Married to an Arab sheikh from the Emirates. Marry a sheikh: where to meet him, how to charm him, and what the future princess Budur needs to be ready for

Well, who among us has never dreamed, having married an Arab, to be in the role of the beloved wife of a handsome man of noble blood? Live in silks, ride in luxury cars or on luxurious horses that cost like a small apartment and not think about tomorrow. Most often, these dreams remain dreams, but what prevents you from at least trying to make them come true? Now it is incomparably easier to marry a sheikh than a few decades ago - now even the crown princes can choose their own wife, political marriages are becoming less and less common. This means that even residents of the CIS countries, like other women around the world, can find a groom among wealthy Arabs.

How and where to meet a real sheikh

If we are talking about sheikhs or big businessmen, then the traditional ways of meeting foreigners practically do not work here. You definitely shouldn't look for a wealthy Arab on free dating sites. From there, you will obviously not be called to marry in Dubai. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the "prince", which you will find on the pages of such a resource, will turn out to be a rogue.

A good option to cross paths with a real sheikh is to come to one of the countries where their concentration, for obvious reasons, is higher (UAE, Saudi Arabia). Together they can gather for all sorts of events and, for example, the Big Boys Toys exhibition of equipment is one of the most famous of them. Another thing is that it will cost a lot of money (visa, flight, pass), but there are no guarantees of the result. Men, being surrounded by "big toys", become like children, and all your spells can be simply ignored.

It's easier and cheaper to intercept one of them in Europe during training. Young Arab princes often get jobs in the best European universities, and, breaking away from their roots, become more civilized and accept European values ​​of communication, including with a woman. But, again, it is far from a fact that they are looking for wives.

So the best thing is to immediately contact the agency, where grooms with a strong desire to start a family leave their data.

How to behave when meeting with a sheikh?

Let's suppose that you have achieved a meeting in one way or another and are standing in front of a real sheikh. First of all, remember that in front of you is a Muslim. And even if he lived for some time in Europe, he still will not properly appreciate your bare legs and low-cut blouse. In Europe, this may add whists to you, but in the Arab world you should only show your whole self to your husband. The man in front of you is not calling you to marry in the Emirates yet.

Do not be vulgar, do not try to defeat him with your pressure. Talking too emotionally is also not worth it. Arab women behave this way, and if you show respect for tradition, it will play into your hands. Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke in any case. Be calm and polite.

Everyday life of the sheikh's wife

If you managed to "catch" a prince or a successful Arab businessman, you can consider yourself lucky. Women in Arab countries, as a rule, are fully supported by their husbands and usually do not work. You will always be provided with everything you need: from a personal car (in the Middle East "oil" countries people rarely walk on foot) to servants and a bodyguard. So, your marriage in Dubai will surely seem like a fairy tale to you. However, much will depend on the nature of the spouse. As we have already said, many of them practice European, freer relationships, and the wife can safely relax in the best resorts, engage in education, and even work. It is possible that, on the contrary, you will accompany your husband on business trips, and with your presence help him find a common language with partners from the European world.

Do not worry that you will be forced to convert to Islam. This is desirable, but not required. You can't give up on your faith. Although this point is also desirable to discuss with the chosen one in advance. Perhaps he wants to consult with relatives - family ties in the Arab world are unusually strong, and angering parents is one of the serious sins.

If you manage to get to the homeland of your future husband, then you don’t have to think much about the dress code. As long as you are not officially married, you are just a tourist, and the rules of conduct for them are much simpler. It is worth avoiding only scandal-provoking clothes - open swimsuits, short shorts and skirts, translucent clothes. This applies to public places. You can walk around the hotel in whatever you like.

But do not abuse it, marriage with an Arab is the most important stage in his life and the life of his family, so try to please all his relatives. Recommendations for behavior are exactly the same as when meeting: be modest, polite, but confident. Try to please your mother-in-law, because when you move in with him, it is she who will most likely take patronage over you.

The situation with clothes will become somewhat more complicated after the marriage ceremony. And, again, it will largely depend on the degree of religiosity of the spouse. Most likely, in his homeland, in public, you still have to wear a hijab - a scarf that covers your hair, ears and chin. It will also be necessary to open other parts of the body very carefully - a marriage in the UAE or other Muslim countries implies that you can only show your whole self to your husband.

