Watch the ransom of the bride in a private house. Bride ransom contests at a wedding

Wedding - solemn event in the life of a girl and a man, which the couple must remember forever. Very often people get married and live in love and care together all their lives.

Our topic today is such an integral part of the wedding as the ransom of the bride - competitions for the groom, in other words.

Redemption of the bride at the wedding

The ransom of the main character of the wedding is a very cheerful performance, formed by the forces of the bridesmaids, which takes place at the very beginning of the celebration. Main actors are the groom, his witness and the maid of honor of the kidnapped bride during the performance of such an important scene as the ransom of the bride. Contests for the groom are always cool and interesting, otherwise it will look stupid!

Together with one of the bridesmaids, all other persons invited to the wedding can help in the search for the main character of the holiday: relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Important! The groom and his witness must be ready for anything, they must have a decent amount of money with them, chocolates and a variety of alcoholic beverages.

The girlfriends of the main character of the wedding are engaged in the selection of tests for the groom. Very often contests for the ransom of the bride are primitive and monotonous, the guests are not interested ... But you can always pick up something very interesting so that the guests have fun. Believe me, having spent time choosing contests, you will not regret it, the wedding will take place with a bang!

The proverb "How New Year if you meet him, you will spend it” is also ideal for a wedding. As the wedding begins, so it will pass. Start fun - have fun at the wedding for glory, and if you start somehow boring, then what can you expect later? Nothing interesting or fun!

If you are going to organize a ransom for the bride, competitions for the groom are cool and very interesting in any case - this is the main thing!

Do not forget that all attention during the ransom of the bride is focused on the groom, so there is no need to delay this. The ransom should last no more than 10-20 minutes, during which time you will have time to hold 2-4 interesting contests, which will be discussed below. Each next competition should be unlike any of the previous ones.

And now let's talk about which wedding contests for the ransom of the bride are the best.

Competition "Love in percent"

This is a very interesting and at the same time incredibly simple competition, the preparation of which does not require any huge investments. For the competition you will need big poster, on which you must depict the following inscriptions in a chaotic order: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and, of course, 100%.

We cut out 10 hearts of such a size that they can cover each of the numbers at the same time. Simply put, choose a heart that completely covers the inscription "100%", after which you make 9 more of the same. Carefully close each percentage inscription with these hearts, but in such a way that the groom can tear off the hearts without any extra effort. Such competitions for the redemption of the bride are very popular!

A man is given 3 attempts to find 100%. If he failed to do it in 3 attempts, he can buy each next chance for 1,000 rubles, because love is forever!

This idea can be attributed to such a type of jokes as competitions for the ransom of the bride in the entrance, since not much space is needed.

Competition "Three pieces of bread"

This is one of the primitive, but very interesting contests. With it, you can find out how the newlyweds will live: rich, poor or not poor, but not rich either.

For preparation, you will need three slices of bread (preferably scones). In each of the humpbacks we make a very small and inconspicuous hole with a sharp knife. We take some coin, put it in any of the pieces of bread. We take another coin (for example, the first coin was 1 ruble), probably the second - 2 rubles. We put it in another piece of bread. Now we take a coin of 5 rubles and put it in the third piece of bread. Such competitions for the ransom of the bride are most liked by guests!

It is important that all three pieces of bread are the same so that the coins in them are not felt and do not look out. You can choose smaller coins, for example: 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks and 1 ruble.

The groom has only 1 attempt to pull out a matching coin. If a man pulls out a crust with 10 kopecks, this means that his family will be poor, if with 50 kopecks - not poor, but not rich, and if with 1 ruble - the newlyweds will live richly.

If you don’t want the groom to pull out a small coin, you can put another 50 instead of 10 kopecks. You can also safely insert all 1 ruble coins into the bread so that the groom thinks that fate tells him that he and his family will live richly and did everything possible for this. Similar competitions for the ransom of the bride in a private house are very convenient to hold.

Competition "Really? No?"

This competition is used to find out how well the groom knows his beloved. For the competition, you will need to remember together with the bride the most interesting episodes from her life that she did not tell her husband about. You can come up with your own script for the ransom of the bride in poetry with contests, that is, in other words, ask the groom about this or that life story of his favorite poem.

