How to quickly learn how to flirt with guys correctly: from theory to practice. How to flirt with a girl? Full instructions with examples

Expand your horizon. Do not limit yourself to the idea that you can only meet a girl at a party, in a bar or in a club. You never know when and where you can meet a girl who will agree to meet you if you behave correctly. The expression "there are many different kinds of fish in the sea" illustrates this fact. If you want to find a girl, then look around you both ways: at work, in cafes, on the street and, in principle, in any public places. But there are a couple of important points to keep in mind:

  • It is very difficult to meet in a supermarket. Most people don't go to the shops or banks looking for romance, so it's common to meet in bars, clubs, and parties. Don't expect a good reaction when you try to meet girls in places where they are forced to go.
  • Instead, consider places like open-air markets, cafes, and other places where people go of their own free will. It is likely that girls in such places will be at least a little more receptive to meeting new people if they are not there on business.
  • If your plans are not to turn into Don Juan (attention: you will not succeed if your plan is still like this), then before meeting you, conduct a “ring test”. Does the girl have an engagement ring? Then she is either already married or engaged. Treat it with respect and leave her alone.

Understand the male-female dynamic. It varies from country to country, but in general there is a clear paradigm in the Western world (in Europe, Australia and North America) that defines what attracts men and women in the opposite sex. This is actually a very complex question, but on a simple level, it works like this: women are primarily attracted to social power and influence, and men are primarily attracted to fertility and health (which is why Western culture tries to make women look younger).

  • There are a huge number of things that men cannot do to offer their social power and therefore become more attractive. Consider developing good style and a subtle sense of humor. Physical wealth is a good indicator of social strength, which is why a lot of guys have nice cars even though they live in poverty themselves. Think about how you can highlight your life by highlighting your strengths.
  • The most basic and perhaps most rewarding way to show your social power is to be confident. By demonstrating the ability to speak and act with confidence, you will be able to show that you are not afraid of other men, which already makes you strong. That's why it's often said that confidence is everything in the dating world. Become more confident in yourself, and you will always be able to compete for dates.
  • Be yourself, but from the best side of you. It is important to avoid the artificial self. Women are very sensitive and won't take you seriously if you don't respect them by pretending to be someone else that you really aren't. On the other hand, women are also not going to take out the garbage. The best benefit of a long-term relationship is the freedom to share your worries and fears with someone who loves you, but right now you are not in a long-term relationship with someone - you are just sitting in a cafe next to a girl in a funny t-shirt who smiling sweetly at you. Don't waste the opportunity. A casual acquaintance is your chance to show your best side, and not start complaining to a girl who is ready to listen to all this.

    Improve your body language. Body language is more than just standing up with a straight back and looking someone in the eye: it's a whole complex, everything you do during communication besides words. Body language is the original way people communicate, so it's important to get it right if you want to succeed in the dating game. The tested rules would be:

    • The more eye contact, the better.
    • Smile every time you look someone in the eye. Don't look away until you smile.
    • Don't stare. Try not to look directly at the girl's body if you are talking to her.
    • Learn an open posture: legs and arms are not crossed, shoulders back, head straight. This makes you look confident, relaxed and open.
    • Don't mumble. Speak clearly and without thinking.
    • During your conversation, lean slightly towards the girl you like. It is normal to tilt your head slightly if you are talking while seated.
  • Never forget: body language is very strong, but not always clear. For example, people touch the parts of their body they like when they talk to someone they like. A girl who constantly touches her lips or breasts with one hand while talking to you may be interested in you; and vice versa, maybe she just has something itchy. Therefore, take any hints with a grain of salt.

    Learn the following mantra:"do or die". If a girl liked you, would you prefer her to tell you about it now or three years later? Also with girls. Therefore, slow attempts to capture the heart of a girl by flirting with her will never work: women need a man who immediately confesses his feelings. If he is really interested in a date, then he can take the risk of getting rejected, but still trying to ask.

    • Even those women who like you very much will not wait long for you to invite them somewhere. She will either decide that you don't like her, and then she will decide to give up, or she will be disappointed in you because you could not muster up the courage to invite her somewhere.
    • When you like a girl, and if you do not ask her out on a date, then remember that you have about a month, but no more, to let you know about your intention. Don't wait for the right moment.

