Congratulations on your silver wedding are short. Congratulations on a silver wedding are cool

Gave you the keys to the heart
For each other so long ago
Take care of them gently, tightly,
Protected from everything!

And precious today
Your holiday is coming
Sweet, long-awaited wedding
And silver now.

In marriage, everything happens often,
And problems, difficult life,
It's good that you have patience
And they could show love!

You successfully live in union,
Keeping it just as carefully
And let the golden wedding
It will be done in your days!

Marriage is a good thing
If the marriage is twenty-five.
You can safely congratulate
And wish you success.
A quarter of a century is cool
It's not one minute.
Not a month, not a year.
Let your family stronghold
Year by year it only grows stronger
Let love crown him!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your marriage, on your silver wedding. I wish your happiness to shine and shimmer like silver in the sun, so that your feelings always warm your hearts and fill your home with comfort, so that in your life together there were no disappointments so that many more joyful events await you ahead and happy Holidays.

Happy Anniversary
You've been together for 25 years
Don't meet the hell
May fate keep from troubles!

The wedding will shower with silver,
There will be peace and harmony in the house,
You have excellent health
Another hundred years in a row!

silver wedding,
25 years together
And it sounds again: "Bitter!" -
Groom with the bride.

At the temples slightly
Hoarfrost is silvering
25 years of happiness
Your life lasts.

25 years together
You walk beside
Sometimes words are not needed
You need a look.

Bound by love
You are one destiny
silver wedding
Let it become gold.

Today the wedding is twenty-five!
And the heart confuses beats -
Such honor and grace
Congratulations to the glorious anniversaries.

You are together for so many years and winters,
That have become an indivisible whole.
And I want to wish two
All the best in the world! Without limits.

May this wedding be silver
Brings happiness to your couple.
well-being, goodness,
The warmth of love and joy gives!

You are both young again
Though your union
Today exactly 25!
matrimonial ties,
Like a fine wine
Everything gets stronger with age.
Let the life of a lived movie
Warms your soul.
And ahead of you,
We really believe in it
Many years wonderful dates
And many anniversaries!

Silver wedding. Bitterly!
We congratulate you, friends.
Lived a quarter of a century steadfastly
You have a wonderful family.

You through thunderstorms and bad weather
A spark of hope has been carried.
We wish you great happiness
Good luck, loyalty, love!

twenty five wonderful years
Happiness will warm your little world!
I send in this glorious hour
Congratulations for you!

I wish you well with all my heart
And love is big without end,
A lot of joy, prosperity,
So that you always live sweetly!

Everything is silver today
The sun shines softly.
Our couple is beaming
Accepts congratulations.

After all, the silver date
I knocked on this house.
And hearts are rich with warmth.
It's good for you to live together!

Take care of your happiness
Fertilize him with kindness
And live with a smile.
Count good days.

We wish your family
Get even stronger.
And cloudless love
Let everything sparkle around!

Those who give each other good
And lives for love and honor,
precious silver
Gives life with grace together.

Silver of unbreakable destiny,
The warmth of the hearth and peace,
When all the dreams come true in the heart,
Unearthly silver reigns in it!

25 years of marriage is a unique event in a relationship. Having lived a quarter of a century together, the couple celebrate a silver wedding. It is no coincidence that the name is associated with a noble metal. This date is beautiful! In any case, a married couple who have lived together for so long can be proud of their achievement! The symbol of the holiday is a silver ring, beautiful decoration, which is admired not only by the owners, but also by friends, relatives, children. All those present rush to express congratulations on your silver wedding. There are certain traditions in the celebration, and those who observe them not only pay their respects to the wisdom of their ancestors, but also make the celebration a truly spiritual, symbolic holiday for everyone.

Husband and wife on this day should start the morning exercise with washing, using silverware. The ritual of washing should take place in three stages. As the legend says, to wash for the first time means to wash away years from a person, in the second - all worries, sorrows, in the third - preparations are underway to meet a new life path. At the end of the rite, the dishes in which the remains of water are located are put on display. open air. It is believed that water takes away all grief and sadness.

Anniversaries can be celebrated at family circle, quietly, calmly, inviting your relatives and friends. There is a custom to present a newly-married already 25-year-old couple with various silver jewelry, decorative interior items, as well as exchange wedding rings. Those invited read congratulations and solemn verses to the anniversaries.

Poems 25 wedding years

you two beautiful person!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you more fun!

Let the glasses be in your hands
Fireworks are beautiful in the sky,
Smiles of family and friends
AND the whole world for you two!

25 years is not easy to live,
To understand each other, to endure -
We wish you up to ninety
To wait for each other, to love, to want!

