How to sew a layered mesh skirt. How to sew a tulle skirt

Recently, tulle has become very popular - a synthetic material consisting of a nylon mesh. Depending on the degree of rigidity, tulle is allocated hard, semi-rigid, soft. The color scheme of the material is striking in its variety and texture content. Why is tulle clothes so good? It will not wrinkle and quickly get dirty, besides, it ideally maintains its original shape. Among fashionistas, such an element of the wardrobe as a tulle skirt is especially common. Master classes will tell you how to sew a fluffy skirt for little girls and adult girls.

Recently, tulle has become very popular.

Any mother wants her child to stand out from the gray crowd and look better than other children. What is needed for this? The original style of the girl can be emphasized by an unusual tulle skirt, which can be sewn with your own hands on a sewing machine. A tulle skirt is great for any celebration and age, for example, for a baby's one year old.

In order to turn a girl into a real princess, you will need:

  • 6 meters of fabric (for example, red);
  • Special hoop for collecting material;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads and needles;
  • Satin ribbon.

How to make a skirt for a child:

  1. Open up the fabric. All material should be cut into 5 equal cuts.
  2. Fold the first piece of tulle in half widthwise and throw over the hoop.
  3. Sew the flap with small stitches. You will get folds that should be proportionally distributed throughout the ring. Remove the hoop.
  4. Do the same with the remaining four cuts.
  5. Lay all the stitched elements on top of each other and sweep.
  6. Sew the ribbon on the inside of the skirt.

Sometimes a fabric such as organza is successfully combined with tulle, which is not at all surprising, since both materials are similar in structure and appearance. Organza will be an excellent additional top layer on the skirt, from this the product will only look more beautiful and original, and will surely attract the attention of everyone.

Gallery: tulle skirt (25 photos)

How to sew a tulle skirt (video)

Tulle tutu skirt: master class

The tutu skirt sounds unusual. However, it is sewn very easily and quickly, as it is an ordinary puffy skirt that resembles a pack. Tulle is the best suited as a material for this particular type of clothing.. How to find out how much tulle is required? How to make the correct calculation? It all depends on the height of your baby and the desired length of the product. For example, for a child up to one meter tall, the length of the skirt will vary between 15-20 centimeters. If the girl is already 120 centimeters, increase the figure by 10 centimeters. Too long a tutu will not be fluffy. Always take individual measurements. The master class offered a skirt 25 cm long.

For the tutu skirt you will need:

  • Wide elastic band;
  • Scissors;
  • 1.5 meters of tulle (for example, yellow).

Tulle is the best suited as a material for this particular type of clothing.

How to make a tutu skirt for a girl:

  1. Take the necessary measurements: waist circumference (add 3-5 centimeters to it).
  2. Take the elastic band of the received length.
  3. Cut the fabric into strips 20 cm wide and 50 cm long.
  4. Pass each piece through the elastic and tie into a knot.

Decorate the skirt with decorations, such as a satin ribbon.

How to make a tulle skirt with an elastic band for a child

An elastic band used instead of a belt is a convenient budget option that simplifies the workflow. You can buy an elastic band for the product or crochet it yourself. If you can’t find a special wide elastic band, use a regular elastic bandage, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. This bandage has convenient stretch holes, ideal for cut off patches.

For an elasticated skirt you will need:

  • Elastic bandage or special rubber band "pipe";
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • 1 meter of tulle (for example, blue).

An elastic band used instead of a belt is a convenient budget option that simplifies the workflow

How to make a skirt with an elastic band for a girl:

  1. Pull an elastic band or a bandage over an object, for example, an ordinary large-format book will do.
  2. Make cuts of material 50 cm long.
  3. Fold each flap in half and thread it into the bottom second row, at the end tie it into a tight knot. Leave the bottom row intact, this will provide additional strength to the skirt.
  4. After tying all the knots in this row, go to the third row. Here, act a little differently: arm yourself with a simple pencil. It is needed to facilitate the process. Thread a pencil into each subsequent hole in the row to eliminate confusion.

