Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary. Congratulations on a print wedding

How quickly your first year flew by
And as if yesterday at your wedding,
Wishing you happiness and a life without worries,
The groom is beautiful and the bride in a white dress!

We wish you friends that always
You lived happily in love and understanding.
To strengthen and grow your family,
And only desire to be grew together!

We heartily congratulate you
You've been married for a year now.
Happy anniversary
Eternal fabulous love to you.

How sweet is honey, let your life be
Like chintz - so that it is light.
Let the baby stomp in your house,
And not one, but not even two.

Keep Sincerely and Gently
Your love, family and home.
And a hot day, and a snow storm
Love with this soul.

Your first year is a test
Even if you've been dating for a long time.
Love is not fake
She is like strong wine.

Let it be stronger than calico,
What the first year measured to you.
love each other, have fun
Let everything be in half.

Congratulations on your anniversary, friends!
This year has flown by together,
So let your young family
So another twenty years will live.

Let your union be very fragile,
Like a dress made of light calico,
Make concessions every day
So that your faces smile at each other.

We wish that today's feeling
Preserved in your souls for centuries!
So loving, caring is an art,
Be happy, please, friends!

The first year is the sweetest
Honey you drank in full.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Happiness to you, love, friends.

You have made a very good start.
We want to keep it up
Let the children be a gift
They don't let you get bored.

So today is exactly one year old
How we married you.
They circled a friendly round dance,
And "bitter!" everyone was screaming.
Today is the first anniversary
solemn date,
You for her in the circle of friends,
Pour and drink.
We want you to live in love
One hundred years, maybe two hundred
In the days of happiness, and in the days of sadness
Be together all the time!

Dear friends, congratulations
With a print wedding, you are happy,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish
So that you do not forget that hour,
The one when you connected
In the union of love for all ages,
We wish you loyalty
Your love from all evil.
And to give you happiness
Her Majesty is destiny!

Today, friends, you are celebrating your anniversary!
Print wedding - what could be nicer?
A year has passed, love, as before -
Each of you is kind and gentle.
Here, let it go on like this
Year after year will not forget
None of you love, hope,
Everything will be better than before!

What can I say for you, friends,
Far away from mom and dad
After all, you have your own family.

Got used and found out
Who loves what in the morning
And you passed the test in this,
We will deliver it to you.

Happy first wedding anniversary
We congratulate you, friends,
Happiness in the house, and probably ...
We wish you kids.

The first year is the hardest,
You survived friends.
We walked only together, without scandals,
Real family.

The first year of marriage is one of the most difficult. Members of the newly-made family are just getting used to each other, getting used to habits and subtleties. And if the family has managed to endure this period, then surely the rest of their path will be smooth.

It is not for nothing that the first wedding anniversary is called calico. The fact is that the relationship between a man and a woman during this period is very fragile, like chintz fabric, which can break at any moment. Therefore, if you need to congratulate the family on a chintz wedding, then the first thing you should emphasize is the strength of their relationship. No minor or major quarrels, troubles, failures and difficulties could break them now, which means they will not be able to break them in the future. Further it will be easier, because over time a person becomes closer, you get used to him and realize that you have to live with him for the rest of your life.

1 year wedding anniversary greetings should cheer up the married couple. Your words should be an incentive for them to continue to maintain a strong, passionate relationship. Remind them that other significant anniversaries are just around the corner. Mention the wedding itself, because it was not so long ago.

On this holiday, a man and a woman give each other cotton towels, scarves, linen. You can do the same by giving them some kind of fabric product. And you can pick up something individual, because there are no restrictions. The only condition is to give a gift from the heart, because such a present, even the smallest one, will be received with a bang.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
No wonder it is called chintz,
I wish you on this bright holiday
Love for many more years!
From the outside, it seems so little -
Just a year ... Fortunately, the score is not in numbers!
So that it never fades away -
Let love live forever in hearts!

Congratulations on mobile

Beautiful words without regret
On this day and at this hour
Happy first anniversary
We want to congratulate you!

Your print wedding
Let it bring joy!
We wish you more
Move forward together!

It's been a year since your wedding!
Today you meet guests again,
And congratulations, gifts with warmth
You accept from relatives and friends!
We wish you patience with each other,
Health, happiness and family warmth!
In difficult moments, give your spouse a hand,
May your life be beautiful and bright!

The champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown by.
He is a ribbon of light chintz
Flashed so fast for you.

