Gift for a 3 year old boy. Examples of successful gifts for the third anniversary

Good day, dear readers. When you think about what you can give a child at 3 years old, a boy, you need to consider what level of development he has, interests and preferences. In this article, you can read how to choose the right gift, and what to give is not recommended. Also, depending on the directions, groups of the most suitable gifts for a four-year-old boy will be selected.

Development features

When deciding on a gift for a three-year-old boy, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics and needs of such a child:

  1. Children at this age actively learn about the world around them and determine their place in it.
  2. A three-year-old boy already pleases those around him with his first successes, shows his independence.
  3. Do not forget that this is the age of "why-why", the child falls asleep with his questions, and they demand instant answers.
  4. A three-year-old boy will endlessly ride on swings, slides, run and jump a lot.
  5. He leads an active social life, getting to know new children.
  6. Remember that a toddler at this age is already aware of the importance of his birthday, as receiving gifts upon the arrival of guests.

Criteria for the right gift

  1. It is important that the present presented by you be material. It is very important for a toddler at this age to feel by touch what you give him.
  2. It must be understood that a child at this age will be much more interested in playing with a cheaper toy that will be of impressive size, for example, a set of cubes, than an expensive, but small size, for example, some kind of collectible figurine.
  3. A gift can be decorated with a bow - this will cause an even greater sense of celebration in the child.
  4. When going to a birthday party for a three-year-old boy, you should take into account the time of year when he was born. For example, a summer peanut can be presented with a pool, and a sleigh for a winter peanut.
  5. Be sure to consider the temperament of the little man. The kid may like quiet, calm games, for example, he loves to fold the designer. And, perhaps, he is fond of music, for him every new instrument is a joy. Although it may be a toddler, who cannot sit still for even a minute, is in constant motion, gifts from a sports direction will be successful for him.

What can I give a boy for 3 years

Remember that your gift should correspond to the age needs of the child, be interesting to him. Do not forget that at the age of three, the baby already meets guests in anticipation of presents, and this is very important for him. That is why the choice of a gift must be approached seriously, because it should evoke positive emotions in the baby.

When my son turned 3 years old, the guests presented a variety of gifts. The most memorable and beloved was the large Niva car model, it was a yellow taxi. All the doors, the trunk and the hood opened in it, the car had an inertial plant, the ride was accompanied by a characteristic sound, a light effect appeared, the checkers flashed, the headlights shone. And the most useful gift was a learning laptop with cards. There were tasks for studying numbers, letters, differences in the characteristics of objects, studying notes, and much more. The laptop served us for more than one year and was inherited by my sister.

Let's take a closer look at what gifts are better to give, depending on which area of ​​​​child development you want to improve.

Development toys

sports gifts

It is also important for a three-year-old baby to develop his physical health. Therefore, such gifts will be very appropriate.

Interactive toys

Such a gift will be very successful, because the baby will receive not only a soft toy, for example, a hero from his favorite cartoon, which will become his friend. Such a gift will be able to live its own life, it will be able to speak, even dance or move around. In addition, you can give an interactive kitten or doggie if the kid dreams of a pet, and the parents resist this desire.

You can choose from these interactive gifts:

Present for creative development

Musical instruments for a boy

Boys are somewhat smaller than girls, but still, they are fond of calm games, they especially like to draw. A good gift for creativity will be:

  1. Large set of colors. It is still recommended to give fingers. Together with paints, you can present a large sketchbook.
  2. Creative set. This kit will include paints, colored pencils and crayons, felt-tip pens. Perhaps the kid will not be able to fully use such paints yet, but he will happily play with everything else, creating his own masterpiece.
  3. The easel does not lose its relevance.
  4. Musical instruments. It can be a xylophone, a flute, a toy guitar, an accordion and even a drum. When making such a purchase, make sure that the instruments are in good condition and that their sound does not irritate the ear.

Unusual gifts

Cake for a boy 3 years old

  1. A thick book of fairy tales filled with many illustrations. It will be especially interesting for the baby if it has a 3D effect or the ability to attach individual details on the image according to the meaning, gluing stickers.
  2. Sweet gift. The boy will be just happy if you give him a big beautiful cake with the image of his favorite cartoon characters. Only, if you decide to make such a gift, make sure that the child is not allergic to sweets.
  3. A pet. It is very important for toddlers at this age to have a little friend. A kitten or a dog can play this role. However, if you decide to present just such a gift, ask your parents if they agree to such a change in their lives or if this was not included in the plans.

