Lived 55 years of marriage. What to give for an emerald wedding? What to give your spouse for an emerald wedding

The article offers you ideas for organizing an "emerald" wedding and a lot of congratulations to your loved ones on this date.

Such a date is very significant for spouses, because not every couple can live this anniversary in peace and harmony. Therefore, 55 years of marriage are celebrated with a special scope and triumph, ordering a hall in a cafe, inviting many friends and relatives. As a rule, due to their age, either children and grandchildren, or a professional toastmaster, organize the holiday.

This anniversary has not only a beautiful date, but also a name - "emerald". The emerald is a symbol of love that has lived to "such a magnitude." The stone itself is highly valued and considered "noble". It is very bright, shimmery, radiant. Its pleasant and soft greens are sure to captivate with their unique color.

INTERESTING: The emerald mined in nature is significantly different from the stone that jewelers present to buyers. So marriage after 55 years must be carefully cut by professionals (spouses) who, over the years, have jointly transformed their emerald (marriage).

Another reason why the anniversary is called "emerald" is the fact that natural emerald is quite rare. It is also rare to find a couple who lived to see the 55th anniversary (due to their age). At the time of the celebration, the husband and wife are already 70-80 years old, and therefore not everyone, even the most faithful and devoted spouse, can simply live to this date.

Many cultures value the emerald and regard it as a stone of "loyalty and honesty". This is very important for the "anniversaries", because if it were not for this factor, the husband and wife would hardly be able to save their marriage. The "Emerald Wedding" does not have any special rituals or traditions of celebration, the main thing is to be close and together, to receive guests and rejoice.

How to spend a wedding anniversary at 55? Hall decor options, ideas for a birthday cake

A big date deserves a big and festive celebration. It is best to rent a hall in a restaurant or order a cafe. You will also need the help of a professional organizer who will decorate the room, send out invitations, agree on a script with the toastmaster and take care of the comfort of the “newlyweds” and all guests.

IMPORTANT: If you do not have the means, a modest holiday with your family or in nature is also an option. Think over treats and topics for conversation so that no one can get bored at the holiday.

What does the solemn organization of the "emerald anniversary" require:

  • Tamada or leader - this person must be a real professional in his field in order to be able to come up with a script that can entertain and leave a pleasant impression. The toastmaster should organically plan the congratulatory part, contests, entertainment and not let the guests get bored at the holiday.
  • Tuple - we are talking about cars that can deliver the heroes of the occasion and guests from other cities to the venue of the holiday. Cars can be decorated to match the theme of the event or done in the classic "wedding way".
  • Table and menu - requires the same careful preparation as the wedding table 55 years ago. The table should be rich, full of treats and drinks, decorated with flowers, candles and wedding decor.
  • Invitations and guests this part of the event can be taken up by children or grandchildren, sending beautiful postcards to all relatives, relatives and friends. Invitations can be oral, but classic wedding decorated cards will add solemnity and significance to the event.
  • the decor is handled either by a professional decorator, or by children, as the organizers of the holiday. The décor includes elegant tablecloths, covers and ribbons for chairs, flowers, balloons and light bulb garlands.
  • guests who come to the event must bring gifts with them, which should be as significant as the date itself. Necessary gifts should be agreed in advance with spouses or their children.
  • Festive outfits of the young - of course, it should not be a wedding dress and tailcoat, but elegant clothes remotely reminiscent of them will add zest to the holiday and good mood.
  • birthday cake - an important part of the event, because it always symbolizes marriage itself. Order a cake from a professional confectioner who can always make a dessert according to your unique design.

Wedding decor

"Emerald" cake

Cake with figures "Two in a boat"

What to give for an emerald wedding 55 years to beloved parents: gift ideas

The most important guests at this celebration are children. Their presence, words and gifts at the celebration deserve special attention. It is difficult to give gifts to parents at this age, because they no longer try to acquire something necessary or important for everyday life. The emphasis should be on pleasant surprises, as they say, "for the soul."


