Celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary. Silver wedding (25 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms

At 25 married life a silver wedding is a must. For a quarter of a century marriage has become harmonious, feelings are stable, and existence without each other is impossible. The anniversary symbolizes the silver-plated metal strength of the union, its nobility and beauty. A couple that has managed to maintain a marriage union, overcome obstacles and maintain love is worthy of compliments and can rightfully be proud of their achievement.

About the number 25

The number 25 is very controversial from the point of view of the science of numerology. The neighborhood of two digits does not represent the most the best combination. "Two" is the Moon, and "five" is ruled by the planet Mercury. The Moon is neutral to Mercury, but the warlike planet is most hostile to the Moon. What does this mean in light of the anniversary? It means that end of unstable lifecycle. Having gone through contradictions, resentment and troubles, the couple learned to find compromises and honorably get out of difficult situations. With the help of their close friends, relatives, relationships become stable and strong. You can be proud of the achievements on the path to happiness and well-being. It is after this period that life experience comes, which allows you to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant of others.

Silver Magic

The symbol of the anniversary is noble silver, which has the most magical properties among all metals. All the religions of the world claim that silver is God's gift, many beliefs are associated with it, protective and healing properties are attributed to it. Let's watch a video in which we learn a lot interesting facts about this precious metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq4kV9g9A4k In addition, metal is under the magical control of the moon, carries great energy and protects from negativity. Due to this, it is in demand for the manufacture of jewelry, amulets, dishes. A chemical element is able to store information about state of mind owner, redistribute negative energy and is used to cleanse the aura. It is also a well-known antiseptic and water purifier. From the point of view of astrology - metal symbolizes the purity of the soul, awakens sensitivity and helps control emotions.

The symbol of the solemn event is a silver ring, symbolizing the beauty, strength and nobility of relationships. This is not an ordinary ordinary gift, but a sign of gratitude of the spouses to each other for patience, mutual understanding and care.

Ceremonial Day Traditions

twenty-fifth anniversary life together- a serious anniversary, which should be celebrated in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of close people. A fancy party is a desirable event, but above all, it is necessary to observe the fine traditions solemn day. This will give you credit folk wisdom, bring spirituality and deep symbolism to the celebration.


Traditionally, after waking up in the morning and kissing, the newlyweds should get clean, preferably spring water into a bowl of silver and proceed to ablution. Lovers wash each other three times, washing away sorrows, problems and experiences. After that, the spouses gently wipe each other with a towel and put the dishes with the remaining water in the sun until it has completely evaporated. It is believed that all family misunderstandings and illnesses go away with evaporating water.

Ring exchange

Immediately after the bath, the spouses exchange rings, which are put on middle finger right hand and are worn until the golden wedding anniversary. Of course, the rings must be made of silver, and to make them mysterious and unusual, perhaps with the help of engraving, the meaning of which will be clear only to lovers.

At the same time, gold rings are removed and stored in a box for a year, after which they can be worn on an adjacent finger. The ceremony can be made solemn by inviting the closest and dearest people to it: parents, children, friends.

Evening tea

Important! The rite can be performed only after the departure of all guests. The wife must brew strong fragrant tea, after which the newlyweds drink it while sitting at a table with uncleaned dishes. The rite symbolizes comfort, warmth of relationships and confidence in a happy future, despite the hustle and bustle.

How to celebrate a celebration

You can celebrate a silver wedding according to a predetermined scenario, chosen to your taste and focusing on opportunities and circumstances.

  • A celebration classic - invite former witnesses and guests to the same registry office and restaurant where the wedding took place. The event will be remembered for a long time, and all those invited will have something to remember and compare with;
  • Celebrate the anniversary in the country or at home in a close family circle. This option is for those who value family comfort and prefer a more relaxed environment;
  • Theme party. The option is suitable for energetic spouses who have not lost their young enthusiasm. The heroes of the occasion choose a theme and everyone dress up in the chosen images: fabulous, fantastic or aristocratic;
  • romantic celebration. There are couples who on a solemn day want to enjoy only themselves and their love. They can relax in an expensive restaurant, go on a trip to an exotic country or visit a city. eternal love– Paris.

