How to wash a wedding dress at home. How to wash a wedding dress by hand. Preparing for washing: comments from professionals

No matter what fate awaits the outfit, it must be put in order. If there are stains from food or drinks on it, you should immediately start cleaning them, since fresh stains are much easier to remove than old and already dried-out stains.

How to wash Wedding Dress on one's own?

Going to a dry cleaner is not always convenient, so many brides decide to wash their wedding dress themselves. The dress is washed either manually or in an automatic machine.

Opinions about whether it is possible to wash wedding dresses in an automatic machine differ radically. The experience of some housewives shows that dresses from synthetic materials, provided that they do not have lace appliqués, bead embroidery or other decorative elements. For example, a dress with rhinestones will lose its shine and luster after machine washing, so you should not risk the beauty of the product.

If you still decide to take a risk and machine wash your formal outfit, you must follow the following rules:

  • the water temperature should not be higher than 30°C;
  • The washing mode should be set for delicate items or manual;
  • Before washing, the outfit is placed in a special mesh bag;
  • It is better to choose liquid washing powder, as it is easier to wash and does not leave streaks.

If the dirt has already been absorbed into the material, a high-quality stain remover is first applied to it. In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, it is left for some time (about 15-20 minutes) on the material, after which the product is washed at minimum speed. To ensure that there is no powder left on the product, an additional rinse is included. A dress with jewelry sewn on it cannot be machine washed. Even in a mesh bag or pillowcase, rhinestones, beads or any other decorations will intensively rub against each other, which will negatively affect their coating.

Washing a wedding dress in a machine is quite risky, especially if there are rhinestones, embroidery and other decorative elements.

Some housewives advise turning off the spin mode so that when removing the product from the drum, it will be completely wet. This will help straighten out the wrinkles faster. Under its own weight, small bruises on the outfit will smooth out on their own.

For hand wash you will have to spend more time and effort, but this method guarantees high-quality cleansing from contamination and respect for the material from which the outfit is made. Silk, French lace, chiffon, polyester, satin and many other fabrics are used to sew wedding dresses. They all have various properties, however manual technology washing is the same for all materials.

Cleaning agents should be liquid powders for delicate fabrics. They will protect the product as much as possible from deformation and size changes. Remember that natural materials shrink slightly when exposed to excessively high temperatures.

Hand washing is safer for the dress

The wedding dress is washed as follows:

  1. A soap solution is prepared in a deep basin (if the dress is small) or in the bathroom. To do this, rub a small amount of laundry soap on a grater and dissolve it in warm water. Instead of soap will do liquid powder for delicate fabrics.
  2. The water temperature should not exceed 30°C. If you dip the product in hot water, it will definitely become deformed, change color (if the dress is not pure white) and size.
  3. The outfit is dipped into the prepared powder solution and soaked for 10 minutes.
  4. If there are stains or dirt in a visible place of the outfit, you can rub them a little with your hands or a soft washing brush.
  5. It is not recommended to rub stains too vigorously, as this can deform the fabric.
  6. After thoroughly treating all contaminants, foam and powder residues are washed off the dress using a shower.
  7. The wedding dress is rinsed until the water flowing from it becomes transparent and clean. Squeezing the product is strictly prohibited.
  8. After washing, it is necessary to dry the outfit in a horizontal position, since beads, rhinestones, stripes and other decorative elements significantly increase the weight of the item. Under its own weight, a wet product can simply stretch and deform. The wedding dress is allowed to drain for 5 minutes, and then placed on a flat surface, for example, a clothes dryer, and all wrinkles are straightened out.

If only the hem of the dress needs to be cleaned, hang the product over the bathtub so that the hem is in the soap solution. Leave it in this state for 30 minutes, after which, using a soft brush, carefully remove dust and dirt particles from the hem.

Hang the dress so that only the hem is in the water

Not a single wedding takes place without competitions, dancing, all kinds of entertainment and feasting. The most common problem is stains on dresses from food and drinks on a wedding dress, which, no matter how hard the bride tried to protect it, still suffered from the stormy holiday. It is advisable to quickly wash off any dirt that appears, or at least soak it.

The most common contaminants are removed in the following ways:

  • traces of sweat. For removing yellow stains use a salt solution. To prepare it you need to take a tablespoon of salt and 250 ml of water. Moisten the contaminated areas generously with the resulting mixture and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. clean water;
  • red wine. You can bleach the stain using baking soda and peroxide. tablespoon baking soda pour peroxide into a paste, which must be applied evenly to the stain and left for 20 minutes. If the soda begins to dry out, spray it with a small amount of water from a spray bottle;
  • cosmetics. and carcasses are cleaned with turpentine and ammonia. A cotton swab is moistened with a small amount of the product and the stains are treated, moving from the edges of the stain to the center.

Below are other stains and how to remove them from white fabric.