To check whether a man knows his bride, you will need to tell him invented stories, after listening to which, he must tell whether he believes in it or not. For example, in early childhood she loved to travel without her parents very much. If the groom guesses correctly, he gets 1 point on his account. You can send him points by SMS - then it will look much more spectacular. Having scored a certain number of points, a man gets the right to go to his bride. As you understand, bride price, groom competitions and other moments of the wedding are simply necessary for such an important event!

Competition "Memorial knots"

To hold such a competition, you will need to prepare a not very long rope on which to tie knots with the same distance between them. The number of knots is at the request of the bride herself.

This and other similar scenes are great for redeeming the bride. At the same time, contests for the groom may not be as simple as the Knots contest, and even much more difficult, but still they are quite popular in Russia.

The groom will have to untie all the knots in turn, but there is one thing ... After each untied knot, he must say one word about his wife (you can use a nickname) for 3 seconds, for example: sweet, kind, affectionate, beautiful, sun and others.

Attention! Competitions for the ransom of the bride should have a script at least a few days before the event itself, otherwise something may go wrong, in the end nothing will work out.

If a man fails to untie a knot, or simply cannot remember a word about his wife, the hero must pay for the time.

Competition "Problem towel"

In no case should the rules of show jumping be announced before the start, because there is a little trick here. For this test, you will need a wet towel. The first step is to ask the protagonist of the event to tie a knot on this wet towel as much as he actually loves his wife. It would seem nothing complicated, right? But no, such contests for the ransom of the bride have their own tricks!

A man can ask friends to help him tie a towel in a knot - this is not prohibited by the rules. The catch is that after the groom ties the towel, he will need to untie it as quickly as possible (you won’t have to wait for help from friends here), because the towel needs to be untied as quickly as the man can decide family conflicts and disputes. After all, we all know that friends often help lovers quarrel, but young people must put up with themselves - so this is a kind of rehearsal!

If a man fails to untie, he can pay money not to do so, to get to his beloved as soon as possible and complete the ransom of the bride. Contests for the groom - sometimes very a big problem, but if your lover coped with them, then he really loves you and is ready to do everything for you!

Competition "Ladder of Magic"

This is a very popular, but by no means primitive competition, which is best held only in cases where the wedding is celebrated in a large private house or on the 2nd and higher floors of some high-rise building. As you already understood, such interesting contests for the ransom of the bride in a private house are popular among businessmen, but you can also easily arrange such a competition at your wedding!

The whole point of the competition is that when the groom and his witness approach the house where the bride is, they are met by her friends, who explain to the men that the stairs to the bride's room are not simple, but magical.

It is important to know that such contests for the ransom of the bride at the entrance are a big plus for a wedding where you want to save a little.

So: it turns out that in order to overcome this ladder, you will need to sing and dance every second. But there is one more catch, because on each step of the stairs to the room of the hero of the occasion there should magically be 100 rubles (or less, and more - if desired). If the guys stop dancing, singing or forget to put money on the step, they pay a fine, the amount of which is negotiated before the competition.

As you already understood, everything that happens during the celebration should be interesting and fun (even bride price contests). Original words are also needed, because you can copy something from the Internet, but will it look as interesting and impressive as your own speech? Of course not!

Competition "Polyglot"

This competition is most often put in the very last place, since it is desirable that the bride hear what her lover will say. The essence of the competition is that a man must declare his love to his bride, being a few meters before her, but at the same time she should not see him, and he should not see her.

The wedding should be fun, and the guests are always interested in watching the actions of the groom. Therefore, as you understand, competitions for the ransom of the bride must be inserted into the script. cool contest- this is what is missing in many weddings!

The most interesting thing is that the hero of the celebration must declare his love to his bride for 5 different languages. All friends can prompt a man to formulate confessions in foreign languages, but in the end he will have to say all this on his own. After that, the man must convince everyone that he will by no means stop only in these 5 languages, but will continue to please his bride love phrases in different languages ​​of the world.

Such “linguistic” bride price contests are popular at weddings of couples who do not know very well foreign languages. It will be interesting to watch this, and there will be something to laugh at!

Competition "Sweet Life"

The groom is given 2 glasses of drinks that appear to be the same. In one of them is vodka, in the other - sweet water. He must take a sip from any one glass, if vodka is caught, he must not show that this really happened, otherwise he will have to pay off.

