The script for congratulating autumn birthdays at school. Scenario of entertainment “Day of autumn birthdays. Tasks for autumn leaves

Scenario of the holiday "Day of autumn birthdays".

Goals: congratulate the children born in the summer and autumn months;

enrich vocabulary;

to promote the unity of the children's team, to teach to be friends and be able to come to each other's aid;

to develop the creative abilities of each child.

At the beginning of the holiday, children attach leaflets with wishes to twigs (number of twigs according to the number of birthdays)

Holiday progress:


1. Why and why did fun come to us?

It's not New Year's yet

And not housewarming.

But not in vain today we

Fun with friends.

What do we have? What do we have?

Guess yourself.

2. Why and why are we very pleased?

And today without end

We want to have fun?!

And it's not for nothing that we now

Fun with friends.

What do we have? What do we have?

Guess yourself.

3. Nothing to guess for a long time,

No more patience.

After all, we have, because we have -


There will be games, dancing, laughter,

Tea and treats.

A holiday of joy for everyone!


Song "Birthday"

That's autumn more than half

Its term has passed

Soon the birds will leave us

The sun shines dimly

Right after September

I looked into the window for a month,

What do we call October.

And today we have a holiday

We've all come together

To congratulate those children,

Who was born in September, October, November.

Show us, go

Birthdays to me

It will be nice to see you

All adults and children.

Student: The very first birthday of autumn is the one who was born in September. Remember the proverb "September is cold, but full."

1. There is Dasha in our class!

Hardworking and humble

And she is an assistant.

Don't forget the word "hello"

"Goodbye" to say.

And now it's time to congratulate

And we want to wish:

Try to be more active

answer in class

And then in your diary

More fives will shine!

2. Denis loves to build something,

And fool around a bit

Very little to say.

Student: be as kind and generous as the first month of autumn. (Presenting medallions)

COMPETITION 1. "Determine to taste"

Our generous Autumn bears fruit,

Fields and orchards give crops,

Harvest, harvest quickly.

Cabbage, carrots - a rich harvest.

And all the guys love tasty potatoes.


The players are blindfolded and allowed to taste pieces of fruits and vegetables. The one who correctly names the fruit or vegetable receives the whole fruit as a reward.

COMPETITION 2 . "Floating prey".


Prey swims in the river

And it needs to be in hand.

You have to be smart, be brave

Get it from the river.

Water is poured into the basin, pieces of an apple are floating there. Each participant of the competition, without the help of hands, in 1 minute, must get an apple out of the water with his teeth. Whoever gets the most pieces wins.

Song "Autumn"

Student: Now it's your turn, children of October! People say: "October will cover the earth, where with a leaf, where with a snowball."

3. Not a child - a feast for the eyes!

Accept Ksyusha congratulations!

Like a princess, be beautiful

Both fun and happy.

4. Maxim, you are gifted with charm by nature,

Can you handle adversity?

Calm, efficient

You boy are amazing.

I wish you luck

Have more faith in yourself.

And then I'm sure of it

Luck will find you.

Be as serious and caring as October. (Presenting medals)

Leading: We know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances.
But there is nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales

Fairy tale "Kolobok".
7 participants are selected.
Grandfather: I want something!
grandmother: And there is no pain!
Kolobok: Here I am!
Hare: How round are you!
Wolf: Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
Bear: Get away, little one!
Fox: I can't hear so well!

Fairy tale text: Once upon a time there was a grandfather ( I want to eat something! and grandmother ( but there is no pain!).
Somehow he sat on the stove, and then he says
grandfather ( I want to eat something!). And the grandmother answers him ( and there is no pain). How not, says grandfather (I want something ). Grandma went (but no pain)she scraped at the bottom of the barrel, broomed at the barn and scraped a little. kneaded grandmother ( and then flourNo)dough, the stove was heated and baked bun (here I am). Grandma took (but no pain) bun (here I am)and put it on the windowsill to cool. A bun (here I am)jumped out the window and rolled along the path, and beyond the outskirts. rolling bun (here I am)rolls, and towards him hare (how round you are). Looked kolobok (here I am) on a hare (how round you are). And he looked at such a miracle and said hare (what are youround)turned around and gave up. A bun (here I am) rolled further. And towards him gray wolf (bun, bun, I'll eat you ). Frightened gingerbread man (here I am)and rolled in the other direction. And towards him a clubfoot bear ( go away, little one). But the bun does not yield(here I am).I saw a round monster and got scared bear (go away, little one) And running. Just shouted after him bun (here I am).And out of nowhere, a cunning appeared from the forest fox (I'm so hard of hearing). And then our main character realized that fox (I justhard of hearing)hard of hearing and then said kolobok loudly (here I am). A sly fox (Iso hard to hear)got even closer to olobok (here I am). But then, out of nowhere, appeared grandfather (what i want ) and grandmother (but there is no pain) and were delighted with the newly-made granddaughter kolobok ( here I am).This tale ends, and who listened well done.

