The ex-wife of the deputy speaker of the Legislative Assembly bombarded the security forces with statements against the ex-spouse. The ex-wife of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly bombarded the security forces with statements about the ex-spouse

We find out the details of the biography of the politician who headed the Omsk region on October 9 - the president's decision was unexpected.

On October 9, President Vladimir Putin appointed 50-year-old Alexander Burkov, representative of the Just Russia party, State Duma deputy, as acting governor of the Omsk Region. Alexander Leonidovich was born on April 23, 1967 in the small town of Kushva, Sverdlovsk Region. He worked as a deputy of the State Duma from this region and was deputy chairman of the Just Russia faction. The new governor of the Omsk region is a thermal power engineer by education. “He graduated from the same university where the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, studied at one time. He has a wife and a son. The politician is fond of hunting and adheres to socialist views, ”the website of the Just Russia party reports about him.

The layout of the election leaflet of Alexander Burkov - this is how the politician looked 18 years ago; the inscription on the poster: "Movement of workers for social guarantees"

Burkov in 1999 successfully participated in the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Then he managed to reach the second round, where he lost to Eduard Rossel. In recent weeks, there have been rumors that Burkov will head one of the Russian regions. However, there was no talk about the Omsk region.

Facts from the biography:

In 1989 he graduated from the UPI with a degree in thermal power engineering.

In 1994 he was elected to the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma.

In 1995 he became deputy chairman of the government of the Sverdlovsk region.

In 1998 he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Sverdlovsk Region.

In 1999, he participated in the election of the governor and became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly.

Since 2007 he has been working in the State Duma.

In 2013, he participated in the election of the mayor of Yekaterinburg, but took only third place, losing to Roizman and Silin.

Since September 2016, he worked in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, where he went through party lists. According to NGS.OMSK, Burkov has 110 bills on his account. In the State Duma, he oversaw issues of housing policy and housing and communal services, legal support for the development of the defense industry.

The State Duma website published the income of Alexander Burkov for 2016. So, last year he received 4 million 554 thousand 731 rubles. He owns a residential building in Russia with an area of ​​180.6 sq. m, half an apartment with an area of ​​37.9 sq. m, land area of ​​2401 sq. m. Burkov's wife owns a quarter of the apartment with an area of ​​71.1 square meters. m, an apartment of 43.4 sq. m, a quarter of a garage box with an area of ​​22.1 sq. m, a plot of land with an area of ​​2400 sq. m, a residential building with an area of ​​325.2 sq. m. For the year she received 479 thousand 898 rubles. Viktor Nazarov's income in 2016 was higher and amounted to 5 million 912 thousand 778 rubles.

Alexander Burkov was born on April 23, 1967 in the city of Kushva, Sverdlovsk region. After school, in 1989 he graduated from the thermal power department of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin with a degree in thermal power engineering. Then for one year he worked as an engineer at TAL Malachite in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Since 1990, for five years, Burkov has worked in various positions in the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of Russia: specialist of the II category, head of the department of regional economics, head of the Department for Regional Policy. In 1991, he served as Deputy General Director of the Russian-American joint venture East Line.

Burkov until 1998 was Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region - Chairman of the Committee for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region. In 1998, at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he defended his dissertation on the topic: “Institutional factors for the effective reform of property relations”, receiving a Ph.D. in economics.

Burkov was repeatedly elected to both chambers of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region: the Regional Duma and the House of Representatives in 1998. In April 1999, he was elected chairman of the regional council of the workers' movement for social guarantees "May". In October of the same year, he headed the electoral bloc "Peace, Labor, May", which took part in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on December 19, 1999.

Also, Alexander Leonidovich was the initiator of the creation and leader of the regional public organization "Industrial Parliament of the Sverdlovsk Region", the electoral bloc "Union of State Employees of the Urals".

In 2007, Burkov joined the Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life party. During the next year, he acted as secretary of the bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region.

In December 2007, Alexander Leonidovich was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation on the federal list of the Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life party. He was a member of the transport committee. A year later, he was elected chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the Just Russia party in the Sverdlovsk region.

Since April 2011, the politician has become a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Just Russia party. He was re-elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation on the federal list of A Just Russia in December 2011. He served as first deputy chairman of the committee on federal structure and local self-government.

Burkov became the initiator of the creation of an all-Russian public association, which set as its task control over the housing and communal services sector at the expense of public self-government of citizens - house councils. In July, at the organizational congress of the Russian Union of House Councils, he was elected the leader of this All-Russian Movement.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Alexander Burkov was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates put forward by the political party A Just Russia. Regional group No. 44 - Sverdlovsk region. He served as the first deputy head of the faction of the political party "Fair Russia". He was also a member of the State Duma committee on housing policy and housing and communal services and the commission on legal support for the development of organizations of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The date of commencement of office is September 18, 2016.

Almost a year later, the State Duma, at a meeting on October 13, 2017, adopted a resolution on the early resignation of deputy powers of Alexander Burkov, who was appointed on October 9, 2017 as the acting governor of the Omsk region until the election of the head of the region.