The most important rule that must be followed if you want to show off your wedding dress in the future is as follows: after the holiday, spend Special attention cleaning contaminants from fabric, proper steaming and storing the product. If you are not confident in your abilities, do not know the exact composition of the fabric and are afraid to risk the product, contact a dry cleaner.

When the most difficult stage of washing is over, all that remains is to properly dry the outfit. But here, too, special care must be taken. The following recommendations will help protect the product from deformation and damage:

  • during drying, the fabric should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • the dress should dry room temperature away from batteries and other heating devices;
  • drying and spinning mode machine washable should be turned off, since there is a great danger of damaging the elements of the corset, if any;
  • synthetic products can be hung on hangers, and cotton products can only be dried in a horizontal position;
  • dress from natural material after washing should be laid out on terry towel so that excess moisture disappears faster;

Be sure to hang your dress on hangers

If after rinsing the bride's wedding dress has gained too much moisture and has become very heavy, you will need a wire dryer. Having laid out and straightened the dress on it, the resulting structure is placed directly in the bathroom so that excess water drains. After this, drying continues either on hangers or in a horizontal position on the dryer, but on the balcony or on the street.

Ironing the product

Before you start ironing, be sure to check the soleplate of the iron. If there are stains on its surface, they should be cleaned, otherwise they will leave marks on the surface during ironing. formal attire, which are almost impossible to get rid of. In order to iron a dress quickly and efficiently, you need to know what material it is made of. By setting the appropriate temperature regime on the iron, you can start ironing.

If there are no rhinestones, lace or other decorations on the dress, it is ironed on the front side, on top of which the iron is placed. It could be an old sheet or a pillowcase cut in half. If there are any decorative elements, the outfit is ironed from the inside out, after placing a terry towel under the decorations.

Ironing begins with the bodice and sleeves, gradually moving towards the skirt. WITH full skirt It is difficult to manage on an ironing board, but it is possible. You should not pour water into the iron or spray it on the dress from a spray bottle, as it may leave streaks.

If regular ironing cannot remove some creases, it is best to use a steamer. For chiffon layered skirts iron is contraindicated. You will also need a steamer here. Moving from the bottom layer to the top, it will eliminate even the most complex creases and folds.

No matter how hard a representative of the fair sex tries to carefully handle her wedding dress, by the end of the holiday there will still be traces of the eventful day on it. And don’t let these stains upset the beautiful bride, since any dirt can be cleaned if correct selection funds.

The wedding has been celebrated, the gifts have been opened, and it’s time to think about cleaning your wedding attire. The celebration is fun, active, with a photo shoot in nature and dancing, competitions and toasts. No matter how hard you try to behave carefully at a wedding, you cannot avoid troubles. At the end of the celebration, in any case, you will have to put it in order. If you have a question about how best to wash your wedding dress and what products should be used, we will be happy to answer.

Hand wash

You can give your wedding dress a second life at home. An outfit dear to your heart requires special attention when washing and care must be taken carefully. This is why hand washing is considered high quality.

Assess pollution

The first step is to read the information on the tag and be sure to comply with all conditions.

If there is a pictogram on it prohibiting cleaning at home, then the dress should be dry cleaned. This also applies to stains that you cannot remove on your own.

It is worth assessing contamination before it begins to be removed. It is worth determining their nature and origin, stocking up necessary means which will help remove stains. Assess the condition of the hem - this is the part of the dress that suffers the worst.

The choice of cleaning products and method depends on the fabric. Each has its own individual characteristics that need to be taken into account.

Partial soaking

Partial soaking can only be carried out using liquid product, which is intended for working with delicate fabrics. When the required amount of detergent is dissolved in warm water, you can soak only the most dirty part of the dress, for example, the hem.

You will need a toothbrush with soft bristles to scrub away dirt. You need to rub without fanaticism, delicate fabrics do not like sudden movements.

Don't lose sight of the lining, which is also often quite dirty. After such simple procedures, you can rinse the treated areas with clean water.

Fighting stains

Fighting stains will not be a difficult process if you prepare for it in advance and follow some recommendations:

  • sweat stains. Turn the dress inside out. Moisten the lining in the bodice area with a soap solution prepared in advance and wipe with a soapy sponge or, again, a toothbrush with soft bristles. If you have to deal with a silk dress, then sweat stains from such a delicate material are removed using a regular saline solution (a tablespoon of the most common salt per glass of water). Carefully inspect the remaining lining and, if dirty, scrub with soapy water.
  • red wine. Now it's time to deal with front side dresses. Red wine is removed by exposing it to a hot soapy solution.
  • grass stains. Take 1 tbsp. warm water and 1 tsp. ammonia, mix and blot the stain thoroughly. Soap the dry area laundry soap and stretch.

If other stains are found, then you can choose three methods to combat them:

  • thorough but not strong wiping with a soapy sponge;
  • using concentrated detergent;
  • treatment with oxygen-based stain remover.