Let it be just as easy, carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the high-water river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Life in harmony, friendship, love ...
In the past, the registry office, the impressions are new.
First time family birthday
Are you ready to celebrate today?

Yes, of course, what are we talking about?!
Well, spouses, vivat! Congratulations!
And keep romance in feelings
We sincerely wish you many years!

I look at you - a tear sparkles in my eyes
Happy that there is such a couple!
Love like this can only dream
Pushkin would write about it and Pavarotti would sing about it!

Girlfriend, happy wedding anniversary!
And although the people call her calico,
Your first year, believe me, it is the most important!
In love you happiness! In the house - only comfort!

Congratulations, bride and groom!
A year has passed - the year of sacred love,
We wish to live another two hundred,
So that you can do a lot!
So that you have kids
Not one or two - five is better!
So that the neighbors marvel at you,
Smiling, counting the guys!
So that years later and centuries,
You loved each other more
Children saw in your eyes
The same light of unquenchable fires!

How fast is the run of time,
How the moments rush, the hours
And now the year has come to an end
From that wedding of your spring

A year has passed since the wedding
You swore eternal allegiance,
As in a white, beautiful outfit,
You stepped into a new life

But your love is the same as before
Everything is also strong and durable,
After all, not on earth, but in heaven,
She's stuck forever.

Happy wedding anniversary, friend!
The first year went by so fast!
I sincerely wish you happiness!
Sea of ​​money, interesting things!

Sincere love, comfort at home,
Loyalty and tenderness in the family!
Let everything be easy and simple for you!
Let everything be like in a beautiful dream!

Congratulations on your anniversary and we want to wish you
So that you endure each other for 85 years.
When a husband with friends in a bar drinks beer out of habit,
You, wife, do not be offended, take a walk and come.
And when my wife and her friend went to a night club for a walk,
Do not scold her, but in the morning it is better to give coffee to bed.
Well, if a wall suddenly grows between you,
Go quickly to the bedroom, the war ends there.

Happy first wedding anniversary, lovelies!
Although the date of the wedding is not round,
But it's too early to put points in life:
Look together from the corner -
You coo like doves.
Let there be a car and a video recorder,
And the wallet is filled tightly
Don't fall in love at all
Don't get separated from each other!
The whole century cooing, circling like that! ..
Yes, there is a wish:
Until the golden wedding to live
In love, health and peace!

Hello hot young spouses!
We congratulate you with all our hearts.
A young wife with a good choice,
But the wife - with his little wife!
Now accept my wishes
You have a clear sky, friends,
children football team,
You can't do without it!

We know your anniversary is
Feasts are an important reason.
And, regardless of rank,
Let's run here fast.
Preparing flowers and gifts,
We rejoice in your bright feelings,
Bright smiles, hot eyes
And unity forever!
Let this congratulations
Proclaim your admiration!

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You change the chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carefree,
As varied as a chameleon.
And this sonorous noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!

You have a family holiday today,
Are you celebrating your wedding year?
We sincerely congratulate you
We sincerely wish you good luck, joy and happiness.
May all your dreams come true
Let unsolicited offenses be forgotten,
Let your family be replenished with children,
May the cornucopia always be with you.

Today you are celebrating your wedding year
This is your first joint anniversary,
You accept gifts, congratulations,
Your feelings are getting hotter every day.
Be together all the time
Hold on tight to love
Give birth to children for health,
May happiness come to you again and again.

Year of your marriage
Personal holiday for the family,
May your souls be a community
A bright star shines on your path.
May your life be wonderful
Let the house be a full bowl
So that your calico wedding,
Definitely rose to gold.

The print wedding sings and dances,
And the wings of this wedding, like good news, carry,

May the years not erase your love.
Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary
We wish you smiles, joy, kindness,
Let everything be fine in your life,
All the best to you and family warmth.

The first step in your life together,
Happily and successfully overcome,
With all our hearts we wish you joy, health,
May your family grow stronger every year.
Let girls and boys be born
Let success accompany you
Let in the first volume of the book of life,
The key words will be: happiness, love and laughter.

Path of bright chintz,
She brought us to the holiday
We want to join all the wishes,
Wish you happiness, peace and kindness.
Congratulations on your first wedding year
We wish you good luck in everything
Let life flow together like a full river,
Let fate bestow upon you in full.

Advice to you yes love, young ones,
We put a quality mark for the past year,
May your rings be golden
For many years they serve you as a talisman.
Live in joy and happiness
Let all bad weather fly by
Let luck accompany you
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

Behind the shoulders of the first year!
How much trouble did he bring?
But you just passed with honor
All this whirlpool!