At a meeting of the Ministry of Culture of Russia on February 18, 2019, Governor of the Omsk Region Alexander Burkov was appointed curator of the theatrical direction of the cultural working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

Married, has a son.

Alexander Leonidovich Burkov began and developed his political career in his native Urals - in the Sverdlovsk region. Here he made his first steps as a deputy from the Just Russia party, carried out a number of social innovations. In this regard, his appointment as Acting Governor of the Omsk Region in 2017 was quite unexpected. Burkov himself, however, considers this step "logical".

“It is more convenient for a new person to build equidistant relations between government and business, political and economic elites in the region,” he said, commenting on his appointment.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Burkov (emphasis on "y") was born on April 23, 1967 in the mining town of Kushva, Sverdlovsk Region. His parents are from here, but his paternal grandfather moved here from the Volga expanses - from the Republic of Mari El. My father worked as a crane operator at a local rolling mill. Mom worked on the railway: from a ticket cashier for 40 years she rose to the rank of deputy head of the station.

Alexander Burkov in childhood and his mother

At first, the family - parents and two children (still older brother Victor) - huddled in a communal apartment. Then the factory allocated a separate apartment to the father. Childhood, like many boys of that time, passed in the yard.

“We climbed construction sites and old houses that were being demolished. He broke his legs and arms. And, of course, boyish fights were common,” recalls the governor.

Becoming older, the young man became interested in athletics, also played volleyball and basketball as part of the school team. He tried to spend his leisure time in motion, as a result of which he did not study brilliantly.

“Yes, and did not strive to be an excellent student,” he says now in an interview.

Humanities were especially “limping” for the student: Russian and English, but physics and mathematics were among his favorites. Therefore, the guy, long before graduation, decided to enter the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI). Becoming a student of the Faculty of Heat and Power, Alexander moved to Sverdlovsk. He lived in a hostel, was a drummer of a construction team. Names student years

"the most fun and interesting part of life."

Career and politics

Burkov graduated from the university in 1989, becoming a thermal power engineer. He immediately got a job in his specialty at the TEA Malachite enterprise. But the time was difficult, the 90s were approaching, salaries were small, and they were delayed. By that time, Alexander Leonidovich was already married, he had to support his family. I had to earn extra money, worked at "black" work, but I was able to earn money and solve the housing problem.

In the early 90s, Alexander Leonidovich tried to do business. He worked in a senior position in a private enterprise "East Line", was responsible for cargo transportation, as they say now, logistics. However, he did not see the application of his knowledge and abilities in business and decided to try himself in the civil service: in 1992 he was invited as a specialist to the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation. Here Alexander Leonidovich began his political biography.

After 3 years of work in the center, he earned the position of head of the Department for Regional Policy. By this time, he already has a deputy mandate of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (subsequently elected repeatedly - in 1998, 2000, 2004).

Having established himself as a good manager, in 1995 Burkov received an important position - deputy chairman of the regional government for state property management. He was engaged in the nationalization of the Ural enterprises, he fought, in his words, against "privatization". He worked in the team at that time the governor Eduard Rossel.

In 1998, due to a conflict with the governor, Burkov left his post and resigned, incl. and parliamentary mandate. But the natives of Kushvin supported the countryman in difficult times and nominated him as a deputy to the regional legislature in the Kushvin district. And soon Burkov organized and led the May movement, the purpose of which was to eliminate another social injustice - cutting pensions for Russian pensioners.

In 1999, Alexander Burkov was promoted to the post of head of the region, according to the voting results, he took second place (28.25%), losing to his former leader, Eduard Rossel. Burkov at that time was 32 years old.

During his time as a politician, Burkov initiated several social movements and organizations: “Industrial Parliament of the Sverdlovsk Region”, “For social guarantees of workers “May”, “Union of state employees of the Urals” and others. The all-Russian public association "Russian Union of House Councils" (RSDS), which he created, received the widest response, implying the reform of the problematic housing and communal services sector in the real interests of the owners.

Later, in 2013, the first congress of the RSDU was held and the Fair Housing and Public Utilities program was presented, the implementation of which is now carried out by the Centers for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens of the Just Russia Party in 78 regional capitals across Russia.

Since 2007, Burkov has shared the interests, goals and objectives of the A Just Russia party. It was then that he became the secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party "A Just Russia: Motherland / Pensioners / Life" in the Sverdlovsk region.

In the same year, he became a State Duma deputy from the Right Russians. In 2011, he was elected to the Presidium of the Central Council of the Party. He headed the committees on transport, housing policy, and resolved the issues of organizing the preparation and conduct of election campaigns. He worked in the State Duma as the first deputy head of the Just Russia faction. In 2013, the politician was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

In October 2017, the President appointed Alexander Burkov as Acting Governor of the Omsk Region.