Leading:Unsightly, lumpy,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well! Crumbly, delicious!”(potato)

For birthdays, a “Dance with potatoes” is held

Each birthday boy chooses a couple. They support the potato with their foreheads and dance. Whose couple will last longer.

Leading: And in November, “winter and autumn are fighting!” November kids!

5. We have Sofia,

Girl - picture.

Friends with dance, friends with song -

There is no girl more interesting!

6. Our Sofia is very smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only "4" and "5"

There will be notebooks to fill in.

7. We wish Alina true friends,

Lots of health and sunny days,

Good luck with your studies and all the best.

May your life be full of joy!

Leading: Be as strong and healthy so that no ailments and colds overcome you! (Presenting medals)


"Do I know my friend well?"

I invite here 3 couples (birthday boy and child). Stand with your back to each other. I'll ask you a few questions. First, the child answers with a nod of the head, and then the birthday boy out loud.

1. Does the birthday boy like semolina?

2. Does the birthday boy wash the dishes?

3. Does the birthday boy like to brush his teeth?

4. Does the birthday boy go to bed at 9 o'clock?

5. Does the birthday person make the bed in the morning?

7. Does the birthday boy like to study at school?

8. Does the birthday boy like sweets?

9. How old is the birthday boy this year?

Student. Birthday is a wonderful day

Joyful, cheerful!

We wish you "excellent"

You study at school!

Just for a birthday

If there is no fun?

Let's play with you!

Game "Wishers".

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Kindly give me an answer:

If "No" you say

Then tap your feet

If you say yes

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to kindergarten.

Is it true kids? ... ("No!" - the children knock with their feet)

Does he take his granddaughter there?

Answer in unison ... (“Yes!” - clap your hands)

Is birthday a fun day? … (Yes)

Are you waiting for games and jokes? …(Yes)

Are you okay with humor? …(Yes)

Are we charging now? …(No)

Congratulate the birthday girl? … (Yes)

Or send to grandma? … (No)

Shall we give her chocolate? … (Yes)

Let's kiss sweetly sweetly? … (Yes)

Happy birthday congratulations!

And now a birthday present for all of us.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

For all the perpetrators of such a celebration

At such moments,

To give, we are ready without end ... (Applause.)

(Guest applause)Giving gifts to birthdays.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party opens.
Hurry honest people
Our holiday is calling you.


Relay "Centipede"

Divide the children into teams (there can be from 2 to infinity in a team). Children stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. And now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair in this way, take the “strawberry” (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the way has won!


Why and why

Are we very satisfied?

And today without end

Have fun?

Competition "Barrel"

In a huge garbage bag, cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member climb into the bag, stick their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. Should be a barrel. Now we collect watermelons for salting in a barrel. The main thing is that the one who is inside the package does not fall from laughter. The team with the most watermelons wins.

Lead 1.

Questions for birthdays. (for the correct answer - candy)

1How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)

2Why does the dog run? (On the ground)

3What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)

How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)

6How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open)

8. Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

9. The more you take from it, the more it becomes (Yama)

10. There was a child - did not know diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him (cabbage head)

11. What goes without moving from the place (Time).

12. What can you not enclose around the hut? (Water in a sieve)

13. Do you have, I have, the oak in the field has it, but the fish in the sea do not have it? (Shadow)

Knock, knock, knock,

Come out to the circle

Contest "People to people"
After the leader says the phrase "People - to people" the players are divided into pairs. Then the players perform all the commands of the leader (such as "ear - to shoulder", "Right foot - to left hand", etc.). After the leader says the phrase "People - to people" the players should redistribute into pairs. The leader's goal is to find a mate. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.

It is important to play sports.
We'll be here. Train
We offer "Who is faster
The ball will take. Let's start soon!

Dance warm-up first for the guests, then for all the birthday people to the music. (6 people each) Sharikov is placed one less than the participants.

"Put the ball on the floor,

Show yourself in the dance

cum music play

Get the ball quickly."

Leading: Now let's get into a big round dance. What song is usually sung to a birthday person?

Like our birthdays

We baked Loaf

Here is such a width, (we make a big round dance)

Here is such an uzin, (we converge in a small circle)

Here is such a height, (together handles up)

Here is such a lowland, (squat holding hands)

Loaf, loaf, Whom do you love - choose!

Birthday congratulations.

We congratulate you

We wish you much joy

Do not get sick and do not sneeze

And get fives!

We want to wish you

Never lose heart

And always for a birthday

One hundred gifts to receive

Whoever you become in life

As long as you don't get tired

Open up and wonder

Subdue, don't subdue.

Believe in miracles, believe in people.

We will be helping you.

Walk you long ways,

Don't back down from anything.