Although there were difficulties
You haven't lost your love!
Hand in hand! With patience
You recognized each other!

You keep your family
Take care of peace and harmony in it,
Tie in knots
All invisible threads!

Let adversity not disturb!
Let children multiply joy!
Happiness to you, love, wife -
Otherwise it can not be!

Who has not tried, he thinks easily,
Keep the bar of family happiness high,
Especially in the very first year
When the lapping process is active,
You coped with this task quite skillfully,
As they entered into marriage, they marched on boldly,
And for nothing - there will be a modest chintz, take it,
Love each other, give in to each other!

The house welcomes guests, there is a lot of work,
The first sweet year has already passed.
Chintz wedding - a small result,
That your strong union could do everything in the world.

May love never go out in the heart,
Carry tenderness through all the years.
And in half a century we will meet again -
Let's celebrate the golden wedding!

In memory so quivering, fresh
Last year's wedding celebration.
The young husband brought in his arms
To the wife's house with a smile on her lips.

How much joy was in the eyes!
How much happiness in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And parting words were from the guests!

The past year has been long for you.
sequence of events, round dance
Joys, discoveries and adversity.
But love in the family is a secret code

Luckily opening the way.
All the roads you have to go
To find your own, one,
Carry through a great life.

Chintz celebrating anniversary,
Like fabric - the simpler, the sweeter,
Be for each other for a long time.
Good start, honey year is over...

A year has passed since you created a family
And two roads connected in one way,
Tender love illuminated souls,
Which nothing can destroy!

Let the chintz, like a dove in the clouds,
Settle happiness with a spark in the eyes,
Will give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection,
So that life does not differ from a fairy tale!

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your first one so far! - anniversary,
And we sincerely wish you
Wealth, love and children!

A year has passed since a wonderful date,
And you guys are so happy.
May your life be smooth
Well, together, so it was sweet!

Congratulations on the print wedding
And we wish you only good luck!
Keep the thrill of relationships
And bright, rainbow moments.

If fairy tales, then happy
Impressions - the best,
Travel - only beautiful,
Passion stormy and seething!

Lived together for a whole year
Everything has become easier, clearer.
Continue in the same style.
Happy first wedding anniversary!

For your first anniversary
I made a toast.
For everything to come true for you,
To have fun.
So that love does not leave
Your cozy sweet home.
To little feet
Soon they would stomp in it.
May your hearth be strong
Real love.
The bonds of marriage are perfect
Like a gold pattern.
Let there be fewer problems
Quarrels are quick, not terrible.
I wish you a friendly life
And in the soul is always spring.

Congratulations on the calico wedding of the wife,
Happy first birthday to your family of birth,
Wish you a good continuation of a successful start,
Mark with the same feelings and 2, and 5, and 25,
And then already, they promise how the oil will go,
After all, the most difficult is the first step and the first year,
We wish love to cherish and loyalty to each other,
And in time to lend a helping hand to your spouse!

Congratulations on your chintz wedding!
We wish you to live only in the world,
So that all troubles, hardships and storms
They didn’t dare to fly into your family!
So that you love each other as before
Don't forget your first meetings!
First glances, kisses in the night,
The way they fell asleep in each other's arms!
Remember and cherish
Feelings tender for long summers.
Let children's laughter sound in your house!
For happiness there will be no barriers and obstacles!

Here is the first anniversary!
Feelings for a long year did not erase.
Warms and friends
Your undying fire!
We wish you a bright life,
Like a cotton handkerchief
Good deeds, cups with friends,
Golden sons and daughters!

In the life of a family year flew by,
And the cotton wedding day is coming.
We wish love and good deeds only,
Let there be no quarrels and strife!

Let the hearth burn reliably,
He is carefully folded with two pairs of hands.
Let him save you from troubles and sorrows,
Love and care, multiplying in the family.

Happy first anniversary,
We want to wish you today:
Your feeling so as not to wear out,
Your family happiness - to be!
Congratulations on your calico wedding,
We wish you to love each other madly!

Chintz wedding - so the year has passed.
There were many different, difficult concerns.
Together you learned to resolve them,
We want to keep it the same in the future.

So that love multiplies every year,
The beautiful wedding day was remembered again.
So that you can worship each other,
Share happiness and hardship equally.