Main wash

The main wash should proceed according to the following scenario:

  • take warm water (30-40 degrees) into a bathtub or large basin and dissolve the detergent in it without aggressive influence;
  • put the dress in the bath for 2 hours;
  • Lightly rinse the dress in soapy water, paying special attention to areas with particularly heavy dirt;
  • rinse the dress in clean water until soap bubbles form in the water.

Outfits without heavy decorative elements, large accessories and embroidery can be washed while hanging. You will need a hanger, a shower hose and soapy water. You need to wash it very carefully, not allowing the product to stretch or pull in a certain direction.

Machine washable

In fact, machine washing can be used, although many people consider this method ridiculous and even dangerous. At the right approach Machine washing can still make a dress as fresh and beautiful as it was originally:

  • choose the most gentle and delicate mode without spinning and with a reduced cycle time;
  • use only liquid and colorless laundry detergent;
  • so that embroidery or beaded decor does not lose its appearance, you can sew gauze on top;
  • The use of a bulky laundry bag is preferable.

If the outfit has a corset, then at high temperatures and high speeds in the wash it may lose its design. This can no longer be fixed.

A large amount of tulle and a lot of pomp in the skirt is a reason to use starch during washing. It can be poured into the compartment of the machine that is intended for the air conditioner. Such simple way will help restore the dress to its original appearance and make it as presentable as before the wedding.

You shouldn’t put off washing your dress, but start this process immediately on the second day.


The washing is completed, the dress is as good as new, all that remains is to dry the dress. It should be dried in a natural way. Do not wring out under any circumstances, so as not to disturb the fabric, not to spoil the shape of the dress and leave the decor the same as it was originally.

If the dress does not have large quantity layers, not fluffy and not heavy, then it can be dried in a suspended state. If the dress is voluminous and has an impressive weight, then you need to allow the water to drain by placing it on a vinyl rack designed for drying clothes.

Valeria Zhilyaeva

The wedding day, full of events and fuss, has finally come to an end and the young wife is faced with the task of cleaning a dirty wedding dress before storing it or returning it to the salon. Washing this rather complicated piece of clothing is an activity that requires knowledge of certain nuances.

The article will talk about how to clean a wedding dress at home, how to steam, iron and starch it, if necessary. Simple tips and recommendations will help you bring your wedding dress to perfection. original appearance.

March 21, 2018 at 8:38 am PDT

How to wash a wedding dress at home?

Before talking about how to wash a wedding dress, it is important to determine the material from which it is made. This is usually synthetic, which can be cleaned need to be done manually.

As a rule, the most contaminated part of a dress is the hem and armpit area. These two areas are subject to intense contamination during wear.

If the dress has rhinestones, beads, stones or other decorative elements, wash it extremely carefully. It is important to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the outfit.

Extreme care is required in cases where when the parts are not sewn, but glued to the fabric. They may fall off during washing. Sometimes, after cleaning is completed, you have to spend hours restoring the original appearance of the dress, returning the elements to their places using glue or thread and a needle.


To hand wash and bleach a wedding dress, you need to properly choose detergent. Give preference to gentle washing powders, soap solutions (with baby or laundry soap), saline solutions and other cleaning agents for delicate fabrics. Auxiliary tools include sponges and toothbrushes with soft bristles.

  1. To wash a dirty hem, immerse it in warm water with detergent for 2-3 hours and brush with a toothbrush.
  2. To remove sweat stains, soak your bodice in soapy water and scrub it with a sponge.
  3. If sweat stains are on silk fabric, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 tbsp. water and treat contaminated areas.
  4. To clean other stains, moisten the material with soapy water and scrub with a toothbrush and powder or soap.
  5. Wine stains are washed off with a hot soapy solution, which is poured onto the stain until it disappears.
  6. In the presence of heavy pollution oxygen stain remover is used.

Wedding Dress easy to wash in the bath. To do this, take warm water in which soap or powder is dissolved. The product is immersed in the resulting liquid and washed with a brush or sponge. The wash is completed by rinsing until there is no soap bubbles.

Another option is hanging washing. The product is hung on a hanger, moistened with warm water from a shower hose, rubbed with a soapy brush or sponge and washed off from top to bottom.

Machine washable

Hand washing is hard work. Is it possible to wash a wedding dress at home? automatic washing machine? The answer is ambiguous.

For this cleaning method, it is recommended to use special fabric bag, which protects fabric and decorative elements from damage. “Delicate”, “gentle” or “hand” washing is used. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

To learn the features of machine washing, watch the video:

But the laundry doesn't end there. The next question that arises is how and where you can steam a wedding dress. Some salons, ateliers and dry cleaners offer a service such as steaming wedding dresses at home or on site. The price of such a service varies depending on the region and the status of the salon. You can find out how much the service costs by phone, usually 1000-1500 rubles.