    Acquaintance with a girl

    1. Prepare your text ahead of time. Knowing what you want to say to a girl will help you before you say it. It doesn't have to be something very exciting - just an invitation to talk. You can start with the weather if you're outdoors, or the interior if you're indoors. At a party, think up something about the party itself, or ask how she knows the hostess or host. Just be ready before you start talking.

      Build a dialogue. If you hear a cold remark in response, then you have two options: give up or immediately start flirting with her, hoping for a result. If, on the other hand, the girl answered very gently, then take the chance to show your best side.

      • Talking to someone you just met is already a test for both of you. If you make this moment easier for the girl, she will appreciate it. Try to suggest several options for a discussion about something frivolous, such as music that is playing in the room. Be honest and see how she responds. Listen to what she tells you and ask her for details. Putting yourself first will keep her safe by giving her the option to agree or disagree with your opinion.
      • Try not to turn your conversation into an interview by asking questions such as: "Where do you work?" "Where do you live?" "Where did you go to school?" quickly one after another. Instead, turn your questions into assumptions (for example, "You look like you're from Italy" or "I'm willing to bet you organize events"). This will make you appear bolder and give her a chance to respond more naturally, which will help her relax and enjoy the conversation.
    2. Be funny. Humor is universal and finding someone who appreciates your sense of humor is a great feeling. On the other hand, someone who doesn't understand your humor is either not interested in you or doesn't need you, so humor can be a great way to test the situation without showing it off.

      • Even if you think that your sense of humor is very subtle or strange for most people, show it during the conversation anyway. If the girl you are talking to is interested, then she will laugh at your jokes even when no one else is.
    3. Compliment discreetly. Any compliments you give should come naturally. The key to a good conversation is to talk about things that the two of you enjoy discussing. When you find a way to compliment her or flirt with her without interrupting the conversation, go for it; otherwise, keep these phrases to yourself.

      • The only possible responses a woman can give to an obvious compliment is to agree with him (then she will seem narcissistic), disagree (then she will be confused) or answer you with a compliment, which rarely happens, especially at the very beginning of a conversation. It is more important to show that you are interested in her than to say directly that you are attracted to her, which is already evident from the fact that you approached her and started your game.
    4. Show who you really are. Girls like guys who are confident and comfortable. Never be shy when answering questions, say everything as it is. Most girls will like a guy who builds robots in his basement and is not shy about talking about it with a smile more than a guy who is embarrassed about it.

      • Don't be afraid to gently criticize (in the form of questions like, "Isn't that stupid?") or gently joke about her, but don't overdo it. Girls like it when a guy looks interested rather than confused because it means he won't get attached too quickly and cause unnecessary problems. On the other hand, someone who constantly jokes stupidly in her direction will seem to the girl to be rude or still a child.
    5. Ask for her phone number. When it's time to end the conversation, ask for her number. Say that it was very pleasant for you to communicate, but it’s time for you to go home / to work / or what is on your plan there. If she says that she does not want to give you her number, then just wish her a good day in return. If you got her number, then call her within a day or two to set up a weekend date.

      Get ready for your first date. The best first dates are the ones where you don't have time to be quiet with each other. Avoid concerts and movies. On the contrary, offer her something where you can chat, and that is not so expensive. Prepare a couple of ideas in advance; most women like it when a man decides what their first date will be.

      • If you have an idea about what she might like, like going on a boat, then suggest this idea to her, if not, then stop for lunch or coffee together. All of these options give you the opportunity to talk quietly and (if you're lucky) kiss.
      • Offer to pay for everything on the first date, but don't push it. Some girls do not like the fact that a man has to pay for everything, and they prefer to share the costs or pay themselves. Whatever she chooses, agree with it.
      • Give her some freedom. This is your first date, not a prenuptial agreement. Once you agree on the time and place, do not call her again until the very moment of the meeting. Then you will have plenty of time to talk.
      • If she calls and asks to reschedule the meeting, then don't blame her - in fact, if she wanted to refuse you, then she had plenty of opportunities to do so earlier. Be patient and relax.

    Play with a friend

    1. Consider all risks. This is a very delicate situation, but remember that your girlfriend is unlikely to want to be your girlfriend just because you asked her out on a date, even if she does not agree to it. The more important problem for you will be yourself, because you are inviting it. If all your hopes and dreams are focused on a date with your girlfriend, then you can be very disappointed.

      Wait until you are alone. This will initially save you from embarrassment in front of your mutual friends. If your girlfriend treats you as well as you treat her, then she will not aggravate the situation. If she makes a scene, then it means that she was not worthy of it.

