Weddings in different countries. Wedding traditions around the world

The wedding tradition in every corner of the world is a reflection of the soul of the local population, the essence of the people of this area. All nations on our planet have their own identity, unusual rituals and a peculiar color. Let's look at the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world and find out how interesting they are to us, and whether we are ready to marry according to some unusual exotic ceremony that will unite the hearts of two lovers forever.

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

People of all nations of the world are constantly falling in love and getting married. Our country also has its own wedding traditions, rooted in ancient times. Each element of the Russian wedding ceremony hides a separate tradition. For example, among the Russian people it is customary:

  1. Block the road to the wedding cortege.
  2. Distribute sweets to children before going to the registry office.
  3. Redeem the bride.
  4. Release doves.

According to an old wedding tradition, the Russian bride is given the opportunity to be the first to cut the wedding loaf, showing her becoming a mistress of the house. The mother-in-law after the marriage removes the veil from the bride, which symbolizes the acceptance of a new member into the family. Another old Russian wedding custom that has survived to this day is the meeting of the newlyweds after the registration of marriage with bread and salt. According to Russian custom, the newlyweds must bite off wedding loaf one piece at a time, and whoever has a larger piece, he, according to legend, will be the head of the house.

Recently, the Slavic peoples have another wedding tradition: throwing bridal bouquet brides to unmarried friends. The girl who caught the bridal bouquet should be the next to marry. A similar ritual exists among men: the groom removes the garter from his wife's leg and throws it to his unmarried friends. Whoever catches her first will meet his soul mate. The mention of this wedding tradition can be found in the manuscripts of the XIV century. Then it was believed that any clothes taken off the bride or groom will bring favor to the opposite sex.

The Russian wedding custom of ransoming the bride is still the most fun. Usually witnesses are involved in the ransom, but sometimes the groom becomes a participant in this event. Traditionally, they redeem a girl with money, less often with champagne, vodka, sweets and flowers. Neighbors, acquaintances and invited guests take part in this wedding ritual. Although many other peoples of the world perform a similar ceremony - for example, it is customary for Muslims to take bride price for a bride - but in the Russian tradition, a ransom is more fun than a cash payment for a girl.

Russian wedding ceremonies are more about entertainment. In other peoples of the world, wedding traditions amaze with their practicality, thirdly - minimalism, and fourthly - romanticism. For example, in Australia wedding preparation begins a year before the appointed date of the celebration. The people of Australia are Catholics, so they do not have civil marriage registration. All newlyweds go through a wedding ceremony, after which the holiday begins.

Three months before the due date, future spouses begin to go to the priest, who prepares young people for life together and makes a wedding plan with them. Australians are practical in everything, and therefore wedding gifts agreed in advance. The bride and groom make a list of desired gifts in advance, and the guests distribute among themselves who and what will give.

Australians, like other Catholics in the world, have interesting tradition make a lot of noise on the way to church. The roots of this ritual come from antiquity, when the natives believed that the noise drives away evil spirits. To create a rumble to this day to wedding car many newlyweds around the world are tied to old tin cans or other metal objects that can create a rumble.

Rite of Breaking wedding glass exists in many countries of the world. After leaving the church, the young people are brought glasses of wine, which they must drink, and then break the glasses. According to the belief of many peoples, if both glasses break, then the newlyweds are waiting for happy life. But if any glass remains intact, then the marriage will not be successful. There is another explanation for this mysterious ritual: ancient people around the world believed that the ringing broken glass drives away evil demons from the newlyweds.

European wedding traditions

  • Hungary

According to the wedding tradition, the Hungarian bride takes off her shoes and puts them in the center of the hall. The gentleman who wants to dance with her must throw coins into her shoes. Whoever throws the most coins has the first right to dance. Another interesting Hungarian ritual is morning washing, when the bride, on the morning of the second day after the wedding, went to the well with the guests and washed all the guests in turn, then wiping them with a towel with her own hands.

  • Slovakia

The bride herself chooses for her chosen one, and then gives a ring and a shirt, which is sewn from natural silk. The groom, in response, also picks up a silver ring for the bride, puts it on fur hat and a chastity belt. A wedding in the cities of Slovakia often takes place with traditional entertainment, games, contests and buffet, but in the countryside there is still the opportunity to see the national wedding ensemble of folk instruments.

  • Norway

It is believed that in countries with a harsh climate, people do not know how to violently express feelings. wedding traditions Cold Norway is proof of this. There are much fewer women in this country than men, so young people are looking for a bride from an early age. Since ancient times, a Norwegian woman has been equal with a man, so not only older boys, but also older girls are considered heirs.

No one collects the dowry in Norway, and the newlyweds do the wedding on their own. own funds. The most beautiful Norwegian wedding tradition, which is still maintained by the newlyweds, is when guests go to the place of matchmaking in brightly decorated boats hung with wedding bells and other traditional wedding accessories.

  • Netherlands

Some wedding ceremonies in the Netherlands can shock ordinary people from other countries of the world. But the local bride and groom do not suffer from unnecessary modesty and believe that everything natural should not be banned. Guests at the wedding have fun without Slavic virtue, and according to our ideas, contests go beyond all decent boundaries. The more wedding obscene performances, the more successful, according to local residents, it goes.