The severity of these restrictions, again, can vary greatly. And on the streets of Arab cities you can meet both women completely wrapped in a burqa, and those who limited themselves to only a scarf, and left all other non-recommended wardrobe items (shoes with heels, pants). You will also be surprised by carefully studying the range of traditional Arab clothing. It has been acquiring fashionable features for quite a long time, and now boutiques with fantastically beautiful veils and their variations are found at every turn.

The marriage contract will play an important role in future marriage. It must contain a clause with the conditions of divorce. In fact, it is almost impossible, but the division of property and the fate of the children must be specified there. A child born in the Emirates automatically becomes their citizen, and the conditions for its export must be agreed in advance.

If you are going to marry in the Emirates, mentally prepare for the possible polygamy of your spouse. But it is worthwhile to understand that the current harems are not disenfranchised women living under the same roof under the supervision of a eunuch. First, the number of wives allowed is limited to four. Secondly, each of them must be kept on exactly the same conditions as the rest. And, perhaps, your husband simply does not want to spend money on another woman - who needs additional expenses? Each wife, as a rule, lives separately, in her own house or apartment. Another important feature is that a husband will not take a second wife without the consent of the first. This is somewhat peculiar, but still a family decision.

You can leave to get married in Saudi Arabia or another Middle Eastern country because of a wedding alone. Sheikhs are traditionally chic and rich. They always have an incredible number of guests - up to several thousand. The bride is required to provide a carpet woven with her own hands for the ceremony. It will be considered dowry.

Agency Paradise Date

To become a real modern Arab princess and get married in the UAE, you need to meet a real Arab prince. As we have already said, most of the ways to do this are either expensive or fraught with possible fraud. And in order to prepare to try on a wedding hijab with peace of mind, you need to entrust the search for a true sheikh to professionals. The Kharkiv-based marriage agency Paradise Date has an extensive database, where men from all over the world are honored to enter their name. Including the inhabitants of the Arab countries.

Understanding all the complexities and subtleties of working with such material, the agency carefully checks all incoming questionnaires. Marrying an Arab is a known risk and it is better to know about his plans in advance and understand how he sees further coexistence with a Slavic girl. Agency managers are ready to do everything (from a correctly filled out application form to photographs in the right style) to make you like the sheikh you are so expecting.

For girls, all agency services are free. Seek and you will surely find.

Thanks for your support!

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The love story of a simple girl and a prince is a classic plot for fairy tales and has been popular since time immemorial, so not only little girls dream of marrying a handsome, rich and intelligent “prince on a white horse”, but also fully accomplished adult women. And miracles happen, the main thing is to know where to look for him, this prince. We present to your attention the five most beautiful and richest heirs of the Muslim world.

1. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Son of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his wife sheikhs Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum. sheikh Hamdan- a very popular person in the United Arab Emirates. He received an excellent education in the UK, graduating from the Army Military School at Sandhurst, as well as the London College of Economics and the Dubai College of Administration. The popularity of the sheikh was gained by his charitable activities: the prince directly oversees a number of funds involved in organizing the collection of funds for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Sheikh Hamdan belongs to the al-Maktoum dynasty and officially holds the position of head of the Dubai Executive Council, that is, he heads the government of the emirate of Dubai, but he has time for numerous hobbies. Born on Valentine's Day, the prince is fond of romantic poetry, has a creative pseudonym Fazza and even publishes poetry collections. Sheikh Hamdan loves horse riding, has a large collection of Arabian horses and regularly takes part in numerous equestrian competitions.

The Crown Prince is not married, but, alas, even before his birth, he was engaged to a relative on the maternal side. However, do not be upset - no one can forbid a sheikh to have as many wives as he wants!

2. Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan

Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah

King's eldest child Abdullah II and queens Rania, 20-year-old crown prince Hussein bin Abdullah since 2009 he has been the heir to the throne in the Kingdom of Jordan. Belongs to the Hashemite dynasty.

In 2007, the prince entered the Royal Academy in Madaba, then, as usual, went to study in the West, and he is currently studying political science in Washington, DC, at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In addition to his native Arabic, the Prince of Jordan is fluent in three foreign languages: English, French and Hebrew.

