How to entertain children at a birthday party at home. What to do with kids at an adult party? Quick games and fun

The child spends most of his time at home. If he goes to kindergarten or school, then after these institutions he can often easily occupy himself. He comes, washes his hands, eats, and you can already see that the baby is so carried away by his toys that he does not notice the world around him. However, it also happens the other way around: he gets bored at home and doesn’t know what to do. I'm already tired of toys, I'm not in the mood to have fun. He walks around, whining and tugging at your elbow to make you play with him.

We need to take care of the child, that’s why we are parents. But remember that the activity must meet the child’s physiological and mental needs, as well as develop various character traits and preferably skills. Every year of a baby’s life brings new joys and difficulties. Therefore, it is better to classify games and amusements by year.

What to do with a 1 year old child at home

Proper development of the baby will be ensured if you know what is interesting for a small one-year-old child to do. Based on his preferences, you can come up with many games and first developmental activities.

What does a one-year-old child like?:

  1. Transport soft toys, cars, dolls from one place to another.
  1. Look at bright things.
  1. Overcome obstacles in the form of furniture (thanks to developing crawling skills).
  1. Copy the emotions and actions of people around you.
  1. To be on public display, to be the center of attention.
  1. Look for hidden things, toys, parents.
  1. Throw various objects into a basket, box.
  1. Use any items to create buildings. Immediately destroy the building.
  1. Splash in the water in all directions.
  1. Sprinkle sand with your fingers.
  1. Empty the contents from the bag, climb into large boxes.
  1. Get tangled in fabrics.


Based on these children's pranks, you can help your child have fun in his leisure time. Just play along and you will see how the baby will instantly perk up.

Basin with water. Not everyone has a private home and the opportunity to put a children's pool in the yard. If it’s hot outside and you live in an apartment, then build a small pool for your baby. Pour water into a large basin and throw ducks and other floating toys into it. Carefully place your baby there. This method will help the baby survive the heat easier and will give him the opportunity to splash around to his heart's content.

Throwing objects into the pipe. Tape a toilet paper roll to the wall (vertically) and give your child small toys. Place a basket or box below. He will really enjoy throwing them into the hole.

Cubes in the machine. Buy your child (no matter if it's a girl or a boy) a big truck and some blocks. Let them be bright. Show your little one how to load the car and unload cubes from there, and build structures and towers from them. A dump truck is perfect for this purpose.

Pyramid. Buy a pyramid (the bigger the better). Teach your baby to fold it correctly - this will develop logic. You can show that it is more fun to put on the rings in another way - throw them at the cone from a distance.

Balls of thread. If your little one loves to throw his toys into all corners of the apartment, organize such a game for him. Place a large box far away, and lay out multi-colored balls of thread next to the baby (it is better to secure the ends so that they do not unwind). Show them how much fun it is to throw them in the basket. Balls can be replaced with homemade balls using the patchwork technique or small soft toys.

Matryoshka. If you can’t buy a regular nesting doll, then buy a toy similar to it. Your child will love putting little figures inside.

Shaggy toys. Buy a toy pony, horse, doll or other toy with long hair for your baby. Show them how to comb these hairs and how pleasant it is to touch them, teach them how to tie ponytails.

Games with water. This way you can play on the balcony, laying down an oilcloth, or on the street. Provide your baby with watering cans, dishes, saucepans, and a water mill and fill some of them with water. You'll see how much the baby will enjoy pouring water.

Rumblers. Many children love to knock and the louder the better. They understand that their efforts produce a certain sound and this causes great joy. Therefore, satisfy your child's need - buy a rattle, tambourine, xylophone, children's hammer and let the baby bang to his heart's content. You can fill an iron tea can with walnuts and let your baby play with it (under your supervision).

Mini items. Children at this age are already trying to imitate you, so provide them with small household items - a mini sponge for washing dishes or a spatula for poking around in a flower pot.

What to do with a 1.5 year old child at home

At 1.5 years old, children are already smarter, many can walk and try to run. Consider what they love at this age.

What does a one and a half year old child like?:

  1. Talk (babble) a lot.
  1. Run from one room to another and help parents clean.
  1. Digging through bags.
  1. Chase pets or pigeons outside.
  1. Climb higher onto the back of a sofa or chair.
  1. Stir the contents.
  1. Play with paper and crumple it.
  1. Play with sand.


Nursery rhymes. Now is the time to learn simple quatrains, songs, nursery rhymes. Do this whenever you want: while walking, while bathing, while feeding in a high chair, or while putting on clothes.

Broom and dustpan. If a child shows altruism and volunteers to help you, do not interfere with this. You yourself will notice with what pleasure the baby copes with a long mop or broom. He can play with these items for a very long time. Show how to sweep and let your child enjoy the game.

Magic handbag. Take any small handbag, or even better, a cosmetic bag. Fill it with various small objects - kinders, broken watches, hair ties, key chains. Items should be bright and varied, you can even use broken ones. This handbag should be taken out in extreme moments: when someone needs to sit with a child, but you are busy or he is hysterical. Sit her on your lap and give her, under your supervision, the opportunity to sort out small objects and feel them, put them in her purse, empty them and put them back again. This will help keep 18-month-olds occupied for long hours. Just don't leave him alone with small objects.

We build obstacles. Even at home, you can provide your baby with physical activity. Scatter pillows across the floor, place soft poufs, or maybe put a big teddy bear. The larger the size, the better. Give your child the opportunity to climb and fall and get between them. He will really enjoy overcoming obstacles like this.

Games with paper. Arm yourself with newspapers - the more, the better. Show your child how to crumple and tear them.

Personal bag. You can buy a small bag for your baby, which the child will fill with his toys and carry them from place to place. It’s best if it’s a small, comfortable backpack that can fit dolls, cars, and plush bunnies.

Colored crayons. This age is the time to get acquainted with colored crayons or pastels. They can be used to draw both outdoors and at home. To do this, purchase special paper, cardboard, whatman paper, or find an unnecessary dark board. The baby can draw whatever he wants on it, and then wash it with a damp cloth.

Repeating actions. Download a cartoon or buy a large colorful book that depicts the actions of animals: a kitten washes its face with its paw, a chicken pecks grains. Try repeating these movements with your baby.

Grimaces. At 1.5 years old, babies already begin to make faces. Show him photographs from magazines or pictures from a book with different characters. Ask the baby to repeat the facial expressions and actions “as does auntie?”, “as Superman points with his pen?”.

Sifting through the sand. Pour sand into a large container and give your baby a toy rake and shovels. Show how you can draw patterns in the sand and make small shapes by adding water. It will be interesting for the child to watch how the sand flows through his fingers. For such activities, as you can see, it is not necessary to go to the sandbox.

Engravings. Now selling mini prints for little ones. All you need to do is take a stick and start erasing the black surface. A beautiful pattern will appear under it. Which the baby will discover on his own.

What to do with a 2 year old child at home

At 2 years old, the child delves more and more into the world around him and tries to embrace as many interesting things as possible.

What does a two year old child like?:

  1. Scribble on paper with pencils, pens, and felt-tip pens.
  1. Understand the designer.
  1. Looking at children on the playground.
  1. “Read” fairy tales with mom (often chooses the same one).
  1. Likes to touch objects of different shapes and textures.
  1. It’s more meaningful to play with the pyramid (trying to assemble it correctly).
  1. Draw little scribbles and name them.
  1. Model from dough.
  1. “Shoot” from pistols.
  1. Roll dolls in a stroller.


Drawing. Buy your child a large Whatman paper and finger or watercolor paints. You can add crayons, pastels, pencils, felt-tip pens and colorful pens to your artist’s arsenal. Let your little one paint a big picture and use any objects for this.

First buildings. Buy a construction set with large parts and start building tall towers together. It will be amazing for a child to watch how the tower becomes the size of him. After construction, let your child frolic and offer to break it.

