The best sayings about two-faced people. Statuses about hypocrisy

Where there is no equality, there must inevitably be hypocrisy.

In affectionate speeches there is poison.

The hypocrite reminds me of a man who killed his parents and asks the court for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan.

I hope you don't lead a double life pretending to be dissolute when you are actually virtuous. That would be hypocrisy.

A personal call is born in the humblest life.

It has long been said that hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.

A chameleon pinned to a wall is indistinguishable from a wall.

Vain, arrogant - narcissistic hypocrites, see in the mirror, only a lie.

Example statements about hypocrisy

The game of facial expressions embodies the incessant ability of a person to transform.

When good is done in order to earn the right to enter paradise or in the hope of a better state of affairs in next life, is hypocrisy.

Of all the varieties of hypocrisy, the most decent is false modesty.

Responsive exemplary statements about hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtues.

Hypocrites - sycophants use when someone believed, do not believe! Lies...

If it is not always possible to tell the truth, then it does not follow from this that one must lie. I can't always say what I feel and think, but that doesn't mean I have to say what I don't feel and don't think. The first is prudence, the second is hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy in love is one of the social disasters.

Hypocritical love is worse than hate.

A person is a complete pretense, a lie, hypocrisy not only in front of others, but also in front of himself. He does not want to hear the truth about himself, avoids telling it to others. And these inclinations, contrary to reason and justice, were deeply rooted in his heart.

Master of all hypocrisy and pretense.

Hypocrisy is an easy craft, every scoundrel is good at it, but only noble hearts can and dare to speak frankly, sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts.

Pretense unites those who are bound by the mutual guarantee of hypocrisy.

Speak about a person, act, phenomenon, event what you think. Never try to guess what words someone expects from you. This desire can make you a hypocrite, a sycophant and, ultimately, a scoundrel.

Being a hypocrite, conscience does not realize that it is a hypocrite.

Know that the one who is untrue in love has pretense with hypocrisy in his blood.

Too much moral indignation is almost always a sign of hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

Famous exemplary sayings about hypocrisy

Among the fools there is a certain sect called the hypocrites, who continually learn to deceive themselves and others, but more than others than themselves, and in reality deceive themselves more than others.

Piety is the true school of hypocrisy.

The mask eventually grows to . The hypocrite ends up becoming a sincere person.

Nobody is a hypocrite in their dreams.

Most hypocritical people more often than others remain in the cold.

Don't deceive our world with an outfit of hypocrisy. Earthly life - a moment, another - without end, to sell all eternity for a moment? Yes, this makes no sense.

Hypocrite! First take the log out of your eye, and then you will see how to take the knot out of your eye.

A hypocrite is a man who killed both parents and asks for mercy, referring to the fact that he is an orphan.

Among liars I have become a hypocrite, how tired I am of humanity!

Nothing prevents the performer from wearing another under one mask.

Insolent hypocrisy inspires respect for people who are used to serving.

How can a straightforward man comprehend hypocrisy?

The ostentatious simplicity is a refined hypocrisy.

A hypocrite is always a slave.

Fleeting exemplary statements about hypocrisy

A smile that appears on the face for no reason, or excessively honeyed speeches - the surest hypocrisy.

Politeness is the most acceptable form of hypocrisy.

Each person is hypocritical in his own way, there are no exceptions! It just manifests differently for everyone.

They are not hypocrites for pleasure.

To live right means hypocrisy, to think right is stupidity.

A person is a complete pretense, a lie, hypocrisy not only in front of others, but also in front of himself. He does not want to hear the truth about himself, avoids telling it to others. And these inclinations, contrary to reason and justice, were deeply rooted in his heart.

Pretense unites those who are bound by the mutual guarantee of hypocrisy.

What arrogance you display by pretending to be so humble!

It's better to drink wine and hug peris than beat off hypocritical bows.

Truth is a mirror, the reflection of which is unbearable for pretense and hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice is forced to pay to virtue.

Vanity pushes a person to absurd bragging and hypocrisy.

There are false righteous people, just as there are false brave ones. Brave fighters do not sin with boasting, and those righteous who set an example for us do not engage in hypocritical antics.

The distance between people is sometimes measured by hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.

Modern exemplary statements about hypocrisy

When the chameleon is in power, the surroundings change colors.

