4th wedding anniversary, what to give. What do spouses give each other for a linen wedding? wedding anniversary - Pomegranate wedding

138 834 0 Traditions are very important for every family. Some families form their own traditions, others turn to the traditions of their ancestors. But perhaps all families remember that once a year solemn day when they combined their family stories and became one. A wedding anniversary is one of those holidays that is celebrated year after year, from generation to generation. What to give and how to celebrate anniversaries by year, more on that later.

Wedding anniversaries by year - features of the celebration

Table 1: Wedding anniversaries and their names by year

Year Wedding anniversary name Peculiarities
Marriage DayGreen *It is called that because the family is still immature, so to speak “green”. The young people still have a lot to go through, and most importantly, to create strong bonds marriage and live for many, many years.
Flowers are the symbol of a wedding, which is why they decorate the wedding venue and subsequent celebration. Flowers should also be included in the bride's bouquet and boutonnieres.
1 yearCalicoAnother name is gauze. And it came from the character married life in the first year. In fact, spouses in the first year life together began to get to know each other better, and their family connection more like thin fabric, chintz type. Another definition of the name speaks of being too active intimate life young couple, which leads to the thinning of cotton linen to the state of gauze.
On the first anniversary you should consume light alcohol: wine, liqueurs and champagne left after the wedding should be drunk. It's better to celebrate outdoors.
2 yearPaperPaper is also a fragile item, which is why the second year marriage life received this name. Only by being together do spouses create a strong union; it is advisable to have offspring by this time, which will further strengthen the family. It's better to celebrate outdoors.
3 yearLeatherThe symbol of the anniversary is leather; it is already a more durable material. Marital relationships at this stage became stronger and more durable. It's better to celebrate outdoors.
4 yearLinenAnother name is rope or wax. No wonder the symbol of the fourth anniversary family life became flax. It symbolizes wealth, purity, and strength of family ties. You can celebrate your anniversary however you like.
Linen is a durable material. After all, the couple lived together for 4 years, they learned to listen and hear each other, which means they are ready to continue their journey hand in hand. If an anniversary is being celebrated, then there must be a linen tablecloth and candles on the table.
In the old days, it was believed that on the fourth wedding anniversary, you need to weave a rope from flax and tie the hands of the spouses with it. If they get out, then the marriage will be long and happy.
5 yearWoodenThe first round anniversary of the family. Wood is a durable material, which means that relationships have acquired their steadfastness and strength. By this time, the couple probably had a child, and perhaps already have their own home. There is such a sign that on the fifth anniversary of the family, a husband and wife must plant a tree. This will become a memory for their descendants, and will also “root” the union.
6 yearsCast ironThis material becomes the first, durable, metal symbol of family ties. Many years of living together mean that the relationship has some weight, it is important to you. But this does not mean that relationships can be left to chance; if you drop a cast iron product, it will break, and so will relationships. Any misunderstanding, understatement and troubles can destroy a marriage. A good attitude, love and respect will hold it together.
Cast iron wedding also symbolizes a strong home.
6.5 yearsZincNo matter how many holidays there are, they will always commemorate something. And the day when it was born new family, has special significance for spouses. It would seem that this is not such a holiday, but you can do something nice for yourself on such a day. This small holiday speaks of relationships as pure as zinc. A short vacation is arranged at home, with your closest relatives, or just to be alone.
7 yearsCopperEach anniversary is marked with certain symbolism. And this is all for a reason, the symbol speaks of the stage of building a family, the relationship between spouses. Seven years are marked by a durable and valuable material – copper. This suggests that spouses are of incomparable value to each other.
The most important goal of the spouses for the future is to bring their relationship to a silver and golden wedding, that is, to make the relationship even more precious and stronger.
8 yearsTinYour life together is 8 years, which is already a long time, but not so much that you forget about each other. This period of time allowed each other to get used to everyone's interests. Relationships at this stage enter a new direction. Family relationships at this stage are completely normalized, filled with warmth and understanding.
9 yearsEarthenwareThe concept of faience means a strong union. This means your relationship has become even more connected and strong. This material is not strong, so for strength family relations we need to express all complaints to each other.
Another symbol of the family’s ninth anniversary is chamomile, a home-made, summer and pure flower that blooms only in warm time of the year. This is a great symbol for family life, which also blossoms when you give each other warmth. Do not forget that a family is built on the brightest and warmest feelings.
10 yearsTinIn another way, this anniversary is celebrated as pink. Tin is a flexible material that is very suitable for family relationships, for strength, which need to be adjusted to the interests of the partner. But a rose means passion and love, which has been preserved for so long and has not yet faded away. This day should be celebrated on a grand scale.