Orthopedic mats. Such rugs will not only be an excellent way to prevent flat feet, but the baby will also like them. Sew it from fabrics of different textures and invite them to walk on it with their feet. You can pour rice, buckwheat, stones from the street, twigs, beads, buttons, seeds, chestnuts into trays. Show how fun it is to walk on them with your feet.

Cooking together. At 2 years old, children like to sculpt with dough or plasticine. Start making pies or buns together. Give the baby a piece of dough and show how you can make roses, figures, and buns from it. The child will enjoy eating homemade products.

Water gun. If you have a boy growing up in your house, he will really like a water pistol. However, this kind of fun is most suitable for games in the courtyard of a private house. You can fill the gun with either regular water or tinted water with watercolors. Invite your neighborhood friends - it's more fun to chase each other with pistols together.

Stroller for girls. The mother-daughter game is gaining momentum. Therefore, provide the girl with all the necessary items to take care of her ward. This could be a piece of warm fabric as a blanket, a small pillow you sewed, or a toy stroller in which you can push the doll.

Home snow. Why wait for winter when you can enjoy snow in summer? Combine just two ingredients: dad's shaving cream and cornstarch. Stir and let your child play - he won’t want to leave this snow.

What to do with a 3 year old child at home

Three-year-olds are real hurricanes. This is the age of the first crises and active games. Irrepressible energy is boiling in these kids! Channel your child's energy into a peaceful direction by providing age-appropriate games.

What does a three year old child like?:

  1. Jump and run.
  1. Hide in fabrics.
  1. Climb under tables.
  1. Imitate animal gestures and sounds.
  1. Be creative.
  1. Dress up in mom's clothes and use cosmetics.
  1. Play hide and seek.


For the restless. Is your child running around the house and you just can’t stop him? Invite him not to run, but to jump. To do this, buy a large jumper. It is a rubberized animal that you can sit on and jump on. It’s easy to hold on to the ears or horns. Jumping, falling from it - the child will really like it all. There are cows, horses, pigs, kittens and many others for sale.

Little halabuda. To add more mystery to the game, you will need a large table and cloth. Cover it with a cloth so that there are no gaps left, and lay something soft inside. The baby will love to hide in such a hut and hide his toys there. To enhance the effect, move the chairs up and use more fabric. In this case, you will have not only a small cave, but also secret passages.

Works of art. Modeling perfectly develops speech, like any finger games. Take an empty bottle with a cap and invite your child to create their own piece of art. It can be filled with pebbles or cereals, while creating beautiful patterns. But the child will prefer to decorate the bottle with bright colors. For this you will need plasticine. Let your baby cover the entire bottle with pieces of plasticine, creating beautiful effects to suit your taste.

Road traffic. If your little one loves to play with cars, then let him create a road for them and mark pedestrian crossings. For this, scissors and paper are used. Show your child how to cut out strips of paper and build a track out of them. If you show more imagination, you can create a pedestrian bridge from a construction set and road signs from cardboard and plasticine (for a stand).

Matchboxes and a doll house. You can come up with a lot of interesting things from matchboxes. Take a cake box - this will be a house for the doll. Cut out the door and windows with scissors. Make the necessary furniture or boxes from matchboxes. Your daughter will be indescribably delighted.

Hide and seek. Play hide and seek with your baby or hide an object, while saying “hot” (when the baby comes closer to the hidden object) or “cold” (when the baby moves away from it). Then switch roles.

Unusual drawings. Make unique boots for your child from bubble bags. Place whatman paper and dilute paints in several dishes. The baby's task is to dip his feet and walk on whatman paper, creating masterpieces from circles.

What to do with a 5 year old child at home

At the age of 5, children become very smart and try to reason at the level of adults. But they still need children's games to develop.

What does a five year old child like?:

  1. Try to read, write and name letters with numbers.
  1. Build large cities from construction kits.
  1. Compose your own fairy tales and try to “read” the fairy tale to your parents based on the picture.
  1. Solve riddles.
  1. Blow bubbles.
  1. Make applications.
  1. “Treat” the patient and transform any life actions into a game.
  1. Try on the role of a doctor, police officer, teacher.
  1. Play with a ball or jump rope.
  1. Organize your toys.


Learning and play. Try to make it not just a game, but fun with educational elements. If you are reading a book, be sure to show and name letters and numbers, and try to read the words together. You can make cards with bright letters and hide them in a bag. Take turns taking out a card and saying a letter.

More designer. Now the child’s buildings are becoming more and more grandiose. These could be entire high-rise buildings, garages, hospitals, highways, bridges and even elevators. To make it even more interesting for your little one to play with the construction set, give him more space on the floor, and then add other objects to the toys - large and small boxes, jars. This way the baby will be able to create something new and unusual.

We create applications. Take a large bag for a walk and start collecting everything that might be useful for appliques. These can be twigs, leaves, acorns, small pebbles, flowers. Come home and come up with an interesting composition together. PVA glue or plasticine are suitable for fastening.

Play along with your child. If he calls himself a policeman, give him the opportunity to arrest himself or have him teach the toy to behave. If your child wants to play doctor, then buy him a small hospital, you can put a syringe with water in it without a needle. Let the baby treat you, put something on you and write you a prescription.

Big bubbles. Buy soap bubbles for your baby or prepare them yourself (water, shampoo and a plastic part from a pen). Show how interesting it is to watch soap bubbles from the balcony. There is another exciting game. Pour some homemade soap bubbles onto the board and touch the plastic part from the handle to the surface of the board. Start blowing the bubble. It will be attached to the board and will begin to shimmer when you blow on it.

Jumping rope. A small child, especially a five-year-old, needs to develop muscle mass. Give him a jump rope or a small trampoline. This way you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: you will give him the opportunity to spend time actively and strengthen his health.

Games with friends. If it's your little one's birthday and he wants to invite friends, offer them the popular game of cat and mouse.

DIY paints. Create colors with your child using hair gel, glitter, small confetti and candy wrappers, and crushed up eye shadow. It is much more interesting to paint with such paints than with ordinary ones.

What to do with a 6 year old child at home

Since this age is preschool, the child should be shown games that help him master the skills needed in the first grade.

What does a six year old child like?:

  1. Solve difficult puzzles and riddles.
  1. Play with your phones and other gadgets.
  1. Imagine that the carpet is a river and the sofa is the mountains. That is, to bring more magic into a familiar environment.
  1. Paint.
  1. Collect interesting objects on the street.
  1. To decorate room.


Developing logic. Teach your child to make origami out of paper. This puzzle will help him develop both hemispheres of the brain, as well as his imagination. As a last resort, you can buy your little one a large book with puzzles and solve it together with the whole family on cozy winter evenings.

The first gadgets. It will not be possible to completely protect a child from virtual reality. Therefore, you can buy your little one a simple phone without a SIM card and teach him how to use an alarm clock. Tetris, Tamagotchi and other games are also suitable.

First magazines. Your child will really like it if you start subscribing to him a children's magazine or newspaper. This will also satisfy his sense of importance. There are many games in magazines and newspapers that you can play at home and in a group.

Herbarium. Invite your child to build a rock garden or collect a herbarium at home. You can buy a small fountain and invite your child to decorate it at his own discretion.

Games on paper. This age is the time of the first games on paper. You can play "Field of Dreams", "Words" or "Hangman". This will help replenish the baby’s vocabulary and allow him to repeat all the letters again before school.

"Bombs." Cut out green and red circles for your child from paper and strew them on the carpet. Play some fun music. The child’s task is to jump on the green circles without staying long on any of them. If you hit a red light, you lose, we start again.

Cardboard house. You will have to stock up on cardboard in advance. Using tape, make one huge box for the child (possibly with windows and a door). Draw a railroad or highway inside, place kinders and invite your child to play.