But no matter how the lovers celebrate the celebration, one tradition remains the apotheosis - the exchange of silver rings. The hero of the day can dress in White dress, and the spouse needs to thank her life partner for the years lived together by presenting a gift and flowers. The celebration will not do without a lush loaf or cake, cooked to order. As in their youth, the spouses cut the dishes so that all the invitees taste them - together with the anniversaries, they must share the joy for family happiness and mutual love.

What to give "newlyweds"

A silver anniversary gift should be distinguished by sophistication and beauty. to emphasize the strength of family ties and the ability of a couple to cherish love. The icon "Peter and Fevronia" in a silver frame, embodying fidelity, love and the significance of marriage in Christian culture, can become such an exquisite present. And of course, traditionally, on such a significant day, the newlyweds are presented with products from precious metal- decorations, vases, figurines, dishes.

Favorite among gifts - silverware

The first place is rightfully occupied by silver cutlery: forks, spoons, piles, knives. The gift is standard, but necessary every day. If engraved, it will for a long time remind the couple of the solemn event.

The hit of the parade is an assortment of souvenirs: vases, goblets, figurines.

The price of silver products is very significant, so it is better to choose functional items that will bring a special touch to the household's life: milk jugs, coffee pots, trays.


If you know that anniversaries love silver, then feel free to give bracelets, pendants, chains. At the same time, there is necessary condition- gifts must be paired. Friends can present a tea or table service with a delicate silver pattern or luxurious silk bed sheets and relatives to present Honeymoon to warm countries.


I always want to congratulate close, dear people on their anniversary with memorable words. Living together is a huge mental work, finding compromises and overcoming life's troubles.

Pick up congratulations, toasts in advance and you will pleasantly surprise the anniversaries. Today you can find a lot of options for every taste.

But the most important thing is not how long and how long the congratulation will be, but what feelings and emotions the congratulator will put into his greeting. It is important to remind the anniversaries of their achievements, of the events experienced together, and with all my heart to wish the very best!



  • “We want to congratulate you on a wonderful silver wedding day! As not every bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper, so far not every married couple able to overcome the path of a quarter of a century. And you made it, you made it! You have a wonderful family, wonderful children. On the road, you have not lost your feelings, kindness, youthful enthusiasm. Saved friends, parents and gained our love and pride for you!”
  • “A silver wedding is an extraordinary event and proof that the union of two loving hearts strong as magic metal. You convinced everyone that for a long time it is possible to cherish and store feelings without spilling a single drop of the divine drink of love. You exchanged anniversary rings, and we wish you that your future path will be as unhindered, strong and beautiful as these jewelry. We wish you harmony, happiness, strong love. Bitterly!"

A silver jubilee happens once in a lifetime - and this is a confirmation of real feelings and a role model. Prepare in advance for the solemn event and do not forget about the traditions of this day. Congratulate yourself on the triumph - together you have come to a wonderful life milestone - when everyone knew, learned everything, fulfilled their main mission - raised children and still have the strength for new achievements!

The couple, who have been married for 25 years, celebrate one of the most beautiful "precious" anniversaries of their life together. 25 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is celebrated on this day, what are the traditions of this significant date for every family?

On this day, the couple celebrate their silver wedding. What does this symbol mean for family life?