  • Video film - a simple, but very joyful and "heartfelt" gift. In one film, you can combine several family life stories, the most colorful moments, the history of the acquaintance of spouses and trace the entire family tree to great-grandchildren. As a rule, such films always make every guest and the “newlyweds” themselves feel emotional.
  • Family portrait - a good gift that should be ordered from a professional artist. The portrait should include an image of each family member with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  • Joint trip - try to take your parents to the sea or just on an interesting trip. Be sure that at this age they will be able to enjoy your joint pastime and interesting leisure.
  • A trip to the sanatorium if parents do not like long trips, then at their age they will definitely want to take care of their health. Order comfortable rooms for them in a medical and preventive sanatorium so that they can improve their health and spend time with benefit.
  • The holiday itself The best gift for parents at this age. It is unlikely that spouses will be able to do everything on their own, therefore the organization and financial issue of a holiday that “falls on your shoulders” will be a great way to congratulate your parents.

What to give for a wedding anniversary 55 years to a family of friends: gift ideas


  • Figurines - things that are pleasant to the heart from loved ones, which can always remind the spouses of the day that they celebrated with their loved ones. Choosing a figurine should be symbolic, which will mean love or devotion.
  • Dishes - the gift is relevant only if the family does not have enough sets or services. This gift should be coordinated in advance with the spouses or their children.
  • Gifts "for home" - things and accessories for household use: kitchen, air conditioning or household appliances, carpets, bedding, furniture, mirrors, shelves and much more.
  • Wellness procedures - invite your loved ones to visit the procedures in professional beauty or medical salons: massage of the body, hands and feet, aromatherapy, relaxation, acupuncture and others.
  • Photo album - a good gift for people "aged", collecting all the bright moments of life in the pictures. The photo album should be of high quality, large and roomy.
  • Gifts "for the garden" or summer cottage - if a couple has a plot and loves to grow plants, gifts for the garden will become very relevant and pleasant: solar lanterns, figurines, appliances.
  • Money - a universal gift that is always needed by everyone. Newlyweds can spend money not only on themselves, but also on the purchase of something significant and desired for a long time.
  • Something "emerald color" - such a gift will surely bring harmony and harmony to the spouses. Choose anything: towels, tablecloths, bedding, dressing gowns, knitted sweaters, green glass, dishes, textiles.

What to give for the wedding anniversary of 55 years to each other, husband and wife: gift ideas

Gifts for husband:

  • Gifts for hobbies - if a man has any personal hobby, a gift for him can be chosen based on this: a spinning rod, a fishing rod, a set of chess or backgammon, a book for the library, a coin for the collection and many other options.
  • Gifts for creativity - if a man is a creative person, he will be pleased to receive a set of professional paints, an album for drawing, chalk or pencils as a gift. There is a large selection of tools, materials, and ideas at an art or craft store.
  • Item for personal use it all depends on what exactly a man lacks, perhaps it's an electric razor, or maybe a bicycle. Of the more "budget" gifts, it is worth noting such as: a razor, a bag, a hat, an umbrella, a wallet or a purse.
  • Comfortable clothes - you can donate a home kit, a bathrobe, clothes for sleeping and relaxing. The same goes for everyday wear.
  • personalized icon - a good gift for a beloved man who will bring him harmony and peace. Try to consecrate the icon in the church.
  • Watch - a good gift for a "real man" who, in his age, does not cease to adhere to style. The watch can be personalized with engraving.
  • Cigarette case - Suitable for those men who smoke.
  • Wallet - the gift is relevant for those whose old wallet is already quite worn out or has been gone for a long time.

Gifts for wife:

  • Decoration with emerald — an expensive gift, but very symbolic for the holiday itself. Such jewelry will bring a woman a good mood, harmony with herself, and also prove the true love of a man.
  • Accessory "emerald" color - just like the stone itself, objects of the same color can positively influence the life and relationships of spouses: a shawl, scarf, hat, handbag, purse or clutch, jewelry, watches, beads.
  • Clothing for home and leisure - any comfortable clothing for home and leisure: pajamas, suit, bathrobe, nightwear.
  • Kitchenware - useful only when a woman really wants to get a new blender, electric meat grinder, toaster, mixer or something else.
  • Casket - a thing for personal use and storage of important things: money, jewelry, letters, documents.
  • Plaid - a sign of attention to the woman she loves, so that she can wrap herself in him, as if in her man's "favorite hugs" on cool days.
  • "Creative" gift - we are talking about poetry or a specially written song, drawing, prose written in an intimate letter or on a postcard.

