Home hardware pedicure. Hardware pedicure technique. Is it possible to do it yourself

Pedicure must be done not only in summer to show the beauty of the legs, but also at any other time of the year. Since the regular conduct of this procedure eliminates the appearance of corns, corns and other troubles. We can safely say that a pedicure is a manifestation of a woman's respect for herself, for her body. If a girl is well-groomed from head to toe, she will feel much more confident in any situation, and it's worth it.


Modern cosmetology offers a new type of procedure - hardware pedicure. What is it and how much does this pleasure cost in a beauty salon? We will answer these questions, and also discuss the possibility of performing such a procedure on your own at home.

So, what is a hardware pedicure, reviews of which are different? This is a special type of nail and foot skin care procedure, for which there is no need to steam the legs, as is the case with a regular pedicure. In a hardware pedicure, cosmetics with a special composition that act on keratinized skin are used.

Due to the special composition of these products, a disinfecting and healing effect is provided.

Indications for such a procedure

Initially, the procedure of hardware pedicure was performed according to the indications of doctors. Corns, calluses, ingrown nails and keratinized areas of the feet are the main problems that were solved with the help of it. In addition, hardware pedicure was recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, who are characterized by increased thinning and sensitivity of the skin. Now this procedure has become available not only in any salon, but also at home. In order to become the owner of well-groomed legs, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the services of a professional every time, it is enough to purchase a set for a hardware pedicure - and you can perform the procedure yourself.

Differences from the usual. What are they?

Consider the main advantages of a hardware pedicure over the usual procedure for this part of the body:

  • Treatment of hard-to-reach areas.
  • A large number of different nozzles that allow you to adjust the degree of exposure to different areas of the skin.
  • No risk of skin injury. Since instead of a blade in a hardware pedicure, special safe nozzles are used.
  • Due to the absence of the risk of cuts, the risk of infection with fungal diseases and various infections through damaged skin areas is also reduced.
  • In addition to the aesthetic appearance, the client receives a kind of massage that helps relieve leg fatigue, improve blood circulation and overall well-being.
  • The result after a hardware pedicure lasts much longer than after the usual one, since there is a better removal of keratinized areas of the skin of the feet.
  • There are absolutely no contraindications to a hardware pedicure.

The main advantage of this procedure

Those who choose the classic option simply do not know what a hardware pedicure is good for, what it is and what results can be achieved with it. Only those who have tried it on themselves at least once can appreciate the advantages of the modern procedure. The comfort and relief received after a hardware pedicure, in combination with the beauty and well-groomed feet, will leave only positive emotions and make you want to go through this procedure again.

Its main advantage is that it is absolutely safe and has no contraindications.

Fraser - what is it?

What is a device for hardware pedicure? In professional language, it is called a milling cutter. What does he represent? A milling cutter is a kind of device that consists of a handle, a battery and a different set of nozzles designed to process each individual section of the foot.

Two types of devices. Description

Milling cutters can be of two types:

  1. Professional. It is a powerful stationary device designed to perform hardware pedicure on a massive scale. That is, this device is designed to be used in a salon. Therefore, it is unlikely to be convenient when performing a pedicure at home. Despite the rather large dimensions, a professional router can be portable. For this, a special case is provided in the kit.
  2. Amateur, or router for home use. Its main difference from the professional one is lower power and more compact dimensions. However, otherwise it is not much different from professional ones. It is also characterized by a large number of nozzles, some models have an indicator that reminds you of the end of the battery charge, and a special LED that illuminates certain areas of the foot for a more comfortable procedure.

Consider hardware pedicure step by step. How to do it right?

Now we will consider all the stages of a hardware pedicure that the master performs in a salon:

  1. To begin with, the specialist disinfects his own hands, the device, all attachments that can be used, then directly the client's feet.
  2. The next step is to apply a special softening gel to the feet. How long to withstand the composition on the skin of the feet depends on the state of the foot.
  3. The removal of keratinized and dead cells of the epithelium is carried out using a special nozzle.
  4. Problem areas are treated - corns, calluses, hardening, warts, etc. Separate nozzles are also used here, suitable for each specific case.
  5. Nails are processed: the cuticle is removed, the skin around is polished, trimmed and brought into a neat shape. To bring nails to perfection, special grinding nozzles help.
  6. Nail polish is applied to the treated nails, the shade of which is chosen, of course, by the client himself.
  7. After drying, the skin of the feet is once again subjected to grinding and smoothing. This can be perceived by the client as a relaxing massage.
  8. A moisturizing and softening cream is applied.

