Why do men cheat on their women. To prove your courage. Why do husbands cheat on their wives?

Why do husbands cheat on their wives? After all, there must be some logical explanation for their actions, other than the fact that they are all “traitors,” “bastards,” and “scoundrels.” Psychologists who observed couples over a period of time noticed that all cheaters experience dissatisfaction with married life. And not necessarily sexual - frequent quarrels, indifference on the part of the wife, excessive participation of relatives in their lives. All this can lead to a momentary desire for betrayal, which is a kind of weapon of defense against reality.

Many people cheat following their instincts - men are characterized by subconscious desires that turn out to be beyond their strength. They find it difficult to control themselves, so an unconscious outburst can lead to intimacy with another woman. Afterwards, the mind gives adequate reasons for what happened, so men do not experience even a hint of guilt.

So is it really possible to live with a person and be confident in his honesty? Or is it easier for women to immediately come to terms with their animal instincts, allowing them to periodically relax “on the side”?


Why does my husband cheat? What are the reasons that push him to such actions?

  • Contrary to existing opinion, the male sex is just as vulnerable, they also want to be needed, they are afraid of loneliness. Men do not like to make responsible decisions, especially when there is little time to think. Young guys who do not have the proper life experience are therefore prone to frequent changes partners
  • The reasons why husbands cheat lie in everyday problems Oh. After all, they are constantly expecting something from the head of the family, some serious actions, making decisions, they are under pressure. It’s much easier with a mistress, because she doesn’t demand anything, and at the same time gives love. Many males are seduced by such relationships - no obligations with a full range of pleasure.
  • Another reason to visit someone else’s woman is habit. When a wife appears every day in the same robe, forgets to comb her hair, put on makeup, is busy with some household chores, and all conversations come down to discussing weekend shopping, cooking and necessary repairs, you can’t expect a different reaction from a man. The stronger sex by nature is used to admiring - they need beautiful pictures, sexy figures, seductive outfits, short skirts or shorts. If you don’t want to become one of the deceived women, you should watch your appearance, and avoid making a common mistake.
  • Why does my husband cheat? Lack of sex - no other area of ​​life can replace intimacy. If a man does not receive satisfaction, sex is monotonous, the wife does not strive to surprise him, change position, play role-playing games, or basically refuses her husband, sooner or later he will go to conquer other women.
  • Sometimes unplanned infidelities happen, and alcohol is to blame. There are many stories from corporate parties when colleagues got drunk and gave free rein to their desires or feelings. In the morning, everyone realizes that they got excited, but the event has already taken place. Cheating often occurs on business trips, which is influenced by the new environment, the understanding that no one knows you in another city, so you can allow yourself an easy transformation.

Of course, not every man is able to decide to cheat, regardless of the reasons. In addition to desire, sensations and existing conditions, there is such a thing as good manners and respect for your wife. But this does not mean that you can test your husband by forgetting about him and not caring for yourself. If he stops loving, he will still cheat, but before that he leaves the family - he will act honestly.

Is it true or did it seem?

How do you know that your husband has decided to cheat? Was he with someone else, or was his sudden delay from work just a whim of his superiors, and not a trip to his mistress? Except external signs, the aroma of perfume, traces of lipstick, strange SMS may begin to arrive, phone calls, which did not exist before, the husband hides with the phone in the toilet or bathroom, trying, in principle, not to let go of the means of communication. If this has not happened before, there is reason to think about it.

Husbands who decide to cheat begin to treat their wives more carefully, because they feel guilty. Some become colder, more reserved, questions asked They remain silent, showing by all appearances that they are indifferent to what is happening.

Why doesn't he quit?

Why doesn't my husband admit to cheating? Suppose the fact of what happened is obvious, but who is stopping you from staying? normal person? Isn't it easier to confess and leave? The fact is that men are too indecisive, they are afraid of change. After all, even when betrayal occurs out of love, that is, he simply met the one who turned out to be dearer to him, he is still in no hurry to leave the family. The reason for this is convenience - he understands that the situation can hardly be called good, but he is comfortable. At home they will feed you, give you clean clothes, and satisfy your mistress sexually and aesthetically. Who would want to break such an idyll?

Why do husbands cheat on their wives but don't leave? There is another adequate explanation for this - the wife’s pregnancy. The happy stage of life of future parents has and reverse side. Doctors may recommend not having sex to protect the baby. The woman herself, under the influence of toxicosis and hormonal changes, may experience discomfort and irritation, and the thought of sex may terrify her. The man is asked to forget about his natural needs for a while, having suffered for 9 months and a little more.

During such periods he feels abandoned and unnecessary, subtle natures and an inferiority complex may even develop. That’s why some men cheat on their wives, but they don’t dare to confess and leave because they simply don’t want to ruin their family and separate from their spouse. For them, cheating is temporary, although there are often stories where men liked to cheat and remain undetected.

Each woman decides for herself how to feel about this. One thing is clear - not everyone will be able to put up with the selfish inclinations of their husbands, tolerating their “weaknesses.”

What to do?

What should a wife do? Is it really worth communicating with such men who, in any opportune moment will they repeat the action? Resentment, anger, anger and disappointment cover in the first minutes when she learns about what happened. But further decisions must be made in a calm state and of sound mind, otherwise you can break wood.

  • Firstly, you should sort out your feelings, analyze your relationship with your husband and try to understand whether there is still a spark between you? Advice from a friend or mother will not help.
  • Secondly, young and inexperienced girls or frivolous persons usually act as mistresses. They are seduced by other people's husbands because they are ideal. Every family man has certain qualities, but few people think that this is the merit of his wife. Is it worth breaking up right away if so much time and effort has been spent on developing these qualities? When he cheats but doesn't leave, family life turns into chaos. But positive attitude women and patience can return him to the family, making him a faithful partner.

If you decide to be together, then both must change:

  • It is necessary to learn to understand your husband and his actions, listen to his stories, experiences, have compassion, and not make fun of him, and take seriously those moments that worry him. Otherwise, someone else will do it for you.
  • Remain an attractive, interesting, self-sufficient person. There is no need to dissolve in him, satisfying every whim - a little independence, self-development, hobbies, acquired wisdom will help you be special to him.
  • It is foolish to run away from problems or solve them yourself - marriage is strengthened not only by shared joy, but also by sadness. Going through life's trials together, the couple becomes stronger and more dependent on each other.

Why husbands cheat on their wives is now known. If he didn’t leave immediately, then there is a chance for the future. This advice cannot be classified as womanizers and womanizers who are constantly in search. The psychology of men is designed in such a way that sometimes they resemble children. Try to forgive him for his mistake, find the reason for his weakness, and be wise woman- try to save your family, gradually forgetting about what you experienced.