Beautiful congratulations on the emerald wedding of friends in verse and prose

Dear ours! Let you get upset because the time has flown by so quickly, leaving you with only memories. We firmly believe that a happy future is just ahead of you. Your life continues in your children and grandchildren, in their destinies and eyes. May your life be calm and happy, peaceful and filled with the very feeling that once brought you down the aisle.

Dear (surname of the anniversaries)! Through so many years you carried your love, that she can evoke nothing but respect and admiration from the guests present in this hall. Let the body remind you of the years, your soul is young and beautiful, happy and light, fresh and beautiful! We wish you good health, which will allow you to live in joy for many more years together!

Dear (surname of the anniversaries)! Thank you for allowing me to attend your wonderful holiday. It seems that the first wedding was just recently, but years have passed (exactly 55 years) and now you continue to live with your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Do not be sad for trifles, you have created a wonderful family that will glorify your family, which means that your union was not in vain!

There is no reason to be sad today
Let many years behind you,
You are lucky, because the feeling is strong,
What warms you is love!

Yes, many years have passed since then
Many joys and quarrels
A lot of words have already flowed
But together the couple don't care!

After all 55 years,
You are bright, you pour light,
We congratulate you now
May God bless you!!

Smile, gray-haired spouses,
You, as before, sit down at the table,
You, as before, shouting "Young",
You are wonderful so far!

The right feeling decorates you,
What once settled in the hearts,
The world was so empty without him
Well, with him in my heart only spring!

You gave beautiful children,
They gave you grandchildren in return,
You loved each other so much
All fed on your love!

Today everyone has a reason
Come to this festive hall
Congratulate you with a pleasant word,
Wishing you love and kindness!

love each other more
After 55 good years,
You have become softer with age
You give light to loved ones.

Let your health shine
Gives many days in life
We wish you each other
Love even more!

Touching congratulations on the emerald wedding of parents in verse and prose

Dear Parents! Each of us built our own family just by looking at yours. example. Thank you for your support and help, for always being so tender and in love, for giving us kindness and parental affection! I so want to wish you many more healthy, happy and eventful years, so that we have the opportunity to admire you, admire and rejoice for you!

Our beautiful parents! We do not see your years, but we see only good happy eyes filled with tears of joy. Thank you, beloved mom and dad, for always giving a good example that raised good people from us. We wish you good health, so that you live for many more years and only in joy!

How lucky we are in this life
After all, God gave us parents,
They are beautiful, pure in heart
And just amazing!

Today the holiday brought us all
That is called to respect love,
Happy laughter sounds from all sides,
And the feeling all excites the blood.

Thank you, dad, our mom,
What are you next to after a year,
Any life is more beautiful for us,
And so it will always be!

Our love for parents
Stronger than any feeling in the world
We are warmed by the sweetness of your eyes,
Without you, this world is empty for us.

Your marriage is an anniversary today,
Already 55 years of happy
He gives you happiness and harmony,
It makes your life beautiful!

Let youth be long gone
But tenderness is not lost over the years,
For us, your marriage, it's like in a movie,
Wrapped in passion and dreams.

Many years behind,
They fled quickly like birds
But they gave love
What can be compared with the heavenly feeling.

Do not be sad, mom and dad,
You have lived a great life
May you not be young, as once,
But you have merged in body and soul.

Today you are not just a couple,
You are the union that everyone loves and honors,
Your passion sounds like a guitar
Your feelings are playing, seething.

Let your hands tremble with age
Sometimes it's hard to sleep
But evil separation will not touch you,
It will be a sunny life path!

Beautiful words in honor of the "emerald" anniversary

Beautiful congratulations on the emerald wedding from grandchildren in verse and prose

Dear grandparents! Thank you for giving us such a wonderful the opportunity to attend your celebration of love. You are just wonderful, you gave us years of tenderness and care. We want health not to leave for many more years. I so want to celebrate more than one wedding anniversary with you!

You are more tender than our parents,
You gave love and kindness,
And today you look amazing
We love everything in the world!

Smile, you deserve a holiday,
So that everyone appreciates your union,
So we want your days to be different,
Heart played only blues!

You do not be sad for years after,
Many happy years have passed
But all the good things are ahead
and all the bad things are over.