Despite the large list of stages of the hardware pedicure procedure, its implementation, as a rule, does not take much time. Of course, if, at the request of the client, decorative nail coating is carried out using complex techniques, the lead time will increase significantly. The standard nail coating looks like this: applying a protective base, then varnish of the selected shade or shellac. Then comes the reinforcing layer. This type of staining is the most practical and durable.

Can you do it yourself?

Now we have dealt with the concept of hardware pedicure, what it is, we have already found out. Now it remains to answer the question of concern to many. Can I do it myself at home? As mentioned above, there is a special amateur type of router. It allows you to carry out the procedure at home. However, it is worth considering one very important nuance - it is extremely inconvenient to perform a pedicure for yourself.

Many people think that getting a high-quality hardware pedicure (a photo in the process of work is presented in the article for clarity) is very simple - you just need to purchase a special device and learn how to use it somehow by reading the instructions. Such an opinion is fundamentally wrong. In fact, to get a really good result, you need to be able to properly carry out the procedure. In this case, you must follow all the steps, using special nozzles for each problem area.

The masters who carry out the hardware pedicure procedure do not just have to take special training courses, and the certificate of receipt of this training is not just a piece of paper. After all, this procedure also needs to be able to be done correctly, even despite the fact that modern devices allow you not to do half the work.

And yet you can do a hardware pedicure at home. But it is best if it is carried out as a preventive measure between visits to the master. If you keep your feet in almost perfect condition, you will have to do a professional pedicure much less often, which will be a significant saving not only in money, but also in time. In addition, the procedure at home will be an excellent way of massage, allowing you to relieve tired legs and improve your mood.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Having listed many advantages, having understood the concept of a hardware pedicure (what it is and why it is needed), we can talk about the negative aspects of this procedure, which also take place:

  • The high cost of the procedure (hardware pedicure is much more expensive than the classic one).
  • With an initially poor condition of the feet and nails, it will not work to make them ideal in one procedure. And visiting the salon 2 or 3 times will result in a decent amount.
  • Masters who own a professional level of hardware pedicure are quite rare.

The listed shortcomings for someone may seem significant, but someone will consider them stupid. But after all, everyone has their own financial situation, and there is no point in arguing about this. However, for those who are still trying to save the family budget, but at the same time look well-groomed and dignified, there is an alternative - to perform the procedure on their own, especially since we have considered how to do a hardware pedicure step by step, what nozzles should be included.

A small conclusion

Choosing this or that way of caring for your legs, you need to focus on your own financial situation. If the funds allow you to visit a pedicure master from time to time, then why not do this. After all, a real woman should be well-groomed all: from the tips of the eyelashes to the very heels. The self-confidence inherent in well-groomed girls allows them to achieve a greater life.

Hardware pedicure was invented in Germany. With all the scrupulousness, the Germans approached the invention of a hardware pedicure, which allows women not to feel pain during the procedure.

Hardware pedicure is a popular way to treat the skin of the feet and toes using a special electric tool with various attachments. Numerous pedicure heads that can be rotated at adjustable speed help prevent injury or damage to the skin.

This type of pedicure does not pose any danger and fully complies with all hygiene requirements. During the procedure, the skin does not experience tension, does not receive even the smallest damage. Having experienced this procedure once on yourself, any representative of the fair sex will visit the pedicure master regularly.

What does the client expect in the salon during this procedure?

First, the specialist wipes the feet with a certain liquid, then applies the cream, and on the toes - a special solution for hardening the nails. During a hardware pedicure, the skin of the legs is not steamed, since all the components used only affect dead skin cells, healthy ones remain unused.

At the end of the procedure, the nails are polished with the help of nozzles for hardware pedicure. In this case, the cuticle is not touched, but only subjected to alignment. The hardware pedicure is completed by correcting the shape of the nail if the client wishes, as well as applying a cream that moisturizes the skin after the procedure. Moreover, this procedure is popular not only among women. Today we can say that there is a male hardware pedicure.

The used nozzles for hardware pedicure are actively fighting skin diseases of the legs and nails, such as fungal ones. And the regular procedure itself is prevention and a guarantee that diseases will not reappear.

