How to celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary. How to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary of the parents, so that it will be remembered for a lifetime. And congratulations again

How much a 25th anniversary means to a family life together- silver wedding! A quarter of a century spent together loving friend other people, they talk about the strength of their feelings, complete unity and mutual understanding, care and respect. Family years played with new shades - shades of silver ...

On such a significant day, you definitely need to arrange a celebration, play a wedding again! The same guests will gather at the table as a quarter of a century ago.

Of course, a lot has changed: spouses and their relatives and friends have become wiser and more experienced, and new family members appeared at the festive table - children, and maybe even grandchildren!

For a silver wedding, as well as for a traditional one, you need to start preparing in advance. First, make a list of all the guests. Try to invite all those who were at the celebration a quarter of a century ago. The closest and dearest people should share happiness with you!

Of course, you need to take care of the restaurant, pre-book a banquet hall for a certain date and time.

Like any wedding, an anniversary celebration is not complete without a toastmaster. Together with the host, write a script for the holiday, agree with the toastmaster in advance on the program of the evening and competitions that will be of interest to you and your guests.

The "bride" needs to choose a dress in silver tones. If she can still wear Wedding Dress, and it is well preserved, then it will be the best option!

Hairdressers, on the other hand, can now recreate wedding hairstyle. Imagine the surprise of the guests and the husband when they see a beautiful wife the same as she was twenty-five years ago! ..

Cool scenarios for the anniversary of the silver wedding

Such a solemn event silver anniversary weddings, I want to celebrate in a special way, and not reduce everything to the usual feast. Of course, there are many ideas for celebrating a silver wedding, but no matter what option you choose, the main motive is the motive of memories and a reference to the past.

Walls banquet hall can be decorated with enlarged photos of the most important events in family history: wedding day, Honeymoon, the birth of children, joint trips, holidays with the whole family - you can remember so many pleasant bright moments!

Photos can be stylized in retro style, this will give a special charm to the holiday ...

Pompous and solemn ceremony

A silver wedding celebration can turn into a real ball! Spouses on this day should be honored as a prince and princess. Women especially like this option, because everyone dreams of becoming at least for one day a queen at a ball, like Cinderella.

Back to school

For those who want the celebration to be, first of all, cheerful and positive, it can be held in the form of an exam for obtaining a silver certificate in skill family life.

Spouses must be tested various subjects. As a result, it turns out whether the husband and wife know each other well. Questions can be very varied. Cheat sheets and tips from guests are prohibited!

Whatever the results, the "newlyweds" receive final certificates, made on silver-plated paper. The text of the anniversary document should proclaim that all exams were successfully passed by the husband and wife and passed with an "excellent" mark.

In a solemn atmosphere, to the applause of all invited spouses, they are awarded the “Certificate of Family Maturity (with honors)”.

Classic has not been canceled

But the most popular option, of course, remains classic scenario celebration of the wedding anniversary, when the basis for the silver wedding becomes the very wedding celebration that took place twenty-five years ago. The holiday turns into an evening of pleasant memories.

The holiday begins with the redemption of the bride, exactly like twenty-five years ago: the "groom" passes various competitions and trials devised by family friends and relatives. Again he answers tricky questions, again he sings a serenade under the window of his beloved, again he wins the keys to the room of his beloved in competitions, again he guesses the betrothed ... Ransom on silver wedding usually paid in "silver", so the spouse should exchange as much change as possible.

Everything is like the first time! So pleasant and warm memories, immersion in the atmosphere dear to my heart past can even cause tears of tenderness in the eyes of the "newlyweds", because they return to their youth, to the brightest day of their lives ...

Spouses before the banquet can go, as on the wedding day, on a short trip out of town or to the park, exactly to the place where they were exactly twenty-five years ago. It's in the highest degree symbolic!

Solemn feast

As at a wedding, at a banquet, young people and witnesses sit at the head of the table, and already on the left and right hand from them - relatives and friends. Again the guests say warm regards, say toasts and shout "Bitter!". Isn't it true that the spouses will be pleased to feel like newlyweds again, as if the wedding never ended?

Guests give gifts to the "young" as it should be. The very name of the anniversary indicates that the gifts should be made of silver. Friends and relatives can present souvenirs and jewelry made of this precious metal, as well as interior items (candlesticks, ashtrays, table or Wall Clock) and silverware, which is useful in family life.