In this article, I want to tell you, woman, why men cheat or can cheat on you.

This article is very closely related to this one: Be sure to read that too! Study it. Be aware. Take this advice and put it into practice.

REASON #1. Lack of quality regular sex

The very first, most basic reason why a man can cheat is the lack of quality, regular sex. Woman, understand, realize that the harmonious development of relationships is possible provided that you have constant, high-quality sex. Without sex - 100% no.

Sex for us men is a basic need. We are men - that's how we are made. We are created this way. We are animals. Wild animals. It's built into us. Lust, debauchery, mating, etc. It's inside us. In short, I'm telling you, as a man, sex is important. Sex is needed all the time. And the sex must be awesome (cool), so that the roof is blown away, so that the man gets high, receives maximum pleasure.

You must satisfy your beast, your man - 100%. Not 50% or even 99%, 100% - this is something you must learn once and for all. You understand, if you don’t give something to your man, your beast, what he really wants, he will find it on the side. Another woman will give it to him. He will give you what you did not give. Do you need it? No, so please satisfy me 100%.

A man must always want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You must excite him. Excite. He should blow your mind. If this does not happen, and there is no regular quality sex, there will be no relationship with this man. Dot. Therefore, either you solve this problem, or wait for separation/betrayal/quarrels, etc. and so on. 100% guarantee for you.

IMPORTANT: at the very beginning of a relationship, everything is new - sex, kissing, touching, words spoken, etc. and so on. but, over time, it all loses its charm and its colors and you will become bored with each other (even in terms of sex). So, it is very important to avoid this boredom. It is important not to be idle.

It is important to urgently get rid of it (boredom, monotony, etc.). Relationships are constant work, both on the part of the man and on the part of the woman. Understand? If there is no constant work, it will not be possible to maintain a harmonious, full-fledged relationship.

If the sex is not good...

Woman, I have a question for you. Do you consider yourself sexy? That's right, a real sexy girl?! Look, here's your task, go to the mirror, undress completely naked and look at yourself.

What do you see there? Do you consider yourself awesome? Sexy? Are you enjoying yourself? From your body? Just let’s adequately assess the situation, honestly, because this is important for you in the first place.

In case you are shy about something, you are embarrassed about your body, you think that you have some kind of shortcomings, etc. and so on. - We men will immediately feel this during sex.

Do you know why we will feel this? Because you convey it with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, you’re not one hundred percent happy with yourself, if you’re shy about something, etc. you will not be completely relaxed during sex, you will not be able to completely relax and get maximum pleasure from sex.

Because of this, the man will also not be able to enjoy it. A man will see this in you, he will feel that something is wrong, in general, this atmosphere is transferred to him. Understand? As a result, there will be no quality sex. And if there is no sex and quality sex, there is no relationship.

Lack of sex or poor quality sex is one of the first reasons for cheating. A man will go to someone who will give him cool, awesome sex. The kind of sex where his tower will be demolished. And great sex will be given by the one who gets high on herself, who is liberated, open to one hundred percent. Who is feminine and sexy.

This is what I want to convey to you:

  • If you don't love yourself, then how can a man love you?
  • If you don't respect yourself, how will someone (a man) respect you?
  • If you don't value yourself, how will someone (a man) value you?

Do you understand what I want to convey to you? If you don't like something about yourself, how should a man like you? Correct it. Instantly. A man must want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You must excite him. The man is a beast. Animal. He needs a woman! Female.

You shouldn't be ashamed of anything, yourself, positions, the process, sex itself, etc. and so on. otherwise don't expect anything good. 100% guarantee for you. In many ways, a woman should feel her man, what he likes, how he wants, what is best for him, etc. and so on. and take initiative.

There must be variety. Necessarily. IN different places. In different poses. IN different time. Clothes, stockings, underwear, etc. also plays a role. In short, there should be no monotony. Something new and different with new colors. Surprises, romance. On everything everything and everything again.

Don't forget, relationships are constant work. At both sides. There will be no work - the end.

REASON #2. You act like a MAN 🙁

Now this is very fashionable and popular, all these strong independent women, careerists, work, I do everything myself, I don’t need anything, I don’t need help, I decide everything myself, I control everything, well, in general, in many ways dominant behavior, behavior man. Only you are not a man, you are a woman. And in the end, it turns out that you are a hybrid, woman-man. Do you think this is normal? Not at all.

Strong independent women = not happy. What is the use of the fact that she (or you) has achieved everything there herself or will achieve it when she (or you) will be unhappy in the end?

What's the point of everything if you're not happy? A? Woman. Answer my question. What's the point? You were born a girl. You're not a man. Understand. Your strength is in your femininity. Understand and realize this.

When you behave like a man, you lose yourself as a woman, your femininity. Understand? You're only making it worse. Be yourself. Be a woman. Allow yourself to be happy. It is most important.

We men don't like hybrids (women-men). It's horrible. A man needs a woman. Understand? A man doesn’t need a man (ugh, blah), a man needs you as a woman. A woman is inspiration, strength, energy for a man. And you need to pump up the femininity in yourself!

You women are a huge motivation for us. For your sake, I want to move mountains, achieve success in life, give gifts, make surprises, etc. and so on. everything is largely for your sake. For everything to go well for you, you must be a woman for your man. A source of energy. His inspiration. The rear. By force. Understand that. Understand. A high-ranking man will achieve everything in life (and with the help of your help, your femininity), if he has not already achieved it. Understand? The main thing is the result, you are happy and he is happy. Why do you need to be a man if there is no happiness? Think about it...

When you're on man, you don't let your man feel like a man. In addition, you lose your femininity. Quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, problems in sex, etc. begin. you're only making things worse. Understand? Only worse! You are a woman and your strength is in your femininity. Understand and you will be happy. Pump up your femininity! Pump up the woman in you. Upgrade!

Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine, boredom...

The same is one of the most important reasons. Monotony in everything. Got used to it. Bored. We're tired of each other. Boredom. Yearning. Nothing new and nothing like this happens in new colors. This puts an end to it. Relationships are - Full time job from both sides. And men. And women. You cannot forget about this. Dot. Even if the man is already yours, or vice versa, the man is your woman, you need to work. In a relationship, everything should not be boring, everything banal and everything predictable, otherwise failure, separation, quarrels. betrayal, etc. end.

(not related to you)

Woman, understand. The man is an animal. Wild animal. Animal. You can be the best for him, in everything, but he just hasn’t worked up yet and wants other women, wants quantity, i.e. wants to fuck to his heart's content, to fuck as many females as possible. Understand? This has nothing to do with you.

