Manual facial cleansing for skin beauty. Manual facial cleansing is the only way to get rid of comedones and clogged pores

The skin of the face is exposed to external factors every day. The pores are clogged with dust, cosmetic residues, exfoliated scales of the epidermis. It is not always possible to achieve high-quality cleansing with lotions and cleansers.

Manual facial cleansing is a simple but effective procedure to improve the appearance of the skin. With its help, a hygienic and cosmetic effect is quickly achieved, metabolic processes in tissues are improved, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Features of mechanical cleaning

The procedure is carried out manually, with the help of fingers. In fact, the beautician produces squeezing mud from the pores in compliance with hygiene standards and rules for cosmetic procedures. The skin is pre-steamed so that the pores open, this greatly facilitates the process. Extrusion is done with fingers wrapped in sterile gauze.

Additionally, you can use a special Uno spoon. This is a device, at one end of which there is a small strainer with many holes. At the other end of the spoon is a convex hemisphere with one hole in the middle. A strainer removes fat and keratinized scales from the skin, a hemisphere with a hole is designed for popping pimples.

The spoon is placed directly over the comedone so that it can exit through the hole, and light pressure is applied, after which the contents of the pimple come out. The procedure is facilitated by the use of a Vidal needle. Insulin needles can also be used, as they are particularly thin. Needle pierced skin directly in the area of ​​​​the pimple to facilitate its extrusion.

Indications and contraindications

Any woman can periodically apply mechanical cleaning of the face. But those who have:

  • there is an increased production of sebum;
  • acne is in the healing stage;
  • excessively enlarged skin pores;
  • comedones are present;
  • reduced skin turgor;
  • the process of decay is expressed.

Manual cleaning is not carried out with pustular skin lesions, eczema, herpes, extended facial vessels. A contraindication is also the presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, severe hypertension and mental disorders. It is not recommended to clean during menstruation.

Stages of the procedure

Manual cleaning can be carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. In both cases, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions and precautions. The whole procedure can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Cleansing manipulations carried out using a milk, gel or lotion suitable for the skin type.
  2. Scrubbing. Scrub is applied to the face, rubbed with light massage movements, and then washed off with warm water. You can use both a purchased product and prepared yourself.
  3. Steaming of the skin. In the salon, special devices are used for this. At home, you can steam your face by holding it over the steam, covering your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure should be 10-15 minutes.
  4. Direct cleaning. If you clean your face yourself, use sterile gauze or a bandage. Gently press the black dot on both sides with your fingers until its contents come to the surface. The skin during cleaning is periodically treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. After cleaning, treatment with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents is carried out. You can use an alcohol-based tonic.
  6. Apply products that moisturize and soothe the skin. This contributes to the rapid removal of redness and irritation.

If the procedure was carried out in the salon, it is completed with darsonvalization. The cleaning itself should take place within 20 minutes, after which the pores close. If the patient has a low pain threshold, this method is not suitable for her, as it is quite painful. After cleaning, you can not wash your face for 10-12 hours, and also use decorative cosmetics.

In the next two days, it is recommended to avoid exposure to the sun, this can provoke excessive pigmentation. For the same reason, they do not visit the solarium for two days. If crusts have formed on the face in some places, they cannot be removed, after a while they will fall off on their own.

Achieved result

Manual facial cleansing significantly improves the condition of problem skin. After the procedure, the structure of the skin is improved. Pores become clean and less visible. Eliminates acne and blackheads. The skin is smoothed as dead particles are removed from it. The swelling and redness arising after mechanical action disappear within the first 2 days.

On the 4-5th day, a slight peeling will occur - this is a normal reaction to mechanical stress. It will take just a few days and the skin will become even, smooth and beautiful. In order for the face to always look well-groomed, with oily skin, it is advisable to do it once every 10 days, with normal skin, the procedure is carried out once a month.

Now there are a fairly large number of cosmetic methods to solve these problems. Among them, manual facial cleansing stands out. It can be done both at home and in the salon.