Exists three steaming methods Houses:

  1. Using hot water steam.
  2. Steamer.
  3. Using an iron and damp gauze.

Steaming process the first way looks like that:

  1. Pour hot water into the bath.
  2. Hang the dress on hangers at a height of about 25 cm from the water.
  3. After smoothing out the wrinkles, the dress is hung out for 3-4 hours to “rest.”

The duration of this method depends on the density of the material. You should not use this type of steaming if there are rhinestones or sparkles on the dress. You need to be very careful when hanging the product above water - there is a risk that it will fall into the water.

Rhinestones and sparkles can come off from the outfit under the influence of steam

Now we’ll tell you how to steam a wedding dress with a steamer at home. This most effective method . A vertical steamer can handle even the most fragile elements of an outfit.

The process will look like this:

  1. Pour water into the device.
  2. Turn on the steamer.
  3. Hang the dress on hangers.
  4. Steam the product from the lower tiers.
  5. Steam large parts of the product.
  6. Finally, steam the small elements.

After steaming is finished, leave the dress in a hanging position for 3-5 hours. Only after the outfit has “rested” can further manipulations be performed.

If there is no steamer, you will have to do it the old fashioned way - iron and damp gauze. This is a very risky method, since if precautions are not taken, the dress may be damaged.

First of all, you need to choose the right mode on the iron depending on the fabric. Better start with minimum temperature. The soleplate of the iron must be perfectly clean. To prevent the outfit from being ruined, place 2-3 layers of gauze fabric and iron from the wrong side.

Steaming a wedding dress with an iron is a labor-intensive task. You will definitely need an assistant and a supply of patience.

How to iron a wedding dress at home?

We'll tell you how to iron a wedding dress. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Start the process with the bodice. If there are decorative details, the fabric is ironed on a terry towel. This will help prevent damage to the jewelry of the product.
  2. Next you need to iron the skirt. Start from the bottom layer, in front.
  3. Then iron the waistband, sleeves and other small elements.
  4. Treat the fabric with an antistatic agent to complete the procedure.

Please note that satin dress always ironed inside out. In this case, water cannot be used, as stains may remain on the atlas. For ironing, use the “silk” mode.

The atlas needs to be given time to “cool down”. Otherwise it will break and all the work will be in vain

It is better not to iron chiffon on a board, but to steam it by weight. This very soft material, which can easily be burned due to negligence. Even the steamer should be kept at a good distance. The same applies to tulle.

If the outfit consists of lace, the approach must be no less careful. From high temperature Lace fabric may turn yellow, so cover it with a white cloth before ironing.

How to starch a wedding dress?

Nowadays, starching a dress is not a problem. Available for sale special means , which allow you to do this at home without much difficulty. Similar formulations include detailed instructions by application.

However, not everyone considers these remedies to be quite effective. Many still prefer "grandmother's" method, time-tested. In this case, you will have to prepare a solution for starching the material yourself.

To prepare the solution, use any available starch. It can be potato, rice or corn - the quality will be the same

The solution is prepared in the proportion of one teaspoon of starch per liter of water. You will have to do the calculation yourself. You need to take a capacious container (preferably enameled) and put a certain amount of starch into it. Then it is added cold water. The mass is mixed until it becomes a thick porridge. Next you need to pour boiling water at the rate of one teaspoon of starch per liter of liquid. You will get a paste, which must be cooled before use.

To starch a wedding dress yourself, you need to use only a warm solution. Otherwise, nothing will work.

Before applying starch paste, make sure the dress does not have yellow spots or yellowish tint. If you ignore this, and then it turns out that this kind of pollution is present, under the influence of starch they will become even brighter.

The dress is pre-bleached. This can be done using hydrogen peroxide. It is mixed with water, making a not very concentrated solution, and the entire dress is immersed for 30-40 minutes. You can apply the solution pointwise to stains.

If the dress is completely submerged, it should be slightly wrung out and hung to dry on a hanger. As a result of all manipulations, the dress will keep its shape perfectly and sparkle with cleanliness.

Cleaning a wedding dress yourself after the ceremony requires a lot of time and effort. If you don't want to do this, use dry cleaning services

It is better to choose a dry cleaner that specializes in wedding dresses. If there is not one in your locality, ask friends and acquaintances for recommendations. You should not trust your wedding dress to an untrusted place. Be sure to enlist positive reviews people who have already dealt with dry cleaning.

January 10, 2018

A wedding celebration is the brightest event that involves the presence traditional attributes. One of them is the bride’s outfit, which attracts the attention of all guests. A luxurious wedding dress, exquisitely emphasizing the taste of the newlywed, will remind her of this day for a long time. However, throughout the entire banquet, a luxurious snow-white outfit can suffer greatly from various types of contamination, so advice on how to wash and steam a wedding dress at home will obviously not be superfluous.

Is it possible to wash a wedding dress at home?

A soiled wedding dress can upset a young wife with its appearance, but there is no need to despair. Wanting to solve the problem as quickly and without hassle, some women prefer to take their wedding dresses to dry cleaners, but the results of such companies are not always able to satisfy customers.