I’m telling you, you can be just perfect in everything, but if the man hasn’t worked up, nothing will come of it. You just chose the wrong partner, there’s nothing you can do about him. This is why it is very important (for you women) to choose the right partner for yourself. Not to be another one on the list...

For a relationship you need to take a man. Ideally, finished product. Wealthy, with money, etc. so that the risk in life is minimal. A man without money is not a man. Dot. The main function of a man is to get money. That's all. If a man cannot get money, what kind of man is he?

There is a lot more that needs to be explored about a man in order to understand what he is. A man (high-ranking) has the following qualities: courage, responsibility, powerful/strong inner state, courage, leadership, and much more.

Remember: a high-ranking man needs an equally high-ranking woman. You must match him. For example, if a man strives for success, develops in everything, works, etc. but you are a woman, no, you don’t develop in any way - this is the end. One hundred percent. You understand, a man and a woman must correspond to each other. Therefore, when choosing a partner, it is important common interests, outlook on life, level of intelligence, etc., in general, every person is in many ways looking for something similar to himself.

Do you play sports? healthy eating, and in general healthy lifestyle = but your man doesn’t, he only has a beer, a cigarette, etc. (or vice versa) = no relationship here is possible in principle. You can’t agree when you have different values ​​and everything is different. It is forbidden.

Well, I’ll tell you this, you will feel a real worthy man (a high-ranking man).

In the vast majority of cases, women choose women with balls between their legs. Boys, guys, lads, etc. but not like a man. This is one of the most common mistakes. Because a decent man is hard to find. It's very difficult. Well, really, seriously.

High-ranking men = very few. These are in huge short supply. Low-ranking ones are a dime a dozen, which is why most people come across them. If you want a high-ranking man, you become a high-ranking woman yourself. And so, each creature has a pair, and they receive what they are.

In addition, I want to say that all women are too emotional. Especially the young ones. Oh my god. For you, emotions, feelings, that's just everything. Give you emotions (feelings), feed you with promises and that’s it, you naive fuck. Beauty, feelings (emotions) are cool. I understand, but all these feelings and emotions end over time, sooner or later, a year will pass, for example, and that’s it. And you just wow how you were with this ragamuffin imbecile, who no one can even call him, but fucked you for a whole year.

You need to choose a man very carefully. Not in the way that the absolute majority of women choose, because the absolute majority themselves are low-ranking females and receive the same males.

Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man

If you forget about your man, don’t expect anything good.

That's all there is to it. A man should feel that you need him. That without him, you can’t do it in any way and you can’t do it at all. Not a fucking day. That he is the main one among you among everyone. Number 1.

You can go about your business, you have friends there, hobbies, entertainment, in general, you live life to the fullest as a person, but at the same time a man should feel that you need him. If a man feels that he is not so needed or not needed at all, I’m telling you - don’t expect anything good.

There will be scandals, quarrels, betrayal - and there will be someone who will warm him up, who will be there, give what you did not give, give this affection, tenderness, attention, care, support, faith, will be nearby, etc. understand?

Do you need this? Do you need cheating? You don't need it, so don't let this crap happen.

Nuance: Here it is also important to observe the measure (limit).

There should not be your oversaturation (excess), where you are always like a dog on its hind legs, and vice versa, there should not be a lack (deficit) where you are neither present nor present. There must be a golden mean. It is important.

Reason 6. You stopped taking care of yourself, “you scored a bolt”

You are a woman. And your strength is in your femininity. Your beauty, external, your bodily forms, etc. = very important to us. You should be forever desirable and sexy for your man.

This point is related to point #1. (sex). If you don't excite your man = it's over.

You can't stop looking after yourself. Care. Take care of your beauty. It is forbidden. You are a woman. Do not forget about it. And don’t think that if the man is yours, then you can relax and that’s it, hammer in the bolt. No!

And none of your excuses will help you, watch yourself constantly, this is only in your interests. This relationship is a constant effort on the part of both. Never, never forget this.

A man, by the way, should do the same (on a regular basis), but the article is for women...

Very often women lie to themselves. But everything is ok with me. I don't need to change anything, etc. woman, evaluate yourself truthfully. If it’s really ok, you plow, work, watch, etc. - you’re smart, well done, if not, work hard, don’t let it go, never. And remember: there is no limit to perfection.

Reason 7. Frequent quarrels

Quarrels kill relationships. It is a fact. To relieve stress, a man can easily go to his mistress. Do you need it? You don’t need it, so less brain, drink less, have more mutual understanding, trust, work on your relationships, meet each other’s needs and work in general.

Reason 8. Long separation

A relationship is when you are close to each other, figuratively speaking, “all the time.”

Long distance is not a relationship. There can be no long distance relationship. This is bullshit. Next to a high-ranking male = many women. Competition (struggle) for him. If a woman is not around for long enough, cheating is very, very likely. The man is a beast. Animal. He won’t last long with unmet needs. And in general, betrayal at this point is also possible on the part of a woman, so no long separations from no one's side. Relationships are together, side by side.

Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife.

Many women have the scourge of raising a man.

Woman, understand, you are not a mother, you are a wife! YOU are his woman. You don't need to educate a man. If you try to educate him, there will be quarrels, scandals, etc. And quarrels are not good because betrayal is possible. Comprendo? And in order not to educate - take a man right away, a finished product, and not a mother’s sniffle or a goofball. Take a ready, worthy man, and for this you need to think with your head and choose carefully.

Reason 10. Constant jealousy

Woman, remember: if a high-ranking male is next to you = he is with you, rejoice.

Because he chose you! Or he could have chosen any other one. Understand? Therefore, there is no need for jealousy, as you will only show your lack of self-confidence (your low-ranking status). And a high-ranking one needs a corresponding female. Have no doubt, a man will always look at other women. But he sleeps with you. He's fucking you. Builds a relationship with you. Lives with you. Etc.

Don’t beat yourself up and don’t throw tantrums and quarrels over nothing. This won't end well.

This doesn’t mean that you can relax your buns and that’s it, he will be with you forever, no! Relationships are constant work, constant. Watch yourself. Develop yourself. Constantly. Be a woman. Feminine. Develop as a person. Meet a man's needs to the fullest. Etc. and there will be happiness.

There are 11 more reasons: drunk, but I won’t even consider her. A high-ranking male either does not drink at all or in very small amounts. And with low-ranking ones (by the way) this can be a reality.