After filling two rows of elastic with tulle cuts, smooth the product with scissors so that it looks neat.

Do-it-yourself tulle skirt without sewing

The girl urgently needs to be dressed up for the holiday, but you don’t have a sewing machine? It's OK. A fluffy skirt can be sewn without it. The process of creating things will captivate both mom and little fashionista.

For a children's tutu skirt you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Wide elastic band;
  • 1 meter of tulle (for example, white and pink shades);
  • Satin ribbon.

The process of creating things will captivate both mom and little fashionista

How to make a skirt for a child without sewing:

  1. Expand the material completely, fold in half lengthwise.
  2. Mark 50 stripes on the fabric.
  3. Cut out each strip, setting the pieces aside.
  4. Measure the circumference of the girl's waist with a tape, add 3-5 centimeters to the length.
  5. Connect the ends of the elastic and try to put it on the child so that in the future the skirt is not small or, on the contrary, slips from the waist.
  6. Pull the elastic over an object, such as a book or a chair, to make it easy to distribute the strips of tulle.
  7. Take one piece of fabric, determine the middle and throw it through the elastic belt, tie a knot.
  8. With each patch, do the same operation of throwing and tying into a knot. It should be borne in mind that the strips should not overlap, but go one after the other.
  9. After spreading all the strips, trim them with scissors from the bottom.

Pass a satin ribbon between the knots, and at the end form a bow.

Fluffy tulle skirt for adults

A fluffy skirt will quickly attract attention and make you a fabulous heroine. When making a fluffy skirt for a girl, you can use any of the technologies proposed above. For example, sew from shreds or large pieces of fabric.

Fluffy skirt will quickly attract attention

However, there are a few rules to keep in mind:

  1. Take measurements: waist circumference plus a few centimeters, the desired length of the product.
  2. The size, type of model, splendor affect the meter amount of fabric and can even reach 8 meters.
  3. Sew tulle with small stitches if you work without a machine. If you have a sewing machine, you can sew with medium length stitches.

Be careful when ironing, as the tulle quickly burns through and sticks to the iron.

How to make a tulle tutu skirt without sewing (video)

So, a tulle skirt is perfect for such holidays as New Year, Birthday, Graduation, Halloween. The tutu skirt is mainly sewn specifically for dancing, its other name is a tutu. This skirt is particularly pompous and pompous. Tulle clothes, for example, a skirt or a dress, are great not only for little girls, but also for big, mature fashionistas, because everyone wants to feel like beautiful princesses and be unique and unique.

Every mother knows for herself that a fluffy tutu skirt made of tulle for a girl is not just a piece of clothing, it is the embodiment of a dream about a magical world of a fairy tale, where you can feel like a real princess.

It is not at all difficult to give such joy to your daughter: a little time, imagination, and you will become a real fairy godmother for your little Cinderella. You can easily figure out how to sew a tutu skirt for a girl, because you really don’t have to sew at all.

To create a fluffy skirt you will need:

  • Idea. What image are you going to create? What colors will you use? How long will the skirt be - to the floor or to wear over leggings? How gorgeous do you imagine her to be?
  • Fatin. The choice of this material in stores is quite wide. It can differ in the degree of rigidity, the size of the mesh cells, and the color. It can be almost transparent, shiny or matte. Rigid holds its shape better, but its raw edges can prick the skin and leave puffs on thin tights. If you choose the thinnest tulle, then you will need more of it for a fluffy skirt. And also exists knitted mesh- perfectly replacing hard tulle!
  • Tight sewing elastic 2-4 cm wide of the corresponding color. Enough length, 3 cm less than the waist of the child + allowance for the connecting seam. But in order for the belt not to deform, it is better to make it double (that is, there will be two rows of rubber bands located one above the other in height).
  • Thin elastic band- spandex, silicone or hat.
  • Scissors, thread, needle, measuring tape.