Diseases that will leave the client after a hardware pedicure:

  1. Mycosis, onychomycosis. These diseases are caused by a fungus and are very common among people. They are accompanied by such signs as deformation of the nail plates, a change in the natural color of the nails, dry skin, itching. As a treatment option, doctors suggest removing the nail plate. Something similar can also be done with a hardware pedicure, while pain symptoms are completely absent.
  2. Hyperkeratosis - a change in the skin, the appearance of a hard stratum corneum. The disease occurs due to a lot of pressure on some parts of the foot. As a rule, it occurs when the client wears uncomfortable and tight shoes.
  3. Cracks in the feet. This is facilitated by disturbances in the work of internal organs. Classic hardware pedicure contributes to the high-quality treatment of problem areas.
  4. Calluses are rounded and can be seen between the third and fourth toes on the foot. These calluses can be caused by viruses or occur during mechanical actions. Complete cleansing of the skin can be achieved after 3-6 procedures of hardware pedicure.
  5. Plantar warts. As the name implies, this viral disease manifests itself on the feet. "Human papillomavirus" is a well-known phrase that also refers to this disease, which has many varieties. Hardware pedicure will easily and simply help to cope with this disease.
  6. Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that requires medical attention.
  7. Thickening of the nail plates. Normally, the plate has a thickness of 1 mm. Thickening can be caused by several factors: psoriasis, eczema, etc. Previously, only a surgical operation could cope with this problem, but today a hardware pedicure master can easily cope with this.
  8. Ingrown nails. Hardware pedicure is able to solve this problem in one session.

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware pedicure

To get to know this procedure more fully, let's look at the positive and negative sides of a hardware pedicure.

Undoubted advantages of hardware pedicure:

  1. Quality and hygiene. Hardware manicure equipment has a high quality standard, all nozzles for it are thought out to the smallest detail, which allows you to treat hard-to-reach places, for example, between fingers.
  2. Painlessness. The client may smile if tickled, but will not feel pain at all. The hardware pedicure machine will take care of that.
  3. The possibility of infection is almost zero.
  4. Effective elimination of all kinds of changes in the skin of the legs and nail plates described above.

Disadvantages of hardware pedicure:

  1. Expensive equipment and consumables. It is necessary to plan regular expenses for resources for disinfection, sterilization, etc.
  2. Low level of professionalism. Hardware pedicure courses cost several tens of thousands, so the masters learn on their own by watching videos on the Internet. Such specialists can not only harm the reputation of your beauty salon, but also force the client to spend even more money on the next procedure. But he is unlikely to come to you. Thus, hardware pedicure requires professional training.
  3. In advanced cases, the client will not get the effect after the first procedure. He will need to be recommended to conduct another 5-7 sessions of hardware pedicure, which will cause dissatisfaction on his part, since even one procedure is not cheap.


The solutions used for hardware pedicure contain chemical components, so this procedure should never be carried out during pregnancy, liver and kidney diseases, pronounced allergies.

3 myths about hardware pedicure

Myth 1. “The quality of foot treatment with the help of the device is worse than after a classic pedicure.”

An obvious myth. Many believe that more layers of skin are removed manually, using a cutting tool, which contributes to the highest quality processing. A hardware pedicure machine only works on dead skin cells, so it cannot remove more than it has. In the case of an overly thorough procedure, an undesirable effect can be achieved, namely, foot pain occurs when walking, and the skin grows even faster.

There is a proven method for determining the quality of foot treatment - this is a disposable towel on it. It should not leave villi, but slide easily. This effect is achieved only after processing with cutters for hardware pedicure. The main principle of hardware pedicure, as in medicine: "Do no harm!". This procedure not only fully complies with all hygiene standards, but also contributes to the achievement of a good result in the form of smooth and well-groomed heels.

Myth 2. "The hardware pedicure procedure has a high cost."

Not true! Of course, as in any business, initial capital is required. You need to buy cutters, cosmetics and the device itself, but these expenses pay off, and high-quality equipment will last a very long time. There is another very important advantage of a hardware pedicure - it is much easier for a specialist to work on this equipment.

Myth 3. “Absolutely any device is suitable for hardware pedicure”

Not certainly in that way. For the efficient operation of the equipment, the power of the device is of great importance, since it is she who is responsible for the degree of pressing the cutter to the skin. The recommended power is at least 40 watts. This is the value at which the cutter moves easily over the surface of the skin and does not stop when processing the foot. The most optimal cutter mode for hardware pedicure is 25,000-35,000 rpm. If the hardware pedicure equipment has less power or other characteristics, then the procedure will require more effort and more time.

Which pedicure machine to buy

In beauty salons, a professional uses high-quality equipment for hardware pedicure, which has many nozzles and several rotation modes.

Often in the set there are cutters for both manicure and pedicure. The functionality of the equipment directly depends on the price. For example, some salons use a hardware pedicure machine with a vacuum cleaner that eliminates the dust that occurs when processing nails. But there is a big drawback of this model: if the vacuum cleaner breaks down, then all the equipment will need to be repaired.

The most convenient is a tool that has more than 20 nozzles. The cost of this device is within 20,000 rubles. You can also find cheaper equipment for hardware pedicure, but with less functionality. You can buy nozzles, polishing and a vacuum cleaner.