11 yearsSteelSteel is a strong and durable material, which means family relationships should correspond to it. The married couple has already overcome the difficulties of the first years of marriage, now the spouses have become closer, closer and closer. This event is usually celebrated with family.
Having overcome a journey of eleven years, the couple proved that their marriage is strong, resilient, as if like steel.
12 years or (12.5 years)NickelSometimes this date is commemorated with silk. Nickel means that the family life of a married couple has become stable, most likely they have their own home, a child, and even several. The family has already gone through many trials, but it remains like nickel, shiny, durable and strong.
13 yearsLaceThe symbol of the wedding is the lily of the valley and lace. Both symbols are very gentle and reverent, exactly what should be present in both spouses. Lily of the valley indicates devotion and purity of marriage.
Lace is characterized by sophistication, tenderness and beauty. appearance. The same can be said about the close connection between the spouses; it is like lace, just as tender and skillfully chiseled by both creators of the family. Despite the fact that the number "13" is unlucky, it has no significance for celebrating a wedding anniversary.
14 yearsAgateThe symbolism here is agate, a hard and durable stone. It signifies longevity and health of husband and wife. In this significant date Once again, the “young” must confess their love for each other, and also talk about their innermost dreams and secrets. Agate is called upon to protect the family way of life. This day is usually celebrated in nature.
15 yearsKhrustalnayaDespite the fragility of crystal, this anniversary speaks of the strength of family ties, Great love and mutual understanding between husband and wife. This date shows the purity of family relationships and the happiness of two loving hearts. There must be crystal at the holiday, like main symbol anniversary
At the celebration, husband and wife should exchange crystal glasses. Guests will be required to break a plate, glass or something else made of glass.
16 years*—— ——
17 years*—— ——
18 yearsTurquoiseA beautiful and strong stone, which has not in vain become a symbol of the 18th wedding anniversary. All passions, quarrels and grievances have passed, there is only a bright future ahead, there are fewer everyday problems. Turquoise symbolizes peace and happiness. By this time, your relationship will sparkle with a new, turquoise color.
19 yearsPomegranatePomegranate is a red fruit and in the nineteen-year life of spouses, it represents love, sincerity in marital relationships, and respect for each other.
20 yearsPorcelainPorcelain is a very expensive material; in the dark it glows very brightly, thereby illuminating the right way V Hard time. It symbolizes strong family, in which there is always prosperity, comfort, warmth and a pleasant atmosphere.
21 years oldOpalOpal stone symbolizes long, strong and good relations between spouses. Traditionally, this holiday is celebrated by spouses alone at home.
22BronzeBronze, an alloy of two metals, symbolizes the union of two different personalities into one and inseparable whole, as well as their plasticity and ability to make concessions. By this time, the couple had learned to adapt to each other.
23 years oldberylBeryl is a symbol of renewal. It is believed that the relationship between spouses becomes new level. The stone symbolizes prosperity, comfort, prosperity and love. If, after being together for so many years, a couple remains united, then the relationship is truly strong and durable.
24 yearsSatinAtlas – lightweight fabric, which means the relationship should be the same. Having lived together for so many years, the spouses already understand each other perfectly. You already have everything, the children have grown up, life is settled, all that remains is to live and enjoy every minute with your loved one.
25 yearsSilverThis is already a big and significant day. Silver is one of the most expensive materials, which speaks of a long journey and the strength of marital ties. Such an anniversary should be celebrated on a grand scale. One of the traditions of the anniversary celebration is the exchange silver rings between spouses who wear gold together.
26 yearsJadeJade is very mysterious stone, it symbolizes strong bonds, warm relations. He is also entrusted with guarding the sacrament of marriage. This is the first year after Silver wedding, which you can celebrate with your family or alone with each other.
27 yearsMahoganyBy this time, the couple’s children had already grown up and perhaps had grandchildren. The name of the wedding is associated with sprawl family tree. Mahogany is very expensive and durable; it can only be compared to priceless minutes spent with family at the parents’ home.
28 years*—————— ———————
29 yearsVelvetThe name of the wedding symbolizes warmth, love, tenderness between spouses. On the holiday, your wife should wear something made of velvet. The symbolizing material represents wealth and prosperity in the family.
30 yearsPearlThe anniversary symbolizes unity and greatness married couple like a precious stone, whose beauty is created by nature itself and years of life are spent on it. Pearls symbolize the nobility and beauty of the spouses, their rich life experience, role models and ideals. It is customary to celebrate the anniversary in a restaurant by inviting a large number of guests.
31 yearDark (sunny)The past years of family life symbolize the warmth and comfort of the home, the closeness of the spouses and their resilience in the face of any troubles that arise.
32 and 33 years old * —————————- —————————