Do-it-yourself tutu skirt. Master class with photo

Cut the tulle into 40-50 strips 20-30 cm wide and twice the length of the skirt. The narrow edge of such a tape can be straight, oblique and even zigzag.

Form an elastic band and secure with a needle and thread. Fix it in any way convenient for you, for example, put it on a sofa cushion or a bent knee, a jar or a saucepan will also work.

Wrap each tulle in turn around the elastic so that both ends of the fabric are the same length.

You can fasten the fabric on the belt with a loop, a simple knot or thread, the main thing is firmly, not too tight on the belt, so that the tape can be easily moved along it.

But the most convenient and neat way is to use a strong thin elastic band to pull the tape tightly, connecting it with the next “back needle” according to the seam principle.

When all the elastic is hidden under the tulle, all that remains is to properly straighten the folds of the fabric to give the skirt maximum volume.

Or, in this way, you can tie knots, but without tightening it:

In this way, without sewing, you now know how to sew a do-it-yourself tulle skirt for a girl for the New Year, a matinee in kindergarten or school, for a masquerade or other holiday.

Such a do-it-yourself tutu skirt is created very quickly and easily, but in order for it to become a real author's masterpiece, you need to decorate it with dignity.

Use for this satin ribbons, lace, braid, organza, leather or felt flowers, beads and sequins of different sizes, feathers, artificial or natural fur.

Puffy skirt decor - tulle packs

How to dye tulle in the desired color

If you cannot find the material of the desired color, take white. You should know that you cannot dye polyester tulle with ordinary dyes for natural fabrics - this is the same as trying to paint with watercolors on plastic.

You can give it an emerald, yellow or pink hue with the help of greenery, iodine and fucorcin.

To do this, you need to mix one bottle of the product with two liters of water and half a glass of table vinegar in a metal basin, immerse the cloth in this solution and heat it on the stove to a temperature of about 50-60 degrees.

Leave the material in the liquid until completely cool, then rinse thoroughly in cold water. Of course, it is better to color a small piece first to get the right amount of dye. If you need other colors, apply acrylic paint to the fabric with a foam swab (new washcloth), but keep in mind that this will stiffen the tulle, and it will be impossible to wash such a skirt.

Using a stencil and paints, prints can be applied to the fabric strips. For example, a cute image of a ladybug for a baby will be created by black peas on red fabric. A stylish striped tulle skirt for an older girl will be a great gift.

Playing with the length of tulle ribbons, you can get different shapes of the bottom of the skirt - oblique or train. If the upper layers of the fabric are longer than the lower ones, then the skirt will take the form of a ballet tutu, if vice versa - the shape of a chrysanthemum.

The lower edges of the skirt can be carefully covered with transparent glue and sprinkled with sequins.

What else is used for a children's tutu skirt

Tulle can be supplemented and even replaced with a hat veil or organza with a finished edge. A plastic nylon mesh is also suitable - a soft and pliable material for creativity.

The simple sewing technique of this skirt can be used in the manufacture of a lush frill, cuffs, hats, hair ornaments and even a lampshade for a floor lamp.

After the very first fitting, your little princess will not want to take off her lovely outfit for a long time, and you, inspired by the simplicity of the process and the excellent result, will want to create more and more.

Watch the video on how to make a tulle tutu skirt for a girl for a holiday without sewing! She is also a fluffy tutu skirt made by her own hands for the carnival, New Year, matinee in kindergarten or school.

This ballet skirt has long since stepped off the stage into the wardrobes of thousands of women. A tutu skirt, more precisely, its more suitable variety for everyday wear - a tunic, she is a chopin, she is a tulle - has long been loved by fans of the Sex and the City series.

The main character Carrie Bradshaw wore such skirts with T-shirts, t-shirts, jeans, successfully diluting some of the pretentiousness of the shop with simple everyday things. And search engines still unmistakably give out examples of shoppers for the query “skirt, like Carrie’s.” The heroine of the series was dressed by the world's best stylists, but you can make such a skirt yourself. We offer three ways to sew a chopenka with your own hands!

