Wise thoughts about family life. Wise Thoughts on Family and Family Values ​​and Family Life

What is family? The people who need you. In joy and sorrow, in small things or in general, they come at the right moment and stay with you, no matter what.

Modesty and kindness are more needed in family life than wit and proud beauty.

In family life, the main thing is patience. Love cannot last long.

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.

Ya.L. Sukhomlinsky

Getting married is a very serious step. When you quarrel with your parents, you don’t think that you need to look for new ones. So your husband should become your own person. One for life.

A family is what it is worth waking up every day for, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them.

The dream of a marriage that is "made in heaven" is completely unrealistic; over any sustainable relationship between a man and a woman, you need to constantly work, build and rebuild, constantly updating them through mutual personal development.

Carl Rogers

Family is the most important thing in life. You may have good days, you may have bad days, but every evening someone will be waiting for you at home.

The answer to the question "why do people get married":

We all need a witness to our lives. There are a billion people on the planet… Is that what someone's life really means? But in marriage, we promise to take care of everything. The good, the bad, the terrible, the ordinary - all of it, all the time, every day. We say: “Your life will not go unnoticed, because I will notice it. Your life will not pass without witnesses, because I will be your witness.”

Family is the only real wealth.

Dark Shadows

Friendship is one of the strongest foundations for a successful family. After all, it is the feeling of friendship that keeps spouses together, helps them survive all sorts of crises. By the way, very often "romantic love" does not appear immediately, but after several years of marriage. This is because people suddenly realize how much warmth and kindness they have received from their partner.

That family is strong
Where there is no possession of the letter "I",
Where only the word "we" rules
Where there are shared dreams.

The meaning of the life of a real man should be his family. Beloved, one and only wife, beloved children. Everything else is secondary.

A man who has forgotten his family cannot be called a real man. Godfather

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. The family is like an element of the puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape ...

The union of a stupid man and a stupid woman gives birth to the heroine mother. The union of a stupid woman and a smart man creates a single mother. The union of a smart woman and a stupid man gives rise to an ordinary family. The union of a smart man and a smart woman gives rise to easy flirting

Create a family. Yes, for me, it's easier to establish an empire. Emil Michel Cioran

The most important and valuable thing in life is family. First, the one in which you are born, and then the one that you create yourself.

Someday you will do things for me that you hate. It's because we are a family. Jonathan Safran Foer "Full Illumination"

Our houses are getting bigger, and our families are getting smaller. We have more amenities, but less time. More degrees, but less common sense. More knowledge, but less judgment. More specialists, but even more problems. More drugs, but less health. We've come a long way to the moon and back, but it's hard for us to cross the street to meet our new neighbor. We have created many computers to store and copy huge amounts of information, but we have become less able to communicate with each other. We won in quantity but lost in quality. Dalai Lama

In an ideal family, the wife does not notice where the money comes from, and the husband does not delve into where it goes.

My son does not know what an "incomplete" family is. After all, I choose Beloved for life.
And as they say in the samurai saying "Born in Love cannot be weak."

Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone!

FAMILY is happiness, love and luck,
FAMILY is a summer trip to the country.
FAMILY is a holiday, family dates, gifts, purchases,
pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, dreams of good, excitement and awe.
FAMILY is work, caring for each other,
FAMILY is a lot of homework.
FAMILY is important!
FAMILY is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive insults and quarrels away, I want friends to talk about you: WHAT A GOOD FAMILY THIS IS!!!

If we do something for the good, then we have nothing to worry about ... and there is no good higher than the family.

Family happiness is very fragile. You don't need to test it. Having shattered into fragments, it no longer sticks together.

Marriage is a means of saving oneself from old age in love.

Those who love the truth must seek love in marriage, that is, in love without illusions.

All friends let you down sooner or later. Family is the only support.

The family is a judicial chamber, the meetings of which are not interrupted even at night.

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The main causes of most stresses and depressions in a person's life are: family, money and a family without money.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I'm the only normal one with a computer and a phone.

If the family is not filled with children's cries, they are more than compensated by adults ...

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...

The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!

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Dear parents!

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2012 No. 761 “On the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017” declared the unconditional priority of the family and family values, and provided for the development of state family policy. Children should become active participants in the implementation of these most important tasks aimed at reviving and strengthening in every possible way the social institution of the family, family values ​​and traditions as the foundation of Russian society and the state.

Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia, suggested that all schools in Russia hold "Lessons of the Family and Family Values" on September 1, 2012. This proposal was supported by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D.V. Livanov.

What could be more precious than a family?

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land

Thoughts and sayings of famous people about: family and marriage, mother and motherhood, fathers and fatherhood,
about family education.