The great evil is hypocrisy, servility, opportunism. Know how to recognize this many-sided evil, be intolerant and irreconcilable to it.

Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness.

Pharisaism is not a degeneration good man: on the contrary, a fair amount of it is rather a condition any prosperity.

A deceitful face will hide everything that an insidious heart has conceived.

I may not say what I think, but that does not mean that I should say what I think. In the first case, this is prudence, in the second - hypocrisy.

Better an open enemy than a vile flatterer and hypocrite: such a disgrace to mankind.

The difference in heights to which different personalities have risen has its own value.

The look is hypocritical, the smile lies, but the clothes never deceive.

About how kind and crystal honest man there was a name, friends and neighbors learn, as a rule, from local obituaries.

Rudeness can hide kind heart, but it repels and makes one prefer flattering hypocrisy.

Selling sycophants do not count as people.

The only sin that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The remorse of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.

Do what I say, but don't say what I do - corrected Jesuitism.

It is here that Statuses about two-faced people are collected, the first number will be - Mom taught me from childhood - if you do something, do it well and to the end. Therefore, I endure the brain qualitatively and tirelessly.

In everyday everyday affairs, diligence is capable of doing everything that a genius is capable of, and besides, many things that a genius cannot do. Henry Ward Beecher

Change, I will not cry - my character is not like that. I will not humiliate myself in front of such a bastard.

Excessive confidence usually leads to trouble. Cornelius Nepos

How fast other people's bitcoins are growing.

Today I have a Rubik's cube instead of a head. Nichrome does not add up, but bright and pretty.

Only those who have become passionless, i.e., can acquire love. freed from all passions: from gluttony, fornication, anger, from the passion of lies, from the passion of vanity and pride.

People who have goals become successful because they know where they are going.

Religion is like a penis. It's fine when you have it. It's nice if you're proud of it. But please don't take it out or wave it in public. And please don't try to slip it on my kids. George Carlin

Politeness is the habit of sacrificing petty conveniences. Thomas Jefferson

There is no time to be yourself.

Do not tell people about your failures, most listeners are not interested, and the rest are glad that they do not have such problems.

Love is an attempt to escape from loneliness!

Secret successful upbringing lies in respect for the student. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Business is like a car - it only rolls down.

Before going to bed, the question haunts - for whom were one-and-a-half beds invented and what does this one-and-a-half man look like?

A friend to a friend is like a mirror

The main essence of love is trust. Anne-Louise-Germaine de Stael

Choose expressions...on your face!

Not the rich one who counts out money in order to hide it in a chest, but the one who counts out the excess in himself in order to help someone who does not have what he needs. Fonvizin D.I.

If a man created a man, he would be ashamed of his work. Mark Twain

Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had. Jackson Brown

The character of a person is never revealed so clearly as when he tries to describe the character of another person. Jean Paul (Johann Paul Friedrich Richter)

It is not shameful and not harmful not to know. No one can know everything, and it is shameful and harmful to pretend that you know what you do not know. Tolstoy L.N.

I realized that it was time to finish with the Internet when I started typing the password from Odnoklassniki on the microwave ...

Life is short, but glory can be eternal. Cicero

It's hard when you put an end to a relationship, and someone very close draws two more.

The speed of sound is a rather strange thing. Your parents say something to you at the age of twenty, and it only comes to forty.

In honor and strength is that power, where a common mind and right rule, and where a fool is in power, there is grief and misfortune for people. Sebastian Brant

No wonder female fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are connected with their behavior. Heaven or hell in the family is caused solely by the rumor that goes about women, and the rumor depends only on themselves. Beaumarchais P.

Love us in black ones, and in white ones, and everyone will love. Russian proverb

Change what you can change if you need to, but learn to live with what you can't change. Robert Jordan

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

If you think about it in a hundred years, only our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will live on this planet. And we will become only a part of the past.

Our fear is the source of courage for our enemies. Mann T.

My fate jars on envious people ... What can I say to their zealous longing? Someone else's happiness is like someone else's shoes: beautiful, but, alas, not on the leg ...

Only reason elevated us: without its gifts there would be better than a man the worst of lions. As-Samarkandi

I learned to find a way out of the most confusing situations! Because too often found the entrance there.