Making a conclusion

  • Reason 1. Lack of quality regular sex
  • Reason 2. You act like a man (no femininity)
  • Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine
  • Reason 4. The guy didn't have enough fun (it’s not related to you, woman)
  • Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man
  • Reason 6. You stopped constantly looking after yourself, “you’ve hammered the screw.”
  • Reason 7. Frequent quarrels
  • Reason 8. Long separation
  • Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife.
  • Reason 10. Constant jealousy

I'm sure now you know why men cheat or can cheat. Take this information into account, and there is a high chance of prosperity for long-lasting, harmonious and happy relationship. Good luck to you! Bye.

Best regards, administrator.

In our society, many men do not feel self-sufficient always and everywhere.

At first time family relations The husband's inner emptiness is covered by his wife. They think they will love each other forever.

For him, a wife is a woman who will always be with him.

Now he feels self-sufficient and safe.

In your family, you yourself can deprive each other of what you then begin to look for in other people:

  • The wife may begin to deprive her husband of his sense of self-sufficiency and confidence during frequent scandals, everyday problems or misunderstandings. This happens when spouses have been together for a very long time.
  • Time passes, the wife no longer gives that love, which she gave before. And the husband looks for her in the arms of his mistress.
  • The spouse no longer gives this feeling of fullness and harmony, the husband begins to look for this feeling on the side.

If all this exactly happens in your relationship, then that is why a married man will have a mistress.

This is a problem not only for the wife, but also for the husband. He had to increase his level of awareness, work on himself and be self-sufficient on his own, without relying on external factors.

2. He found a lover who is just cool to be with

With his wife, the husband often does not feel cool. With my wife it’s a family, it’s love, an idyll and children.

And there is another girl who is cool!

Let's explore in more detail the question of why men have mistresses and the psychology of their thinking, why they secretly spend time with them:

  1. The mistress helps her husband mentally escape from family and everyday problems.
  2. He has a mistress with whom he wants intimacy and who turns him on very much.
  3. He gets himself a girl who delights him.
  4. A mistress gives those new emotions and sensations that a wife does not give.
  5. With this new woman he can talk about things that he would never talk to his wife.

3. Routine, addiction and monotony in the family

Husbands cheat on their wives because they want variety. They want adventure, something new.

There should be no routine life in a family.

A person cannot eat the same yogurt in the morning, at lunch, in the evening and at night. You won't be able to eat this yogurt every day for two weeks because it's not normal and you'll get tired of it.

The same thing can happen in your family.

4. There is no attraction or chemistry between you.

Attraction and chemistry in a relationship lasts 0.5 – 2 years maximum. Then it all ends.

Scientists' opinion about why husbands cheat on their wives is because they become accustomed to their partner's pheromones. Because of this habituation, you are already fed up with each other.

These are the realities of life. Everyone can get fed up.

5. The spouse is polygamous and previously lived in an open relationship

On the topic of what his psychology is and why men cheat on girls, it would be correct to mention the following facts:

  • Your spouse cannot immediately suppress his instincts, if earlier he gave them complete freedom. He can't stop looking at other women anymore.
  • No matter how much you feed the wolf, it still looks into the forest.
  • If a man is an alpha male in life, a hunter and a lover, then it will be difficult for him to suppress it within himself.
  • The guy wants to live according to his intentions and desires, but he cannot do it openly and cheats.

Therefore, he secretly makes cool mistresses, with whom it is cool and with whom he can temporarily forget about family life and all the problems that arise from it.

6. She gives all her time to the child.

If a child appears in your family, then the mother will spend a lot of time only with him at first.

How does a baby affect your sex life?:

  • These are constant screams at night that will not allow you to rest together.
  • This is caring for the baby, diapering, breastfeeding.
  • A woman after childbirth cannot make love.
  • Sometimes, when the baby sucks milk from the mother, some women find breastfeeding a lot of pleasure. And the wife no longer wants to spend time in bed with her husband.

Hence, as a rule, life in bed in your family fades into the background.

The husband finds no other way out than to extinguish his passion together with his mistress.

IN in this case The psychology is that husbands cheat on their wives and want more at night, but they don’t want to leave their family and child.

7. You feel bad in bed, dissatisfaction

Some women are not yet fully aware of their femininity and attractiveness.

Your marital games in bed may not satisfy your partner.

Not all women are skilled in bed for the following reasons::

  • The wife is very young and not so experienced.
  • Some girls are very uptight, do not know how to express their passion and love at night.
  • Lack of education and limitations in knowledge.
  • Not all wives want to accept their men's fantasies. A man by nature loves to make his extreme fantasies come true. Some people completely refuse to experiment.

If a man has tried this and that, but it doesn’t change or add variety in bed, out of desperation he may find himself a mistress.

Or even just find a walking girl for one night.

After all, if the wife is very bad in bed, a man can find a girl who is simply better in many ways.

The husband can find that girl on the side who makes him just blow his mind in bed. He will secretly admire her and not tell you.

About a different smell

Not all men know that the wife always recognizes the smell of another woman. Even if her husband took a shower or put on perfume, she intuitively understands and feels everything. The man suspects nothing, but the woman digs into her head and keeps wondering: “Why do guys cheat on their girls?”

And the husband may still naively believe that everything is under control and he is in control of the situation. He does not even suspect that his wife recognized the smell of another.

8. Because of perception “You can change, as long as no one finds out”

Because of television and mass media in the brain young man from birth the idea is laid down that married men must change.

Guys cheat, even though they love their girlfriend, because for them it is considered the norm and common occurrence, as if in the order of things.

In some families, wives directly make it clear to their partner: “ If you're cheating on me, do it so that I don't find out.».

They actually voice it and say it, and the spouse remembers and draws conclusions.

Of course, later the wife will regret what she said if the betrayal comes to light.

9. To create jealousy or out of revenge

Some men are very jealous. They may be motivated by selfish motives for cheating.

That is, even because of a simple feelings of envy or inferiority The husband wants to make his wife jealous.

Another reason could be that the wife spent time with the wrong people or cheated on him at some point.

Then the man will want to fill the hole in his self-esteem and stroke his pride on the side, taking revenge on his wife.

For example, he sees his wife communicating and flirting with other men at some holiday.

Her husband is often jealous of all men in a row.

He remembers all this, and is looking for a mistress in order to so that now they will be jealous of him.

10. Male patriarchy

Subconsciously, a man has the following belief: “ I can do this with whoever I want, but the girl can’t" Maybe for girls this will be a shocking answer to the question of why men cheat. But this is how our society works.

That is, in this case, the husband puts his interests above his wife and allows himself to go to the left.