More effective and safer, of course, is precisely a trip to a beautician, since the procedure must be performed carefully and correctly in order to avoid skin injury.

General information about the procedure

Manual (mechanical, manual) cleaning helps to get the maximum effect of skin cleansing, as opposed to using only hardware methods.

This procedure is quite painful, both during cleaning and during the recovery period.

It is carried out manually using:

  • UNA spoons, which is an object with an elongated, rough handle and a spoon at the end. She extrudes comedones and black dots;
  • Vidal needles with a flat, elongated handle and a needle at the end, which is used for hard-to-remove blackheads. She is punctured and the contaminants are removed;
  • sterile wipes.

Of course, devices must be disinfected before use.

An important role should be given to the choice of a cosmetologist. The final result and the absence of negative consequences of this procedure, such as scarring, depend on his qualifications, the accuracy of actions.

Steps for manual cleaning

Salon procedure, as a rule, includes several stages.

Stage 1. Cleansing the face, getting rid of all sorts of pollution. These include: dust, air pollution, cosmetics, sebaceous glands, dead skin cells. Cosmetics are removed from the eyes and lips, treated with gommage or scrub.

Gommage- a means for cleansing the skin, gently affecting it, not containing coarse particles that can cause damage to it.

It includes components that do not scratch out pollution, but bring them to the surface. The relief of the skin is smoothed, fine wrinkles disappear, the complexion improves.

Scrub- is a combination of cream, gel or other base with the addition of abrasive natural or synthetic particles. Recommended for oily and combination skin, as it eliminates increased greasiness.

For delicate, sensitive skin prone to irritation, scrubs with artificial particles are applicable so as not to cause damage to it.

  • a paraffin mask, which is applied to the face with a brush or a cotton swab, holding it with tweezers and dipping into melted paraffin, along the massage lines, while the eyes, nostrils and mouth are not affected;
  • finely dispersed ozonized steam;
  • hydrogel, which is applied to the skin under a compress using a film;
  • thermal lotion, due to which the pores open, and a slight burning sensation is felt on the skin.

Stage 2. Manual cleaning is carried out by a cosmetologist with fingertips wrapped in sterile wipes. It is carried out carefully and carefully, starting from small areas of the skin, moving on to more contaminated ones.

It is forbidden to do the procedure with nails, as scars may form. Perhaps the doctor also uses mechanical devices if the patient's skin is dense and the removal of comedones is difficult.

In the event that the beautician does not fit in time, it is recommended to steam the face again.

After cleaning, apply apparatus Darsonval, which is a glass electrode with a weak alternating current of a pulsed type.

Thanks to its effect, the skin heals, microorganisms are destroyed. During exposure to current, slight tingling sensations are felt on the skin.

Stage 3. The procedure ends with the application of a decontaminating, soothing mask that helps narrow pores. The procedure takes from 1 to 2 hours, taking into account all the stages.

For some time or several days, redness will be noticeable on the skin, which then disappears. In people with sensitive skin, it may itch and "burn".

During the recovery period of the skin after cleansing, it is recommended:

  • within 12 hours after the completion of the procedure, do not wash your face;
  • from 2-3 days do not sunbathe, as pigmentation may appear;
  • when caring for the skin, use special tonics, lotions, masks and creams, and you should also refrain from using cosmetics.

These rules must be observed, because at the end of the procedure, your skin is more at risk of infection than ever. At this time, you should be especially attentive to her.

As a result, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, acquires a healthy color.

The procedure carried out by a qualified cosmetologist will help to improve the functioning of the skin. And the skin will get the opportunity to be saturated with oxygen, to perceive cosmetics that are useful to it.

Indications for use

Contraindications for the procedure

The procedure is prohibited for asthma, eczema, herpes, hypertension, vascular fragility, pregnancy, during menstruation, as well as for sensitive dry skin prone to inflammation.