On festive celebration in the Netherlands there is no traditional wedding cake. Instead, guests are offered national sweets called “sugar of the bride”. They are different shapes and the taste is a real mosaic. The bride orders sweets from different confectioners, so if a guest comes across two identical sweets, then this is considered a lucky omen.

African wedding ceremonies

  • Nigeria

According to the wedding traditions of Nigeria, the groom's parents invite a professional matchmaker who selects the right candidate for the bride that meets the requirements of the family. The matchmaker in the hammam checks the selected candidates for innocence, and then presents them to the court of their parents. An interesting local custom is observed immediately after a Nigerian wedding, when the groom is chased through the corridor by relatives who beat him with sticks. It is believed that only after this the groom is ready for family life.

  • Ethiopia

In African tribes, family life for a girl begins with real trials. For example, in the Surma tribe, six months before the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds pierce the lower lip and insert a clay disc. In order not to interfere with the disk, the two front teeth are removed, because it is believed that the larger the disk, the richer the dowry of the bride. In addition to warning about the high financial position of the girl, the clay disc protects her from evil spirits that can enter the body through the mouth.

  • Egypt

This African country is the birthplace of traditional marriage. The ancient Egyptians were the first people who proposed to the world to legitimize the relationship between a woman and a man. marriage contract also appeared for the first time in Egypt - it specified in detail the duties of a husband and wife. The wedding rituals of the peoples of Egypt are rooted in Islam, in which a man has the right to have four wives, but he must provide for everyone. Not all modern Egyptian men can afford more than one wife.

In Egypt, interesting and colorful national dances, which are present at all traditional wedding ceremonies: belly dance, dance with a skirt and swords. Ring exchange too ancient tradition Egyptian people, which was picked up by almost all countries of the world. The Egyptians consider the ring a symbol of love and put it on middle finger left hand, because through this finger passes the cardiac vein, which holds the hearts of the young.

  • Rwanda

Traditional wedding ceremony The Bahutu tribe in Rwanda is very passionate! The customs of this people require that the newlyweds express hatred towards each other. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, a woman with a veiled face goes to her husband's house and there begins a real massacre. The wife ruthlessly scratches her husband, inflicting tangible wounds on him, and the husband also shows aggression towards her.

The slaughter continues until the morning, and its participants remain silent, not uttering a single word during the entire fight. The pugnacious ritual can even go on for several nights in a row, after which the wife moves to her husband's house forever and the spouses of the Bahutu tribe never quarrel again. These strange wedding traditions test young people's readiness for family life. Maybe that's why African families are so durable?

Customs of the peoples of Asia

  • Thailand

The wedding ritual of this Asian people does not require modest attire. On this day, the Thai bride can change up to ten multi-colored and white dresses, depending on which ceremony is performed. For each ceremony, you need to choose the appropriate dress. Black is not allowed at a wedding, it is worn by widows in Thailand, so it is not used even in the decoration of a wedding dress. According to the traditions of Thailand, weddings should have a lot of gold, red and orange colors.

  • China

This people loves the color red, so according to the Chinese wedding tradition, everything is red: the bride's dress, envelopes with money, gift boxes and even rose petals. The wedding tradition, when the newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a red ribbon, also came to the world from China. The Chinese wedding ceremony is expensive, but it quickly pays off, as gifts to newlyweds are given only in cash. Money is given even by those relatives who are not present at the ceremony.

  • India

The wedding ritual of the Indian peoples is the most colorful spectacle in the world, the clearest demonstration of the beliefs of the Indian people, a manifestation of their spiritual culture and deep religious roots. Usually, Indian newlyweds meet for the first time during the marriage ceremony, but this people almost never divorces. For other nations, this remains a mystery, because in those countries of the world where they marry for love, the divorce rate is simply catastrophic.

Hindus mainly wedding accessory are flowers. There are an immense amount of them at the wedding, so this is an expensive component of every Indian wedding ceremony. The aroma of flowers is loved by the gods, so through flowers they will quickly hear the requests of mortals. An important point at the holiday is the table: only vegetarian dishes are served, and eggs, fish and meat are strictly prohibited.

A wedding ceremony on this Indonesian island has become a fashionable event among all the newlyweds in the world, and it is clear why. It is considered if traditional marriage on this paradise island, then it will be happy and long. In addition, the Balinese ceremony is very impressive: incense is smoked, flower offerings are made to thousands of local gods, and the newlyweds are dressed in stunningly beautiful costumes decorated with gold embroidery wound in several layers.

The newlyweds travel to the place of the wedding ceremony in a golden carriage, while the more prosperous arrive on richly decorated elephants. In the temple, the young are showered with exotic flower petals, and invited priests say special prayers that will help the husband and wife find happiness. Music, dances, flowers, traditional Balinese treats allow you to feel in harmony with the ancient island deities.

North and South America

Unlike other countries of the world, the wedding ceremony in the United States is part of the business, the preparation of which the Americans trust to special agencies. The celebration begins in the same way as in other Catholic countries of the world:

  • a guy proposes to a girl;
  • the date of the engagement is set, on which the groom gives the ring;
  • an official wedding ceremony is held.