      Just ask her. Don't declare your love, just ask her out on a date. It's completely understandable that you love your girlfriend, but talking about it won't make a difference because it won't give her a specific reason to date you. It's best to keep your feelings to yourself and look at your date offer like everyone else.

      • Be very clear about your desire for a romantic date, not just being together. If you hide your feelings, it will not help anything.
    2. Practice your restraint. No matter what the outcome of your proposal to go on a date together will be, it is your responsibility to be restrained and polite. If she says yes, great, but it's not time to tell her right away. After all, you haven't even gone on a first date together yet. If she says no, don't show her your disappointment. On the contrary, apologize (and she will understand this) and go home to grieve alone.

    Play with a colleague

      Consider all risks. Unlike the situation of flirting in the same class, the chances that you will have to work next to the girl you ask out, despite her consent or refusal to go on a date, are much higher at work. You can't invite another colleague after that or wait until the end of the school year, and neither can she. If you understand the risks to your comfort zone (and hers too) in case things don't go as planned, there are some steps you can take to minimize those risks and to know that work will continue at its normal pace no matter what it is. response.

      Don't litter where you eat. This expression is immortal not without good reasons. The closer you are to someone outside of your personal life, the more likely it is that dating can eventually lead to fights and humiliation. At work, it’s better then to choose a girl with whom you are not so close at work.

      • If you work for a large company, such as a store or large office, then try to focus on choosing a girl who works in a different department. Then, no matter how things unfold, both of you can return to work with a minimum degree of embarrassment and inconvenience.
    1. Be respectful. Obviously, respect is an important component of any (realistic) dating strategy, but in the workplace, you need to think about it a lot. Think about the situation from the girl's point of view: she is here because she needs a job, not because she hoped that she would meet nice young people at work. Anything that adds stress to her job will get in her way, because she can't afford to just not show up to work because she's uncomfortable with a colleague's situation. Never jeopardize a girl's job by asking her to go on a date with you.

      • Be concise, polite, and if you are refused, then do not put pressure on her, and do not bother her after that. Even if you think you're being very friendly, chances are she won't appreciate your intervention in her life after she's turned you down. Give her free space.
    2. Be careful. Many bosses frown on workplace romance because it often leads to decreased employee productivity and disruptive behavior (which ranges from extended smoke breaks to inappropriate arguments in discussions). If you want to get a girl from your job, then don't talk about your desire.

      • If the work continues more or less the same as it went before, then your superiors will not mind if you try to invite a girl from work on a date, or even if you start dating. Just remember: work is first and foremost for work, and everything else is secondary, no matter how necessary or interesting it is for you at the moment.

    Be fast. You don't have time to be shy or modest. You want a date night with someone you just met and may never see again. A girl won't know what you want if you're just there for her all night. Instead of taking her phone number, invite her over "now" before you leave. Ask her where she wants to go and offer to pay for a taxi (as usual). The key to flirting with a girl for a short period is to be clear about what you want (nights together) and try to get it.

  • Be truthful. If someone is waiting for you at home, then do not chase someone else when you are away from home. This is dishonest and cowardly and will remain in your mind long after the incident. Think about how you would feel if your girlfriend had fun on the weekend with someone passing by during her holidays with the family, while you were sitting at home alone and missing her. No momentary impulse or momentum is worthy of a threat to your relationship.

    • If you feel like you're ready to quit this relationship, then end it first. Don't play behind a girl's back. Once you are officially single, you will have many chances to flirt with other girls.
    • Practice - the more you practice, the better. Get over your fear of talking to girls by chatting with the ones you see every day. Talk to them as if they were other men, until you realize that girls are people just like you, and they can be just as scared to talk to someone.
    • Always treat her equally. If you are only doing what makes her happy, then you are in a risky situation. If you keep treating her like she's taller than you, she'll just step over you. And, of course, if you treat her badly, then she will not respect you in any way.
    • If you have a date, then try to find her on social networks to find out what she likes. So you can find ideas for your first date.
    • Be relaxed. Remember that you are only human. It's okay to be nervous, but try to work through it and show your confidence instead of letting your nervousness come out on top.
    • As with any performance, it's better to wait a bit for the audience's reaction than to keep repeating the encore thing until people stop clapping. In other words, make your best exit and leave. No one likes an idiot who doesn't take hints. If you made an impression on her, then she will let you know about it at the right time.
    • Some girls have a lot of fans. Be persistent, positive and polite, and this way she will distinguish you from all others.
    • Give her compliments and don't forget to take her phone. Girls love persistent.