Hussein bin Abdullah is involved in charity work, runs a fund to support the development of science among young people, and also has a number of hobbies, including football and collecting motorcycles.

Despite the fact that Jordan is a country with a higher level of publicity and more “Western” values ​​than the neighboring UAE and Saudi Arabia, there is no information about the personal life of the heir to the throne in the public domain, it is only known that he is not yet married.

3. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun al-Nahyan

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan

Son of the President of the United Arab Emirates Caliphs bin Zayed al-Nahyan, sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun al-Nahyan is a member of the oldest ruling dynasty of Abu Dhabi - al-Nahyan. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of the United Arab Emirates with a degree in engineering and architecture, then studied international relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA.

Sheikh Sultan oversees many issues of national importance. He invests in the development of sports, architecture, and also serves as head of the East Region Development Committee. In addition, he controls the work of state charitable foundations, as well as a large number of organizations dealing with cultural heritage issues.

Among the sheikh's many hobbies are many sports, art collecting and travel.

There is no information about the personal life of Sheikh Sultan either on the Internet or in the media.

4. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

Sixth son of the former ruling Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa and the fifth son of his second wife - sheikhs Mozah bint Nasser al-Misned, sheikh Mohammed is a representative of another major dynasty of the Arab world, the ruling family of Qatar - al-Thani.

He studied at the Qatar Academy, received a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University's Qatar Affiliate School of Diplomacy, and an MBA from Harvard University. Sheikh Mohammed is fluent in Arabic, English and French.

According to the laws of the Arab monarchies, the eldest son of the ruler of the state is considered the crown prince, so Mohammed, being the sixth son of the emir, most likely will never become the head of Qatar. But this does not mean that the younger children of the rulers do not take part in managing the affairs of the state. Usually, the children of emirs hold positions in the cabinet of ministers or lead numerous committees that oversee issues of national importance. This is what happened to Sheikh Mohammed. The former captain of the Qatar equestrian team, he is very passionate about sports, therefore he is directly involved in the leadership of the Committee for the preparations for the World Cup, which is to be held in Qatar in 2022.

According to unconfirmed reports, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is not married.

5. Sheikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

Sheikh's brother Mohammed al-Thani(not only by father, but also by mother), sheikh Jasim is definitely included in the list of the most beautiful Arab men. By the way, the appearance in our today's ranking of two brothers al-Thani not surprising. The fact is that their mother is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful women in the Muslim world. Sheikh Moza bint Nasser al-Misned- the second wife of the former Emir of Qatar is known not only as a beauty and an icon of style, but also as a very gifted politician, who takes a hidden, but quite a big part in many state issues. And therefore, it is not at all surprising that such attractive and gifted children were born to such a woman.

Sheikh Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was the Crown Prince of Qatar from 1996 to 2003, but later, realizing that he was unsuitable for the role, he renounced his heir status in favor of his younger brother, the current Emir of Qatar Tamima al-Thani.

He was educated at the British Royal Academy in Sandhurst, then returned to his homeland and took up charity work. He is now Honorary President of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) and is also involved in environmental issues.

Unfortunately, Sheikh Jasim has already chosen his first wife. She was a representative of the same dynasty, sheikh Butaina bint Ahmad Al Thani Sheikh's daughter Hamada bin Ali al-Thani. The couple already have three children. But as we know

Your relationship with an Arab, Egyptian, Turk or just a Muslim man is developing so rapidly that you are already thinking about how to marry a Muslim from Egypt, Turkey or Saudi Arabia. But your future Arab Muslim husband honors the Koran! Here are some features of dating and marriage with Muslim Arabs if the girl is a Christian (from Russia, Belarus, the Baltic countries or Ukraine). Before you get out marry a Turk, an Egyptian, an Arab think well. So, having decided to give your hand and heart to a Muslim, you should know the following.

Dating a Muslim Marrying an Arab

First. comply with the requirements of the Quran. As the bride of a Muslim Arab, you are obligated not to be a pagan; be the wife (even divorced) of the groom's son or father; to be with an Arab fiance in blood relations; be a teacher or pupil of a Muslim fiance. If any of these traditional requirements are violated, it will be impossible to marry an Arab.