There are no restrictions in an American wedding, but the newlyweds' outfits are usually performed in a traditional style. On the girl, in addition to the new dress, there must be some old thing and object blue color. A worn item symbolizes a connection with relatives, and the blue color is fidelity in marriage. The undoubted advantage is the ability to choose several bridesmaids, and not just one, as in other countries of the world. So no friend will be left without attention.

  • Mexico

Latin American peoples are descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs, so their wedding traditions are somewhat different from the rites of the rest of the world. In a traditional Mexican wedding, there are sponsors who finance the celebration. These are, as a rule, parents, godparents and relatives of the young. During the wedding, around the newlyweds, the priest wraps a symbolic "lasso" in the form of a special rosary, symbolizing the union of two people into one.

Mexicans have even more ancient Indian traditions inherited from the Indians, so before the official wedding ceremony, the unity of two people is celebrated. First, a woman must go through a ritual of washing, and then an Indian traditional ritual takes place near the oldest tree, which notifies the elements (water, air, earth, fire) and ancestors that young people are bound together forever.

Video: an overview of the traditions of the peoples of the world

At different peoples The world has its own wedding ceremonies, but one thing unites them: the desire to achieve well-being, love and success for a young family. Now many wedding traditions can no longer be called exclusively Slavic, Asian or Indian, so they have spread throughout the world. For example, a ransom or bride price is given in all religions, and not a single wedding ceremony in the world takes place without the dance of the newlyweds. Let's see in the video how it happens in different parts colors:

The old Scottish custom is surprising. So, in some regions of this country for several centuries there has been a tradition to smear the bride with mud before the wedding. And the more disgusting this dirt looks, the more joy this procedure brings to its participants. Therefore, all improvised means are used here, including food. But that's not all. In the company of the groom's friends, the bride must also go to the bars. It is believed that after this, all the rest of life's troubles will seem like a childish prank to her, and she will be absolutely ready for family life.

Proposing and Showing Love at World Weddings

A very unusual wedding tradition exists in Germany. After solemn ceremony weddings, the young must go to a special log. Sawing it together in the presence of all those invited to the celebration, they demonstrate how they will live as a couple and solve all difficulties and problems together.

Curious and mysterious is the Jewish wedding with its secret rituals and ceremonial.

There is one special way to propose in Bulgaria. To do this, the groom must approach his future bride at a distance of several meters and throw an apple at her. You need to get into the object of your passion the first time, otherwise the offer may not be accepted.

Wedding traditions and customs in different countries ah of the world can be at first glance cheerful and ridiculous, but at the same time carry a deep philosophical meaning.

Weddings and customs of the peoples of the world

On the islands of Bali, there is a long tradition of filing young teeth before marriage. And not one or two, but six at once, fangs along with incisors. This ritual is done in order to:

  • Designate a transition to adult life
  • To expel evil spirits from the bodies of the newlyweds, which can ruin their lives.

Weddings of small peoples of the world are interesting and extremely unusual, for example, a wedding with gypsies or in Mauritania. For the latter, for a successful marriage, the bride-to-be begins to feed densely and satisfyingly from the age of five. The fact is that in these parts it is lush women who are considered beautiful. The larger, more stout she is, the greater the dowry for her parents can get.

Wedding rites of the peoples of the world are original and interesting for their symbolism.

Where did the tradition of screaming bitterly at a wedding come from?

Under the exclamations of "Bitter!" at the wedding, the newlyweds kiss and delight the guests with their manifestation of love.

Versions of the origin of the custom

There are several options for the origin of the tradition.

This very symbolic tradition of the modern wedding, which has become a real calling card Russian culture and which no other wedding rituals of the peoples of the world can boast of.

Wedding customs in different countries

This holiday is celebrated on a large scale in Libya. It lasts eight days, and the most interesting happens on the sixth day. The groom gives his beloved a basket with special contents - guffa. It contains spirits expensive fabrics and other valuable things. The bride, on the other hand, should not only carefully examine the contents of the gouffa, but also immediately taste its contents. Especially for this, she calls one of her relatives, who takes out incense from the basket and rubs it on the bride's heel. The Lebanese believe that this is how the wife can for a long time keep your spouse under his heel.

Wedding traditions in some nations of the world can be very cruel. So, marriage for a groom in Nigeria is a whole test of strength, and in the truest sense of the word. In order to get the hand of his beloved, he must pass through the crowd of her relatives, who at that time will beat him with sticks. If the candidate stands the test with dignity, he thereby demonstrates his stamina and is gladly accepted as a new member of the family.

Wedding traditions of different peoples, regardless of the continent and religion, are covered with legends and legends. The portal site is sure that they have their own special meaning, requiring respect and reverence.

    No matter where in the world the wedding takes place and what nationality the newlyweds belong to, the wedding will be the most joyful, bright and memorable event in their lives. And yet - how many countries and peoples, so many wedding customs, traditions and beliefs exist. Almost all of them are rooted in ancient times and today may seem strange, incomprehensible and not always appropriate, but, nevertheless, all of them have their own hidden, secret meaning Therefore, they are carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation. You will no doubt be interested in learning about How are weddings celebrated in different corners our planet, or perhaps you decide to include some funny and unusual tradition into the script own wedding, adding a “zest” to the usual ceremony and making your wedding special and, of course, unforgettable!