    • The appearance in recent years of "pick-up artists" has provoked doubt that they are misogynists and are looking for girls for one night. The methods that epitomize this attitude are to act hastily and behave strangely until you get lucky and until you find a date. It is best to avoid this tactic as it is disrespectful to girls and is useless for finding good relationships.
    • Avoid self-doubt. Don't show that you really need something. Such moments will not help you in any way. Girls don't look for injured animals to look after; they are looking for nice, stable young people with whom they can have a good time. Remember that wanting something from someone else is not a good reason to give you what you want. Instead, show her real reasons.
    • Be aware of where your eyes are. DO NOT look at any part of the girl's body, especially when she is talking to you. Remember that looking at her during a conversation and looking at her are two different things. Avoid looking.

    Oddly enough, if you want to impress a girl, you should not show her your true intention, because you will look like a needy person in her eyes. For example, if you buy a girl a bunch of roses or start taking her to expensive restaurants, you will actually create a huge obstacle for yourself.

    Instead, you should learn how to impress a girl by being interesting and really standing out from the rest of the guys who are just trying to bribe girls with their pathetic attempts at seduction.

    Before you start flirting with a girl, understand the fundamental truth that flirting is fun.

    If you have siblings, remember how you used to have fun together. As a result, you become playful, cheerful and more united.

    The same applies to flirting with women. By being in a fun position, you create an emotional state that encourages girls to approach you, and you become attractive to them.

    Flirting is an implicit verbal and non-verbal language spoken by men and women around the world. Flirting is so deeply rooted in human nature that its signals are understood by all people, often completely meaningless. Words, gestures and behavior during flirting help to attract the attention of members of the opposite sex, as well as communicate the level of biological and mental health.

    You can practice the art of flirting on anyone. For these purposes, neighbors, sales girls from shopping centers, waitresses, female instructors in gyms, etc. are suitable.

    1. Irony

    Irony over a girl is defined as a playful and friendly exchange of teasing phrases. Being able to joke when you first start out with someone you like is one of the most effective ways to grab her attention right away. Once you have experience, you will be able to sneer naturally.

    However, guys with no experience have a problem: they go too far in one direction or another. Some of them are able to ridicule the girl so much that she feels offended. Conversely, other men are so shy and timid that they are too afraid to even try to include 10% of their fun potential. Therefore, try to find a middle ground.

    What is the fastest way to learn to joke? Chat with your siblings and start teasing them, as you naturally do.

    2. Smirk

    Nothing says more about the need for a person than a huge, brilliant, pearly white smile.

    Remember how James Bond or Hank Moody smiles. Adopt a smirk in your arsenal, as a brother of a standard smile that is more skillful in seducing. Smirking is a great way to test your attractiveness and receptivity to the opposite sex.

    3. Effective compliments

    But I hope that going into the ranks of a friend is not what you expect.

    3. Take care of your appearance

    4. Choose a good perfume

    You must be convinced that you are emitting the smell of fantasy. Girls often remember how guys smell when they first meet, so the choice of fragrance is really important from the very beginning of dating.

    If you have problems with the choice of eau de toilette, ask a friend of yours to help you with this matter. Keep in mind that while some fragrances can be quite expensive, they are definitely worth the price.

    Before heading out to meet a girl, make sure you don't spray too much perfume.

    5. Pump yourself up

    If you want to learn how to flirt with a girl, you will have to work on your personality.

    Even though every man has a personality and uniqueness, make people see that you are cool and. Also, don't judge others and don't gossip about them.

    6. Have a sense of humor

    If you know how to joke and can cheer up the people around you, it will not be difficult for you to flirt with a girl. All girls really want at the end of the day is the company of a fun guy.

    The good news for you will be that a sense of humor is not good or bad, the main thing is that it be.

    7. Maintain eye contact

    Maintaining eye contact with a girl is a very powerful method of flirting. Nothing beats that electrifying feeling that comes when you look her straight in the eyes.

    At the same time, do not focus on the girl with a hard, unblinking look. The look should be soft and relaxed. How to do it? Smile with your eyes.

    8. Watch for female signals

    Girls tend to give hints. However, they do it in a very subtle way, and sometimes it is quite difficult to decipher their actions and body language.

    Therefore, watch the girl. True signs that are her playful look, smile, play with hair, demonstration of the neck, décolleté, touching your hand, etc.