What cutters and nozzles for hardware manicure to use in work

There are many specially designed tips for hardware pedicure, each of which has a specific effect on the skin and nails.

There are the following nozzles for hardware pedicure:

  1. Ceramic ones are the safest, therefore, they are recommended for beginners to work with them in order to gain experience in the art of hardware pedicure. Such nozzles are a mixture of abrasive and adhesive, which is baked in an oven. The abrasiveness of ceramic nozzles is small, medium, large. They have a wide functionality, with them you can perform many skin care actions. For example, coarse-grained nozzles for hardware pedicure remarkably remove rough skin on the feet, medium-grained ones process the cuticle, fine-grained ones polish the skin or the nail plate. The disadvantages of these nozzles include rapid wear, which means there is a need to frequently replace them.
  2. Diamond bits are more wear resistant than ceramic bits. They also serve to perform many functions in the processing of the skin of the legs. Allocate sintered and deposited diamond nozzles for hardware pedicure. For the manufacture of sintered type nozzles, the glue solution is mixed with diamond chips. The besieged nozzles look like a tip made of metal, where diamond grit is glued. Diamond nozzles can have different diameters, which determine what kind of work they can do with them. If you need to give the desired shape to the nail plate, you will need a nozzle with a large diameter, and a smaller nozzle diameter will help to refine the contours of the cuticle. Such an important indicator as stiffness can be assessed by looking at the colored strip on the rod. The hardest ones will have a black and red color, the medium hard ones will have blue and green, the soft ones will have a yellow tint. Therefore, when choosing a nozzle during the hardware pedicure procedure, you should be careful.
  3. Metals are made from hard metals. There is a certain notch on the tip. These tips for hardware pedicure are designed to work with rough skin, for example, to remove layers of dead cells or acrylic, as well as trampled calluses. It is important that these components do not heat up during the process and do not form dust.
  4. Silicone nozzles for hardware pedicure are used for grinding and polishing. When they are created, the silicone tip is mixed with abrasive particles. To find out the degree of abrasiveness, pay attention to the color of the nozzle. Dark (coarse-grained) are hard cutters necessary for grinding the skin of the feet, blue are medium in hardness, they work with helium and acrylic coatings, white nozzles contribute to effective polishing of nails.
  5. Natural nozzles for hardware pedicure are necessary when working with natural nail plates. They are created using materials such as felt, cotton or suede. Such nozzles give excellent shine to nails. In shape, they resemble a disk or a brush.

Having dealt with the nozzles for a hardware pedicure, then it’s worth stopping at the caps and cutters. The cap is a nozzle with a rubber tip and special notches, thanks to which it does not slip off. It also has the name silicon carbide or sand cap. They look like sandpaper with different abrasiveness, which is very effective in working with keratinized skin. The abrasive is soft, medium and coarse. The shape of the caps can be cylindrical, pointed or round. They wear out fairly quickly and are expensive. When periodically working on hardware pedicure equipment, it is better to have these caps for future use.

Caps do not need to be disinfected, they work with them only on dry skin. When buying, it is necessary to select them for specific equipment, as well as after analyzing the required amount of work.

Cutters for hardware pedicure are equipped with cutting blades or teeth at the end. They are made of steel using abrasive materials or rubber. Many forms of cutters are sold: cylinder, rotor, cone, ball. To attach the cutter, you need to find a conical or cylindrical tail.

A pointed or ball-shaped cutter is coated with a diamond coating and is needed to care for the nail grooves. The cylindrical cutter is equipped with transverse notches, and the existing flat end effectively fights rough skin, calluses and corns. The rotary cutter is similar in shape to an ellipse, on which longitudinal stripes are applied. Designed to work with callus. To carry out coarser procedures, cutters with a diameter of 16 mm are used, and finer work is carried out with cutters with a diameter of 5 mm and medium abrasiveness.

Nozzles for hardware pedicure in the form of a cone distinguish between large and small. Large ones work with keratinized skin, calluses, cracks. Small ones are needed for procedures in hard-to-reach places, for example, to remove ingrown nail plates.

Any kind of disk cutters for hardware pedicure, depending on the coating, are used to polish nails.

Any equipment for hardware pedicure in its configuration initially contains the required number of nozzles, thanks to which you can carry out basic procedures. The quality of a hardware pedicure is very much dependent on the technical characteristics of the device itself. Be sure to pay attention to the weight of the device, as well as how comfortable it is in your hand. When buying caps and cutters, you should know for which procedures you will need them.