If a quarter of a century ago, guests at a wedding “voted” money for their son or daughter (everyone knows this glorious tradition), now we can invite everyone present to “vote” for grandchildren: someone puts money in a girl’s piggy bank, someone puts it in a piggy bank for boy.

Another wedding tradition: spouses sell pieces birthday cake guests. It is believed that spouses should give most of it to their children so that they and their lovers celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in the future! On the same day, by the way, parents can pass on family heirlooms to their children.

Each family has its own traditions, all spouses have their own unique love story… There will never be two identical weddings! But in preparation for the celebration of the silver wedding, try to observe a few key points:

Silver wedding is great time family life, when youth is still close, it is within easy reach! Show an example to your children how to love, care, appreciate, respect and understand!

And most importantly - live together happily ever after! Bitterly!..

Strong love lives a very long time, and 25 years is not the limit for it at all. A silver wedding, as a kind of milestone, says a lot: people have been together for a long time, most likely they have big family they really love each other. With age, these relationships only get stronger.

True love doesn't go out

People who have been married for 25 years are no longer young. Spouses know the price true feelings, and for long years Together they got to know each other well. They have something to talk about, but they can also spend time in silence: long marriage says that the partners are really comfortable together.

The ability to go through the years together and not lose heart means that both husband and wife are mature with psychological point personalities, both of them understand that vivid feelings are not only emotions and the swiftness of falling in love, but also a long work on relationships. This is attention and care, understanding and support.

A long relationship cannot exist without honesty. But such qualities as the ability to be patient and forgive other people's shortcomings are also necessary to preserve the family. To accept a loved one for who they are, resigned to the fact that no one is perfect: it is necessary to go through this, and nothing strengthens love more than accepting other people's shortcomings. No wonder they say that true love happens “in spite of”, and not “thanks to”.

Happy silver "newlyweds" say that it helped them to keep their feelings careful attitude to each other. Remaining attentive to your partner, despite the oppression of everyday affairs and everyday life, a considerable number of routine tasks and the inevitable everyday difficulties - all this allows true love be bright and not become a habit. You need to trust each other, show genuine respect for your partner and his hobbies, but also not forget about your own life. Take care not only about your happiness, but above all about the general well-being.

Having lived together for a long time, people say that, despite the fact that they have something to remember, they are still sure that they still do not know a lot about each other. Relationships promise them many discoveries even after 25 years of marriage! Having kept genuine soul contact, every year they become more and more aware of how deep the personality of a partner is, and they love each other more and more.

Silver wedding: how to celebrate the holiday

The tradition of celebrating various beautiful dates after the wedding has existed in Russia for a very long time. The first anniversary is called cotton, and this material is beautiful, but very fragile. Feelings seem bright, but how strong they are, only time will tell. How to celebrate the first year of the wedding, many couples will learn. But the question of how to celebrate a silver wedding is already a concern for a much smaller number of spouses, since it is really strong families, unfortunately, not so much.

Silver symbolizes the strength of the metal, noble and genuine. But in the list of wedding anniversaries, metal names were found before, silver differs from them in that it is a precious material, it is noble and expensive.

On a silver wedding, the "young" traditionally give each other silver rings. Sometimes this gift is bought by grateful children.

You can invite a photographer and videographer to the holiday to capture the passage of time. Believe me, it will be very interesting to see these pictures at a gold or diamond wedding!

Where to celebrate a silver wedding? It is best to invite guests home or gather in a restaurant. You can spend a holiday in the garden if the anniversary fell on summer time. Close friends, witnesses and guests from a real wedding that took place 25 years ago are invited to the celebration. It is believed that guests should not be less than 25. The house is carefully decorated, flowers and garlands, balloons, draperies are suitable for this.

An obligatory part of the celebration is a treat. If you are concerned about the question of how to celebrate a silver wedding inexpensively, then you can prepare the table on your own. According to tradition, the main dish is considered to be a loaf, which the heroes of the day must cut, holding the knife together, just as they cut a wedding cake.

If possible, it is best to put silver cutlery and crockery on the table.

25 years of marriage - a silver wedding. The relations of people who have been married for a quarter of a century are stable and strong, harmony and mutual understanding reign in them. This wedding anniversary must be noted. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, how to celebrate it correctly and what to give.

What wedding

25 years of marriage is called a silver wedding. For 25 years of marriage, the feelings of the spouses for each other become as strong as silver itself. This metal personifies the wisdom that the husband and wife have acquired over the years they have lived together, the purity that distinguishes the thoughts of the spouses, and the confidence with which the heroes of the day look to the future.

