Hair like Grace Kelly. Step-by-step instructions for a fashionable retro hairstyle in the style of Grace Kelly. Natural expensive fabrics

Rita Hayworth's hair, modeled into large waves with special charm, is immortalized by the huge success of the 1946 film Gilda.

Saturate the strands along the entire length with mousse for volume, including the root zone. Blow dry by lifting up at the roots, then curl your hair with a medium-sized curling iron. Let the curls cool. Comb through with a soft brush. Spray on simulated Hollywood waves. Rita Hayworth's swept-back bangs style, in our version, is a more modern look, bangs combed to the side.

How to do your hair: Grace Kelly's retro look

Princess of Monaco

The great prima donna of the 1950s, Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco was a fan of glamorous buns, vintage-inspired but understated.

Comb your hair, separate the strand from the side of the face. After discarding the mousse, roll it up with your fingers. From the rest of the hair, form a bun at the back of the head, slightly shifting it to the side. Then, release the bangs, fold back, carefully "regulating" the released hairs with modeling ointment. Accessory - hairstyle decoration, selected in the same vein as the styling style.

How to style Audrey Hepburn's hair

Doll for luxury

The frivolous Holly from the cult movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's", embodied by Hollywood diva Audrey Hepburn, has gone down in history thanks to her classic 1960s hairstyle.

Separate a section of hair from the face, divide the occipital area in half. Create texture by backcombing the strands for sustainable bouncy volume and make two shells by curling each part of the curls inward. Release the front strand, laying out part of the hair in a bun. Instead of a bang, a strand that was accidentally released from the face. She will be the sexiest touch of the finished styling.

How to do Marilyn Monroe hair

Sex symbol of the XX century

A short bob modeled in blond curls and plump red lips were the trademark of actress Marilyn Monroe. Her hairstyle (will she ever go out of style?) was part of her memorable image and appeal. And today this retro style is repeated by many modern stars.

Apply a styling mousse to your hair for fist-sized volume. Dividing the hair into thin strands, curl them with Velcro curlers or a large-diameter curling iron. Wrap the resulting curls around your finger and, pinning to the head, let them cool in this position. Then release the rolls, make a side parting and tousle the curls with your fingers into glamorous waves.

Real style icons never tried to follow fashion - they created it, inspiring designers to experiment, and changed the canons of their era in their own way. In the 1950s, Grace Kelly was such an exciting force for men and women, who miraculously managed to broadcast the image of a fragile and at the same time spectacular diva.

Before marrying Prince Rainier III in 1956 at the age of 26 and becoming the Princess of Monaco (read: 8 unexpected facts about the wedding of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier), the talented American actress gave the world 11 films with her participation, representing a real aesthetic and artistic value. The heroines of Grace radiated an aura of sophistication and elegance. The life of the princess resembled a fairy tale film, bright and romantic, but with a poignantly tragic ending: in 1962, at the age of 52, Grace had a terrible accident. As they say, a fatal accident happened at the location of the filming of one of the films with the participation of Grace "To Catch a Thief": due to a stroke, the princess lost control of the car - and he fell off a sharp turn onto a mountainside.

Photo shoot of Grace Kelly in 1955

"My fabulous life is far from a fairy tale"

On November 12, 2018, the famous Hollywood actress and Princess of Monaco would have turned 89 years old. And although her images were innovative for the fashion of the 20th century, her style remains relevant today. We found out what exactly made it so special and what secrets will help to repeat it.

"College Girl"

At the beginning of her career, Grace Kelly's style referred to the image of a "college girl" and was close and accessible to any young American woman. Grace's wardrobe was dominated by "naive" shirt dresses, capri pants, cardigans, ballet shoes or "boats". But even such seemingly “girlish” things the actress skillfully turned into seductive outfits, adding a little chic with simple details. Chosen by Grace for her engagement to Prince Rainier III, the fitted Branell shirt dress, complete with a delicate brooch and balloon scarf, perfectly matched the occasion, recreating Kelly's innocent and luxurious look at the same time.

Grace and Rainier at the future princess's home in Philadelphia with her parents, the day after the engagement was announced, January 5, 1956.

Grace and Rainier at the future princess's home in Philadelphia the day after their engagement was announced, January 5, 1956.

Fateful Capri Pants

In May 1955, Grace led the US delegation to the Cannes Film Festival. It was then that the future princess first met her future husband. For a magazine shoot on board a yacht in the harbor, gracefully elegant Grace posed in a white shirt and capri pants, which later became the hallmark of the actress.