  • Compliance with hygiene in a nail salon and beauty salon - truth and myths

What to pay special attention to

  1. Specialist. It is important for the master to have the appropriate education: a basic pedicure course (20 hours) - from 6,500 rubles. Hardware pedicure schools offer courses worth 30 thousand rubles. Also a necessary condition is the presence of a medical book.
  2. Room. Please note that classrooms must have at least two foot baths with hot and cold running water. Choose furniture whose surface you can treat with detergents and disinfectants. Also, furniture should not interfere with light sources, stand in the aisles.
  3. Materials. For a professional hardware pedicure, you will need an antiseptic solution (1100 rubles/l) and a cuticle softener (3000 rubles/l).
  4. Economy. Approximately the procedure of a classic hardware pedicure costs 1500-2000 rubles. If the service is provided in a beauty salon, then it pays off quite well and quickly. If a separate office works, then the payback will be within three months.

Hardware pedicure step by step

Step 1. Lubricate the foot with a skin antiseptic and wipe it dry.

Step 2. Remove, if necessary, the excess length of the nail plates.

Step 3. Direct start of hardware pedicure. We rub on the foot with a brush keratolytic - softener of the skin of the foot. We wait a few minutes until the skin of the foot becomes softer from the product. Keratolytic provides rapid separation of dead skin particles. Softeners are mainly composed of lactic or tartaric acids, commonly used keratolytics. They are also used for hyperkeratosis, because they act on the skin of the legs as an antioxidant, and they are also good for preventing inflammation.

Step 4. Carrying out the hardware pedicure procedure. We do not soak our feet in advance in the bath so that the skin does not swell from water. In this situation, you will have to spend more time and effort on the session. Organize a bath with a water temperature not higher than 36 degrees, then the feet will not have time to steam, the treatment surfaces will be clean, but smooth.

Step 5. To protect the eyes and respiratory organs, we apply a protective mask.

Step 6. Remove the remaining parts of the skin softener. If we notice hyperkeratosis (strong growths), then we extend the duration of the remedy.

Step 7. We hook the largest disposable cap with an abrasiveness of 60/60 onto a round rubber holder and work at a speed of 10 - 12 thousand revolutions with a milling cutter of a hardware pedicure machine. It is better to use disposable caps, because. they work faster and with greater effect than stone nozzles.

Step 8. We polish the skin. We replace the disposable cap with a fine one (100/100) and continue to work at 10-12 thousand revolutions. Of great importance is the quality of polishing. If you do not complete the process, approach this step somewhat carelessly, then after 1-2 days the skin will become flabby. We are careful not to harm. We will know that we did everything right to the end if we see the skin of a pink hue with a yellowish tint.

Step 9. We remove the remnants of the softener with a spray bottle with warm water, dry it.

Step 10. Continuing to do a hardware pedicure, we are engaged in fingers and areas between them. More carefully, you need to process those places where there are many sweat glands, since it is there that more dirt accumulates. We are talking about the areas of skin between the fingers, where we distribute the softener, put a blue ceramic nozzle that looks like a cone, and turn the router at a speed of 5-10 thousand revolutions per minute. Next, we select the same nozzle, but in a pink or red hue, and process it with a router at the same speed. Moisten the remaining softener with a spray bottle with warm water and wipe.

Step 11 We work on the cuticles and ridges near the nails using a cuticle remover. We again take a fine-grained ceramic nozzle from the hardware pedicure kit and process the periungual ridges with a milling cutter at a speed of 5-10 thousand revolutions.

Step 12 We do not cut the cuticle during the hardware pedicure procedure. In our work we use a diamond cutter in the form of a small ball. The speed of the milling cutter is about 5 - 6 thousand revolutions. With a cutter from a set for a hardware pedicure, we draw along the cuticle without pressing. Be very careful, because the skin near the cuticle is very sensitive, the nail can be easily damaged. Using a router, do not cut the cuticle, but make it aesthetically well-groomed. We remove the remnants of the product with a spray bottle and wipe dry.

Step 13. At the end of the hardware pedicure procedure, we polish the nails. We begin the procedure by rubbing cuticle oil. Then, using a felt polishing pad, we work on the nails until they shine. The required speed is 5 thousand revolutions. Cuticle oil is very helpful. It is known for its antiseptic, softening and healing effect, it can inhibit the growth of the cuticle. A visitor to the hardware pedicure procedure can use cuticle oils at home at least every day.

Step 14. Finishing the session of hardware pedicure, we rub the moisturizing cream in the direction from the fingers to the heel, at the same time lightly massaging the skin.

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Hardware pedicure appeared in the price lists of our salons quite recently and at first aroused distrust among clients. It is expensive, it is done in a completely different way, and the instrument itself looks intimidating. But, having tried this procedure once, most of them no longer wanted to return to a trimmed pedicure and now choose only this option. What is a hardware manicure and pedicure, to whom and when can it be done, and is it necessary to go to the salon for this?