Silver spouses are characterized by warm, deep, trusting relationship based not only on passion, but also on mutual respect, trust, sincerity, devotion, love, the desire to support each other and boundless devotion.

holiday traditions

The celebration of the silver wedding has certain customs. So, on the morning of the 25th anniversary of marriage, barely getting out of bed, the husband and wife must kiss and wish each other have a good day. After that, the spouses conduct a ritual of joint washing. To do this, the husband and wife collect water in a silver bowl and rinse each other's faces three times. According to the hint:

  1. the first ablution removes fatigue,
  2. the second relieves sadness,
  3. the third fills the soul with joy.

If water remains, put it on the windowsill until it evaporates completely. Together with droplets of water, everything bad leaves the relationship of the spouses. And the faster the liquid disappears, the more happy the future awaits the couple.

On the 25th wedding anniversary, spouses can exchange silver rings as a sign of sincerity of feelings.

On the day of the silver wedding, a married couple receives dear guests - their parents. The latter bless adult children for many years happy life together. After that, the husband and wife make the most important festive ceremony- exchange silver rings as a sign of love and sincerity of feelings. You can do this alone or in the presence of loved ones. If desired, the ceremony can be held at the registry office at a pre-ordered festive ceremony.

gifts for wife from husband

Wedding anniversary - great occasion to please your loved one with a valuable gift. So, a husband can give his wife silver jewelry: a bracelet, a pendant on a chain, a ring, wrist watch, earrings, necklace or brooch. Also lucky gifts become beautiful underwear or perfume.

gifts for husband from wife

A tie clip or sterling silver cufflinks can be a gift from a wife to her husband. You can also give something that is in the interests of a man, for example, for a business person who loves modern technologies, suitable interesting gadget, and for a fishing enthusiast - a new spinning rod.

Gifts for spouses from relatives

Friends and relatives, as a rule, give silver anniversaries something for the home - silver dishes or souvenirs from this noble metal. Spouses will be pleased to receive a beautiful jug, a set of elegant cups, expensive cutlery or a patterned tray. Figurines of swans or doves will be symbolic - these birds personify marital fidelity.

How to note

To celebrate a silver wedding, spouses can rent a room in which their wedding took place a quarter of a century ago, and arrange a similar evening - make a similar decoration for the hall, remember which contests for guests were popular 25 years ago, put on beautiful outfits(Ideal if the wife has kept her wedding dress and can wear it to the party).

If the spouses do not want to arrange noisy party, they can limit themselves to home gatherings with loved ones or even a romantic dinner for two. For the most active and inquisitive anniversaries, a two-day trip on a ship or a short forest hike is suitable.

professing Christianity on the day of the 25th anniversary of their legal marriage can get married in a church. A beautiful ceremony will be remembered for a long time and will mark new stage family relationships.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Silver wedding traditions

What to give a husband and wife?

The twenty-fifth anniversary of family life is called a silver wedding. This is the first wedding anniversary that "reached" the precious metal. Twenty five years married life not coincidentally crowned with silver. Live together in wealth and in poverty, in sorrow and in joy, in sickness and in health. Needless to say, not all couples are destined to celebrate the silver anniversary together. This anniversary means that the couple managed to save and preserve the silver of their love.

Like porcelain wedding, this anniversary in different countries world has the same name of the silver wedding.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Like any wedding anniversary, the silver anniversary can be successfully celebrated in a peaceful atmosphere home holiday without too much fuss. But hiding from family and friends an event of this magnitude is simply unfair. In the end, the anniversaries deserve real holiday in his honor, and 25 years lived in love and harmony is the main confirmation of this.

The best option for a holiday would be to invite guests to cozy restaurant or cafe. It is advisable to invite everyone who was at the wedding 25 years ago to the anniversary, but not less than twenty-five people - this is a tradition. By the way, invitations for guests to the silver anniversary should also be sent out no less than 25 days before the holiday.

To family celebration passed on highest level, it is worth inviting a professional toastmaster and a photographer. Photography of the silver anniversary is a separate item of the wedding program. Is it worth missing the opportunity when all friends and relatives will gather?