  • Silver is a noble metal that does not oxidize or rust. Over the years, he acquires an even more noble appearance. Although silver may fade a little over time, it always looks dignified.
  • Marital relations, having passed the test of 25 years of marriage, have gained nobility and strength. They are little affected by capricious circumstances, life storms, of course, leave their mark, but love and devotion only become stronger over the years, preserving beauty and nobility, like silver.
  • Therefore, the choice of the symbol of this anniversary is far from accidental. This is a well-deserved reward for those spouses who adequately overcame storms and storms, and confidently brought their ship to the boundless expanse of the ocean of joint happiness.
  • Silver is distinguished not only by its value or beauty. Since ancient times, this metal has been attributed to some magical properties, A modern science recognized the property of silver to purify water. Thus, a family that has celebrated a quarter-century anniversary is able to cope with most problems, becoming a role model addressed to other people.
  • The symbolism of the silver wedding has importance. Even those who are not too great importance attaches to anniversaries and dates, be sure to celebrate this holiday.
  • Interestingly, in most European countries, as in Russia, this anniversary is also called the silver one. Similar unanimity is observed only with pearl, gold and ruby wedding. Other anniversaries in different countries are called by different names and have different traditions. But there are no discrepancies about the silver jubilee - the precious shining metal celebrates the 25th anniversary of marriage as a symbol of conjugal consent and mutual love.

As soon as it comes to anniversaries and holidays, the question immediately arises about gifts. Silver wedding demands special approach to the choice of gifts and memorable souvenirs.

Spouses gifts

On this day, spouses always congratulate each other. Even if the family has a tradition on the wedding day to buy one general gift useful in the household silver anniversary it is better to give each other personal gifts that will help to save long memory about this day.

  • In the priority of gifts, of course, silver things. The first thing that comes to mind as a gift is jewelry. For your beloved wife, you can choose silver earrings fine workmanship, and if the spouse carefully follows fashion, then present her with a silver bracelet self made, decorated with enamel. Such things are now especially appreciated.
  • You can give your husband stylish cufflinks or a tie clip. Silver goes well with black pearls or dark chocolate opal, as well as onyx, which is rarely found in jewelry, which can also be dyed in a deep rich tone, from dark orange to black.
  • Silver can be made into other useful Everyday life, things. For example, a retro-style cup holder will become very original gift. A silver tray is worthy of serving breakfast in bed to your loved one, and a silver coffee pair will help you start every day in a good mood.
  • Custom-made products are becoming popular gifts for spouses. It could be jewelry or a souvenir made according to the selected sketch, or decorated in accordance with the wishes of the customer.
  • Such a gift will be distinguished by individuality and originality. appearance. But even an ordinary object can be made unique if you decorate it with engraving. Looks especially touching warm congratulations with signature and date. If the family has a coat of arms or a favorite motto, then it can also be engraved on the selected gift.

Gifts from relatives

If relatives or parents have a silver wedding coming up, then it is better to prepare for it in advance, including choosing gifts.

  • The main topic of choice should be silver. It is better to focus on household items and souvenirs. Let the spouses give jewelry to each other themselves.
  • A cognac or vodka set made of silver, with tiny shot glasses and an elegant decanter, will be a real decoration of any family feast.
  • Silverware decorated with colored enamel looks elegant. Salad bowls, gravy bowls, cups and fruit bowls are produced using this technique, so the choice of gifts is great.
  • A dinner set for 6 or 12 people is a rather traditional, but no less pleasant gift for the silver anniversary of married life.
  • Close relatives and children can also prepare an original personal gift. For example, make a video clip about spouses or make a large family scrapbook album, which will collect photos from the history of the family, showing the best moments of family life. The slideshow of electronic photos of the heroes of the occasion, with beautiful music and poems of his own composition, always looks touching.
  • Silver objects and utensils are pleasant, but not at all obligatory gifts for 25 wedding years. You can also give other gifts. good idea for loved ones will be a good orthopedic mattress or massage chair. This will help restore strength after labor poverty.
  • Large Appliancestraditional present for a silver wedding. Often guests and relatives simply collect money and buy one the right thing. For example, new washing machine, a TV panel or a new living room set.