About family and marriage

  • Every family is part of the state. Aristotle
  • The laws of education are the first laws that a person meets in his life. And since these laws prepare us to become citizens, each family should be governed after the model of a great family, embracing all individual families. C. Montesquieu
  • There are only two types of marriage - for love and for convenience. If you marry for love, you will definitely have many happy days and, most likely, no less difficult days; if, by calculation, you will not have happy days at all. F. Chesterfield
  • Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. B. Franklin
  • Love is not a goal, but a means to create a family hearth. O.Balzac
  • The family starts with children. A.I. Herzen
  • The man's dominance in marriage is a simple consequence of his economic dominance, and disappears of itself with the latter. F.Engels
  • Family love is the most common among people and the most durable, therefore, in the family of influence on people's lives, the most important and most beneficial of all the good feelings of a person. N.G. Chernyshevsky
  • If the purpose of marriage is the family, then he who wants to have many wives and husbands may have much pleasure, but in no case will he have a family. L.N. Tolstoy
  • A good marriage rests on talent and friendship. F. Nietzsche
  • The family is one of the masterpieces of nature. D. Santayana
  • The best solution to the problem of love is a marriage based on attraction, love and camaraderie. A. Morua
  • Nothing cements a marriage like working together. Business cooperation is added to the love union. A. Morua
  • There is nothing more wonderful in the world than a marriage in which the spouses have everything in common: a bed, thoughts, victories and defeats. A. Morua
  • The meaning of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults. Peter de Vries
  • The best family diplomacy is the diplomacy of complete mutual trust and boundless sincerity. I. Shamyakin

About family education

  • Parents do not fulfill their duty enough if they teach their children to eat, drink, walk, talk, decorate with clothes, for all this serves only for the body, which is not a person, but serves as a hut for a person. Ya.A.Komensky
  • If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would grow up only geniuses. I. Goethe
  • Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves instilled in them. I. Schiller
  • Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. A.S. Pushkin
  • Family life for a child is the same as social life for us. His soul feeds on the impressions received in the family. Here the child learns to love one thing and hate the other, here he gets used to work or idleness, receives the first ... aesthetic tastes, all his interests, affections and authorities are initially concentrated here. A.N. Ostrogorsky
  • Parents educate, and children are educated by the family life that develops intentionally or unintentionally. A family can live amicably, be friendly to strangers, but it can also quarrel, be spiteful, show callousness, hostility not only to strangers, but also to their loved ones. A family can live by spiritual interests, love reading, music, paintings, or completely go into squabbles, household turmoil, worries about a penny. There can be both order and confusion in a family. Life, one way or another, of a family is strong because its impressions are constant, ordinary, that it acts imperceptibly, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, just as the air we breathe strengthens or poisons our physical organism. A.N. Ostrogorsky
  • Parents are most reluctant to forgive their children the flaws that they themselves instilled in them. M.Ebner-Eschenbach
  • The whole secret of family education consists in giving the child the opportunity to unfold himself, to do everything himself; adults should not run around and do nothing for their own personal convenience and pleasure, but always treat the child from the first day of his birth as a person, with full recognition of his personality. P.F.Lesgaft
  • The best way to make children good is to make them happy. O. Wilde
  • The main danger from which it is necessary to protect children is their parents. B.Show
  • If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children. B.Show
  • For the purpose of the mental and moral development of children, parents try to convey to them what they themselves consider good, which is the so-called folk wisdom developed by the people over the course of many centuries of their cultural and historical life. A.E. Bogdanovich
  • Spoiled and pampered children, whose every whim is satisfied by their parents, grow up to be degenerate, weak-willed egoists. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • It is necessary to educate in children love for people, and not for oneself. And for this, parents themselves need to love people. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • Parents do not realize how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • Where the father or mother leaves the family, the family as a collective is destroyed and the upbringing of the child becomes more difficult. A.S. Makarenko
  • By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of the current country, and hence the history of the world. A.S. Makarenko
  • Each family is a special, individual phenomenon, and educational work in one family should not at all be an exact copy of the same work in another. A.S. Makarenko
  • Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country. A.S. Makarenko
  • The true essence of educational work ... is not at all in your conversations with the child, not in the direct impact on the child, but in the organization of your family, your personal and social life and in the organization of the child's life. A.S. Makarenko
  • The child gives birth to parents. Dace
  • The main meaning and purpose of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of raising children is the relationship of husband and wife, father and mother . V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • You can establish yourself in society by raising good children. Good citizens, good workers, good son, good daughter, good parents. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Often we, educators, forget that the knowledge of the world begins for young children with the knowledge of man. Good and evil are revealed to the child already in the tone in which the father addresses the mother, what feelings are expressed by his views, movements. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • The most valuable moral trait of good parents, which is passed on to children without much effort, is the spiritual kindness of the mother and father, the ability to do good to people. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Beautiful children grow up in those families where mother and father truly love each other and at the same time love and respect people. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Raising your child, you educate yourself, affirm your human dignity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • If people say bad things about your kids, it means they are saying bad things about you. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Children are our judgment on the world, our mirror, in which conscience, mind, honesty, our neatness - everything is blatant. Children can be closed by us, we by them - never. V.P. Astafiev