And everything you planned

Let it be done by five!

Look, look!

Everyone is so good, everyone is so pretty.

No wonder your parents admire you,

As well as the locals.

The years have gone by very quickly.

Our birthdays have grown up

But once they were very small

Small and remote.

Let's make one big wish for our birthdays.

Be healthy!

Be happy!

Be as beautiful as the sun!

Be like a ringing stream!

Be like a butterfly, playful!

Be always hardworking!

Never quarrel with mom, dad, grandma, friends!

And grow big, big!


Nice we had fun

Played, joked

And now the time has come

Drink some tea, kids!

Our dear birthday people, take your places of honor. For you and all the guests, our respected chefs have baked a sweet cake. Let's give him a round of applause! As you understand, our holiday does not end there. We invite you all to tea. During the tea party, birthday people are given twigs with wishes.

Subject: Autumn Birthdays Day

Target: team building


    congratulate autumn birthdays;

    create a favorable psychological climate in the team;

    develop the skills and abilities of collective creative activity.

The course of the holiday


We all love birthdays.

And though he is full of worries,

What a nice birthday

Older to become a whole year.

Dear children, our dear parents, guests! We begin our holiday "Birthday Day".

Teacher: Meet the "heroes" of the occasion!

(Everyone gets up and greet the birthday people with applause. They sit down "under the arch", decorated with balls.)

Teacher: Dear children, dear parents! Today we have gathered to celebrate the birthday of those children who were born in such a wonderful time of the year - autumn.

1 student.

The yellow maple looks out into the lake,

Waking up at dawn.

During the night the ground froze

All hazel in silver.

2 student.

Various birds have flown

Their sonorous rehash is silent,

And the mountain ash celebrates autumn,

Wearing red beads.

3 student.

It will fill with a ringing trill,

It will be quiet, then silent.

Cobwebs of thin hair

Caught on a knot.

4 student.

The sky is blue over the forest -

Old man Frost is not in a hurry

Under the silver

Hide the gold birches.

Teacher: And now it's time to introduce our today's heroes of the occasion. Please guess the riddle.

The beautiful garden is empty

Spider webs fly into the distance,

And to the south end of the earth

Cranes stretched out.

School doors opened.

What month has come to us? (September.)

Meet with applause our birthdays born in September.

All the darker face of nature:

Blackened vegetable gardens

The forests are bare

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us? (October.)

The field became black and white:

It rains, then it snows.

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

The winter rye freezes in the field.

What a month, tell me! (November.)

For our birthdays, we perform the song "Song of the Crocodile Gena".

Now we will see how mothers know their children.

I invite 2 couples here (mother and child). Stand with your back to each other. I'll ask you a few questions. First, the child answers with a nod of the head, and then the mother out loud.

Does your child like semolina?

Does your child wash dishes?

Does your child like to brush their teeth?

Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?

Does your child make the bed in the morning?

Does your child enjoy school?

(The winner is the pair that answers correctly to all questions).


Hear my first command
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "no" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.
Is it true kids? ...(No - children knock with their feet)
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer friendly...
(Yes - clap your hands)
Ice - frozen water?
Let's answer together...
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer...
Is spruce always green?
We answer kids...
Is birthday a fun day? ...
Are you waiting for games and jokes? ...
Are you okay with humor? ...
Are we charging now? ...
Congratulate birthdays? ...
Or send to grandma? ...
Shall we give them chocolate? ...
Let's kiss sweetly sweetly? ...
Happy birthday congratulations!
And, of course, we wish:
Grow them all more...
Definitely be fatter! ...
Be healthy, smart, strong! ...
And loud, and pugnacious ...
So that parents love! ...
With a strap to beat more often! ...
To be fed ice cream! ...
Maybe stop congratulating?
Will we play next? ...

Only today and only now
Wonderful contests will be held for you.


Autumn leaves are attached to the board, tasks for birthday people are written on the reverse side.

    Tell a poem or fable.

    Jump on one foot to the wall back and forth.

    Eat an apple that is hanging by a thread without using your hands.

    Carry a balloon on another balloon to the other end of the class.

    Squat on one leg three times.

    Push up 5 times.

    Draw some animal.

    Name three girls.

    Sing a snippet of a song


    Say a wish

Teacher: And the guys also prepared a surprise for our birthdays: A scene from the fairy tale "Turnip"

Grandfather: Oh, and life has come

There is nothing to buy bast shoes,

Therefore, they decided with the grandmother

Plant a turnip today.

Grandmother: My fool is completely crazy,

He wants a turnip

And over the fool over mine

All the people are laughing.

Oh, turnip turnip, pot-bellied turnip!

Granddaughter: Tired of grandma and grandpa

Help, yes help

They don't care that I want a Snickers

Pies are on my mind.

Oh, turnip turnip, pot-bellied turnip!