What to do with a 7 year old child at home

Now the child has gone to school, and there is less time left for games. But this does not mean that the baby no longer wants to frolic.

What does a seven year old child like?:

  1. Play boardgames.
  1. Collect collections.
  1. Play "school".
  1. Play with paper dolls.
  1. Read books about animals.
  1. Doing physical exercise.


First lotto. Invite your little one to play lotto. The whole family can play this wonderful game; at the same time, the student will repeat previously learned numbers and develop attentiveness. Instead of lotto, dominoes, checkers or a game of “corners” are suitable.

Complete collection. If a child is interested in something, he can start collecting it. Anything will do here: stickers, chips, various Kinder Surprise figures, candy wrappers, cards - anything.

Game for school. Many children, coming home after school, try to imagine themselves as teachers and want to teach mom and dad. These role reversal games are very useful. Firstly, they help relieve stress after school, and secondly, they allow you to better assimilate or consolidate educational material. Let your child get the textbooks and give you a notebook in which he will check your homework and mark you. You provide him with a board, chalk, a rag and get ready to be an obedient student.

Paper dolls for girls. A girl may no longer find it so interesting to play with ordinary dolls. Suggest switching to paper. Let her cut out models from magazines and sign their names, ages, and whatever else she wants on the back. With the help of such dolls you can play at school, fashion models and beauty contests, and also draw new dresses for them.

Meet the Animals. Give your little one a large atlas with animals and offer to do some research. Let him choose one animal that he liked the most and try to find out as many details about it as possible.

Active games. At this age, it’s good to buy a wall bars for your baby or build a horizontal bar. Try to gradually accustom your child to sports, buy him a ball and the first sports equipment.

River at home. If you live in a private house, build a trench with high sides out of foil and fill it with water. Just remember that the foil must be tough. Your child will really enjoy launching cardboard boats along this river.

What to do with an 8 year old child at home

At the age of 8, the child’s body continues to grow and develop, but puberty is still far away. School takes up most of my time. Therefore, it is so important to be able to relax and properly organize the leisure time of an eight-year-old.

What does an eight year old child like?:

  1. Play by yourself.
  1. Play sports and be more physically active.
  1. Learn new things.
  1. Compete with peers.
  1. Tell your opinion.
  1. Invite friends to the game.


Cuttings. The eight-year-old is great at working with paper, so he will really enjoy cutting out snowflakes, garlands or figures. Z. Dadashova compiled a very interesting book “Magic paper: tutorial on technology cutting for schoolchildren." Your child will certainly enjoy creating his own masterpieces.

First experiments. Buy a young chemist or physics kit for your child. This will be a wonderful relief for the brain and at the same time satisfy the child’s thirst for knowledge. Such sets will help you prepare for chemistry and physics in high school and, perhaps, will forever instill a love for these subjects.

Table hockey. Since eight-year-olds already have friends, let your child invite a friend home and buy table hockey, football or another game that will be fun for the two of you to play without leaving home.

Sand drawings. Build your child a light table for sand painting (you can find information on how to create one on the Internet). This is not only fantastic, but also unusual. By turning off the light, you can create real masterpieces from sand, pebbles, grains or beads.

Drawing zentangles. You can purchase special watercolor paper (can be replaced with a regular album) and buy liners to give your child the opportunity to create incredibly beautiful zentangle-style patterns. Anything is suitable for inspiration: patterns on the carpet, curtains, clothes. By connecting tangles together you can get very beautiful weaving.

What to do with a 9 year old child at home

By the age of 9, your child has not only grown up, but also gained a lot of weight. A little more and he will enter adolescence. Nine-year-olds have lightning-fast thinking, clearly express their thoughts, write, count and read well.

What does a nine year old child like?:

  1. Pry your nose everywhere: what works and how it works, study, explore.
  1. Understand the first problems and think about why people act this way and not otherwise.
  1. Set yourself small tasks and solve them.
  1. Use a creative approach in everything.
  1. Read books on interesting topics.
  1. Set up your own corner.
  1. Listen to the sounds of music.


Music lessons. If your child loves listening to music, that is, you notice a high interest in this type of art, be sure not to ignore it. Bring your child to a music school where he will have his hearing checked. Later you can buy a violin, piano, wind instrument - whatever you like best. Then the question of “what should a nine-year-old do at home” will be resolved very easily.

Chess. At this age, children already love complexity, intricate plots and games. Therefore, invite your child to learn to play chess. This will help not only develop logic, but also strengthen the child’s mental activity.

home library. Schoolchildren are divided into two categories: some read with rapture, while others do not like to do this. If your child is engrossed in books and enjoys telling them to you, buy him a bookcase or at least shelves and put together a home library. Let the child put everything that is dear to him on the shelves and read in his free time.

Decoupage. Nine-year-olds are already eager to put things in order and decorate their things. It’s just that order doesn’t last long. To keep your child busy, invite him to do decoupage. In big cities there are shops that sell hobby goods. He will be able to make amazing items both independently and together with you.

Pets, herbalist or aquarium. At this age, the child needs care for the younger ones. Buy him an aquarium that can be filled with sea water and have beautiful corals and fish. You can try to create your own herbal book - your child will surely like beautiful plants behind glass and caring for them. To develop responsibility, buy him a kitten or dog and entrust the care to the child. Then your free time will not be spent in boredom.

Rainbow fan. Let your child paint the fan blades in the brightest colors with gouache. Then all that remains is to turn it on and admire.

Umbrella design. Find a black umbrella, take acrylic paints or blue-violet gouache and draw a starry sky on the inside with your nine-year-old. You'll see how much your child will enjoy walking in the rain.

What to do with a 10 year old child at home

The thirst for knowledge manifests itself everywhere - the child asks you, friends and teachers a lot of questions and already knows how to independently find answers to them in literature and other sources of information.

What does a ten year old child like?:

  1. To play with friends.
  1. Challenge you and your friends.
  1. Play computer.
  1. Make something.
  1. Spend time outside.


Monopoly. It is very difficult to keep a ten year old at home. Puberty begins, the body changes, so the child becomes very active. But what to do if you can’t go for a walk? Play Monopoly! This game will not only teach your child to count better than anyone else, but will also develop financial thinking.

Children's microscope. You can give your ten-year-old a mini microscope at home. The child will really enjoy exploring various small objects. You will see with what pleasure he will share his impressions.

Camera. Can't tear your child away from the computer or phone? Encourage him to spend quality time and learn how to take beautiful photographs. Tell us how to choose an angle and find photo editing programs on the Internet. If you use gadgets, then only for good.

Electronic designer "Connoisseur". This interactive game will give your child many positive emotions. It is suitable not only for him, but will also capture the attention of his parents for a long time. LEDs, transistors, electrical circuits - your growing child is unlikely to exchange these for a computer.

Classics without leaving home. You can satisfy your baby’s activity at home. To do this, take insulating tape and use it to stick numbers on the tiles in the form of hopscotch.

Embroidering without a needle. Find burlap fabric with large holes at home and give your child a lot of colorful balls. He will thread threads through the holes, creating a beautiful canvas.

Home bowling. Setting up a home bowling alley is not difficult at all. You will need a long piece of plywood, limiters on the sides made of electrical tape, improvised objects (kinders are suitable as pins) and a jumper (can be replaced with a large bead or chestnut).

As you can see, you can come up with a lot of home games, but the most interesting thing is that both you and your husband will look away from the computer, so you will also want to join. And such joint games really bring us closer together.

Little children are little troubles. The older the child, the more you understand this. Cars, construction sets, dolls, children's dishes... - all this is forgotten as soon as the child learns the world of technology.

The school dictates its fashion: touchscreen mobile phones from classmates, consoles, communication on social networks... Welcome to the world of modern children! As the mother of an 8-year-old boy, I learned that all the values ​​that were instilled in the family over these 8 years are easily replaced by new, fashionable ones among peers.