Immediately after the appointment on Twitter, they made a collage of photos of Alexander Burkov and two more appointed heads of regions - (Samara region) and (Nizhny Novgorod region). The creators of the collage noted the striking similarity of officials and began to joke about

"the secret factory of governors and cloning technologies used by the Kremlin."

Personal life

The politician does not like to talk about his personal life. It is only known that Alexander has been together with his beloved wife Tatyana for over 25 years. Young people studied together at UPI, but they began to meet only after graduation and soon got married.

Governor Burkov's wife was born into an intelligent family: mother is an economist, father is an engineer. She was engaged in business, opened several outerwear stores in Yekaterinburg. With the birth of her son Volodya in 2012, she left her job and devoted herself to her family.

The couple share a common hobby. Both are fond of cross-country skiing. My husband is also an avid hunter. He is not active in social networks, he has an Instagram account of the press service.

Alexander Burkov now

On September 9, 2018, Alexander Burkov won the election of the governor of the Omsk region, gaining 82.56% of the vote. Despite the fact that his acquaintance with the Siberian region is just beginning (he arrived there for the first time in October 2017), the politician is determined.

Burkov is convinced of the high industrial and agricultural potential of the region and intends to realize the existing opportunities.

“A Siberian is not only one who was born in Siberia, but also one who came here to live and work. For me, Omsk is not a springboard. I came here for the long haul,” he says.

Burkov Alexander Leonidovich was born on April 23, 1967 in the mining town of Kushva, Sverdlovsk Region.

In 1989 he graduated from the Ural State Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering. During his student years he worked in student teams.

After graduating from the institute, he married a classmate Tatyana.

In 1989-1990 worked in his specialty at the TAL Malachite enterprise, Sverdlovsk.

In 1990-1995 - in the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of Russia (in positions from a specialist of the 2nd category to the head of the Department for Regional Policy).

In 1995-1998 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region for State Property Management.

In 1999, he participated in the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region (took second place, beating the former mayor of Yekaterinburg Arkady Chernetsky).

He was elected as a deputy of both chambers (the House of Representatives and the Regional Duma) of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region - in 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004.

The initiator of the creation and leader of the Regional public organization "Industrial Parliament of the Sverdlovsk Region", the Movement "For social guarantees of workers" May ", the electoral bloc" Union of state employees of the Urals.

Since 2007 - Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Just Russia party.

In July 2008, he was elected chairman of the Council of the regional branch of this party, two years later he was re-elected in this position.

In April 2011, at the congress of A Just Russia in Moscow, he was elected to the presidium of the Central Council of the party.

In September 2016, he was elected a deputy for the third time, and became deputy head of the Just Russia faction.

« It cannot be said that I am very familiar with the region (Omsk). Unfortunately I didn't work there.» (October 9, 2017)

“You don’t forget your pants, otherwise a man without pants is not a man”

“Bring the Hermitage here, and the whole of Siberia will go to Omsk» (October 27, 2017)

Alexander BURKOV himself told about how he stole a loaf, how he hit a friend, how he made bombs, how he ran for vodka and about many, many other things.

Alexander BURKOV lost in the fall of 2013 the election of the mayor of Yekaterinburg (showed the third result, losing to Evgeny ROIZMAN and Yakov SILIN), and later the competition for the post of city manager. However, within the framework of this election campaign, BURKOV issued a leaflet, where he spoke about himself - from childhood. We think that the inhabitants of the Omsk region will be interested in reading this story of his. We provide this opportunity by publishing the document according to tradition - without exceptions and indemnities.


I was born on April 23, 1967 in an ordinary working-class family of the provincial mining town of Kushva in the Sverdlovsk region. My father worked all his life as a crane operator in the roll foundry shop of the Kushvinsky plant of rolling rolls. The workers remember him as a constant and firm man. He knew how to work selflessly, he could not imagine himself without his own factory. Father often repeated: - There is no word "I don't want" - there is a word "must". I could drink hard. In the heat of the moment, he swears strongly, in Russian, but he always had his own opinion on everything. And his word in family disputes has always been the last, non-negotiable. Mom worked all her life in one place - a railway cashier at the Goroblagodatskaya station. Family incomes were not allowed to “shine”. Always saved. From neighbors, on occasion, they borrowed money, as usual, “until payday”. Always delivered on time. At first we lived in a communal apartment, then my father got a separate apartment at the factory.


My parents did not immediately decide what to name me. As my mother recalls, a six-year-old brother came and said: “Let's call him Alexander. In honor of the winner Alexander Nevsky. Then they just showed a feature film about him. The same one that was still removed during the Great Patriotic War. My grandmother Lyuba was a very pious person, she sang in the church choir at the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church. He gave the go-ahead: they say, they named their grandson not only in honor of the Novgorod commander, but also in honor of the saint, who was honored in Rus' from ancient times - Alexander Nevsky. To him she entrusted her fervent prayers for me.