May your relationship be happy
And they carry a solid positive,
Love in the future real,
Let good luck always await!

Silver wedding means
That the Lord has ordained you for each other,
So let your dreams always come true
We wish you happiness and love.

Help each other in the future
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your face!

Today there is a celebration in the house -
Silver wedding!
The church chime sounds
Wedding dress re-dressed.
You have traveled many miles together
Together for these years,
And next to a couple of "young"
There are big kids.
So we wish you, friends,
We are happiness and health
And so that the eyes are still
Glowing only with love!

The day of the silver wedding has come -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver - a precious metal,
He protects the owner from troubles!

So these properties are magical
And for your happiness pledge!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck!

How glad we are, dear ones,
Lived up to silver
A quarter of a century behind
We rejoice with you.
Everyone is looking at you, admiring,
How beautiful you are kissing!
Here are such gentle hugs
We have wished you before.
Try to save them
And kiss, don't be shy!

Silver is a precious metal
He lived up to his name.
Your famous anniversary
And the flame of love did not go out.

May you be happy
Never lose love.
May there be peace and comfort in the family,
Children bring joy and help!

Today is your silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dear ones!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!

May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, Happy Holidays! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in the house!

The article will provide congratulations in verse and prose, a scenario for holding a silver wedding.

Every wedding anniversary is special holiday. But 25 years of marriage is a significant date for any union.

  • The symbol of the 25th anniversary of marriage is silver. That is why the wedding is called silver
  • Silver is a precious metal that symbolizes the strength and purity of the union.
  • There are many traditions and beliefs about a silver wedding. For example, the first kiss in the morning. This is how the spouses should start this significant day so that their union is strong in the future.
  • On the day of the silver wedding, it is customary to organize real holiday. Close relatives and family friends are invited to attend.
  • You can organize a holiday on your own or use the services of special companies. On this day, guests prepare gifts and warm congratulations for spouses

Congratulations on the silver wedding of parents in verse

  • For children, the silver wedding of parents is not less than an important event than for the spouses themselves
  • When preparing a congratulation, try to make it as unique as possible. Include something personal in it that is familiar only to your family.
  • Congratulations should be memorized rather than reading from a piece of paper. Try to put your soul into it and say everything as sincerely as possible.

The day is covered in silver today
The holiday knocked on our quiet house
Anniversary for parents
We have gathered all the friends, friends.

Congratulations dear family
In our house only love and kindness
We wish you to live another 100 years
Together, without encountering troubles in life!

Favorite parents
We want to wish you
Be the same in life happy
Like those twenty-five!

you have lived so long
Can't imagine
But the main thing is you are together
Know how to love!

We are so proud of you
After all, you are our family.
Support and hope
And best friends.

Today is a public holiday
For you, well, for us
Let's raise our glasses
For happiness again!

Congratulations on the silver wedding of parents in prose

  • Congratulations in prose are especially touching, since you can add a lot to them from yourself.
  • Do not pronounce too pretentious text. The main thing is that it reflects your real thoughts and conveys wishes.
  • Use one of these templates to give a great wedding anniversary speech.
  1. « Today is a special day for our entire family! You have lived together for twenty-five years, a quarter of a century. This significant time which proves the power of love and family ties. By your example, you give us how to build family happiness. We wish you to continue to be as sincere, patient and caring. Love you up old age
  2. » I can't even believe that you've been together for twenty-five years. We remember smaller anniversaries when we were just kids. We remember how happy we were for you when you looked lovingly into each other's eyes. And now, after so many years, our family rests on your strong feelings. We wish you to continue to take care of each other, take care and be truly happy!”

Congratulations on the 25th wedding anniversary of friends in verse and prose

  • A silver wedding is important not only in the family circle, but also for close friends. Many of them have been with their spouses from the very beginning of the union, they have seen changes and different situations.
  • Close friends can tell some special stories about spouses. Or prepare a speech that outlines the visible changes that have taken place over these 25 years.
  • Friends who know a couple for a short time can prepare just warm and sincere wishes further happiness for the couple

Union couple twenty-five
What more could you want?
We want to wish the couple
More such dates to meet!

Love you, happiness and success
Less trouble and controversy
Live in the union for a quarter of a century
And bring love and happiness!

  • » Today is a special date for your family! We long years watching your union. And a lot, in fact, can be envied. You kept love and loyalty to each other, met everyone with dignity life problems. Support and love were your motto. And now I want to say that you truly deserve the happiness that you have! May it continue to be so! Love to you, dear friends!

Cool congratulations on a silver wedding

Congratulations again
This time it's twenty-five
Year after year the couple is stronger
Year after goth together is easier

You are no longer just a couple.
A real family!
If in life suddenly zapara
Solve everything without difficulty!