You, smiling, meet life,
We want all your dreams to come true
To keep your thoughts light
And the sky is only big and clear!

You are already accustomed to the fact that grandfather and grandmother,
You even got used to the title of "great-grandmother, great-grandfather",
Three generations on sweet pancakes
Everyone grew up with care and respect.

We congratulate you on a sincere warm holiday,
We wish you good, sincere joy,
To pass another half century in this sweetness,
You lived to a noble old age!

Let behind many wonderful days
Lived with dear family
You become sweeter with age
You give your loved ones love.

Already exactly 50 and 5 years in a row,
For you, love and devotion is a reward,
Live for a very, very long time
So that there are a lot of events in life!

We are proud of your love
As if they themselves lived it,
We want many years in a row,
You could give us joy!

Let it be easy for you, relatives,
May you enjoy a quiet life
Evil events will not happen
We want all dreams to come true!

Beautiful congratulations on an emerald wedding from a spouse to a wife, a husband from a wife in verse


My beloved and kind,
I can't live without you, alas, not a day,
Thank you for being with me for so many years
That you give me comfort, love, peace.

Your beautiful eyes are with me
Already good, fabulous half a century and five years,
They give me peace, warmth, love,
They give me a sparkling light in the dark!

I congratulate you, wife,
Happy holiday of our feelings,
We lived with you not in vain
All life was very bright, skillful!

Thanks for the endless love
Thank you for the kind light of your eyes,
Congratulations my half
I love you very dearly and strongly!

You are a beautiful flower in my life
You have brightened my life
All half a century with you was clear
I love you with all my heart!


After so many years and events,
You are still like a wall to me
You are kind, smart, amazing,
Still in love with you!

Thank you for protecting me for 55 years
Gave me love and body light,
In your arms I melt like ice
Your voice of the heart protects me.

Thank you for
What could inspire me
Thanks for the warmth
that allowed me to live.

I want many years
We lived with you
Gave love in return
And they were just happy.

Children congratulate us on the anniversary
And grandchildren give us warmth,
You are a devoted and sincere man,
You are very lucky!

Funny and funny congratulations on the emerald wedding, congratulations with humor

Our banquet hall is noisy today
And everyone took a gift with them,
Let's congratulate the spouses loudly
And we will shout to them together the cherished "Bitter!"

Hug tight to grandpa, grandma,
Wipe away the tear that rolled down.
Yes, in those years ago, you can’t return,
But happy and endless life!

We congratulate you sincerely, sincerely
And we believe: "It will be good."
Live in an eternally perfect marriage,
May everything be perfect for you!

Your family has a great continuation,
May it please you for many years
Let it give you meta and inspiration
Great-grandchildren and grandchildren have eyes of light!

We wish you to live many more years in the world,
So that your grandchildren, your children, rejoice,
So that happiness is your property,
So that distance does not touch you!

You can be proud of your family
Yes, life is unlikely to repeat itself,
But all the bad things won't happen again
And happiness will pour from above like a waterfall!

We are not going to eat today
We gathered toasts and wishes to listen,
Look at you and admire the beauty,
What appeared where marriage is embraced by love!

We wish you great gifts,
So that your life is not boring and bright,
So that joy sparkles in the eyes,
For good things to happen!

We wish you to live until the next anniversary,
We wish you to love each other strongly,
We wish you a lot of romance in life,
Let your thoughts be fresh and light!

Let the sun illuminate the sky of life,
Let the garden bear fruit,
Let the children delight and inspire the grandchildren,
We wish you to live 100 years without separation!

Video: "Congratulations on the emerald wedding"

One can only envy the spouses in a good way, who have been together for 55 years! Behind a golden wedding, behind a whole life filled with various events, most of which were happy. And then came the eve of the 55th anniversary.

55 years - what kind of wedding, what to give? Take your time, "SuperHelper", as your good old assistant in choosing gifts, will tell you in detail about the traditions of the celebration and about possible gifts. The 55th wedding anniversary is called the "emerald wedding". Associating the anniversary with this stone is not accidental. Emeralds are stones of the rarest beauty and transparency, symbolizing harmony and peace. In ancient times, emeralds were considered symbols of spiritual experience, and our spouses, who have lived together for 55 years, have plenty of such experience.