The parents were always at work. And my older brother Victor and I were left to our own devices. You run from school, throw your briefcase - and out into the street. The key to the apartment is on an elastic band around the neck. And ran! He broke his legs and arms. Because they climbed construction sites and old houses that were being demolished. Once he jumped so hard that he even broke the vertebral process. He lay for three weeks and could not walk. I just got up, got better - the city relay. And I always played for the school every year. They ask: runs for the second team, we will give you the easiest stage - 300 meters. As a result, I ran for the first team at the most difficult stage - 500 meters. At the finish line, my brother caught me because he collapsed from pain. But he ran!


In the third grade, the boys encouraged me to steal a loaf in the store. They grabbed a loaf and rushed to run. I was the last one. The cashier managed to rip off my winter hat. I ran out into the street and thought: “How can I go home without a hat? Mother will scold! The boys ran away. And I went back to the store and gave up. It seemed to me that this was an ordinary childish prank - nothing terrible. But then my mother ran into the store. All in tears. In her eyes I read shame for me, for our family. I felt so ashamed that I was very worried about this incident for another five years. Then I realized that this is my first and last theft in my life.


He did athletics. He played volleyball and basketball for the school. We had a very athletic yard. Boyish fights were common. I could always take care of myself. In the sixth grade, I was running around at recess, jostling with someone, and in a scuffle, the tip of my pioneer tie was torn off. Kolya’s friend laughed and said: “Why do you need a second one?” - and tears off the second tip. And somehow I automatically hit my best friend in the face! The ideological education was so strong that a tie and an October badge were sacred to us.


In our city of miners and metallurgists, it was not difficult to get fickford cord, powdered magnesium and other explosives. All the boys made "bombs". They poured it into a tin can, soldered it, inserted a cord, set it on fire, threw it and ran away. Once the explosion was such that the windows from the first to the fifth floor flew out! Now it’s even a little scary to remember it, but then there was no fear. And it's good that no one suffered from such hobbies.


In the eighth grade, after the basketball competition, one of the older guys offered to drink port wine. They drank in the evening on a bench in a kindergarten. My head was spinning, I even stumbled a couple of times. By the time I got home, my mother had already received a call. Someone saw us and called on the phone. There was a terrible scandal at home! Fortunately, the use of alcohol did not later develop into an addiction. But at the institute, of course, they drank hard and "weird".


We had a plot of 18 acres in Kushva. And we always planted potatoes there. And I had a duty to spud her. And, of course, still plant and dig. But spud - it was my direct responsibility. Father said: “Here you’ll do so much and go for a walk.” And I, like a small tractor, bit into the ground. I still know everything about growing potatoes. Even when he was already deputy chairman of the regional government, he regularly came to his parents for potatoes. And there is a brother and cousins. And I am the youngest. They say: “Well, official, run for vodka!” And the vice-premier of the regional government fled. Where to go? Jr!


At school he studied average - he did not strive to be an excellent student. Usually, in the first weeks of September, I read new textbooks from cover to cover, because it was interesting, and then, during the course of the year, I recalled what I had read. This was enough not to get "deuces".

Terribly liked physical education and military-patriotic education. I even wanted to go to military school. But did not pass by sight. I liked mathematics and physics. But in Russian and English there were “troikas”. I have the warmest memories of my school. Teachers tried to instill in us love for the Motherland, native city, for history. I knew that they had a sincere desire to make us kind, decent people. And they did not give a damn about who we become in adulthood.


In eighth grade, I secretly fell in love with a classmate. Didn't tell her anything. I didn’t care at all - because I didn’t know how to approach. He suffered quietly for over a year. Classic unrequited love. Recently, thirty years later, I accidentally met her on the street and told her jokingly about everything. Imagine how surprised she was! Turns out she liked me too.


Brother Victor is six years older than me. I remember, he teaches lessons, and I "get" him. I do want to play! Picked him up. Threw toys at him. He endures, endures, then rushes and torments. I yell like a cut. Mom ran in from the kitchen and hit us both with a slipper. Then she left and cried that she beat the children. And my brother and I consoled her as best we could. Mom did not single out anyone, so there were no favorites. She always said: “We are one family. I love everyone equally." Thanks to my mother, I probably did not grow up as an egoist, as is often the case with younger children.


We lived, to put it mildly, not richly. My father and mother strictly taught my brother and me to divide everything into four. Even if there was one apple, it was divided into four parts. From a very young age, I knew not to eat everything out of the fridge. In order, for example, not to leave without food a father who returned from a shift. Father is no longer with us. But our family still adheres to this rule.


