Congratulations on a leather wedding 3 years. Leather wedding congratulations from parents

For three years you lived in harmony,
The path is not easy, but interesting.
And life is like a dream
Your home to friends, relatives is not cramped.
We have not forgotten the wedding day,
When it all started
And only a shadow of inexperience
Your life was darkened by the initial.
Now you - wise family,
You can also learn
And your advice on how to live lovingly,
Let someone help!
Live for many, many years
Try not to be sad at all
Friends, love is your advice,
Well, today again - bitterly!

3 years together you, soul to soul!
And they learned well in three years,
That those who love - even in a hut
Easily overcome bad weather!
No wonder the wedding is called leather,
The one that has reached three years of aging!
After all, this marriage will not be broken
No envy, no intrigue, and no gossip!

For three years I didn’t eat life,
Are you on the right way!
3 years - leather wedding,
Let's walk from the heart!
We wish you love to keep
And tenderly, faithfully love!
Let joy overtake more often
And it won't let go for a long time!

Congratulations on your 3rd wedding anniversary
I wish you happiness, joy.
Never to get sick
And younger with age
And so that your dear husband
Warmed your soul!

Break you dishes and more
So that happiness lasts longer.
And in a minute collect all the pieces,
And, of course, you will implement all the traditions.
You lived together for three years
Today you are almost a bride and groom.
We congratulate you on your leather wedding,
Let's love each other for the rest of our lives.

Leather wedding on socks came up,
She has been monitoring for three years.
Now the verdict will announce to you in front of everyone
And let your good laughter sound today.
leather goods give a box
So that everyone would be young at heart.
And the family cell has become very faithful,
And in all matters would be the first.

Your wedding is leather,
Looks like a belt:
Quite hard to break
And you can still cut.
You've been together for three years
But the weather doesn't spoil
In your warm, generous home,
Where you are always ready to help.
Where will they come to the rescue,
And all troubles will be taken away.
Let there be such a marriage
Until the wedding golden.
And for your three year term,
Receive - congratulations!

Don't forget your wedding day
And celebrate every year.
You lived to see the leather wedding,
They went their own way, untrodden.
Your family has developed strong -
The phenomenon is joyful, rare.
Live in love, don't toil
You try to make life more beautiful
Raise a son (daughter), develop,
Strengthen your family with deeds.
And may God continue to live like this,
Keep your family hearth.

Three glorious years you lived in love,
And they deserved this leather wedding.
In the hearts you have kept tender love,
Which constantly excites your blood.
Love and be loved, dear ones,
May your days be only golden.
We give you leather things today,
May your family experience be legendary.

Congratulations on your leather wedding,
May peace be with you always!
Let you be proud of your estate,
Let warmth reign in the apartment!
Every year, let the bonds grow stronger,
Let love not run out
Let the children grow in health
And let sadness pass you by!

We remember how they led you down the aisle,
In the white wedding palace.
Happiness sparkled on your face
And love is reflected on your faces.
Lived brightly for three years together,
But today you are the bride and groom again.
We are walking at a leather wedding,
We also congratulate you on this.
Let your love be winged
Joy will surely fall in love with your house.
Your children will certainly please you,
And your love does not stop, then your reserve.

Three years of your wedding:
We want to live peacefully
Build a homestead
Give birth to children!
We wish you a lot of money
We wish you kindness
Live - don't grieve
Keep the hearth!

You've been together for three years
But the weather doesn't spoil
In your home where it's warm
Comfortable and light!
Be happy guys
And rich in wealth
Let love live in the house
And over the years will not go away!
Let the kids grow up
And they help you in everything
happy anniversaries poem
This is the best greeting!

Three years family happiness,
Gone unnoticed by you
A little extinguished passion
Romance is out of sight.
You have become dearer to each other,
You have become more important to each other
You have become one skin
Unity of soul and blood.
Three years of family happiness ...
Strengthen your foundation of love.
Congratulations on your leather wedding,
May God keep your hearth!

So many words today
About happiness, devotion and love,
Your union the sky favorably married,
Now be able to carry this gift all your life.
You have the first three years behind you,
But, let fate give a hundred times more!
Enjoy life, love each other
You young people have a leather wedding!