What are the features and differences of the procedure

If you have been to Europe and visited at least one, even the simplest, beauty salon, you know that you will not see foot baths anywhere, as well as razors, scissors and tweezers. They do not allow this for hygiene reasons. Only hardware manicure and pedicure is performed using softening gels, creams, oils and an apparatus with nozzles - cutters.

The essence of the procedure is to apply a special product to the skin of the feet, which may contain natural acids, to soften the keratinized areas of the skin. After that, the master, using nozzles of different sizes and textures, processes the feet, cuticles and nails, adjusting the rotation speed and pressure of the device. Thus, by changing the cutters, the speed and sliding force, you can remove calluses and corns, rough skin around the nails, grind overgrown nail plates, treat cracks and even correct the shape of extended acrylic or gel nails. At the end of the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin, and at the request of the client, the nails are varnished.

Some young ladies are distrustful of a hardware pedicure, believing that it is possible to remove keratinized skin from the heels qualitatively and deeply only with a razor and pumice stone, and cut the cuticle with scissors. It's not like that at all! In practice, it has been proven that after a razor, the skin on the heels grows again in almost a week, especially in the summer, when clogs and sandals are worn. After milling
you can forget about corns, cracks and corns for two to three weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages include:

  • hygiene and safety- subject to the correct operation of the device and nozzles;
  • efficiency - the skin remains soft and smooth for a long time;
  • no need to steam your legs, what is contraindicated, for example, during pregnancy, high blood pressure, fungal infections of the feet and nails;
  • no risk of skin injury- especially important for those who suffer from diabetes, when any wound or abrasion can lead to infection;
  • even hard-to-reach places can be processed between the fingers, around the warts, drill out subcutaneous calluses without injuring neighboring tissues;
  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • with a little practical experience, accuracy and patience you can perform a hardware pedicure at home.

Of the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished: you need to be able to properly use the device with nozzles. If the master does not have enough experience or you yourself took up the job for the first time, you can easily injure the skin of your hands or feet, disrupt the structure of the nails, and generally cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities or the dexterity of your girlfriend, trust your legs to a professional master.

Helpful information: many are interested in how to choose and set up a milling machine. Modern devices include up to 12 different nozzles of different shapes, sizes and surface textures for treating heels, cracks, calluses, nails, cuticles, polishing and grinding. As practice shows, half is enough. More important is the power of the device itself. It should be at least 40 watts if you do not want your hands to get tired after processing one toe. The rotation speed of the cutter is from 10 to 20 thousand revolutions per minute. You can also use disposable caps - according to some, they are more effective than stone cutters and more hygienic.

Hardware pedicure at home step by step

If you were lucky enough to get a milling machine and you decided to experiment, here is a detailed instruction on how to do a hardware pedicure step by step.

  1. First, prepare your workspace: you need good lighting, free access to a 220 W power supply, a table to lay out the cutters or install a milling machine, a disinfectant solution, a softening gel and other attributes for a hardware pedicure, a footrest or a stool, cellophane, which should be laid on the floor - it will be easier to collect pieces of removed skin and nails later.
  2. Required form: gown, head cap, gloves and face mask. Even if you do the procedure yourself, the mask will not hurt, because during the intensive work of the milling machine, pieces of skin scatter in different directions and can get into your face.
  3. An antiseptic is applied to the client's legs (or to his own) and to his hands. The rest is blotted dry with a paper towel. Then the feet should be evenly covered with a gel to soften the keratinized layers of the skin. Leave for 10 minutes.

    Tip: some girls, in order to enhance the effect of the procedure, still steam the legs in a basin of water, and then do a hardware pedicure over it. This is fundamentally wrong and dangerous! Do not forget that the device is powered by the mains, and contact with water can end very badly!

  4. If necessary, the length of the nails is removed- this can be done later using cutters. After that, you can proceed directly to the processing of the foot. Use the 60/60 coarse abrasive attachment at 10,000 to 20,000 rpm first. Then sand the feet, changing the nozzle to a fine-grained - 100/100.
  5. Now move on to the toes. To do this, you need a conical coarse-grained and fine-grained milling cutter. First work with coarse grain at a speed of 5-10 thousand revolutions per minute, then grind the leather with fine grain.
  6. The next step is to remove the cuticle. Apply a special gel or oil on the cuticle, treat the nail roller with the same fine-grained nozzle. To remove the cuticle, use a diamond cutter in the form of a ball. The speed in this case should be no more than 6 thousand revolutions per minute. No need to try to push the cuticle with a nozzle - our task is to align it and make it smooth.
  7. After the procedure is completed, the remnants of the softening gel and the epidermis are removed, you can rinse your feet in warm water, wipe dry and apply a nourishing or deodorizing cream. Cuticle oil is applied to the nails and cuticles, after which a felt nozzle is put on and the nails are polished to a shine. Lacquer is applied on request.