34 yearsAmberThe wedding date, like the stone itself, shows the greatness of the spouses who went through all the difficulties of life and formed a real strong family. In addition, amber, as a mineral derived from the sun, also symbolizes the warmth and openness of the parental home.
35 yearsCoralThis anniversary also has other names - linen or linen, but their names are rarely found so as not to be confused with other dates. Corals represent a special formed world of longevity, calmness like ocean serenity, a symbol of grace and well-being, health.
36 years*————— ———————
37 yearsMuslinThe years of living together have created a special durability and strength of family relationships, like muslin material, which is a beautiful thin fabric that cannot be torn by hands, which indicates the inseparability of the relationship between the spouses and perseverance in the face of danger.
37.5 yearsAluminumIt is customary to celebrate thirty-seven and a half years so that spouses have an easy relationship and an easy life, therefore the symbol of the holiday is aluminum, as the lightest metal.
38 yearsMercuryAlthough mercury is a toxic substance, it is at the same time a material capable of taking on any shape of a vessel, which undoubtedly symbolizes the spouses’ ability to smooth out all problematic situations and find compromises in any life situation that arose among them. Mercury on this anniversary is a symbol of understanding and compliance.
39 yearsCrepeDue to the complexity and versatility of the life and character of the spouses, thirty-nine years of marriage symbolize the presence of solid trust relationships between husband and wife that appeared over the years of marriage and whose destinies were intertwined like threads of crepe material.
40 yearsRubyThe red stone symbolizes long years love and mutual respect between spouses, feelings that have stood the test of time will never fade away despite the adversities of fate and the storms of life.
41-43 years old*——————- ————————
44 years oldTopazovayaForty-four years of married life symbolizes topaz, which is known for its purity of beauty and strength, as a mineral it represents purity and openness marital relations similar to the most beautiful and precious feeling - love.
45 yearsSapphireSapphire has long symbolized eternal love and was a talisman against evil. And that is why this stone is entrusted to accompany forty-five years of marriage. Like this precious stone, spouses must protect each other from all the misfortunes of life and show everyone their resilience to the coming difficulties of life.
46 years oldLavenderLavender is a mountain flower that can only be picked by climbing to the top of the mountain. A kind of exotic name for the anniversary date is associated with the tenderness, kindness and care of the spouses for each other throughout long period life together.
47 years oldCashmereCashmere is one of the most expensive fabrics; it takes a lot of effort and patience to create. Compare such work to the efforts of spouses to create ideal family and achieving agreement and peace in it.
48 years oldAmethystAmethyst is one of the precious stones that is destined to accompany the forty-eighth anniversary of marriage. It is a symbol of the uniqueness and respect of marriage relationships, the ideal of family.
49 years oldKedrovayaCedar has long been considered a long-lived tree, therefore it has an honorable role to personify the long years of life of their spouses. good health and resistance to all the adversities of life.
50 yearsGoldenThe anniversary is considered golden because the spouses value each other over the long years of marriage. more expensive than gold. That's why gold is the symbol. It is customary to celebrate the anniversary on a grand scale with friends and relatives.
51-54 years old*————————— ————————
55 yearsEmeraldThe symbol of the anniversary is gem emerald, which symbolizes the eternal happiness and well-being of the spouses. The anniversary is celebrated among close relatives. The main wishes are never to grow old, to love each other.
56-59 years old*———————— ————————
60 yearsDiamondThe most durable mineral in the world is the diamond, which is destined to represent sixty years of marriage. The diamond itself says that the hearts of the spouses will no longer be able to share any of the hardships and difficulties of life.
61-64 years old*———————- ————————
'65IronThe years spent in marriage, like iron, show how strong the spouses turned out to be to all the hardships of life and how strong their marriage turned out to be.
66 and 67 years old*——————- ———————-
67.5 yearsStoneIt is known that the stone never changes even under the pressure of time; spouses who have been married for 67.5 years show future generations that their relationship, like a stone, is indestructible and inseparable. The anniversary is celebrated with family.
68-69 years old*————————— —————————
70 years oldBlagodatnayaOn this anniversary wedding day, the spouses seem to thank each other for all the years they have lived together, their children and grandchildren.
71-74 years old*———————— —————————
75 years oldCrownThe crown shows the highest position of the spouses in family hierarchy their wisdom and steadfastness in front of everyone life problems. Celebrated with family.
76-79 years old*——————— —————————
80 years oldOakThose who were lucky enough to meet this date compare it to an oak tree, as a symbol of nobility, power and durability.
81-89 years old*——————— ———————
90 years oldGraniteGranite is a long-lived stone, just like those who lived to celebrate 90 years of marriage. There are no special celebration traditions; usually close relatives and close family friends gather for the anniversary.
91-99 years old*——————— ———————
100 yearsPlatinum (red)The tradition of celebrating a century of marriage came to us from the Caucasus mountains. Platinum or red color shows the height of the spouses’ feelings almost to the skies, both towards each other and towards their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