On the eve of a tender anniversary
We wish the family
So that the husband is a devoted man,
Love did not die out the fireplace,

To keep warm from heart to heart
Over the years it got stronger.
The wife for life has become a door,
So that joy paints the face.

Only a year has passed, and soul crossing,
Like juicy grapes
Weaved into the arbor of pleasure.
Relatives, happiness to you cascade!

Print wedding:
Year - family experience.
Printed wedding -
This is your holiday.

This is just the beginning
bright path,
Let in family life
Enough love for you.

Let the heat not melt
The marriage will be stronger
May there always be enough
Joy in the eyes.

Bitterly! It's sad again!
How without these words?
And there are so many around
Calico flowers!

Congratulations on a print wedding (1 year)

Chintz - it is not durable at all,
It's so easy to break it.
Therefore, I wish you
Protect your marriage firmly.
Drive away all sorrows
Let the worries go away.
I wish you dear
Only a flat road.
So that you do not stumble along the way,
And don't lose love.
Need from the heart of each other,
And love and trust.
Respect and appreciate
And cherish each other.
To avoid sadness
I didn’t break into the house, so that a blizzard.
I wish you much happiness
May it come in handy along the way
You are crowned with heaven
So fly like birds.

We wish you to enjoy your first wedding anniversary,
Listen to sincere congratulations and heartfelt wishes,
And let the gifts now exclusively from chintz,
We wish your feelings to be eternal,
Let the chintz decorate the house with a multi-colored wave,
And your life will be multicolored, bright,
May your love always be alive
To match the traditional gift for this anniversary!

You've been married for a whole year
Let the worries be overwhelming
But your union grows stronger,
That's why I take

Wish you guys:
Very cool, keep it up
Let the house be cozy
Be happy together!

Here is the chintz year -
The husband gives his wife a handkerchief.
And she answered with a handkerchief:
- Take it soon, dear,

Stay my friend
The most affectionate with me.
untie the knots,
Tell all the secrets.

And friends say according to:
May the road be clear
Let love live in everything
Lighting up this house

For life to always be
Interesting and bright!

The year has passed like one day, it has rushed by,
Full of joy, hope and kind words.
A year ago, your earthly paradise began.
Chintz decorate your table.

You today about boundless love
Everyone you meet speaks generously
May it be long - eternal,
May the Lord keep it for you!

Congratulations on your first anniversary
We wish you smiles, joy, kindness,
Let everything be fine in your life,
All the best to you and family warmth.
May your life be wonderful
Let the house be a full bowl
Let the chintz wedding be yours
Sparkles with happiness!

Happy first wedding anniversary
We hasten to congratulate you.
You love and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
We wish from the bottom of our hearts!

Let it grow stronger every day
Your friendly family.
We wish you a lot of children
After all, it is impossible without them.

Printed Anniversary -
First holiday on the way
Together we wish by the hand
Many more years to pass.

The first year flew by.
So much happiness and so much trouble.
A year ago, you are the bride and groom,
And today it's the other way around.

The chintz of the first year is so thin,
In it, both lightness and tenderness are visible.
Hurry up to you a bunch of diapers
And great happiness without a bottom.

Respect, love and care
In a year, in three, in five!
And although marriage is also a job,
It is my pleasure to congratulate you.

A beautiful fairy tale has no end in sight!
In the ocean of affection, two rings float.
Like two dolphins, always side by side.
Here comes the first anniversary.
Let the wedding anniversary inspire you.
We sincerely wish you glorious children!

The year flew by unnoticed
The family has been living for a year
Happy first anniversary
Congratulations friends!

Live together for a very long time
And have many children
So that love does not fade away
Easy and happy days!

To live to old age
For harmony to live
To understand each other
To be together forever!

The custom of celebrating wedding anniversaries is a very wise custom. On this day, the spouses seem to resurrect their old feelings. You can find congratulations on your wedding anniversary for 1 year on this page, but it will not be out of place to remind you that some anniversaries have their own symbols.

One year from the date of the marriage of the young is traditionally called a cotton wedding. However, there is another name - a gauze wedding. It is believed that the bonds between spouses in the first year after the legalization of relations are rather weak, like a thin fabric, they have just begun to recognize each other and there are still a lot of trials ahead. That is why chintz has become a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.

According to other sources, this celebration is associated with chintz, because most often it is in the first year after the marriage that the newlyweds have children. In this case, clothes for a baby or baby diapers were considered the best gift.