Grace Kelly photo shoot at Cannes in 1955

The iconic capri pants that became one of Kelly's style staples

No unnecessary frills

In a 1956 The Telegraph article titled "It Started with Grace Kelly", fashion editor Windfried Jackson writes of how Grace Kelly popularized the "concise style". She notes: “Fashion is returning to the style of classic elegance. The new trend is largely dictated by the woman whose name is now in all newspaper headlines - Grace Kelly.

To master Grace's "new fashion technique," Jackson advises readers to "select elegant, concise looks and complement them with practical jewelry: "stud earrings and a noble bracelet are all you need."

But she emphasizes: "Accessories must be impeccable - bag handles must not be frayed or frayed, no creases in headwear and defects in heels." And for a perfect look, she recommends paying attention to the hairstyle: “hair should be neatly styled, healthy and shiny.”

Always perfect styling and a minimum of unnecessary accents are one of the main secrets of Kelly's style.

Grace Kelly herself explained her passion for laconic silhouettes: “I have to choose simple clothes, because I get lost in extravagant things.” She was sure that classic elegant things, as well as good posture and proper personal care, would never go out of style.

Stubborn, not capricious

Today, fans and fashion experts perceive Grace Kelly solely as the epitome of elegance. But this was not always the case: many critics, sorting through the wardrobe of the Princess of Monaco, noted her characteristic “stubbornness”. Not only does Kelly's successful film career prove Kelly's determination and independence, but so does her wardrobe style. Of course, the actress respected traditions and subtly felt the time. But Grace always stood out against the background of some stiffness and academic style of the royals, and then completely changed it towards ease.

So, for a long time in Monaco, women were not supposed to wear trousers, and in the palace they were required to walk exclusively in hats. But Grace preferred to spend time with her family in comfortable trousers, and the ubiquitous photographers did not miss the chance to capture her everywhere and always. And now, the bans on trousers have slightly weakened, and casual sports style has become not such a rare occurrence in the palace.

The actress and her fashion passion - pants

Portrait of Kelly in 1955

Kelly always contradicted fashion a little, and sometimes defiantly objected. Once, during one of her visits to Monaco, the princess put on a huge wide-brimmed hat that completely covered her face, despite the dissuasion of her father, who considered this not the best idea. And when hats began to go out of fashion and ceased to be a must-have in every woman's wardrobe, the rule for their mandatory presence also ceased to be strict.

Hermès bag and more

The most famous fashion fact associated with Grace Kelly is certainly the Hermès Kelly bag, which got its name in 1956 thanks to photographs in which the actress covers her pregnant belly from annoying paparazzi.

The history of Grace and Hermès began in 1954, when the famous director Alfred Hitchcock, who idolized Grace and called her "a volcano under the snow", allowed costume designer Edith Head to use Hermès accessories for Kelly's character in the movie To Catch a Thief. “We were like two little girls in an ice cream shop, we fell in love with everything we saw,” the designer says of the trip to the boutique.

It seems that Hermès things helped out Grace Kelly all the time: once a branded scarf supported the broken arm of the star in the form of a bandage.

There is another designer item named after the actress - this is the Mark Cross Grace Box suitcase, created specifically for the character Grace in the movie Rear Window.

Pearls are a girl's best friend

“I use pearls on screen and in life,” Grace Kelly said. And it's true: the actress's jewelry asceticism made it possible to complement classic outfits with delicate pearl jewelry. Grace's mother-of-pearl collection included studs, bracelets, rings and necklaces, and the most unusual item was a gold watch adorned with diamonds and pearls.

The rise of the American fashion business

Of course, the actress is already accustomed to increased interest, but on the eve of the wedding with Prince Rainier III, the attention of the press was ruthless: Grace was watched literally 24 hours a day, and even the star's seamless stockings were discussed in magazines. During one of the press conferences in Monaco, Grace addressed the fans: “This attention is very flattering, but a little scary. I wish we could all be more tactful."

"I just buy clothes that I like and wear them for years"

Realizing the inevitability of the situation, Grace decided to use her popularity for the benefit of American fashion. “European designers have always been considered the best, but Grace often chose American brands for her exits, which had a very positive effect on the country's fashion business,” says Christina Hoagland, author of the book “In the Style of Grace Kelly”. One of Grace's favorite pieces was a navy blue coat by American designer Ben Zukerman.

Smart shopping strategy

Regarding shopping, the Princess of Monaco, despite unlimited access to the most expensive outfits, had her own philosophy: “I just buy clothes that I like and wear them for years.”