    IN America and in England every bride makes sure that on her wedding day she has something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue (something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue). Also, in the English countryside, the bride and her guests walk together to church. The procession is led by a little girl, who scatters flowers along the road so that the life of the bride flows happily and is filled with flowers. For happiness, brides sew some kind of amulet to the edge of the dress, for example, a small silver horseshoe. In Scotland, the groom, in order to accept the bride into his family, after they have uttered all the due oaths, must throw a tartan scarf with the colors of his clan around her shoulders and stab it with silver pins. And in the English county of Wales, there used to be a very exotic tradition of matchmaking: a boy and a girl were tied with a rope, leaving a knot, and then they went to bed. If the “tied” did not want to marry, then the knot was untied at night, and if the knot remained intact, then from that night they were considered the bride and groom.

    The Indians of the tribe Navajo living in the USA, traditional Wedding Dress painted in four colors, each of which represents the direction of the world: black is north, blue symbolizes south, orange is west, and white is east. At the ceremony, the couple faces east, from where the sun rises, which symbolizes the beginning of a new era in the life of the young.

    On Bermuda upper tier wedding cake decorate with a tiny young tree. After the wedding, young people plant this tree in front of their house as a sign that their marriage will last as long as this tree grows.

    German wedding traditions include the Polterabend ritual. On the evening before the wedding, the bride's friends come to the door of her house and smash dishes and plates on the threshold. It is believed that the fragments bring good luck to the bride. After that, the bride traditionally treats those who came with a glass of wine or a cup of tea with a pie to thank them. The next day, during the ceremony itself, the bride must have bread and salt with her in order to spend her whole life in abundance. The bridegroom brings grain, which means wealth and good luck. The guests cover the path with fresh spruce branches, which the bride and groom will walk after the end of the ceremony, which symbolizes good luck, hope and wealth in the future family life. For this, guests are given handkerchiefs so that they can wrap the food left over from the holiday in them and take it home.

    IN Austria newlyweds, approaching the registry office or church, should make as much noise as possible to scare away evil spirits. Therefore, they tie empty tin cans and other rubbish to cars. The bride adorns her veil with myrtle, which is considered the flower of life. When young people enter the church, children, most often a boy and a girl, carry a basket of flowers behind them, and when they leave after the wedding, they shower these flowers on their way.

    On the bed of the newlyweds Greece children should run first - it is believed that after that the young couple will definitely have healthy and happy offspring. Also in Greece, on the clothes of young friends and girlfriends, an eye should be depicted, which will protect the young couple from failure. Godfather the groom is the guest of honor, who crowns the couple and leads them around the altar three times. On the day of the wedding, the bride puts a piece of sugar in her glove so that the love of her and the groom will always remain sweet.

    Seeing the marriage cortege in Hungary, all the cars on the street begin to honk, thereby greeting and congratulating the bride and groom. Traditional present the groom to the bride - a bag of coins, and the bride to the groom - three or seven (lucky numbers) handkerchiefs. According to Hungarian custom, the bride will happily dance with each of the guests, but this dance is not free and can cost a tidy sum. There is a similar tradition on the other side of Europe - in Portugal. In the Portuguese "dance of money", a guest who wants to dance with the bride puts money in her shoe, which is offered to him.

    There is a "dance of money" and in Poland- guests attach money to the bride's dress to buy a dance with her. And in Polish villages, friends and neighbors weave a wreath of rosemary leaves and adorn the bride's hair with it.

    Danes considered the most successful wedding omen get married on Valentine's Day - then the husband and wife will love each other all their lives. On the wedding table, there must be a Danish marzipan pie, decorated around the edges with candles, fresh fruit and medallions with portraits of the bride and groom.

    According to the old French tradition, the newlyweds should drink for their happiness from a large bowl with two handles.

    Very interesting and romantic wedding customs V Belgium- there the groom, about to propose to the girl, plants a “Maypole” under the window of his beloved - a birch or a Christmas tree. And the girl, as a sign of consent, arranges an "afternoon snack with sweets and coffee." On the eve of the wedding, the girl must embroider her name on a handkerchief, which she then takes with her to the marriage ceremony. Then he inserts it into a frame and stores it until the next family wedding.

    But in Holland a festive wedding dinner is arranged before the ceremony, and not after it, as in other European countries. At dinner, there must be sweets called "bride sugar" and spiced wine called "tears of the bride."

    IN Bulgaria when the bride and groom leave the feast, they are showered with figs.

    IN Spain the groom gives the bride thirteen coins, thus showing that he can take care of her and support her in family life. Throughout the wedding ceremony, the bride keeps these coins with her in a special purse.

    In many African countries during slavery, black couples were prohibited from marrying and living together. To express their love for each other, young people in front of everyone jumped over a broom, which was a symbol of the beginning of their " married life". And today, African newlyweds make a jump over a broomstick after the wedding as a sign that Hard times slavery is not forgotten. And the bride puts on beads made of shells before the wedding as a symbol of purity and purity.