A stained wedding dress can be washed at home

Aggressive detergents and powders used to treat clothes in dry cleaning conditions can sometimes cause serious damage to the structure of the fabric related to a certain type. After such treatment, a luxurious wedding dress can become irreparably damaged, turning into a Cinderella outfit.

After dry cleaning, a wedding dress may lose its original appearance.

Wanting to avoid similar situation, it is advisable to wash the wedding dress yourself using individual approach To various types pollution. This will help achieve maximum effect, and will also guarantee the safety of your item. Provided the washing procedure is carried out correctly. On branded products you can easily find a label containing information about the type of fabric used in the manufacture of the outfit, as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding washing and ironing of the product.

Initially, you need to inspect the dress for dirt, paying special attention to the hem, where traces of road dust most often remain, as well as the places under the arms where yellowish sweat stains form. Do not also forget about the inside of the bodice, which will also need to remove dirt. When preparing a wedding dress for washing, the type of material from which it is made is of particular importance. In most cases, when making this kind of outfits, they use synthetic fabrics, requiring hand washing.

A branded wedding dress must have a label with recommendations for its care.

Since various decorative elements in the form of beads, rhinestones and beads are used as decoration for wedding dresses, you should treat them very carefully during washing. In some cases, glue is used to fasten them, due to which the rhinestones can easily fly off. If this happens during washing, do not despair too much. It will be possible to restore floral patterns manually using threads or specialized adhesives.

Richly decorated bodice of a wedding dress

Tip: For accurate restoration decorative composition located on the wedding dress, take a photo of it before you start washing.

What do signs say about washing clothes after the wedding?

There is a popular belief that a wedding dress should not be washed after the wedding, as this can lead to quarrels and disagreements in the family. However, according to a similar sign, well known to the residents of Bulgaria, a wedding dress can be safely washed a year after the birth of the first child.

There are a lot of signs and beliefs among people regarding wedding dresses.

According to another folk superstition, the wedding dress must be washed no later than 40 days after the wedding day with the words: “What bad things you collected, you put away yourself. Amen" The meaning of such a ritual is self-removal negative energy and the evil eye. Whether to wash your wedding dress for this reason is up to you to decide.

What detergents should you use?

When creating luxurious wedding dresses, various types of fabrics are used, such as silk, crepe de Chine, taffeta, nylon, organza, and tulle. All of them need delicate washing and require the use of gentle detergents, which should be chosen with great care. It is for this reason that wedding dresses are most often washed by hand, and the optimal means for them to ensure desired result, when washing are:

  • saline solutions;
  • soft washing powders;
  • soap solutions prepared from laundry and baby soap.

Attention! When washing a wedding dress, it is not recommended to use bleach, and detergents containing chlorine. The ingredients they contain may cause irreparable harm structure of tissues requiring careful attitude, ruining it forever appearance products. The result of treating a wedding dress with such means may be the appearance of unsightly stains and discoloration of colored fabrics.

Getting rid of various contaminants

Wine stain

If during wedding celebration A wine stain has formed on your dress; a hot soapy solution will help get rid of it.

  1. Lightly stretch the area of ​​the wedding dress that has been so contaminated onto any utensil that is convenient for you. A small saucepan or bowl can play its role.
  2. Pour the soap solution directly onto the stain until it disappears completely.
  3. Wash the dress.

Wine stain on a wedding dress

How to remove sweat marks

If traces of sweat are found on the bodice of the wedding dress, you need to do the following:

  1. Wet the bodice area with soapy water.
  2. Treat the dirty areas with a sponge, without creating too much friction, so as not to spoil the texture of the fabric.
  3. If sweat stains remain on the silk material, you can clean it with a saline solution.
  4. To prepare it, take 250 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of salt.
  5. Apply the solution to the cloth and rub it gently.
  6. Rinse off the solution with clean warm water.

What to do with other types of stains

Stains of other types can be removed using a soap solution prepared with laundry soap.

Any stains can appear on a wedding dress

  1. Spray a damp cloth with soapy water.
  2. Rub it gently with a brush.
  3. Rinse off the solution with warm water.

Using a soap solution can remove some dirt from a wedding dress

Baby powder is also suitable for removing stains from a wedding dress.

  1. Apply the powder directly to the stain and leave for 3 hours.
  2. After the specified period, you must carefully clean the powder from the fabric.

Baby powder can be used to remove stains from a variety of materials.

Starch has similar properties, using which you can get rid of greasy stains within ten minutes.

  1. Rub the starch into the stain with light movements and leave it in this state for 10 minutes.
  2. Then remove any remaining starch.

You can deal with stains on a wedding dress using starch

If during a photo shoot traces of grass have formed on your wedding dress, ammonia will help correct the situation:

  1. Treat contaminated areas of fabric with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.
  2. Then wash these areas with laundry soap.
  3. Wash your wedding dress.