For information: gels for softening the skin of the foot are called keratolytics, they can be purchased at professional cosmetics and equipment salons. Since keratolytics contain acids, it is necessary to work with it strictly with gloves and apply with a brush. Natural acids, which the product contains, contribute not only to softening and easier removal of rough skin and corns, but also saturate the cells with antioxidants, contributing to their accelerated regeneration.

That's all about how to properly do a hardware pedicure at home with your own hands. In conclusion, we can add: if you have problem feet with a fungus, ingrown nails or deep cracks, trust the care of them to professionals, performing only daily preventive and supportive procedures at home.

What is a hardware pedicure follows from the name of the procedure. It involves the processing of feet using a special apparatus or machine that can be purchased for home use. Similar equipment is also used in the practice of medical pedicure, so technologies are often confused.

The difference between the methods is that the first is a hygienic procedure, the task of which is to keep the feet healthy and attractive, preventing the development of problems. The second includes various medical techniques, which are beyond the power of an ignorant person to implement. The treatment of foot fungus, ingrown nails and hyperkeratosis should be dealt with exclusively by a podologist and only with the use of professional tools.

Features of the procedure

  • Technique is considered the most gentle and very pleasant. In the process of its implementation, there is no damage to the skin and nails, there are no pain sensations.
  • The advantages of hardware pedicure are the complexity of care with a single machine. It is enough just to choose the right cutters for different parts of the foot in order to restore smoothness to the skin and give the nails a perfect shape.
  • The procedure can not be called fast! Despite the fact that you do not spend time steaming your feet, you will spend about the same time with a special remover on your feet, the task of which is to soften rough skin. Its total duration is 50 minutes.
  • Hardware pedicure at home can be performed for people with health problems. So it is indicated for diabetes mellitus, in which there is a high risk of developing foot diseases up to blood poisoning. Due to the lack of steaming, it is indicated for people with hypertension, thrombosis, and other problems of the cardiovascular system. High-quality skin and nail polishing with a pedicure machine at home is also great for older people, especially those for whom it is problematic to visit a beauty parlor.

What is needed for the procedure

You will need:

  • Foot sanitizer. Choose gel-form septic tanks that do not require the use of water. They eliminate the maximum number of bacteria, are active against the fungus.
  • Softening remover. It can be in the form of a gel or cream. Some products also include disinfectant components, so there is no need for a first septic tank.
  • Equipment for hardware pedicure at home or a machine equipped with a set of cutters. By the way, a complete set of cutters for processing legs is never provided in a set of ordinary machines, at most 2-3 nozzles. They must be purchased separately.
  • Moisturizing cream or medicated foot ointment. Depending on the presence of problems - with a deodorizing effect, wound healing or simply normalizing the water-salt balance.

Hardware pedicure technique for beginners with photos and videos

Adhering to the hardware pedicure technique, you can perform it professionally at home. With high-quality performance, the frequency of the procedure can be once every 15-20 days. For men, whose skin of the feet is more elastic and less prone to cracking, it is enough to perform it once a month.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly do a hardware pedicure with your own hands.

  1. Disinfect and soften the feet. So you exclude the penetration of infection into the tissues and their infection, make the skin more pliable for care.
  2. Use a machine and cutters of the appropriate type. Their detailed description is always presented in the device manual, if the required models are not available, use our recommendations below. Treat the heels first, using the roughest polishing, then the skin of the feet. Pay special attention to the ball of your feet, where corns form from shoes with heels, and the area between the 4th and 5th toes, where corns also appear. Walk on the outside of your thumb. Gently exfoliate the cuticle.
  3. Treat your nails with compact cutters. Give them an even shape, avoiding the rounding of the plate to prevent it from growing into the skin.
  4. Cover your nails with hygienic or colored varnish.
  5. Cover your skin with a moisturizer or treatment.

Choice of cutters

When asked what nozzles are needed for a hardware pedicure, podologists answer: numerous. Indeed, for one procedure they will need several.

  • Diamond. Perfectly remove rough skin, suitable for polishing nails. A small cutter in the form of a ball or a needle is used for cuticles, a large cutter is used to remove small calluses and corns.
  • Ceramic. Suitable for treating the skin of the lateral "rollers" on the outer part of the thumb, cracks on the heels.
  • Silicone . Necessary for polishing the nail plates.
  • Silicon carbide. Used in the presence of very dry, rough skin.
That's all the subtleties of the hardware pedicure technique, which will be extremely useful for every woman to master at home!