Nowadays, numerous salons and specialists offer a variety of skin care treatments.

Manual facial cleansing, with the right choice of a cosmetologist, compliance with the necessary care requirements and a serious attitude to diseases and conditions in which its use is not recommended, can work wonders. She will give you the skin of your dreams: smooth, clean and beautiful.

If you are looking for a qualified cosmetologist in Moscow to perform a manual facial cleansing procedure, contact the YouDo service. On the site you will find the best specialists in the field of aesthetic cosmetology, offering affordable prices for services.

How is manual cleaning done?

Manual face cleaning by a Yudu specialist is carried out manually. If you have a lot of sebaceous plugs, comedones, acne, then this cosmetic procedure is the most effective.

YouDo performers remove blackheads and pimples from the face in beauty salons in the following sequence:

  • pre-cleansing the skin with a pH neutral agent
  • applying a peeling or warming lotion to the face
  • procedure for cleaning skin pores from acne and sebaceous plugs

A beautician registered on the site removes pimples and comedones from the face with hands and special tools. A special magnifying lamp allows you to examine and remove even the smallest blackheads.

After completing the cleansing procedure, the Yudu performer will treat your face with an antiseptic cream and apply a soothing mask. Professional facial cleaning performed by them helps to improve the structure of the skin, reduce pores and cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

The cost of deep manual facial cleansing depends on the duration of the procedure and the condition of the skin.

Why is it profitable to cooperate with YouDo performers?

Cosmetologists registered in Yuda are highly qualified and have vast experience, so the facial cleansing procedure is carried out carefully and painlessly. To remove comedones, specialists use sterile needles and spatulas.

Benefits of contacting Yuda performers:

  • high quality cosmetic services
  • responsible approach to the problem
  • modern facial cleansing technology

If you need manual (manual) facial cleansing, contact the beautician offering their services online, or send an application by filling out the form on this page.

Facial cleansing belongs to the category of cosmetic procedures that must be performed constantly and regularly. Only in this case it is possible to preserve the natural beauty of the face, its health and youth. In this article we will talk about the classic version of the mechanical method of skin cleansing - manual facial cleansing.

What is manual facial cleansing

Facials - a cosmetic procedure, the essence of which is to cleanse the skin of the face with the help of a specialist's hands. It is intended for cleaning the skin and pores from excess fat, dead epithelium, comedones, acne, blackheads.

This is a rather painful procedure, however, it has its undeniable "pluses", including high-quality cleansing of even the deepest pores, which hardware cosmetology does not always cope with.

Manual cleaning results:

  • smooth, matte skin;
  • clean, closed pores;
  • fresh, healthy color;
  • restored overall facial aesthetics.


  • oily and problem skin;
  • enlarged pores and uneven surface;
  • black dots;
  • acne disease;
  • comedones;
  • whiteheads (miliums);
  • sebum plugs.

Manual cleaning is applicable for all skin types, but the best effect is observed when cleansing oily, porous and often inflamed skin.


  • viral and chronic diseases of the skin;
  • excessive acne;
  • very dry skin;
  • fragile vessels;
  • high pressure;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis (microscopic skin mite);
  • critical days.

Relative contraindications includes a high degree of sensitivity and intolerance to pain.

Manual cleaning during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a direct contraindication to manipulations, however, you need to warn the cosmetologist about your situation in advance.

How often and when to do the procedure

In the presence of oily skin, it is advisable to repeat the procedure once every 7-10 days, with a normal type - once a month.

Manual cleaning technique

The procedure for performing the procedure is quite simple and does not require special devices, medical devices.

How long does the procedure take?

As a rule, the total duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours. The exact time is determined by the specialist individually for each patient, depending on the need for additional manipulations. The protocol of the procedure can contain up to 15 cosmetic procedures, which are performed in stages.

Procedure steps

The technique of the procedure includes the following steps:

  • preliminary preparation;
  • direct cleaning;
  • final procedures.