Friends gifts

  1. Those invited to the silver wedding, of course, do not come empty-handed. Traditionally, these gifts are dominated by the "silver" theme. It can be a set of crystal glasses in a silver frame, a picture in a silver frame, and for believers - an icon in a silver frame.
  2. Household appliances are quite suitable as a gift for a silver wedding. In order not to disappoint the anniversaries, you can consult in advance with other family members about which device or device will be most useful. You can get out of the situation with gift certificate for a certain amount. Then the spouses will be able to independently choose the right thing.
  3. Good home textiles always look appropriate. Considering the theme of the anniversary, it is better to choose items made of white or silver fabric, giving preference to natural or handmade items.
  4. If you know the tastes of the heroes of the occasion well, then feel free to choose a thing that they will definitely like, even if it turns out to be not a silver vase at all, but even an automatic brazier with a kebab turning function, or a tent for two for winter hiking.
  5. If the family has certain traditions, and you know about them, then it is better to stick to them. For example, in some families, only money is given for anniversaries, while in others, only hand-made gifts.

How to celebrate 25 years of marriage?

The silver wedding is traditionally celebrated quite magnificently. Friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even neighbors are invited to it, not to mention family members.

  • One of the most common formats is a holiday in a cafe or restaurant. It is especially common in large families, with an abundance of non-resident relatives. In a standard apartment, everything simply does not fit.
  • Anniversaries can be celebrated quite modestly by gathering loved ones at home. But then the guests should make sure that the anniversaries do not get bored. The program, scenarios, competitions - all this is the business of relatives and friends. By the way, another type of gift for an anniversary, which is increasingly common, is payment for the services of professional presenters or a cultural program ordered in advance.
  • The tradition of celebrating the silver jubilee is becoming stronger and stronger not with a simple feast and gatherings, but theme party. It can be a popular game of "mafia" or a holiday in the style of the French Renaissance. Those invited come in costume or with appropriate accessories. This party will be remembered for a long time.
  • Another format that will appeal to dynamic and active people is a silver wedding in entertainment center or in an amusement park, in a dolphinarium or even in a circus. Many entertainment venues provide such services, resulting in a very unusual and vibrant spectacle. And if you take care of a professional photographer in advance, then such a holiday will go down in family history.
  • If the anniversary falls on warm time year, you can get out with friends and relatives in nature, having a real hike or a fun picnic. Some originals suit even in the middle of winter unforgettable holidays, pulling everyone out on a fun ski trip or ice skating.
  • So the scenario of a silver wedding can be very different, but according to tradition, this holiday is celebrated in a large circle of guests. By the way, if possible, you can invite witnesses wedding celebration and guests who were present 25 years ago, it will help to plunge into pleasant memories and mentally go through the most pleasant milestones in family history.

25 years of marriage - a silver anniversary - in any case, should be a real holiday. Lush celebrations and expensive gifts are just the entourage that adorns this day. In fact, the main thing on the 25th anniversary of marriage is the love and loyalty of two people, which allowed them to withstand all trials with honor and create a solid foundation for the family. So let this anniversary be sincere and warm, and let love remain main tradition for those who have lived together for a quarter of a century.

Silver wedding comes after 25 years of marriage from the date of marriage. A man and a woman are preparing to celebrate the anniversary, puzzling over how to spend such a significant day. It is important to take into account all the main points so that not only the guests, but also the heroes of the occasion are satisfied.

Silver wedding traditions

Washing. In order to fully comply with the tradition, on the morning of the wedding day, you need to collect spring water in a crystal jug and proceed to joint water procedures. The couple wash each other's faces three times. The first ablution takes with it the burden of sad events that have passed over the years of being together. The second time, all minor problems are washed away, and the third rinse takes away possible experiences about future.

Now you need to wipe each other's faces with a white towel, which is a symbol of endless love and mutual fidelity. After that, the heroes of the day expose the jug to the sun so that the remaining drops evaporate, taking with them possible pain and adversity.

Exchange of rings. The ceremony corresponds to the name, the spouses buy the ones they like in advance silver rings, after which they put them on each other's fingers in the circle of relatives and friends. Silver symbolizes the strength of love and the inextricable bond between a man and a woman, which has existed for 25 years.