Grace Kelly was not one of the celebrities who had a huge wardrobe the size of a separate room or even a house and did not allow the thought of going out in the same thing twice. Once, during the pregnancy of her daughter Stephanie, the princess was asked about her favorite Ben Zukerman navy blue coat: “Is this the same coat as 9 years ago?” To which Grace replied without any embarrassment: “Yes, I just really like it!”

Nature endowed the blond beauty with many things, starting with her appearance and ending with her origin. Her life is a continuous dizzying success and climbing up to the Olympus itself. Grace Kelly managed to realize the dreams of many women: to become a model, a movie star, marry a prince and give birth to three children!

The actress was born into a wealthy, aristocratic family. And from childhood she was a member of high society. No wonder she looks so organically in the role of a socialite in the film "High Society" and Princess Alexandra in the film "The Swan". In addition to Grace, the family had an older sister - a recognized beauty, and a brother - an athlete, a participant in the Olympic Games. But Kelly herself was considered the "ugly duckling" in the family. Due to myopia, she wore glasses, was quiet, awkward, and often ill. But at the age of 16, Grace, as they say, blossomed. The genes have taken their toll. She had a clear oval face, high cheekbones, a chiseled nose, a sensual mouth, porcelain skin and, like a frosty sky, blue eyes.

King of Horrors, director Alfred Hitchcock once said: “The ideal mystery woman is a blonde, sophisticated, Nordic type. I have never liked women who shamelessly demonstrate their virtues. Grace met all these requirements, becoming the director's favorite.

On screen and off, Kelly embodied the elegance of expensive brands - a formal suit, an evening dress with a mid-calf full skirt. Her style is characterized as "fashionable" or minimalistic chic. She was indeed reserved, but elegant in dress and makeup. What are the beauty secrets of the Princess of Monaco?

1. Refinement

Grace comes from an aristocratic family, and a sense of style has been instilled in her since childhood. Stills from the films "The Swan" and "To Catch a Thief". Photo: Grace was truly elegant from hat to shoes. She never chose tight clothes, showing off her figure. Her image was built around figure-shaped dresses, reminiscent of new look models. Christian Dior, complete with jackets, simple oval hats and pumps with thin high heels. Gloves were an obligatory attribute of the image. The actress learned from childhood that hats and gloves, hairstyle and posture are the basis of the style of any woman, not necessarily a princess.

Even in private, at home, Grace looked like a sophisticated lady. A bathrobe and slippers are not about her. Kelly loved to take a promenade in capri pants complete with snow-white shirts, with ballet flats or moccasins. The image was completed with a neckerchief. Kelly also adored men's shorts with a shirt tied at the waist.

2. Well-groomed

Grace's appearance has always been impeccable. Photo: Of course, grooming was a distinguishing feature and skate of the Princess of Monaco. Everything must be in perfect condition! A neat, simple silhouette was emphasized by healthy natural or carefully dyed hair. The golden blonde hair of the actress always looked shiny and twisted at the ends. Grace combed her hair back, revealing her face and ears. Looking at her, there’s not even anything to complain about - plucked, perfectly shaped eyebrows, flawless skin, manicure with a beige base.

And at the age of 52, the Princess of Monaco looked amazing. Photo: A still from Grace Kelly's latest ABC interview Kelly once said, "Forty years is torture and the end of a woman." Actually, she always looked after herself, but with age she began to do it more carefully. Grace paid special attention to her hands. Hollywood hair stylist Peter Lamas, who worked with her, repeatedly recalled in various interviews that the Princess of Monaco constantly used hand cream, believing that it was the skin of her hands that most quickly betrayed a woman's age.

3. Natural

Grace preferred inconspicuous makeup. A frame from the film "High Society". Photo: Grace preferred natural shades, making subtle makeup. Her complexion was evened out with tonal products that perfectly matched her skin tone.

To make her cheekbones more expressive, the actress used a special technique with the help of two shades of coral blush: she applied the lighter one on the cheekbones, the darker one under them. Graceful eyebrows were emphasized with light brown shadows, thus highlighting them. She applied a little dark brown mascara to her eyelashes, carefully traced her eyes with gray-brown or brown eyeliner. For lips, I chose shades of rose flowers - from pale pink to bright scarlet.

starring Nicole Kidman, chronicling the life of actress and 1950s style icon Grace Kelly at the royal palace. Despite a more than cool reception from critics and a low rating at the global box office, the picture is an occasion to recall the impeccable style and images of Grace, who has become an icon of style for her and subsequent generations.