Three years have passed since
How did you tie your life into one,
And compliment each other
You go on and combine fate,
Our congratulations to such newlyweds
Wants marriage to grow stronger over the years,
Do not raise the tone in the conversation,
And from life together not tired.

Anniversary - and this is an honor!
Let three years that you are together
Will be just the beginning of the song!
Let the song be a duet
Everyone will become a poet
To sing along
And happy chorus!
Read the congratulations
Which caused excitement!

Three full years family lives
And great love grows.
Multiplying wealth every year
He creates his own life.
Control in affairs, subtle calculation,
Without extravagance - accounting in money.
But in love - on the contrary:
An abundance of caresses, follies, generosity.
You keep flying
Without lowering previous years heights.
And let another hundred years pass -
Love will save you from all adversity.
And on your three year anniversary
There is no better and more tender couple!

You are happy and we are happy
Dear children, we wish you everything, everything,
Let all sorrows fly by
God grant that nothing ever upsets you.
Congratulations on your leather wedding,
Let there be no obstacles on the way
All the best to you, joy, kindness,
To be lucky in everything, always.

3 years of your wedding, congratulations,
We sincerely wish to live in joy and peace,
Let luck enter the house without knocking,
Let happiness and love settle in it.
Complement each other in everything, always,
Friendly may fate be with you,
Let our grandchildren grow up in joy,
Reliable friends let surround.

Congratulations on your leather wedding
We wish to live in peace and harmony,
You are still at the beginning of your life journey,
Although 3 years of marriage is already behind us.
Take instructions from your parents
Treat each other sincerely
May the family grow stronger every year,
Be fully rewarded with happiness.

Congratulations on your 3rd wedding anniversary,
We wish all your dreams come true,
Let there be comfort and harmony in the house,
Let everyone be glad to meet you.
Accept compliments and flowers from your parents,
You won't find the best couple in the world
You complement each other in everything
Let your home be welcoming.

With all my heart I want to congratulate you,
Wishing you a lot of joy and happiness
We hasten to send all the impulses of good luck to you,
So that you never have to lose heart.
Listen to parental instructions
So that all wishes come true at once,
So that they give us grandchildren by all means,
May your family be complete.

Today is your family's birthday
3 year wedding anniversary,

And invite guests to the table.
"Bitterly!" - we shout to you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let cherished dreams come true
Let the family weather be sunny
Let all sorrows be forgotten forever.

Dear children, we are happy for you
That everything turned out well for you,
Your feelings are full of love,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Let the sun of happiness shine on you
Let trust and loyalty keep you warm,
Let health just come
And all sorrows leave forever.

With all my heart, with great excitement,
Congratulations on your 3 year family anniversary,
Let life give you inspiration
Always be in a great mood.
Let there be abundance in the house,
Let sadness forget you forever
Great success to you, victories,
Long and happy years.

3 years you are one family,
Live in peace and harmony
God bless you and goodness,
Root out disagreements.
Accept congratulations from your parents,
Get only pleasure from life,
May the Lord bless you for good deeds,
Let it come true cherished dream.

Today in your house there is noise, fun,
Smiles, jokes, congratulations,
3 year wedding anniversary
Get compliments soon.
Let the sun smile on you from heaven
Let life be full of miracles
Love each other, appreciate
And keep your feelings for the rest of your life.

Leather wedding - 3-year total,
your life together,
You have traveled many roads
And happiness has already multiplied three times.
Be happy, our relatives,
May all your dreams come true
Let all wishes come true
And insults are forever forgotten.

Are you or your friends on their third wedding anniversary and no congratulations come to mind? Then our poems and toasts will save you! We have brought together the most best congratulations for 3 years wedding for: husband, wife, friends. In addition, you will find congratulations to friends and relatives in our different form: comic and funny, sms, poetry in prose. Also especially for you the most cool statuses for social networks original toasts for every taste.

Congratulations to her husband on the 3rd wedding anniversary in verse

Let with a small, but anniversary
I want to congratulate you, husband!
We pity each other,
So marriage is up to us!

Short poems, but very
I want to squeeze a word into them:
"Water flows and stone wears away"
And I will heal over time!

What kind of wedding is “in leather”, honey?
I'm in a fuss, out of my skin!
God grant us awe, but strength!
I congratulate! Sit on the throne!