For some reason, children who are accustomed to playing computer games easily convince others that this is better than grades or sports achievements. Alas, there is no escape from this. And there is no place for strict prohibitions from parents.

Nobody wants to be the black sheep, right? You always need to look for a compromise and ways to distract your child.

I bring to your attention 7 recipes for keeping an 8-year-old child busy.

Reading and audiobooks

No, don’t think that this is about forcing a child to read. Vice versa. Even at this age, you need to read aloud to your child. If your child is still a slow reader, it will be difficult for him to truly become interested in reading.

He doesn't understand how great it is to immerse himself in the world of a book. Show this to your child. And then he himself will read with great interest.

In the meantime, while you are not at home, audiobooks will go great. But there is one rule - books should not be from the school curriculum. Let the child read these books himself.

Board games

Fortunately, today the choice of board games is huge! Strategy, puzzles, logic, economic and card games... True, there is one drawback - board games are quite expensive for the price, but there is always a way out. You can buy different games with friends and change for a while.

Family cycling

A wonderful way to spend time together in good weather. To do this, of course, you need to have bicycles for all family members or rent them.

Fortunately, there are now many bicycle rental outlets. And the advantages are obvious: not only will you have fun with your child, but you will also spend several hours outdoors, while getting in excellent shape.

And if you also take a blanket with you and have a picnic! Many children eat with greater appetite outdoors than at home.

Clubs and sports sections

Every child should have some hobbies. And the task of parents is to find them and show the child how many opportunities there are around. Do you like breakdancing? You can go to a circle. Do you like singing? Struggle? Robotics? Please! Don’t be lazy, find a club nearby for your child or an opportunity to take your child to classes.


Does your child like to sculpt/embroider/draw/cook? Have a sculpting/embroidery/painting/cooking evening! Don’t be afraid that your child might smear paint on the table or stain the kitchen cabinets with dough.

On the contrary, try to provide your child with everything necessary for the creative realization of his talents. There are many sets for children's creativity on sale for every taste. And if a child loves football, then dad is simply obliged to go to the stadium with his son.

Get interested in collecting stamps, calendars or buttons with your child! Collect puzzles and build incredible structures using construction sets.

Family viewing of a movie or cartoon

We are talking, of course, not about television, but about the family film or cartoon you have chosen, which should be interesting for the child, educational and kind.

Get a dog

This method is very extreme, I’ll tell you right away. No matter how much a child asks for a four-legged friend, believe me, he will not take care of the pet! All worries will definitely fall on your shoulders.

Perhaps a couple of times the child will go outside with the dog to appear among friends, perhaps he will even go for a walk at lunch while you are at work... But this is not all the worries about caring for a pet. Therefore, think a thousand times whether you want a dog. But I digress.

So, the magic of this recipe is that the child will play with the dog at home (BUT! Perhaps only the first time!). And most importantly, you can get into the habit of going for walks with your dog and a ball on weekends as a family.

You can go together to a museum, theater, cinema or to a cafe for ice cream. You can play mother-daughter or Formula 1 together. And no one said it would be easy! Yes, this also requires your time. Work, the lady's road, household chores - it's all clear.

But remember what I said about compromise? The child does not sit on the computer, but with you. And don’t forget about personal example! If you sit at your laptop all evening, then why would you want your child to sit with a book?

Good luck! I'm sure you have your own secrets on how to keep an 8-year-old child busy. Share them with us


The child went to kindergarten - and you cannot recognize your baby: he becomes uncontrollable, rushes around the apartment like a meteor, jumps on sofas and beds, screams, laughs, easily breaks down into tears... “How the child was replaced! - parents lament. “You’ll have to talk to the teacher!” And in the kindergarten they say: “A very obedient boy!” or: “Such a quiet, calm girl!” Mom and Dad are surprised. But in vain!
Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend several hours in a large noisy company, and if you are a calm and “quiet” person, you will soon get a headache, irritation will begin to accumulate, and you will want to quickly go home. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to burst out along with tears, screams, and whims.

What can parents do to help their child relieve the stress of the day? Unfortunately, there is no magic cure - one for everyone. You always need to take into account the individual characteristics of a little person: age, character, temperament.

First, you should carefully observe the child and talk with teachers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day, and “catch up” in the evening, you need to help him relax, talk it out, but not allow him to become even more excited.

If the child is a “hurricane” even in kindergarten and cannot stop at home, it is within the power of the parents to smoothly and gradually transfer the energy “into a peaceful direction.” It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child is gradually freed from accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and events of the day.

One of the best anti-stress techniques is play. It allows the child to relax and relax. Try to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the “evening” game should not be noisy, accompanied by running and shouting.

If your child is “quiet” during the day and “savage” in the evening, the game “Rwaklya” is a good way to relieve tension and give an outlet to destructive energy.

Prepare unnecessary newspapers, magazines, papers and a wide bucket or basket. A child can tear, crumple, trample paper, in general, do whatever he wants with it, and then throw it into the basket. A child may like to jump on a pile of pieces of paper - they have great springiness.

If a little person doesn’t sit down for a minute in kindergarten and won’t stop at home, games with a gradual decrease in physical activity that do not contain an element of competition will help him. One of these games is “Mushroom Picker”. Invite your child to place skittles or small toys in random order at a short distance from each other. If you have a sports complex at home, you can hang toys on it. Then ask him to close his eyes and, from memory, collect all the objects - “mushrooms” - into the basket. The collected “mushrooms” can be sorted by color, shape, size... You can attach a note to one of the items with a further plan for the evening: “Let’s read?” or “Can you help me in the kitchen?”

Having muffled the “extra” energy in this way, you can move on to regular home activities - reading, dancing, watching a filmstrip. Even if it seems to you that classes in kindergarten are not enough, try to remove all the additional burden from your child at least for the first month of adaptation to kindergarten. Try to let your baby spend as much time as possible outdoors. If time permits, go for a walk with him - this is an ideal opportunity to talk with your son or daughter and discuss the events of the day. You shouldn’t put off this conversation until “before bed” - if something unpleasant or disturbing your baby has happened, don’t let it weigh on him the whole evening.

Try excluding TV from your baby's evening entertainment. Screen flickering will only increase irritation and stress on a tired brain. An exception can be made for “Good night, kids!” - this program goes on at the same time and can become part of the “ritual” of going to bed.

Playing in the water helps almost all children cope well with the stress of the day. Fill the bath with some warm water, place an anti-slip mat, and turn on a warm, high shower. All the scum of the day - fatigue, irritation, tension - will go away, “drain” from the baby. Games in water follow the general rule - they should be quiet and calm. You can blow soap bubbles (ask your child to blow a huge ball and a tiny bubble), play with sponges (watch them absorb and release water, make it “rain” from a sponge for your child, turn them into boats or dolphins), just give two or three jars, and let him pour some water back and forth. The sight and sound of pouring water has a calming effect - after 15-20 minutes the child will be ready to go to bed.

Light, subtle scents also help create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. To do this, add just one or two drops of oil, such as tangerine, to the aroma lamp. The warm citrus aroma refreshes the air well, soothes, and relieves nervous tension. The scent of mint relieves stress perfectly - it is very refreshing and invigorating. But you should not use it if the child is under six years old, and it is better not to do it before bedtime.

If your child is allergic and you are hesitant to use aromatic oils, put a small canvas bag with valerian root in the baby's pillow or attach it to the head of the bed - this will help the baby sleep more peacefully.

Before bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen together to quiet melodious music, a cassette with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sounds of rain. Remember all the joys of the past day, imagine how the next one might go. No matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter what professionals work in it, no one will help your child better than you. If the child firmly knows that at the end of a noisy day a “quiet haven” awaits him, eight hours in kindergarten will not seem like such a deafening eternity to him, and stress will recede.