Long before graduation, I already knew for sure that I would enter the UPI. The influence of my brother Viktor, an inveterate “upish” construction team member, who literally infected me with his stories about youth construction projects, had an effect. Entered the Faculty of Heat and Power. Settled to live in a hostel. He came to the institute in boots “farewell, youth!” with a lock in the middle. Money was sorely lacking. I remember that the first year I ran in the same demi-season clothes. Then, from the first earnings in the capital, he bought himself foppish blue shoes. Imagine, they had a plastic sole! It was something: at minus 30 degrees to walk in boots with plastic soles! You can’t stop - your legs immediately froze to the knee. At first, I was surprised by the bustle and scale of the streets of Sverdlovsk. It's funny to remember, but for a long time I could not get used to the fact that people do not greet each other on the street. And a crowded tram car can go in complete silence: the passengers do not know each other and there are no common topics for conversation. You can talk endlessly about your student years - perhaps this is the most fun and interesting part of life. FOUR VIRGIN LANDS IN THE PROMETEY CONSTRUCTION TEAM

From the first year I became an active construction team member. In total, he passed four virgin lands: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Smolensk Region, Primorsky Territory, Sverdlovsk Region. In the first virgin lands in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, they lived in the field in army tents. The construction team consisted of 45 people. Worked on the site for the installation of rotary excavators. There he received the title of "drummer", which was held in high esteem. I had one of the highest Labor Participation Rates (CTUs). He earned just crazy money at that time - 1430 rubles. Saved half the money. And for the rest I went to Moscow with the guys. We rested and at the same time bought things for the whole family from speculators. And I wore those clothes for a long time.


The construction team "Prometheus", as it was then established, deducted a lot of money in favor of the trade union and the Komsomol organization - for a common cause. I was so naive that I was insanely surprised when I found out that the main trade unionists send relatives to resorts with money from the construction brigade fund, and youth officials drink away our earned money at parties! By the way, I found out about this just at one of these holidays, where I was invited. After the banquet, he asked: - How much are we throwing off? They answered me: - What are you, a fool? Komsomol paid for everything! It turned out, as they say in such cases, that I "took dirty linen out of the hut." A wild scandal broke out! The Komsomol leaders turned to the "senior comrades" and asked to be expelled from the UPI as "a detractor of the bright principles of Komsomol life." So I became an "anti-Soviet"! Saved only by the position of other guys from the construction team of our course. The most interesting thing is that since then "Prometheus" has ceased to deduct due contributions to the Komsomol nomenclature. This decision was unanimously supported by the students.


At the construction of the Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy complex, I saw new units rusting in the open air, which had lain idle in the steppe for three whole years. This incompetence angered me to the core. I'm an engineer, I knew how much it all costs! He quarreled to the nines with the local authorities! He didn't care that millions of people were rotting under the rains. So the myths and illusions that Soviet films about valiant workers brought up in me since childhood collapsed. Since then, I stopped believing in the system and the TV. Even tried to quit school to hell. But a classmate, future wife Tatyana, persuaded me not to make hasty decisions. The most interesting thing is that we studied together for five years. But they began to meet in a serious way only after the end of the UPI and soon they played a modest wedding.


I started smoking on the sly when I was at school. In what class - I do not remember. Since I went in for sports, there was not much interest in smoking. So - pampering, at that time my peers smoked almost without exception, because it was considered a sign of "adulthood". In the first year of the institute, he pitched like a steam locomotive. And then, in the virgin lands, I argued with my foreman that I would quit smoking. For a kilogram of Belochka sweets. The dispute won. And I still don't smoke!


I have already gone to Vladivostok as a foreman of a construction team. They worked and lived 40 kilometers from the Chinese border. They built a pigsty for a furniture factory. We lived in a barracks - 14 people. He got up early and woke up the guys. And then one day I was standing near the barracks and shouting: - Get up! Usually the guys got up for 5-10 minutes. And then suddenly I hear the clatter of feet. I look - the soldiers of the Soviet Army in pea coats are running. It turns out they got lost in the hills. Soldiers ran into us about once a week. Therefore, the duty officer always received the task: if they come, be sure to feed them. On Saturdays we worked in the propaganda team. We loaded speakers and equipment onto a caterpillar tractor and drove to a neighboring village, where they held a disco in a club. Both the construction teams and the villagers really liked to meet and chat. Although, as usual, there were various conflicts, but without serious consequences. He survived all four virgin lands calmly. Sports training helped, and there was no need for increased comfort. They worked until they dropped. So they fell asleep instantly. The guys had injuries, wounds. Thank God, no deaths, which happened in other construction teams.


UPI graduated in 1989. Certified Thermal Engineer. No connections, no housing, no registration. You have to support a young family. But it was already problematic to find a job in the specialty at that time. Started from scratch. He got a low-prestige position as an energy engineer at a small enterprise. But in fact, he got a job as a caretaker, and they paid very little. Started working. I was looking for a job wherever physical strength is required. He was a permanent loader at food bases on Komsomolskaya, and also a bricklayer, concrete worker and porter, probably in a dozen organizations under one-time contracts. Sang like a black man! Day and night. And, in the end, he was able to buy an apartment with the money he earned.