Can't even believe it's gone so many years
Year after year, summer after spring
And it's wonderful that there is a person
What is life by the hand with you.

Your union is truly great
And we believe that love erases time
Happiness only promises you eternity
Freeing from adversity and burden

SMS congratulations on a silver wedding

  • SMS congratulations should be short, but at the same time convey the mood of the holiday
  • It is better if you write a wish in prose or send a cute quatrain
  • Sign your congratulations SMS, indicating who you are. Indeed, on this day, the couple will receive a lot of similar SMS
  • SMS congratulations cannot replace real ones warm words. Therefore, it is better to call the spouses and congratulate them on this holiday with words.

An example of concise SMS congratulations in verse:

25 years is a decent time
Life has provided a long lesson
We congratulate you on this date
Be loved, happy, rich!

Beautiful poems for a silver wedding

"Happy anniversary to you!"
Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment
Silver wedding - wealth common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

"Silver is a precious metal"
Silver is a precious metal
He lived up to his name.
Your famous anniversary
And the light of love has not gone out. May you be happy,
Never lose love.
May there be peace and comfort in the family,
Children bring joy and help!

Humor for a silver wedding

Sometimes at the celebration of a wedding anniversary, you can hear a lot of funny sayings. Some of them have even turned into classic jokes.

  • How beautiful are they now? and happy, just like never before!
  • Beloved parents! We congratulate you and take away the keys to your apartment and car!
  • Now, ladies, exchange reproaches!
  • Love and happiness are tight entered their gray life
  • Let's drink to the experience and for graying horns
  • Let's dance White dance! Ladies Wake Up Cavaliers

Silver wedding script

  • The scenario of any holiday should be planned in advance based on the budget and the number of guests
  • A holiday can be arranged at home, in a cafe or not in nature.
  • The organization of the holiday can be undertaken by a relative or family friend. It's great if the holiday is prepared in secret and for the couple it will be a surprise.
  • To get started, set the time and date, the number of guests and a list of events
  • Greeting spouses is an important part of the event. If there is enough space, then before the arrival of the couple, all the guests line up in a living corridor. The Mendelssohn march turns on and the couple solemnly passes to the applause of the guests
  • Next, the host congratulates the couple. You can give her a solemn diploma for happily lived years
  • Then all the guests sit down at the tables and the main part of the event begins.
  • At this time, the leader directs who and when pronounces wishes. So that the holiday does not turn into a routine, it will be important to diversify it with comic contests
  • Another important part of any silver wedding celebration is the presentation silver rings spouses. They can be presented by children with wishes for further love and happiness.
  • It is necessary to provide a speech to the spouses themselves so that they can express gratitude to each other and to all invited guests

What to give for parents' silver wedding?

  • The gift of children should be special and solemn. After all, this is a holiday for the whole family.
  • A good gift would be the purchase of silver rings, which will be solemnly presented at the holiday.
  • Any silver jewelry is very appropriate on this day, such as commemorative pendants
  • You can make a silver medal, which will indicate the names and date of delivery. It is given to spouses for love, fidelity and a strong family.
  • Organization of the holiday great gift. Parents will be delighted and surprised
  • Give your parents romantic dinner for two
  • Another special gift travel for parents. Buy a ticket to a sanatorium by the sea or just for a holiday for two

What to give friends for a silver wedding?

  • Any souvenirs with silver decor will be relevant. For example, cute figurines or vases
  • Give a silver cutlery set to symbolize this special date.
  • A good gift is a silver frame for a photo. You can process the photo in the editor and make it in vintage style
  • Can be given practical gifts. You can ask their children or other relatives about what spouses need.
  • Cards, sweets and flowers are a great addition to any gift.

Video: Silver Wedding Songs

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 25 years
This day is so special
And so important to all of us
For a silver wedding
Everyone was gathered at this hour.
Numerous guests
The whole family from all sides
Congratulations and best wishes
Live in unison.
So that silver feelings
Haven't darkened in many years.
To shine with freshness
Radiating light of happiness.
To patience, understanding
Created an ideal
An exemplary gentle couple
Whose experience of life is not small.

Let your house be filled
Snow white silver.
It's not just twenty-five
Long years to love, suffer,
Conquer all trials
Live in great understanding.
Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish you the best!

The silver wedding is knocking at your door.

And in the starry evenings hug with love!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
There were strife and joy.

We will test it to the fullest.
Let the wave of happiness cover!