Second. To meet and please the parents of the groom, an Egyptian or a Turk, or an Arab. And get their blessing for marriage, whether it be with an Arab, a Turk or a Syrian. In the event that Muslim parents object to a Christian wife, your man, regardless of whether he is from Egypt or Turkey, or Syria, is more likely to part with his bride than go against the will of Arab parents. A conscious Muslim man reveres his parents more than anyone and is afraid of angering them. Because according to the Koran, disobedience to parents is a crime and is condemned as the most serious sin.

Third. Obey an Arab husband and a Muslim mother-in-law. In an Arab marriage, a woman married to a Muslim has practically no rights. She is destined for the role only to run the household and please husband from Turkey or Egypt, or. Therefore, when a woman wants to work, she will have to get permission from her Arab husband. And also always obey the mother-in-law of a Muslim woman. Even when you meet with injustice, and even with nasty things about yourself from the mother of a Muslim husband, you should know that a Turk, an Egyptian, a Syrian or just an Arab will take the side of a Muslim mother, and you will also get it.

Fourth. Acceptance of Islam. According to Muslim law, a Christian girl who marries a Muslim Arab should not immediately convert to Islam. But still, it happens over time. When a beloved man, whether from Egypt or, asks his wife to accept the Muslim faith, will you be able to refuse an Arab husband? If a Turkish or Syrian husband tells you to convert to Islam, you will hardly dare to disobey him. In principle, initially a Muslim is allowed to marry an infidel, in order to then convert his wife to Islam.

Fifth. To be the obedient wife of a Syrian, a Turk, or an Egyptian. According to the Qur'an, a Muslim wife should not refuse her husband from Turkey or Egypt, or Syria or Saudi Arabia in intimate relationships, except during illness, Hajj, the postpartum period or critical days, and without the consent of the eastern Muslim husband not to leave home.

Sixth. Accept that you are not the only wife. Polygamy is the main feature of the Muslim family. According to the holy book, a Muslim is allowed to be married to four women at the same time, and also to take concubines. He definitely won’t ask your permission or approval, don’t count on it - not in your homeland. But on the other hand, an Arab husband is obliged to provide financial support for all his wives. As a result, if your Muslim fiancé is not rich, there is a chance that you will be the only one for some time. I believe it is possible that the search for a subsequent wife for a Muslim son will be actively engaged in his parents. An Egyptian or Turkish son will not be able to refuse the “goodwill” and perseverance of his mother, and at the same time you will also be obliged to welcome the choice of your mother-in-law with a sincere smile. These are the canons of Islam.

Seventh. Conduct yourself according to the Qur'an. The traditions of the Arabs, Muslims in Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or require a woman to follow special rules of conduct. Therefore, now you will be obliged to: hide the body and jewelry under clothes, always lower your eyes when you meet an Arab guy, do not enter someone else's house without the permission of an Arab husband, move silently, etc. A caring Muslim mother-in-law will tell you about these norms of life.

Eighth. To know the duties of a husband. According to the Qur'an, a Muslim husband is obliged to: protect and support his wife, while being responsible for the well-being (clothing, food, housing) of children and wife. When a man of the East, whether a Turk, a Syrian, an Egyptian or an Arabian, evades the maintenance of his wife or stopped paying attention to her on the sexual side of the matter for a certain period of time, then the wife of a Muslim, according to Sharia, has the right to demand a divorce. An Arab Muslim husband has no right to beat his wife indiscriminately, as well as for petty offenses: you can’t beat your spouse in easily injured places and face; assault should not cause suffering, leave marks on the body or damage. If the Islamic husband did so, the wife also has the right to divorce in the Sharia court.

Ninth. Muslim wedding. You must know that a wedding according to Muslim laws is valid in cases where the marriage is concluded with the observance of all the rites and is sanctified by Allah. The wedding ceremony can be held both at home and in the mosque. And what is remarkable, even without the presence of the bride and groom. If desired, the spouses can send a couple of witnesses to conduct the marriage ceremony, which consists of a wedding prayer, recitation of the Koran and ends with vows. It is not necessary to invite a large number of clergy to an Egyptian, Turkish, or Arabic wedding, although a minister from the local mosque can be invited if desired by the newlyweds. A luxurious wedding feast with a huge number of guests is organized either on the day of the wedding, or on one of the following 3 days. And the plot of the wedding celebration, which is actively proclaimed from the lips of the invited: from now on, the bride and groom have one life for two. You must consider that the well-being of Arab or Turkish or Egyptian family life is of exceptional importance in the countries of the Middle East: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt. Marriage for a Muslim man is basically procreation, so it is very important to have not only a wife, but also children. The childlessness of the wife is likely to cause a divorce.