Bug: They say that I'm a bug

Dog is purebred,

I'm going to go and cut my hair

I'll be trendy right now!

Oh, turnip turnip, pot-bellied turnip!

Cat: Well, what a fool now

Plants a turnip just like that

Should have taken a contract

And sow a whole row!

Oh, turnip turnip, pot-bellied turnip!

Mouse: The mouse came to your rescue.

What are you arguing about here?

And without your parasites,

You chase everyone!

Oh, turnip turnip, pot-bellied turnip!

Teacher: Today everything is for our birthdays - congratulations, treats, gifts, surprises. The most important, most responsible, most solemn and exciting moment, and in general the most, most, most long-awaited moment on a birthday is the presentation of gifts.

(Parents bring gifts, give them; then they bring in a cake. Birthday people stand in a circle, blow out the candles).

- And now it's time to sit down at the festive tables and taste the treat.

The birthday party ends with a tea party and a festive disco.

Tatyana Shundikova

Subject: Day of summer and autumn birthdays

Target: team building


Congratulate summer and autumn birthdays;

Create a favorable psychological climate in the team;

To develop the skills and abilities of collective creative activity.

Equipment: presentation, gifts for birthdays, Balloons.

The course of the holiday


We all love birthday.

And though he is full of worries,

How nice to birthday

Older to become a whole year.

Dear Guys! We begin holiday« birthday day» .

Name days are nice!

It's weird and funny!

Accept congratulations.

And receive gifts.

Birthdays where are ours?

Let them sing to us and dance.

To invite them here

We need to start clapping!

Everyone clap their hands, and the host causes: ….

Birthdays must name the number of years they have turned, and we will clap as many times as they have turned years old (9 years).

And now we birthdays We will sit on chairs and show an interesting film about them.

Stars in the dark sky at night.

Knows everything

Stars in the sky... (ASTROLOGER)

twelve signs of the zodiac:

Horned goat - Ruffian,

Aquarius in brilliant splashes;

Two fish in scales of lights,

Lamb in the clouds curly

And the bull is vigorous in the moon grasses,

Twins with their eternal fuss,

Cancer with a dazzling claw

A lion roaring menacingly from the sky,

And the girl in the star cape,

Scales hanging between clouds

And the burning ray of Scorpio,

Sagittarius that aims from the darkness -

Twelve zodiac signs!

Gathered here for your holiday,

Ready to start a feast mountain.

You have to find out now, guys, who is under what sign from birthday boy born.

Twins: Their element is air. The patron planet is Mercury. The main trait of the Character is ingenuity and sociability. These are extremely impressionable and active children. They are full of curiosity. They love variety in everything. Easily enter into communication with others. Original, fantasizing. They love to do things their own way. The girl is gifted and quite capable (Lyukina Nastya). The boy is a little stubborn, but conscientious (Egorov Artem).

Did you know who it is?

In memory of this day, I give you certificates.

crayfish: Their element is water. The ruling planet is the Moon. They are sensitive and vulnerable. They don't like being bullied or laughed at. They are hypersensitive. They are accommodating to those people who love them. They are very fond of miracles. The girl is touchy and vulnerable, a dreamer (Filatova Anna). The boy is accommodating, accommodating, caring, laconic (Gubaev Nikita).

Did you know who they are?

In memory of this day, I also give a gift - certificates.

lions: Their element is fire. The ruling planet is the Sun. The main feature is power. Children born under this sign are very active. They like to be the very best. They don't like being alone. By nature, they are kind and generous. They love praise and try to earn it. A girl born under this sign is independent, decisive, direct in her judgments, kind, dreamer and optimist. (Pavlova Xenia). And the boy is sociable, very mobile, economic, good-natured (Tenezhyan Ruslan).

Did you know who they are?

In memory of this day, I give them certificates.

Virgo: Who is the best helper in the house? Who has toys, notebooks and books in order? At the Virgin. Virgos don't like noise. They do not like it when order is violated, they take things without millet or get into his affairs.

Virgos are not very fond of fairy tales, they are interested in intellectual games, chess.

But listen to the advice of Dev costs: they sometimes have more wisdom than any other adult.

Did you know who they are? (Lyamaeva Eva, Matyashina Dasha, Erokhin Bogdana).

Scales: These are people born under the sign of Air. We have, born in the period

(No, there are no such children)

Scorpio is a fabulous protector of life on Earth. In addition, he is a talented detective. If a thing is lost at home or at school, call Scorpio and he will find it. Scorpio knows how to keep his own and other people's secrets, this is a reliable friend.

Scorpio is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. Therefore, people born under this sign love everything unusual, mysterious, mysterious. They have their own secrets and mysteries that no one is privy to. Those born under this sign are loyal to those they love, but can hurt "prick" the one who steps on their tail.

Did you know who it is?

(Ostrovskaya Katya)

In memory of this day, I also give her a certificate.