A man thinks he has some privileges because of patriarchy in the family.

Also, the reason for betrayal may be that As a child, my husband's father also cheated on his wife.

Now an adult repeats the mistakes of his parents.

11. Selfish motives

The desire to prove to myself and friends “what a cool lover I am”

The reasons for a husband’s infidelity may be the following selfish motives:

  1. Stroke your ego, feel superior.
    Read more about ego and selfishness at the link.
  2. Satisfy your libido.
  3. From early childhood there was a lack of female attention. And now, when the man learned that attention could always be had, all he had to do was do something, the man ventures into the unknown.
  4. Because of the desire to assert oneself in front of friends, get their approval so that they tell him: “Wow! Probably fried?! Wow, man!
  5. He wants to prove to himself that he is capable of mastering other women.
    After all, this had never been possible for him before.
  6. My husband's friends are bachelors and they always have something to tell about their adventures. The husband also decided that it was time to show off something and went to the left.
    That is, the reason is to brag to friends.

12. The woman stopped caring and taking care of herself

Because the husband has already conquered his wife and won her heart. Now there is no one to conquer.

The wife relaxes, and this is what happens to her:

  1. Years later, the wife stops watching her figure; she is already satisfied with her fat belly.
  2. Now she doesn't dress as nicely as before, she wears a kitchen robe and has curlers in her hair.
  3. The sparkle in her eyes, zest and femininity disappeared.
  4. A woman is no longer attractive.

If all this happens, then it is not surprising that the hot beauty from work replaced the wife in bed.

Of course, a woman does not have to always be beautiful, but she must be conscious and confident, radiate love.

For more information on how to become more self-confident as a woman, we.

13. By alcoholic accident

There is one expression that sounds like “saw the night, walked all night until the morning.”

And if men walked all night until the morning with alcohol and surrounded beautiful women , then a drunk husband may forget about his wife by the end of the evening.

After all, there is an appetizing beauty sitting on it and there is plenty of alcohol around. Then the man cheats because male gaze He sees only girls with good figures nearby, who also don’t breathe very smoothly towards him.

Because of alcohol, he forgets about the one and only.

He no longer has much control over his speech and actions.

Cheating occurs unconsciously.

This happens both in clubs and on noisy parties, holidays and other drunken places.

Video from the guru

IN next video the dilemma is being sorted out about why the husband cheats and does not leave the family and his wife. In his opinion, this is due to a lack of love. Learn about all the pitfalls in this video.

Why doesn’t the husband say anything and stay in the family?

Let’s close once and for all the question of why men cheat on their wives but don’t leave them. The most common reasons are the following:

  1. He doesn't need all this fuss about dividing property.
  2. He doesn't want to pay child support all his life if he has a child.
  3. He doesn't want to go to court and fill out all this paperwork.
  4. He doesn’t want to disrupt the family idyll.
  5. The husband wants the child to grow up with his father.
  6. He doesn't need quarrels and scandals.
  7. He has a family home where there is security, harmony, food and sleep. Why break it?
  8. It’s so good and cool for him when he can sleep with two girls.
  9. He is satisfied with the current state of affairs.

Whose fault is this and how to solve the problem

It is worth understanding that both partners are to blame for betrayal. You decide what to do with it next.

But to prevent cheating from happening, the wife should realize the following things::

  1. She can be both a lover and a wife at the same time.
  2. A wife can play several roles at the same time, and there will be no betrayal.
  3. Wives just can't get enough correct model behavior mistress, where she will delight her husband.

All this will help you avoid betrayal and have a happy and harmonious family.


Why do men cheat on their wives and girlfriends? Take celebrities: personalities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis... They have everything - talent, fame, money and wonderful families. And at the same time, even such men manage to look for someone on the side. But why does this happen? What is the reason that men cheat? In fact, according to American psychologists, men give as many as nine most common answers to this question.

According to one Kat Hertlein, Ph.D. and professor of human development at the University of Nevada, approximately 40 percent of men cheat. Moreover, this indicator has not changed much since the 1950s, when one famous sociological study found that 50 percent of men cheat during approximately the same period of marriage. But why do they cheat?!

Why do men cheat? Expert opinion

According to David Buss, a psychology professor at the University of Texas, the number one reason is that men crave sexual variety. because they have developed a desire to be with different women . For men, even the process of reproduction itself seems much simpler (just one sexual act compared to nine months of pregnancy for women).

In fact, they are biologically programmed to leave as many offspring as possible, which requires mating with a large number of women. "The child was a kind of reward for short-term sexual intercourse, which was valued more highly by men than by women, says Bass. – Thus, after thousands of generations, the desire for sexual variety was deposited in the brains of men.".

Are there other reasons that can also be considered an important explanation for male infidelity? Men are simply unhappy with their chosen ones, and sex on the side is an easy and inexpensive pleasure, allowing, as they say, to while away the harsh and boring days, which men spend in an unhappy marriage. According to Professor Bass, this reason is one of the most common reasons for male infidelity.

However, let us return to the statement that wives famous men And men in power also very often face the fact that their chosen ones cheat on them. "Women are attracted to men who have power and status, since a public figure usually has many opportunities" , - Bass reveals a simple secret. However, it doesn’t matter whether your spouse is a born politician, a famous actor or an ordinary plumber - the reasons why all these people cheat are approximately the same.

According to Steve Santagati, author of popular publications in the West devoted to the search for causes male infidelity, ninety nine percent cheating occur for one very simple reason - because of ordinary boredom! However, whatever the reason, men are awarded a very unflattering name for this - male. However, let’s give the “dogs” themselves a chance to justify themselves by listening to their opinion on the nine most common explanations for the reasons for betrayal.

Why do men cheat? The opinion of the men themselves

1. She's not the same person she used to be.

An ordinary average man is no better or worse than the biblical character Adam - they are also unable to resist the temptation of the ripened fruit (especially if a woman whom men, in theory, should not cheat on, stops taking care of himself). “If she was so lazy that she gained extra weight, or if she simply didn’t take care of her appearance, it’s not surprising that a man looks at other women.”, says Santagati.

Santagati confirms the simple truth that a woman who wants to keep a man on a short leash is simply obliged to look at her reflection in the mirror more often and more closely. However, a man should do the same! After all, it often happens that a husband has long ago turned into a shapeless slug, and still continues to demand perfection from his other half! "These are typical double standards" , - Santagati is sure.

For their part, men need to make a certain effort in order to again try to rekindle the spark of a relationship at home, and not on the side. "Do this to make her feel lovely even if you have to lie , advises Santagati. – Tell her how beautiful she is and how much you appreciate this trait in her. This will make her feel sexy, and she will want you to feel happier too.".