Time passes so slowly that it seems as if it has stopped. Publius Ovid Nason

Even robbers have their own laws. Cicero

Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks on the door of every person, but at this time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knock. Mark Twain

Courtesy will unlock everywhere Favor and trust, And foolish arrogance is the Key to hostility and enmity. Lope de Vega

Money allows you to keep score of the game, but I did not start my business for this reason.

To be afraid of grief is not to know happiness. Goethe I.

An oral contract is not worth the paper on which it is written. Samuel Goldwyn

The concentration of love in oneself means happiness, the concentration of hatred means turmoil. Paulo Coelho, "Warrior of Light"

When we are happy, we are always kind; but when we are kind, we are not always happy.

To love deeply means to forget about yourself. J. Rousseau

Friendship always helps to live.

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. Voltaire (Marie Francois Arouet)

A sense of duty is exactly what we want to see in others. Oscar Wilde

A man who speaks intelligently about love does not love very much. J. Sand

It's not worth talking about bad friends, just forget about them.

All human wisdom lies in two words: wait and hope! Alexandre Dumas (Father)

If you replace the word "problems" with the word "adventure" then life becomes much more interesting.

He who reigns within himself and controls his passions, desires and fears, he is more than a king. Milton John

Well, the last conclusion on this list Statuses about two-faced people - The one who is cheerful and the one who is sad cannot stand each other. Quintus Horace Flaccus