About father and fatherhood

  • One who is born of an evil father cannot be good. Euripides
  • He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. Menander
  • Pitiful is the father, if the love of the children for him depends only on the fact that they need his help. M.Montel
  • Wise is the father who knows his own child. W. Shakespeare
  • One father means more than a hundred teachers. D. Herbert
  • Whoever wants his son to respect him and his instructions must himself respect his son. D. Locke
  • By producing and nourishing children, the father does only a third of his task. He must give people to the human race, public figures to society, citizens to the state ... Whoever cannot fulfill the duties of a father has no right to be one. J-J. Rousseau
  • Perhaps there has never been a father who did not consider his child to be something completely original; and it seems to me that learned fathers are more susceptible to this sweet mistake than any other category of fathers. G.Lichtenberg
  • You, father's house, are the basis of all true natural education of man. Father's house, you are the school of morals and the state! I. Pestalozzi
  • All fathers want their sons to accomplish what they themselves have failed to do. I. Goethe
  • Immediately after God comes the father. W. Mozart
  • Father and mother, whatever they may be, desire to make their children the same as themselves, or at least such as they would like to be themselves. L.N. Tolstoy
  • Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is hard. W. Bush
  • In order to truly love one's wife and children, and in order to bring lasting happiness to the former and true benefit to the latter, one must be a highly developed person, or at least one must live constantly in a healthy and strengthening atmosphere of honest work. D.I. Pisarev
  • It is much easier to become a father than to remain one. V.O.Klyuchevsky
  • The role of a man - a father is determined by his responsibility. A father who knows how to be responsible, who knows how to owe, is a real man; his will becomes a force capable of disciplining the thoughts, feelings, desires, impulses of children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • The masculinity of a Man, Husband, Father lies in the ability to protect, protect children and wife. Moral duty, moral responsibility of a man require him to be the main breadwinner of children and mother. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Only where the father educates himself is child self-education born. Without a bright example of a father, all talk about the self-education of children remains an empty phrase. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Any worker - from the watchman to the minister - can be replaced by the same or even more capable worker. A good father cannot be replaced by an equally good father. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

About mother and motherhood

  • The initial education is the most important, and this initial education belongs unquestionably to women. J.-J. Rousseau
  • The best mother is the one who can replace the father's children when he is gone. I. Goethe
  • At first, maternal education is most important, because morality should be planted in the child as a feeling. G. Hegel
  • A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. O.Balzac
  • When spiritual motherhood coincides with physical motherhood, a wonderful and more inexplicable than inexplicable phenomenon is obtained, which is the essence of motherhood. O.Balzac
  • Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms. V.Hugo
  • There is nothing brighter and more disinterested than the love of a mother; every affection, every love, every passion is either weak or selfish in comparison with it! V.G. Belinsky
  • Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children. W. Thackeray
  • A mother who does not have time to take care of her child and give him the most ordinary maternal affection in the first years of life - a mother who rarely gets to see her child, cannot be his mother, she inevitably treats him indifferently, without love, without any care, as if she were a completely alien child. And the children who grew up in such conditions later turn out to be completely lost for the family, they will never feel at home in the family that they later acquire, because they are too used to living alone. F.Engels
  • It is an amazing fact that most brilliant people had wonderful mothers, that they acquired much more from their mothers than from their fathers. G. Buckle
  • The participation of the mother in the upbringing of a son or daughter is not only important, but even necessary: ​​the future character of the child depends in many respects on the influence of the mother, in her hands is the opportunity to give his awakening thoughts one direction or another. The responsibility of a mother is great, her duties are sacred. D.I. Pisarev
  • A loving mother, trying to arrange the happiness of her children, often binds them hand and foot with the narrowness of her views, the short-sightedness of her calculations, and the unbidden tenderness of her cares. D.I. Pisarev
  • A mother woman will save the world. F. Nietzsche
  • Let us glorify the woman - Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the whole world! All that is beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk - that's what saturates us with love for life! M. Gorky
  • No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother. N. Douglas
  • Having become a mother, a woman already really excludes the possibility of treating herself only as a female, only in gross sexual interests. Here she acquires her highest human dignity, which raises her - even if she is spiritually limited - to an unattainable height. This is the meaning of the word "mother". Take away the children, leave the adults to themselves, and we will swim out into the expanse of the grossest arbitrariness and licentiousness, in which, as at the stake, our physical and spiritual health will burn. M.M. Rubinshtein
  • A real mother, educating, giving an example, causing love, admiration, a desire to imitate, will be only that mother who herself lives a real full human civil life. A mother who limits her duties to simple service to her children is already a slave to her children, and not a mother who brings up. A.S. Makarenko
  • A mother who limits her duties to simple service to her children is already a slave to her children, and not a mother who brings up. A.S. Makarenko
  • Mother and father, father and mother - these are the first two authorities on which the world is based for the child, faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy is based. G.A. Medynsky
  • There is a most beautiful creature to whom we are always indebted - this is the mother. N.A. Ostrovsky
  • For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother is one and the same. With the same success one could say that one and the same thing is to have a piano and to be a pianist. S.Harris
  • Mother not only gives birth, but also gives birth. If she had only given birth, she would not have been the creator of the human race. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Mother creates your unique human personality - this is the meaning, art and mastery of what we call birth. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • A spiritual force emanates from maternal wisdom, morally disciplining the father, affirming in him a sense of noble human responsibility for the family. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Attitude of parents to children and children to parents