* - these wedding anniversaries do not have names. They are usually not celebrated due to the fact that previously it was considered a bad omen.

Today, more and more often, the anniversary is celebrated with a magnificent celebration, some even repeat their vows on their wedding day, large quantities guests. In essence, a second wedding is being arranged, with the same groom and the same bride, with gifts and guests.

Some people celebrate anniversaries together over a romantic dinner or with their family, reviewing photos and videos from the wedding.

Photos of pensioners who lived long life together and decided to celebrate this event by arranging a photo shoot in the “Lovestory” style.

Table 2: What to give for your wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversary name Anniversary gifts
GreenNowadays, money is considered the most important gift. And there the newly-made family will decide for itself what to buy for them. Along with the desired envelope, you can give amulets or bags of incense as a gift. This will help protect the newly-made family from adversity and envy.
CalicoGreat as gifts bed sheets to replenish the supplies of a young family. It is unlikely that during the year they lived together they acquired a sufficient number of them. Pillows, aprons, towels, etc. are also suitable.
PaperTwo years of married life have long been compared to paper. This is because a lot of troubles and worries arise, which throws the spouses out of balance. Paper easily tears and burns, which is why it is better to give something paper as a gift to replenish its reserves. Money, books, albums, paintings, etc. will help you cope with this difficult task.
Don’t forget about gifts between spouses; this should generally become a tradition for a newly-made family. IN in this case You can present money that everyone will spend on their own needs, or something made with their own hands, preferably from paper, such as a wedding album.
LeatherAs a gift, it is best to give something leather: a keychain, wallet, bag, furniture, etc.
LinenLinen is a durable and expensive material. This is also considered the fourth year of marriage; many problems have already passed, the spouses have gotten used to each other, perhaps a child or even two have appeared. On an anniversary, it is customary to give something made of flax. This could be tablecloths, towels, etc.
WoodenAs the name suggests, a tree becomes the symbol of a wedding. Accordingly, gifts should be wooden. If a married couple already has their own home, this is perfect for home use. Gifts can include wooden furniture, toys, jewelry, wooden photo frames, dishes, boxes and other items.
Cast ironOn this day, a married couple should be given something made of cast iron. This could be a frying pan, which is very useful in everyday life, or other products made from this metal.
ZincIf you decide to invite your loved ones to this holiday, then it is better to present them with appropriate items made of zinc as a gift. This could be dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. This will definitely come in handy in everyday life, especially for a young family.
CopperOn this day, it is customary to give something containing copper: a horseshoe, belt, candlesticks, etc.
TinOn this day you can give anything, as long as it is in a tin box or made of tin. Baking trays, trays, tin cans, etc. are perfect.
EarthenwareAs already mentioned, earthenware is a fragile material that can easily break. To hint about this to a married couple, it is tedious to give something fragile on this day that can break if handled carelessly. The spouses must compare their relationship with this gift and carefully preserve it in the future. As a gift, you can choose a set or crystal glasses. It is advisable that the gift be fragile.
TinThis day is usually celebrated on a grand scale. Accordingly, gifts should be expensive and worthy. On this day, spouses can be presented with huge bouquet red roses, which symbolizes passion. It will be difficult to present something made of tin, so you can limit yourself to flowers. In addition to them, various souvenirs, bed linen and other red items are suitable.
SteelOn this day it is customary to give souvenirs, dishes, and cutlery made of steel. You can also buy something with a steel tint, which is also perfect as a gift. Don’t forget about the packaging, it should be bright and colorful.
NickelOn this anniversary, the spouses should be reminded of the purity and radiance in the pulp, thereby hinting at their relationship with each other. You can give items made of nickel as a gift ( Jewelry, candlesticks, etc.).
LaceOn this day it is customary to give something tender, with a pleasant aroma. Don’t forget about a bouquet of lilies of the valley if your anniversary is during their flowering season. If not, then it will do just fine wonderful products for interior, underwear from lace, napkins and much more. You can also knit something with your own hands, it will be a great gift.
AgateOn this day you can give agate products, boxes, jewelry, etc.
KhrustalnayaYou can give a panel, painting, glasses or other crystal products, etc.
TurquoiseAny item can be given as a gift turquoise color. This could be jewelry, household items, etc.
PomegranateAs can be seen from the names of weddings, its symbol is given. Well, don’t give grenades to spouses. Therefore, something red would be an excellent gift, but what it will be is up to the guests to decide.
PorcelainDespite the fragility of porcelain, this material is considered expensive and noble. The couple have lived together for many years, they have already experienced a lot, it seems that everything is already there. What to give to guests who come to the celebration? Great gift It will be something made of porcelain, after all, after so many years the family already needs to update the dishes.
OpalIt is believed that opal is a repulsive stone. However, opal products should be given as a gift. Probably because two opals are able to attract each other.
BronzeIt is customary to give bronze items as gifts.
berylFor the holiday they give a blanket, a calendar, robes with photographs of spouses, beryl products, etc.
SatinIt is customary to give something made of satin: ribbons, decor, pillows, etc.
SilverGuests should give something made of silver. This could be jewelry, cutlery, collectible coins, etc.
JadeThey give jewelry with jade stone.
Mahogany weddingAs a gift, you can present products made of mahogany, pieces of furniture on which this tree is depicted.
VelvetYou can give items made of velvet.
PearlOn this anniversary, as a rule, the wife is given jewelry made of pearls, and the man is given interior items decorated with mother-of-pearl or pearls.
Dark (Sunny)It is customary for children to buy their parents trips to southern resorts as a symbol of the anniversary, sun and warmth, or give them coffee and chocolate.
AmberOn the anniversary, it is customary to give each other, as well as guests, gifts made of amber (interior items, jewelry)
CoralThey give products made from coral (beads, bracelets, decorative items). Often there are gifts from various fabrics. On this date, the wife gives the husband a linen shirt.
MuslinThe most common gifts given on this date are curtains, curtains made of muslin material, and clothes.
AluminumIf you are invited to a celebration, you should bring gifts made of aluminum (ashtray, vase, etc.)
MercuryAn anniversary gift is a cake with confectionery elements in the form of mercury droplets, as a symbol of the holiday.
CrepeOn this wedding anniversary they give scarves and tablecloths made of crepe material.
RubyThey give jewelry with ruby stone(earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets).
TopazovayaIt is customary to give jewelry with topaz stones.
SapphireOn this anniversary date, spouses and guests give products and decorative items with sapphire.
LavenderSince lavender is a southern plant, it is customary to give the wife flowers of southern origin, ideally a bouquet of lavender flowers. Guests present gifts of their choice, but the attribute flower bouquet required.
CashmereChildren give their parents items of clothing made from cashmere material, and guests give them their choice.
AmethystJewelry made from amethyst stone or any other similar stone is given as a gift. color scheme with amethyst.
KedrovayaRelatives and guests cedar wedding They present products or pieces of furniture made from cedar. An ideal gift is a jug of pine nut oil.
GoldenFor their anniversary, the couple buys new ones. wedding rings made of gold, it is also customary for relatives or friends to give gold rings.
EmeraldSpouses exchange emerald jewelry.
DiamondOn the sixtieth wedding anniversary, it is customary to give diamond jewelry to children. Guests are allowed to give crystal objects.
IronOn this rare anniversary, it is customary to give home decoration items with iron elements. A horseshoe is considered a blessed gift - a symbol of good luck and happiness.
StoneSpouses are supposed to give products made of natural and noble stone, which is marble, malachite or phosphorus stone.
BlagodatnayaRelatives and guests are not limited in any way when choosing gifts; gifts are given that show the love of the heroes of the day. But most often, anniversary gifts are selected at the request of the couple.
CrownOn a rare anniversary, they give a joint portrait of the spouses or gold rings in the form of crowns as a symbol of the holiday.
OakSpouses are given products or interior items or furniture made of oak.
GraniteThe best gifts for a ninetieth birthday are granite products - vases, figurines and the like.
Platinum (red)Due to the fact that the symbol of the anniversary is red, gifts should also contain shades of red. The only exception is gifts made of platinum (rings, bracelets, chains).