By tradition and according to everyday logic, given the advanced age of the heroes of the day, the organization of the celebration of the anniversary is taken over by the younger generation - the children or grandchildren of the heroes of the day. It is desirable to create the interior of the room where the celebration will take place in green tones, you can take radical measures and recreate the style of the "Wizard of the Emerald City".

What can you give for a wedding of 55 years? It may seem paradoxical, but on this anniversary, Super Helper advises not to make any large and expensive gifts, except for one:

A traditional gift in response to the question of what to give for an emerald wedding,

And rightly so, because according to an old tradition, all the jewels donated for serious wedding anniversaries become family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation and have spiritual value for the heroes of the day. The peculiarity of this wedding anniversary is that it is the original gifts that carry the spiritual component that will be highly appreciated by the heroes of the day.

What can be presented for an original wedding, for an emerald wedding? Let's get creative with our gift choices and come up with the following wedding gift list:

The newspaper "Pravda" for the anniversary of the emerald wedding is an original gift that is sure to evoke a feeling of nostalgia;

A video greeting made up of various archival video materials of the family is a gift that will be of interest to everyone without exception;

Meeting with an old friend - try to surprise your old people and invite their old friend, whom they often remember, but cannot see because of the remoteness of his residence, in extreme cases, connect them via Skype - a sincere gift for anniversaries.

You can come up with a lot of such gifts and all of them will be the most correct of what to give for the wedding anniversary of 55 years - an emerald wedding.

It remains to recall one more old tradition for an emerald wedding. Congratulations to the anniversaries must be organized according to seniority, on the contrary. The youngest in the family will be the first to congratulate the spouses, and the oldest will finish the congratulations. The portal has prepared a large number of gifts and looks forward to the next meeting on the eve of

When getting married or getting married, did you think what kind of wedding, after 55 years of marriage, spouses celebrate? So, no longer young spouses in this case celebrate an emerald wedding. Naturally, the organization of the celebration or even a quiet family feast should be taken over by children and grandchildren. And for the heroes of the occasion, the most important gift will be to watch how all the most beloved and relatives gather together at the same table.

Unfortunately, not all happy couples manage to celebrate an emerald wedding. This anniversary is celebrated a long time after the marriage. But if, nevertheless, such a celebration is expected in your family, try to make it memorable and joyful.

Emerald - a symbol of eternal happiness and fertility

After 55 years at the festive table, spouses usually recall important and happy moments from their life together. Children are proud of their parents and should try to be like them in everything, to live with their spouses the same long and happy, if not always easy, life. I would like to note that 55 years of marriage can be called an achievement that not every couple has to brag about. Not everyone is capable of living almost all their lives together, back to back, soul to soul.

Since I do not often celebrate the 55th anniversary of my life together, hence the name of the wedding, called emerald. Emerald is a rather expensive and rare stone, distinguished by its bewitching, incredible beauty. At all times, this stone was considered a symbol of joy, good luck, fertility and eternal happiness. In addition, many people know the energy of the emerald, which is often used for medicinal purposes. It is this stone, according to beliefs, that helps to strengthen memory and sharpen vision. Therefore, a gift with an emerald will come in handy.

Celebration organization

As a rule, the celebration is organized by children, grandchildren and friends of the anniversaries, since at such a venerable age it is difficult for the perpetrators themselves to resolve such complex issues. In addition, it is safe to say that 55 years from the date of the wedding is the time when it is time to rest on our laurels and reap the fruits of our proper upbringing of the younger generation. If children are truly brought up right, parents will bathe in love and gratitude from their offspring.

If you are the person who is preparing the anniversary celebration, consider, first of all, the design of the room. Consider also the design of the tables and the festive menu, which should be simple, nutritious and not distinguished by special delights. There will be no active program for guests, who will mostly be of the same respected age as the birthday people, so focus on the musical arrangement of the holiday. You can find the music that the newlyweds listened to when they were young. And yet, most couples have some kind of composition that is associated specifically with their family and happiness, try to find out about it from the anniversaries, and if it is, try to find it. They will be very pleased!

Try to make every effort in preparing the celebration, because it is very important that the wedding anniversary be remembered by the "young"! A married couple who celebrated their golden wedding considers each subsequent anniversary a long-awaited event for the whole family.