Listen to your queen!
You love me three times stronger!
We are ringed birds!
Tsar! Happy Anniversary! Eat and drink!

Pour me too! Our common glass!
Wife needs a bite!
He who is without wine is frail and grumbles ...
Although I can still love!

I grow my skin
Into yours For congratulations
I'm trying to enter your mind, like a door!
So appreciate the zeal!

3 years! Wow! So little!
Pre-wedding - cream on the cake!
The witnesses of the ball agreed
And they see: here is a man! Delight!

Zero experience. He was a little boy
And I am a funny marmot in the bushes ...
Did not turn into an urkagan,
Not a man, but just "Ah!"

Congratulations on your leather wedding!
But together with you I am a tank behind armor!
You know that I melt in your tenderness
Without fur coats and diamonds! My darling!

I wish you, beloved husband
Love only your wife! Of course, me!
Congratulations on your 3rd wedding anniversary!
Live like this for 100 years and 33 days!

Dear husband - congratulations on your wedding!
Not paper, chintz - in velvety skin!
Three years in common - like a resurrection!
Sweep random - the house will be clean!

I'll wash you in the bathhouse, feed you with caviar,
I'll turn the short days of winter into a holiday,
I will be sweet, meek, quiet and warm.
You stay cute - I ask for one thing!

Dear one and only! I congratulate you on the 3rd anniversary of our marital relations! If you suddenly said that our 3 years are not sugar, I would still say that you are mine sweet Honey! However, you listen, do not argue, so you do not dispute. I take the silence as assent: it passed without salt, without much bitterness! Let it not be worse in the future! I won’t oversalt the borscht, I diligently undertake to add sugar to your tea! From you only - love, love, love!

Congratulations to my wife on the 3rd wedding anniversary in prose

To my beloved wife - my congratulations on gratitude for the work and patience in a 3-year marriage! I scream to be heard! You are the best! I love!
I wish you, beloved, not to get tired at work, I wish you not to get tired at home, I wish you to be cheerful and joyful in dealing with me! And I will do everything for this - I promise! 3 years - not a period that did not have time - will be done for sure! Applications for special jobs (including for children) are accepted and accepted for special control! Happy leather wedding to you, dear!

What is a wedding without a wife?
And here is my dear!
Let's congratulate each other now!
Kiss, do not melt passions!

No, cheeks - in fish, in beer,
A bristle here, a mole here!
Kiss on the lips, so beautiful!
Oh, the currant has ripened!

Jealous, I confess. One afternoon
You disappeared until the very night!
But congratulations! We will return
Lost somewhere in Sochi!

I want tanned skin
Fun, happiness, longevity
With me, happy, in old age
For happiness to us and our children!

For the anniversary of the relationship
Wish your beloved wife
I can only ginseng roots
For health, so that everything is on "5"!

Balms, creams we sweep aside:
smile, mood
And we laugh, we fly
For happiness, stupefaction!

My congratulations to the wife! Together
For 3 years we have been salting homemade cabbage soup.
I wish the same with music, with a song!
We harnessed for 100 years. Allure drag!

Don't fall off the back! It pours - so they will raise
Kids, relatives, friends, godfathers!
Horseshoes? Not superfluous daughter and son -
3 years you think, I think.

Or maybe, indeed, we should take, breed?
Let them envy! The time has come!
How nice to curl up with thick grapes!
I wish that we are also lucky in this!

Spouse in life - happy days!
I congratulate you on your anniversary
Three years old on the day I gave my word
That I would rather be a swan!

To a beautiful wife, I confess
What more did her face love,
Now I smile in her heart
How sweet this spiritual world is!

It took me 3 years to open.
In marriage, we twisted the stems into a chain.
I wish you happiness and good weather!
Thanks for being strong with you!

Congratulations on the 3rd wedding anniversary from parents

Our congratulations to dear children! Happy anniversary and leather wedding! 3 years are yours - a response to what was received from us parental blessing, these same 3 years - a noble echo of the wedding under the bells! Happiness to you! Let yours grow stronger and become wider family circle! You have experience, and we have experience and experience. You have the beginning of life, but we ... We thought, further about autumn leaves? Oh, No! Kalina we are red, juicy, mature! Mature and you, pour juice and remember: all the most interesting is ahead!

Daughter! The best of women!
You - a verse, congratulations:
We wish you less painful
And to the life of inspiration!