    IN Nigeria the girl must recover well before the wedding, otherwise she will be returned to her parents.

    IN Kenya girls before the wedding decorate their hands and nails with ritual patterns of black and red. The drawing is holding whole year, symbolizing new status women. Another notable tradition that exists in Kenya requires the husband to wear women's clothing. For what? So that he can feel the full weight of the female share.

    according to custom India, the father of the bride meets the groom as the most honored guest and washes his feet. The bride serves the groom a traditional wedding drink from sour milk, honey and oil, which is also treated to the most dear guests. The groom's brother or another male relative after the ceremony showers the newlyweds with flower petals to drive away unclean spirits. For the same purpose, coconuts are twisted three times over the heads of the young. Wedding rings Hindus wear not on the ring finger, but on the thumb.

    IN Iran the groom must give the bride an expensive gift to the bride - a house, apartment, or at least a large sum in gold coins. The bride should also give the groom something expensive - for example, a ring or wedding suit. At the wedding ceremony, women rub the crumbs from two sugar heads over the heads of the newlyweds so that they will always be lucky.

    During Chinese During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom drink wine and honey from goblets tied together with red braid - red symbolizes love and joy.

    Vietnamese Newlyweds walk not one, but two whole weddings: the first is arranged by the groom's parents, the second - by the bride. At the wedding, it is customary for newlyweds to give watermelon seeds - a symbol of fertility in Vietnam.

    In the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan the bride and groom drink nine sips of sake rice vodka at the wedding. It is believed that after the first sip they officially become husband and wife.

    Traditions of bride kidnapping exist or have existed in many countries, from Japan and Italy to England and Albania. However, by the middle of the 19th century, almost all over the world, these customs had disappeared or were even banned by law, although in some places, for example, in Chile, they have survived to this day.

    Russian wedding traditions

    What about in Russia? Our country is also rich in a variety of wedding customs and traditions. You may know about some of them, and some will become a discovery for you.

    First of all, Russian custom says that the groom should not see the bride on the eve of the wedding - this is considered bad omen. The wedding morning begins with the ransom of the bride. This is an echo of an ancient custom, when, in order to avoid incest, a wife was taken from another tribe, whose members were often enemies of the groom’s clan, and it was possible to “get” a wife from them only by appeasing them properly. The groom goes for his betrothed with the "team", that is, the most faithful and close friends. Relatives and friends of the bride on the way of the groom create a variety of obstacles that the future husband must successfully overcome.

    The bride and groom must travel to the registry office in separate cars. Why? This is an echo of an old tradition, according to which the groom with best men came to the church before the chosen one and waited for her at the entrance. Immediately after registration, the newlyweds go for a ride on beautiful places cities. And the tradition of "humming" with the whole cortege echoes similar European customs of making noise as loudly as possible to ward off evil spirits. boy, small - to the girl.

    Also recently, a very beautiful tradition has appeared to release a pair of white doves into the wild, as a sign of the beginning of a new life for the young.

    Upon returning from a walk to the wedding feast, the newlyweds are greeted and showered with small sweets, coins and rice - so that life is sweet, rich and fertile. In addition, according to the old Russian custom, parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt, bringing them a loaf on an embroidered towel. The bride and groom must bite off a piece of loaf without touching it with their hands - and the one who bites off a larger piece will be the master in the house.

    And then the feast begins, during which the guests, according to a well-known tradition, shout "Bitterly!" in unison. Surely many are wondering where it comes from - why is it bitter, who is bitter? And this tradition is explained as follows: before, the bride walked around the guests with a tray on which they put money, took a cup, drank and said: “Bitter!”. So the guest confirmed that it was vodka in the glass, and not water, after which he could kiss the bride. Gradually, this custom was replaced by a playful demand for kisses from the newlyweds themselves.

    And here are two traditions borrowed from the West and quite new for our country. The bride must throw the wedding bouquet to unmarried friends, and the one who catches it, according to the sign, will marry next. Just as the bride throws her bouquet to her unmarried friends, the groom throws the garter taken from the bride's leg to his single friends - the one who catches her marries first.

    The groom must carry the bride to the bedroom in his arms in order to protect her from damage that evil sorcerers, at the request of envious people, could bring to the threshold of the bedchamber. Before the newlyweds enter the house, an unlocked lock must be placed under the threshold, and as soon as they enter, the lock is locked with a key and thrown away. This is done so that the marriage is long and prosperous.

    A wedding is one of the most common ceremonies around the world. It is not surprising that in different parts of the world their own, very special and unique traditions associated with the holding of this celebration have developed. After all, everyone wishes the young spouses a happy and prosperous life. And various actions that have been formed over the centuries are called upon to help in this.

    This phenomenon has not bypassed Russia. Our country is characterized by such wedding customs as matchmaking, the ransom of the bride, the release of pigeons by the newlyweds, offering a loaf to the groom and the bride. And if you are single and want to find your other half in order to have a wedding according to all the established traditions, you can contact the Heart-Hunter Moscow marriage agency, which has extensive experience in this field, uses a scientific approach and even uses international search in practice. But in different countries of the world there are traditions that are much more exotic for us, accompanying marriage.