Exactly at 12:00, husband and wife exchange new rings, and the old ones are removed and put in a box for 1 year. Many people wear silver up to their 30th anniversary, it all depends on personal preference. The tradition assumes the presence of witnesses who were next to the newlyweds 25 years ago. If the anniversaries celebrate the celebration in another city or country where this is not possible, the rule can be omitted.

After the ceremony, the heroes of the occasion go to celebrate a feast with those invited. This is followed by a romantic candlelight dinner at your favorite restaurant, and only then comes the time for the third tradition.

Tea drinking. The ceremony is suitable for those who celebrate the celebration with their families; the ceremony is not held at a noisy party. Tea drinking begins after the last guest leaves the house. The wife brews two cups of strong sweet tea, after which the anniversaries begin the ceremony.

It is important to take into account the fact that the tea party is held immediately after the departure of the guests, so it is impossible to clear the table. The ceremony is a symbol of confidence in the future. The ceremony shows that, despite the hustle and bustle and a large number of people around, the husband and wife find time for family conversations, home comfort, sincerity and love.

Silver Wedding Celebration Ideas

romantic celebration
Many couples choose to celebrate their silver wedding as a couple, and this is quite normal. good option will serve as a trip abroad, namely to Paris. There is no city in the world more romantic than the French capital. Thousands of visitors flock here every year to admire the bewitching architecture, nature and works of great artists. What could be better romantic dinner in a restaurant on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower? Only a day trip along the Champs-Elysées with a mandatory visit to the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral.

Those who plan to hold a celebration in nature should take a closer look at the tent. Such a device in the summer will save you from the scorching sun, and in the fall it will shelter you from unexpected rain. Decorate it with garlands Chinese lanterns, balls, beads and colorful ribbons. Use silver glitter varnish, it is easily sprayed onto the fabric and lasts more than a day. Take care of the presence of lanterns that will light up after sunset. As a place of celebration, go to the banks of a river, lake or green lawn. For lovers of extreme sports, you can climb the mountains, but not too high, so as not to turn the celebration into a camping trip.

Theme party
IN last years the thematic trend of celebrating a silver wedding has become popular. All invitees and heroes of the occasion dress in the same style. You can arrange cowboy party or transform into characters Victorian era dress up as sailors and pirates. You can also use images cartoon characters giving the celebration a youthful vibe. This option is suitable for cheerful spouses who go through life with humor.

Classics of the genre
The couple invite the same guests and witnesses as 25 years ago, after which they live the wedding day again. Wife puts on wedding dress, and the husband is a suit, the heroes of the day book a restaurant where they celebrated their marriage 25 years ago, and stop by the registry office. A similar method will bring nostalgia, return you to the days of youth. All friends and acquaintances have been walking side by side with you for 25 years, the celebration will turn out to be very touching. If Wedding Dress not preserved, it is worth wearing any other outfit white color, complement it with a diadem, necklace and white gloves. You can cover your face with a veil, giving the image a zest. To show the continuity of generations, it is recommended to dress a niece or granddaughter in a similar outfit, and then give her small bouquet. Together, the ladies will look very touching, the guests will not be able to hold back the tears of delight, tenderness and boundless happiness.

Celebration with family
Couples who prefer comfort noisy parties, it is worth paying attention to the celebration with the family. Husband and wife, by their actions, emphasize that they want to share their happiness with relatives and friends. As a venue for the event, a cottage or a private house. If there is no opportunity to celebrate the anniversary in the private sector, hold a celebration in the apartment. Many real estate agencies rent cottages, so you should consider this option.

How to invite guests to a silver wedding

If your celebration involves the presence a large number people, it's important to do it right.

First you need to send out invitations to all relatives and friends exactly 25 days before the day of the celebration. This need is due to the fact that each passing day symbolizes a year of living together. Please note that if you send postcards by mail, they must be sent earlier so that the invitations arrive on time. We recommend using email or delivery by courier.

You need to invite 25 people to a silver wedding, including witnesses. IN this case the symbolism lies in the number itself, the anniversaries show honors to those invited, making it clear that the attention of loved ones who have been there for all 25 years is important for them.