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are poured onto the table. At the signal from the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain using paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips within a certain time.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, large pasta, etc. Before the game, all seeds are mixed and divided into equal piles according to the number of players. At the signal from the host, the game participants must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a competition blindfolded, arrange a team competition.


All children leave the room. Someone hides a big, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for the alarm clock. If someone finds him, he whispers in the presenter’s ear where the alarm clock is and silently sits on the floor. The last child left standing entertains all the children by singing or reading a poem as punishment. Tip: for small children, it is better to place the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other’s clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and who they belong to.


You will need many pairs of shoes and towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts their shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns coming to the table blindfolded and trying to find their shoes by touch.
Option: For older children, everyone should look for their shoes on the table at the same time. Guess by voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, with an assistant (preferably an adult) nearby. The assistant calls the children one by one, without calling names. Children behind the driver's back pretend to be some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If you guess right, change places with him.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing at each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word “Water,” then the child to whom he pointed must name a fish, reptile or animal living in water. If it is called “Earth”, you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called “Air” - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each player puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on the board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, adds a window, door, pipe or bird on the roof to the house.
What kind of drawing will you end up with?


Participants in the game are invited to look at a jar, bowl or pan. You can't pick it up. Then take a piece of paper and try to cut out the lids for the jar so that they exactly match the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.


Everyone sits in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: “Do you like your neighbors?” If someone doesn’t like it, the question follows: “What kind of neighbors do you need?” The player must name either names or some characteristic that should be present in his new neighbors. For example: “I need neighbors in jeans” - then everyone who is wearing jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of their former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. The one who doesn’t have enough chair becomes the driver, and everything starts from the beginning.


Everyone plays in a chain. You need to count in order from one to infinity (as many as you can), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, you need to say “good afternoon.” That is, the first says “one,” the second says “two,” the third says “good afternoon,” the fourth says “four,” the fifth says “five,” the sixth says “good afternoon,” etc. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game until there is only one winner left.


They play standing in a circle. The presenter begins: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (with her right hand she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder). The person standing next to you repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the presenter and he shows the following movement: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron” (strokes with her left hand, without ceasing to grind). Next circles: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (press the pedal with your foot), a rocking chair (sway) and finally, a cuckoo clock (“Pu-ku, Ku-ku, Ku-ku”). The point is to perform all actions at the same time.


The king is sitting on a chair. The other players sit in a semicircle a few meters away from him, so that they can see him clearly. With a hand gesture, the king calls one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits at his feet to become a minister. During this movement the player listens carefully. If a player makes even the slightest noise (rustle of clothes, etc.), the king sends him to his place with a gesture of his hand.
The king himself must remain silent. If he makes a sound, if he makes a sound, he is immediately dethroned and replaced by the First Minister, who takes his place in complete silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that he must be replaced and invites the minister to sit in his place) .


The players sit in a circle. The leader begins by saying to his neighbor on the left: “This is my nose,” but at the same time touches his chin. The neighbor should answer him, “This is my chin,” pointing to his nose. Having received the correct answer, he turns to his neighbor on the right and tells him: “This is my left foot,” showing him his right palm. His neighbor should answer: “This is my right palm,” pointing to his left foot, etc. You should always show a part of the body other than the one being talked about

But it’s true that only children can be so happy about Santa Claus, gifts and so anxiously anticipate the New Year’s miracle! And then, just as sincerely, wait for the Christmas, Epiphany, Maslenitsa magic, as if its arrival this winter is an absolute inevitability. And it is precisely without any moral right to betray this sincere faith that we, adults, having already become parents, remembering all our childhood dreams, joys, surprises, are in a hurry to give real New Year's magic to our children! Buy a gift, set off fireworks, invite the same Grandfather and granddaughter... But it’s worth adding something else to this grandiose winter entertainment cocktail!

Some seasoning, some zest: a little pranks, fairy tales and fun! As always, your good old Dikmi took care of this! Catch a whole dozen new games for toddlers and older children for the winter season! I am sure that with such preparation you will become cooler than Santa Claus for the children of your family and friends!


Children from birth to 3 years old are considered toddlers. However, such a contingent of guests requires increased attention and... several not at all difficult (but terribly exciting and, moreover, educational) games.

Game 1. Snowflake Trap

Props: a pack of cotton ear swabs and several non-pourable mugs (according to the number of small guests).

Rules This game is very simple. In 5 minutes, you need to “place” as many snowflake sticks as possible in the mug through the eye of the non-pouring machine.

True, before you invite kids to play such a game, you must definitely interest them. For example, tell a fairy tale about how the scary and evil Snow Queen sent her servants (snowflakes) to your city so that they would turn the hearts of all the children into pieces of ice. But we can save the city and good children from the Queen’s witchcraft. We must catch all the snowflakes and put them in prison. Well, or something like that. The main thing is that kids must be motivated to act and certainly be confident that they are doing a good, good, useful thing.

Game 2. Magic Hat

Also a game for quick wits and development of fine motor skills.

Props: for each little participant - a colander, bright cocktail straws and a Christmas tree rain on a wire base.

Rules Also very simple and age appropriate. And again, they have a fairy tale-prehistory. For example, the Evil Witch stole the New Year (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Love Day - follow the calendar). And only the Good Wizard can return it. But we must help him and create a marvelous, magical invisibility hat filled with the warmth of sincere hearts. Only thanks to such a gift will the Wizard be able to defeat the insidious Witch and return the holiday to the children.

In order to make a hat, you need to insert straws and rain into the holes of the colander so that you get an arc (a kind of hat feather). Whoever is the first child to decorate his magic hat will receive a prize.


Psychologists consider the age from 3 to 7 years to be the period of real childhood. For such a contingent of young guests you will have to be more inventive. The main thing to remember is that the key to successful entertainment is active and simple games that do not require unnecessary conversations. Children 3-7 years old, as a rule, are very shy and unsure of themselves (especially if there is a group of boys and girls who did not know each other until that day). Therefore, all your intellectual games are obviously doomed to failure. I advise you to put them aside until better times and start creating a multi-colored seething fountain of children's emotions!

Game 3. The Princess and the Pea

For this game, you will have to collect all the existing pillows, small pillows and even pincushions around the house (without needles, of course!) and tell a fairy tale about a very sensitive princess who passed the “fertility” test for her mother-in-law, feeling even through seven feather beds and mattresses a small hard pea .

Rules- are elementary. You need to mark the starting line in the room (at the end of the room opposite the mountain of pillows). Next - compare the number of small guests and existing props. If there are a lot of children, but not enough pillows, invite everyone to play in turns, in several stages, with a mandatory super final at the very end for the winners of the “qualifying rounds.” Let the “mountain” be created in pairs (or triplets). The task of each participant is to run to a pile of pillows, take one, go back, put it down and run for the next one, which must be placed on top of the previous one (pyramid). To complete the task - 1 minute. Whoever turns out to be the fastest and creates the highest mountain wins and advances to the next round.

If, on the contrary, there are many pillows and few children, the game is played in one stage until the absolute winner is determined.

Game 4. Breakfast of a hungry snowman

Well, there are such voracious snowlings! There is more than enough snow around them, but they still ask for more! You need to feed them snowballs (or scoops of vanilla ice cream, it’s even more interesting for kids).

Props: However, you won’t be able to play this game without any preparation. You will have to make a stand drawing in advance with the image of a snowman with a huge hole-like belly. And - stock up on tennis balls (if you don’t have any, regular balls of knitting thread will do).

There is another interesting option. You can invite the children to draw a snowman themselves (preparing everything they need - whatman paper, paints, brushes, etc.).

Rules: They are also completely uncomplicated. You need to hit the ball-ball from a certain distance directly into the belly-hole. The number of well-aimed hits is equal to the number of scoring points. The winner, naturally, is the one who collects the maximum number.