55th Anniversary Gift

Perhaps children and close relatives, friends will carefully consider the issue of a gift to anniversaries, but it is worth noting such a pattern - over the years, a person begins to realize that the value of presents is in no way related to their financial value.

It is difficult to “please” a husband and wife who have lived together for 55 years, because at this age they already have everything - children, grandchildren, a house, prosperity ... At this age and even earlier, you begin to realize that there is nothing more important than family and home comfort. Even if some jewelry is given for the holiday, most likely they will become family heirlooms that will be passed down from generation to generation.

An ideal gift for anniversaries can be a restored old photo, perhaps more than one. You can collect them in a family album. You can pick up archival video materials or paint a picture of your favorite couple. You can give not only tangible things, but also, for example, a surprise in the form of an invitation to old friends or classmates of the heroes of the occasion. They will surely be incredibly happy with such a gift, since lost friends cannot be compared even with the most expensive jewelry in the world, especially for the elderly.

Thinking about a gift, you can also consider options from the category of "home comfort". Married couples who have lived together for 55 years have long acquired joint property and all the necessary things. Both soft slippers and comfortable pillows for a married couple are perfect as a gift for an emerald wedding. Today there are many original gifts that your parents will be very happy with. For example, give them not simple slippers, but slippers with backlight, which will greatly facilitate their owner's stay in a dark room. In the middle of the night there will be no need to turn on the light, going to the restroom. In addition, this is a significant energy savings.

Another surprise that can please birthday people is a tree with photo frames. The "newlyweds" themselves will be able to collect photos of all their loved ones on such a tree. Such a gift, placed in the most prominent place, will always please the eye, and remind you of strong family ties and the importance of the family in the hustle and bustle of life.

Presents from children

Remember that giving for a wedding anniversary is better than things that will not just sit on the shelf, but will find their application in the daily life of a married couple. For example, as a present for parents, you can select a special massager, which consists of a comfortable handle and twigs, rounded at the ends. Such a device is designed for massaging the head. The massager is suitable for both anniversaries, as it relieves stress and tension, relieves headaches and improves blood microcirculation. Loving spouses can massage each other, once again proving to themselves and others their love and care.

Love, of course, is a strong feeling, but even it cannot withstand the aging process. Therefore, it would be wise to give mom and dad a heart warmer. A dense soft cover of the product will prevent thermal burns, but will seriously help out if necessary.

As an original present for an emerald wedding, you can present a diploma of a happy family to the “young”. The "official" document will remind everyone of the strength of the relationship of a married couple, which can serve as a benchmark for the younger generation.

Another personal gift that no one else will have is a special gift coin with the inscription "Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary!". Such a gift will surprise and delight the heroes of the occasion. The gift coin will be kept not only by the couple itself, but in the future it can become a symbol of the family well-being of the next generation. Having “arranged” a place for such a present, it is important that both children and grandchildren, and the anniversaries themselves, see the coin.

5 gifts for an emerald wedding

As a gift, the spouses themselves and their loved ones can choose not only jewelry with this magnificent stone, but also gifts associated with the color of this stone. It can be various interior items or dishes. Textiles made in emerald color look great.

When choosing a present, remember that your attention and respect are much more important for anniversaries. Therefore, in addition to pleasant things, do not forget to come up and hug your parents or grandparents. Organize a celebration that will remind the spouses of the best moments of their life together.

Here are just a few ideas that suggest what to give the "newlyweds" for 55 years from the wedding day:

Certainly, emerald wedding is rarely celebrated. Only love, devotion, and respect of the spouses helped to achieve this date.
The name of the wedding is associated with an emerald - a green stone, symbolizing the eternity of life. Emerald- the stone is rare, expensive and very beautiful. Usually guests give jewelry with emeralds, make toasts and congratulations on this beautiful anniversary. Anniversary wishes wedding appropriate - live, love and never grow old. Well, be sure to live up to the crown wedding. So that children's voices of grandchildren and great-grandchildren sound in the house!
Many prefer a magnificent holiday, and it should be noted that there is certainly a reason for it. It is not easy to live together for more than half a century, while maintaining love and loyalty to each other. When planning a holiday, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the heroes of the occasion, because people at such a venerable age are very difficult to endure such noisy and crowded celebrations. It is much better if the holiday is rich according to the program, but will be held in a close circle with the closest and dearest.