Wish to parents
You have become more beautiful today
Even more beautiful than yesterday
After all, today in your house -
Silver wedding.
And now don't forget
You on the path of life:
This is a saying, and the wedding
Golden ahead!
May they be with you forever
Good luck and good!
Let's make gold together
In the meantime, for silver!
A quarter of a century cherished
You love each other.
Loyalty in the heart carried -
This is the highest merit.
Save the network of marriage ties
A lot of talent is needed.
Your silver union
More precious than a diamond.
Your path in life was bright.
Don't grow old in spirit
To then worthy to meet
Your golden anniversary!
We wish spouses today
Endlessly falling in love with each other
For happiness to shine again
Twenty-five more are with you!

Congratulations to husband from wife
It's hard for me to find the words now
To convey how happy I am with you.
We share all the hardships in half,
And we multiply joy with love.
When we started living together
Everything seemed new, unknown,
We created our cozy home
And they were looking for common interests.
And on the anniversary of the wedding, I will say:
We succeeded and even very much.
I'm sorry, I can't find more words
And as a sign of love I will put an ellipsis ...

Congratulations on a silver wedding in prose
"newlyweds"! I raise a glass to the fact that you have not been in a quarter of a century
dropped the high rank of spouses, did not add to it a worthless
the prefix "ex-" and raised the banner of devoted and happy love high.

We are happy and wholeheartedly congratulate you and wish you happiness, health and longevity.
Long live our "newlyweds"!

Congratulations on the silver wedding to parents
That's a quarter of a century together
You have walked in life!
There were springs, there were songs
Many dreams have come true.
It was a bright blue sky.
Happiness is good in the family.
You will continue to live even more beautifully
And happier on earth!
Silver on the temples
Fate is silver.
Let your house not leave
Love and kindness!
Let the remaining years
Endless Light
Will be the hope
And warmed by friendship.
May you be loved everywhere
May you always be appreciated
And does not go out over you
living star,
under which you are together
So many have gone
For difficult, but memorable
The paths of the earth.

Congratulations on your silver wedding
At the temples - silver,
Destiny is silver.
Let your house not leave
Love and good.
Let the remaining years
Endless light
Will be the hope
And warmed by friendship.
May you be loved everywhere.
May you always be appreciated
And does not go out over you
living star
under which you are together
So many have gone
For difficult, for memorable
The paths of the earth.

Silver wedding - congratulations from children
On the way together
Significant milestone.
you lived together
Exactly a quarter of a century!
And the wedding came to you
In glittering silver.
The house is not even a manor,
But the guests in it - the darkness!
twenty five years
They walked together.
Joys and troubles
Have seen a lot.
And friends are always
Were next to you
And for so many years
How relatives became.
Silver glitters
A quarter century date.
Sounds like music
Rich in joy.
Happy this anniversary!
You are among us now
At the very peak
Glory and love
Pleased with yourself.
You still have to go
Golden wedding.
We wish a lot
Happiness on the way.
May the road be bright
Will be ahead!

Cool congratulations on a silver wedding from friends

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!
And we want to sincerely wish
To you: health, success, good luck,
And always understand each other.
Quarter of century! After all, it's a lot
To test your feelings.
We will fill the glasses today
On this holiday of great LOVE!

Silver wedding - family anniversary,

A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one! A quarter of a century is a wonderful date,
IN tender feelings Magic power
Love once married you
Happiness has given you forever. The silver wedding is knocking at your door.
There have been so many ups and downs in life!
But you didn't break that thread of love
What connected you on the path of life.
We wish you longevity warmth,
Family comfort, health and kindness,
Look into each other's eyes, and feel the thrill,
And in the starry evenings hug with love! We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path.
And do not leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law. Silver wedding means

And a smile will light up your face! The date today is long-awaited,
Silver wedding desired
And we wish the young
Intimacy to be always cool
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble
Love burned like a star
And your dream come true
Union so that it is strong like steel,
And in my heart I sang for spring! You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were strife and joy.
But you were able to hold each other.
And love gives birth to your pride.
We will test it to the fullest.
Congratulations on silver today.
Let the wave of happiness cover! Surprisingly, after a quarter of a century
Two wonderful people together.
Congratulations on this important date
And we wish you guys love! Silver wedding - twenty-five!
What toast can we say here?
And who could come up with the perfect
For the case of such a rhyme?
No, all the words sound awkward here,
And a long toast is completely, completely unnecessary.
And all I need to say here is:
You are as happy as on the morning of your wedding!
Let the gray hair of whiskey turn silver,
But your ardor has not cooled! Silver wedding - feelings are burning in the hearts,
Great holiday- a masterpiece for art!
The husband is serious, and the wife is beautiful and colorful!
Looking at you, eyes rejoice.
And the bright radiance of silver,
Says that Life is going not in vain!
We do not wish for wealth,
And happiness, but we wish you love without guile! You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
And today is our wedding anniversary!
There is no more reliable person in the world -
For each other you are the most valuable!
We wish you peace and care,
Be a little wiser every day.
Let all adversity go around your house,
Sunny and joyful days to you! Dear friends and spouses!
For the twenty-fifth anniversary
You came through downpours and blizzards,
Keeping the sparks of love in the souls,
At the time of the school gave the ovary.
I believe feelings hardened
Enough for you to live all the envy.
Congratulations and I'm glad with all my heart,
What a worthy distance covered.
So I want love to flare up
So that you can warm yourself with its warmth,
And when the date will be tripled. On your silver wedding day
I wish peace in the family!