It is always very funny to watch how the groom tries to lie that he drank not vodka, but sweet water, so be sure to insert contests for the ransom of the bride into the script. A fun contest is the key to a fun wedding!

Competition "Love?"

You will need not very large darts. Hang the following comments around the darts: 10 - exactly in the heart, 9 - I love her, 8 - marriage of convenience, 7 - the will of the parents, 6 - blackmailing the bride, 5 - friends advised, 4 - need, 3 - curiosity is to blame, 2 - it's all my stupidity, 1 - I was beguiled by a demon.

Such contests for the ransom of the bride come in several modifications, but this one is the most popular.

The groom is given three darts. It is possible to buy a few more rolls to reach desired result. The maximum number of rolls is 5.


The article presented the most common bride price contests, which are incredibly popular at a wide variety of weddings around the world. We hope you were able to find something interesting for your upcoming event.

All of the above contests for the ransom of the bride are original, so you can safely add them to the wedding script.

Good mood and unforgettable celebration!

This bride ransom scenario is suitable for you if you decide to hold a celebration in a private house. If so, then it is a sin not to take advantage of this state of affairs:

courtyard, street, canopy of the house, as well as everything that grows and moves around. Contests can start already at the groom's house and go to the bride with a wedding cartege.
We invite you to arrange a contest of ditties: you need not only to perform more of them, but also to shout louder than the rest. If you have an accordionist, guitarist or flutist with you, then this person will certainly play along.

For example, a task might be:

You guys are remote
The groom himself
And you, relatives!
Sing ditties to me loudly
I will give trinkets as a reward!
And who sings louder
Ahead of us all will go!!!

All those walking with laughter and jokes perform ditties. Chastushkas are sung loudly, so that people lean out from the windows of neighboring houses. Those of your neighbors who are invited to the wedding may join the wedding procession along the way. To do this, you can warn everyone in advance to closely monitor the movement of the wedding "train", and as soon as it passes near the house where certain guests live, they should immediately join.

The host greets each guest with the words:
Walk with us together
Don't be one step behind!
To make it all right
Support us without looking back:
You tighten the ditty
Or dance for us!

The newcomer chooses for himself what to perform. After that, to the laughter and jokes of the other guests, he dances or sings a ditty, which the more diverse they are, the better.
If the guest decides to dance, then his dance may be the most unexpected, of his choice. It can be any dance or gypsy girl. The dancer can be supported by dance choruses. It will cause everyone's fun and serve good start the whole wedding.

Dance choruses can be, for example, as follows:
Dance my shoes
So long for you to dance
I'll get married - I'll become important,
You lie on the shelf.
On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfoot groomsmen.
I'm going to dance
Shake my head -
With your burning eyes
I'll start engaging.
Oh, stomp, foot,
Don't feel sorry for the boot
Italian boots
They sit well on the leg.
Walk, soul
Don't skimp on the step
The step is wide, the boot is on the leg,
Until the morning you can frolic!

The wedding cartege of the groom, who arrived in troikas, will be very beautiful. To do this, horses must be decorated with bells, wedding ribbons.
When the wedding cartege is equipped in this way, all the guests of the groom gather in advance in the groom's house, from where the wedding troikas, ringing bells and originally decorated, go for the bride. Finally, the groom's wedding cortege reaches the bride's house with laughter and jokes. Here the groom and his retinue are met various competitions and assignments. The more of them there are and the more interesting the proposed tests are, the more fun the ransom of the bride will be. The originality of the tasks offered to the groom depends on your imagination, most of them are given in other options for the ransom of the bride, and we offer you full version ransoming the bride in her house (everything that can be used in the country or in your own home is played here!).

The leader goes out the gate and says:
Our greetings to you, stately fellow,
Our groom dear (name and patronymic of the groom)! We have a bride - a red maiden (name and patronymic of the bride)!
You can't find a better girl
No matter how much you search the world,
You won't find such a smart girl
So sweet and caring.
How it works - a lovely sight,
And the wife will be the best.
And our fiance, well done daring!
humble guy, golden!
How it works - any-expensive,
Real owner, zealous,
Enterprising and prudent
The house will be his full bowl,
He will be a wonderful husband.
But you go, groom, the path is not easy,
Win you sweet bride
Pay us a bottomless tribute
And you will be happy all your life!