So that her husband does not become a burden,
And strong support!
Let there be few common days for you,
And the night is not very soon!

Children - from parents
For 3 years verse:
Be healthy, well-fed,
No bad neighbors!
Happy congratulations!
Children's voices
We wish you sweet
Under the family roof!

Became an adult couple
Beyond the 3-year line!
Happy parenting day!
We are waiting for princesses and knights -
Small, squeaky,
As are you, pretty ones!

Family life to you in violets!
Gone from moms, dads - tearfully sorry,
But your marriage is a consolation!

Congratulations on a leather wedding from friends, girlfriend, witness

3 years flew by unnoticed.
I remember. The wedding went off.
Funny you from the registry office rushed to the house,
And this is the main and righteous cause!

Your life together is not three, but a hundred years!
Girlfriends of prediction, it happens
Come true like a tossed bouquet...
Your friends congratulate you today!

Short speeches in your own words
Anniversary friends carry:
Could hold candles at the pillows,
But friendship before sleeping kaput!

We wish you a hundred years of family life!
3 years already lived - part.
Let's go once with a gold coin,
To live with diamonds to your heart's content!

Someone accidentally gave you a three,
Great though you have a view!
Let the head of the money add ...
And where he? And here he is!

Let there be something that cannot be bought:
Love - as a reasonable goal,
And what without love is unnecessary and false,
With a hole in the bottom aground!

We will see you suddenly unsmilingly gloomy -
We'll take the gifts back!
So confirm to us that the shuras are fools here!
In a hug! Chmoki and tsyom!

I am a friend, a witness. In the registry office, these
Beautiful fingers in rings - poke!
They are still the happiest in the world!
Vivat for three times the youngest!

We are witnesses that the angels have sat down here!
Have a wonderful life together for many years!
With a leather wedding! So that you seethe with your soul,
Husband wife let replace the white light!

We are friends. The nights are not shared
Fishing is over. They have another fire
3 years somewhere, together they are not crowded!
Who glues the tackle, who puts up a tent?

Here are congratulations and leather things,
For relationships, pepper on the knife ...
We wish you hugs, like ticks
And whispers in the sublunar mirage!

Family life to you fluffy!
Matero skin overgrown!
There was a hole for the whistle
So that they could whistle everyone to the collection!

I will send you congratulations.
3 years of choosing words.
The wife found a horse (not a mule!),
For that, glory and praise to her!

Happy wedding and anniversary!
Move on, good luck!
Let the wife take care of the man
So that he could briskly bend obstacles!

Funny congratulations on your wedding anniversary 3 years

Cool newlyweds
With worn leather elbows!
It is clear that you are not barons,
But the ball is good, worthy of words!

We congratulate you on your anniversary!
From copper to gold - a jump!
Prepare chests and jugs,
Porcelain do not beat - it will be useful!

3 years of waiting. We were called
See a couple, honor.
For every year they get three medals,

There was a groom, a bride ... No!
These have devoured them!
congratulations with regards
For 3 year olds!

At 3 years old, they became so limp,
Like living on the moon
Or in a frail mountain sakla ...
Happy Anniversary! Skin - to the back!

With the wedding! .. But congratulations later.
Here SMS from heaven came:
Let it grow on old skin
Ripples of husks so that the torso does not bloom!

We can handle a leather wedding ...
It's a pity, no for 3 years of wedding!
Well! By the glass - do not melt!
Cognac 3 stars to you by rank!

About us, about the guests gossip,
What attracts us to cognac,
But we noticed you among the stars -
The rapprochement of the stars is marriageable!

In the family bridle it is decided
Kohl teeth, like a quarter of the moon!
The bottom line is: congratulations!
We love you, be strong!

SMS congratulations on the 3rd anniversary of the leather wedding

Many daughters and sons
We wish you an anniversary!
We congratulate! God bless,
That there is a family, but there are no disasters!

3 years flew by quickly.
It has long been yellow, you see, a veil.
Have you achieved what you wanted?
In the fourth open the gate!

Congratulations on your leather wedding!
Let happy anniversary funny about us
I will remember the incidents on the night at the estate,
The way kvass suddenly dried up to the bottom!