Santagati is confident that such an attitude can lead to more desirable and nice sex, with which a certain Sue Johnson, professor of clinical psychology, agrees from the University of Ottawa, Canada. “Everything indicates that when a woman feels you are reliable and attentive, this will lead to a better relationship with her partner.”, - Professor Johnson confirms another hackneyed truth.

2. She has a grumpy personality

It’s probably hard to imagine what could literally push a married man into the arms of another woman faster than his own grumpy wife. "She's like an annoying mosquito , says Santagati. – He doesn't want to have sex with his wife, he would like to stay away from her altogether. And the most practical solution is sex with a more understanding woman.".

However, not all men agree with Santagati. A certain Steven Solomon, who is a Ph.D., calls this approach complete nonsense. "No woman does anything for which a cheating man could be forgiven. , - Solomon is sure. – No matter how the relationship develops, it is unlikely to be beneficial if in the end everything leads to adultery.".

3. She doesn't understand me!

Men who regularly cheat on their wives very often say that they do not feel understood by their significant other. However, according to Kat Hartlein, Women shouldn't always be blamed for this, since very often they are either too angry or simply afraid to make contact. Quite a strange attempt to justify such women, isn’t it? However, if you consider that it came from the lips of a woman...

“For men, it’s easier to try to organize a relationship on the side than to work on the relationship with your partner, says Hartlein. – We often see this kind of “triangulation”. The deep-seated fear of close intimacy is difficult for men to overcome. And it’s much easier for them to start cheating again. Hartlein is sure that in this situation there is no more effective way than visiting a psychologist. I wonder what the professor could advise those couples in this situation who would never be dragged into a therapist’s office?

4. Cheating turns you on...

Many men who like to go to the left very often become victims own desire tickle their nerves, feel the risk, play with fire... They like to do it, and no one forces them! "This adds a certain level of risk , explains Santagati, - and this risk adds excitement". However, if we follow such reasoning, is anything capable of stopping such a man, since he firmly intends to go to the left?

Psychologists believe that wives need to maintain a kind of mystery, maintaining a spark. sex life in family. In fact, any woman is capable of maintaining this flame in such a way that no man would want to cheat on her. However, according to Santagati, many men also cheat out of fear, loneliness or aggression. “The cheating partner does not cope with these feelings, which leads him to infidelity.”, he says. I wonder what the professor means?..

5. On the side, like on a hunt!

It often happens that married men who cheat on their wives cannot even really explain why they do it. At the same time, with enviable tenacity and constancy, they spend a lot of time and effort every day searching for something new. In fact, this is akin to the ancient instinct when a man played the role of a hunter and gatherer - after all, this is the role that many who like to go left now play, the role of a hunter and gatherer of women.

"Perhaps such a man married too early, suggests Santagati. – Or it seems to him that he has not tried everything yet". Women can protect themselves from such relationships, if they can recognize similar behavior of their boyfriend. Fortunately for young ladies who do not listen too closely to other people’s advice and the voice of reason, there are several ways to recognize a “male”.

Santagati is confident that any woman is able to see through such a womanizer by carefully observing how a man behaves, being, for example, in a room where there are many very attractive and spectacular women. If a girl fails, as they say, to throw the reins on her boyfriend at the beginning romantic dating, there is little chance that it will be possible to do this later. "The first three months are the most revealing", says Santagati.

6. It’s all a call of nature, honey...

"This is our biological nature– be with as many women as possible, states Santagati. – If we have seen a woman naked several times, it becomes commonplace for us. And it doesn't matter how beautiful your body is- we get used to it and want to experience something new: new lips, a different figure... We are monogamous only because we realize that love and friendship are more important things than a casual relationship on the side".

However, Juliet Williams, an assistant professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, completely disagrees with this statement. "It doesn't matter even the most a large number of male infidelity- this is still not a biologically determined phenomenon, she said. – There is still a large percentage of men who are monogamous.".

It’s difficult to say whether this is evolution, biology, or simply the pursuit of new sensations, but experts studying the phenomenon adultery, agree that men really tend to look for different sexual partners. However, no one dared to say that this process completely controls men. In other words, stronger sex It is quite possible to take control of this process and not change it.

"Most men do not follow their desires for the simple reason that they do not want to jeopardize their social status, reputation or your marriage, - says Professor Bass from the University of Texas. – Even one of former presidents USA Jimmy Carter, for example, said in one of his interviews that he also has lust in his heart, however, as far as we know, he never followed its lead.".

7. It's just sex and nothing more!

For most men, sex and love are two completely different things. “We actually believe that we can love our spouse and still desire sex with other women. We separate the two in our brains" , - Santagati is sure. It is this simple division of concepts that allows men to easily cheat on their wives without feeling any sense of guilt. However, there is one exception.

"Any feeling of guilt that a man may experience after sex is not due to the fact of sex itself, but to possible consequences , says Santagati. – Will she continue to obsessively pursue him? Will the wife find out anything? If a man is inclined towards monogamous relationships, he will ask himself main question before cheating: is it worth it? He must be able to imagine the worst case scenario, which is that his wife finds out and it breaks her heart. Is it worth it?"

8. Not today, honey, not today...

Let's face the truth. As a rule, men need sex more often than women. And if their wives, tired of caring for children and doing housework during the day, are not at all inclined to experiment, then even the most understanding hubby will get bored and start looking to the left. And simply more sexually active men who have not found a suitable partner will also continue to search after marriage. It's about about the incompatibility of their sexual activity.

9. I change because I can!

As Porthos from The Three Musketeers said - "I fight because I fight!" So for us men, it is often extremely difficult to avoid the temptation to rush... no, not into a fight, but into the bosom of debauchery, especially if this temptation is so accessible! Moreover, thanks to the development modern technologies(mainly the Internet), it has become easy for men to cheat literally every minute!

Yes, yes, men cheat all the time - while browsing some website on their laptop, or staring at the TV - and they can do it next to their sleeping wife! "We do not mean contact at the genital level,” Hartlein clarifies. “Betrayal is anything that can break a hole in a relationship, including flirting, sexual communication online, and keeping secrets from your spouse.” Well, it looks like cheating is not something that happens to a man , but what happens in his brain!

“All men cheat on their wives,” sings in happy song popular showman and joker Slepakov. Let us hasten to reassure you – not everything. Although the numbers that sociologists give us look really depressing: for example, in 2016, 75% of men surveyed admitted that at least once in their lives they had run away “to the left” or had a permanent mistress. For comparison, relatively recently this figure was 58%! What, faithful husband in our time - a phenomenon so rare that the chance of meeting such a person is modern woman little better than running head-to-head with a yeti or a dinosaur? It's not all that sad.