After these words, the groom and his retinue are offered a series of tests.

Test number 1 “Guess the riddle”

For this contest, we suggest preparing 3 tracks in advance (cut them out of thick cardboard) and put them one after the other in front of the groom. For a laugh, make them very small or put them at a great distance (but the distance should not be very large, in this case the groom will very quickly overcome the path to the porch of the bride's house).
The task is as follows: when the groom, alone or with the help of the squad, guesses the riddle or shows the answer, he is allowed to take one step, stepping on the trail; the groom's retinue follows the groom, etc. As we have already noted earlier, there should not be more than three to five riddles.

To pass us by
And find the way to the bride,
We'll give you riddles
Guess them without looking back
And show me the answer
And if you don't have it, pay!
Showing or paying
Take a step forward, fiance!

After these words of the leader, one of the guests of the bride comes forward and makes a riddle:
Pure, but not water;
Adhesive, but not resin;
Bela, but not snow;
Sweet, but not honey;
They take from the horned
And they give it to the kids.

The groom and his squad are offered to solve the riddle. If they cannot do this, they pay a ransom. And if the riddle is solved, then they are asked to show the answer.

Show me the answer!

The groom, of course, does not have it.

If there is no milk
Give us a handful of silver!!!

After these words, the groom and his retinue pay a ransom to the jokes and laughter of the guests. When the ransom is paid, the groom takes a step and steps on the trail.
The following riddles are solved in a similar way.

They don't eat me alone
And without me, they don’t look at food.

It is likely that the groom will be able to guess the riddle easily, it is clear to everyone that this is salt, but no one will have it with him.

Oh, and no salt either
Give us a bag of coins!

The groom is forced to pay a ransom, and the guests at the same time shout: "Not enough, do not be stingy!"

The lady sits in a spoon,
Dangling legs.

How is it possible without noodles
For the bride to come to us!?
For an oversight from the heart
Give us the profits!

After all the riddles have been guessed, the ransom has been paid and the groom approaches his betrothed by 3 steps, he is offered the next test.

Test number 2 “Heroic power”

You solved the riddles
Mind nedyuzhiy showed!
And now you, well done,
Act like a daredevil!!!

After these words of the leading groom, 3-5 tasks are offered.
For example, to hammer a nail with one blow.
For this competition, you must prepare in advance any thick board, hammer and nail.
To the laughter and jokes of the guests, the groom hammers a nail. If, for any reason, the nail was not hammered in with one blow, then a ransom is charged from the groom and his squad.
When this task is completed, the following is offered to the groom and his retinue.
The path to the bride is blocked by a large log. The groom and the witness are given a saw in their hands, with which they must saw through the log. This competition can be accompanied by a wide variety of approving and cheerful hails. For example, "What is the groom, good husband will be!"; "Do not be afraid of work, daring!", etc.
When the log is sawn, the groom is given another task, and which one - think up yourself. It may be the most unexpected. And the recommendations above will help you in this "difficult" matter.
After the groom has shown his valiant prowess, test his musical abilities.

Challenge #3 “Musical”

In this test, you invite the groom and his retinue to perform any ditties or songs.
Another option for this competition may be the performance of any dance by the groom and his team. To make the competition fun, ask someone to play guitar, accordion, or turn on an appropriate tape recording.
If you (and this, of course, unbelievable) are refused, the tribute for such an impossible act as refusing to comply should be very (!) Huge.

You guys are young
Smart and daring!
And not at all ashamed
Sing or start dancing!

(However, you can offer to do both.)
The dance that the groom will perform (and we have already talked about this) may be the most unexpected: any dancer, gypsy, etc. Moreover, the groom does not have to dance alone, his friends can help him, and also, if desired, the guests of the bride.
The songs performed can also be very diverse, and even very familiar, for example, “Black Eyes”, “Wedding”, “Katyusha”, these can also be hits by Gazmanov, Allegrova, Saltykova and so on, this is a matter of taste (or memory).
Thus, with jokes and laughter, the groom and his squad reach the porch of the bride's house.

Challenge #4 “Find the Key”

Attach a lot of balloons to the door to the bride's house. Inside one of them put a piece of paper with the inscription "key", in the rest place the leaves with the amount of the ransom marked on them.
The task is as follows: the groom must burst all the balloons one by one until he finds a piece of paper with the coveted inscription "key". For each incorrectly guessed balloon, the groom and his retinue pay a ransom indicated on the piece of paper that was in the burst balloon.