Universal option

Gifts that should not be given

  1. Toys made from poor quality materials.
  2. Gifts consisting of small parts or objects that are not securely fixed.
  3. You should not give money, the baby is unlikely to appreciate such a gift.
  4. Do not give an invitation to a performance if it is not possible to immediately go to it. This will only upset the little one, spoil his mood for the rest of the evening.
  5. It is not recommended to donate items of clothing and shoes. The kid will not be happy with such a gift. If you have already decided to replenish your child's wardrobe, then you need this gift to be accompanied by some other, albeit small, but toy.

Now you know the gifts from which categories you can present a three-year-old baby. Remember the need to follow certain rules when choosing them, do not rush to buy the first one that comes across, choose only high-quality goods that are safe for a little boy. Also, do not forget about age restrictions, so that the child would be really interested in playing with this or that gift. I wish that the gift on which your choice will be the best for the birthday man!

Three years is perhaps the first conscious birthday. The kid already understands that he is the hero of the occasion. Therefore, the gift should be especially bright and memorable.

1 Lego Duplo

3rd anniversary is a great occasion to please the baby with a large set lego duplo. A good option - a set "Around the world" (8.000-11.000 rubles) . A lot of bright details, figurines of animals and people, an airplane - all this will captivate the boy for a long time. In the game, the child will easily learn the names of the continents and their inhabitants, as well as develop coordination of movements, logical thinking, fine motor skills.

2. Wooden railroad

Railway Brio with moving (33 elements) - a good gift for a 3-year-old boy. This miracle costs 7.000-8.000 rubles . Miniature wagons are easily coupled and glide perfectly on a wooden canvas, and figures of little men, a bus and a station serve as a source of inspiration for the birth of exciting games. As practice shows, a child can fiddle with such a railway for hours. At the same time, the toy develops motor skills, imagination and spatial thinking.

3. Parking

At 3 years old, the boy is already able to delight parking, especially the multi-storey version with an elevator from (costs 1.200-1.500 rubles) . The kit includes parts for building a 4-story garage and several car models. The toy develops logical thinking, imagination and motor skills. The boy will be happy to come up with more and more plots of role-playing games with such an interesting parking lot.

4. Talking Tom

Talking Tom- a character that modern children who are on a short leg with gadgets will learn even before their 3rd birthday. Therefore, an interactive repeat toy from the brand Dragon in the form of this popular hero (costs about 3,000 rubles) will delight the birthday boy. The cat will repeat every word after the baby in a funny cartoon voice, which contributes to the development of speech and simply cheers up (and adults too!).

5. Learning tablet

3 years is the best time to start learning to read and count. Now the child's brain absorbs information like a sponge. But all classes with a preschooler should be carried out in the game, and the main conditions are the sincere interest and desire of a small student. And the trainer will help in mastering important skills tablet from the brand MeLala (price - 700-900 rubles) . A bright toy will surely attract the attention of the birthday boy, because children at the age of 3 simply adore all kinds of gadgets.

6. The machine on the control panel

The three-year-old is already quite capable of learning how to manage such a model as from 1TOY (price - about 2.500 rubles) . The beautiful toy looks like an 18 times reduced copy of the real car of the same name. This effect creates the elaboration of the smallest details. With the included remote control (which has a range of 20 m), the baby will be able to arrange long races at home and on the street. The car is distinguished by high cross-country ability, durability and maneuverability.

7. Boxer set: pears and gloves

Small boxing equipment (bag and gloves) from (price - 1.200-1.300 rubles) will please every 3-year-old boy. Still, after all, boxing is so courageous, and by the third birthday, kids are already fully aware of their gender and try to emphasize it in every possible way. The pear and gloves are decorated with images of funny cartoon characters. The boxing set will not only help the child develop the muscles of the legs and back, but also contribute to emotional release.

A three-year-old boy is probably the most difficult of all birthdays. He already understands the meaning of a birthday and is waiting for a gift, but he himself is unlikely to blurt out what he would like, and if he does not like something, most likely, he will clearly show it. This means that a gift for a three-year-old baby should be sufficiently thought out, his choice cannot be treated negligently, and it is also not worth leaving the purchase for the last day.

Age Features

At the age of three, a boy from just a child slowly begins to turn into a person, with his own preferences and interests. Don't expect him to show them clearly, or speak out loud. Most often, he himself does not yet realize what exactly can be attributed to his favorite things and activities.