    9. Take the first step

    Show the girl how confident you are by taking the first step. Approach the girl you like and just start a conversation with her.

    Forget about your excitement, to hell with it! What do you have to lose? is a sure way to get a woman you like.

    10. Don't reveal everything about yourself.

    If you really want to know how to flirt with a girl and win her over, then it's important for you to set the stage for the girl to remain intrigued and curious about you. In other words, stay mysterious, it will definitely make her want you even more.

    Many modern girls and women reach dizzying heights in their careers, receive degrees, improve their appearance to glossy standards. However, in personal life they remain unrealized. It's all because of not knowing how to flirt with a man. Flirting is a win-win game that allows you to get the attention of the opposite sex, and sometimes rekindle the flame of love.

    What is flirting?

    Synonyms for the word "flirting" are coquetry, courtship, love game. This is the ability to attract the attention of the opposite sex. A variety of methods or a combination of them can be used:

    The ultimate goal of coquetry is the entry into a sexual relationship, less often into a love relationship. The art of flirting with a man has a long history. The last queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, was famous for her special popularity among the opposite sex. They say that men were ready to give up their lives for just one night spent with her.

    Cleopatra was endowed with great charm, a charming voice, skillfully emphasized her dignity, loved to use various aromatic oils. The second example is the famous film actress Marilyn Monroe. Despite the extremely tragic fate, she perfectly mastered the art of flirting, drove many famous men crazy with her appearance and manner of communication. It is believed that the ability to flirt is a natural quality of a woman.

    Rules for flirting with a man

    Flirting is a game with its own subtleties and rules. If a woman knows them, then at least the interest from the man is guaranteed to her. So, how to flirt with a man correctly:

    1. Smile. A smile gives a red light to a man for further communication, shows a woman's openness and friendliness.
    2. Shoot with your eyes. Look at the man for a few seconds, and then lower your eyes in embarrassment.
    3. Use sweet scents. Smell matters a lot.
    4. Violate personal space. Approach the man at a distance of 30-50 cm.
    5. Use interesting accessories, details in clothes. Many men like translucent inserts in the chest, abdomen, back or hips.

    Flirting with a man, example:

    1. Unfamiliar girl and guy at the supermarket shelves. She: “I advise you to take this coffee (pasta, milk, etc.). What you need for real men. The second option, she: “And I have been waiting for you here for a long time. Help me get a can of cream from that shelf over there. Please"
    2. . Her: “You are so versatile. I wonder what you will surprise me with next time. Or: “I have a dream. But I will talk about it a little later. For dessert". Another option: “I have a tempting idea. As soon as I get to know you better, we will definitely deal with it.”

    Important. Flirting is a game on the edge. Obsession, annoying, swagger are beyond the line. Try not to cross it. Be moderately restrained in emotions and behavior. Send only "dressed" photos. Choose an outfit that will show your man your assets, but will not expose you.

    Author's advice. The key to success in flirting with a man is self-confidence. If a woman is aware of her attractiveness, then she does not need any rules and schemes. To feel at your best and learn how to flirt with men, put in order your appearance, buy a new dress and just start a dialogue with the right candidate. As soon as you see his admiring look, the ability to flirt will turn on by itself.

    Flirt in text

    Today, social networks are more popular than ever. According to statistics, classmates, facebook, instagram, vkontakte, dating sites for communication with the opposite sex are used by every 3 city dweller. And if in personal communication a woman can use absolutely any subtleties of seduction, then in correspondence her possibilities are limited.

    SMS flirting with men is based on ambiguous phrases, expectant pauses, seductive photos and humor. For those who have never practiced flirtatiousness on the phone, such games can cause certain difficulties. In order to avoid mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for conducting flirtatious conversations. So, how to flirt with a man by correspondence:

    Before you start a conversation, you need to be clear about your purpose. What emotion or action do you most desire? Perhaps you want to cause jealousy or provoke a man to a strong desire to meet. Be prepared for the fact that a man can really fall in love and start conquering on all fronts. This can get you into serious trouble if you're in a relationship and just want to have some fun.


    Sometimes our imagination refuses to work in the right direction. In such cases, you can use examples ready for SMS flirting with men:

    How to learn to flirt with a man? First of all, you need to forget about seriousness. You should be light, slightly ironic and a little mysterious. Try on the role of a mysterious temptress or a flirtatious laugher. Use SMS to flirt with a man if you are embarrassed to say some things in person. Game, flirting is an important component of any relationship. This is a source of positive emotions, the same stick that warms up the fire of love and passion for many years.