Method one: practically without sewing


  • lining fabric - satin is suitable, but you can experiment,
  • elastic band for the belt.

1. This skirt is made without sewing, very quickly. We decide on the length of the elastic band on which the tutu skirt will be held. It is important that it is easily removed through the hips. Sew the edges of the elastic.

2. Determine the length of the skirt. We cut ribbons from tulle 5-10 centimeters wide and twice as long as the desired length. We bend the finished ribbons in half and tie them to an elastic band. We do this until we completely cover the elastic with a cloth.

3 . Tutu skirt is ready! You should also take care of an opaque petticoat or wear this skirt with tight leggings or leggings! Details of production can be seen in this video:

Method two: simple, but full


  • the main fabric for the skirt is tulle,
  • lining fabric - satin is suitable, but you can experiment.
  • Elastic band for the belt.

A very simple way is to cut out a sun skirt. Since tulle is often sold in rolls of 2-3 meters wide, this will not be difficult. To build a pattern, you need only two measurements: waist circumference and skirt length. We fold the fabric 4 times, to create a pattern, we use the scheme:

1. We determine how many layers there will be in the skirt - so many "suns" and cut. Since this type of cut is more suitable for fragile girls, and people of even average build are a little fat, it is better not to do more than three layers.

2. We prepare the lining: we cut it along the width of our hips, along the length - 5 centimeters shorter than the chosen length of the skirt.

3 . Then there are two ways. First - we collect all the tulle skirts in one and fasten them with a belt to the elastic band sewn into a ring around the waist (it is important to check that the elastic band is easily pulled over the hips). We sew the finished design onto a lining skirt. We grind the edges of the lining (tulle does not need this). The skirt is ready!

4. By the way, tulle skirts can be made in different lengths - sew the longest closer to the lining, the shortest - outward. You get a skirt that resembles a three-tiered cake.

Method three: fits any figure, but you have to work hard!

1. This method is somewhat more complicated. Fatin is cut not by the sun, but cut into strips. The first is the width of the estimated length of the skirt, the length is two hips. The second one is 5 centimeters narrower than the first one, the length is the same. The third one is 5 centimeters narrower than the second one, the length is the same.

2. Just as in the first and second cases, we sew a lining skirt, but there are two different options.

3. You can make a skirt that will gather at the waist with an elastic band - then it's easier to make the petticoat normal, rectangular.

You can make a skirt that will fasten with hooks - in this case it is better to cut out a petticoat in the shape of a trapezoid or straight - but take care of the darts so that the skirt sits well on the waist and hips. Then she won't fill up.

4. From the back or side we make an incision with a depth of 5-10 centimeters, and depending on the bend of your spine, we cut it to the point where the skirt can be removed “through the legs”. We grind the edges and sew on the hooks.

5. Now the hardest part. We take strips of tulle, and, armed with a needle and thread, we begin to “gather” them so as to bring their width to the approximate girth of our petticoat. How to shave, you can see in this video:

6. The sewing method from this video can also be adopted, but we do it a little differently. We plan that we will sew the first tulle skirt on a petticoat closer to the waist, the second - 5 centimeters lower, the third - even the same amount lower.

7 . After that, we connect the edges of the collected tulle skirts and sew them together, leaving 5-10 centimeters free for the topmost skirt on top.

8. Now ready-made tulle skirts need to be sewn to the petticoat - no longer by hand, but with the help of a typewriter.

9 . Then we remove the threads that were used to gather the fabric.

10 . It remains only to decorate the belt - you can sew a rep ribbon to the finished skirt, which will be tied at the back. Or sew two ribbons together to make a stiff belt, and attach loops and hooks to the edges. We attach it to the finished skirt. It should turn out something like this:

And now - some inspirational ideas on how to wear a tutu skirt and a chopin skirt:

Do you like these skirts?