It was during this period that I probably really matured. Something in me has changed, I have a completely different look at the world around me and my place in it. I realized that what I'm doing now leads nowhere. I could not find inner comfort, I was depressed that my profession of an engineer turned out to be unclaimed. Troubled times have come - the nineties. I could not calmly react to what was happening in the country. Maybe it sounds too pathetic - but I did not know where to put my patriotism. After all, this is how we were brought up: work makes sense only when it is useful not only to me personally, but also to the country. And then - the collapse, no one cares about anything. I then directed all my energy to study. It seemed - maybe I just don’t understand something, I’m not able to realize what needs to be done. I became as if possessed. Slept for four hours a day. Engaged in self-education. Fortunately, you could buy almost any book. I was especially interested in the economy. I tried to understand - what is happening with a great power, why is it falling apart before our eyes? This further aroused the desire to write a Ph.D. thesis in economics. Here is such an evolution - hard physical labor turned into no less difficult mental.


In 1992 I sent my work to the Russian government. Now someone will laugh if they say that you can write to Moscow and get a job in the government, and then those very “professional elevators” that are talked about so much today worked properly. And not only the sons of officials were raised “upstairs”. It turned out that I passed the competition and became a specialist in the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation. Without any "bloat". True, euphoria, because I can finally apply my knowledge and energy for the good of the country, quickly gave way to bitter disappointment. I realized that no one needs my expert assessments!

I was probably the only one who felt ashamed when I heard the clerks whisper astronomical dollar amounts for signed papers and decisions. They didn’t approach me with such “questions” - apparently, my attitude to what was happening was written on my face. But they didn't hide. Maybe they were waiting for me to ask myself to "teach the mind." Didn't ask. It was a time when “grabbing” was in full swing in the country.


It was almost impossible to prevent the seizure of enterprises. Everyone around was "smeared over", and those who worked "not in the system" were quickly eliminated from their positions. There was a feeling that tomorrow everyone was waiting for the end of the world, so today they are trying to “live to the fullest”. Very few tried to do something, somehow resist the “grabbing”. I was simply outraged by the shameless privatization of the Uralmashzavod, the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant and other large enterprises in my native Sverdlovsk region. I remember writing memos to the president to no avail. I also believed that “there” would hear me, turn back all this lawlessness. They did not hear - they then "there" had other problems. For this, within the walls of the government, they began to quietly hate me. That's when the period of choice came: either silence and a deal with one's own conscience, or a break with the government. I chose the latter and left. I have come across such situations more than once, but I have never once changed the chosen principle. You can change jobs, but you can never change your conscience.


At that time, Rossel “lit our hearts” with the ideas of economic independence and regional prosperity of the Sverdlovsk region. He soon fell into disgrace. And so, in 1994, I met with him within the walls of the regional Duma, where we were both elected deputies. It was, I'll tell you, not Rossel "sample 1999"! I saw an energetic, assertive person who is worried about the future of the region. I just couldn't believe him! We quickly saw in each other like-minded people. Thus began my path in politics. I finally got the opportunity to do what I wanted since my time in government. I tried with all my might to return to the state what had been stolen by the “grabbers”.


My first case was the case of the illegal privatization of Uralmash. Do not think that I am boasting, but I was the first in Russia to achieve nationalization - the return to state ownership of factories, or rather, the factory workshops of special equipment - strategic plant No. 9. Here I had to face not only the resistance of officials, but also with specific "cool" bandits. I was told that the oligarch Kakha Bendukidze and Chubais were beside themselves with my "trick"! Of course, it was scary, but the belief that justice would prevail was so strong that all the threats and “messages” seemed unimportant.


Seeing that I did not shy away from difficulties, Rossel began to entrust me with investigations on the most difficult issues. Such were the “grain loans case”, when budget billions were distributed among crony firms of relatives of regional officials, the case of attempts to redistribute property in the region’s aluminum complex, and many others. I coped with most of the tasks, brought the scammers to "clean water". He spoiled a lot of "blood" for both the bandits and the "new Russian" oligarchs. In 1995, Rossel offered me the position of chairman of the regional committee for state property management. Nobody wanted to work in this post then - privatization was completed, all the "fat pieces" were divided. And I agreed - I had a chance to realize the economic ideas of the revival of the region. I literally got sick of it! But this appointment had to be approved in Moscow. According to rumors, when the then Deputy Prime Minister of the government Anatoly Chubais saw the report on me, he was already shaking with rage: “This should not be here!” ...


There was a rumor that Rossel nevertheless convinced Chubais: they say, you need to strangle Burkov in his arms. The plan was this: in my new position, the label of a “privatizer”, an ally of Chubais, was to be firmly stuck to me. And this is a cross on a further political career! Plus the opportunity to "organize" Burkova financial fraud. So I was taken to this "execution" job. But I managed to "beat" Chubais! Because further privatization in the Sverdlovsk region was stopped, and I can proudly say that I made every effort to do so. I had to create from scratch the mechanisms for managing state-owned enterprises, which for five years (!) No one has dealt with! It was very difficult, a powerful economic crisis was brewing in the country, but many enterprises managed to stay afloat at that time, thanks to my efforts. That's how they “strangled me in their arms”, thanks to Rossel!