- one of the most popular and safe foot care procedures. The effectiveness of this method of treating the legs is extremely high. With the help of a hardware pedicure, corns, calluses, microcracks are removed, the problem of an ingrown nail is solved, diabetic and fungal feet are treated. Let us consider in detail the technology for performing hardware pedicure.

Hardware pedicure. Frazier.

Technology for performing hardware pedicure.

  1. We treat the client's foot with sterilium (skin antiseptic) and wipe it dry with a disposable towel.
  2. We remove the length of the nails if necessary.
  3. We apply a keratolytic on the foot - with a brush we lubricate with a thin layer of the gel-like preparation Callus Remover (softener of the skin of the foot). The softener acts on the foot for 5 to 10 minutes. Keratolytic promotes rapid exfoliation of dead cells from the surface of the foot. Foot softeners most often contain lactic or tartaric acids, the most commonly used keratolytics. They are also used for hyperkeratosis, which not only exfoliates dead skin cells, but also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the foot.
  4. Carrying out the procedure hardware pedicure, it is not recommended to pre-soak your feet in water, as the skin absorbs liquid and swells, in which case additional efforts will have to be spent on processing. It is enough to make a hygienic bath for 5 - 6 minutes with a water temperature of up to 36 degrees - the feet will not have time to steam, and the master will work on dry, but clean surfaces.
  5. To protect the eyes and respiratory organs, we put on a mask with a protective screen.
  6. Remove the remnants of the foot softener with a disposable towel. In case of hyperkeratosis (strong growths), we leave the product on the foot longer.

  7. We put on the largest (roughest) disposable cap with an abrasiveness of 60/60 on a round-cylindrical rubber holder and process the foot at a speed of 10-12 thousand revolutions with a milling machine. It is known from practice that disposable caps process more efficiently than stone nozzles and speed up the work process.
  8. The next stage of hardware pedicure technology is foot skin polishing. We change the disposable cap to a fine one (100/100) and process the foot at 10-12 thousand revolutions. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully polish the skin. If this is not done with sufficient quality, after 1 - 2 days it will look like a fringe due to uneven filing of the layers. You need to work carefully so as not to saw through the skin of the legs. At the end of this stage, the skin should be a healthy pink color with a slight yellow tint.
  9. We remove the remnants of the foot softener - this can be done with a simple spray bottle with warm water. After spraying, wipe with a disposable towel.
  10. We process the fingers and the skin between them - the next stage hardware pedicure techniques. In places located between the toes, many sweat glands are concentrated, as a result, these places are subject to abundant pollution and require no less care. We apply a foot softener on the skin between the fingers, put a ceramic nozzle in the form of a truncated cone of blue (light blue) color (it has an average grain size) and work with a router at a speed of 5-10 thousand revolutions per minute.

    Hardware pedicure. Ceramic nozzle medium-grained.

    Hardware pedicure. The ceramic nozzle is fine.

    Then we take the same nozzle, but pink (red) color (this is a polishing fine-grained nozzle), and work with a router at the same speed. We remove the remaining foot softener with a spray bottle with warm water and wipe it with a disposable towel.

  11. We process the cuticle and periungual ridges with the Cuticle remover (cuticle remover). With the same fine-grained pink ceramic nozzle, we grind the periungual ridges with a milling cutter at a speed of 5-10 thousand revolutions.
  12. The cuticle during the hardware pedicure is not pushed back and cut off. Processing is carried out using a diamond cutter in the form of a small ball.

    The speed of the router for this procedure should be about 5 - 6 thousand revolutions. With a cutter, we draw along the cuticle from side to side, without pressing on it. This is an important point, as it is very delicate and easy to injure, damage the nail matrix and leave furrows on it. When working with a milling cutter, you do not need to cut the cuticle, but make it even and smooth. We remove the remnants of the softener by spraying and disposable towels.

  13. The final stage hardware pedicure technology- nail polishing. Apply cuticle oil to the cuticles, nails and periungual ridges with rubbing movements. Then we put a polishing felt nozzle and polish the nails to a shine.

    Rotation speed - 5 thousand revolutions. Cuticle oil has a bactericidal, softening and healing effect, and in addition, it slows down the growth of the cuticle. The client can use cuticle oils daily at home.

  14. At the end of the procedure, with rubbing movements in the direction from the fingers to the heel, we apply a non-greasy cream, at the same time making a light massage.

Hardware pedicure. Technology.

Using professional technology hardware pedicure, nail service masters receive undeniable advantages over the classical method of foot treatment, including significant time savings and effective care.