16 reasons why your husband cheated

They say that even in the minds of faithful men, naughty thoughts wander from time to time

What pushes the stronger sex down the crooked path of adultery? What kind of unknown winds call men away from their girlfriends, a cozy home, and children in the end? Let's give the floor to psychologists, sociologists and the “heroes of the occasion” themselves. How do they justify their side trips?

The jungle is calling

Opinion: Man was created as a polygamous creature, period. He, unlike a woman, is bequeathed by nature itself to fertilize as many females as possible - just remember the gigantic number of sperm that regularly produces male body as opposed to just one female egg. Or the fact that the process of producing offspring in the stronger sex takes a few minutes, while for ladies it takes 9 months. In a word, if you don’t like something, all the complaints are against nature, which is impossible to resist.

Surprisingly, gentlemen scientists support this theory. However, they point out that centuries of civilization, the moral foundations of society and our own conscience have long since trimmed our brutal males and snatched them from the power of instincts. So, if your sweetheart is not trying to mark every post at the turn, as any male animal would do, then a man is more than able to resist his “call of the jungle”.

Don't confuse warm with soft

Opinion: Some men are frankly perplexed why their girlfriends take the news so hard accidental betrayal. It's just sex, a flash of passion, satisfying the body's needs! Why not take advantage of the opportunity if it comes? But I love you!

The same sociologists calculated that 40% of cheaters (according to other sources - all 80) decided to commit adultery while continuing to sincerely love their wife or girlfriend. True, if the “walkers” were asked to imagine that their significant other would do the same, the reaction of the subjects was violent and sharply negative.

For some, the risk of being caught only increases the pleasure of cheating.

Life without risk is like food without salt

There is a type of men, players and adventurers, for whom an affair is valuable not so much as an opportunity to have a good time with a new woman, but thrills. Encrypted SMS messages, secret meetings, the constant danger of being caught red-handed... All this is so reminiscent of a spy novel and excites the blood! It also happens that a man is not an adventurer or a womanizer at all, he is simply fed up with the boredom of family life, and betrayal seems to be the easiest way to bring a fresh stream into his existence.

Routine and boredom are equally harmful to both spouses. Run from them! Experiment with your style so as not to get stuck in the same boring image. From time to time, instead of the usual dinner with a traditional set of dishes, take excursions into the cuisine of different peoples of the world. Get the two of you out of the house more often, and your entertainment must be varied and equally interesting to both you and your husband. For incorrigible Stirlitz, there are special agencies that, for a reasonable fee, will organize you a real spy quest with puzzles, chases and kidnappings. And for those whose budget cannot withstand such a load, good old role-playing games will come to the rescue. By the way, the clothes and wig are atypical for you - great way organize an “sanctioned betrayal” for your loved one and have some fun yourself. If only there was imagination and a sense of humor.

I didn't know what I was doing

Approximately 8 out of 10 infidelities are committed under the influence of alcohol. Prohibitions are lifted, excitement bubbles in the blood, a sense of duty goes to sleep peacefully in the far corner of the subconscious... But animal instincts creep out and take control of the body.

Life with a lover of strong drinks can be compared to dancing on broken glass - sooner or later, one way or another, and one day one of the fragments will hurt you painfully. Run away from such a person. But if your man firmly knows his norm, and in a sober state does not follow with his eyes every girl who parades past, the green serpent has no power over him. Intoxication reveals a person's secret desires, but does not force him to change his principles.

What kind of tricks does alcohol do to our minds!

Do not think that the stronger sex knows no remorse! Many unfaithful spouses, having decided to cheat under the influence of a momentary impulse or alcohol, then experience real moral torment and try in every possible way to make amends to their wives.

If they don’t feed me at home, I’ll eat somewhere else

It's no secret that sex is one of the basic human needs, slightly less important than the desire to eat. Do you have a different temperament than your husband, do you suffer from migraines with enviable consistency, or are you the type of wife who punishes their husbands for their mistakes by regularly separating them from their body? It should not be surprising that sooner or later a man will be drawn from a dusty marital bed to another, more hospitable bed.

Draw your own conclusions, ladies. If you don’t want your husband to go all out, don’t starve him.

Hey, she kisses my children with that mouth!

Do you remember with what indignation the hero of the film “Analyze This” accepted the psychoanalyst’s proposal to fulfill his sexual fantasies not with a random girlfriend, but with his wife? Surprisingly, many men think much the same way. With my wife – a respectable missionary position, lights off and no “obscenity”. And everything that your passionate imagination draws, we will make your mistress’s reality.

However, one should not blame men for their inertia. No fewer beautiful ladies, due to their upbringing, complexes or pathological modesty, categorically refuse to bring anything “like that” into the love game. And they lose a lot!

We are so different

Not only a woman dreams of finding in her man your soul mate. The stronger sex no less wants his partner to at least approve, or better yet, share his interests, needs and desires. When all the conversations in the family revolve around a Sunday trip to Auchan, household needs and the needs of the children, this is a sure sign that not everything is in order with the marriage.

Nobody asks you to understand 40 varieties of jigs and know by heart the results of football matches from the time of Tsar Pea to the present day. But be aware of your spouse’s hobbies, carefully introduce him to your own, look for common topics for a conversation that goes beyond everyday life is necessary.

Life with Jigsaw

Some wives are real experts in handling the saw

It is impossible to feel passion for a woman who never misses an opportunity to point out her mistake to her husband. IN best case scenario such a man will sadly eke out his existence next to an ever-rattling chainsaw, or, at worst, go to “treat his nerves” to the affectionate and taciturn cat from the next door.

In order not to turn into a twitchy vixen with a rolling pin, learn to relax. Drink soothing teas, walk in nature, find a hobby that will give you positive emotions. And if your husband continues to irritate you with every action after this, think about it - maybe it’s not him, you just didn’t choose “your” man?

Pay attention to my suffering

A woman realizing her ambitions is wonderful. But if your favorite job, friends and new grandiose projects steal you from your husband, he may rebel. Each spouse has the right to count on the attention of their other half, otherwise this is no longer a family, but simply a good neighbor.

No matter how busy your life is, don’t let your loved one feel unwanted. A man who occupies a place in the scale of his wife’s priorities somewhere between gatherings with girlfriends in a cafe and buying a new closet will sooner or later go in search of the one for whom he will mean more.