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

The anniversary invitation has been received. How can we congratulate the heroes of the day? Here are some options for congratulations in poetry and prose. Perhaps this will inspire you and you will come up with your own congratulations to match the heroes of the occasion.

From generation to generation, more and more forgotten folk traditions. Contemporaries, especially urban residents, consider these relics of the past. But some have not lost their meaning, giving people a reason and opportunity to show good feelings, love and respect to each other. These include those that mark the stages of family life, for example, a linen wedding - a four-year “experience”.

Such names symbolize the meaning of time lived together. The first few years of marriage are especially difficult. A husband and wife who are approaching their 4th wedding anniversary can be proud. They laid the foundation of a strong family, closely intertwining the threads of destinies and overcoming the threshold beyond which addiction, the formation of new habits and a sense of responsibility for a loved one remained.

Linen is considered a symbol of reliability; the fabric made from it is strong and durable. Due to its high cost, owning linen items used to indicate wealth. Due to beliefs, the 4th wedding anniversary is celebrated in such a way as to strongly emphasize the strength and maturity of relationships in a young family and to wish the spouses material benefits.

For four years, invisible threads connected the man and woman more closely, weaving their lives into one whole. The date of the 4th anniversary can be celebrated not only as a linen wedding, but also as a rope wedding: the essence is the same - the inseparability of the spouses, the strength of the family. There is another name - wax wedding. This plastic material is a symbol of flexible relationships, a tolerant attitude towards shortcomings, and the ability of spouses to adapt to each other’s characters.