I wish you joy, laughter,
Sorrow and grief do not know! Silver anniversary today
The most wonderful people!
So pour, rather, do not regret
Let's celebrate this glorious anniversary!
After all, a quarter of a century behind them,
And how many cases were decided for two!
And how many restless days!
And, of course, sweet nights!
Guys, you are so great!
In the eyes - fire, in the soul very youngsters,
Keep love, we remind
What next wedding- golden! You are two wonderful people!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you more fun!
Let the glasses be in your hands
Fireworks are beautiful in the sky,
Smiles of family and friends
And the whole world for you two! 25 years is not easy to live,
We wish you up to ninety

And they carry a solid positive,
Let good luck always await!
He lived up to his name.
Your famous anniversary
And the flame of love did not go out.
Never lose love.
Children bring joy and help! Girlfriend, these lines are for you!
I wish love and warmth!
I also wish you pure happiness!

The sky is peaceful, in the house of goodness,

Silver wedding (25 wedding years) - congratulations sms

How quickly the years go by
They can not be returned and not caught up.
You have a silver wedding
You are exactly twenty-five together!
You are our role model
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Survive until the golden wedding!

4 sms - 223 characters

I congratulate you with all my heart on the 25th anniversary of your family life- With
silver wedding. Sincerely wish you as beautiful, happy and
successfully complete the second half of the journey to the golden wedding. Wish
well-being to your home and peace, true love and good luck.

4 sms - 245 characters

You have come a long way together
Together we reached the silver
Let's raise our glasses,
So that your house is full of happiness!
I wish you no stress
Now to drive to gold!
And only great pleasure
Always receive from life!

4 sms - 219 characters

You are both young again
Though your union
Today exactly 25!
matrimonial ties,
Like a fine wine
Everything gets stronger with age.
Let the life of a lived movie
Warms your soul.
And ahead of you,
We really believe in it
Many years, wonderful dates
And many anniversaries!

4 sms - 252 characters

Worthy date of respect
You are exactly twenty-five together.
You went to each other for rapprochement,
To strengthen relationships.
And now everything is smooth for you:
family life, cozy home.
Let everything go on so sweetly
To be happy together.

4 sms - 234 characters

Silver wedding - 25,
I heartily congratulate you.
All my life I wish you to live together,
I wish you good and happiness.
And let the years go, run,
You don't pay attention
Keep faithfulness and love
Celebrate your wedding every year!

4 sms - 231 characters

Ah, the silver wedding.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Never let it be
In the relationship of winter.
25 years is a long time
So we want to wish
So that three times more figure
You should have noted.

3 sms - 187 characters

Silver wedding. Bitterly!
We congratulate you, friends.
Lived a quarter of a century steadfastly
You have a wonderful family.
You through thunderstorms and bad weather
A spark of hope has been carried.
We wish you great happiness
Good luck, loyalty, love!

4 sms - 213 characters

You lived a quarter of a century
Only in harmony, in love.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
This holiday is for two!
Let the silver wedding
It will give you only peace.
We wish you much happiness
And live to be golden!

3 sms - 196 characters

We are happy for you, dear!
You have lived for twenty-five years.
And they became more than relatives,
Give care and light.
And we all want to get together
After the same period.
Let him hide from evil misfortunes,
The Lord is your cozy little world.

SMS congratulations on a silver wedding

"You two wonderful people!"
You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you more fun!
Let the glasses be in your hands
Fireworks are beautiful in the sky,
Smiles of family and friends
And the whole world for you two!

"Happy anniversary to you!"
Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one! "Girlfriend"
25 years old you are a wife,
What can I tell you, dear?
I'll drink to the bottom for you
And I wish you luck!
Let only the family grow stronger
For you to be happy
stay forever
The best and most beautiful! "What do you wish for this holiday?"
What do you wish for this holiday?
You spent a quarter of a century together!
Congratulations on your silver wedding!
Let your dreams come true!
May life give you gifts!
Let the family be friendly!
We wish you success and happiness,
In the house - peace, kindness and warmth! "Gene"
25 distant years ago
I met you, dear!