Sagittarius - the main character trait is prudence and practicality. Sagittarians always know what they want and how to make a dream come true. They do not like deceit and secrecy.

Guess who it is? (Kharin Mitya, Mikhailov Arseny)

In memory of this day, I also give them certificates.

Guys, now birthday people waiting for your congratulations. Are you ready to congratulate them?



Hear my first command

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

kindly give me an answer:

If "no" you say

Then tap your feet

If you say yes

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is this true, children? (No - children knock with their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer in kind. (Yes - clap your hands)

Ice - frozen water?

We answer together. (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

We will answer together. (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer children. (Yes)

Birthday is a happy day?. (Yes)

Are you waiting for games and fun?. (Yes)

Are you okay with humor? (Yes)

Are we charging now? (No)

Happy birthday?. (Yes)

Or send to grandma? (No)

Shall we give them chocolate? (Yes)

Kiss sweet sweet? (Yes)

With day birthday congratulations!

And, of course, we wish:

Grow them all more. (Yes)

Be sure to be fatter!. (No)

Be healthy, smart, strong!. (Yes)

Both loud and quarrelsome. (No)

For parents to love! (Yes)

With a strap to beat more often! (No)

To be fed ice cream! (Yes)

Only today and only now

Wonderful contests will be held for you.


Attached to the board autumn leaves, on the reverse side are written tasks for birthdays.

Tell a poem or fable.

Jump on one foot to the wall back and forth.

Eat an apple that is hanging by a thread without using your hands.

Carry a balloon on another balloon to the other end of the class.

Squat on one leg three times.

Push up 10 times.

Draw some animal.

name 5 girls name.

Sing a snippet of a song


Say a wish


And now it's time to once again congratulate the guys on their birthday and give gifts.

Children with a leader: (the host says the words, the children of the number and the last line)

Congratulations from us - this time!

We send you kind words - these are two!

Being ahead all the time is three!

To live with everyone in friendship, in peace, -

It seems to be four.

Never lose heart - it's a five!

Multiply all that is - that's six!

Being attentive to everyone is seven!

Always be at a normal weight -

It's eight, nine, ten.

Well, in addition to this -

Happiness, Joy, Good Luck! (together)

Everyone is invited to the table for tea.


  • contribute to the strengthening of communicative relations between children,
  • stimulate the communicative, cognitive, play activity of children in various activities;
  • to develop competence in the field of relations to the world, people, to oneself, to include children in various types of cooperation.

(Birthdays enter the music, all the children sing a song about the birthday.)

Leading: Dear guests! Dear birthdays! Today we have a big holiday: we have gathered here to wish happy birthday to all the guys who celebrate their birthday in the fall.

Which autumn month comes first? (September.)

In September, the birthday of Kabulaev Kabula, Shakhbanov Shapi.

Second month of autumn (October).

And in October Rogozhin Denis, Kadiev Magomed and Ayupov Vlad have a birthday.

Third month of autumn? (november)

In November, we have a birthday girl Shahverdiyeva Nigar.

Birthdays, attention!
I'm happy to tell you:
Now they want to congratulate you
Your best friends!

(Children read birthday wishes).

Everyone who on a clear autumn day
Celebrates birthday
We congratulate today
Happy wonderful, joyful day.

Congratulations guys
And we wish never
You do not know about diseases,
Always be healthy.

Don't offend kids
Mom and dad do not upset.
Grow up as good children
To behave.

Birthday, wonderful day,
Joyful, cheerful!
We wish you "excellent"
You study at school.

Birthday contest

Autumn leaves are attached to the board, tasks for birthday people are written on the reverse side:

Jump on 1 foot to the wall and back.

Depict how the cat sings the song “Let them run clumsily”

Depict how the dog sings the song "Let them run clumsily."

Draw a blindfolded drawing of a “cow”.

Carry a balloon on another balloon to the other end of the class.

Carry a magnet on your forehead to the end of another class.

Children are divided into 6 teams, according to the number of birthdays. Birthday people choose a sheet of a certain color on the board. The rest of the participants take a leaf with their eyes closed. Children are divided into teams according to the color of the sheet.

Quiz between teams. For a correct answer - one point. Scoring is done on a special board. Rewarding teams for the first three places.

1. Talking bird. (Parrot.)

2. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

3. Whom do the Chukchi love the most? (Deer.)

4. Which legs are longer in a giraffe: front or rear? (They are identical.)

5.Can lie on the board with nails. (Yogi.)

6. Machine that levels the road. (Ice rink.)

2. It is glued onto the envelope. (Mark.)

3.High pole for a sail on a ship. (Mast.)

4.Horse symbol of good luck. (Horseshoe.)