    Marina, Kataysk

    Use positive body language. Your body can tell a girl that you're interested before you even say anything and can help you flirt better when you're chatting. There are just a few tricks you need to know to show your interest to a girl through body language.

    • Maintain eye contact. Look her straight in the eyes when you talk to her. Don't check your phone or look around to see what your comrades are up to. You need to show the girl that you give her all your attention, but in order not to create tension, you can sometimes look away.
    • Keep your arms at your sides or use to gesticulate. Do not cross them on the chest, otherwise you will look closed.
    • Lean towards her when you speak. When you are sitting or standing, lean over a little to be closer to the girl. But do not get too close, otherwise you will seem like one of these "obsessive talkers" and can seem very annoying.
    • Don't forget to smile. Let her catch a smile from you at her from time to time, even when you're not talking. It's much easier to flirt when you maintain a positive vibe.
    • Don't slouch. Stand up straight and nobly and you will look much more confident.
  • Perfect the art of refinement. Delicacy is a sure way to good flirting. You should know the difference between saying you're interested and how to "hint" about it. Saying that you are infatuated with her is too obvious and leaves no room for the imagination. Barely perceptible hints about your hobby will intrigue the girl and support communication.

    • Make exquisite compliments to the girl. Instead of just complimenting her clothes, say, "You must have spent hours picking these up."
    • Find subtle ways to show her that you would like to spend more time with her. If she says she loves swimming, don't say you'd like to see her in a bikini. Instead, say, "I like girls who love to swim. Especially in the summer."
    • Find subtle ways to make her feel special. Instead of saying, "You look great," say, "A girl like you probably doesn't have a hard time getting guys' attention."
  • Ask her about herself. You don't have to bombard a girl with questions to show that you want to get to know her. By asking about her interests or abilities, you can flirt well and show her that you are interested in her. Here are a few things you can ask about:

    • Between jokes, ask her what she likes to do in her free time. This will show that you want to get to know her better.
    • If the conversation turned to relatives, ask her if she has brothers or sisters. Girls love to talk about brothers and sisters.
    • Ask if she has pets. If there is, ask if she likes to play with them.
    • Ask her opinion about something stupid and unimportant. Say something that will make her laugh. For example: "What do you think of a guy who wears pink clothes?".
  • Tease her. Once you're comfortable enough, you can start teasing her a little. You can unexpectedly tease her and calmly tease her from the first minute of communication, or it can take a little longer. Once you feel like everything is going right, don't be afraid to show your fun side by making fun of the girl when you're flirting.

    • Make fun of her interests. If she says she likes TV programs about the life of stars, advise her to watch The Bachelor.
    • Tease how she looks. Make sure you do it in the form of a compliment. If she's wearing obviously not precious gold jewelry, ask her if it's real gold.
    • Make fun of her laugh. If she has a very sweet laugh, ask her if she surrounds herself with funny people like you so she can laugh more often.
  • Tired of sending hackneyed SMS to the girl you like? Then follow our tips to become an expert in the art of flirting and pave the way for a date!


    Flirting with a girl via SMS

    1. Don't be boring and predictable. The worst flirting text is boring and predictable. Your text should be funny and interesting. If you can't think of something more interesting, then it's better not to write to her at all.

      • For example, don't start your message text with a boring, Hello  or How are you?. Absolutely boring. She probably gets messages like this from every guy she knows, so do something that makes you different.
      • Try something unique, something that will make her respond immediately: You can't stop thinking about me or You cheated yesterday while playing kicker (table football). I demand revenge.
    2. Sometimes text messages feel impersonal, so try to be as personal as possible. This will help create a relationship between you.

      • Address her by her first name - girls are in awe when they see their name in a message. There is something intimate about it.
      • Alternatively, you can use the special nickname you gave her. It will look like something only the two of you can understand.
      • Use Pronouns We And us in your SMS - it will create a feeling me and you against this world. Girls love it very much.
    3. Compliment the girl. She will feel special and desired. Write her a couple of compliments in your message.

      • Try classic (highly effective) compliments like I can't stop thinking about you after seeing you in that dress. or not template You have a wonderful sense of humor.
      • Let the compliment be sincere - do not say what you do not really think. Girls feel fake from a mile away.
    4. Be mysterious. There's nothing wrong with a little mystery.