You quickly walked around the yard,
You walked briskly to the door!
Now find the keys
And open it for us!
In a ball, look - (the groom is shown
leaves inside the balls)
The word is valuable inside.
You find him for us
And get yourself the keys!

After these words of the host, the groom bursts the balloons and looks for a piece of paper with the inscription he needs.
When the key is found and the door is opened, the bridegroom moves on, but another test awaits him.

Test No. 5 "Desires"

In the vestibule, the groom and his team are met by the leader, who holds an empty glass in his hand and says: "Fulfill my three wishes and go through!"
Then the host says: "Put something that rustles in the glass!" The competition continues until the groom and his friends guess that money should be put into the glass. The ransom should completely suit the guests of the bride.
Further, the leader pronounces the second wish: "Put what rings in the glass!" And again, the required ransom should completely suit the guests of the bride.
After that, the host says: "Put what splashes in the glass!" The groom must fill the glass with wine.
If the groom refuses to fulfill any desire of the leader, then he should repeat the previous one. For example, the host asks: "Put what splashes in the glass!" Groom: "I don't!" Leading: "If not, then put back in the glass what rings!"
The competition continues until the groom fulfills all 3 wishes or pays a large ransom.
This competition can be held not only by the presenter, but also by any guest of the bride. After all the wishes are fulfilled, another obstacle stands in the way of the groom - the door.

Test number 6 "Call me, darling!"

For this task, you need to prepare an announcement in advance. In the center of it write: "Call me, darling!" At the bottom, cut the ad into strips, place any letter on each of them. Hang this prepared announcement on the door.

Announcement ahead
You tear off a leaf
Read the letter you want
And call the bride!

The groom must call his bride, calling her a word that would begin with a letter written on a piece of paper. For example:
M - sweetheart;
H - darling;
S - the sun and so on.

If he finds it difficult to call the bride for any letter, then his friends help him. If they too find it difficult, they pay a ransom.
The contest continues until the bride responds. Usually adult women sit next to the bride, and they tend to torment the groom for a longer time.
The door opens, but the bride is not in the room.

Test number 7 "Find a bride"

Hiding a bride in a private house or in a country house is easier than ever, even a person with a poor imagination will remember a couple of good places where the groom will not be able to immediately find his betrothed (say, cellar, underground, attic, closet, and so on).

You reached the room
But the bride did not find!
So go and look
And show us the place!

This test can be done in 3 different ways.

After these words, the groom goes and looks for the bride. When he points to a place and the bride is not there, he pays the ransom.

The host and other guests of the bride, who know her whereabouts, help the groom find his only one with words like "Warm ... warmer ... Hot!" or "Colder... Quite cold!"

Find your bride
And we will help from the bottom of our hearts!
In words, "cold", "warm"
We will indicate the place one,
Where is she waiting for you
What will go with you forever!

The leader steps forward, in his hands is a tray, and on the tray is a glass of wine.
The place where your bride
We will indicate without hiding!
If you are next to a glass
You will put tribute without stint!

The competition continues until the bride's guests are satisfied with the ransom offered by the groom. When the ransom is paid, the groom is shown the place where his betrothed is. After that, they go to the table together.

And you found a bride
And passed the test!
Together you now live
And accept a letter from us!
The moderator reads the letter.

The wedding procession goes to the registry office

A rare wedding does without the ransom of the bride - this amazing and fun ceremony has long become part of wedding day so you need to prepare for it in advance. If you decide to hold a ransom ceremony in a private house, it is worth considering the scenario. In fact, the ceremony will turn out to be much more interesting, because you will not experience a lack of free space: you can think over the tests carried out in the yard, in the hallway and directly in the rooms.

Don't forget to decorate the house: you can hang a bright colorful poster with the inscription "The Bride lives here" on the gate or gate! Hang colorful balls in the yard (you can form garlands or intricate figures from them), pots with fresh flowers, ribbons. All kinds of wall newspapers and posters with bright applications and photographs of the bride and groom will do. If there is a familiar artist - ask him to draw a couple of cartoons and funny pictures. Ask friends who know how to play the guitar or accordion to sit in the yard to make the redemption process more fun. Girlfriends, seeing the groom, can perform ditties - and they will raise their spirits, and set themselves up in the right way.