At the same time, some character traits are already manifesting themselves, and from them certain conclusions can be drawn about the appropriateness of a particular gift. For example, a mobile child will not be interested in board games, and even a favorite of all boys, a ball, may seem like a calm, relatively boring gift.

At this age, a typical feature of all children is already slowly manifesting itself - curiosity. It is too early to give any encyclopedias, but educational games or even books are now gradually becoming appropriate.

Approximately now the baby begins to understand the value of not only toys, but and other children as friends. He can already choose his comrades not because they have interesting cars, but for certain character traits. Of course, the company is much more fun if there is something to play with - and this is another tip for choosing a gift.

At the end of the day, it's still just a kid waiting for a gift, he loves flashiness and cuteness, so choose a gift that he sees and immediately understands its value.

Gift Requirements

The first rule for any children's gifts is that they must be completely safe and contain no harmful materials or dyes. In addition, small parts and toys that do not have high strength are still undesirable. It is then that the future man will become focused on the constructive, but for now it is much more interesting for him to break and see what is interesting inside.

The gift must necessarily have an “instant” character, the baby must appreciate it immediately, at the time of delivery, otherwise the effect will disappear completely.

The birthday boy will simply stop associating you with going to the circus or entertainment center, even if it was you who gave the tickets, but it was two weeks ago. For the same reason, it is not recommended to give money - no matter what they buy, it will no longer be “your” gift.

Adults also forget too often that clothes are not a gift for a child at all. He is accustomed to the fact that such purchases for him are made by adults on any given day. Today is a holiday - a difficult day, so do not give clothes, shoes, or even bed linen with cartoon characters.

Tools and machines for future men

At the age of three, the boy is still quite small, but his interests are already quite masculine. No man would turn down a gift on wheels, right?

You can get by with banal cars, but you can also rise to a higher level - give the birthday boy a whole set in the form of a multi-level car park or a special racing track, not only with cars, but also with the rest of the automotive infrastructure.

If finances allow, give the kid his own electric car - one that you can ride. This will be an occasion for insane pride!

A kid already at the age of three understands that adult life is not only male opportunities, but also responsibilities.

The desire to be like a dad who knows how to fix literally everything in the house will provoke an interest in tools, especially those made specifically for children. Particular attention will be drawn to a set of disassembled cars with a set of tools for disassembling and assembling it.

Other popular choices include carpentry tool kits, hammers and nails, battery-operated children's drills, and more.

Develop mind and body

A three-year-old toddler is very mobile, and for sure, somewhere deep down, he dreams of becoming a champion. Such a desire is very healthy, so encourage - for example, make an appropriate gift for the third anniversary.

  • a home sports corner for a whole range of exercises that develops muscles and neutralizes excessive activity;
  • trampoline for unlimited safe jumping without harming beds and sofas;

  • tricycle or scooter for enjoying speed;
  • all kinds of balls, so adored by all the boys;
  • any other sports products designed for a baby of three years.

However, power without a mind is not a very useful thing, especially since a very noticeable feature of a toddler now is unbridled curiosity and a craving for knowledge.

Now is a good time to learn how to count and read, as well as to explore the vast world around you, so consider these gift ideas:

  1. educational mosaics, lotos and cubes, as well as magnets with numbers and letters;
  2. the first encyclopedias and simply bright picture books - about transport, animals, dinosaurs, ideally - with illustrative examples in the form of toys;
  3. a special children's tablet or any other educational electronics.

Ideas for a relaxing and active pastime

Even if your boy is not calm, there are still moments when he gets tired, but he still doesn’t want to be bored. If the baby is really hyperactive, but assiduous, then he just needs to give him something for a relaxing pastime. For such cases, board games are usually well suited, both with and without a learning element - simple entertainment.

Vivid examples are children's lotos and games where you need to take turns walking. The designer will also be a very sensible gift, but, preferably, without too small details. Do not worry: even if the child does not seem to understand the meaning of the game yet, he is still developing, and very soon you will see obvious progress.

If the baby is interested in music, he loves to sing and dance, and the parents, for their part, consider it possible for themselves to withstand constant noise, give the child toy musical instruments. Usually, of all of them, you can fully play only on synthesizers and pipes, but this is interesting entertainment.

In some cases, a child can get so carried away that sooner or later he will understand the difference between a toy and a real one, and ask to be sent to a music school.

Other generic options

Sometimes, especially if the child is not yours, it is not possible to devote a lot of time to choosing a gift, but still I would like the birthday person to be satisfied.