You are fifty-five years hand in hand,
Like a metal alloy, you have grown into each other,
You meet your sunrises together,
Native hearts - warm with warmth.
How emerald strengthened your feelings,
And you elevated love to the rank of art,
We wish you: many strengths and years,
Health, happiness, peace, sunshine. ©

In endless loyalty to each other
You have reached the emerald wedding!
And today we, the family circle,
It's so hard to hide your emotions!
It's hard to find the words,
So many years you tirelessly together!
Separating you is simply impossible!
And the groom is in love with the bride again! ©

You are for the emerald wedding
They came on a difficult road -
Serious tests
You weren't afraid.
And that means gentle
Reliable, mutual,
Love is like breathing
All your days are full.
And in joy we wish
To truly adore each other
Another fifty and five years! ©

Two fives - "excellent"
You live for so many years.
They became a harmonious couple,
Lots of victories.
Photo cards in an album
Saved for posterity
To have children in your house
We knew that love is not a myth.
Pass on your wisdom
Great life experience
And keep it for a long time
Positive attitude. ©

Yours crept unnoticed
Half a hundred and five long years
And your present day is colored
In emerald green,
What shone upon you! In this wonderful
Solemn and Glorious Hour
I will not read the report boring,
But with your emerald wedding
I hasten to congratulate you! ©

At times, it must have been difficult for you,
But love supported you!
And on this day with the emerald wedding
Accept congratulations from us!
55! How before such an anniversary
Survive, you advise the youngsters!
Let your feelings turn emerald green!
Let souls and hearts breathe youth! ©

Emerald wedding
Let's celebrate today
Let it be difficult sometimes
You had to
But blessed
You are the hand of the Lord
In the life you shared
All in half
Grief and sorrow
Joy and love
"Bitterly!" we will shout
You again today! ©

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 55 years

Today is your family's anniversary -
You two five stars for all merits.
With love, happiness was always carried to the house.
Children and grandchildren are sincerely happy for you!

Gained experience over the years of marriage
They learned to give in and forgave everything.
You tenderly saved your feelings
And the emerald anniversary was played! ©

Congratulations on your emerald wedding

Emerald wedding is not a date, but a feat
I want to congratulate you on this accomplishment!
After all, it is so difficult in everyday life and in public
Save all love like a fire or a candle.
You have a lot of experience, in any manifestations
But I wish you to love another century!
So that these fives do not become the limit
And in a duet, the hearts continued their run.
To appreciate the minutes, hours and weeks
What is left in the past, and there ahead
After all, there is so much happiness, smiles and laughter
And all the tenderness that you keep in your chest. ©

55 years - like emeralds,
So shiny, and there is no price for them.
Happiness is obtained by people.
Congratulations! You are in love!

And neither age, nor a thunderstorm from everyday life
We couldn't separate you.
Neither kindness nor loyalty is forgotten.
We wish - let the marriage last! ©

© - Congratulations on the emerald wedding (55 years old) written specifically for the holiday portal website. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Emerald wedding is one of the significant days in the life of the spouses. They lived together for 55 years, which is quite a lot. Emerald is a chic stone that costs a lot of money. It is considered a rare gem. The name of the anniversary is connected with this, because it is celebrated very rarely. Unfortunately, not all people live to see this important celebration. The couple who managed to celebrate this day went through many life difficulties and troubles. Their relationship is so strong that no stone can compare with them. Emerald symbolizes loyalty and devotion. The emerald wedding has one distinctive feature - the whole holiday is organized by the children of the heroes of the occasion.

Important rules for celebrating the 55th wedding anniversary

The holiday is celebrated 55 years after the registration of relations in the registry office. The spouses are in old age, so all the preparations for the celebration are taken over by children and grandchildren. Children invite guests, set the table, decorate the room. It is better to decorate the room where the emerald wedding will take place in shades of green. The table is served with green napkins and a tablecloth. Walls and tables can be decorated with flowers. Also, green balloons will not be superfluous. You need to invite only the closest people, because the spouses no longer have the strength for noisy and cheerful celebrations.