When you have decided on the place of celebration, feel free to proceed to the decor of the room. Given the theme, it is worth giving preference silver flowers. It is important to understand that not everyone will like dreary gray napkins or balloons, so dilute the nondescript mass bright colors. Silver goes well with purple, purple, green, pink, red and blue colors. Such combinations will decorate the room in a modern and solemn way. Don't get carried away bright colors, silver should prevail.

  1. Take care of the silver tablecloths that will set the tone for the entire room. Don't buy the usual greys, opt for options with sequins and lots of rhinestones, or do your own painting with flannel silver thread. Decorate the room balloons in the amount of 25 pieces. You can number each of them and give them to guests after the celebration. As for the walls of the room, use silver flowing fabrics tied in the middle with beads or ribbon.
  2. Get as many metal details as possible to decorate the table. These can be coasters for fruits and snacks, plates with a silver edging, cutlery made of natural silver. Precious metal is an extremely expensive pleasure, so buy 1 set for yourself, and offer guests ordinary appliances. Do not forget about the glasses, decorate them with silver ribbons and order the appropriate inscription.
  3. Take care of the availability of candle holders in silver. When the dance of the spouses begins, the lights will go out, and the candles will create a cozy and a little intimate atmosphere. All attention will be directed to you.
  4. Do not forget about floral arrangements. You can pick your favorite flowers in the country, and then take them to professionals so that they make beautiful sets. In addition to decorating the room, it is worth making small bouquets that will be intended for guests. Order compositions based on the number of invitees, so that everyone takes a piece of a significant day with them.
  5. To emphasize the number of years you have lived together, make a collage of photos, draw themed posters and hang them on the walls. Place a small album next to it in which the invited guests will write congratulations and wishes to the anniversaries.

Is there an important day coming up? Choose a celebration option based on your general wishes. Take your guests to nature or host a party in retro style. Those who do not like noisy companies should give preference to celebrating in the family circle. Romantic couples can safely fly to Paris for new experiences, you will not only have a good time, but also enrich yourself spiritually.

Year by year feelings of two loving people strengthened more and more, the union becomes stronger. Therefore, the names of wedding anniversaries are becoming more fundamental over time. From print wedding to wood, nickel, cast iron, and finally silver. Twenty fifth wedding anniversary acquires the strength of a noble metal.

Ancient customs and traditions

Silver ring - main symbol this wedding anniversary. Husband and wife should give each other rings of silver, which should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand, without removing, next to the wedding rings.

Another one old tradition- morning washing from a silver jug. If there is no such dish, you can put in the prepared water silver spoon. Washing takes place in 3 stages, each must be done with the help of another spouse. The first ablution washes away years from a person and gives youth, the second - takes away worries and sorrows, and the third - prepares for the beginning of a new life stage. After that, the dishes with the remaining water must be put on open air- water, evaporating, will take away all troubles and sorrows.

Previously, after the wedding, three bottles of wine were put in storage, which were opened on the day of the silver jubilee. The first bottle was intended for her husband, the second was placed on festive table for the first toast, and the third was to be drunk by the spouses in the evening, when they were left alone.

How to celebrate a silver wedding

This worthy anniversary must be celebrated in a big way. If there is a desire and opportunity, you need to invite as many friends and relatives as possible and arrange a noisy holiday with toasts, kisses and contests, as in real wedding. Covering wedding table, it is desirable to use silver plate, and for decoration - silver ribbons, silver-plated flowers.

What to give for a silver wedding

Invited guests should not skimp on gifts on such a holiday. The value of gifts should be in harmony with the value of a twenty-five year relationship. Classic presents for this anniversary are silverware: jewelry, dishes, souvenirs.

Silver bracelets, pendants, watches, manicure sets. The spouse will like men's accessories - a silver cigarette case, a lighter, an elegant pen, a ring or cufflinks. Crockery and silverware are always valuable and meaningful gift for a silver wedding.