When the groom approaches the gate, he is met by a witness or host.

Witness: - Hello, dear groom! How long have you been walking! We've all looked at you, waiting. He did not come for the bride (the groom answers). Yes, we have a red girl, smart, beautiful, caring, hardworking. Do you really think that we will just give it away? Prove yourself worthy first. Do you agree to pass the tests that we have prepared for you?

(The witness deliberately stands near the gate and blocks the way for the groom until he agrees. For the sake of laughter, you can dress up two friends as bodyguards and threaten the groom that if you spoil, the guards will quickly send you out under white hands).

Witness: - Here's your first problem. A chain of footprints will lead you to the threshold of the bride's house, but the right to pass will give you the right answer to the question. You really try, otherwise you will have to return with nothing.

Trial 1

White traces are drawn with chalk towards the house: each step is the answer to the question. If the groom answered incorrectly, he takes a step back or pays a ransom, if he does not want to waste time and moves forward a step. Questions may vary:

  • How many years ago did you meet your fiancee?
  • What color are your lover's eyes?
  • What size shoes does she wear?
  • ring size on index finger right hand?
  • What did you get her for your last anniversary?
  • How old is your father in law?
  • Favorite dish your fiancé?
  • Where was your first date and so on.

The groom reaches the threshold of the house, where he is met by a smiling father-in-law.

father-in-law: - Once I got to the second test, good memory you, son. But now we will check whether you will be my support and hope for my daughter, will you cope with the work of a man?

Trial 2

The father-in-law gives the groom a hammer, a board and a nail and offers to hammer the nail with one blow. It turned out - it goes on, it didn’t work out - it offers a ransom. You can put a log across the threshold, and the witness and the groom must saw it in order to clear their way. After that, the groom is let into the hallway, where one of the bride's girlfriends is already waiting for him.

Girlfriend: - Dear groom, your bride is preening in front of the mirror, preparing for the wedding. Yes, I completely forgot about the timing. Go hurry her up. But before you go further, decide which room you need the key to!

Trial 3

The rooms in the house are locked and numbered (3-4 rooms are enough). The task of the groom is to get the key to each of them by passing the appropriate test. The girlfriend holds a tray with numbered cards, the groom chooses one of them and does everything that is written there. By the way, you can come up with tasks not only for the groom, but also for the witness, so that the ransom from a funny joke does not turn into a tedious routine.

Exercise 1. Put together a mosaic. The witness is given a picture or postcard cut into small pieces, and he must assemble it in 2 minutes. You can buy a children's puzzle and encourage the test subject that even a child will cope with this task. If the witness does not fit into the time frame, treats the audience with stored drinks and sweets, pays a ransom.

Task 2. Find out your favorite. This is a task for the groom, posters with prints of hands or lips will come in handy. The task of the subject is to find which print belongs to his bride. You can cheat: the poster may not have the imprint of the bride’s lips at all, which means you can with a pure heart demand a ransom.

Task 3. The witness asks the groom and the witness to rummage through their pockets and find all the little things that are only there. With the help of coins in 2 minutes, they must lay out the name of the bride.

Task 4. Compliments. The witness offers the groom a "chamomile", a letter is written on each petal. The subject's task is to come up with affectionate nickname bride, which would begin with this letter. If the groom fails, he pays a ransom.

Trial 4

The search for a bride or the game "hot-cold". Having opened all 4 doors, the groom discovers that the window in one of the rooms is open, but the bride is not. The witness offers her help: supposedly she knows where the bride can hide and will guide the actions of the groom. And the game "hot, cold" begins. The bride can hide with her neighbors, in the attic, in the car, in the clearing behind the house - this is at her discretion.

Witness: - Dear groom, you coped with the tests with dignity, accept from us a letter with the title of the best seeker. I wish you to cope with all the trials and obstacles in life as easily as with our contests! And now we should hurry up, so as not to be late for the registry office!

It is not often possible to meet a wedding, the scenario of which would have done without the ransom of the bride. Despite the fact that this is an hourly affair, they prepare for the ransom in advance, writing a script and decorating the house. It will be much more fun on private territory, because in the apartment you can’t turn around like that.