  • Cherish your children's tears so they can shed them on your grave. Pythagoras
  • Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. Cicero
  • Children need gentle treatment, because punishment hardens them. C. Montesquieu
  • Parents love their children with an anxious and condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father. D. Diderot
  • In general, children love their parents less than the parents of children, because they go towards independence and grow stronger, therefore leaving their parents behind them ... G. Hegel
  • Of all immoral relations in general, treating children as slaves is the most immoral. G. Hegel
  • Love and respect for parents without any doubt is a sacred feeling. V.G. Belinsky
  • Reasonable love should be the basis of mutual relations between parents and children. Love presupposes mutual trust, and a father should be as much a father as he is a friend of his son. V.G. Belinsky
  • The first condition of reasonable parental love is to possess the full power of attorney of children, and children are happy when their parental breasts and arms are open to them, which are always ready to accept them, both right and wrong, and into which they can always throw themselves without fear and doubt. V.G. Belinsky
  • The right of birth is the sacred right to the sacred name of the father and mother - no one argues against this; but this is not yet the end of everything: here man is not yet higher than the animal; There is a higher right - parental love. V.G. Belinsky
  • Selfless love can appear only when the beloved child is seen first of all as a person born not for anyone else's fun, but for himself, for his own happiness, for the fullest possible expression of the idea of ​​human life, a person who owns the future. V.Ya.Stoyunin
  • It is common for fathers and mothers to imagine that they love their children unselfishly, but in reality this is rarely the case. If you dress up your children as dolls in order to admire them or arouse admiration from strangers, if you give them pleasures that are inappropriate for their age, introduce them to the circle of merry adults, if you look for an opportunity where your children can differ from others, or enjoy the praises he lavishes in their presence, then your love is not disinterested: you do not notice that your vanity is working here, which brings up ambitious, superficial people. nyh, not capable of any movement without counting on personal benefits. V.Ya.Stoyunin
  • Children love everyone, especially those who love and caress them. L.N. Tolstoy
  • The whole secret of family education consists in giving the child the opportunity to unfold himself, to do everything himself; adults should not run around and do nothing for their personal convenience and pleasure, but always treat the child, from the first day of his birth, as a person, with full recognition of his personality and the inviolability of this personality. P.F.Lesgaft
  • Children make it necessary to be more strict with ourselves, with mutual relations, with our relations with children, with relatives, with friends ... While educating others, we educate ourselves first of all, for the presence of children often serves as a bridle against licentiousness, incontinence, requires deliberation and labor in order to give life more order, to satisfy various demands and needs, material and spiritual. A.N. Ostrogorsky
  • Observing the relationship of parents to children, it is necessary, between the many different shades that they can take, to distinguish two extremes between which they are placed. Such extremes are: either placing children at the very center of family life, or, conversely, at its extreme periphery. In the first case, children come to the fore in everything: the best rooms are assigned to them, time is taken into account with their needs; then, in their upbringing, the principle of their independence is placed above all else, and in order to please them, with great pliability and even considerateness, adults do everything possible so that the children do not feel constrained by their individual development. From such children very often, perhaps in most cases, spoilers, egoists, unbalanced and unstable natures grow up. Psychiatrists often find traces of such pampering upbringing among their patients. A.N. Ostrogorsky
  • Children begin by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And almost never forgive them. O. Wilde
  • Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creative and can give a child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the life of the lover, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the loved being into an idol. Love that is addressed to only one person and that exhausts all the joy of life in him, turning everything else into only heaviness and torment - such love carries poison in itself for both. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • Parents who work for their children and cheer for them, even despite all their mistakes, give children a living and real lesson in altruism, as if introducing into their creation the obligation to show human feelings for their future children, and through them to all other people. M.M. Rubinshtein
  • If, growing up, a child has not learned to love his parents, brothers and sisters, his school, his work, if the principles of deep egoism are brought up in his character, it is very difficult to count that he is able to deeply love the woman he has chosen. A.S. Makarenko