Wedding traditions for 4 years of marriage

Based on the above symbols holiday traditions. Some are hopelessly outdated, but some still resonate in the soul. The main thing that attracts people in customs is the bright age-old wisdom, the connection between generations. For example, a touching surprise at linen wedding to a young woman from an older relative, for general happiness - a small doll with a braid; the braid meant complete happiness.

Known traditions:

  1. “The Canvas of Happiness” - the wife wove the cloth, experiencing the joy of living together with her husband, accepting gifts and other signs of attention from her husband. The resulting canvas over 4 years, in the morning holiday she sheltered her husband. In short, it gave him a hint of a change in attitude towards his other half. Young women figured out how to follow this custom in our time: they do embroidery on linen - as many colors and patterns as there are on it, they were so happy.
  2. A linen wedding required the wife to lay out a new sheet, which she sewed with her own hands and decorated with lace, hemstitching, and embroidery. Such linen was considered a family heirloom. The custom can be continued now: having bought a linen sheet, show your imagination and make it beautiful and elegant.
  3. There was a procedure for decorating the festive table: amulets were installed on it - inseparable dolls, which then should be placed on the wall in the marital bedroom. There could also be figurines on the table - symbols that the husband made from flax stalks; then they were stored for some time and burned in a special order.

How to celebrate your 4th wedding anniversary

This anniversary does not require magnificent events and a rich feast; only parents, godparents and close friends are invited to visit. You can do without culinary masterpieces, just a linen tablecloth, simple treats and burning wax candles. The couple are still young and anniversary dates ahead, but now it’s important that everyone has fun. It’s good if among the guests there is a joker and an entertainer - he will help with organizing the festive event.

It’s not enough to come up with a gift for your 4th wedding anniversary - you need to present it by choosing words appropriate to the occasion. Those who do not have eloquence should prepare a “speech” in advance so that it resonates with this date and contains a mention of symbols. If the gift is humorous, it is better to give it when the fun is in full swing. But it’s not always convenient to give a piquant gift to spouses in public.

The parents of the heroes of the occasion are the first to congratulate them. In what order the rest of the guests will speak is not important, the main thing is that they speak sincere wishes happiness and prosperity. Congratulations in prose and poetry, solemn and humorous - everything is appropriate. For this part of the holiday, you can stock up on sweets and flax seeds so that you can shower your spouses with them during congratulations.

A linen wedding has a ritual: having seated the “newlyweds” on a chair, they tied their legs and arms together with ropes - if they could not free themselves from the bonds, then congratulations were sounded strong love, with a long and happy family life awaiting them.

What to give for your 4th wedding anniversary

The name of the wedding holiday suggests what is given for a flax wedding - everything related to this plant, from the plant itself in a bouquet or pot to all kinds of linen products. It is necessary to take into account not only customs, but also the possibility practical application present. If you want to give something for the interior, you need to imagine a combination of this item with the style of the apartment. At small budget You can remember other signs of this wedding - rope, wax: the gifts associated with them will be symbolic, but not expensive.

So, gifts can be:

  1. Linen products – a set of bed linen (the most traditional version), tablecloth, set of napkins, towels, curtains, bedspread, throws for the sofa and armchairs, embroidery, painting or tapestry on a linen basis, pillows in the form of dolls for the sofa (interior) or filled with aromatic herbs (for the closet).
  2. Wickerwork - vases, boxes and baskets, photo frames, coasters, souvenirs made using the macrame technique, bottles good wine in a braid.
  3. Wax products - light decorative candles (symbolic, paired, floating, etc.; if the candles are aromatic, an aromatic lamp is given with them), candlesticks, cosmetics based on beeswax, souvenir barrel of honey.

Gifts should be wrapped in canvas or tied with a strip of fabric. Between spouses, gifts can be different - it depends on knowledge of each other’s tastes and preferences. Not only linen products will become relevant, but also what reminds them of the first four years of family life. It is not at all necessary for others to know about the details - this only applies to two people.

4 years from the date of marriage - important anniversary weddings, as it symbolizes a strong union. The fourth anniversary is called the linen wedding. You will learn about the origin of this name, the traditions of the holiday and the gifts that are customary to give from our article.

Each married couple counts down how many years have passed in marriage; an important date falls on the fourth year of marriage - the linen wedding. This anniversary is also called a wax or rope wedding, but the name “linen” is most common. It was no coincidence that our ancestors chose this name for the fourth anniversary. Linen is a symbol of durability. This plant is mentioned in many folk songs. Blue flowers flax was compared to the eyes of a betrothed or betrothed. Having lived together for 4 years, the couple proved that their relationship is strong, which is why this wedding anniversary has special meaning and is usually celebrated.