Photos found on

A fluffy skirt is a rather festive piece of clothing, it will suit both little girls and adult girls. Volumetric skirts can be made from different fabrics and in different styles. The tulle skirt, similar to the attire of princesses from fairy tales, remains canonical: they are often decorated with a wide ribbon at the waist and decorative elements along the entire length of the product (rhinestones, thin silver and gold threads, lace, sequins).

A tulle tutu skirt can be sewn in two ways: from a single piece of fabric or from tulle strips. The first step is to understand the features of this material and the nuances of modeling.

skirt material

Tulle is a thin, transparent synthetic fabric. Previously, tulle was used only for decoration, as an element of embroidery and when sewing ballet tutus. Then the circle of its use expanded, and designers began to create skirts, capes and shirts from it.

There are three main types of tulle on sale:

  • hard;
  • average;
  • soft.

Hard and medium tulle may not be pleasant to the body due to the rough texture, but they keep their shape perfectly. These types of fabric are suitable for lined skirts. The airiness and flexibility of soft tulle allow it to be used to create skirts from fabric stripes: it can be easily tied into knots with an elastic band, while it will not bulge, but retain its airiness. In needlework stores, you can find scraps of canvases that will cost less. From such multi-colored pieces you can create a fluffy tutu skirt for a costume party.

skirt modeling

To create a do-it-yourself tulle skirt, you can use the classic patterns for different types of skirts. For example, a pattern of a straight skirt or a sun skirt. In this case, the pattern of a straight skirt is used only as a lining. This is necessary so that the skirt does not hinder movement and leaves a margin for a step. A sun skirt can also be sewn without lining if several layers of tulle are used. In this case, the pattern is immediately transferred to the main fabric. / / /

Tutu skirt made of tulle stripes

A fluffy tulle skirt can be easily created without a pattern.

For this you will need:

  • strips of tulle 8-12 cm wide (60-70 pieces for a medium-sized skirt, from 100 strips for a more fluffy skirt);
  • elastic band (about 0.5 m);
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.

The process of creating a skirt:

  1. Choose the length of the product, measure the circumference of the waist. The waist measurement will determine the length of the elastic band. From this measurement, you need to subtract 1-2 cm so that the skirt fits snugly at the waist and does not twist.
  2. Cut off the required length of elastic. Sew it by hand or on a typewriter into an elastic ring.
  3. Attach the ring to the back of the chair. Start tying stripes to it. Such a tulle skirt can have stripes of different colors, but the length of each strip should be twice the length of the product.
  4. Strips of fabric are folded in half, both ends are passed through the resulting loop. All knots should be the same, do not overtighten the elastic. Otherwise, the product will slide down.
  5. As soon as the elastic is covered with tulle, and the splendor of the skirt corresponds to the desired one, gently straighten the knots and stripes. If necessary, you can insert strips of additional colors and increase the volume.
  6. Adjust the length of the strips and the product as a whole. The ends of the strips can be left unfinished or cut off with curly scissors, since the tulle practically does not crumble.

A tulle skirt can have stripes of different lengths. This technique helps to create a product that looks like a three-dimensional chrysanthemum, especially when the upper layers are much shorter. If you leave the length of the upper layers at the level of all the others or lower, then the tulle skirt will look like a real tutu. /

One-piece tulle skirt

For sewing you will need:

  • tulle, about 5 meters;
  • lining material (satin viscose) to match the main fabric, the width and length of the fabric depends on the size, but not less than 1.5 meters for tailoring for adults;
  • pattern;
  • elastic tape to match the main fabric (about 0.5 m);
  • sewing machine;
  • french pins;
  • scissors.