Silver wedding traditions

This date has many ancient traditions. The festive morning of the spouse should begin with a kiss, which means that their feelings not only have not faded away, but can flare up with new force. Then follows the rite of washing, when the husband and wife draw water into a silver jug ​​and help each other to wash. Moreover, the washing itself occurs in three stages. The first ablution washes away the bygone years, and the spouses become a quarter of a century younger; the second - washes away all the old sorrows and worries. And for the third time, the spouses wash themselves, meeting the dawn and new life. After washing, a few drops of water should remain in the jug, which, evaporating in the sun, will take away all the old problems with them.

The most important ritual of a silver wedding is the exchange of rings. In token of eternal love spouses put silver rings on each other. This ritual was usually performed at noon in the presence of the parents of the "groom" and "bride". Well, if the sun is shining at this moment - this is considered a good omen for spouses.

This ritual should be performed with the participation of friends who were witnesses at the wedding 25 years ago. For greater solemnity, the “bride” can put on her wedding dress, and the “groom” can present a beautiful bridal bouquet. Previously, a priest was invited to this ceremony, who again married the “newlyweds”, conducting the ceremony in accordance with all the rules. So if the spouses did not get married, but are thinking about it, it is difficult to imagine a more suitable occasion than a silver wedding. If you wish, you can also arrange a second wedding in the registry office, and then time will turn back.

Some couples take off their golden rings on this day to whole year wear silver. In this case, the parents of the anniversaries put the rings in a special box and hand them to the “young” with parting words to keep their happiness and these rings. Other couples prefer to wear new silver rings over gold ones. And some prefer to wear new silver rings on the middle finger, next to the gold ones.

And finally, the last ancient ritual of the Silver Jubilee was the evening tea party of the “newlyweds”. After the guests have left festive table not yet cleaned, the wife treated her husband to fragrant tea, after which they began cleaning together.

What to give for a silver wedding

The best gift on this day, of course, is silver. In the end, the anniversaries deserve expensive gifts: silver plate, dishes, figurines and candlesticks made of silver. To emphasize family ties, it is customary for anniversaries to give not six cutlery, but a couple, for example, two silver spoons. A wonderful gift for a silver wedding is a watch as a symbol of time, past and future. It is very symbolic to present a silver cup to the anniversaries as a prize for a long married life.

The nobility of silver can best be conveyed Jewelry. If this gift is given by a man, then it must be given to both spouses. However, it is better to present identical paired rings, pendants, medallions or bracelets to anniversaries. By the way, they can be supplemented with a commemorative engraving in honor of the anniversary.

It is also customary to give white flowers for a silver wedding - roses, orchids, peonies or lilies. You can donate more original flowers, for example, anthrinium, protea or craspedia.

A practical and quite appropriate gift for an anniversary can be any Appliances especially if it has a silver sheen. An original gift for two, there may be a paid table in a restaurant, theater or opera tickets, or maybe a trip abroad. You can please the anniversaries with a beautiful album for family photos.

Fans of symbolic gifts can solemnly present the heroes of the occasion with a silver medal for merits in building friendly family, however, there should also be two medals. Upon presentation, you can read a comic congratulatory telegram on behalf of the President of the country.

“Dear anniversaries! On behalf of the entire nation, I and my entourage congratulate you on twenty-five years of fruitful cooperation.

25 years ago you created a solid cell of our society. You have managed to harmoniously combine personal interests, the interests of family and society: having received an unexpected increase in salary, you instantly invest it in the income of shops, which will then pay (maybe) taxes. I and my people thank you for the implementation of the state's demographic policy, you helped increase the population by as much as two people, and we hope that you will continue to pay attention to this issue.

Therefore, live, dear (names of spouses), in hope, love each other and pay taxes. And my friends and I will do everything to make your life and work easier with joyful surprises! Your legitimately elected President."

What to give a husband and wife?

Silver wedding - a great opportunity to make each other nice gift. For so important anniversary you can present a silver souvenir or engraved jewelry. You can also order paired silver bracelets from a jeweler.

Husband should give silver chain, cufflinks, an ashtray or nice watch. People who have lived together for a quarter of a century are not prone to superstition. If the husband collects something, he will be pleased if you show interest in his hobby. Gifts may include collectible coins, rare editions of books, or musical instrument well-known firm.

You can present your wife with a silver box, a beautiful mirror, a picture in a silver frame, a photo frame or a set of jewelry. A gift can be silver, for example, a set bed linen or phone.

How to celebrate a silver wedding?