I want to wish today
To make you smile more often
May your dreams always come true! "Anniversary Wishes"
The day of the silver wedding has come -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver is a precious metal
He protects the owner from troubles!
So these properties are magical
And for your happiness pledge!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck! “Girlfriend, these lines are for you!”
Girlfriend, these lines are for you!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish love and warmth!
I also wish you pure happiness!
I'm with you silver wedding
Congratulations from pure heart!
The sky is peaceful, in the house of goodness,
And in your affairs - only success! "To parents"
My parents are beloved
In my destiny irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years
I wish you longevity
To celebrate your centenary
Joint life is golden,
And let love make you happy! "Congratulations from the children"
Accept congratulations from children
On your joyful joint anniversary!
Turned 25 today
Family, and we will congratulate you!
We wish father, mother to love,
And more often he gave flowers just like that,
And we wish mom that always
You supported your father in everything! «»
Today is your silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dear ones!

Let only goodness and comfort reign in the house! “25 years is not easy to live”
25 years is not easy to live,
To understand each other, to endure -
We wish you up to ninety
To wait for each other, to love, to want!
May your relationship be happy
And they carry a solid positive,
Love in the future real,
Let good luck always await! "Silver wedding"
Silver wedding means
That the Lord has ordained you for each other,
So let your dreams always come true
We wish you happiness and love.
Help each other in the future
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your face! "Today is the wedding anniversary!"
Let the house of guests be full
Today is the wedding anniversary!
Your marriage shines like silver
family happiness and good!
You have lived 25 years!
We wish you not to know troubles,
Protect your family, keep,
Love each other passionately! "You've been together exactly 25"
You are together exactly 25
Happy, long years
And I want to wish you
Luck and victories!
You have a wonderful family!
We are proud of you!
And there are children, and friends,
Wish you love! "Silver is a precious metal"
Silver is a precious metal
He lived up to his name.
Your famous anniversary
And the flame of love did not go out.
May you be happy
Never lose love.
May there be peace and comfort in the family,
Children bring joy and help! "Husband"
I've been with you for 25 years
You are still a hero
You are my beloved husband
Know - unique!
I wish you happiness
Let bad weather go
Troubles will not touch
Joy will return! “Let everyone in the house be healthy!”
On your silver wedding day
I wish peace in the family!
So that you live together, happily,
Well, just like in a fairy tale dream!
May everyone in the house be healthy!
Let there be only grace in it!
I wish you joy, laughter,
Sorrow and grief do not know! "To a friend"
I want to wish a friend on the wedding day

And understand each other every moment! "To parents from children"
You passed the test of a quarter of a century,

And on the way only the sun is warm! "Friend, with a silver medal!"
Friend, with a silver medal
For the family and for the children!
After all, a silver wedding
You are celebrating now!
Now set a task
You reach and golden!
I wish you happiness
With all my heart and all my soul!

Beautiful verses of congratulations on a silver wedding

You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you more fun!
Let the glasses be in your hands
Fireworks are beautiful in the sky,
Smiles of family and friends
And the whole world for you two!