A wedding anniversary is associated with a huge number of traditions and rituals. Traditions depend on what kind of wedding is celebrated on this day: since 4 years of marriage are called a flax wedding, many rituals are performed using flax. For example, it used to be customary for the wife to weave linen fabric and sewed a sheet from it. The sheet was traditionally decorated with lace or embroidery. When a linen wedding came, the bed was covered with the created product; it was believed that whatever sheet the hostess would get for four years of marriage, this would be the life of the family in the future, so the wife tried to sew a sheet with rich decor. The sheet was not used every day: after the holiday, it was removed and preserved as a relic.

The 4th wedding anniversary in many sources also has the name rope, the etymology of this name is immediately clear. Having lived together for four years, the couple firmly tied their union with ropes of mutual understanding and love. Ropes, as we know, were previously made from flax, so these two names of the same date are interrelated.

In those regions where the fourth anniversary was called a rope wedding, they held interesting ritual: the guests tied the newlyweds up, and if they couldn’t get out, it meant their union would last a lifetime.

If a couple lived together for 4 years, then the guests, congratulating the newlyweds on their wedding day, sprinkled them with flax seeds. This tradition has survived to this day. Flax seeds symbolize richness and happy life. Today, it is customary to celebrate a linen wedding at home, among relatives and friends. It is believed that only after four years the newlyweds become full-fledged owners and it’s time to demonstrate their hospitality. The table for the celebration should be covered with a beautiful linen tablecloth. An abundance of dishes is welcomed as a symbol of the family's wealth. If the anniversary falls during the flax flowering period, then you can place themed bouquets in the room where the celebration will take place.

A linen wedding can be romantic holiday For two people, no matter how many years you live together, it’s never a bad idea to remind each other of warm feelings. To create a romantic atmosphere, light candles, turn on pleasant music and remember all the good things that happened over these four years, because there will be more to come.

What to give for 4 years of marriage

Many people wonder what to give a couple for their 4th wedding anniversary, but the solution lies on the surface: you need to find out which wedding falls on this date and choose a gift based on the theme. Since the fourth anniversary of the union is a linen wedding, gifts made from linen would be appropriate. It is customary to give useful gifts: bed linen, bedspreads, towels, linen tablecloths. It is believed that by this time the home textiles that the couple received as a dowry had already worn out, and it would be good to update them.

You can also give various items decor in which weaving is present. For example, you can present an original box with wicker elements. An unusual themed gift would be a painting on linen canvas. The couple will be pleasantly surprised to see their image in the picture.

Since the fourth anniversary is also called a wax wedding, they can serve as a gift. beautiful candles. The candle flame symbolizes eternity. Candles are presented with wishes of eternal love.

If the linen wedding is not with friends or relatives, but with you, then the pressing question is what to give to your other half. Usually on this day, spouses exchange scarves and buy each other clothes. If, when choosing a gift, you do not plan to follow traditions, then there are a huge number of options for how to please and surprise your loved one, the main thing is that the gift expresses your feelings.

4 years - not so much long term for family life, but it was during this time that the spouses had already managed to get used to each other, learn the habits of their other half, and even come to terms with their shortcomings. During this time, mutual affection became so strong that life without each other is no longer imaginable. The husband and wife seemed to be tied to each other - that’s why this wedding is called a “rope wedding.” Its second name is “linen”, because linen ropes have been considered the strongest since ancient times.

It is better to celebrate the fourth anniversary with your closest relatives and friends. Lush celebrations are not organized on this occasion, but it is advisable to adhere to some traditions. In the old days, a young housewife sewed a festive linen shirt for her husband, and a sundress for herself. The outfits were generously decorated with embroidery. Today, it is quite enough to buy things made of linen and wear them to celebrate a linen wedding. It is not customary to celebrate this wedding in a cafe or restaurant. It is better to organize it at home, especially since the couple may already have a baby who will find it difficult to be in public place. The baby can also wear a beautiful linen shirt.

Cover the festive table with a linen tablecloth, and if you don’t have one, then place it near the cutlery for each guest. linen napkin. On the table on this day there should be dishes prepared by the young housewife herself. If the anniversary falls in the summer months, then it would be nice to decorate the room with wildflowers, especially bouquets of blooming flax. If the wedding takes place in the cold season, then you can make artificial flowers from linen. As gifts for the married couple, guests should bring high-quality linen textiles: bed linen, towels, kitchen curtains, tablecloths and napkins. In return, the hostess can also give guests cute, hand-made souvenirs. For example, linen sachets filled with dried aromatic herbs.

And even if the celebrations for the linen wedding will not be as magnificent as we would like, the married couple still has many, many wonderful anniversaries ahead. And some of them, on the contrary, are celebrated widely and on a grand scale. Have a good and kind family life!