In this situation, it’s a good idea to once again consider gift options that any boy will certainly like, and can become his favorite toy for a long time:

  • Cars of all types, from the simplest "models" to options with a motor, radio control, and other functions.
  • Transforming robots that can "disguise" themselves as the same machine.
  • A toy railway - this gift, believe me, even dad would like, not to mention a three-year-old boy.

  • Thematic sets for male professions - policeman, fireman, doctor.
  • Toy pistols. So far, better without bullets - water, or just glowing and making a sound.
  • Sets of soldiers for conducting real battles.
  • Ships, airplanes and other vehicles.

Remember that a beautiful wrapper and packaging is already a third of the success of a gift. Give preference to either bright and beautiful toys, or those that are as similar as possible to your real original.

From the age of three, a new stage in the life of a child begins. Boys begin to explore the world with special activity. Through the game, they learn "adult life": making things like a dad, shopping like a mom, fastening buttons, etc. Story games are coming. It is at this age that the basic skills and knowledge of the child are laid, so it is very important to make the right gifts for the baby. In this article, we will tell you what to give a 3-year-old boy to stimulate his mental and physical development.

TOP 10 gifts for a three-year-old boy

  1. cars
  2. Railway
  3. Stuffed Toys
  4. Constructor
  5. Bike
  6. Gifts for creativity
  7. Books
  8. home sports center
  9. Children's tools

What to give a 3-year-old boy for the development of physical activity

Boys at this age, most often, cannot sit still for a minute. We offer you gift options for a three-year-old boy that will help the child direct his energy in a peaceful direction and will benefit his physical development.

  • Children's basketball. It is a height-adjustable basketball hoop with a net. Thus, this gift will serve the boy for more than one year. Throwing the ball into the ring will perfectly develop reflexes and coordination will favorably affect all muscle groups.
  • Jumper ball. This rubber ball with a handle that is comfortable for a little one to hold on to is useful for children's fitness classes and just fun jumping around the house. Such balls always give a lot of laughter to kids. For a three-year-old, a ball measuring 27-30 centimeters is suitable.
  • Tricycle. One of the best gifts for a 3 year old boy. Firstly, with real transport, the child will feel like an adult, which is very important for him now. Secondly, cycling is of great benefit to a growing body: endurance and immunity increase; leg muscles develop; the vestibular apparatus is trained; improves coordination of movements and blood supply, etc.
  • Swim circle. Three years is the ideal age to teach a boy to swim. An inflatable circle will help you with this. Most of all, children like bright circles in the form of ducks, turtles and cartoon characters. By the way, this is a great option for an inexpensive gift for a 3 year old boy.

Don't chase fashion. On the one hand, a child should not feel disadvantaged when all his friends play with a certain toy, but he does not have one. On the other hand, you need to be clearly aware of whether he really needs this thing or is it just a whim. The words “I want it like (friend’s name)” should serve as a signal not to make a purchase for the sake of a momentary whim.

Toys for the emotional and creative development of a three-year-old boy

At 3 years old, children begin to simulate adult situations through play. At this age, it is very important not to miss the moment and teach the child kindness and respect, instill in him a love of books and creativity, teach him to tie his shoelaces and fasten buttons on his own. In this section, we will tell you what to give a 3-year-old boy to make his games interesting and useful.

  • Cubes "collect the animal". Such a gift is simply necessary for modern hyperactive children in order to develop their attention and perseverance. For the age of 3 years, bright soft cubes with animals already familiar to the baby are suitable. With the help of such a toy, together with his parents, he will be able to learn and repeat the basic colors and names of animals. When playing with blocks, tell the little one what animals eat, how they talk, where they live, etc. Be sure to praise the baby when he independently collects the image.
  • Toys in the form of cartoon characters. If girls play life situations with the help of dolls, then a boy needs a familiar character with whom he will play, imitating the behavior of his parents, roll him in cars, teach him something new, feed him, etc. Ask your child which of their favorite cartoon characters he likes the most and buy a soft toy in the form of this character. Many boys love a car called Lightning Makvin or Luntika.
  • Constructors. Another universal gift for a boy of three years old, which can be given for a birthday or New Year. All boys, without exception, love to assemble and disassemble something, and 3 years is a good time for the first constructor. It should consist of large multi-colored parts, the number of which should not be too large. Assembling houses and towers, the kid will learn the properties of the details and the possibilities of combining them.
  • Lacing toy. A gift option for a boy who often repeats "I want it myself." He will teach the child to tie his shoelaces on his own and develop his sensorimotor coordination.
  • Drum. Musical instruments are needed in every home where there is a child. The children's drum will satisfy the boy's need to knock on everything, develop in him a sense of rhythm and the basis of an ear for music.
  • Book. Necessarily made of thick cardboard with large letters and large colorful illustrations. Choose books labeled 3+. Usually these are poems, fairy tales and stories about animals and children. Also, the boy will be interested in books about cars. Read the text to the boy and ask him to tell what is shown in the picture, come up with his own version of the ending or a new version of the story.
  • Crayons. Drawing perfectly develops the imagination, intelligence and speech capabilities of the child. It also promotes perseverance. Give your child a set of colored crayons and go for a walk. Start drawing with him. Be sure to be interested in what the boy drew. Ask him to tell a story about each drawing.
  • Cars. All boys love cars. Why not replenish its fleet with a new copy? Give cars useful for themed games, such as a police car, fire engine or ambulance. You can buy a garage with parking, just for the pleasure of the child.
  • A set of children's tools. Such a toy will delight the "young master". This set is indispensable for themed games and the development of imagination. The kid will be very proud to "fix like dad." Also playing with instruments is good for fine motor skills.