The process of creating a skirt:

  1. For this type, you need to build a light pattern. You will need to take measurements of the length of the product, the circumference of the hips, the circumference of the waist.
  2. Cut out pieces of paper according to your measurements. You will get one circle with a hole in the middle for lining and several layers of the same circles of tulle.
  3. The slit at the waist is created as follows: the waist circumference is divided into four, a curved line is drawn on the fabric. In this case, the fabric must be folded four times. Be sure to draw a line from the corner in which all the fragments of the folded canvas are connected. The result is one solid circle.
  4. If you hem the lining layer, then this circle should be cut out the same size as the main tulle layers. Perhaps after processing it is worth making it a little shorter. Using an overlock, you need to cut the lining 1-2 cm shorter than the main length of the product - it should not be visible.
  5. The tulle skirt is distinguished by the presence of an elastic waistband. To make such a belt, the length necessary for tight fixation is cut off from the elastic tape. It is enough to subtract 1-2 cm from the measurement of the waist circumference to get the desired figure. In this case, the belt should not squeeze the waist. Unlike the tulle stripe model, the elastic for the one-piece version should be of the best quality and the right shade, as it can be visible from under the clothes.
  6. Sew the edges of the elastic on a typewriter to form a single ring. You can do it manually, but this option looks better.
  7. Spread the edges of the elastic in different directions and fix with a French needle.
  8. Attach the base to the elastic in four places, if necessary, reinforce with additional pins: the elastic should fit as tightly as possible to the material for comfortable sewing. The elastic is fixed on the front side of the skirt to cover the raw edges.
  9. The elastic is sewn to the base with a sewing machine with a straight stitch. The pins are removed as you sew to avoid gaps in the line.

Every woman can make a tutu skirt, even if she doesn't know how to sew. Prepare tulle, organza or chiffon, and start creating a masterpiece with your own hands.

A tutu skirt is a fluffy skirt with a belt or elastic band. For its manufacture, light fabrics in the form of tulle or organza are used. Such material perfectly holds its shape, which allows you to create a truly magical image.

Previously, such skirts were sewn for girls of preschool and primary school age to create delicate images for matinees. But at the end of the last century, adult beauties began to wear such a fluffy skirt in order to emphasize lightness and romance in their fashionable look.

Important: Now even newborn girls wear such a skirt. The image of a little baby in such clothes in photographs looks spectacular.

Important: If a woman knows how to correctly choose the rest of the clothes for this airy skirt, then this piece of clothing can be worn for any event: for a walk with a young man, for a date with a loved one, and even for an evening celebration.

How to make a tutu skirt for newborns with your own hands?

If the mother of a newborn girl does not know how to handle a sewing machine at all, she will be able to create a tutu skirt for her princess on her own. This does not require a lot of time and expensive materials.

So, how to make a tutu skirt for newborns with your own hands? Prepare fabric and items for sewing:

  • Tulle fabric - 1 meter white, about 5 meters red and 0.5 meters pink
  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Needle
  • White elastic band at least 2.5 cm wide

Now, to create a magnificent product, we perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare an elastic band: measure the crumbs waist, plus 1 cm to connect the edges
  2. Sew this braid and put it on the legs of an inverted stool, children's chair
  3. Cut the pieces of tulle fabric into strips 25 cm wide and 50 cm long
  4. Now start putting the product together: take a strip of red tulle material and tie it to an elastic band. Then tie a strip of white and pink tulle. Do this for all fabric pieces.
  5. Tie the strips on an elastic band, slide them tightly towards each other until there is no free space on the rubber band. The more material you use, the fuller the skirt will be.
  6. At the waist, the skirt can be decorated with several small satin ribbon bows or one puffy bow on the side.
  7. Remove the product from the chair - the skirt is ready

Important: When you make tulle knots, do not tighten them too much so that the elastic is not overtightened. Otherwise, while wearing it, it will ugly twist.

Tip: You can combine the colors of tulle in different ways: tie one strip of each color or, for example, ten stripes of one, then the same number of strips of another color. You can alternate 5 stripes of white through 1 strip of red or pink.