    Unusual wedding rituals
    So, we present the most original, in our opinion, wedding customs found in different parts of the world.

    European traditions
    In Finland, when giving a gift to newlyweds, it is customary to name the price of the gift. Therefore, all the invitees devote this moment increased attention in order not to lose face in front of the audience.

    Croatia has a tradition of throwing apples into a well. It's supposed to bring the young financial well-being, since apples are a symbol of wealth.

    The French bride traditionally has to pretend that she does not want to get married. During the entire period leading up to the marriage, she cries and makes attempts to run away from the wedding. It was believed that a girl behaving in this way is virtuous.

    Rites in Asia
    A mandatory gift that each guest in Malaysia gives to the bride and groom is a boiled egg. The fact is that in this country the egg symbolizes prosperity and security.

    For the Bedouin, it is extremely important to set the most generous wedding table. The main custom is the preparation of such a dish. Eggs are laid on top of the cooked fish. Then it is folded into a pre-prepared bird, which, in turn, is put into a fried ram, and that one into an already cooked camel. Such a dish is a must at a Bedouin wedding ceremony.

    In Korea, the symbol eternal love are geese and ducks. In this regard, they must be present at the wedding celebration.

    A Pakistani girl who is getting married leaves her father's house, carrying the Koran on her head.

    very unusual for modern world wedding customs in India. The fact is that in this country a girl is allowed to marry from the age of 16. But a young man can become a groom at the age of five!

    One of the most controversial traditions still exists in Bali. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have their teeth filed. And this is done without any anesthetics. The fact is that there is a belief on the island that the newlyweds who have passed this ceremony are not involved in evil spirits.

    American customs
    African Americans consider it a must to have a broom at their wedding. This tradition dates back to slave times. Any marriage ceremony among slaves was prohibited. Therefore, lovers had to look for all sorts of loopholes. Then a tradition was born, according to which jumping over a broom was considered the beginning of married life.

    The Mexican bride and groom are tied to each other by their shoulders with a lasso. This is considered a symbol of the strength and inviolability of their union.

    In Bermuda, birthday cakes are attached to real trees, which are planted near their homes at the end of the wedding. Such wedding tree pay great attention, as it is believed that it will bring happiness to the newlyweds. Therefore, it is very important that his eyelid is as long as possible.

    Wedding rituals in Africa
    Kenya is famous for its unusual attitude towards marriage. There, the wedding is played only after receiving confirmation of the bride's pregnancy. And after marriage, the groom begins to wear his wife's clothes. This has been going on for at least three months. It is assumed that in this way a man can share the hardships of pregnancy with his wife.

    Preparation for marriage in the Sahara begins when a girl turns 12 years old. The task of the relatives of the future bride is to feed her as much as possible. After all, the larger the woman, the more beautiful she is considered. Moreover, the fullness of the bride symbolizes the solid position of her parents. Such a bride, of course, will most successfully marry. Those families that do not have sufficient funds to properly fatten the girl usually give her to more affluent relatives.

    Marriage traditions of Australia and Oceania
    On the Fiji Islands obligatory gift, which the groom must present to the father of the bride, is considered half of the whale's tooth. Thus, the young man conveys to future relatives the wishes of wealth and high position.

    As we can see, the peoples of the world are distinguished by their extraordinary imagination, endowing wedding ceremonies with a wide variety of meanings, symbolizing all sorts of benefits for the future husband and wife.

    The world customs of the main celebration of lovers are unique, because the rites are at the same time similar to each other, even among the most different nationalities, and at the same time have individual characteristics. The wedding traditions of the peoples of the world reflect the culture of the nation, its identity, the heritage of the ancestors, and the way of life. Having studied the customs of different peoples, you can learn a lot of interesting things or even arrange your own celebration in national style, for example, with Mexican or Indian rites.

    Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

    Russia, of course, has its own wedding rituals that date back to ancient times. And every action performed on this special day is performed in a certain sequence and has special meaning. So, at Russian weddings it is necessary:

    • Distribute sweets to children in the yard after the ransom of the bride and her exit with the groom into the yard.
    • Block the path of the wedding column.
    • Arrange a bride price.
    • Release white doves into the sky.

    According to custom, a Russian girl is supposed to cut bread, thereby symbolizing the entry into the rights of a mistress in the house. At the end of the wedding, the groom's mother removes the veil from the head of the future relative, showing that she has taken her son's wife, her daughter-in-law, into the house. An equally popular Russian custom is "bread and salt", during which young people are greeted at home with a loaf and a salt shaker. The newlyweds bite off a piece of it: whoever has it more is the main one in the house.

    The Slavs also have one more ritual - to throw the bride's bouquet to her friends. Whichever girl catches him will be the next to marry. It is interesting that men also have this custom, but it is less known and popular. In this case, the groom throws a garter from the bride's legs to his friends. Accordingly, which of the guys grabs her, he will marry first. This custom was written in the manuscripts of the 15th century. At that time, it was believed that any item of clothing of the spouses, taken off by them and given to someone, brings the favor of a man or woman.