Guilty without guilt

Could you easily be confused with the reincarnation of Shakespeare's Othello? Is your sense of smell capable of detecting the smell of someone else’s perfume on your loved one’s clothes, even if it wasn’t there in the first place? Can the scenes of jealousy that you throw up sometimes be inserted into thrillers without editing? Someday the spouse will decide: get it, then get to it. And go hunting.

Work on improving your self-esteem. Confident ladies rarely burn with jealousy - they know their worth and do not waste their nerves over trifles.

In terms of jealousy, the fair sex is not inferior to the stronger

Eye for an eye

Treason for revenge? It also happens. And it’s not a fact that your spouse will decide to repay you for cuckolding him. The reason could be a heated argument, a derogatory remark, or simply strained relations between spouses.

Solve problems on time. Even if your man is not vindictive, accumulated grievances do not help strengthen the marriage.

The wife is no longer a cake

One of the most offensive explanations for women's pride! The wife has gained weight, grown ugly, and haggard, but there are a lot of slender people around women's bodies and fresh faces. And even though the man himself cannot climb to the third floor without shortness of breath, and in front of him his round beer belly sways and bounces as he walks, he perceives himself, at a minimum, as Apollo, worthy of the best.

If a dull complexion and a butt the size of Brazil - the eternal nightmare of the notorious Bridget Jones - are the result of your unwillingness to take care of yourself, come to your senses. It never hurts to be attractive. If the main complaints of the spouse relate to the fact that the wife is no longer as young as before, it is difficult to do anything. It is extremely difficult for a woman to blossom and remain desirable, feeling neglected by her husband. It is possible to maintain the flame of love, after years of marriage, only through mutual efforts.

I have no luck with my cards

In psychology there is such a curious concept as substitution. In this case, it means that a man who has not achieved success in other areas of life compensates for the lack of a leadership position, sports achievements and scientific discoveries number of mistresses. Moreover, this is not how he needs these “joys of the flesh.” The main thing is to prove to yourself your masculine worth, at least through love victories.

It is almost impossible to correct the situation, but there is a chance to prevent it. If you value your man, do not humiliate his dignity by listing other people’s records and his own defeats, but do not ignore even a single triumph, even a small one. Do you not value or respect your spouse? What, then, are you doing next to him?

Victory over woman's heart– an effective remedy for damaged male self-esteem

Demon in the rib

The midlife crisis and the desire to start life over again have shocked many families. Someone, after a walk, returns to his wife with a guilty head, someone stubbornly continues to build a family with new friend, while others prefer to live in two houses.

Even a happy marriage does not guarantee that one day a man will not want to feel young again. But the stronger and more trusting the relationship between you is, the higher the man’s chances of resisting temptation.

He is entitled to a mistress according to the state

For other subjects, a long-legged girl of 20 years old is as necessary an addition to success as a status car or expensive watch. I can afford it. If others have it, why shouldn't I have it?

Alas, it is difficult to advise a deceived wife anything, because it was not her mistakes that led to the betrayal, but the cockroaches in her husband’s head. There is one consolation: not every successful man considers his mistress a necessary addition to his new status.

I have and will change

For this man, the search for new victims and their seduction is both a habit, a norm, and a way of life. A conquered woman, even if she is at least three times smart and beautiful, instantly loses her value in the eyes of the “ideological seducer” and fades into the background for him.

Usually it doesn’t take anything to figure out Don Juan by his habits already at the courtship stage. If you meet him on your way, keep in mind: you can ring an eternal reveler, but never force him to give up his habits. No matter how much you sandal, threaten to go to your mother, or frighten your unfaithful lover with divorce, suicide and heavenly punishment, sooner or later he will again take up his own ways.

Oddly enough, most traitors are in no hurry to leave the family. They value their status, their existing way of life, and habits. They do not want to start the long and painful process of dividing property and settling in a new place with a new woman. Often they continue to love their legal spouse or at least feel affection for her. So, if the husband is cunning enough and the wife is not observant enough, the womanizer succeeds for a long time keep your adventures a secret.

Video: Is it possible to forgive a cheating boyfriend or spouse?

Record breakers of fidelity

So do they exist in the world? faithful men or does everyone have their own reason to show their friend's horns? Exist!

  1. The option is dubious - Henpecked. As a child, he obeyed his mother, and as he grew up, he came under the complete control of his wife. The Henpecked Man considers a step to the right or to the left of the plan outlined by the strict “half” as incredible impudence; he does not have his own opinion or desires, and he is capable of daring to betrayal only if it is sanctioned by his wife.
  2. The boring option is a Man with Complexes. Perhaps they wouldn’t mind chasing after some beauty, but I’m sure in advance that they will be a fiasco. This type is faithful involuntarily: there was a woman who set her sights on him, and thank you for that.
  3. The option is tempting - a decent man. He loves his wife, sees no reason to cheat on her, and prefers to solve all problems that arise through dialogue and working on relationships. Imagine, such individuals are also found in this world, and not so rare!

Video: How to find a devoted man

Is there insurance against male infidelity?

There is no guaranteed protection against adultery, but you can do everything to prevent your husband from having the desire to seek happiness on the side.

The main rules of a smart wife.

  1. Take care of your appearance. Entering into a fight with an unknown homewrecker - real or still potential - in a shabby dressing gown and with a peeling manicure is futile. Don't neglect cosmetic procedures for your face and body, pick yourself a few cute home suits, and start jogging in the morning. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will become more interesting in the eyes of your spouse and gain self-confidence.
  2. Give your husband more attention. Ask how his day went, tell him about your affairs, ask for advice on this or that matter. Let your partner know that you appreciate him.
  3. Don't miss the chance to go out together. A friend's birthday, a new film in the cinema, an interesting exhibition - anything goes. This way you will not only remind your husband how good it is for the two of you, but also dilute your everyday routine with bright impressions.
  4. ...But don't overdo it! A man should not get tired of your annoying company.
  5. It wouldn't hurt to paint it with new colors and intimate life. Think about whether you have secret fantasies that you didn’t dare tell your spouse about before? It's time to admit it and try together to “make the fairy tale come true.”

No matter how great the temptation, do not rummage through your husband’s pockets, do not check his mail, and do not look into his mobile phone. Such a rude invasion of personal space will only turn a man against you.

It goes without saying that your efforts to strengthen your marriage should have a payoff. A man who deserves love will always appreciate self-care and will begin to take steps in return. If your spouse prefers only to receive, but is in no hurry to give, think about it: do you want to spend your whole life pleasing a person who does not care about your convenience, peace of mind, or happiness? Maybe, somewhere very close, someone else is already waiting, someone who will treat you the way you deserve?