Game 5. Magic candies

Game for children 3-4 years old. Its essence is to make caramel sticks out of flexible bright rain on a wire base over a certain period of time (for example, 10 minutes) and attach them to a thread (using a clothespin). You can complete the task for each child yourself, or you can create teams of 2-3 people or use the help of adults (after all, the rain needs to be cut off, and this, especially if a group of active children gathers, is not entirely safe).

Of course, it is important to spice up the action with a beautiful fairy tale and reward all participants with magical real victory candies that can make cherished wishes come true.

Game 6. Ice racing

Haven't you gotten around to removing the pillows from your room yet after The Princess and the Pea? Great! This soft prop will be useful in the next entertainment, and it will also be useful if one of the little penguins decides to accidentally fall into the cold (and hard, if you remember that in the real world this is the floor) waters of the ocean.

Rules: Place pillows around the room in a chaotic manner, spaced at a wide child's pace from each other. At the command “start!” children must hold hands and, jumping in such a chain from “ice floe” to “ice floe”, reach the last pillow. An important condition is not to break your hands. The little penguin that breaks away from the “flock” returns to the start and becomes the tail of the chain. Of course, special sweet prizes will simply be shown to the cheerful heroes who safely crossed the ocean and reached solid land as “anti-stress therapy”!

The prehistory to this game can be a story about how penguins lived in Antarctica. They lived happily, sang, danced (can be illustrated by the popular cartoon “Happy Feet”). But suddenly, for no apparent reason, the melting of the ice began (the movement of continents, etc., depending on the age of the little listeners). Part of the shore broke away from the mainland and quickly floated into the open ocean. And there are little penguins on it! They urgently need to get to the shore, to mom and dad! But this can only be done by everyone together!


Children from 7 to 14 years old are traditionally considered teenagers (adolescents). They are the computer generation, which is difficult to surprise with anything. Skepticism and confidence that they know, know and can do everything - this is their main life stereotype. Therefore, you can go two ways, inventing entertainment for them on the go. The first is to crush them with authority and shocking information that is closed and available only in their “teenage stratum” (brotherhood, society), thus receiving respect and respect as a bonus. And then, naturally, the desire to participate in even the most ridiculous and naive competitions. The second is to do nothing. Just provide a computer, a library, the Internet and the opportunity to do what is close to your heart. Of course, the last three entertainments from my top ten are dedicated to the first scenario!

Game 7. Table football (hockey)

Even skeptical teenagers easily “buy” into the excitement of sports. Invite them to play table football by quickly constructing a goal out of cardboard shoe boxes and handing them a ball - a crumpled notebook sheet. Well, then it’s a matter of time and emotions! The more fun it is, the more people who want to take part in the fun will appear!

Game 8. Floor volleyball

Another gambling, almost sports, game. Americans call it “foot volleyball,” and this name is where the whole fun lies. True, you will need some simple props: a package of balloons and a clothesline. Secure the rope at a height of 20 cm from the floor so that it divides the room approximately in half. Then, invite the children to demonstrate “how crabs walk.” The crab walk is already funny in itself!

And then, without losing your positivity and smile from the warm-up, quickly begin the competition itself! Divide the guys into two teams and offer to throw a “ball” (balloon) onto the opponent’s field. But! Be sure to explain that only legs can be used in the game! Fun and laughter are guaranteed not only for children, but also for adult party guests!

Game 9. Fun dinner

And of course, fun with food! Well, what party would be complete without such a competition? The rules are traditional: children are divided into two teams. A plate with some kind of food is placed in front of each participant (funny - if it’s pizza or a cake with cream, more humane for young faces and your own carpet - fruit, cheese). The task of the participants of each team is to eat the entire contents of the plate as quickly as possible (with their hands behind their backs). The team whose members finish the competition first wins.

Game 10. Forfeits, cities, “Mafia”

At the very end of the party (and I recommend this to you, citing my own experience!) It is advisable to arrange some quiet fun. For example, invite the children to play forfeits, cities or the notorious “Mafia”, sitting down in a circle on the floor. Such games are useful for the mind and intelligence, exciting and, most importantly, calm! Thanks to them, adults will be able to enjoy a conversation after dinner, and children will gain new experience of real (not virtual!) communication with peers and expand their own knowledge base.

If the arsenal of possible fun for children is quickly exhausted, and the end of the holiday is still far away, you can use a couple of universal creative competitions. For example, invite the children (and this applies to children of any age, starting from 4-5 years old) to make a horse (relevant during the holiday season) from scrap materials: paper, corks, threads, etc.

Or, sing with them several traditional Russian carols, shchedrovkas, sowings and round dance Maslenitsa ritual songs. Adults will probably want to join in on the fun too! Well, the song is an excellent ending to a good family, truly warm holiday! A holiday warmed by the warmth and comfort of home and the warmth of sincere hearts!

Is your child sick and daycare is cancelled? Or is there a long weekend ahead? How to make a child’s time interesting, and what to do with a 5-year-old child at home?

Features of the development of a five-year-old child

"Adult" baby

A five-year-old child is no longer a toddler, but it’s difficult to call him an adult either. This is the transitional age from nursery to primary school age. Look how physically the child has changed in just a year - he has stretched out a lot, the cute childish plumpness has disappeared. A five-year-old preschooler is interested in literally everything. From a why-one, he turned into a researcher. Like a sponge, absorbing useful information, a child expands his horizons. Scientists have found that this is the age when the volume of assimilated information is the highest: as much material as he assimilates now will never fit into his memory again. 90% of a child’s personality is formed right now, so it is important not to miss the moment and, in the period from 5 to 7 years, to instill the necessary habits and lay down the qualities that he will need in later life.

Reasonableness and calmness

Even very emotional and hysterical children by the age of five become balanced, reasonable, independent and adequately perceive the requests and comments of adults. Now it is very important to start preparing for school: to develop perseverance, memory and attention, fine motor skills and, of course, hard work. Therefore, games should be biased in this direction, but at the same time remain interesting.

Not developed independence

Not all preschool children are still able to study independently for a long time: they need a partner in play. It’s good when there are other children of a similar age in the family, then part of the educational work is transferred from the mother’s shoulders to them: the older children become objects of imitation and organizers of leisure, and the younger ones become the object of guardianship of a five-year-old child, who helps to form a sense of responsibility in the preschooler and develops organizational skills. But if the child is alone, you will sometimes have to play together, simultaneously developing his independence.

“You need to work with your child,” writes Anna Bykova, a child psychologist, “but you don’t need to take up all his time - these are two extremes, harmonious upbringing is the path of the middle, a constant search for balance.”

What can children 5-6 years old do to get involved in the proposed activity? After all, only by enjoying the activity can adults make a child’s leisure time truly interesting and educational.

Interesting activities and games for boys aged 5

What interests a 5 year old boy? Of course, all kinds of cars, airplanes, swords and pistols, construction kits and other boyish paraphernalia that your son is probably already tired of. But even car games can be made more interesting if you use your imagination.

Cardboard town

Take several cardboard boxes (large enough, for example, from a vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, etc. If you don’t have them at home, you can ask at the nearest store, they throw them away anyway), cut tunnels in the cardboard walls, and connect them together with a stapler. You can mount all kinds of bridges, draw pedestrian crossings and road signs, and the child will enjoy driving cars around a box city much more than just on a carpet.


If a boy is persistent enough to complete a puzzle that matches his abilities, reward him! Puzzles develop intelligence, logical thinking, and train memory and attention.


Home bowling will delight the little boy. No skittles? It doesn’t matter – there are plastic bottles in every home. Fill them with sand or water for stability. You can replace the skittles with cubes. Compete to see which of you is more dexterous with the ball.

Board games and building models

If you have board games at home, partner with your son in table football or tennis. Or you can glue together a cardboard model of an airplane or ship.