Raising children in the family

  • Children are always willing to do something ... This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. Ya.A.Komensky
  • It is better to keep children in strictness and fear than to reveal to them the depth of your love and thereby open the door to self-will and disobedience. Ya.A.Komensky
  • Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to meet with anything. J.-J. Rousseau
  • It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. I.Kant
  • If physical punishment is repeated often, then they develop a stubbornness, and if parents begin to punish children for their stubbornness, they will make them even more stubborn. I.Kant
  • Punishments should always be given with caution, so that children see that the ultimate goal of punishments is only their correction. I.Kant
  • Nothing acts in the young souls of children stronger than the universal power of an example, and meanwhile, all other examples of nothing else are absorbed in them deeper and more firmly than the example of parents. N.I. Novikov
  • Parents who spoil their children doom them to misfortune. P. Baust
  • Corporal punishment at the hands of one's own father becomes unbearable; it destroys the moral sense. N.I. Pirogov
  • How grossly mistaken are many, even among the best fathers, who consider it necessary to share themselves with their children with strictness, severity, inaccessible importance! They think by this to arouse respect for themselves in children, and in fact arouse it, but respect is cold, timid, trembling, and thereby turn them away from themselves and involuntarily accustom them to secrecy and deceit. V.G. Belinsky
  • The child who endures less abuse grows up to be a more self-conscious person. N.G. Chernyshevsky
  • I think that ... it is not only difficult, but impossible to raise children well if you yourself are bad. And that the upbringing of children is only self-improvement, to which nothing helps as much as children. L.N. Tolstoy
  • Education seems to be a complex and difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If we understand that we can educate others only through ourselves… then the question of education is abolished and only one question remains: how should one live oneself? I don't know of a single act of raising children that doesn't include educating yourself! L.N. Tolstoy
  • During education, it is necessary that the child is always in conditions under which he can develop freely: he must, if possible, overcome the obstacles he encounters, accustom him to constant, but not monotonous work with a specific goal, understand the truth and, except for a word directly addressed to him, not be subjected to any encouragement or punishment. P.F.Lesgaft
  • Understanding the significance of the type of child, you have to constantly think about your own actions and strictly discipline yourself, since what you do not want to see in a child, you should not do it yourself. P.F.Lesgaft
  • Parents often confuse the concepts of "upbringing" and "education" and think that they gave the child upbringing when they forced him to study so many subjects. Hence the frequent disappointment of parents in their children in subsequent years. A.G. Rubinshtein
  • The child is mainly influenced by the deed, not the word. P.F.Lesgaft
  • To educate does not mean to say good words to children, to instruct and edify them, but above all to live like a human being. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty towards children, to leave in them a good memory that would serve as a testament to posterity on how to live, he must begin education from himself. A.N. Ostrogorsky
  • Parental demand for oneself, parental respect for one's family, parental control over one's every step - this is the first and most important method of education! A.S. Makarenko
  • Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Don't think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. A.S. Makarenko
  • Even in the best, happiest cases, even in the hands of talented and attentive parents, the upbringing of an only child is an exceptionally difficult task. A.S. Makarenko
  • There are never any punishments in a good family, and this is the most correct way of family education. A.S. Makarenko
  • Whatever method of family education you take, you need to find a measure, and therefore you need to cultivate a sense of proportion in yourself. A.S. Makarenko

Secrets of a happy family

Family is the most important thing in our life. Many people want to have a happy family, but not everyone knows what actions will help improve relationships within the family. The tips below will help you strengthen your family, bring more warmth to it and make it happier.

1. Dine all together.

Joint dinners are a great opportunity to feel support and understanding, to discuss pressing problems. Even if an extremely unpleasant situation is discussed at dinner, family members remain confident that together they can overcome difficult times. In addition, daily communication with the family is a huge help to children who master the language. They, of course, need to read books, but they also need to talk - and when else to do this, if not during dinner!

2. Show your love.

Everyone is happy to hear that they are loved. And even if love seems obvious to you, do not be lazy to talk about it more often. Back up your words with actions. It is not necessary to often buy expensive gifts for each other. You can just sometimes leave a romantic note on the mirror, a flower on the driver's seat, or send a postcard by e-mail. Children can buy a cute toy or favorite treat. So the child will gain confidence that he is loved. And they love not for certain actions, but simply for the fact that he is. Gentle touches and a fleeting smile will also add warmth to your family nest.