Looking for a Muslim to create a family Marry an Egyptian, Arab, Turk

From the correspondence of clients of our dating site with foreigners:

Hello, support service of a dating site with foreigners. I believe that we are all people and what difference does it make if your husband is Arab, Muslim, Belarusian, Orthodox. 6 years ago I successfully married an Arab. Red blood also flows in him, he knows how to be upset, rejoice, think, feel. I have heard many stories before. I want to assure you that there is good and bad everywhere, be it in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait or Syria. My girlfriend married a guy from a neighboring house - a Russian. And it's not all that great. As soon as he made a career, mistresses, abuse, scandals and, as a result, a divorce went. He did not give children (2 boys). For the 3rd year, a friend has been hitting the court thresholds. So what, now we should say that women do not marry Russians? I want to assure you that it's all about the person, not the country of residence, nationality and religion. Before you marry an Arab, Dutch or Turk, get to know the man better, get to know his close family circle. Today I came to visit my mother in Ukraine. I live in Saudi Arabia and my husband is Arab, Muslim (I met him on your site). We love to travel, relax, we have a lot of real friends, my husband does not infringe on my rights at all (naturally, within reason). I do not want to prove to everyone that Muslims from Egypt or Turkey are good and wonderful. I was just lucky. Each person is a separate person! It is also worth recognizing that many happy marriages with Arabs took place with Russian Tatars, Muslim women, residents of the North Caucasus. In addition to professional skills, women who successfully married Arabs also had a religious education, they spoke Arabic. Before the wedding, the family of the Muslim husband had already received the daughter-in-law in advance, and the family of the wife - the son-in-law. Naturally, the support of parents from both sides, common spiritual values, language skills - all this is a good foundation for laying a happy relationship. However, many happy international couples did not leave for the homeland of their Arab husbands. The reasons are different. For example, there are civil wars in Algeria and Sudan. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a Russian-style diploma received by husbands during the years of study in Russia or Ukraine is not valued; accordingly, it is impossible to find a job in the specialty. Egypt is a country with a low standard of living, a poor education and health system. Only a few international couples settled in Morocco and Syria, but in the specific case, the father-in-laws were rich and noble people, which means that you can live in your home, in a calm and clean area, often visit your parents in Russia or Ukraine. Many of my acquaintances, happily married, returned with their husbands to Russia from Algeria, Sudan and Egypt and live happily together in their wife's homeland.

Madonna once said a phrase that you should not forget, dream about something, and as soon as you stop dreaming about it, it will certainly come true. All girls have their own desires, for the sake of which they are ready for anything. Some want to visit the island and spend a long time there, others just want to be close to their loved ones, and some girls have a dream of becoming a sheikh's wife. Becoming a sheikh's wife is a reality, or is it just a dream, you can find out by reading this article.

Bridegroom from the Middle East

There is an opinion that sheikhs are some kind of fairy-tale creatures, and their wives are princesses from fairy tales. In fact, everything is not so. History shows us that quite often, sheikhs marry girls with Slavic appearance, who seem the most ordinary at first glance. Only a few years have passed since the day when in Dubai a sheikh named Said bin Maktoum married a Belarusian girl who had previously worked as a waitress in a very ordinary cafe. There are a lot of such stories in life, and no one knows how your life will turn out tomorrow.

What needs to be done to become the only wife of a sheikh?

An amazing story happened to a sheikh and a beautiful girl Natalie from Belarus. The sheikh came to the beautiful country of Belarus in order to take part in local shooting competitions. He stayed in a wonderful hotel, where he met a beautiful girl who became his soulmate and wife in the future. The sheikh fell in love at first sight with the waitress, whose name was Natalie. In order to spend as much time as possible with a girl, he even refused to take part in competitions, despite the fact that he actually came to this country for them. The sheikh stayed in Belarus to get to know the girl better, because she won his heart. Only one week had passed since they knew each other, and the sheikh called Natalie to marry, the girl, of course, agreed. It is worth noting that, nevertheless, the Sheikh fulfilled his dream, and took part in the shooting, taking the third prize.