First of all, there is an option wedding dresses bride and groom. What could be nicer to feel like newlyweds again? Although the wedding theme can be fully supported by special accessories, for example, hair ornaments or fresh flower boutonnieres. You can pick up a hat with a white veil that imitates a veil.

In any case, the outfit of the spouses must match the name of the holiday. For the anniversary, the wife can wear a silver-gray dress, made of plain satin or embroidered with sparkling sequins. More holiday look you can give a modest outfit by adding silver jewelry - a clutch or shoes. The husband will match the celebration in classic suit dark color, complemented by silver cufflinks.

What to cook for a silver wedding?

At this holiday, guests are treated to an anniversary loaf, which the spouses cut like a wedding cake. There should be a variety of cold appetizers and several unusual salads on the table. Julienne can be served as hot appetizers. The main dish can be chicken baked with paprika, or veal roll with meat filling. From alcoholic beverages it is better to give preference to red wine and champagne - a drink without which no wedding can do.

Do not forget about the design of the festive banquet. It is better to decorate the table with silverware and large white flowers. And to leave the best memories of the anniversary, you can order fireworks in honor of the heroes of the day.

As a dessert, guests can be offered a spectacular wedding cake with an airy creamy layer between biscuits. It can be completely covered with silver mastic or be snow-white with silver-colored ribbons. The cake can be originally served in the form of cupcakes on a multi-tiered stand, where there will be cakes below, and a small cake on top, which will be cut at the end of the banquet.

A silver wedding is not just an anniversary of married life whitened with silver - it is only half the way to a golden wedding. So let all hardships and problems be left behind, and on the way to happiness you will find the most important thing - love, which becomes stronger every year!

Such questions torment the guests of the silver wedding. Anniversary of 25 years of marriage is important, solemn event. On such a day, the spouses try to surround each other with care and attention. The revival of romance in relationships is the most best gift that a husband and wife can give for their anniversary.

"Precious" wedding anniversary

A silver wedding is a serious family anniversary. For the first time in all anniversaries, there is a precious metal in its name. For a family, such a holiday symbolizes a great experience of living together - a quarter of a century. Silver wedding - how many years have you lived together? 25 years of marriage, adult children and, perhaps, already grandchildren - a lot has been experienced over the years.

Silver - noble metal, a symbol of the "precious" experience of spouses. Over the years lived together, the family goes through a considerable amount of financial instability, problems with housing, raising children. By the silver wedding, many spouses already have their own family hearth, adult children.

25 years of marriage is a long time, which not all couples can do. A family celebrating a silver anniversary can be proud of the wisdom of their relationship.

Psychological features of the anniversary

Couples celebrating their silver anniversary deserve admiration. They lived a quarter of a century under one roof, steadfastly withstood family troubles, adapted to each other's characters and habits.

But it is during this period that another crisis begins - a midlife crisis. When values ​​are reassessed. When people who have taken place in the profession can abruptly change course in the other direction.

By this time the children have grown up and moved out of parental home. Therefore, spouses who lived only for the sake of children together will have no point in continuing their life together. Connections on the side - both for husband and wife - can also be a reason to break family relationships.

Therefore, you should take care of a joint vacation - a change of scenery will help revive the smoldering relationship of the spouses. diversify sex life, find a new hobby - any mutual interests will help prevent a brewing conflict in a relationship.

Silver wedding - how many years did the spouses spend together? 25 years is a significant period and there may be a lull in relations. In order to start a new round, you need to add a note of romance to

anniversary traditions

Silver anniversary traditions can leave an indelible mark on a relationship. Years later, spouses, their children and grandchildren will admire the pictures, videos and ask: “How long have you been together? When is the silver wedding celebrated? How many years?" Photos of the anniversary can be done in the morning. The customs and traditions of a silver wedding begin with the awakening of the spouses.

In ancient times, a husband and wife on their anniversary had to early in the morning draw spring or well water into a silver jug. For modern realities it is enough to prepare plain tap water. But it must be in a silver dish (jug).

Spouses perform three ablutions, helping each other. This rite has a deep symbolic meaning.

  • The first ablution will help wash away the years, restore youth to the spouses.
  • Second, eliminate family troubles and sadness.
  • The third bath promises new happiness and a long life together.

After washing, the spouses wipe themselves off and put the jug on Fresh air(balcony). This is done so that the remaining water evaporates faster and takes away the sorrows of the spouses. According to a long-standing belief, the quickly dried bottom of the jug will quickly bring happiness to the family.