3. Create your family traditions.

You can allocate one day a week, on which you and your whole family will choose to relax in the entertainment center. It can be a trip to the cinema, a water park or a zoo. Or maybe it will be a shopping trip to buy groceries for the week. Choose what everyone in the family likes. Family traditions make your family unique and give the household members a sense of stability, reliability and confidence in the future.

4. Invite guests.

Studies show that children who interact frequently with adults other than their parents feel more confident and happier. Hosting guests you will feel like a team.

5. Divide household chores.

When household chores are fairly distributed among all family members, there is no place for discontent and irritation. Each member of the family is responsible for the performance of their duties. You can do household chores at the same time. A common cause unites, causes team spirit and mutual respect.

6. Get a pet.

Pets and birds are faithful helpers to improve your mood. They will surround your household with affection and love. In addition, caring for our smaller brothers will help to instill in children a sense of significance and responsibility. Before you get a pet, discuss your pet care responsibilities and the likely consequences of not doing so.

7. Respect other family members as individuals.

A family is several individuals living under the same roof. Each has its own disadvantages and advantages. Don't try to change the character of others. Accept all family members as they are. Support each other, listen, compromise. All family members need to feel comfortable.

8. Be punctual.

It is very important for each member of the family to feel their importance. Do not be late for a kindergarten child, pick him up from the guests on time. According to the psychologist, punctual parents give children self-confidence. Such children know that their parents will never let them down and you can rely on them.

9. Tell the story of your family.

It is very important to tell children about your childhood and how other family members were small. This allows the youngest members to better understand the older ones. Many children think that their parents never had a childhood with their childhood problems. They believe that their parents were born somewhere at the age of 30. Share with your husband memories of your childhood and information about previous generations of your family. Such knowledge will help children to know their roots better, to understand who they are and where they come from.

10. Take care of each other.

Buy favorite cookies from other family members, or randomly seen little thing to replenish the collection of children or a spouse. It can be a very necessary book or a nice little fridge magnet from a business trip. By this you will show that your loved ones are dear to you and you think about them even when they are not around.

Wise thoughts about the family are the rules for organizing a family, the rules of life. Following them will give you the desired relationship. Without these rules, you will not arrange life as it should.

Wise thoughts about the family can be divided into three categories: general, marital and relating to communication, through which the habit of working on oneself begins. Most people know all these rules of life, but their family relations do not improve from this knowledge. The fact is that it’s not enough just to know, you still need to work on these rules so that life somehow changes.

Read the wise thoughts about life proposed in this article, reflect on what you have read. What thoughts were imprinted in you (how many thoughts did you remember)? Which of the three categories do these thoughts fall into?

After the work done, take a sheet of paper, divide it into five columns. In the first column, write wise thoughts about the family. In the second, third, fourth and fifth columns you will put notes on working with each thought: in the second - implementation in life, in the third - reflection through this thought about your life, in the fourth - reflection on the wisest thought, in the fifth - the timing of work on the wise thought.

Take time each day to work on this chart. The application of these rules in building relationships with a loved one will change a lot in these relationships from bad to good.

General wise thoughts about the family

  • Even the one who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart. Even the one who stands next to you is far away if your thoughts are far from him. Keep your neighbor in your heart.
  • Do to your neighbor what you wish to yourself.
  • Strive for those things in the house that depend, first of all, on yourself.
  • Woman, if you want your beloved man to spend his free time near you, then try so that he does not find so much pleasantness, pleasure, modesty and tenderness in any other place.
  • Any business with reasonable spouses is decided by mutual consent, but in such a way that the husband's membership is obvious and the last word remains with him.
  • Wives who prefer to push around a stupid husband than to obey a smart one are like those who prefer to lead a blind man on their way than to follow a man who sees and knows the way.
  • Anger and irascibility have no place in married life.
  • Fishing with poison allows you to easily and quickly get fish, but spoils it, making it inedible; so also wives who try to keep their husbands with them by divination or love potions, captivate them with sensual pleasures, but then live with the insane and insane.
  • A marital union, if it is based on mutual love, forms a single whole, but if only in order to sleep together, then it consists of separate parts, and such a marriage is correctly considered not to be living together, but living under one roof.
  • A good wife does not put her own hands, doing many things. And the husband of such a wife will not worry about her house, for she makes beautiful clothes for her husband, and for herself, and for the children, and makes him glad, and prolongs his life, and fills his life with joy, bringing respect to her husband from many.
  • A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not dividing them, is a nanny, a housekeeper, a concubine, but not a wife in the full, noble sense of the word.

Marriage Wise Thoughts on Family

  • You see, I need your help - help.
  • Be sincere, trusting, careful.
  • Agree, love.
  • Forgive, give, give in.
  • Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
  • Patience, patience, patience.
  • When your spouse is indignant, be meek.
  • In a bad mood or in a bad attitude towards another, open up immediately and ask for forgiveness.
  • Forbid vexation in your soul, and grumbling and slander on your tongue.
  • Confess to the condition that makes you unable to satisfy your spouse's request and ask for his forgiveness.
  • Forbid yourself even a second thought that the spouse is to blame. Stop judging his actions.
  • Carry each other's burdens.