    One of the fun Russian wedding traditions that has survived to this day is the rite of redemption of the young. During it, the bridegroom's friends ransom the bride, but the task of the opposite side is to do everything possible to future husband also participated in the event and completed it. As a ransom, not only money is used, but also alcohol, food, jewelry and even flowers. Everyone who wants to participate in such a ceremony, because what more people, the more fun such a bright action will take place.

    Traditions at weddings of some peoples of the world also have at their disposal a rite of redemption. For example, Muslims pay money for their daughter-in-law. But, of course, the difference between these traditions is obvious: the ransom of the bride from the Slavs is more of a comic performance than a real bargain for a girl. The bridesmaids are trying to come up with more intricate tasks for the groom so that he cannot see his beloved for as long as possible. The whole redemption process is accompanied by jokes, jokes, fun and laughter. In general, almost all Russian wedding customs are rather comic and funny than serious.

    Customs at weddings of other peoples of the world are sometimes amazing in their diversity. For example, Australian couples begin to prepare for the celebration a whole year before it starts. Australians are Catholics by religion, and they do not accept civil marriage. Usually young people get married in a church, and then a solemn feast begins. In the season before the wedding, the couple visits the priest for conversations, as well as the preparation and organization of the wedding ceremony. In Australia live very practical people, and future spouses always make a list of those presents that they need. This list is distributed among the guests, and the newlyweds get exactly what they really wanted for the wedding.

    Like many other Catholic nations, Australians have a tradition of making noise on the way to the temple. The custom is rooted in the deep past, when the locals believed that noise could drive away evil spirits. Currently, to create noise for the newlyweds, a garland of empty beer cans is tied to the car.

    The custom of breaking wedding glass also refers to the common wedding traditions of the peoples of the world. When the newlyweds leave the temple, they are served a tank of wine: you need to drink the contents, and break the container. According to a sign, if two wine glasses are broken at once, happiness and an excellent family life await the young. If only one of them crashed, the marriage will be unsuccessful. The custom is explained by the fact that the sound of broken glass should scare away evil spirits.

    European wedding traditions


    There are some interesting customs in this country. First, the young wife takes off her shoes, takes her shoes and puts them in the center of the banquet hall where the wedding takes place, thereby inviting the young guys to dance. If there is such a volunteer, then he is obliged to put coins in her shoes. The winner is the one who shares the most coins.

    Another Hungarian wedding ceremony is associated with water procedures. On the second day after the celebration, the newlywed goes with those invited to the source of water. There, the girl washes people in turn, and then she wipes them with a towel.


    Contrary to the traditions of other nations, it is customary here that the bride herself chooses and gives the groom a ring and a silk shirt. The guy also presents in response to his beloved jewel, after which he necessarily puts on a hat made of fur with a belt. In Slovak cities, weddings are already celebrated on modern rules, but in the countryside, holidays are still held in compliance with all ancient rituals.


    It is generally accepted that the colder the climate in the country, the more restrained in the feelings of its inhabitants. Norwegian wedding traditions once again confirm this fact. There are much fewer lovely ladies here than male representatives, and therefore they try to find a bride almost from childhood. In Norway, women have equal rights with men, so both first-born boys and older girls become heirs in families. In this northern country dowry is not prepared, and the wedding is organized by a couple in love with their own savings. One of the most sophisticated Norwegian traditions that has survived to this day is moving to the place of celebration on brightly decorated boats.


    Wedding customs in the Netherlands can greatly surprise residents of other states. It is believed here that the more obscene the banquet is, the happier and more cheerful the young will live. Therefore, the celebration is arranged without observing all sorts of norms of behavior.

    At a wedding in the Netherlands, you will not find a luxurious cake. Instead of everyone's favorite delicacy, guests are treated to custom-made confectionery products called “bride sugar”. If one of the invitees gets the same shape of sweets, then it is considered to be a lucky sign.

    African wedding ceremonies


    According to the customs of this people, future father-in-law with the mother-in-law, a real matchmaker is called into the house, who helps to choose a bride for their son, who meets all the criteria that the father and mother put forward. The matchmaker personally checks the girls' candidacies for the presence of innocence, and then shows the selected applicants to their parents.

    There is another rather funny custom among the Nigerian people: immediately after the end of the wedding young husband let him through the “corridor of relatives”, and each of them beats him with a stick. So the relatives initiate the young husband into family life.


    accommodation in African tribe- a real test for a girl, and wedding customs here are not easy and romantic. So, in the Surma tribe, 6 months before the expected date of the festival, the girl is pierced lower lip and place a disc of clay in it. In order for it to take the correct position, 2 teeth are pulled out in front, since it is customary to think that the size of the disk symbolizes the degree of wealth of the young bride, and is also designed to protect her from evil spirits that enter the body through the mouth.


    It should be mentioned that the Egyptians were the first to come up with the idea of ​​building relations between the representatives of the weaker and stronger sex within the framework of the law. The marriage contract originated in Egypt, and it was spelled out point by point what the husband should do and what the wife should do. Of course, Egyptian wedding customs are directly related to the religion of this country. According to Muslim canons, a man can have up to 4 wives, however, if only he is able to provide for each of them. Therefore, in modern Egypt, few people can afford such a number of spouses.