My idealism helped me in many ways, but, of course, like many young people, I overestimated my capabilities at that time. No one was going to forgive me the factories lost for "grabbing" - these are billions of even today's rubles. The most active of the "privatizers" were simply furious that the young Deputy Prime Minister completely controlled their tidbits - flourishing state enterprises. Everything was going smoothly for them everywhere, but here she found a scythe on a stone. Nobody knew how to approach me. To be honest, I myself am surprised how I survived. Corrupt officials tried their best to remove the "young scumbag" they did not like. Every day they poured tales into Rossel's ears about how bad Burkov is. There were many, and I was alone. My conflict with Rossel began to grow day by day. And in the spring of 1998, I had to voluntarily leave the government.


I returned to Kushva. It seemed that it was possible to put an end to politics. It turned out - wherever you turn, everywhere the same rake. And then life taught me a very important lesson. If you live honestly, you try for people, people will always help you. The people of Kushvin, who have known me since childhood, nominated me to the deputies of the regional parliament! My main rival was the mafia tycoon Fedulev. He needed parliamentary immunity like air. In order to avoid responsibility for fraud with shares and finances at NTNK, Kachkanar GOK and other plants, Fedulev invested a lot of money in the elections. I didn't have money to vote. On the other hand, voluntary teams of agitators worked in my headquarters. And with their help, I defeated the oligarch by a huge margin! And Fedulev was arrested a few months later and transferred to a pre-trial detention center.


In 1999, together with the MAY movement, we began to fight for the recalculation of pensions for Russian pensioners. Who remembers, Zurabov then, by his order, limited the individual coefficient of a pensioner to 0.9, although under federal law it was 1.2!

And the officials "turned a blind eye" to this wrong calculation. The mass of lawsuits won in courts across the country, the growth of discontent among the elderly forced the Russian government to restore justice - to cancel Zurabov's order! New pension laws were also adopted with a clause on the indexation of pensions and their timely issuance. It was our common victory, with tens of thousands of supporters from the MAY movement! Thanks to our efforts, pensions have been raised for the elderly throughout Russia!


Once, at a meeting with teachers deceived by the authorities, an idea arose: to unite all the workers of the region in order to stand together against the arbitrariness of officials and directors. Together with the teachers, we organized a desperate protest action: we went into the office of the mayor of Kushva and refused to leave it until he signed the schedule for repaying the wage arrears. "Forced dialogue" lasted 11 days! Then, in dozens of cities in the Urals, forced dialogues with mayors took place. Almost everywhere, people began to give out "live" money.


In 1995, amendments to the Housing Code were adopted, and hostels that were on the balance sheet of enterprises began to be dispersed. People who lived all their lives in the factory "hostels" were often simply thrown out into the street, along with their children! They turned to me as a regional deputy. Together with my assistants, we began to think: what to do, how to help. As a result, they created the movement "Union of Dormitories of the Sverdlovsk Region", among the people it was also called SOS, in the manner of a signal from a ship in distress. Through what we just did not have to go through with the residents of the "hostel"! And through hunger strikes, and through mass rallies, pickets of the administration. As a result, they achieved that the status of a hostel was removed from the majority of the "hostel" and transferred to the status of residential buildings. People received social lease agreements in their hands and could already privatize their square meters in the rooms in the future. So we saved more than a hundred hostels in Yekaterinburg. Years later, there was a moment in 2007, when at one of the meetings with residents in the city of Pervouralsk, a young woman approached me at school and, with tears in her eyes, began to thank me for something. It turns out that thanks to the fact that we won back the dormitories then, she managed to privatize her room, sell it and buy a small apartment in Pervouralsk with the proceeds, where they moved with the whole family


In the summer, near the building of the regional authorities, our movement "May" organized a large-scale strike - a round-the-clock tent camp, in which more than one and a half thousand people from 25 cities and regions managed to live in 45 days of its existence. The demand was to pay off wage arrears. The inaction of the governor of Rossel overflowed the patience of state employees. They nominated me for the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region! By that time, the May movement had over 60,000 members. I went to the polls with the people's program. The main demands are to pay off debts to workers and stop the export of capital abroad. Many told me - with whom you are fighting, he will trample you! You won't get five percent! As a result, Rossel failed to win in the first round. Together with him, I went to the second round - 32-year-old Alexander Burkov.


Contrary to forecasts, my rating grew rapidly. This caused a real panic on the “other” side! They couldn't imagine in their worst dreams that after they got me out, I would return to the government as governor. Yes, it was just a verdict for many officials, mired in corruption, and the oligarchs, whose interests they defended. As I was told years later by those who, willingly or unwillingly, had to work against me, the decision was made to "stop Burkov at any cost." Today, by the way, the situation painfully reminds me of those times. According to the developed plan, everyone worked against me then: members of the government, oligarchs, mayors of cities and heads of districts, directors of industrial enterprises, heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, chief doctors of hospitals and clinics, and even heads of veteran organizations. Subsequently, when I found out the true size of the administrative "monster" that opposed me, I myself was surprised - how I survived then. But he survived!