5. It is worn by the military, miners, firefighters. (Helmet.)

6. A shirt made of iron rings. (Mail.)

1. On a holiday, it shines high in the sky. (Fireworks.)

2. Dry stalks of wheat, oats. (Straw.)

3. Dense coniferous forest. (Taiga.)

4.Strong wind at sea. (Storm.)

5.An old Russian toy - a souvenir. (Matryoshka.)

6. Deftly rides a horse in a circus. (Rider.)

1. Appears on the iron due to dampness. (Rust.)

2. They catch butterflies, dragonflies, fish. (Net.)

3. Inventor of scuba gear. (Cousteau.)

4. Night shows the way to the ships. (Lighthouse.)

5. Flat, like a plate, lives on the sandy bottom of the sea. (Flounder.)

6. Solemn, important promise. (Oath.)

1. A very confusing road. (Labyrinth.)

2. Thick algae at the bottom of a river or pond. (Tina.)

3. Deaf noise from friction. (Rustle.)

4. Place of connection of the sewn pieces. (The seam.)

5. Jackdaw cub. (Galchon.)

6. Prickly shrub with sweet and sour berries. (Gooseberry.)

1. Car driver. (Chauffeur.)

2. The team of the ship, aircraft, tank. (Crew.)

3. Visiting something, a trip, a trip of a group of people with a special purpose. (Excursion.)

4. Scientific reference manual for all branches of knowledge. (Encyclopedia)

5.Underground railway. (Metro.)

6. Food from mashed or pureed vegetables. (Pure.)

1. Magic tablecloth, on which food appears by itself. (Self-assembly.)

2. One side of a sheet of paper. (Page.)

3. What was the name of the three piglets? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.)

4. What were the names of the three fat men? (First second Third.)

5. What was the name of the three bears? (Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)

6. What were the names of the three heroes? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.)

1. What was the name of the three musketeers? (Athos, Porthos, Aramis.)

2. Organ of vision. (Eyes.)

3. What wood are matches made from? (Aspen.)

4. The organ of hearing. (Ears)

5. The organ of smell. (Nose.)

6. Organ of touch. (Leather.)

Quiz "Finish the proverb."

1. Who does not work ... (he does not eat).

2. The earth is painted by the sun, and ... (human labor).

3. Where there is labor, there ... (happiness).

4. Business time, but ... (fun hour).

5. Put off idleness, yes ... (do not put things off).

6. Without bowing to the ground and ... (you can’t pick up a fungus).

Winner's reward ceremony.

The yes and no game

Hear my first command
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "no" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is it true kids? ... (No - children knock their feet)
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer in unison ... (Yes - clap your hands)
Ice - frozen water?
We answer together ... (Yes)
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer ... (No)
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children ... (Yes)
Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)
Are you waiting for games and jokes? ...(Yes)
Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)
Are we charging now? ...(No)
Congratulate birthdays? ... (Yes)
Or send to grandma? ... (No)
Shall we give them chocolate? ... (Yes)
Let's kiss sweetly sweetly? ... (Yes)
Happy birthday congratulations!
And, of course, we wish:
Grow them all bigger... (Yeah)
Definitely be fatter! ... (No)
Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)
And noisy, and pugnacious ... (No)
So that parents love! ... (Yes)
With a strap to beat more often! ... (No)
To be fed ice cream! ... (Yes)
Maybe stop congratulating?
Will we play next? ... (Yes)

1. Game. "Pick up the leaves." (2 people.)

The facilitator scatters paper sheets around the class, the quiz participants must collect them. Whoever collects the most is the winner of the contest.

2. Dance with a ball.

6 pairs of participants come out (the birthday boy and his friend). Each couple holds a balloon between their heads and performs dance moves to the music. The pair that does not drop the ball in the dance wins.

3. The game "Forbidden movement".

4. Relay. Wind the thread around the pencil.

5. Competition for the best sitting dance

Only the legs dance, only the arms, only the shoulders, only the head, only the nose.

The poem is congratulations.

Be healthy, be happy!
Be like a butterfly playful!
Never fight with mom, dad, grandma, friends
And grow big, big
Like this, like this, like this! (show)

Presentation of gifts. Fountains from soap bubbles.


Well done! You sang and played
And riddles solved
And they read poetry to us
And for that - respect
Take a treat!

Birthday children treat their classmates. Tea drinking.

birthday day

Goals: congratulations on the birthday of summer and autumn birthdays; cohesion of the children's team.


1. To consolidate knowledge about the seasons - autumn, about signs and associations within the framework of the autumn and summer theme.

2. Develop and train memory (songs, riddles, poems), physical activity of schoolchildren, emotional sphere (to bring joy to children from communication and a sense of celebration).

3. To develop the makings of self-control in the behavior of children.

4. To cultivate goodwill in relations with peers, to form the ability of children to “listen and hear” and act (play) according to the rules.

Equipment: phonograms with songs, headbands (cabbage, pepper, zucchini, carrots, onions, beets); posters with faces, string, balloons, ski pole.