Stage I. Preliminary preparation

Cleansing the face of makeup residues, street dust, sebum using cleansing cosmetics (gels, foams, etc.). In case of severe pollution, additional scrub treatment is carried out.

Stage II. Direct cleaning

At this stage, the process of cleansing the skin and pores from impurities, comedones, blackheads, blackheads, and sebaceous plugs is carried out. The cosmetologist carefully examines each area of ​​the face, cleaning each contaminated pore by pressing with fingertips tightly wrapped in sterile wipes.

Stage III. Final procedures .

The effect of the procedure is fixed with the help of an anti-inflammatory, pore-constricting mask. The last step in the procedure protocol is the application of a softening cream according to the skin type.

Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures can be used that contribute to the rapid recovery of injured skin: iontophoresis, or infrared radiation treatment.

rehabilitation period

After the procedure, redness and slight swelling will be visible on the skin. With proper care, these phenomena will disappear within one to two days. After cleansing during the day, it is worth refraining from applying cosmetics; throughout the entire recovery period, it is recommended to protect the face with special tonics, lotions, masks and creams.

The effect of the procedure

The obvious effect of the procedure becomes noticeable after 3-5 days: the cleansed pores will shrink, the skin will become smooth, elastic, dull and healthy.

The effect of manual facial cleansing is visible in the before and after photos below.

Combination with other procedures

Unlike chemical peels, manual cleaning can be used at any time of the year, as well as combined with other, more superficial hardware procedures.

Combination with ultrasonic method

This procedure is perfectly combined with, which does not always allow you to completely rid the skin of keratinized skin particles and deep comedones. Hand cleaning is carried out on heavily contaminated areas of the face with comedones, wen, milia, black dots and pustules. The rest of the zones are treated with an ultrasonic device, which helps to remove surface impurities, the stratum corneum, age spots and eliminates swelling after manipulations with the hands.

Combination with the vacuum method

Hand brushing gives excellent results when combined with. Preliminary vacuum treatment of the skin opens the pores and sebaceous ducts, thanks to which the cosmetologist more effectively cleans the skin and pores from keratinized epithelium, fatty plugs and other contaminants.

Every year, the cosmetology industry is replenished with dozens of useful procedures, while dictating certain requirements for a decent appearance. The initial prerequisite is a clean face, which will be free of inflammation, blackheads, blackheads, and other formations. Often scrubs, masks, creams do not cope with the task of deep cleansing of the skin, then manual facial cleansing comes to their aid.

What is the procedure

Manual, or manual, cleaning is currently the most popular and widespread cosmetic procedure in the world. Despite its simplicity, the result is instant: effective cleansing of pores, leaving the skin fresh, smooth and clean.

Such cleansing is carried out in beauty salons and beauty parlors, it is much more effective than home methods of dealing with acne. There is an option to conduct manual therapy at home, but at the same time, the ideal cleanliness of hands, tools and the face itself must be observed, since the existing level of rigidity of this event increases the risk of infection of the skin.

But there are some nuances: a simple procedure can be painful and traumatic.

What tools are used

During manual cleaning, the cosmetologist removes blackheads manually, working exclusively with his fingertips, but in no case with his nails. Otherwise, improper conduct of the procedure is fraught with infection, violation of the integrity of the skin, expansion of capillaries.

Although this event was called manual, in the course of his work, the specialist uses the following tools:

  • medical magnifying glass for a thorough study of the treated area;
  • double-sided Uno spoon, the ends of which form a kind of spatula with one or several holes (there are different variations of this tool);
  • metal loops with thin edges;
  • Vidal's needle, made of special surgical steel.

It is a very common misconception that manual facial cleansing is the same as squeezing pimples in front of a mirror. However, the main difference is that it is carried out by a cosmetologist under conditions of absolute sterility, which minimizes the risk of complications.