To this day, stylists around the world copy her intricate hairdos by celebrity hairstylist Alexandre de Paris, and, according to international creative consultant John Frieda and chief stylist for the film Princess of Monaco, Kerry Warna, it is curious that the numerous stylings on the theme of "Grace Kelly" do not repeat 100% those that can be seen in black and white photos, but always convey the essence of her image and character.

“You look at modern actresses with their hair curled and pinned up at the back of the head and immediately think of Grace Kelly and her graceful, asymmetrical, wavy bob,” says the stylist. “So in working with Nicole’s (Kidman’s – ed.) styling, I was tasked not to blindly copy what I saw in archival photographs, but to try to capture the image of the princess and understand how Alexander de Paris intended it.”

Wavy bob, admittedly, has long been a favorite evening hairstyle of star stylists. But the interpretation of this styling is especially interesting - an artificial bob, which is constructed from long hair, and looks no less elegant. “This is a fairly simple but very effective hairstyle, especially when it comes to the red carpet,” says Luis Orozco, creative stylist at Oribe.

He is echoed by the famous catwalk stylist Sam McKnight, who chose the faux bob as the main theme of her looks at the Dries van Noten fall show. “I was tasked with giving the models wavy hair, but classic wavy hair would have looked too glamorous on the runway, so the choice fell on a less frivolous and more formal hairstyle in the style of the 1940s,” he explained. As a result - curled hair laid in a deep parting, forming a tight roller at the back of the head, imperceptibly pinned up from below and decorated with a metal clothespin.

Without waiting for autumn, star stylists are already in a hurry to reproduce the bob-blende on the heads of their wards. So, quite recently, actress Zoe Saldana flashed her neat styling in the best traditions of Hollywood. And before, we saw variants of this hairstyle with Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly, Allison Williams and other celebrities.

Professional advice: Starting to create a fake bob, make sure that the hair is flexible and textured. It is these two qualities that are invaluable when working with hair, from which you want to build such a styling. Please note that this is not about fixing them with varnish (which will only enhance the undesirable effect of the helmet), but about giving them texture - a quality that, during the styling process, will allow the hairstyle not to fall apart and keep the desired volume.

1. At the preparation stage, wash your hair well with shampoo and conditioner - the latter will make them lighter and softer.

2. Apply texturizing cream or spray to damp hair and blow dry.

3. Divide your hair into five equal sections and curl each one so that you get a large and not too aggressive wave.

4. Style your hair in a deep side parting, forming a “movement” of the wave back, then gently wrap the ends inward, to the desired length, and secure tightly with invisibility.

5. Straighten the hair and sort of stretch it in breadth, controlling the fixation.

6. Spray with a light hairspray and, if desired, decorate with a large barrette, as at the Dries van Noten fall show.

Less is More, Proteinsrtay Texturizing Styling Spray; Oribe, Shampoo for Moisture and Control; Sexy Hair, Big Shine Spray; Aveda, Light Elements™ Texturizing Crème; Oribe Conditioner for Moisture and Control; hair clip Asos

- A journalist who at various times wrote about fashion, beauty and health. Since March 2014, he has been the head of the beauty department of the site, where every week he talks about celebrities, beauty trends and advanced cosmetology techniques.

The embodiment of sophistication, refinement, impeccable taste - such an Oscar-winning Hollywood actress and Princess of Monaco, the great Grace Kelly, will forever remain in history.

Always and everywhere, in any situation, she knew how to look appropriate, elegant and impeccably stylish. Without a doubt, Grace was one of the main style icons of the twentieth century.

Luxurious simplicity: Grace's style secrets

Looking at the photo of Grace Kelly, you will not find a single fashionable blunder: not a hint of vulgarity, pretentiousness, pretentiousness - only elegance at its best. What is the secret of the impeccable style of the actress?

At the Oscar ceremony

Conciseness and simplicity of finishing and cutting

Despite the fact that Grace grew up in a very wealthy family of a millionaire and fashion model, she was brought up very strictly - restraint in everything was instilled in the future princess from childhood. Having become a Hollywood diva, Kelly realized that she looks best in outfits that do not overshadow, but emphasize her delicate and sophisticated beauty.

feminine silhouette

The Princess of Monaco preferred dresses with a new look silhouette, such as in the next photo - fitted, with a fitted bodice and a wide flared skirt. This style perfectly emphasized the fragile feminine beauty of the actress. Grace Kelly's famous lace wedding dress had a similar style (pictured).

The dress in which the Princess of Monaco walked down the aisle became the standard of wedding fashion for many years: Kate Middleton's wedding dress is its modern interpretation.

