different in all regions. The following categories are often equated:

    • children of the deceased parent due to injury in the performance of duties;
    • who died due to an illness acquired during the period of service or dismissed due to the performance of official duties and the impossibility of performing service;
    • who died after leaving work due to an injury received in the course of work, within a year;
    • children dependent on an employee of the body.

    At the moment, not all families can pay for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten. Therefore, the state provides many citizens, including beneficiaries, to apply for benefits and others. It will be used to pay off maintenance obligations. To register a child in a kindergarten under a preferential program, citizens must study in detail all the necessary documents and protect their interests as much as possible.

    The rules for forming a queue for kindergarten are described in the following video:

    Benefits for admission to kindergarten should be borne in mind. When enrolling your child in daycare, you need to know some of the laws regarding benefits, both in providing a place and paying for your child's care. Federal benefits approved by the government are valid in all institutions for preschool children, but regions can also establish additional indulgences for parents. You can find out about them from the head of the kindergarten or the local administration.

    Benefits for admission to kindergarten

    Having stood in line to get a place for your baby in kindergarten, you need to know that there are benefits for which you can get into kindergarten out of turn, as a priority or by right of preemption. However, as a rule, in a miraculous way, it is not the people for whom the benefits are prescribed that use their opportunities. And all why? Decency and ignorance of their rights. It is worth exploring the possibilities and taking advantage of them if there are arguments.

    Without any queues, you can be given a ticket if you:

    • orphans and are between the ages of 18 and 23;
    • work as a prosecutor, investigator;
    • are injured or participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

    Orphans are also taken to the kindergarten without waiting in line.

    First of all, you will be granted benefits to kindergarten if you:

    • parent of a large family (from 3 children);
    • one or both of you are disabled;
    • military personnel;
    • you work for the police.

    Children with disabilities also enjoy this benefit.

    Priority over non-entitled parents is available if you:

    • work in a kindergarten;
    • Are you a single mother or father?
    • took the child into custody; Preference is given to children in difficult life circumstances, refugees.

    In the regions, preferential rights may be granted to other categories of families, you can find out about this when you submit an application to the head of a preschool institution, to social security authorities or to the administration.

    All benefits must be documented (certificates, certificates, etc.) when you first contact the kindergarten or the education department.

    Beneficiaries receive vouchers through one with the waiting list, so that the rights of other kids are not violated.

    Benefits when paying for kindergarten

    The amounts that parents now pay for their child's visits to kindergarten, supervision and care are not very small. Therefore, for individual families, the state provides benefits and compensation.

    Children visit the institution free of charge:

    • disabled people;
    • with impaired hearing, speech, vision, nervous diseases;
    • with asthma, diabetes, curvature of the spine, tuberculosis.

    In order for your child to attend the kindergarten for free, you must bring a certificate of disability or disease that your child suffers from.

    Be careful.
    The fee is halved if you have three or more children. In this case, children under the age of 18 are taken into account, if one of the three is an adult, you will not be able to use the benefit. To receive benefits, copies of birth certificates for all children are provided to kindergarten.

    Payment compensation

    The Kindergarten Law states that you will pay the full cost of kindergarten visits on the receipt, but part of this amount will be returned to your account:

    • you have one baby - 20% compensation;
    • the second child went to kindergarten - 50%, the same with subsequent ones.

    That is, for the first child, the compensation will remain the same, and for the second it will increase.

    Neither benefits nor reimbursements apply to additional services that the kindergarten will provide you.

    It can be choreography, visual activity, sports section, etc. You will pay in full for these services.

    Collections and charitable assistance

    The fee for kindergarten includes services for the supervision, care and nutrition of children. Education, according to the Constitution, is free.

    However, impoverished budgets often do not make it possible to adequately provide kindergartens with everything necessary for the education and maintenance of our kids. Therefore, at parent meetings, the question often arises of buying stationery, hygiene items, etc.

    Parents, as adults, need to understand this.
    On the one hand, the administration can claim that the kids have everything they need. On the other hand, toilet paper, which is given out for a quarter in a preschool institution, is enough for children for a week. They pay for all the parents by collecting money or buying personally albums, paints, detergents, etc.

    Furniture, bedding, towels tend to age and become unusable. The group room is in need of repair, there are not enough toys. And only parents who often don’t have extra money in their pockets can help.

    But to help your group, so that the child sleeps on whole sheets, wipes his face with a beautiful and soft towel, paints with good brushes - this is a sad need, which in the documents of a preschool institution passes as charitable assistance.

    Your right to refuse such assistance and even go to court, but your child in this group will need to study, prepare for school, sit on a hundred times repaired rocking chair, etc.