      • For example, if she asks about how your day went, you should not go into boring details (see step 1). Answer something like: “The day turned out to be incredible. People never cease to amaze me. ” We hope she will be intrigued, and will demand from you a more detailed story in the next message.
      • Or if she asks about your plans for the weekend, don't be too frank (until you have an attractive plan of action). If you tell her that you'll just be working on your essay all weekend, it's unlikely to interest her. Say that you're going to fight a dragon or something equally silly. It doesn't have to be true, just to make it sound interesting.
    5. Poke fun at her. Teasing is the best way to flirt - it creates intimacy between you without being too serious.

      • Call the girl some nickname, as mentioned above (call only her like that). This is the best way to tease her without hurting her. For example, “mottled” or “Little Miss Perfect”.
      • Make a joke about what she said or did the last time you were together. For example, if she said that she was taking a Coke, then you can answer her: “just don’t spray it through your nose like last time ”. In this way, you will remind her of the fun times spent together and make her think positively about your relationship.
      • Make sure you don't go too far and don't offend her. Otherwise, your relationship will end before it even starts.
    6. Take the initiative. No flirting is complete without meaningful hints that maintain interest.

      • You can ask something more casual like what she's wearing or tell her that you like her in this dress but that you like what's underneath.
      • Another good way is through innocent remarks that are deliberately interpreted as erotic jokes. For example, if she says, "I can't believe it's so long!" (referring to the length of a movie or something like that), you could say, "That's what she said."
      • If you feel uncomfortable making erotic jokes, then you can just innocently notice that you just got out of the shower. Then the ball will be in her goal and if she answers something like: “Wow, I would like to see this”, then you will understand that she is not against such jokes.

      SMS flirting etiquette

      1. Write short and expressive messages. Long messages are boring and will indicate that you are impatient.

        • For this reason, be brief and expressive. Let the message be no more than 2-3 sentences.
        • Try to make every text message either funny or cool. Messages should never be related to the discussion of the weather.
      2. Send the same number of messages. You should not send more messages than you receive replies.

        • Too many messages indicate that you are very impatient and available. She may feel like you're pushing too hard. She can either get scared or lose interest.
        • On the other hand, too short SMS is also not good. It may seem that you are not interested enough, or she may assume that you are texting many girls at the same time and decide to cut off communication with you.
        • Therefore, you need to find a middle ground. Therefore you need to find a balance by sending a roughly equal number of text messages, with the balance tipped slightly in her direction if possible.
        • You also need to pay attention to who is the initiator of the beginning and end of messages.
      3. Pay attention to grammar and spelling. You must leave the impression of a smart and competent interlocutor. Teenagers may not pay attention to this, but if you are over 18, then try to write more competently.

        • No need to look up difficult words in the dictionary to seem smart, just go through each text with your eyes before sending.
        • Punctuation makes a huge difference in how text will be interpreted. For example, if a girl sent you a photo in a new dress, then the word “wow!” sounds more enthusiastic than 'wow'. And ‘’I like…’’ sounds more intriguing than just “I like it.”
        • Don't overdo it with exclamation points, emoticons, etc. – they are only effective if used appropriately.
      4. Stop talking if it gets boring. The ability to gracefully end a conversation is an important skill.

        • If you have been sending messages to each other for a long time, then the conversation will gradually fade away and become boring.
        • End the conversation nicely. It is a beautiful farewell that a girl will most remember
        • End the conversation with something like, “Gotta go baby, we'll talk tomorrow. Take care of youself!" or ‘I need to sleep. See you in my dreams!".
      5. A flirtatious farewell will complete what has been started. Don't use text flirting instead of real flirting. The text just needs to complement the real flirting.

        • While it's great to send messages (sometimes you can say things in a message that you're embarrassed to say in person), there's nothing more fascinating than flirting face-to-face.
        • Make an appointment using text messages. Then the messages will make sense, and both of you will be in anticipation of a future meeting.
        • Remember that prolonged eye contact, a charming smile and a touch of hands are much better than words on a monitor.
      • Tell girls jokes. Girls love humor.
      • Don't be afraid to reply to a girl's messages! If you do not unsubscribe, the girl will think that you do not like her and will switch to someone else.
      • Be yourself!
      • If the girl isn't responding to your messages or responding to them in a playful way, you probably shouldn't flirt with her any further. For example, if she answers in monosyllables, it's time to quietly wrap up the conversation.