    The wedding customs of this people are also interesting with colorful entertainment: this is a belly dance, as well as with swords and skirts. The rest of the countries also adopted the ritual of exchanging rings from Egypt. According to ancient beliefs, the ring is a symbol of eternal feelings, love. It must be worn on left hand, on the middle finger, since this place is the heart vein. Thus, the ring forever unites the hearts of the couple.


    The wedding customs of the Bahutu tribe surprise Europeans even more, since here the newlyweds are required to show not love, but hatred for each other. At the end of the wedding, the bride, covering her face with a veil, goes to her new home, and from that moment a real fight begins.

    The quarrel lasts until the morning, and during it the newlyweds do not talk to each other. After the fight ends, the wife moves in with her husband. Having performed such a difficult rite, they will no longer swear until death. Thus, this strange tradition prepares the newlyweds for the tests of strength in family life. Perhaps that is why families from Africa are more united than those of other nations.

    Customs of the peoples of Asia


    The wedding ceremony in this country does not imply the presence of a classic white dress for the bride. On the day of the holiday, the newlywed can try on almost ten clothes. Moreover, the outfits can be completely different colors and styles, it all depends on what kind of ceremony is taking place at the moment. The only prohibition regarding the choice of clothing is an anthracite-colored dress. In Thailand, it belongs to widows, so it is considered bad luck to highlight any details. wedding image given color. Most often, brides use orange, red, yellow tones for their formal wear.


    The most favorite color in China is scarlet. Therefore, at a wedding, any details can be emphasized in red: the bride's dress, and envelopes for money, and flowers, the petals of which are showered on the newlyweds. And the popular tradition of drinking drinks for a wedding by spouses from wine glasses, whose legs are girded with a red ribbon, also appeared in the world from the Middle Kingdom. Organization of a Chinese wedding banquet, as a rule, is expensive, but young people quickly justify it with gifts from the guests. After all, in China it is customary to give only money. Moreover, they are usually given by those relatives who cannot attend the holiday.


    Traditions at Indian weddings are perhaps some of the most impressive in terms of beauty in the whole world. This is a kind of quintessence of all the customs, culture and religious rites of the Indian people. Despite the fact that newlyweds very often meet for the first time right at the ceremony, divorces are not accepted here.

    Basic wedding decorations in India, these are flowers, which are considered almost the main item of the budget. But the festive space is literally immersed in bright fragrant colors. wedding table in India it consists exclusively of vegetarian dishes, neither meat nor eggs are allowed.


    Ceremony wedding celebration on the island is currently considered the most popular event among couples in love. First of all, it's amazingly beautiful here. Secondly, it is believed that a marriage registered on this island will be long and happy. And thirdly, the wedding event is quite exotic: the place is fumigated with incense, hundreds of flowers are sacrificed to the gods, and the newlyweds themselves are dressed in luxurious outfits decorated with gold embroidery.

    Arriving at the place of the ceremony here is supposed to be on a gilded carriage. And the wealthiest couples ride on elephants, the decoration of which is stunning in its beauty. During the event in the holy house, the newlyweds are sprinkled with flower petals, special prayers are read to help the newly-made spouses find a happy family life. Dancing, tropical plants, music, local cuisine treats - all this is a great start to a new union of hearts.

    North and South America

    For America, unlike other countries, marriage is a kind of business, and preparatory work it is given into the hands of holiday agencies. The decoration of the celebration has the same classical stages as the rest of the peoples of the world:

    • A man offers his hand and heart to his beloved.
    • The date of the engagement is announced, at which the groom gives the ring.
    • A celebration is being held.

    There are no taboos in an American wedding, but, as a rule, the outfits of the newlyweds have a rather traditional look. However, according to custom, the girl should wear an old piece of clothing and a blue item. old thing- a symbol of connection with parents, and blue - a sign of fidelity in marriage. Another interesting point is that the number of bridesmaids is not limited!


    peoples Latin America descended from the Aztec and Maya Indians. Therefore, wedding customs here have their own nuances. Sponsors usually take care of organizing the event. Moreover, they do not have to be the mother and father of the young, sometimes godparents or distant relatives act in their role.

    It is worth noting that during the wedding near the young, the priest circles a symbolic circle with special rosaries, which serve as a symbol of the unity of two souls.

    The Mexicans inherited even more ancient customs from the Indians. Two weddings are celebrated here: one is official, the second is an informal ceremony designed to help the couple unite. To do this, the girl is washed, after which they, together with the groom, approach the oldest tree for implementation. ancient rite. Thus they notify nature and the world about their unity forever.

    As you have noticed, all the rituals and rituals associated with the wedding are aimed at:

    • To equip the newlyweds with a long and happy life.
    • Drive away evil spirits from the bride and groom.
    • Make sure that the newly-made husband and wife do not quarrel.
    • Have fun, dance and have a wonderful holiday.
    • To clearly demonstrate to everyone that the bride is a worthy hostess.
    • Get to know each other better.
    • Recoup financial costs.

    Of course, each nation holds a wedding in accordance with its own customs, but no one forbids bringing a little exotic from another country into the ceremony of their own holiday.