For a daughter of 7-10 years old, you can also create a puffy skirt without sewing using the method described above - it's simple and fast. The only thing is to choose the color of the material.

If such clothes are needed to create a costume, for example, for a New Year's holiday in a kindergarten, then white and blue tulle can be used. Get the original costume "Snowflake". For another celebration, a skirt of bright colors is perfect, and for wearing in everyday life, for a girl, it is worth creating a product from a fabric of delicate shades: pink, light green, yellow.

Many mothers ask how to sew a tutu skirt for a girl with their own hands?

Tip: Get tulle material, spend a maximum of 2 hours and show your imagination. Thanks to this, you can create a beautiful product that will be your favorite wardrobe item for your beauty.

For an adult fashionista, a tutu skirt can be made according to the same principle as for little beauties, that is, without the use of threads and needles. Follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the length of the rubber band according to the measurements of the girth along the waist line. Sew the edges of the elastic
  2. Decide on the length of the product itself. Cut ribbons 10 cm wide twice as long as desired length
  3. Fold these wide ribbons in half and tie to the rubber band. Do this until the tulle completely covers the elastic band.
  4. Sew a petticoat to match the tulle. You can wear this exquisite piece of clothing

Tip: If you do not want to sew a petticoat, then such a magnificent product can be worn with leggings to match the skirt - original and beautiful!

Now it’s worth considering how to create an adult do-it-yourself tutu skirt, which is based on. Follow the steps:

  1. Prepare a piece of rigid mesh (1.5m x 1.5m) and soft tulle of the same size
  2. Cut all cuts into two parts 0.75m x 1.5m and fold four times
  3. Take measurements of the line 5 cm below the waist. Thanks to this, the product will not add extra pounds, because the waist will turn out to be underestimated.
  4. Transfer the resulting measurement to the cuts folded in 4 layers into the corner
  5. Measure the length on this “sandwich” (about 60 cm) and cut off the excess canvas
  6. To make the product beautiful, the lower layers should be 1-5 cm longer than the upper ones.
  7. Put all the finished circles together
  8. Make a belt from elastic knitted fabric - 20 cm wide, and the length is equal to the waist circumference. Sew it to the circles of tulle folded together
  9. To prevent the belt from stretching after wearing and washing, sew inside its rubber band

Tip: For a DIY piece that can be worn every day, use a soft wool top layer to match the bottom circles. You will get a style mix of a lush tulle tutu and a "chop".

A more detailed description of sewing such a skirt can be found in the video:

Video: tutu skirt.flv

Evening dress makes a woman elegant and unique. A long tutu skirt gives the image of lightness and romance. Such clothes will be in fashion for several more seasons, so you can safely sew this wardrobe item for yourself and wear it with pleasure.

Do-it-yourself long tutu skirt is made according to the principle described above:

  1. Open four circles "sun" of the desired length, the lower layers are slightly longer than the upper
  2. Put them together and sew to the belt. Skirt ready

Important: A top with a neckline in soothing shades is suitable for such a skirt. You will get the perfect version of an elegant look, for example, for a prom.

Do-it-yourself tutu skirt

The Tutu skirt is made according to the same principle as the tutu skirt, but to create it, you need to choose the hardest tulle. This will help make it more lush and stylish.

Many fashionistas think that you can buy a beautiful Tutu skirt only in boutiques, but this is not so. Each woman will be able to sew it on her own, spending a minimum of time.

Do-it-yourself tutu skirt:

  1. Prepare a piece of hard plain tulle or several pieces of this fabric, but in different colors
  2. Cut it into strips 10 cm wide and equal to the length of your skirt, but multiplied by 2
  3. To create a waist band, measure your waistline. Sew it - you get a skirt belt
  4. Now pull the elastic band over the legs of the chair and start tying the strips of tulle, but first folding each strip in half
  5. Do this until the entire elastic band is completely covered with tulle stripes.
  6. Sew a satin petticoat and you can wear Tutu, for example, to a theme party

The peculiarity of creating such a skirt is that it is necessary to sew the skirt itself and the train separately. Choose hard tulle for the main skirt, and soft tulle for the train.