25 years is not easy to live,
To understand each other, to endure -
We wish you up to ninety
To wait for each other, to love, to want!
May your relationship be happy
And they carry a solid positive,
Love in the future real,
Let good luck always await! Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one! 25 years old you are a wife,
What can I tell you, dear?
I'll drink to the bottom for you
And I wish you luck!
Let only the family grow stronger
For you to be happy
stay forever
The best and most beautiful! I've been with you for 25 years
You are still a hero
You are my beloved husband
Know - unique!
I wish you happiness
Let bad weather go
Troubles will not touch
Joy will return! 25 distant years ago
I met you, dear!
And since then I have not looked away
And in his love he found a berth.
I want to wish today
To make you smile more often
Deserved not to suffer
May your dreams always come true! My parents are beloved
In my destiny irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years
And, I believe, you are not happier!
I wish you longevity
To celebrate your centenary
Joint life is golden,
And let love make you happy! You passed the test of a quarter of a century,
At the same time, preserving the hearth of the family,
And celebrate the silver anniversary
You can deservedly now!
Thank you for raising us!
Live happily, good health to you, good!
We love you! We wish you success!
And on the way only the sun is warm! I want to wish a friend on the wedding day
Live with your wife five times 25,
To set a world record
So that people never loved like that,
So that you are always happy
Love big for many years
I want to wish you today
And understand each other every moment! Today is your silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dear ones!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!
May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, Happy Holidays! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in the house! Silver wedding - love reward!
You are walking hand in hand.
And more, it seemed, was not necessary,
Than to feel loved care.
Another hundred years you live together together,
Do not know any grief or sadness of days!
We shout "Bitter!" bride and groom!
So that your fire of love burns stronger!
You are so close! Isn't that a miracle!
And an example for friends Great love!
The interweaving of your two faithful destinies,
What a young dream come true! There is no family more beautiful than yours,
She is twenty-five long years old,
There is no more beautiful bride
The husband is handsome to match, even a grandfather,
Everyone gathered to congratulate you,
And wish you good health
So that for a golden wedding,
Don't forget to call us
Let the silver shine on you
Give happiness and warmth
Congratulations on your anniversary
Be together for evil! And the silver time has flown by
And the grandchildren have grown up.
But it calls to its beautiful limit
The love that once arose.
But she, having matured and passed
Thirty years on endless roads,
The pure joy of a new day
Lights up your home for a reason.
Let her path not end
And hopes, always young,
Never rush to rest
And shine for you, like for the first time! Twenty-five live together
That's a huge time
And your glorious one has grown up for a long time,
Very smart son
Achieved a lot together
Your house glows with warmth
It's not for nothing that this wedding
Everyone knows silver
We wish you pure thoughts
inspiration for the soul
So that sorrows do not know
To make dreams come true! Your family was not built very simply,
You created it brick by brick
It happened that your marriage bridge collapsed,
But you did not give up, you cherished love,
Happy silver wedding, we congratulate you,
Many years passed unnoticed
Prettier couple we do not represent
There is no more reliable couple in the world,
May happiness from marriage not pass from you,
May the relatives always be healthy,
Let troubles, sorrows go away forever,
Kindness always accompanies life! Silver wedding - a quarter century!
Your love has been ruling the ball for many years.
It's a sin for us not to mark such a date,
May the sun shine on you every day!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And keep love in your power,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life! Let tears of happiness shine in your eyes -
silver date came to you!
And all that was - joy and bad weather,
You have become more valuable, twice!
Today is a quarter of a century since the wedding day!
I wish you always love
I wish you happiness, sincere laughter,
Your love capable of keeping! You are like a thread with a needle,
A quarter of a century together you
Your marriage has a lot of meaning,
Children, grandchildren acquired,
Go everywhere together
You can't do without each other
Every night you don't mind
New to discuss a trifle,
The years have brought you together
You have become even kinder
Forgive yourself a lot
There is no more fun in the world! So what if you were cursing
Together for a quarter of a century you
Children, grandchildren were born,
You are still in love
Although scandals are inevitable,
Each of you is always right
You tamed a little
Unbridled temper,
Be happy, healthy
Let your eyes burn with passion
WITH new wedding with a new life,
Always be by your side!

And even platinum starts its march in the following years after this date. An anniversary of a quarter of a century is a solid reason to arrange a grand celebration, invite all relatives and friends.

A silver wedding has a special charm: the anniversaries are still young and full of energy, which means that there is still strength for the “wedding to sing and dance” again, like twenty-five years ago.

Having lived with each other for more than two decades, the couple became wiser, more tolerant of each other. Their love has acquired respect and mutual understanding, has become stronger and more valuable, so it is not for nothing that this anniversary has such a symbol. Relationship strength is on a par with silver - a jewel that is harder than gold, but still has the softness to be called a metal. The relations of the “young” also became strong, but at the same time they acquired suppleness and softness. Spouses perfectly understand each other, are more patient and respectful towards their soul mate. In their relationship, purity and chastity reigned, like silver of the purest sample.

The innocence of such family relations not in vain is associated with this anniversary. Silver is different amazing properties cleanse. Thanks to its bactericidal qualities, in the old days and still they purify water and help preserve food. Ions of this metal destroy microbes that can provoke diseases and infections. In addition, silver has a positive effect on the heart and eyesight. It is silver that stands guard over purity and the very process of purification.

Silver is also attributed to high moral character. For example, this metal is associated with wisdom and reliability, its shimmer is compared to the glow of the moon. Previously, it was often used in various rituals, endowing magical powers. People believed that silver could protect against evil spirits and witchcraft. This metal was the main one in many rituals and ceremonies.

The silver wedding anniversary, like the golden one, was one of the first to be invented. They were given names that were associated with noble metals. Their best qualities were attributed to marriages, which, having survived so many years, were able to become stronger and more beautiful, like their symbols.

Twenty-five years of marriage are called silver for a reason. Over the years, the family has finally formed, the children have matured. Sincerity, tenderness, care and complicity have found their well-deserved places in relationships. This is very important qualities, which are yet to be preserved, and magical character silver is designed to help in this.