Very often, a three-year-old boy wants to give a developing computer. But, despite the fact that the manufacturers of this gadget mark 3+, practice shows that it is still too difficult for three-year-old children to complete the tasks presented. It is better to postpone the purchase until the baby is 5-6 years old.

What can you give a 3-year-old boy besides toys?

From the abundance of donated toys, the child may simply be confused. In this section, we will tell you what to give a 3-year-old boy besides toys. It can be a necessary thing for him or a gift-impression that will be remembered for a long time.

  • Set of dishes. Boys of this age are often picky eaters. They are capricious and show their character by refusing to eat. In this case, beautiful dishes with cartoon characters or animals are simply necessary. From it, the baby will be pleased to eat, and eating will be perceived as a game.
  • Tickets to the dolphinarium. This trip will be remembered for a lifetime. Dolphins have positive energy and charisma, so all boys like them without exception. If a child has any developmental delays, a course of dolphin therapy can solve them.
  • Pet. At the age of three, you can already purchase your first pet for your baby. However, it is too early to start a cat or dog. For this age, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits are suitable. They will help the child to grow up kind and sympathetic. The child will learn to care for someone and become more responsible. Be sure to coordinate such a gift with the boy's parents, because it is on their shoulders that the main care for the beast will fall.
  • Backpack. Boys are now very eager for independence, and a backpack will help them carry their toys for walks or visits.

In this article, we looked at the most popular gift options for boys aged 3. These options can be considered universal. However, each boy has his own character and interests. Don't forget to take them into account! Any even the most useful thing, first of all, should be interesting to the child.

The simplest and most obvious gift for a three-year-old kid is a car with lights and a signal. However, such a banal thing, most likely, the birthday boy already has, and in several copies. What to give a boy for 3 years besides cars? A variety of modern toys can surprise not only kids, but also adults.

You should immediately understand which gift for a 3-year-old boy is an unsuccessful option. At the age of three, the boy is still quite a child, he does not understand much, he is surprised at everything, but he already speaks, walks confidently, asks questions. Therefore, a squeaking toy or a simple baby book will please, but by the evening they will already be bored.

What is better not to give:

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • money;
  • bed sheets;
  • sweets;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • hygiene items;
  • furniture;
  • dishes.

Advice! A year for a child is a lot, so gifts for a two-year-old will be irrelevant. Even if a child was delighted with a toy a year ago, at the age of three he is unlikely to show interest.

To develop abilities

First of all, you should think about what to give the boy for 3 years for the development of physical strength, creativity, curiosity. The children's goods industry offers all possible games, devices, shells. It remains only to choose the taste of the child.

Educational games

It is still too early to prepare the boy for school, but it is necessary to develop fine motor skills, speaking skills, and memory. At the age of three, a child can get acquainted with flowers, weather phenomena, professions, animals.

Examples of what you can give a boy for 3 years from educational games:

  • "Lego" or other constructor for kids from three years old;
  • lotto with pictures;
  • game "Fishing";
  • rug or board for drawing;
  • wooden abacus;
  • puzzles for children;
  • mosaic;
  • prefabricated railway;
  • cubes;
  • lacing;
  • sorter.

Sports and outdoor games

The most obvious gift for a boy for 3 years is a ball, a trampoline or a sled. The mobile boy will be happy to play games on the street and master various sports. For three-year-olds, you can buy special skates, skis, a tricycle and even a snowboard.