Silver wedding ... After how many years is the anniversary celebrated? After 25 years, the spouses exchange on the anniversary. They can be worn without wedding rings or with them. Silver rings are a symbol of a new life stage.

In some areas of the country there are interesting rite for the silver anniversary - "women's revenge". As a joke, the mother-in-law and wife can “beat up” the head of the family, voicing all the troubles caused to them.

official celebration

The twenty-fifth anniversary can be celebrated in the registry office. To prepare an official celebration, you should agree with the staff of the institution. Then the exchange of rings can be timed to coincide with the ceremony at the registry office.

Such an event will help to disperse the routine of everyday life, create a feeling real wedding. It will help spouses remember their first joint celebration. For the ceremony, the wife can put on her wedding dress - this is the most for the anniversary. The dress can be slightly expanded or reshaped.

After official ceremony you can go to a cafe, restaurant or arrange home gatherings. Guests, if possible, are invited the same as on the day of the wedding.

How to spend a holiday?

To revive romance in a relationship, you can arrange a holiday together. Rent a double house by the sea or have a candlelit dinner.

Traditionally, 25 or more guests are invited to a silver wedding. Must be sent in advance invitation cards. You can prepare a movie assembled from video, photo different years. Take care of the cake, each of the pieces of which will bring good luck to the anniversaries and guests.

You can start the celebration with the dance of the spouses. The celebration of the anniversary takes place according to the principle of the first (green) wedding. To make the event fun, dynamic, you should invite the toastmaster. He organizes guests, holds fun contests.

And don't forget the champagne. Sparkling wine creates festive atmosphere and an occasion for the first toast. Be sure on this day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet of flowers - those that his soul mate loves. It can be presented after a morning kiss. "First kiss" is one of the anniversary traditions. Spouses kiss after waking up - the longer the kiss, the longer family life will last.

A silver wedding is not complete without gifts. How many years of congratulations sounded for the family? Each anniversary is celebrated more or less pompously. For the silver anniversary, gifts and congratulations are selected in a certain color scheme.

Holiday decoration

Silver wedding ... How many years have been lived together, how many roads have been traveled. A precious metal designed to emphasize the status of the event. Therefore, the color scheme of the design should correspond to the name of the anniversary.

Even invitation cards should be selected with silver monograms. Balloons, there must be at least 25, ribbons, garlands - all decoration must be white, silver. For contrast, you can add blue tablecloths or other decorative elements to blue tones- they favorably emphasize the silver scale.

Garlands, flower arches, floral arrangements will add elegance to the room.

Guest gifts

Silver wedding - how old, gifts - all these questions concern the guests of the event. The most popular gift for the anniversary are table sets: knives, spoons, forks, glasses, silver trays (or covered with silver). For originality, you can engrave the names of the heroes of the day on the gift.

Practical sugar bowls, milk jugs, coffee pots, jugs, candlesticks - silverware is famous for its disinfecting properties.

Gifts from spouses to each other

A silver wedding is not complete without gifts to each other. How many years together ... What to give a husband or wife after such a solid period of marriage? The couple exchange silver rings in a formal ceremony.

Later, during the celebration of the anniversary, silver cufflinks, a cigarette case, a flask, a tie pin can be presented to the husband. Wife - jewelry, a silver powder box or mirror.

Neutral Gifts

Silver wedding - how old? What to give silver anniversaries? You can present neutral gifts for the anniversary. In order for them to look in the general style, you need to wrap them in silver wrapping paper or attach a symbolic number - "25".

  1. Small pillows, blankets, bedding sets - textile gifts will please and will always be in demand.
  2. Washing machine, freezer, stove, oven, microwave - large gifts can be picked up in silver.
  3. Wicker furniture, a swimming pool - gifts for a summer residence or a private house will delight with practicality and sophistication.

Now we know what a silver wedding is, how old the family is, what to give for the holiday. But it is not at all necessary to get hung up on things when choosing a present. All kinds of certificates in the form of a gift remain relevant. Certificate in the spa, jewelry or weapons store. You can present a ticket to the anniversaries or an ordered table for two in a cozy cafe.

If the holiday takes place at home, then an important tradition of a silver wedding is evening tea. Before taking up the cleaning, the spouses drink tea, talk, remembering the funny and sad moments of the celebration. After tea drinking, the husband and wife clean up the apartment. Such a ritual symbolizes the strength, harmony and unity of the union.