Grass can leave stains on a wedding dress

Sometimes the stains can be too complex and not amenable to soap solutions. In this case, it is advisable to use industrial stain removers. For this purpose, Oxy Clean stain remover is quite suitable, ideal for fabrics that require careful handling.

  1. After carefully studying the instructions, create a solution using this tool, and immerse the heavily soiled part of the outfit in it.
  2. Wait until the stain disappears completely.
  3. Wash the dress.

Using Oxy Clean stain remover you can get rid of difficult stains

How to clean a hem

If you need to clean the hem of your wedding dress, use the following recommendations.

  1. Create a rich soap solution using warm water, or dilute detergent in water.
  2. Immerse the hem of the dress in water and leave it in this state for several hours. Then, using a toothbrush, begin to gently clean the edge.
  3. After completing the procedure, wash the dress.

The hem of a wedding dress can be washed in a saturated soap solution

How to wash a wedding dress by hand

If you want to wash an outfit by hand, you should take into account some nuances, following a certain algorithm:

  1. Fill the bath with water, the temperature of which will not exceed 30 C, by a third.
  2. Add laundry detergent and thoroughly dissolve it in water.
  3. Place the outfit in water with the product and let the fabric get wet. This may take approximately 20 minutes.
  4. Then take a sponge and, having soaked it in the same soap solution, begin to clean the hem and corset of the dress, without resorting to strong friction.
  5. Then, after removing stains and other contaminants from the dress, leave the dress in the same water for another 2 hours.
  6. After the specified time has passed, rinse the product in clean water using a shower. This will more effectively rid the fabric of detergent residue.

Hand washing can restore your wedding dress to its original appearance.

Attention! Do not add the product to water that the dress is already in. With this approach, the product may not dissolve completely and the washing result will be minimal.

There is another way to wash a wedding dress by hand.

  1. Take a hanger and put your wedding outfit on it.
  2. Hang a dress hanger above the bathtub.
  3. Wet the dress with water using the shower.
  4. Prepare a soap solution and, after dipping a sponge into it, gently wipe the damp fabric of the dress with it.
  5. Then raise the shower to its maximum height and begin to slowly rinse off the soapy solution from top to bottom.

The wedding dress can be washed by hand effectively

When performing all these manipulations, try not to stretch the fabric too much to avoid deformation.

Attention! If the wedding dress is decorated with embroidery, it is recommended to cover it thick fabric, and only then begin the washing procedure. If you have small and metal decor, it is advisable to treat it with glycerin. This will protect shiny elements from tarnishing and mechanical damage.

Washing in the machine

According to information provided by manufacturers, some wedding dresses can be machine washed. However, even with this option, dirt and stains should be removed in advance, taking into account their individual characteristics.

The wedding dress can be washed in the washing machine

By washing a wedding dress in an automatic machine, you can achieve the desired result, provided you follow some basic rules:

  • When washing in a washing machine, the machine must be set to the delicate mode in the shortest possible cycle. It should be noted that washing such products is permissible only at a temperature of 30 C;
  • When washing such dresses, it is not recommended to use ordinary washing powders. As a replacement, specialized cleaning solutions intended for items made of delicate fabrics, as well as lace, or liquid colorless products can be used;
  • if there are various metal decorative elements on the outfit, you need to take care of their protection by using glycerin before washing;
  • for more effective protection It is also recommended to cover with thick fabric or gauze the areas of the product equipped with embroidery and beaded;
  • When washing a wedding dress in a washing machine, it is recommended to use a washing bag that can protect the item from damage;
  • when washing a dress made of tulle and characterized by pomp, you can add washing machine a little starch. With its help it will be possible to preserve the structure of the fabric.

Attention! When washing a wedding dress in a machine, you cannot use modes with a high number of revolutions, as well as automatic spinning. This can lead to deformation of the corset and ruin the delicate fabric.

How to dry an outfit

An equally important and responsible procedure is drying and ironing a wedding dress. Under no circumstances should you wring out the dress after washing. Delicate fabric may lose its original appearance, causing the dress to be damaged.

Wedding dress drying outdoors

There are several ways to dry a dress. One of them involves performing this procedure using a hanger. It is believed that the weight of a wet dress will ensure that the folds straighten spontaneously. However, it is worth considering that a heavy, wet wedding dress hanging in this position may become deformed during the drying process.

More safe method the method in which such an outfit is laid out on a plane is considered.

  1. To allow most of the water to drain from the wedding dress, place a grate on the bottom of the bathtub, and lay the dress itself on top of it.
  2. Then, after some time, making sure that the water has drained as much as possible, hang the dress on a hanger, not forgetting to smooth out the fabric layers.
  3. After 2 hours, you can hang the wedding dress on the balcony, however, you must make sure that the dress is located in the shade. This will save it from yellowing.