Hall decoration: poster "Happy birthday"; colorful leaves; children's work on the theme "Autumn".

The course of the holiday

The guys sing the song of the crocodile Gena.


Good afternoon, dear parents, children and guests of our holiday!

Today is our birthday

A day of joy, happiness, fun, excitement.

We congratulate summer and autumn birthdays!


And what summer month is the first, you know?

1 student:

June is a swimmer of all swimmers
He is cheerful and brave.
Gathered guys from all over
To the pond: "Guys, swim!"


I celebrated my birthday in June…..guess who?

Let's say no cheating.

Serious but stubborn.

She studies with great desire.

Here is an example for us always!

(Mirsayapova Julia)


What summer month is the second?

2 student:

July wheat in the fields
Poured with selected grain.
And scattered the birds high
In the heavens spacious.


In July, two students celebrated their birthday at once. Guess them.

He is cute and friendly

But a little shy.

Let him believe we are friends

He is kind and respectful.

Cheerful, former, mischievous.

Achieved high victories in sports

And he would have lived to at least a hundred and thirty years!

(Sultanov Artur)

Very mobile, restless,

All the changes, like clockwork.

But only hear the bell for lessons

He gets ready for class right away.

We want to wish him

Happiness and joy, study for "5",

Be friends with your brother

And never, ever grieve.

(Davletgareev Marat)


Name the third summer month.

3 student:

August brought a melon with a pear,
And a fragrant loaf.
- Well, everyone eat to your heart's content,
And treat your neighbor!


In August, he celebrated his birthday ... .. who?

He is inquisitive, well-read

And he is capable of creativity,

Reasonable, smart

And his name is...

(Kibaev Gleb)


And what autumn month is the first, you know?

4 student:

On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread.

Birds rush across the sea

And the school opened.

Celebrated my birthday in September

Good student,

Grandma helps.

And beloved friends

Appreciates, does not lose.

She is a lover of fun

Therefore, she has many friends.

(Selezneva Nastya)


What autumn month is the second?

5 student:

In October, in October

Frequent rain in the yard.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper fell silent

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves.


In October, she celebrated her birthday:

And learn the lessons , and help mommy

She cannot sit idle.

Though small in stature,

But it is elegant and light.

No wonder people say:

"Small spool but precious.

Ask all the guys

What is this girl's name...

(Aptreeva Victoria)


And the third autumn month ....

6 student:

The storm broke out

Light rain outside.

Such is the fate of nature

The wind moans in November.


We celebrated our birthday in November...

This is a new student.

We are almost used to it.

We want to be more active

Don't be afraid of anything.

After all, they are open to communication

Let's take it as our own.

(Zinov Sergey)

This student is sweet and pleasant,

She goes to school very well.

Modesty is always inherent in a girl.

Very kind to classmates.

Be more active in life, be bolder,

Be more energetic and faster!

(Islamgaleeva Nastya)


- General congratulations from classmates.


We congratulate you

We wish you much joy

Do not get sick and do not sneeze

And get fives!


We want to wish you

Never lose heart

And always for a birthday

One hundred gifts to receive


Whoever you become in life

As long as you don't get tired

Open up and wonder

Subdue, don't subdue.

Believe in miracles, believe in people.

We will be helping you.


Walk you long ways,

Don't back down from anything.

And everything you planned

Let it be done by five!


- Everyone gather in a circle -
We baked a loaf!
Who wants to eat it
To us quickly, do not yawn! (dance loaf)


I want to wish good health to all birthdays and children! To be strong and healthy, you need to eat fresh vegetables.

We bring to your attention the scene "Parade of vegetables".

Autumn fairytale scene "Parade of vegetables"

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

Juicy, tender zucchini
Fell on the barrel.
Ros, lying under the sun,
And hardened skin.

A mosquito flew to him,

KOMAR: Egor Kandakov

What a nightmare!
You are so big
Thick, bulky!
How many more days to grow?
After all, you can not be carried away!

Zucchini answered him:

Zucchini: Davletgareev Marat

I have no secrets
I've been swollen all summer
Time for me to go to the kitchen!

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

Here, listening to the conversation,
A tomato jumped off a branch,
To the delight of a mosquito
He spoke:

TOMATO: Sultanov Artur

And it's time for me
I have outgrown, overripe -
The summer resident, to know, did not finish watching.
Cheeks squeeze nose
I pity myself to tears!

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

Tomato, you are great!
Heard your older brother
I called you - TOMATO.
Two of you in one?
I can't match your mind!

PEPPER: Gleb Kibaev

You are undeserved, friends,
Forgot Pepper, here it is - me!
See how good I am!
Beautiful, sweet and pretty!
Where else can you find one like this?
To vitamins - a whole range?
And that's it - diseases will win!