Important: If you make a train from hard tulle, then the hem will bulge ugly.

  1. Sew the main skirt in the same way as shown in the above methods.
  2. Now cut the soft tulle into strips of different lengths.
  3. First, sew a series of long stripes onto a satin ribbon, then in descending order. The last row will consist of their short ribbons
  4. The train can be tied at the waist with a satin ribbon under the tutu skirt. You can also sew it to an elastic band with tied stripes. A tutu skirt with a train is ready

Tip: Make the bottom tier of the train out of satin or other fabric. He will play the role of a petticoat.

Chiffon is a very soft and delicate fabric. To make a tutu skirt out of it, you need to sew gathered strips of chiffon onto a satin petticoat.

Such a wardrobe item is suitable for a slender girl who is not afraid of experiments. A few fluffy frills will add splendor and structure to the skirt.

So, how to sew a chiffon tutu skirt with your own hands? Follow these steps:

  1. Make a regular satin petticoat. It should consist of a belt and a skirt
  2. Step back from the belt 12 cm and make a mark. At this level, the first shuttlecock will be sewn
  3. Make some fluffy ruched strips of stiff tulle if you want a fluffy skirt, or use chiffon, but then the skirt will be more concise
  4. Sew the ruffles to the petticoat. The more such stripes and the closer they are sewn to each other, the more magnificent the skirt will be.
  5. Fold a strip of chiffon measuring 0.75m X 1.5m 4 times (do the same as in the description of sewing an adult tutu skirt). Cut off the corner along the waist line and along the length. The result was a skirt "sun"
  6. Sew this overskirt to the waistband over the flounced petticoat. Chiffon tutu skirt is ready

Tip: Organza can be of different stiffness, so choose a shiny fabric for such a skirt. She will keep her shape well.

  1. Buy a piece of organza measuring 2m x 1.5m. Cut it into ribbons 40 cm wide - this is the length of the skirt that will look beautiful on a girl of 3-4 years old. If you want to create a product for a teenage girl, then measure the length from the waist to the knees and multiply by 2 - this is the length of the stripes
  2. To prevent the edges of this fabric from crumbling, hem them on a typewriter with a small zigzag or sew with a regular seam
  3. Use a rubber band to measure around your waist and cut to desired length. Tie a knot at one end
  4. Lay the rubber band along the ribbon, fold the edge of the fabric and sew, carefully, without touching the inserted ribbon with the foot
  5. When you reach the end of the elastic, pull it out and continue stitching. That part of the organza that is stitched will beautifully gather behind the foot of the machine
  6. Continue sewing, shifting the cut cut
  7. When it is finished, sew the ends of the rubber band, and cut off the knot.
  8. Shake the product to straighten it

How to sew a tulle tutu skirt with your own hands? Video

If the last time you sewed something was at school in labor lessons, and it’s difficult for you to make such a skirt according to the description, then watch the video. This will help you quickly navigate the stages and create a real masterpiece.

So, how to sew a tulle tutu skirt with your own hands? Video:

Video: Do-it-yourself couture skirt

Video: Tutu skirt with a solid satin ribbon - MK / Tutu skirt with a satin ribbon - DIY (subtitles)

The videos below will teach you how to sew a tutu skirt with your own hands. Here are master classes in sewing beautiful Tutu skirts: with satin ribbons, sharp edges, in three tiers.

Fatin is a very thin and delicate material. It is difficult to cut it correctly for such a skirt, since you need a lot of stripes and they must all be the same length and width. Watch the video on how to cut tulle correctly and quickly.

Video: How to quickly cut tulle for the TUTU skirt / How quickly cut tulle for the TUTU skirt

Video: Tutu skirt with sharp edges - MK / TUTU skirt with sharp edges - DIY