The wedding dress can be dried on a hanger by hanging it on the balcony

How to iron a wedding dress

After the dress is dry, you can start ironing it.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the surface on which the dress will be placed. It must be spotlessly clean. To prevent the appearance of new stains, it is advisable to cover the ironing board with a white and clean sheet. At the same time, the iron you are going to use must also be spotlessly clean.
  • If the dress is made of satin material, ironing must be done by turning the product inside out. Otherwise front side will forever lose its original shine.
  • If the wedding dress has lace inserts, when ironing it it is necessary to use additional layers of fabric placed between the product and the iron. Muslin or cotton can be used as such material. Before starting the ironing process, set the iron to silk mode and use the additional steam function.
  • Products made from tulle and chiffon require steaming only, without ironing. This procedure is traditionally performed under a canopy, initially treating the lining.
  • However, you should know that the lining of a wedding dress, which is a soft mesh, will not become perfectly smooth. However, in in this case this is considered completely normal.

The wedding dress can be ironed with an iron or steamer

How to steam properly

Sometimes, wanting to put a dress in order after washing, it is necessary to carry out the steaming procedure. With its help, you can smooth out fabric layers, as well as give the original appearance to frills, ruffles and bows. You can cope with this task using various methods:

  • holding the dress over the steam;
  • ironing a wedding dress;
  • using professional steamers.

Using boiling water

To create the required amount of steam at home, you will need a pan of boiling water.

  1. Pour in large saucepan water and put it on fire.
  2. As soon as the water boils and steam begins to appear, one person should hold the dress in a canopy, directly above the boiling pan, and the second, meanwhile, monitor the direction of the steam, exposing problematic areas of the outfit under it.

Steam from boiling water will help smooth your wedding dress

The second method is as follows:

  1. Place the dress on a hanger and hang it over the bathtub.
  2. Pour boiling water into the bath, making sure that the hem of the wedding dress is above the hot water at a height of at least 20–25 cm.

Under influence humid air the material will begin to straighten, but this may damage the decor glued to the dress.

Using an iron

  1. When using an iron to steam your wedding dress, make sure you have gauze or special fabric designed for ironing delicate fabrics. It is quite possible that in order to successfully complete all the actions you will need an assistant who will support the wedding outfit.
  2. Line your ironing board with a clean sheet.
  3. Set the temperature to unity.
  4. Turn on the steam and set it to gentle.
  5. Fold the gauze into 2-3 layers and spread it over the wedding dress.
  6. Lightly go over it with an iron. If these steps do not provide the desired result, increase the temperature to two degrees.

Using an iron you can effectively steam a wedding dress

Attention! If the wedding dress is made of satin, the ironing temperature should be two degrees and in this case the steam function can be used.
If the dress has organza inserts, it is best to iron such material at a temperature of one, without steam.

  • For high-quality ironing of sleeves, it is advisable to use a special stand, which is included in the standard equipment of the ironing board.
  • When ironing and steaming a skirt, you should start the procedure from the lower layers, gradually moving to the upper ones.
  • When working with a bodice equipped with decorative elements, place a terry towel on the ironing board.

Tip: to prevent the sleeves from becoming deformed or wrinkled after ironing, twist the white sheets into a tube and place the tube in the middle of the sleeve.

How to treat a wedding dress with a professional steamer

If you have a steamer at your disposal, the procedure for smoothing out wrinkles and wrinkles that have formed on a wedding dress will be resolved as quickly as possible. Thanks to the operation of the steam generator, it will be possible to steam a wedding dress without touching it with the device itself.

  1. Before starting work, pour into the device required amount water, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, then turn it on.
  2. Hang the product on a hanger and begin the steaming procedure, treating the skirt and flounces first, and then move on to the sleeves and bodice.
  3. After completing the work, let the dress hang for several hours, and only then send the outfit to the closet.

A steamer will most quickly and effectively help restore a wedding dress to its original appearance.

Nuances for different fabrics

Satin dress

If your dress is made of satin material, it is better to iron it from the wrong side without using water, which leaves unsightly streaks on such fabric. After ironing a certain part of the dress, let it cool completely and only then proceed to the next part of the outfit.

Atlas requires special treatment

Lace dress

A lace dress should be steamed using the lowest temperature possible. Otherwise, delicate lace may acquire a yellowish tint. When ironing such an outfit with an iron, be sure to use thick gauze to protect the main material of the item from scorching. When working with cuffs and collars, it is advisable to use liquid starch, which can be applied using a spray bottle. This will provide the lace elements with a flawless appearance.

When ironing and steaming a wedding dress, you should pay close attention to the decor.

If you don’t have a professional steamer, you can order a similar service from private laundries that offer home visits. Thanks to the work of professionals, your wedding dress will be able to regain its original appearance without special troubles from your side.

How to iron a veil

One of the traditional elements of a wedding dress is a veil, which also requires some care, including ironing. If the wrinkles are too severe, you can use a professional steamer when ironing the veil.

You can return the veil to its original appearance using ironing and steaming procedures.