Before making a decision about the holiday, ask the heroes of the occasion for advice. Perhaps they will want a magnificent holiday. There is a reason for this, because not everyone can live together for so long. There are no specific traditions and rules for celebrating the 55th anniversary, because it is rarely celebrated.
Remember one main rule: the younger members of the family immediately congratulate the spouses, and only then the older ones.

Gifts for the 55th wedding anniversary

There will be no problems with choosing a gift. The closest people give the anniversaries precious jewelry with emeralds. As a gift, you can present bracelets, earrings, necklaces, pendants, etc. Traditionally, the gift is given by children, because the jewelry will become family heirlooms. Then they are passed on to their grandchildren. The main thing is not the cost of jewelry. Together with them, the spouses will pass on to their grandchildren the experience of living together without quarrels and everyday problems.

Stones such as sapphires, rubies and emeralds accumulate and transmit information. Hence the origin of the tradition - along with jewelry to pass on valuable experience. Grandchildren who receive a relic should take care of it.

The person who was invited to the holiday can present any gift to the anniversaries. But do not forget that with age, people reconsider their views on the value system. The best gift for an emerald wedding is the restoration of an old thing that means a lot to spouses. Very often, it is these little things that can make anniversaries truly happy.

You can restore old family photos and collect them in a large album. After the holiday, you will sit down at the table with the whole family and re-immerse yourself in the atmosphere of bygone times. The couple will love the portrait that will be painted from their wedding photo. It will become the main decoration of their apartment. You can collect video footage of your family and create a short film accompanied by a pleasant melody that will touch the hearts of the anniversaries. Also, for the 55th wedding anniversary, you can give records with your husband's and wife's favorite compositions. Perhaps you will find an old dusty chest of drawers or a samovar in the closet and restore the thing. Very often, it is these little things that are important to spouses. Gifts should evoke pleasant memories, and you will help to keep them.

As you already know, many people are not invited to an emerald wedding. That is why try to agree on gifts in advance so as not to give the same thing. Do not forget that older people value the memories of their youth. You can arrange an unforgettable surprise for the anniversaries by inviting their best friend who lives very far away to visit. Surely, the spouses had not seen him for a very long time, because there was no way to get to him. They will talk enough, and then they will thank you for such a pleasant and unexpected gift. The most important thing on this significant day is spiritual values ​​that will replace material gifts.

Congratulations on the emerald wedding in verse

    In endless loyalty to each other
    You have reached the emerald wedding!
    And today we, the family circle,
    It's so hard to hide your emotions!
    It's hard to find the words,
    So many years you tirelessly together!
    Separating you is simply impossible!
    And the groom is in love with the bride again!

    You are fifty-five years hand in hand,
    Like a metal alloy, you have grown into each other,
    You meet your sunrises together,
    Native hearts - warm with warmth.
    How emerald strengthened your feelings,
    And you elevated love to the rank of art,
    We wish you: many strengths and years,
    Health, happiness, peace, sunshine.

    Yours crept unnoticed
    Half a hundred and five long years
    And your present day is colored
    In emerald green,
    What shone upon you! In this wonderful
    Solemn and Glorious Hour
    I will not read the report boring,
    But with your emerald wedding
    I hasten to congratulate you!

    Emerald - a stone of the color of spring,
    When the green rages, plays!
    Dear granny, with an emerald wedding
    From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you!

    I wish you to bloom like a snowdrop -
    He's the color of a beautiful bride!
    I wish you tirelessly and lazily
    Until the morning dance on this holiday!

    Happy emerald wedding, grandfather! I wish you happiness!
    Fulfillment of hopes, childish cunning!
    Let health not fail! Let the years fly
    You stay young, my dear, always!

    You have been together for 55 years, with my grandmother,
    And thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart, believe me!
    Let the golden rays of the sun light the way!
    Let everything be as you wish! Happy, grandfather, be!

    "To parents"
    We want parents now
    we only wish for the best,
    So that joy only touches you,
    And never be discouraged.

    We warm you with our warmth,
    55 years together!
    Let it be a clean, bright house,
    We wish you victories in life!

    "Anniversary Wishes"
    Changing into a wedding ring
    We vow to be together forever!
    Is this true, in detail?
    But later years will answer!

    The time we spent together
    Partly the measure of love!
    You have changed many weddings,
    Now come to the emerald!