Years go by, but the “party of power” technologies for fighting opponents do not change. As now the whole city is littered with fake leaflets "from Burkov", so then the imagination of the PR people hired by the administration was only enough for an absurd "chernukha", a fake newspaper. A fake newspaper Izvestia was distributed in huge circulation throughout the region, in which I was depicted as a Fuhrer - with a fascist swastika on my sleeve.

The regional television showed an anonymous (it was possible then!) film in which I was compared to the Italian fascists. Members of the May movement began to be massively fired from their jobs. Youngsters from the Uralmash group beat 18 of our activists half to death. Today's election campaign, as if a blueprint, repeats the one from the "dashing nineties" - again attacks, violence, threats from the "brothers".


Rossel led the campaign, handing out fabulous promises left and right! In all enterprises and institutions, the directors, under pain of dismissal, forbade their employees to vote for Burkov. Yes, I lost then. But ordinary people won. The frightened authorities, within two weeks between the first and second rounds of voting, paid off all wage arrears to state employees! The most important thing, I realized, when the next day after the election, such an elderly man approached me, my grandfather is already practically, and said: “Yes, Sash, don’t worry! Rossel is he “they” have a governor, officials. And we have our own, people's governor - Burkov. We trust you, not him." You can become a governor and not have confidence. And you can lose the election and get it. Like this…


The hardest trials during the information war against me fell to the lot of my mother, wife Tatyana and mother-in-law Olga Alexandrovna. Employees of my headquarters in the gubernatorial elections still remember how on the night of the counting of votes in the first round, my wife Tanya came specially to support me so that she would not be upset because of the defeat. I wanted to support, but it turned out the opposite! When it became clear that I made it to the second round and the whole staff was jubilant, rejoicing at the victory, Tanya went into the back room and burst into tears there. With her feminine intuition, she already understood then that this intermediate victory in the first round could bring joy for hours, and problems for years.


Tanya was right. The worst expectations came true. TV channels and newspapers began to “break away” on me so much that even the neighbors began to look askance at my wife. I was accused of theft, bribery, of all mortal sins. The topics were the most incredible, just like now - when they assure that Burkov "will give housing and communal services to Muscovites" and "raise tariffs." Many people easily believed all this, since not everyone understood what contract journalism was. And now many still do not understand, and PR people use this. Their rule is: "The more terrible and absurd the lie, the easier it is to believe in it." However, Tanya quickly learned not to take television reports to heart - one day she simply stopped watching them.

Advice from mother and mother-in-law

Mother-in-law, Olga Alexandrovna Romanova, Doctor of Economics, was completely incomprehensible how the media, owned and controlled by the state, could lie so shamelessly! In addition, the "darkness" against the son-in-law, of course, cast a shadow on the reputation of his beloved mother-in-law. In the circle of scientists, intellectuals are also accustomed to believing what the newspapers write. While we figured out what was happening, time passed - several months of distrust and suspicions of work colleagues left an indelible mark on Olga Alexandrovna's soul. Nevertheless, she did not doubt for a second that the path I had chosen was correct, for which I am immensely grateful to her. “You got it, so don’t turn off, since people believe in you, see that you don’t have to hide your eyes later,” she told me so. It was even harder for my mother. In general, all the neighbors looked askance at her, they say, oh, that's how you raised Sasha! But my mother endured everything steadfastly, she never reproached. She said: - Since they beat you, it means that somewhere on something important you ran into them. Be honest with people, do not let them down - and then no one will break you. You are Alexander, so the winner! ..


In 2002, when a new Housing Code was adopted in the country, which for the first time expanded the rights of tenants, we decided to create a people's utility company. I became one of its co-founders. It was interesting to try to establish communal life in Yekaterinburg on our own. The idea was to assemble a good team, organize high-quality services and compete with the municipal housing departments that were then operating. But it was not there! It was then that I really felt in my own skin how officials protect their feeders - after all, very soon these municipal housing departments turned into private firms established by their relatives and friends. We were literally destroyed! And today, if you compare the names of the then municipal officials with the names of managers and owners of today's largest management companies, you will see "amazing coincidences." I quit co-founding a utility company seven years ago and promised myself never to repeat that experience again. Until normal competitive conditions are created in our country, our city, the owners of the communal apartment will rule the show since Soviet times - officials. Now, by the way, they are trying to pass off as today's fact what happened many years ago. They want to make it look like I'm trying to take something away from them, as if I'm still the "owner of the utility company." This is another one of their lies. I will say one thing - if I had not had such a “communal” experience behind me, the Union of House Councils and the Fair Housing and Public Utilities might never have been created. I want to say that I do not see anything shameful in the fact that someone is engaged in the provision of public services - if he does it according to the rules and in the interests of people. I am not against management companies, as it may seem to someone. My goal was and remains to make sure that relations between the city's residents and all its structures, including communal services, become honest on both sides, and not just on the part of the people who regularly pay bills "for everything."