Fourth Anniversary marital relations traditionally called a linen wedding. In ancient times it was also called rope. Our ancestors performed an interesting ritual on this day. The spouses were tied with strong ropes, and if they could not free themselves, it was believed that in later life the family would always be together and would not separate. Centuries have passed, but linen anniversary and now denotes strong relationships. Let's find out more about the 4 spouses on this day and how best to celebrate the holiday.

What does a linen wedding symbolize?

4 years of family life is not yet an anniversary, however, it is a very important date for a young family. The relationship became stronger and stood the test of time. And linen (4 years) just means their strength and beauty.

Linen is chosen as the symbol for this date. And it is no coincidence, because it is no longer so thin and lightweight material like, for example, chintz. The first difficulties have already been overcome, the relationship has become calmer, there is less passion in them, but more harmony.

All this traditionally means flax. In addition, it symbolizes prosperity, the family is no longer considered young, and the time has come for the spouses to accumulate wealth. This is due to the fact that linen products were expensive, and not every couple could afford to purchase them.

Other names and meanings

It's interesting that in different traditions There are other options for what the 4th wedding year symbolizes. What is it accepted, for example, in other European countries?

In the Netherlands this anniversary is called the silk anniversary. You can see that this symbol is close in meaning to flax. In Germany, this wedding is usually called an amber wedding, because this stone is a symbol of durability and strength.

There is also a general meaning for the 4th anniversary of a marital relationship. This is a wax wedding. Moreover, the symbol was not chosen by chance. Its malleability and ability to take any form indicates how spouses and their characters change, adapting to each other.

What is customary to give for the 4th anniversary?

Now we know what the 4th wedding year symbolizes, what kind of wedding it is. What to give for the holiday - here's another one important question, which needs to be decided when going to the celebration.

As already mentioned, the symbol of the 4th anniversary is linen. That's why best gifts- these are those that are sewn from this material. Great option expensive bed linen, tablecloth or napkins will be available. You can remember another meaning of a linen wedding - wax - and give the spouses beautiful decorative candles and candelabra.

Parents give their spouses sets of beautiful children's clothing and linen bedspreads, because many families have babies at this time.

What do spouses give for a linen wedding?

Traditionally, on the 4th wedding anniversary, things and all kinds of linen products are given. For example, you can make a gift for your husband with your own hands. A good option will be an embroidered shirt, scarf or phone case.

Also, the wife can give her husband beautiful picture or his portrait on linen canvas. And traditional gifts are wardrobe items made from this material, for example, trousers.

You can choose almost any gift for your wife for her 4th wedding anniversary, the main thing is that it is also associated with the symbol of the holiday. Loving husband can give to his wife beautiful jewelry using linen threads, a handbag or cosmetic bag made of this material.

The fourth wedding anniversary is patronized, so you can please your wife with a ring or earrings with this stone. And don’t forget about the bouquet with flax sprigs. A traditional present- an embroidered sundress, which, according to custom, the wife was supposed to wear on the day of the holiday.

How to celebrate a family anniversary?

Let's find out how it is customary to celebrate 4 years of marriage. What wedding is complete without touching rituals and... ceremonies? They also exist for 4th anniversaries.

For example, beautiful and old custom“covering up” the spouse. Early in the morning on the day of the holiday, the young wife covered her husband with a skillfully embroidered linen “canvas of happiness.” It needs to be woven from the beginning of marriage, but not always, but only in those moments when the husband showed her attention and gave her joy. If he was gentle and caring enough, then by the 4th wedding anniversary the linen cloth became large enough to completely cover him. And if it was small, then the husband should have thought about it and be more attentive to his wife in the future.

How is a linen wedding anniversary celebrated? 4 years is not yet an anniversary, so it is customary to celebrate at home, surrounded by relatives and close friends. The main thing is that everyone has fun. Dishes placed on festive table, can also be simple. However, if a wife wants to surprise guests with her culinary skills, she can easily do this, because over 4 years of experience she has already accumulated enough experience. If there are no children in the family yet for the linen wedding, then there must be sweets on the table: honey, nuts, homemade cakes. They are believed to attract health and fertility.

Congratulations on a linen wedding

It is believed that on the 4th wedding anniversary, congratulations, like the holiday itself, should be cheerful. The first wishes are usually made by the parents of the spouses. They can be in poetic form. In the middle of the celebration, when the guests have relaxed and feel comfortable, the presentation of gifts can be accompanied by humorous poems and unusual congratulations.

As for the content, congratulations on the 4th wedding anniversary usually contain wishes for happiness and long life. family well-being. They can also refer to wealth and monetary well-being and even include some liberties, because, as we remember, this is, first of all, a fun and happy holiday.

Now we know what the 4th wedding year symbolizes. What kind of wedding, what to give for it and how to celebrate this day so that it becomes truly warm, bright and unforgettable holiday in the life of a young family, they also described.

After all, every anniversary brings new achievements and hopes, and the fourth is no exception. So love and appreciate each other!