With the wedding - 3 years - we congratulate you!
We wish to share, but to earn more!
We name our children after you
And that means: what happened - can not be forgotten!

So immense is the year ... But three!
Passed the exam honestly!
With a wedding in leather! skin three
Our ex fiance! That creak is a song!

Comic weddings ... There were just a lot.
If only I could wish you a bosom from God!
But we wish in your pocket, in the stove, a bowler hat
Two pieces of paradise and boring nights!

I remember that wedding for 3 years!
Ah, happy anniversary! How are you?
I congratulate! Happiness - kind,
Flour for the century and so white!

In general congratulations, I personally join!
With the past wedding, but as if again
I am flying with a red ribbon, developing ...
I wish you, hello, take a walk again!

Have a fun life together!
3 years - a motorcycle with a sidecar!
Then - a nursery, a garden and a school.
Ride boldly, without fear!

3 years - like the towers of the castle.
We congratulate! Do not be sick!
With a leather wedding! Vandamki
Get on, act on copper!

Such an occasion - once every 3 years!
Congrats on the leather!
Skin now - cool and fashion,
You are on trend!

Send, probably, SMS - ki
Those who praised you, married ...
I congratulate you in return:
Didn't see each other, I missed you!

Your wedding is amazing.
I remember every day!
Happy Anniversary! How cute
It would be "cognac on a stump"!

From a cool family life
Even the horses get tired!
Three years to sprinkle something!
Congratulations! Reason good!

Happy Anniversary! Happy last wedding!
You get off 3 wheels!
Four-wheel drive would roll!
Will I? Sure, not a problem!

3rd wedding anniversary toast from husband

3 years these seemed to me
From the husband a tribute to the wife.
But congratulations! Hoop needles
Not very prickly and tender!

I drink, biting the wound.
Gone are the days!
Cook, wife, pickle jar:
The skates will move a little!

Congratulations, my wife, you are 3 years old!
Everyone welcomes us with a leather wedding!
Here they know: our breed is not selfish,
They will not come out dry - in champagne dew!

I'll get drunk. But I won't grieve
We "Happy Anniversary!" the horn blows!
Eat chicken and like voodoo
I will weave a hammock, a wigwam and a shield!

Toasts from the wife to a leather wedding

Now I'll add:
3 years is a reason! Pour it!
Gazbulka correct the bitter,
It will go on rails like a tram!

Beloved husband - not a gram of water!
He is a strong uncle, and let's drink to that!
I am in the arms of men - not an aunt, but a lady!
For the lady! Exhalation! On the elbow! A sip!

A lot has been said about us here.
With a wedding, leather, cheers! ..
And so the horseshoe was firmly hammered in,
Like a butt in the handle of an ax!

Let it be good - I agree!
And my husband ... Yes, he got stronger, strong!
But he is not a horse, but loves passionately,
And in that love - Napoleon!

I want to pour and drink a lot
For his strong tenderness,
Sew a star on a new tunic,
What is bought with leather boots!

3rd wedding anniversary toasts from parents

Comic glasses set aside, guests, aside!
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Little - pour out: petty! We are eagles, not crows, for each year they get three medals,
And we - tables, march to them!

It's great that there are congratulations from the witness (friends)!

Wishes for a leather wedding

3 years ago you each other
We swore in endless love!
Since then, you are husband and wife -
More related than blood relatives!
And we have a wedding anniversary
Now we want to congratulate you!
We wish you love and happiness
May you both be warm!

Leather wedding is an occasion
Congratulations again to accept!
I want a kind word today
We will all remember your wedding!
How your eyes shone that day!
How much happiness, joy in the hearts!
And today the feelings have not cooled down,
Happiness is now in your hands!
We wish at home - a full bowl,
Let the children's laughter decorate it!
Save your feelings for a long time
Be more cheerful, happier everyone!

Three years went by very quickly.
After all, so recently the wedding was noisy,
Today we celebrate the anniversary -
Great reason for a holiday!
And now you are newlyweds again,
We honor you now with a clink of glasses!
So accept the toasts, congratulations,
After all, your family has a birthday!

You've only been together for 3 years
And two sons!
It would be wonderful to be born.
They need a little sister soon!
We wish you prosperity
Loyalty and love to keep,
And also, together so that "sweet"
A lot of for long years live!