Books with tasks

Books with stickers, labyrinths and interesting tasks are not only very exciting, but also useful for the development of logic, imagination and creativity. Let your child complete tasks on his own, helping only when he asks for help. This will be another step towards preschool preparation.

Activities and games for girls aged 5

You can find even more exciting activities for girls.


Add variety to doll games? Easily! Let it be not just mothers and daughters, but a fashion show. No time to sew clothes for “mannequins”? Use available materials - bags, napkins, handkerchiefs, and from plastic bottles you can make excellent crinolines for ball gowns.

Beauty games

Or you can be a “model”: visit the hairdresser or beauty salon, which is “managed” by your daughter: all the girls are delighted with such games!

Little needlewoman

The girl will also be fascinated by needlework: offer her a box with beads and beads, show her how you once wove baubles and bracelets yourself. No beads? But there is paper and such an interesting direction as quilling: the art of making crafts and voluminous appliqués from rolled paper. This is very useful for developing imagination and fine motor skills.

And from ribbons and bead buttons you can make exclusive hairpins and elastic bands using the kanzashi technique. Glue gun, scissors, lighter, thread and needles are what you may need. Of course, a girl cannot be trusted with such needlework without supervision. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done this before: learning it together with your daughter will be more interesting.

Don't be afraid to trust your daughter with a needle. Purchase small embroidery hoops and embroidery patterns. Having learned to embroider in childhood, your girl can become a real needlewoman. This activity perfectly develops fine motor skills, color perception, and develops perseverance and accuracy in work. And the masterpieces of your Marya the artist can be given to relatives for the holidays or framed and hung on the wall.

Books with tasks

Books with logical tasks and puzzles are interesting not only for boys, but also for girls. Today there are a variety of books on sale for interesting leisure time.

Mom is busy. Independent games for children aged 5

When a lot of things have accumulated, mom has no time for games. A child of 5 years old already understands that there is no one to play with him, it’s time to move on to independent entertainment.

How to teach a child to be independent

Only a child who consciously strives to be independent will be able to occupy himself for a long time. Therefore, it is important to encourage the child to try to do everything himself already in the first year of life. At 5 years old, it is difficult for a child to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time, so it is good if you and he think through an approximate schedule that the child will adhere to.

Once you teach your child to do something, don’t do the work yourself!

If he manages to make the bed once, turn it into a duty. Do not dress or undress your child: at 5 years old, he can do this very well on his own. Tears and apparent helplessness are attempts at manipulation; stop them, otherwise children will not be able to achieve independence.

Let's take turns playing

Let's draw

Invite your child to create a picture together. Agree in advance that you will draw in turns, for example, 5 minutes each. While the process is in the child’s hands, you can turn on the washing machine or dishwasher, hang out the laundry, etc.

We are building

You can take turns creating a castle from a construction set: the left wing is built by the child, the right wing by you.

Let's sculpt

Modeling can also be done jointly, but do it in turns. For example, a mother made a bunny, and now the child is making a hedgehog. While he is busy, adults have time for household chores.

Playing Solitaire

If you don’t mind the time, teach your child to play solitaire not on the computer, but with regular cards.

Tasks for the child

Collect an album

If you have accumulated a lot of applications made by your child, give the task of collecting them all in an album (a folder with files or in a binder, you can paste it into a regular sketchbook or photo album).

Draw invitation cards

Are you planning a family celebration? Involve your child and let him draw invitations or color ready-made ones.

You can come up with more serious and responsible tasks:

  • wash the dishes;
  • vacuum the carpet;
  • sort out your purchases.

Don't forget to praise and thank for the completed task.

Hobbies and experiences


Various experiences can be a very interesting pastime for a 5-year-old child. Ready-made kits are available for sale. For example, water experiments, growing crystals, creating slimes and new scents. But you can start with the simplest thing - food coloring and a few jars of paint. The child will learn to mix and create new colors using the original three primary colors.


Soap making, making candles, creating Christmas tree decorations, crafts for the holidays and birthday gifts for grandmothers... A 5-year-old child can independently make simple crafts, provided that an adult shows (sometimes more than once) how this is done.

Attention! Some hobbies, such as making candles or soap, must be carried out under the supervision of an adult!

Teaching a 5 year old child to work

At what age should a child be taught to work? From the age of one and a half to two years, the baby can help put away toys and, at your request, bring some objects, for example, a TV remote control. The older the child gets, the more serious his responsibilities may become. But remember, if for a two-year-old child work is a game, then for a 5-year-old child work is not so interesting. Therefore, it is important to start training as early as possible, but to do it correctly.

The most important thing: be an example for your child. Only by showing your love for work will you raise your child to be hardworking.

Don't stop helping!

But keep an eye on the child's safety. Asks for help cooking? Have the vegetables washed. Instead of a kitchen knife, give a non-sharp one (for example, a table knife or a plastic one): it is suitable for chopping soft or boiled vegetables and fruits.

Give clear instructions

Describe in every detail the task that needs to be done, describing the result in advance: put away the toys and see how clean the room becomes.

Set approximate time limits

For example, you need to fold the coloring books after you draw, but have time to do this before the walk.

Don't overpraise your child

And in no case should you reward with money or sweets: household chores are not paid work, but a duty. You need to praise, but without fanaticism.

Have a clear schedule

Sometimes the written word is stronger than the spoken word: write or draw a schedule of children's activities, attach it in a visible place.

"To-Do Box"

You can put it in a visible place in a box and put cards in it, where you write or the child himself draws things that need to be done, but time is running out. Let the cards be multi-colored. Getting up in the morning, ask the child what color is working today, and, taking out a card of the desired color, the child will do the task indicated there.

Trust the child!

When entrusting a task, do not be afraid that the child will not cope. Many parents begin to give advice at hand, including completely useless ones: “Be careful!”, “Don’t get cut,” “Don’t spill it.” As psychologists say, such an attitude more often leads to failure. Instead, encourage your child and be sure to evaluate the result (not to be confused with praise).

“Sometimes it’s easier to do things yourself than to entrust them to children,” S. Feldcher and S. Lieberman write in their book “400 ways to keep a child from 2 to 8 years occupied.” – And still try not to make comments if the child’s help does not suit you. The child does not know how to do the job as well as you, your task is to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the entrusted work.”

Help with household chores

You can while away the time usefully: redo chores around the house, involving your child in helping. Let it be in the form of a game - it’s more interesting!

“Who throws things around the most in the house?”

It's easy to find out. Allocate a box for each family member and sign them. Ask your child to keep order all day and put things that are out of place in each of the boxes: dad's - in dad's box, mom's - in mom's, etc.


Children enjoy washing and cleaning everything. Entrust your child to clean, for example, all the door handles in the house or wipe dust in accessible places.

Olga, mother of 5-year-old Ruslan: “Ruslan likes to wash things in the sink with a brush and soap. His area of ​​responsibility is his shoes (sometimes adult shoes too)

"Find a Pair"

Folding socks in pairs is feasible for children and makes your household work a little easier.

"From the largest to the smallest"

By arranging books by size, you can bring order to your shelf.

"The fastest"

At 5 years old, a child is interested in competition. Offer, for example, to quickly hang things in the closet.

Have you been planning to clear out your closet for a long time? It's time to have an assistant nearby. The child can sort things, neatly put them into boxes, etc. To make it more interesting, say that you are playing treasure hunter, hide the “treasure” on one of the shelves (chocolate, a new toy, a ticket to the circus, etc.).

And if you plan to bake at home, involve your child in it! Children love playing with dough. You can teach your child how to make dumplings and dumplings - it greatly develops finger sensitivity!

The more creative your approach to everyday activities is, the more willingly your child will be involved in them.

Sports games for children aged 5

You can play sports at home. The child himself can come up with ideas for sports games at home, or you can come up with them too. What to play?