You will not only have no shortage of free space, but it will also be possible to conduct tests in the yard, rooms, hallways. Redemption will become much more interesting. The most important component of the ransom is the decoration of the house.

From a distance it should be clear that it is here today that joy, happiness and, of course, a wonderful ritual will take place, during which the groom will be able to fully show the best character traits.

How to decorate?

First of all, the brightest juicy poster with the inscription: “The bride lives here!” will look amazing and very informative. The yard can be decorated with a variety of colorful balloons in addition, they can be arranged into long garlands or fancy figures. Ribbons or pots with fresh flowers will show themselves well.

Various wall newspapers may be useful to you, the creation of which will have to work hard. Do not forget about the posters, which, being made with all sorts of the brightest applications and drawings, will instantly make it possible to understand: today there will be a bride price in this private house.

Photos of the bride and groom are a great addition to the poster. Having some connections, having a familiar artist or being one, you can get some cartoons or perky pictures.

Friends who know how to play the guitar, accordion, violin, feed tender feelings to romances or inviting ditties, can be located in the yard. This will make it possible to make the script of the ritual even more alive.

As for folklore, ditties can also be performed by bridesmaids. These representatives of the fair sex, who play one of the most significant roles during the celebration, will be able to improve the mood of themselves, the groom, guests, and also set everyone in the right mood. When choosing posters, giving preference to all sorts of different decorations, deciding how the yard will look, you need to take into account the season and weather.

The fact is that in winter it will look somewhat inappropriate for a poor stiff violinist, dejectedly “squealing” a song about love, which promised to be perky, through his teeth. Don't torture the musician.

It is unlikely that the groom will approach the gates of a private house, he must be met, whether it be a host or a witness. This may be one of the bridesmaids, if they are “available”, and the mother of the chosen one of the future husband will perfectly cope with the significant role assigned to her.

The script can be so cool

Witness. Well, hello, dear groom! How long you walked to us ... All eyes looked through while they were waiting for you. Have you come for the bride? Yes, our red-haired girl is smart, beautiful, and caring, and even hard-working! She needs to be earned. Are you ready?

The leader of the ransom of the bride should stand near the fence, blocking the way for the future spouse. The girl should leave only when she receives the consent of the groom.

If you are not afraid of experiments, and a wedding implies creativity, then young people dressed as bodyguards will “come to court”, threatening their husband “without 5 minutes”, that, being a pampered one, he will be escorted out under white hands. The scenario can be beautifully illustrated.

Witness. Well, get the first task. A chain made up of words will make it possible to approach the threshold of your bride's house. However, the right to pass can only be obtained when I hear the exact answer to the question posed.

First test

Multi-colored footprints drawn with colored crayons in the direction of the supposed abode of the bride. The answer to the question is new step. One wrong one - and the groom will either have to go back two stages, or pay the bride price, moving back only half the “fine”.

As for the questions, the script suggests a flight of fancy:

  • What gift did the bride receive from you on the previous anniversary of the date you met?
  • What is the age of your future mother-in-law?

As soon as future husband gets to the threshold of the house, with blood and sweat, almost literally after passing test No. 1, he is accepted with a malicious smile by “dad”.

Father-in-law. Will you be a stone wall for my daughter?

Second test

Having received a number of tools: a hammer, a nail, a board - the chosen one of the father-in-law's daughter must find correct application items. " future dad” gives the groom the opportunity to hammer in a nail, managing with only one blow.

If the “son” succeeded instantly, he can go further. Otherwise, you will have to pay a bride price. Having coped, having passed the test, the “dove” goes into the hallway, where it turns out to be accepted into open arms by his beloved girlfriend.

Girlfriend. Hello. Your chosen one is powdering her nose with might and main, marriage is just around the corner. Only here about the time, as always, managed to forget. Hurry her up. To pass, decide which key is useful to you!

Third test

All rooms in the house should not only be locked, but they should also be numbered in advance. To implement the scenario, three or four lights are enough. The task of the future husband is as follows: he must receive a key suitable for the lock of each of the rooms.

He will have the opportunity to do this by passing the appropriate tests. The girlfriend, in turn, must hold a tray on which are cards that have numbers according to the number of rooms. The groom, choosing each, does what is required.

So that the ransom of the bride does not become long and routine, you can also connect a witness to the execution.