Wedding set Kate Middleton

Natural expensive fabrics

Silk and satin, cotton, velvet, cashmere and wool, finely dressed leather and suede gave dresses and accessories even very simple geometry a truly royal gloss.

Cleverly selected accessories

Snow-white gloves can be considered the hallmark of Grace Kelly's style - the actress knew how to wear them so elegantly and at the same time naturally, like no other. Grace preferred short gloves for daytime outings, while the actress complemented evening dresses with high, up to the elbow or higher, satin models (pictured below).

Gloves for the image

It is impossible not to say separately about Grace's attitude to handbags - after all, one of the legendary models of bags of the Hermes fashion house is named after her (in the next famous photo, the Princess of Monaco covers her rounded tummy with this handbag, trying to hide her pregnancy from the paparazzi). Kelly's ability to carry a small, laconic handbag with unsurpassed grace inspired the founders of the house to give the accessory her name.

With Hermes Kelly bag

Restraint and moderation in the use of jewelry.

You will not find a photo in which a Hollywood princess would be hung with diamonds like a Christmas tree. Kelly very clearly felt the measure in the use of jewelry and chose jewelry of a simple form, with medium-sized stones. The actress's favorites were round earrings or clip-on earrings (pictured below).

The princess of Monaco preferred pearls to all precious stones. Both on screen and in life, Grace loved to complement the image with a short string of white or pink pearls.

Relevance in everything

Received a brilliant upbringing, from her very youth, Grace knew how to choose outfits according to the occasion and the situation. Elegant evening dresses on the floor - for the evening, elegant cocktail dresses - for family events, strict two-piece suits - for official receptions, blouses with capri pants - for sailing on a yacht.

color harmony

The Princess of Monaco knew very well the strengths of her beauty - platinum curls, delicate porcelain skin, Grace emphasized her blue eyes with a special range of outfits. Judging by the photos of those years, Kelly's favorite shades were white, pearl, ice blue, silver gray, soft coral, graphite and black.

Royal posture

As you know, no less elegant outfits, it is important to know how to wear them correctly. The Princess of Monaco, who was distinguished even in adulthood (the princess was not destined to live to old age) with a beautiful figure and excellent posture, adorned any outfit with herself - this is evidenced by Kelly's numerous photos taken shortly before her tragic death.

Hair and makeup are integral parts of the image

All her life, Kelly did not change her natural hair color - a natural blonde, Grace put her curls in neat hairstyles or left them to flow freely over her shoulders, removing only a few strands from her face. In makeup, as in the whole image as a whole, the Princess of Monaco showed restraint: porcelain skin, discreet eye makeup and light (and red for evening outings) lipstick, emphasizing the naturally beautiful shape of the actress's lips.

How to style Grace Kelly

Of course, thoughtlessly copying the style of the Princess of Monaco today will look out of place. However, her elegant look can be an inspiration for creating sets for all occasions - after all, there is no woman who would not fit Grace's sophisticated and restrained style.

Evening or cocktail look

Grace Kelly's style can inspire you to create a sophisticated look: choose fitted dresses with full skirts (knee-length for daytime events, floor-length for evening events), solid silk or satin. Choose from either light colors or classic black. Decorate your neck with a string of natural pearls, collect your hair in a low bun, a small minaudière bag and pumps with medium heels complete the set.

Smart casual look

A discreet, elegant and at the same time relaxed and informal look in the style of the Princess of Monaco can be created by combining a white shirt in a masculine style with cropped skinny trousers in blue, gray or beige and shoes with small heels or flat soles (loafers, brogues, moccasins or kitten heels). Complete the set with a satin kerchief and small stud earrings or clip-on earrings with your favorite round princess.

business image

A formal two-piece suit with a fitted jacket is one of Kelly's favorite looks. To make it less formal and more feminine, a silk blouse, decorated with a jabot, lace, pleating or a bow, will help. Small pearl earrings, a strict and laconic leather handbag and matching shoes complete the look.

Although many years have passed and the golden age of Hollywood has passed, the exquisite image of the sophisticated blonde Grace Kelly will forever remain a canonical example of simple sophistication, elegance and aristocratic beauty. The famous beauties of our time do not stop copying her style (or skillfully playing it) - you can see echoes of Grace's images in the wardrobe of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Middleton and the current Princess Charlene of Monaco - the wife of the great Kelly's son.

Charlene - Princess of Monaco

Nicole Kidman (pictured below), who played Grace in the biopic, has also admitted to being fascinated by the princess' style on more than one occasion.

Undoubtedly, every woman has something to learn from Grace - restraint, sophistication, magnificent manners and the ability to create an aura of pure beauty around herself.