Using a steamer

Hang the veil on a hanger and run the steamer over its entire length, starting from top to bottom. You can also use an iron held at a short distance from the material. This method is effective when working with tulle, and is the safest.

A steamer will allow you to gently smooth the veil

Using hot water

You can also steam the veil using hot water. This method is similar to the method of steaming the wedding dress itself.
Pour boiling water into the bath, after hanging a veil over it, and hold it over the steam for 20 minutes.

You can use a hairdryer to smooth out wrinkled veils.

Using a directed steam jet

If there are a small number of folds on the veil, you can use a directed stream of steam coming from a kettle with boiling water.
Bring a crumpled section of material to a steam source, and it will instantly smooth out under the influence of moist air.

A targeted jet of steam will ensure effective smoothing of wrinkled veils


In some cases, ironing may be necessary, however, some recommendations should be followed.

  1. The veil must be laid out on a clean ironing board.
  2. The iron must be set to the minimum temperature, or “synthetic” mode.
  3. On top of the veil you should place an ironing cloth or gauze folded in 3 layers.
  4. When ironing the product, you must ensure that the base material does not come into contact with the hot sole of the device.
  5. If the veil is decorated with artificial flowers, sequins or beads, these areas must be covered with a terry towel.

The veil can be gently ironed

In some cases, you can smooth out a veil by first soaking it in water with a softener and drying it in a suspended and straightened state.

Video: How to iron a veil

With the help of these simple methods and means you will be able to return wedding dress original appearance, safely ridding it of various types of contaminants. When caring for wedding dress it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the materials used in its sewing, as well as evaluate the types of contamination, each of which requires an individual approach.

Inspect your dress carefully. Look for spots. What does the stain consist of? Make sure you have the necessary cleaning supplies. Take a close look at the hem. If you didn't lift your skirt and walked around with your train everywhere on your wedding day, your train is probably dirty. The train of a wedding dress is like a big, chunky, dry mop that cleans church floors and reception halls!

Do not submerge the dress completely in the water when performing the next step. Soak the dirty hem in a clean bathtub in warm, soapy water for several hours, if possible. Next, use a toothbrush and liquid detergent to “massage” the entire hem of the dress. Be careful not to rub the laces or trim too vigorously. Be sure to clean inner side hem. Check the lining of the dress for dirt. Clean the hem on all layers very well. Finally, rinse the hem completely.

Turn the bodice of the dress inside out and spray the lining in the bodice area (the part that corresponds to the upper body) with a soap and water solution. Toothbrush and detergents clean sweat stains. Clean the skirt lining next. If your dress has many layers of lining in the skirt, be sure to go through them all and clean up any stains you find.

View outside dresses very carefully and remove any stains you find. First, spray the stains with a solution of soap and water. Use toothbrush, if necessary, but very carefully. Just “massage” the tissue. Add stain remover if necessary. Be especially careful with lace and ribbons.

If soap and water do not remove stains, mix an Oxy Clean® solution and place the stained area in the solution to soak until the stain disappears. Do not use chlorine bleach, such as Clorox, as it creates a film that is very difficult to remove.

When you are satisfied with cleaning your dress, fill the tub with warm water and place the entire dress in it. Rinse the dress in water to remove the soap. Drain the water and then refill the tub and repeat the process. Repeat this procedure several times until the water is clear and free of soap bubbles. We recommend a minimum of three rinse cycles. It is very important to wash away all soaps and cleaning products.

Dry. The dress should be dried flat, but not with a hanger. The weight of wet clothes can damage it. One way to line it up and dry it safely is to place a flip-up drying rack (vinyl lined) in the bathtub and hang the dress on it. Do not hang your dress on untreated wood. Place the dress so that its weight is evenly distributed across the rack. Another way to do this is to place a clean towel over the shower stall and then place the dress on the towel. If you do this, place towels on the floor under the dripping dress to protect the floor.

After the dress has dried for a few hours and most of the water has drained away, you can hang the dress to dry. Gently smooth out the layers of tulle in the skirt or lining and smooth out any wrinkles on the dress as much as possible. This will make ironing easier.

  • Iron him. You can choose steam ironing or you can iron it yourself. When ironing yourself, we recommend that you first wash and dry the ironing board cover to remove dirt, starch, or other contaminants. Place a clean blanket on the floor of your work area to protect the dress while ironing. It is best to iron the dress through a clean cloth made of white cotton or muslin unless you are using a brand new or recently cleaned iron. It's rare that an iron is clean enough to risk ironing a wedding dress with it.

    • If possible, iron the inside of the dress. If you have a thick, nice ironing board you can iron out the glitter and beads on it. Be sure your iron is set to the proper temperature. Start at a low temperature and gradually increase it. If the dress starts to stick, immediately reduce the temperature.
    • Start from the back and bottom of the train until you feel comfortable ironing.
    • Take your time and be careful. When ironing is finished, you can store your dress.