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

With indignation, moving an eyebrow,
Carrot entered into this dispute:

CARROT: Yulia Mirsayapova

Why all this chatter?!
Not even a day goes by
So that they don't throw me into the soup.
And the children gnaw with joy,
I just get on their teeth.
Needed for seasoning!

You are absolutely right!

Said with a smile Cucumber.

Only a blind man does not see it!
Carrots are needed everywhere and everywhere
For any holiday meal!

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

Cabbage crunched leaf:

CABBAGE: Islamgaleeva Nastya
I'm not talking about simple
I'm in borscht and in salad
Delicious. Praise me!
In addition, I treat illnesses -
I will enrich the whole organism,
There will be no trouble with me

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

Whispered Pepper softly:

CABBAGE (Pepper in the ear):
Drink some cabbage juice -
It's useful and delicious!

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

The mature BOW fussed:

BOW: Aidugulov Nikita

I will cure any disease!
Who undresses me
He sheds tears.
I kill all germs
Don't be afraid of bitterness, try it!
But we all forgot about Beets!
They've been talking about her for a long time!

BEET: Nuretdinova Aigul

I am a tanned beet,
Both bright and ripe.
I'm tired of looking under the sun
It's time to get hot in the oven!
I'm sweet like marmalade.
I want children in kindergarten!
We will dance together
And we'll dance the polka and the gavotte.

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

TURNIP: Aptreeva Victoria

Oh, help Repka,
Save from the colza
She tied her feet
And I'm trapped in the end.
I'm so stunted
And I want to visit!
Please help!
Save us from weeds! (Vegetable children free Turnip)

Although I'm small,
But with you, it's easy and simple for me.
Here I found my friends -
And together it became more fun.
I've been asking for a kitchen for a long time,
I can fit in any saucepan.
Or bake red hot
Mmm! I'm amazingly delicious!

PEA: Nastya Selezneva

Kohl gathered together today,
We will not stand still!
Let's all stand in a circle
Let's take the first step:
First to the right and forward
Then - quite the opposite.

HOST: Roxana Sultanaeva

And the vegetables began to dance.

(Vegetables dance)


- The breeze is friends with the sun,

And dew with grass

Friendship with butterfly flower

Well, we are with you

Guys, let's sing a song about friendship!

The guys perform the song "Friendship" (Barbariki)


Let's move on to the competition.

1 competition.

The smartest.

1. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)

2. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)

3. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)

4. When a horse is bought, what does it look like? (Wet)

5. How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)

6. A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (None, because the bottom fell)

7. Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

8. The more you take from it, the more it becomes (Yama)

9. There was a child - did not know diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him (cabbage head)

10. What goes without moving from the place (Time).

11. What can you not enclose around the hut? (Water in a sieve)

12. Do you have, I have, the oak in the field has it, but the fish in the sea do not have it? (Shadow)

2 competition.

Most Reader.

Children draw a card and look for a suitable word for it (For example, Karabas - Barabas)

Koschei the Deathless)

Sister ...... (Alyonushka)

Brother……… (Ivanushka)

Skate………. (Hunchback)

Baba………… (Yaga)

Carpet plane)

3 contest

"Young Artist"

Whatman papers with faces are issued. They need to draw a smile with their eyes closed.

4 competition

"Do I know my friend well?"

I invite 2 couples here (a birthday boy and a child). Stand with your back to each other. I'll ask you a few questions. First, the child answers with a nod of the head, and then the birthday boy out loud.

Does the birthday boy like semolina?

Does the birthday boy go to bed at 9 o'clock?

Does the birthday person make the bed in the morning?

Does the birthday boy like to study at school?

Favorite subject - mathematics?

5 contest

"Most mobile"

Tie pencils to the ends of the cord. At the signal of the leader, 2 players begin to wind the cord around their pencil. The one who reaches the middle first wins.

6 contest

"Auction of names"

Two players take turns calling the names of the boys (girls), while simultaneously grasping the bottom of the ski pole. The one whose hand is at the top wins.

7 competition "Balloon"

8 contest-game "In secret, around the world"

The class is divided into two teams. Drawing lots (questions, answers)


Do you listen to your parents?

When will you study for five?

What did you dream about today?

Do you skip classes?

Do you consider yourself smart?

Your desire?

Do you hate girls?

What did you dream about today?


- When I sleep

- That's all I do

The teacher will tell you better

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs

I don't eat, I don't sleep, I just think about it

When the cancer hangs

Sometimes it happens

And it's called "secretly around the world"



Birthday! -

Pies, gifts, laughter -

This is a feast of treats -

I invite everyone to visit!

(Tea drinking, cake with candles, blow out candles, make a wish.)


Guys, in front of you is a poster with a picture of a winter tree. We need to decorate this tree. Who really liked the holiday - attach a yellow leaflet, who just liked it - green, and who did not like it - brown.