Gifts for the first wedding anniversary

What is the best gift to present for this small family celebration? Since this date is considered the chintz anniversary, fabric products are best suited. Here are the most popular gifts for newlyweds on their first wedding anniversary:


Bed linen or a set of towels;

Decorative pillows of various shapes, colors;

Pair clothes.

How to celebrate one year of marriage

First of all, such a date is a holiday for two. Therefore, it is best for the newlyweds to spend this day together: enjoy common memories and take time for each other.

Some prefer to celebrate this holiday with close friends. In this case, you can arrange a theme party at home or order a banquet in a restaurant.

Since ancient times, the wife sewed clothes for herself and her husband in honor of the holiday, they dressed up together, decorated the house and welcomed guests. A new embroidered tablecloth must be laid on the table, and new curtains on the windows.

On this day, you also need to pay attention to the guests. If a woman entered the house first, a quick replenishment can be expected in the family. If a man, monetary profit is expected.

Don't invite strangers into your house. There is a sign that if an unfamiliar woman enters the house, there is a high probability that the spouse will begin to change. If a man, the spouse will have a tendency to change.

Customs and traditions

In addition, a calico wedding is popularly called a nodular wedding. Traditionally, newlyweds give each other scarves made of chintz or other thin fabric. Then they tie strong knots on them and pronounce the words of the oath. These handkerchiefs are the same talisman as wooden spoons tied with a ribbon, and are kept in a secluded place.

Also, according to legend, on the day of the first anniversary, all linen and clothes in the house should be ironed. Otherwise, it is believed that the newlyweds will have problems in their relationship.

If the newlyweds spent this day in harmony and without quarrels, then life will go smoothly and the relationship will be reliable. If the whole day was spent in quarrels and scandals, then the relationship of the newlyweds is not yet so strong, and you need to work hard and hard to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the family.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 1 year to friends

Congratulations people:
Married for a whole year.
And, as usual,
We give you a cheerful sitchik!

Let the kids come
Both girls and boys
And then our chintz scroll
Useful for diapers!

We give an apron for my husband,
We give an apron for the wife.
After all, in the kitchen together, together
You must cook!

We will visit you often
For dumplings and pilaf.
Cooking is for happiness
There are no stronger foundations in the world.

The whole year was honey for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And opened this year
You love the secret code!

Even if there were disputes -
You forgot about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited friends.

What do your friends want?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let it bring only honey!

In memory so quivering, fresh
Last year's wedding celebration.
The young husband brought in his arms
To the wife's house with a smile on her lips.

How much joy was in the eyes!
How much happiness in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And parting words were from the guests!

The past year has been long for you.
sequence of events, round dance
Joys, discoveries and adversity.
But love in the family is a secret code

Luckily opening the way.
All the roads you have to go
To find your own, one,
Carry through a great life.

Chintz celebrating anniversary,
Like fabric, the simpler, the sweeter it is,
Be for each other for a long time.
Good start, honey year is over...

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Again a holiday, jokes, laughter.
We are sure: happiness awaits you,
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And in a year or another
We are expecting a son and a daughter.

Well, tell me not to get drunk
Is your wedding the color of chintz?
Well, tell me how not to get
So that this calico does not tear?
And do not wear out, and do not get dirty,
And do not shed, do not wipe,
And to be what we love -
Beautiful, light and not rough!
Do not drink me and do not ask:
Today I will drink for chintz!

Congratulations to your wife on your wedding anniversary 1 year

For a whole year now, as we are a family,
But my heart skips a beat:
My dear wife
Everything is still a mystery to me.

How good it is for me to be with her,
I can be strong, brave with her,
We will always understand each other
After all, we are one in body and soul.

And I'm toasting
For the one that lit up my path
A star that is brighter than other stars!
So that you shine all your life!

Today is a year with you,
You became my own wife
And our feelings have not cooled down,
They gave us a lot of happiness!

Let's keep our love
To believe in each other, to be near,
Support and help
To be even happier!

Seems like it's only been a year
From the day we got married
And as if a century with you -
So we are strongly related.

I swear to be with you forever
I will be loyal and faithful.
And before the wedding, golden
We'll live, I'm sure!

We celebrate our holiday
Honey, with you
A year ago I said yes
She became my wife.

Congratulations, half
I wish us happiness
I confess that even more
I am captured by you.

wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations to husband

I raise a glass to my husband!
My husband was given to me by fate.
It is not cold with him in the winter cold,
With him cool in the tropical heat.