You can give a joint photo of a married couple, framed in a silver frame. Genealogical in a silver frame is also a relevant and original gift.

A good option is silver-plated desktop or Wall Clock engraved, floor vase silver plated, silver tray. A symbolic gift will be a silver cup or medal as a prize for such a long life together. The presentation of such presentations should be accompanied by a solemn speech.

All 25 years of marriage, there was always a reliable and loving partner. Therefore, the 25th wedding anniversary is so important, because the couple managed to maintain quivering feelings, despite all the underwater reefs that they met on the way. It is very important to carefully prepare wedding congratulations, think over what to give, and do not forget what kind of wedding is celebrated in 25 years of marriage.

What is the name of the wedding

In the people, the 25th wedding anniversary is called the Silver Wedding.

In family life noble metals silver occurs first and this is no coincidence. Like silver in jewelry, a twenty-five-year marriage is a unique treasure, because not every couple has managed to overcome the barrier of 25 years. During this time, the couple were able to thoroughly study each other, now they understand their partner perfectly. If a married couple passed such milestone Together, they will have a happy life for the rest of their lives.

How to celebrate

There are several important traditions for the 25th wedding anniversary.

By adhering to them, you will make the holiday truly symbolic and memorable.
Here are the most important ones:

  1. It is necessary to start the wedding morning with washing from silver dishes. If there is no silverware in the house, put in the prepared water silver jewelry. Traditional washing takes place three times, with each performed with the help of a partner.
  2. On the 25th anniversary, the festive table must be served with silver.
  3. During festive ceremony"newlyweds" should exchange silver rings.
  4. Be sure to repeat the ritual with the ransom of the "bride". True, this time the groom must pay with “silver” coins.

Silver wedding you can celebrate in different ways. The most important thing is to create a joyful mood. It will help in this properly formatted banqueting hall. For this you will need:

  • balloons;
  • big hearts;
  • numbers "25";
  • Natural flowers;
  • silver or blue tablecloth;
  • candles covered with silver lacquer;

Be sure to add to all this collages from family photos and comic posters with inscriptions.

gift for wife

When choosing a gift for your wife, you need to start from the symbol of the 25th wedding anniversary - silver, so pay attention to silver items. The perfect gift can be:

  • silver box;
  • powder box;
  • mirror;
  • silver wrist watch;
  • silver chain;
  • ring;
  • bracelet;
  • brooch;
  • earrings;
  • suspension;
  • pendant;
  • medallion.

It is desirable to complement any gift with flowers; roses are ideal for this.
The best congratulations on the 25th wedding anniversary will be silver item so perfect for:

  • silver set of spoons;
  • candlestick;
  • statuette;
  • jug;
  • strainer for tea;
  • symbolic cup;
  • stacks;
  • glasses;
  • silver tray;
  • silver sugar bowl;
  • milkman;
  • coffee pot.

You can also donate:

  • bed sheets;
  • household appliances;
  • plaid;
  • pillows.

What to give your husband

The gift should directly depend on the traditions of the anniversary. That's why perfect choice on the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary will be:

  • ring;
  • bracelet;
  • silver cufflinks;
  • tie-pin;
  • key ring;
  • silver flask;
  • cigarette case;
  • watch;
  • a pen with a silver nib;
  • photo frame.

On this day, it is very important to show your spouse how much he is dear to you. To do this, the gift can be supplemented with homemade cakes.


And beautiful additions to all wishes and gifts for the wedding anniversary will be beautiful poems:

Today is your wedding anniversary!
Let the house of guests be full to capacity,
Your marriage confidently shines with silver,
well-being, family happiness and good!
You have lived 25 wonderful years!
We wish you never to know troubles,
Always protect your family, keep,
Each other tenderly, reverently love!

Silver is a precious metal
And lived up to its name
Giving you a spark of love
And luck in due date!
Let the house be filled with silver
Laughter and joy will always be in it!
Let the children give you hope
And in the family there will be peace and comfort!