Features of the celebration

As a rule, the celebration of a silver wedding takes place with a solemn scope. True friends are always invited to the holiday, who over the years have become closer and more trusted, and therefore more valuable. Relatives should not only be present at the event, they should also help in organizing the holiday. Over the long years of living together, the spouses have become so accustomed to each other that another anniversary is not always a reason to change something in your usual life. Children and close relatives should influence the decision of the anniversaries, inclining them towards having fun on this day. The idea of ​​the holiday, and possibly its budget, should come from their initiative. The influence of the younger generation will play important role on the decision of the spouses, will help them remember the amazing day that once tied them together.

Specific traditions and customs of the silver wedding are not defined. Each married couple puts forward his options for holding an anniversary in the family circle. If the anniversaries are lucky, and their parents can be present on a significant day, then you should ask about their experience in this regard. Perhaps the older generation will tell good advice or the tradition of celebrating the silver anniversary. If the circumstances are different, it is never too late to root your own traditions.

You should prepare in advance for a noisy and cheerful celebration. As a venue for the celebration, it is best to order the same institution in which, twenty-five years ago, the marriage was celebrated. Such a nuance will amuse the anniversaries and pleasantly stir up their hearts. The places that the newlyweds once passed on their wedding day are worth visiting again, partly turning back the clock. Over the past years, it was to experience a lot of joy and bitterness, defeats and victories, but everything is forgotten over time, under the influence of everyday life. This kind of return to the past will help you relive pleasant moments and exciting experiences again. Grown-up children will have a chance to observe the birth of their parents' love and draw conclusions regarding the formation of their own family.

As on any other anniversary, on a holiday silver jubilee there should be a lot of entourage corresponding to the symbolism. Decorating with real silver is not cheap, but you can use its color as an alternative. For example, air balloons you can choose a silver shade, just like the tablecloths on the tables or tissue napkins. For abundance shades of gray were not boring, they can be diluted with pink, lilac or blue accessories. Can be used as decoration family photos anniversaries.

Silver wedding gifts

For lush and solemn event be sure to come with a gift corresponding to a respectful occasion. Of course, the main gifts for a silver wedding should be from the same metal as the symbol of the anniversary. Price silver products not too great to deny this joy to anniversaries. As a present, a married couple can be presented with a beautiful silver figurine, a picture in a silver-plated frame, a vase or a silver table set.

You can give spouses separate gifts. Wife should choose beautiful silver jewelry such as bracelet, earrings or pendant. A brooch or hairpin made of this metal is also suitable. Husband can pick up a silver cigarette case, business card holder, chain or cufflinks.

You can congratulate the anniversaries more modestly, but no less significant. On this day, a gift in the form of a mounted film from old family videos will fit perfectly. Assembled over twenty-five years, the collage of memorable moments will be received with the greatest gratitude.

Congratulations on your silver wedding

On an important day for spouses, good and sincere words are especially important. Therefore, in order to congratulate them, one cannot skimp on wishes and congratulations. If a creative streak allows, you can compose a song specifically for anniversaries, or compose beautiful poem. Also, congratulations on a silver wedding in verse can be chosen from those already folded.

Once upon a time you were held together by a feeling

It's not for nothing that everyone calls him love.

And here you are together, long and skillfully,

Do this work every day.

And quickly a quarter of a century flew by.

We wish your life to boil,

Not allowing to whine or be bored!

Marriage is the best thing

If he's twenty-five.

I can safely congratulate you

And wish you good luck!

A quarter of a century - that's really cool!

Not a second, not a minute

It's not a month, it's not a year!

Let families be your stronghold

Every year it only gets stronger

And love crowns him!

Congratulations on your silver wedding

We ask you to keep silent about the years.

Don't think about sadness today.

Sit down to receive congratulations!

You raised beautiful children

You have traveled a difficult path together

But it wasn't in vain

After all, on this day you are filled with love!

Today your couple is twenty-five!

Many years have passed since the wonderful date.

And on your anniversary wish

We want you to be rich!

Rich in feelings, mutual understanding,

Children and grandchildren, of course, friends!

So that you have enough attention for each other,

And you always took care of what you created!

Your marriage is like the value of silver!

The time to realize, understand

How kind and benevolent fate is,

After all, together you are already twenty-five!

We wish you strong feelings

So that your passion does not subside.

Touch your native lips,

And continue to love, as at first.

On silver anniversary I want to say a lot of beautiful and benevolent words. On this day, hearts sing, joyful speeches sound and tears of happiness flow. On this day, the countdown for a new and strong relationship begins.