Congratulations on your leather wedding today!
Family turns three years old
And you are still bewitched by love,
Strive to be alone more often.
You are good together - and this is the main thing,
So may it always be so.
You look great, lovely couple!
Family happiness for you for a year!

Congratulations on your leather wedding,
We wish you love, well-being!
May your house be filled with joy
Let your children be born soon
Worthy will be your continuation ...
Mutual understanding and respect!

3 years you lived together,
We do not know a couple, we are more wonderful!
Love to you, at home - a full bowl,
Let your feelings be strong!

Accept congratulations,
Greet your guests with joy!
leather wedding together
We will note: with a dance, with a song!
We wish you luck
And in the family additions!
You already have a daughter
Let the son be born brisk!
You will live together for many years
In joy, love, without troubles!

Let it be strong like skin
And your union is inseparable.
And let the world not be stronger
The family ties that bind you.
Always be there for each other
Take care of love and loyalty
Be a joy to each other.
And keep your hearth holy!

Three years together is not a trifle!
Your marriage has already stood the test of time.
You didn't stop loving each other
And only closer and dearer have become!

We wish you health and happiness,
Let bad weather bypass
Let the common house become a full bowl,
Always let it be good together!

Other congratulations in verse for a leather wedding

Three years of marriage is a pretty solid period for any married couple. On the one hand, the relationship between the spouses is still quite fresh, flexible and unusual, but on the other hand, they have acquired some strength and continuity. , as well as the leather that symbolizes the anniversary, is flexible, but at the same time strong. Breaking the skin is not so easy, and even if you want to do it intentionally, you will not always be able to complete the job with success.

It is for these reasons that the skin becomes the main symbol of the anniversary of the third year of marriage. Quite a lot of time has passed since the day of the wedding so that it can be confidently stated that this marriage is really strong, friendly and inseparable. Traditionally, on this day, young people give each other gifts made of genuine leather. Give such gifts and guests who attended the celebration. It can be things, accessories, souvenirs and other crafts.

If we talk about cool congratulations with a leather wedding, then picking up is already a little easier than it was before. However, you don’t have to think, because Vlio offers to take one of the ready-made congratulations and give with its help to the newlyweds a little joy, pride and sincere surprise.

You've been living together for three years
Since your wedding day is groovy,
You can't sleep without each other
One you are bound by a dream.

You got used long and hard,
Harmony in everything
And we already know for sure
You will be together all your life.

Keep your love holy
Drive the haters away
Love, truly love
Let the feelings do not go into the night!

Congratulations on mobile

Congratulations on your leather wedding
Take it, my dears!
Let your relationship flourish
In mutual trust and love!

We give you leather goods
For our 3rd wedding anniversary!
Let it become more expensive for you over the years
Your spouse, and closer, and relatives!

I congratulate you on your three-year anniversary!
It's time for a leather wedding!
I wish you good and a lot of money,
Go forward through life without barriers!

May every moment be warmed by love!
May your days be bright!
Let it be whatever you want
And may your cherished dreams come true!

3 years have passed since the wedding
You are together and this is your common feat,
Let it be as light
Another hundred years to have courage!

So that the mood was just class,
We know everything will work out for you,
We know you are each other's destiny
We wish that fate led by the hand!

Much happiness to you
Well, the house is big and beautiful,
In life, only success
In the house of children's laughter for you!

Something for the soul
For babies to be born
So that more money, power,
And simple happiness to all of you!

Once upon a time they chose each other
You are among many people!
And you've been married for three years!
Today is the wedding anniversary!

With this solemn event
My congratulations!
Let your marriage be amazing
Literally every moment!

Three years! This anniversary
Pleasant and soft to the touch:
With or without a reason
None of you grumble anymore;

Here, with replenishment, I would guess -
And more happiness can not be imagined!
We are with your leather wedding
We want to congratulate you today!

Leather wedding, congratulations!
I wish you a strong family!
So that you always succeed,
So that good things happen in life!

You live worthy of each other,
You only have fun leisure,
So that they do not bother each other,
And always inspired with all my heart!

Three years - a leather wedding.
Someone came up with the idea to call it that.
Of the skin, marriage bonds are strong,
Adversity cannot untie them.

It's like you were made for each other
You just can't find a more beautiful couple
We wish you many more years
Hand in hand, side by side, go.