Obstacle course

Make an obstacle course from available materials. For example, at the start, a child may be faced with a “one-legged” task: draw circles with chalk or lay out circles out of paper, which must be passed by jumping on one leg. Next comes the next test: crawl on your bellies. To do this, you can use a bench or a narrow carpet. Chair tunnels, sack jumping, jump rope, hoop - all this can be connected to obstacles.


Mini baskets with mini balls are sold in toy stores. The ball is so light and small that it won't cause any serious mess.


Stretch a string and play using a balloon instead of a ball.

Accurate shooter

Make a “target” out of a hoop or bucket and grab the ball. Compete to see who can make the most hits out of 10 throws.

If you have a child of a similar age or suddenly a friend comes to visit your child, you can play tug of war (ropes, jump ropes, etc.). And if you involve dad in the game, then honestly you can split into 2 teams: mom and child in one, and dad in the other.

It is better not to play such active games before bedtime.

Evening classes

Evening activities should be calm and not overstimulate the child’s psyche before bedtime.

Drawing, coloring, stickers

All children love to draw, color or put stickers in their albums. Paper, coloring books, pencils, felt-tip pens and paints are universal helpers for arranging relaxing children's leisure time.

Evening Tale

In addition to drawing, mosaics and modeling, you can play a fairy tale. Create it based on the past day, and let your child be the main character. This way you can discuss good and bad behavior, some actions, without going into lectures and moralizing. But according to the law of the genre, the ending must be good!

Shadow play

This will be a calm but exciting activity. You can make paper figures or play with your own hands.

If possible, you can invite your child to become a director in a puppet theater. Let him put on a show for the whole family.

In the evening it is good to play quiet games like lotto and dominoes. There is a huge selection of board games in stores; buy something that your child will like.


Replace watching cartoons with a filmstrip if you still have a filmoscope. But it will be perfectly replaced by a children's flashlight with interchangeable disks. Just turn off the lights, turn on the flashlight - and the miracle begins!

Home planetarium

If possible, be sure to purchase this useful “toy”; it will make your evening leisure time educational.

Bath games

Before going to bed, you can play in the bathroom. Water relaxes well, relieves daytime stress and fatigue. Place a non-slip mat on the bottom of the bathtub, fill with water, but no more than up to the child’s chest.

Do not leave your child unattended in the bathroom! Even a five-year-old can get into trouble.


What to play? You can blow soap bubbles. Or you can take finger paints with you and paint on the tiles or the wall of the bathtub itself. The paints are non-toxic and wash off very easily.

Bathroom sets

Buy your child a special bathroom set. They are designed specifically for playing with water: it flows from container to container, flows in waterfalls, spins wheels, etc.

Bath toys

The boy will definitely enjoy organizing sea battles: give him toy boats in the bathroom. A series of Hot Wheels Color Shifters cars, created specifically for playing in water: they change color depending on the temperature!

The girl will love taking water treatments with dolls also created for playing in water, for example, mermaids who change their hair color.

Vasily, father of five-year-old Artem: “I allow Tema to take fins and a mask into the bath. He plays diver. True, a lot of water splashes over the edge of the bath, but it’s not a problem.”

What to do with a 5 year old child if he doesn’t want anything?

When you're tired of plasticine, offer an alternative - kinetic or living sand. Children of all ages love to play with this material, and mothers love this sand because it does not create dirt. If sand is not at hand, then there is an interesting activity: making sand for modeling at home. Even the greatest reluctant person will enjoy this activity!

DIY living sand

Take 6 parts sand, 3 parts starch and 2 parts water. Mix in a deep bowl and mold as you like. The result: almost clean palms, not a speck on the floor, and your beloved child is delighted.

Crystals? Easily!

Get your child interested in the idea of ​​growing crystals at home. He will definitely enjoy this experience, however, it lasts more than one day, but the longer the wait, the more interesting the result!

You can grow crystals from regular table salt (without additives!). Take a liter jar and fill it a third with salt, fill it to the top with hot water, and mix. The concentrated saline solution is the environment in which the crystals will grow. But you will need a base - a piece of felt, for example. Cut out the desired shape (rectangle, snowflake, heart, etc.), thread a thread at the top. We cut out a lid for the jar from cardboard, pierce the lid with a needle, thread it and use a toothpick to fix the figure so that when closing the jar the entire piece of felt ends up in the solution. After 7–10 days, the figurine will be completely covered with crystal-looking grains - crystals.


Tired of plasticine or simple applications? Get your child interested in creating origami figures. Of course, it won’t work out right away, but then he will delight you with wonderful crafts!

Non-Newtonian fluid

Science experiments in the kitchen are fun. Prepare a non-Newtonian liquid, it has unique properties: if you immerse your hands in it smoothly, the mass will be liquid, and if you suddenly try to pull your hands out, it will become solid. The viscosity of a substance will directly depend on the speed at which it is acted upon. Let your child help prepare this toy and then study its properties. You just need to mix starch and water (1:1) in a bowl.

Checkers and chess

These games are not only exciting, but also develop logic, imagination, and perseverance.

What to do with a hyperactive 5 year old child?

If your child is a complete bundle of energy who doesn’t sit still for a second, a real problem arises: what to do with a hyperactive 5-year-old child? A strict daily routine is important for such children; only then will there be relative order in the child’s behavior.

Sports section

It’s good if there is a place in the apartment where the child will splash out energy: a sports corner with a horizontal bar, rings, a ladder, a rope and, of course, mats.

Games by time

Set aside time for active games in the first half of the day, and in the second for calm and creative ones. The goal of the game is something that must be indicated in advance, otherwise the child will not be able to concentrate on the task.


A hyperactive child will not last long, but if you pick up puzzles with a picture of his favorite character, he will have a goal: to collect the picture.

Dancing, karaoke

Keep your child busy with music, let him dance or sing karaoke: this will give him an outlet for energy. Play classical music for your hyperactive child. colossal!

Walking the dog

If you have a dog, take your child for a walk with you - naturally, if the size of the pet is appropriate. By running with the dog, the child will temporarily become calmer.

Water games

Water perfectly relaxes, let your fidgety play in the bathtub not only during evening water treatments. Sand has similar properties.

Cartoons as a way to distract a child

All children love cartoons. This is a sure-fire way to keep your child engaged for a long time. But is it worth it?

Pros and cons

Of course, cartoons develop memory and broaden your horizons. They are colorful, story-driven, and exciting. There are special educational cartoons. But everything is good in moderation. Pediatricians advise children 3–5 years old to watch TV no more than half an hour a day. TV negatively affects a child’s vision and can cause aggression, anxiety, and disrupt sleep.

Irina, mother of children the same age, 6.5 and 5 years old: “I let my kids watch cartoons when I’m very busy. I play “Fixies” or “Lessons from Aunt Owl” for them - it’s informative and interesting. But no more than 40 minutes a day and not all at once, but several times for 15-20 minutes.”

Computer, tablet

Computer games literally attract children. Kids who can’t read yet can easily operate a tablet or phone.

Pros and cons

Of course, it’s great if your child is familiar with a computer and tablet: this will be very useful during school years. But the computer worsens vision more than TV, and also causes persistent addiction. You can allow children to play for no more than half an hour a day, but choose educational games according to age. Under no circumstances should you be allowed to sit at the computer before bed.


Sometimes finding something to keep a child occupied becomes a real challenge. But, knowing about your child’s interests and showing a little imagination, you can come up with many activities that will pass the day.

If your home supply of ideas has run out, visit the store: the children's toy departments are replete with all kinds of creativity kits, board and educational games.

  1. S. Feldcher, S. Lieberman. “400 ways to occupy a child from 2 to 8 years old”
  2. Anna Bykova “Developmental activities for the “lazy mother””
  3. K. Matyushkina “The School of Cat da Vinci”
  4. T. Vyatkina “Educational games for children from 0 to 5 years old”

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