    Benefits for admission to kindergarten are provided by federal laws (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Model Regulations on Preschool Education), and the maintenance of preschool children falls on the shoulders of local budgets. Therefore, the requests of the parent committee to donate money for toys or group repairs are not extortion, but the provision of the needs of children.

    Benefits do not apply in private kindergartens, but you can try to claim compensation.

    Read this article:

    Kindergarten enrollment process

    There is a catastrophic shortage of free places in modern kindergartens. You have to queue almost immediately after the birth of the baby. Meanwhile some children have benefits giving them the right to extraordinary and priority admission to kindergarten. In addition, a number of children have the advantage of enrolling in kindergartens.

    Once upon a time, directors enrolled in kindergarten. Now they are doing it special commissions. It is the commission for the acquisition of preschool institutions of the district that you need to present a document confirming the right of benefits for your child, as well as a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents. At the same time, the personal presence of a parent in the commission is not necessary; a relative or friend can go with your passport.

    To avoid unnecessary questions, it is advisable to provide parents' passports with registration in the same area where the kindergarten is needed. Children are enrolled in kindergartens at the place of residence, but you may be asked a number of questions if the parent is registered in another area.

    As for our capital, as a result of the order of the Moscow Department of Education "On approval of the procedure for staffing state educational institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education, the system of the Moscow Department of Education" many categories from October 1, 2012 lost the right to a benefit when entering kindergarten(children of students, refugees, unemployed, twins). Also, first of all, children of parents who have permanent Moscow registration began to be admitted to kindergartens. It was then that the division into groups of rights for preferential admission to kindergartens was adopted.

    If there are no free places in kindergartens in your district, then you should be given a referral to a kindergarten in another district.

    List of beneficiaries

    Extraordinary right

    • orphans (adopted, taken under guardianship or in a foster family). An extract from the decision of the body of guardianship and guardianship is a confirming document of the benefit. This also includes children of young, up to 23 years old, orphan parents who lost their parents before their own majority;
    • parents children, victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate of death of a parent as a result of a disease caused by radiation during the Chernobyl accident, or a certificate of a disabled person or a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as a certificate of evacuation from the place of alienation;
    • children judges, investigators and prosecutors. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate from the place of work;
    • parents' children from disadvantaged families and children, registered by the Commission on Juvenile Affairs. Direction from this commission - a document confirming the benefit.

    First Right Kindergarten admissions have:

    • children from large families. Document confirming the benefit: birth certificate of three or more children, certificate of a large family;
    • children military, conscript or contract servicemen. You need a certificate from the military unit at the place of residence or a certificate from the military commissariat;
    • children police officers. You need a parent's certificate from the place of work. Also here can be included the children of parents who died in the police service, were injured in the service and left it as a result, or died from an injury received at work within a year after the dismissal. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the social security authorities;
    • disabled children and children of disabled parents. Certificate of disability from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

    pre-emptive right Kindergarten admissions have:

    • children single mothers. Birth certificate without a record of the father or a certificate from the civil registry office certifying the entry of the father from the words of the mother;
    • children employees of preschool educational institutions. Need a certificate from work;
    • children whose brothers or sisters attend this kindergarten, provided that it corresponds to the state of health of the incoming child. Need a certificate from the kindergarten about visiting his brother / sister.

    Please note that in some areas our vast motherland right of first priority The following children are enrolled in kindergarten:

    • in children whose parents or single mother are students;
    • children of the unemployed;
    • children internally displaced persons;
    • children whose single parent working;
    • children of veterans.

    The number of preschool children in our country is growing, and the problem of enrolling them in a preschool educational institution worries parents more and more every year. Parents take queues for a child to enter kindergarten almost from the birth of the baby, but even such foresight does not guarantee that when the child turns 3 years old, there will be a place for him there.

    So it turns out that mothers are forced to delay their time on parental leave due to the impossibility of having a baby, which negatively affects the family budget and does not at all please the employer who is waiting for his employee to go to work.

    Regulatory regulation of the issue

    But the state is still taking certain steps to improve this situation. Now a lot of regulations have been developed at both the regional and federal levels, according to which certain citizens are entitled to certain benefits for entering kindergarten without a queue.

    Benefits for kindergarten are established upon admission or when paying for services for the upbringing or nutrition of children. The main documents regulating this issue are:

    • federal law "On Education" and by-laws to it;
    • regulations and departmental orders establishing benefits for certain categories of workers or employees (military, police, judges, etc.);
    • documents regulating social security for categories of the population in need of special conditions and support (disabled people, large and low-income families, people affected by radiation, military operations or terrorist attacks, etc.);
    • regional regulations that may establish additional categories of persons entitled to receive benefits in kindergarten.