The story from the life of Sheikh Said, in no case should move you to leave everything and get a job in a hotel in order to wait for the betrothed to appear on the horizon, but nevertheless this story allows us to believe that miracles do happen The main thing is to believe and wait. But sitting and waiting for a miracle is not an effective method, so you can lose a lot of precious time, sometimes you need to take and act, and then perhaps you will become the sheikh's beloved woman.

First, you need to make a list of who can be a contender to become a spouse for you. It must necessarily be a wealthy person, a representative of the elite from the Arab Emirates. An important fact is that the sheikh must be beautiful in appearance, be in the dawn of strength and have common sense.

Secrets on how to become a sheikh's wife.

To date, even a list has been compiled of the most enviable suitors who are not only very rich, but also beautiful. This list includes: Al-Waleed, who is a Saudi prince; ibn Talan, as well as ibn Abdel, who are representatives of the royal families. As for the state of the Saudi prince, in 2012, according to experts, the capital was more than 22 billion dollars. If you want to become his chosen one, you will have to come to terms with the fact that he spends most of his time at work, and returns home to sleep, and then not for long, only for five hours. But, unfortunately, no matter how regrettable it sounded, the prince is already 58 years old, you should not be upset about this, as our ancestors said, love knows no age. It is worth noting that Eastern men have good health and know, according to them, the secrets of longevity.

A very enviable groom is Hamad bin, his fortune can only give way to the capital of Prince Al-Walid. More recently, in 2012, Hamad wanted to have his name inscribed on the sand dunes. The best craftsmen took up the development of this project, and after a week, Hamad could admire the order completed on his behalf. The main characteristic of Hamad is that he has an out-of-the-box thinking, as well as a wild fantasy that is not always appropriate. One of his passions is collecting cars in every color of the rainbow. If you are a creative person and have an out-of-the-box thinking, then you will be able to win the heart of Hamadan, and you will never be bored together. The point is small, you need to get acquainted with the sheikh and get to know him better.

The richest sheikhs include two brothers, whose names are Mazhet and Abdullah Futtaim. The brothers together have a capital of about 7 billion dollars. The main business of the two brothers is the production of cars, the most expensive and popular brands in the world, such as Jaguar, as well as many others. If you suddenly found out that the sheikh already has a wife, do not despair and worry about this, as in the UAE countries it is legal to have four wives. But, the question is not even this, are you ready to be not the only one, but one of them. But, despite the fact that many enviable suitors have already been listed, there is still a 31-year-old famous prince who lives in Dubai and whose name is Hamdan bin.

Today, the Sheikh deals with affairs related to the executive council of the city. When the Sheikh has free time, he devotes it to creativity, writes poetry, stories, and also breeds camels. Hamadan is not only young, but also very handsome, although, according to people who personally know him, his appearance is deceptive, and behind a nice person, a despotic person is hiding. The Sheikh has many requirements for his future wife, which is probably why his heart is not occupied, and he is not married. No one knows why it happened, maybe he is waiting for you and you will win his heart and be the wife of a rich prince?

I would also like to note the fact that not all rich people want their names to be on the "hearing" and therefore hide them. That is why always be careful when meeting men from the east, who knows, you may be lucky and meet the prince of your dreams, who will be rich and also handsome.

Where can you meet a sheikh?

If you have set yourself the main goal of your whole life, as well as achieve it and become the wife of the best sheikh, then you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. First, you need to know where you can meet a sheikh and how to make a great first impression.

The easiest way to find a sheikh is in the East, in their homeland. They say that most of the sheikhs are in Abu Dhabi. Sheikh can be found in a chic restaurant, beach, and many other luxurious places. Every year an exhibition is held in this city, to which many sheikhs come. You should not miss the chance, you should try to visit there, because out of hundreds of sheikhs, you will definitely be able to meet the very one.

Finding a sheikh in the Emirates is not difficult, as large-scale events are held very often. But, the most important question remains, how to get to these festivals, exhibitions, where there are so many sheikhs? Perhaps, initially it is necessary to get a job in the service staff, and return from there as the already rich wife of some sheikh.