Here we lived with him for a whole year.
Rubbed each other - I will not hide.
There were many worries and troubles,
But we really became a family.

My - husband - a real block:
Lean securely against your shoulder.
For your love, dear "thank you!"
I'll whisper more than once tonight...

Exactly one year ago, dear,
I became your wife.
I still love
I adore you.

You are my husband and best friend
You are the perfect husband.
Can you forgive, understand
Protect and trust.

I want to live with you
Until the wedding golden.
You, my love, forever
The closest person!

Happy first anniversary
Congratulations dear.
Exactly a year ago, my love
I became your wife!

Our print wedding -
First year in a long journey.
With just such a man
I want to pass it!

You and I have a cotton wedding.
You've been like my legal husband for a year.
You are the best husband, the most beautiful in the world,
And most importantly, beloved, best friend!

I love you, it's true.
I don't know how I could have done without you
You are a fortress and reliable protection,
Protection, and support, and a wall!

I love you, I appreciate the moments of happiness.
I want it to be like this all my life, day after day.
So that we meet a diamond wedding
In the circle of family, relatives with you together!

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations in your own words in prose

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the first stage passed, on the first year of your family union, on the print wedding. I wish you to continue our journey together without worries and quarrels, I wish you always feel care from each other, I wish you always put your family in the first place, I wish you to constantly maintain the status of happiness and prosperity in your home.

Congratulations on the first date, on the first passed stage of family life. On your print wedding, I wish you the same light and smooth life as this fabric, great happiness and unquenchable love, a cozy home and a friendly family, a wonderful atmosphere and a major harmony in your relationship.

Dear, dear, beloved! Congratulations on a bright, amazing holiday - your wedding anniversary! We wish you tenderness, warmth, affection and endless care! Be happy! Bitterly!

1 wedding anniversary is 365 lived days and happy nights, 52 weeks of fabulous prosperity, 8760 hours of love and tenderness, 525 600 minutes of fidelity and trust, 31 536 000 seconds of reliability and faith in each other! Listen, let this counter keep spinning, gaining momentum! Bitter, young people!

Young! Congratulations on a huge life step - your first wedding anniversary. We wish you bright light, clear skies, great goodness, inexhaustible love, a chic apartment, a luxury car, smart kids and a bag of banknotes, preferably of high denomination! Bitterly!

Dear lovers! A print wedding is the first joint step you have taken, it is a fraction of everything, a joint path that you need to go through together. We wish you that your road is smooth, your step is firm, and your balance is confident! Be happy friends! Bitterly!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a cell of society. In any case, it is a piece of the world, its own little world. Not the world, but the world. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

A year of swimming together is a lot. How many of the best ships have crashed on the reefs because of the usual mutual grievances and misunderstandings! And for some reason I remembered this anecdote:

Honey, could you sweep the room?

I feel so bad, honey. You see, even the hands are shaking!

Wonderful! Then it will not be difficult for you to shake the carpet!

Let's drink to optimism, which allows you to find a piece of ham in any disgusting and turn any circumstance for the benefit of the family!

Congratulations short wedding anniversary 1 year

With the first tender date
Already married for a year
Just class!

Let the chintz not tear
He will be strong
Just hold on together
That's the whole law.

A year has passed since a wonderful date,
And you guys are so happy.
May your life be smooth
Well, together, so it was sweet!

Congratulations on the print wedding
And we wish you only good luck!
Keep the thrill of relationships
And bright, rainbow moments.

Printed wedding today
Congratulations dearly.
You've been together for a whole year
You are a wonderful family.

I wish you deep feelings,
understanding, warmth,
The atmosphere will be in the house
Let comfort and kindness.

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your print anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children!

Let the bright chintz of your wedding
Does not break and does not suffer troubles,
And it's only getting stronger
For many, many years!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
No wonder it is called chintz!
I wish you on this bright holiday
Love for many more years!

Chintz cornflower blooms,
You are family for a whole year.
So love each other
Husband - wife, wife - spouse.

The start was good, and the year went well,
And we have the right to congratulate you,
And congratulations, and wish you happiness,
And let thunderstorms and bad weather pass you by!

The honey year is over... But the honeycombs are full,
And the ship of the azure waves plows,
And the chintz of scarlet sails does not fade ...
So let the gold of the peaks shine for you!

Over the year, the hearth has grown, it has become warmer,
It warms both hosts and guests,
Let, like firewood, the trouble burns in it,
And may love never go out!