  • The blows of a friend are not as dangerous as the kisses of an enemy.Gnedich Nikolay Ivanovich
  • Hypocrites are the kind of people who pretend to stroke you while wiping their dirty hands on you.Juliana Wilson
  • We are so used to pretending to others that in the end we begin to pretend to ourselves.
  • If someone is licking your soles, pin them down with your foot before they start biting.Paul Valery
  • A hypocrite is one who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.Noam Chomsky
  • Fake people are more dangerous to have as friends than as enemies.Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • We often call hypocrisy the rules of decency.
  • Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
  • How much hypocrisy in the human habit of consulting! The one who asks for advice pretends to treat the opinion of his friend with respectful attention, although in reality he only needs someone to approve his actions and take responsibility for them. The one who gives advice pretends to pay for the trust with an ardent and disinterested desire to serve, when in fact he usually expects to extract some advantage or gain honor in this way.
  • A masquerade is arranged so that everyone can show their face.Ivan Ivanyuk
  • When the chameleon is in power, the surroundings change colors.Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • I hope you don't lead a double life pretending to be dissolute when you are actually virtuous. That would be hypocrisy.
  • A deceitful face will hide everything that an insidious heart has conceived.
  • Every man is sincere alone with himself; hypocrisy begins when someone else enters the room.
  • Hypocrite: A person who killed both parents and asks for mercy, citing the fact that he is an orphan.
  • Honesty in politics is the result of strength, and hypocrisy is the result of weakness.
  • Words that, like this, themselves, break out of the tongue, are always true. Lies and hypocrisy are in speeches prepared in advance, and not in what you blurted out without hesitation, on the move.Williams Tennessee
  • The web pretends to catch dewdrops, while it catches flies.
  • Hypocrisy begins from the moment when the intention is not to do good, but to show only oneself doing good. Saint Theophan
  • A person is a complete pretense, a lie, hypocrisy not only in front of others, but also in front of himself. He does not want to hear the truth about himself, avoids telling it to others. And these inclinations, contrary to reason and justice, were deeply rooted in his heart.
  • Most terrible things are done under the guise of caring for people - for example, about you and me. Edward Norton
  • Beware of those who fall at your feet: they may reach for the corner of the carpet.Anton Sandor LaVey
  • The cutest things are said about you, but only after you're dead.George Carlin
  • Whoever embellishes himself for people, showing them some of his features, which Allah knows about, that they contradict the features that are truly inherent in him, Allah will disgrace and dishonor him.Umar ibn al-Khattab
  • From one sincere movement of the soul, frost will fall in the summer, the walls of the city will collapse, metal and stone will melt. In a deceitful person, even if he is healthy in body, his mind still perished. In society, he is unpleasant to everyone. In private, he hates himself.
  • Whoever gossips with you gossips behind your back.Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi'i
  • You are right, he is not duplicitous; but him single person so disgusting!Charles Percy Snow
  • Music is the only language in which nothing vile and hypocritical can be said.John Erskine
  • I was too straightforward with men and trusted them too much. Each time I wanted to believe them, as if it were the first time. To get rid of this weakness, it took to master the art of hypocrisy. Michel Mercier
  • Some fake flowers are afraid of rain. Krylov Ivan Andreevich
  • People show their real faces... If you find yourself in right time V right place. And the paradox is that living faces are much more attractive than the masks that these people wear ... Do we lie to ourselves so that others believe?Rimma Khafizova
  • Hypocrisy is self-deception that leads nowhere; it's something like bad habit, which seems to be a short time makes life easier in society, but in the end does not lead to anything good. Vladislav Makarchuk
  • The great evil is hypocrisy, servility, opportunism. Know how to recognize this many-sided evil, be intolerant and irreconcilable to it.
  • Speak about a person, act, phenomenon, event what you think. Never try to guess what words someone expects from you. This desire can make you a hypocrite, a sycophant and, ultimately, a scoundrel. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • Sincerity seems to be a problem these days. But I would rather be hated than be hypocritical and stupid. Kristen Stewart
  • In order not to be disappointed in people, one must not let scum into one's soul, who are trying to charm us with the motley fibers of their false and corrupt soul. Vladimir Eduardovich Kazaryan
  • There is no greater meanness than to do meanness under the guise of virtue and integrity. Vladimir Eduardovich Kazaryan
  • Yes, I went against the Pope. It happened because I came to the Vatican and saw the roofs of gold. And then I heard the Pope say that the Church is worried about the poor children… But, damn it, sell the roof, do something! Diego Maradona
  • Better an open enemy than a vile flatterer and hypocrite: such a disgrace to mankind.
  • I may not say what I think, but that does not mean that I should say what I think. In the first case, this is prudence, in the second - hypocrisy. Wilhelm Liebknecht
  • Hypocrisy is an essential part of all kinds of power. A few eminent men do as they please, and in doing so persuade the gullible to follow rules they themselves disregard. Takashi Matsuoka. autumn bridge
  • The best of women are hypocrites. We don't know how much they hide from us; how vigilant they are when they seem simple-hearted and trusting to us; how often their angelic smiles, which do not cost them any trouble, turn out to be simply a trap to seduce a person, get around him and disarm him - I'm not talking about note coquettes at all, but about our exemplary matrons, these examples of female virtue. Who has not seen how a wife hides from everyone the stupidity of a fool-husband or calms the fury of her excessively divergent master? We take this slavery, which is dear to us, for granted, and praise the woman for it; we call this lovely hypocrisy the truth. good wife and the hostess is a liar by necessity. William Thackeray. Vanity Fair
  • Hypocrites I consider insincere people who are prone to pretense and lies and who try to erect a beautiful external facade to hide their shortcomings behind it, true feelings and intentions.
    Hidden behind their supposedly light appearance is a dark personality that should not be trusted. It happens that such people theatrically beat their chests with their fists, proving that they are unfairly offended, but in fact they just want to hide their guilt or true identity.
    Hypocrisy is the source of all prejudice. It interferes with the perception of new non-traditional knowledge. Because of hypocrisy, the immoral look like Puritans, and the atheists look like saints. Unworthy people, devoid of any morality, vilify those who denounce them, and therefore appear pious and merciful. Criminals in white gloves and ties sit in respectable institutions, sexual perverts hide under the mask of purity and purity. Dario Salas Sommer. Morality of the 21st century
  • The British are known all over the world for their lack of conscience in politics. They are experts in the art of hiding their crimes behind a façade of propriety. They have been doing this for centuries, and it has become so much a part of their nature that they themselves no longer notice this trait. They act with such a well-behaved expression and such absolute seriousness that they convince even themselves that they are exemplifying political innocence. They do not admit to themselves their hypocrisy. Never will one Englishman wink at another and say: "But we understand what we mean." They not only behave as a model of purity and integrity - they believe in themselves. This is both funny and dangerous. Joseph Goebbels
  • You are an atheist in soul with Scripture in your hand,
    Though memorized letters in each line.
    To no avail you hit the ground with your head,
    Better hit the ground with everything that's in your head.