The first impression must be great!

If you have already looked after your chosen one, now your main task is to win his heart. It is necessary to follow certain rules so that the sheikh not only draws his attention to you, but also becomes interested in you. Remember that men from the east do not take women seriously if a woman behaves vulgarly or vulgarly. Too open and defiant clothing will not attract the sheikh, but on the contrary, it can produce a negative attitude towards you. What we dress and wear in our homeland does not attract Eastern men at all, they have other customs and laws. You can demonstrate all your charms and virtues to the sheikh after you marry him.

If you liked the sheikh, then in no case do not drink alcoholic beverages in his presence. If you really want to become a sheikh's wife in the future, then you should forget about all bad habits once and for all.

It is necessary to behave with a sheikh with restraint, as well as calmly. In eastern countries, women do not show their emotions, so you should keep them to yourself, and be a mystery woman, so that the sheikh would want to unravel you. But, with all this, you should not impersonate another person, behave at ease, and the sheikh will definitely turn his attention to you. If the sheikh is interested in you, then do not let him do much, this will further strengthen your relationship, as the sheikh will perceive you as a serious woman.

What does an Arab woman do every day?

If you follow simple rules, then perhaps all your dreams will come true. If you manage to win the sheikh's heart, then you can become a reliable companion and faithful friend throughout his life. All weddings that take place in the east are distinguished by their luxury and splendor. Therefore, if you manage to win the heart of a sheikh, then a chic wedding is guaranteed for you. As a rule, a lot of rich as well as influential people are invited to the wedding, the number of those invited is usually more than a thousand. To give an example, more than twenty thousand people were invited to the wedding of the Prime Minister, and this whole luxurious celebration cost a modest sixty million dollars. This wedding, and today, remains the richest and most chic. Fortunately for us, all the expenses for the wedding are covered by the sheikh, and the woman does not need much, just to make a carpet, which the girl needs as a dowry.

After the wedding, family life awaits you, and the most ordinary everyday life, only in a new status. What lies behind the powerful walls of the harem, what is the life of a wife with a sheikh after the wedding? How you will live with your husband depends largely on both you and the temperament of your spouse. Sheikh can give you a life in compliance with all the strictness of the Eastern canon, or vice versa, turn your life into a fairy tale. You should not be afraid that a woman in a veil is completely powerless, time goes by and laws change. Now sheikhs give their wives freedom of choice, they lead an active life with their husbands. Now the oriental woman is a completely self-confident woman, and when necessary she will be able to stand up for herself.

Before marrying a sheikh, carefully read the marriage contract so that if something happens, you will not be left with nothing. You should also pay attention to whether the sheikh can give you a divorce, if there is no such clause in the marriage contract, then by signing it you become the property of the sheikh for life, without the right to leave him, for any reason. Despite the fact that it is allowed to have four wives for a sheikh, women do not agree with these and want to be the only one. In the marriage contract, this can also be spelled out, how many wives a sheikh can afford to have. You can prescribe in the marriage contract that if the sheikh wants to marry again, then he will have to pay you, as a previous wife, 70% of his entire capital. Even in the marriage contract, you can specify the nuances about the division of property in the event of a divorce. This issue should not be discounted, because not everything can always turn out well, and you must protect yourself. But, as practice shows, the Arabs, in principle, do not divorce their wives, this is not customary among them.

After the wedding, the question will arise that you want to have a child together. The fact that the wife of the sheikh will not need anything cannot be argued with, but remember that a child who was born in the territory of a given state automatically, without the consent of the mother, becomes a citizen of this country, and it will be practically impossible to take the child away possible if needed.

Follow simple rules and the desire to marry an Arab will never disappear. Consider them:
sheikhs are people like you and me, they love beautiful and at the same time well-groomed women;
to find yourself a sheikh, you need to know the places where they are most often, and where you will be able to get to know them;
when meeting, show yourself from the best side, show how educated, smart, smart you are, and so on. Leave all your shortcomings for other times, since the sheikh must see you as one that has no shortcomings;
before you get married, you will need to learn how to weave carpets, otherwise you will not be the wife of a rich and promising sheikh.

Set a goal and go to it, and then you will definitely succeed, and we wish you good luck!