The first task is "Mosaic". The witness receives a postcard, which is cut into tiny pieces. The time allotted for the task is 2 minutes. Using a children's mosaic, you will get the opportunity to provoke the test subject, they say, and the child will cope. A witness who did not meet the time frame must treat those present with sweets stored in advance, as well as pay a ransom for the bride.

The second task is "Where is my beloved?". Very handy will be posters that show the prints of hands, lips, fingers of the groom's beloved girl. And not only her. The task is that the young man must recognize the prints, the mistress of which is the bride.

The third task is "Name, Carl!". The groom and the “friend”, “scratching the bottom of the barrel”, having found a trifle in the bowels of the pockets, must within 2 minutes recreate the name of the bride exclusively from the “materials at hand” that have just been found.

The fourth task is "Compliments". The groom receives from the witness a "chamomile", on the petals of which letters are written. The subject must invent a gentle nickname for his beloved, starting with the proposed letter. The failed groom must pay the ransom for the bride.

The fourth test "Hot-cold"

Having opened each door, the future husband should find: in the upper room the window is wide open, but the bride - the trace has caught a cold. The witness should offer help: knowing perfectly well where the bride-to-be hid, she can coordinate the actions of the groom. The bride hides at her discretion: in the neighboring hacienda, in the nearest foreign car, standing under the windows, behind the birch.

From the site the site will charge good mood and help the guests to relax.

Redemption scenario for holding in a private house.

When conducting a buyout in a private house, some features should be taken into account when choosing competitions, as well as when compiling and planning the program itself. As an example, we can offer the following ransom scenario a private house. The wedding procession arrives at the bride's house and all the guests leave it, as well as the witness with the groom. They approach the gate of the house, where guests, bridesmaids and a witness are waiting for them. It is best to entrust the conduct of the ransom to the witness.

- Look, dear guests, our long-awaited groom has finally arrived. We have already been waiting for him. You must have come to us from distant wanderings. In the whole world you have not found such a beautiful, smart and kind bride as ours. But we won't just give it to you. You need to be sure that you are a worthy half for our beauty. Check this only in tests. Ready to test your strength, to prove your love for the bride?

- Yes!
There are hearts cut out of paper next to the gate. on them with reverse side written task or ransom. For example, as a ransom, you can specify a certain amount of money, wine, champagne, a box of chocolates.

“Here are the tracks by which you can come to your beloved. This is the road of love to be walked. But be careful, many of them will require you to perform difficult tasks. They need to be dealt with.
The groom walks over the hearts and performs the specified tasks, gives a ransom. This scenario assumes that in this way he comes to the gate of a private house.

What should a real man be able to do?

Groom and guests:
- Build a house, plant a tree, give birth to a son!

- Have a son! Let's see how it will give birth!)))
- Now how to give our beautiful bride marry you, we need to see if you're ready for it. First, let's check how ready you are to build a house. Here's a hammer, a board and nails. And we'll see how skillfully you work with the instrument.

The groom is given a tool and a board. He hammers a nail. Everyone supports him with applause. The task can be complicated by hammering 2 nails at the same time.

- Well, you will build a good house, it can be seen. What about a tree?
Performed next task. To do this, you need to prepare a paper trunk for a tree. It can be attached to the fence of the house. You should also prepare tree leaves from paper.

- The tree is a symbol of your love with the bride. Tell us how much you love your bride. On each sheet, write a warm and pleasant word, a compliment to your future wife.
The groom writes words on the leaves. Next, they are attached to a tree on the fence.

- Look, guests, how the tree of love has grown and family happiness our newlyweds. This is the best proof of the groom's love. Now you need to check how ready you are for raising children. What should a child sing before bed?

- A lullaby!

– Sing us a lullaby for your future children!

“Building a house, raising a son, planting a tree—our fiancé can handle all of this, now we know it, because we have just seen it. Now you need to fall into the house to carry. This requires a key. Who will help you with this?

The guests are given pieces of paper with different tasks. On one of the leaves is written the word "Key". The groom points to one of the guests and unfolds the leaf, where the task or the word "Key" is written. If a task is specified, it is executed. It could also be a ransom. So he does until he finds a leaf where he wrote the word "Key". When the groom finds the key, he goes into the house. Then he enters the room of a private house, where the bride is already waiting for him.