Communication rules

  • Be a student of life and don't be ashamed of it. There is no side of life that does not contain lessons.
  • Resistance and unfulfillment are the worst qualities.
  • Open up to life, love another.
  • Always keep calm, patience and love.
  • Without accepting the deed, the action of a person, accept the person himself.
  • Get silence.
  • Be simple.
  • Wishing others well. Sympathy for another, acceptance to the heart, finding out what is needed where.
  • Fulfill the need of another, help in need.
  • And yet - help in need.
  • If you go for advice, do what is advised.
  • Never complain to anyone about family relationships.
  • Never violate the right of another. Do for him everything you must, but not out of outward fear, but out of inner disposition.
  • Learn to let go. Happiness will always find its way back.

Of the billions of people on our planet, there are those who know you best. Despite the fact that it is often forgotten, the family is the most important thing in the world. The closest and dearest people are those with whom we share unconditional love. Mother, father, siblings, spouse, grandparents, aunts, uncles are the ones who cherish you and the ones you should cherish in return. In confirmation of this, there are numerous sayings of great people about the family.

Family relationships

Of course, almost always family relationships are difficult. But given their importance in human life throughout history, people from all walks of life have never stopped reflecting on their relationships. The sayings of great people about family, love and children are the fruit of long and important reflections on the complex nature of family ties.

Sayings of great people about family and children

Quotes of famous people about the family reflect the centuries-old history of relationships between loved ones. Here and happiness, and love, and pain, and spiritual wounds. Here are some sayings of great people about the family:

  • A man who has not experienced the childish gratitude and love of a woman has never lived
  • Family is the most important thing in the world (Princess Diana).
  • In the end, a loving family must be able to forgive (Mark W. Olsen).
  • Brothers, sisters - children of the same parents, each of which is perfectly normal until they are together (Sam Levenson).
  • A person wanders the world, looking for what he needs, and finds it only when he returns home. (J. Moore).
  • All happy families are similar to each other, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way (Leo Tolstoy).
  • Family is not the main thing, family is everything (Michael J. Fox).
  • If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you can make it dance (George
  • Call it clan, networks, tribe, family: whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need it (Jane Howard).
  • What You Can Do to Help Just go home and love your family (Mother Teresa).

Family is not everything, family is everything

At all times, the family was considered something sacred. It does not lose its value even today. Numerous statements of great people about family and friends once again confirm the importance and invincibility of relations between loved ones and relatives.

  • There is no doubt that around the family and home all the great virtues are created, strengthened and maintained, including human dignity (Winston Churchill).
  • In order to put the world in the right order, we must first put the country in order. To do this, you need to bring the family in order. To do this, we must first of all pay attention to our personal lives, for this we need to put our hearts in order (Confucius).
  • Friendship is the most difficult thing in the world to explain. It's not what they teach in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything (Muhammad Ali).
  • What is a friend? This is when one soul resides in two bodies (Aristotle).
  • Without a family, a person shivers from the cold (André Moroys).
  • Enmity and quarrels with relatives are much more painful and painful than with strangers (Democritus).
  • Marriage cannot be happy if the husband and wife did not recognize the true manners, habits and character of each other before marriage (Honoré de Balzac).
  • A man should never neglect his family for the sake of business (Walt Disney).
  • The strength of a nation comes from the integrity of the home (Confucius).
  • Home is people, not a place. If you go there after everyone has left, all you can see is that there is nothing else there (Robin Hobb).
  • Learn to enjoy every minute. Be happy now. Don't wait for something to make you happy in the future. Consider how precious the time you have to spend, whether at work or with your family, really is. Every minute is to be enjoyed and savored (Earl Nightingale).
  • Happiness is when you go to work with joy in the morning, and return home with joy in the evening (Yu. Nikulin)
  • The world is the beauty of life, it is the sun, the smile of a mother, the joy of a father, the unity of the family, this is the victory of a just cause and the triumph of truth (Menachem Begin).
  • The homeland and parents are always in the first place, followed by children and the whole family, and then all other relatives (Cicero).
  • If you treat loved ones the way they deserve, they will get worse. If, however, they are treated as if they are better than who they really are, we thereby help them to become better (J.W. Goethe)

Just a few words...

Sometimes even a couple of words can carry the deepest meaning. Here are some short sayings about the family of great people and celebrities, which, despite their banality and simplicity, make you think about a lot.