How to captivate a restless baby:

  • snow scooter;
  • tubing;
  • inflatable mattress for swimming;
  • inflatable pool;
  • bike;
  • tolokar;
  • children's sports corner;
  • trampoline;
  • swing;
  • ring thrower;
  • jumping simulator "Moby-Jumper";
  • Velcro darts;
  • kite;
  • mini tennis rackets.


If the kid is already trying to do something with his own hands, then just right to give creative kits and materials for modeling, drawing, designing.

Options for what to give a boy at 3 years old for the development of creative abilities are presented in the table:

Image Description

A wooden guitar with nylon strings will help develop an ear for music and fine motor skills. Despite the childish appearance, the guitar is quite playable when tuned like a ukulele.

Plasticine is a non-banal gift if it is Play Do or Handgam. It is pleasant to knead such types of plasticine with your hands, it is interesting to play with them, and most importantly, the mass does not leave marks on surfaces.

Coloring with plasticine will help develop fine motor skills of the hands and create an interesting picture. The instruction is simple: the image is filled with plasticine along the outlined contours. The set includes a picture, mass for modeling, a frame.

The Young Archaeologist set includes everything you need to get a dinosaur skeleton or an ancient artifact out of a plaster bar. The game develops motor skills, perseverance, diligence, curiosity.

The Miracle Suitcase (Mapacha) consists of a wooden box with a double-sided board. One side is slate, the other is magnetic. The set includes crayons, a sponge, markers and magnets. The child can draw and create pictures from magnetic parts.

Advice! It is better to choose materials and tools intended for children, because. they are safer.


A good option to give a 3 year old boy is a book. Interesting stories will captivate the boy, and reading will become a part of life. It is better to choose publications with pictures that the baby can look at while they are reading a story or fairy tale.

Examples of books for a three year old child:

  • encyclopedias for preschoolers on a specific topic;
  • interactive books with three-dimensional pictures, music, etc.;
  • fairy tales of the peoples of the world;
  • fairy tales and stories by Vitaly Bianchi;
  • a series of books by Matthias Bornstedt "Smart Mouse Nevio";
  • Christine Bezhel "A very hungry boa constrictor. A fairy tale for those who are greedy”, “Giraffe-dirty. A fairy tale for those who do not like to wash”, “Lion cub. A fairy tale for children with character, etc.;
  • poems and fairy tales by Sergei Mikhalkov.


Surely conservative-minded adults clicked their tongues in displeasure. Three-year-old and already a gadget! The modern world consists of electronics, the Internet has firmly entered life, and if humanity somehow survives without electricity, it is unlikely without data exchange. Electronic devices are in schools, universities, offices and factories, and the sooner a child masters the world of technology, the better.

Electronics manufacturers have taken care of the smallest inhabitants of the planet by developing learning devices. What to give a 3-year-old boy from electronics is presented in the table.

Image Description

A learning laptop will give the first knowledge that will be useful in the future. At the age of three, it is better to study with the child, solve simple problems and show how to use the device correctly.

Interactive learning robot will help the child in intellectual development. The robot offers six games, can change the expression of "face" and spin in all directions.

A talking pen can be useful for a boy for several years to come. The pen tells fairy tales, teaches counting, letters, English words.

Children's tablet contains many applications with interesting and educational games. Suitable for children from 2 to 12 years old. There is Internet access.

Advice! An electronic gift for a 3-year-old boy must be age appropriate. Complex devices, smartphones, laptops are too early to give, and primitive toys with a few buttons are too late. It is necessary to assess the capabilities of the baby and give a device that will help to gain knowledge for a whole year.

For emotions and impressions

How to make your child's third birthday memorable? Arrange a real performance with games, drawings, pleasant surprises. The child will receive vivid emotions, and joyful photos will remain for the parents.

An excellent gift for a 3-year-old boy is a visit to the dolphinarium, amusement park, theater, circus.

Universal gifts

If you choose a gift for a 3-year-old boy about whom little is known, or a birthday visit is a formal gesture, then you can choose something from universal presents. Most kids will love toys. The price of such gifts can vary from a couple to several tens of thousands of rubles.

Examples of universal presentations:

  • xylophone;
  • children's synthesizer;
  • remote control car;
  • house or tent;
  • transformers;
  • a set of wooden tools;
  • water gun;
  • ships or planes;
  • sandbox set;
  • bath toys;
  • robotfish.