    The right to a preferential place in kindergarten

    So, who is entitled to a benefit in the queue for kindergarten? The list of those who are eligible for the benefit can be presented as follows:

    Category of beneficiariesDocuments confirming the right to a benefit
    single parents and orphans aged 18-23extract from guardianship authorities
    citizens affected by the Chernobyl disastercertificate of evacuation from the scene of the disaster, or certificate of disability received as a result of the disaster
    citizens living in the risk zonedocuments confirming residence and compliance of the place of residence with the parameters of the rice zone
    families left without a breadwinnerdeath certificate
    disabled peoplerelevant medical certificate
    dysfunctional familiescertificate from the juvenile commission
    children of employees of the police, prosecutor's office, investigative committee or court, as well as others to persons whose benefits are related to their professioncertificate of employment
    families raising adopted childrenadoption or guardianship document
    military personnelcertificate from a unit or military registration and enlistment office
    • children of persons serving in the police or who stopped serving there due to injury during work;
    • children of dead policemen;
    • children of military personnel serving under a contract;
    • disabled children;
    • disabled children;
    • children from large families.

    After the children of these categories of persons are enrolled in kindergarten, several more types of beneficiaries will be next in line for enrollment. These include single mothers and employees of children's state preschool institutions.

    If your first child is already attending kindergarten, you can also place your second child there on a preferential basis. The only exception to this rule is a child who needs corrective care.

    For those who are not eligible for benefits, when queuing, they may feel that their number is not at all close to enrolling in kindergarten. This is not so, it’s just that the state has provided for a lot of categories, citizens of which send their children to kindergarten earlier than everyone else.

    Who is entitled to benefits for food and maintenance in kindergarten

    In addition to preferential enrollment in a preschool educational institution, parents can take advantage of state assistance when paying for the stay and food in kindergarten. There are categories of people whose children can attend kindergarten for free, and there are those who pay only part of the fee.

    Children who can visit the kindergarten for free:

    • children with disabilities;
    • orphans;
    • children with tuberculosis intoxication;
    • children from low-income families.

    The second (who are partially exempted from payment) in accordance with federal law include:

    • large families;
    • parents with disabilities;
    • parents who participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • contract soldiers.

    These citizens receive a benefit for kindergarten payments in the amount of 50% of the cost of maintaining and feeding children. Also, benefits for paying for kindergarten can be increased or established for additional categories of persons at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    What benefits are established at the regional level

    For example, in some subjects of our country, regional authorities have provided for compensation for parents who, when the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, due to lack of vacant places, could not place him in a kindergarten. There are benefits of this kind in Perm, Samara and some other regions.

    The amount of compensation is different everywhere and depends on the possibilities of the regional budget. The amount of the payment may differ depending on the age of the child or the number of children in the family.

    Also, regional authorities can increase the benefit for paying for food or keeping children in kindergarten. In some subjects, benefits are provided to students, war veterans, employees of government agencies, etc.

    Sometimes a privilege is granted to citizens falling into the category of "incomplete family". But here it is necessary to clarify what exactly the authorities mean by this phrase.

    So, in Moscow only single mothers are included here, while in other regions such a benefit can be extended to both widows and divorced women.

    For exact information about the availability of benefits in your region, you need to check with your local department of social security. Only there they will be able to give you full information on the privileges provided in the region.

    Documents for obtaining benefits

    For preferential enrollment of a child in a kindergarten, parents will need to submit a document confirming the right to a benefit. It should be remembered that these documents are valid for a limited amount of time, therefore, having received a supporting certificate, you must hurry with the collection of other documents. In addition, you will need:

    1. statement,
    2. passport of one of the parents or adoptive parents,
    3. birth certificate,
    4. Marriage certificate.

    Together with the original documents, their copies are also required. The package of documents is sent to the department of social protection of the population. In some regions, the reception of documents refers to the functions of multifunctional centers. This saves a lot of time when submitting them.


    It is worth noting that all the benefits listed above apply only to those parents who want to send their child to a state or municipal kindergarten. If you plan to raise a child in a private institution, then there will be no opportunities to receive any benefits, even if you have and confirmed the appropriate status.

    By the way, private kindergartens are an excellent solution for those who do not want to wait in line for years to enroll their child in an educational institution. Their popularity is growing every year, as many parents believe that there is more attention paid to the child and the conditions of detention are much better than in state institutions.

    In large cities, you can choose a kindergarten with a certain direction of development, where special developmental classes are provided for children - learning foreign languages, dancing, swimming, etc. The only downside would be the higher service fees.

    But if the mother urgently needs to go to work, and her salary will allow her to pay for the services of a private kindergarten, then this option can be considered.