  • The most important thing in the world is family and love
  • You don't choose your family. She is God's gift (Desmond Tutu).
  • My family is my strength and my weakness (Aishwarya Rai).
  • The love of family and the admiration of friends are much more important than wealth and privileges (Charles Kuralt).
  • There is no sweeter place in the world than home (Cicero).

Family is love

What other sayings of great people about family and love are there? There are a huge number of them, among them:

  • The best thing a father can do for his children is to truly love their mother (Henry Ward Beecher).
  • It doesn't matter how big our house is, it is important that there is love in it. (Peter Buffett).
  • After people get married, they most often cease to live only one for one, as it was before. Now they live together for someone else, and now the spouse will soon have dangerous competitors in the form of household and children's affairs (Z. Freud)
  • Only if you just live with a person when you do not find him higher and better than you, but him higher and better than you (L. Tolstoy)
  • What a husband will be depends largely on his wife (E. Rotterdam).

The most important in life

A real man and a happy spouse will always love his wife and consider his family the most important thing in life. As the great swindler and talented schemer once said, nothing brought him more peace and meaning in life than just being a good husband and father. Inspirational quotes about the family of great people make you think about what is really important in the modern world, where money and fuss rule.

The wise philosopher Voltaire once said that marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil, there is no golden mean. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

A friendly family will move a mountain.
The best legacy is education.
Good children are the crown of the house, and bad children are the end of the house.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.
What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.

“The family brings the fullness of life, the family brings happiness, but every family, especially in the life of society, is primarily a matter of national importance”
A. Makarenko

“The main meaning and purpose of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of raising children is the relationship of husband and wife, father and mother.
V. Sukhomlinsky

“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality”
A.S. Pushkin

"Family love is the most common among people and the most durable, therefore, in the sense of influencing people's lives, the most important and most beneficial of all the good feelings of a person"
N. Chernyshevsky

“Education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person”
V.G. Belinsky

“... It is impossible to teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy…

Father and mother in the eyes should have the right to happiness in the first place. There is no point either for mothers, or for daughters, and even more so for the state, to educate consumers of maternal happiness. The most terrible thing is to raise children on maternal or paternal happiness.
A.S. Makarenko

“The integrity and unity of the family team is a necessary condition for a good upbringing ... Whoever wants to really raise their children correctly must protect this unity. It is necessary not only for children, but also for parents ... "
A.S. Makarenko

It seems to us that it is not enough to leave the body and soul of children in the state in which they are given by nature - we take care of their upbringing and education so that the good becomes much better, and the bad changes and becomes good.

We consider man to be a meek being. Yes, if his qualities are properly developed by education, he really becomes the meekest creature. But if a person is brought up insufficiently or badly, then this is the wildest creature that the earth only gives birth to.

Impulses, will, and desires are inherent even in newborn children, while prudence and intelligence naturally appear in them only with age. Therefore, care for the body must precede care for the soul, and then, after the body, care must be taken to educate inclinations, so that their education serves to educate the mind, and the education of the body to educate the soul.

Family love is the most common among people and the most durable, therefore, in terms of influencing people's lives, the most important and most beneficial of all the good feelings of a person.
N. Chernyshevsky

A wife is not a lover, but a friend and companion of our life, and we must first accustom ourselves to the idea of ​​loving her both when she becomes an old woman and when she becomes an old woman.
V. Belinsky

Only strong love can make up for those petty misunderstandings that arise during a life together.
T. Dreiser

Marriage must fight the all-devouring monster, habit.
O. Balzac

A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not dividing them, is a concubine, an economist, a nanny, but not a wife in the full, in the noble sense of the word ...
A. Herzen

Marriage brings many sorrows, but celibacy does not bring any joy.
S. Johnson

I always tried not to get annoyed and to yield in a quarrel, which was how I achieved peace, and then, in a calm state, the matter was settled by itself. One almost always has to be dumbfounded that the quarrel was not stopped at the beginning.
L. Tolstoy

Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it means you have it.
I. Turgenev

How do people sometimes get married and get married? Good observers say that in hardly anything else human frivolity is more often seen in such a terrifying degree as in the arrangement of matrimonial unions. It is said that the smartest people buy their boots with much more care than they choose their life partner.
N. Leskov

Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens the door.
A. Saint-Exupery

A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day.
A. Morua

Love is love, and in order to live with each other, it is necessary that there be a unity of views. Without this, a real happy family cannot be formed.
N. Krupskaya

Love for a woman is always fruitful for men, whatever it may be, even if it gives only suffering, and there is always a lot of value in them.
M. Gorky

The family brings the fullness of life, the family brings happiness, but every family, especially in the life of a socialist society, is first of all a great matter of national importance.
A. Makarenko

Better not create a family if you are selfish. The meaning of happy love is to give. In love with himself, he cannot give anything, he only takes and thereby inevitably poisons all the best in love. Egoism interferes here, like a physical illness.