How is the procedure carried out

Although the technique of manual cleaning is not difficult, this business does not tolerate spontaneity. Like any facial care technique, it also involves the implementation of clear actions and is carried out in several stages:

  • pre-procedure preparation. Necessary for dry skin, which needs to be moisturized with special lotions or masks 2-3 days before cleaning. If this condition is neglected, it will be more difficult for pollution to leave the pores.
  • Make-up removal with milk or gel, treatment of the dermis with lotion.
  • With an increased level of pollution and clogged pores, a mask is applied.
  • Scrubbing, which will remove the coarsened layers of the epithelium.
  • Steaming normal and oily skin under steam jets; hydrogenation - for thin and dry.
  • Cleansing. Start with the least defective area of ​​the face. On the nasal wings and chin, where the predominant number of comedones is concentrated, use the Uno spoon with a strainer.
  • You need to position the small hole of the spoon in proportion to the pimple so that its contents are on the tool. Needles and loops are used to eliminate single formations. In this case, the beautician can use one device or combine them. During the cleaning process, all instruments are lowered into a container with hydrogen peroxide, thereby disinfecting.
  • Applying an anti-inflammatory lotion to narrow the pores.
  • The use of masks and creams with a calming effect.

It is worth noting that the facial cleansing procedure takes about 20 minutes, and the frequency of its use for oily skin is 1 time in 10 days, for normal skin - 1 time per month.

Care for cleansed skin

Leaving the beautician's office, facial care does not end there. To maintain the effect obtained, as well as in order to prevent undesirable consequences, it is necessary to adhere to the elementary rules of proper post-procedural care.

  • At the end of manual cleaning, it is not recommended to immediately go outside. Set aside half an hour for the pores to narrow and the skin to come to its senses.
  • Before going to bed on the same day, treat the skin with an alcohol-free lotion.
  • The next 2-3 days the dermis needs thorough cleansing. To do this, use disinfectant lotions and tonics.
  • Do not forget about anti-inflammatory masks. An excellent option in this case would be a clay mask applied every 3 days.
  • For 12 hours after the procedure, do not use decorative cosmetics.
  • Refrain from visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool, solarium.
  • Touch your face with your hands as little as possible, as the risk of contamination of the treated areas increases.
  • Use a moisturizer to avoid drying out.
  • After complete restoration of the skin, you can return to the use of the usual cosmetics.

Indications and contraindications

Manual facial cleansing will become an indispensable tool for people who need deep cleansing of pores, when conventional care products and hardware methods are powerless. The manual method will be the way out if on your face you have:

  • black or white dots;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • acne;
  • purulent formations;
  • epithelium loses its tone.

This procedure can deliver not only benefits, but also tangible harm and discomfort.

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • rosacea;
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • menses;
  • low pain threshold;
  • hypersensitivity, allergies.


In the course of improper manual cleaning, as well as due to improper storage conditions, processing of tools, this procedure can cause serious damage to your appearance and health.

The most common "surprises" due to negligence include:

  • Redness and swelling that does not go away for several days.
  • Hematomas due to strong pressure on the surface of the skin.
  • Scars due to the aggressive actions of the beautician.
  • Peeling, stretching.
  • Infection.

The effect of visiting a beautician

Manual cleansing is the best way to deal with problem skin. The result will be the alignment of the contour of the face, giving smoothness and softness. The number of blackheads, pimples and blackheads will be significantly reduced, the pores will be cleansed of excess toxic substances.

After 3 days, the natural process of exfoliation of dead cells is activated. A few days after the cleansing procedure, the water balance in the cells will be restored, and the skin will take on a fresh healthy look.


Today, the procedure for manual facial cleansing is in any beauty salon. And the price for it will be from 2000 to 4000 rubles, excluding additional caring activities.

Thus, manual cleaning today is the number one choice among girls with problem skin. This is due to the availability, simplicity, as well as the colossal effect that cannot be achieved using cosmetics alone. Therefore, if all the methods you have tried to deal with comedones and acne have not been successful, think about manual cleaning, and then you will forget about the shortcomings that disturbed yesterday.