How to choose a classic business men's suit. How to choose the right clothes if you are fat

The dream of every woman is to look perfect, but nature has not awarded everyone with perfect proportions. Often an outfit that looks great on a mannequin is real person may look different. The thing is that everyone has their own, special body structure. Some narrow pelvis And broad shoulders, others have rounded hips and a poorly defined waist, while others have small bust but big buttocks.

Each figure has both advantages and disadvantages. the best way their correct is the choice of clothing according to the type of figure.

Owners of this type figures are different wide hips, a noticeable waistline and small narrow shoulders.

To visually correct the figure, it is necessary to focus on the upper body and expand the shoulders. You should choose outfits with a dark bottom and light top. Clothes for the pear figure type should have a voluminous top, puffed sleeves, shoulder pads, deep cuts and decorative details on the bodice.

Things with a boat neckline or a square neckline will help to visually expand the shoulders. Suitable clothes with chest pockets, trousers and skirts with a loose fit and made of thin fabrics, dresses with seam waist and extended bottom.

What to avoid:

  1. It is not recommended to choose jackets or blouses that end at the widest part of the buttocks or hips, they must be higher or lower than it.
  2. Do not wear tight blouses or blouses.
  3. Tulip skirts will add volume to the hips.
  4. Avoid extra details on skirts or trousers and things with straps that connect at the neck or tie at the back.

Suitable clothing examples:

Owners of this type of figure have a rounded shoulder line, not very curvy hips, slender legs, poorly defined waist, often wider than the line of the hips and shoulders.

In this case, the main problem area- the middle of the body. It is necessary to visually stretch the body and focus on the neckline and legs. It is recommended to give preference to things with a straight silhouette.

Winning option becomes a sheath dress. A simple straight cut and no sleeves will balance the silhouette. They help to visually stretch the figure of a dress with a high waist, they will hide the stomach and emphasize the chest. Asymmetric, oblique and trapezoidal models will help to lengthen the body. Dresses are recommended to choose monophonic.

Clothing for hourglass body type

This type of figure is considered the most proportional. Its owners have an equal width of shoulders and hips, a clearly defined waist and chest line.

Choose clothes for your body type hourglass better one that will emphasize the waist and demonstrate the smooth curves of the body. Almost any outfit will suit this type. The main thing is that their cut repeats the lines of the figure, but things that will be characterized by fluidity, lightness, and waviness will look better. To emphasize the waist, it is recommended to use belts. Favorably highlight the hips of pencil skirts.

What to avoid:

  1. Avoid straight-cut clothing.
  2. Too tight clothes are not recommended.
  3. hard, dense fabrics will make the figure fuller than in reality.
  4. Avoid things with large patterns and clear geometric motifs.

Suitable clothing examples:

The owners of this type of figure are distinguished by narrow shoulders and hips, a poorly defined waist and flat buttocks.

Need to create visibility rounded shapes and soften the angularity of the figure. You should choose clothing models that will help define the line of the hips and emphasize the waist. Semi-adjacent things will cope with the task, repeating the outlines of the figure, making a soft emphasis on the waist. Grooves will help create a shape, decorative seams, pleats, pockets located on the hips, converging to the waist, contrasting bottom and top.

Since clothing for a rectangle body type should indicate the waist line, it is recommended to wear belts and belts. Wide models distract attention, while thin ones emphasize the waist. The best way to present the figure of a dress or skirt that creates volume in the hips, for example, a tulip skirt, things with draperies or peplums.

From trousers it is better to choose models with folds at the waist, narrowed to the bottom, straight, flared from the hips. Patch pockets at the back will help visually add volume to the buttocks.

What to avoid:

  1. It is best to avoid tight clothing.
  2. Do not pick up things from thin flowing fabrics.
  3. Not fit clothes, tailored on an oblique.
  4. It is not recommended to wear elongated cardigans and jackets.
  5. Models of elasticated skirts will not look the best.

Suitable clothing examples:

This type of figure, which is also called "T", is distinguished by the presence of straight, expressive shoulders, larger in size than the hips. The waist is poorly defined, and the lower part seems much smaller than the upper.

Clothing for a triangle body type should add volume to the hips and visually reduce the shoulders. Fit things or sets with a tight-fitting top and a flared or fluffy bottom. It is recommended to choose outfits in which there is an emphasis on the hips in the form of draperies, ruffles and bows. To add volume to the lower honor will help a light bottom in combination with a dark top. Things will look good V-neck, soft round neck and American armhole.

When choosing models of dresses, it is worth considering height: for short women fit length mini, and high it is worth picking up outfits up to or just above the knee.

What to avoid:

  1. Puffy or flared sleeves, draperies and ruffles in the shoulder area will add more volume to the upper part.
  2. Tight-fitting and monophonic things will not work.
  3. From tight skirts, especially narrowed to the bottom, should be abandoned.
  4. It is not recommended to wear clothes that have a large pattern at the top.
  5. It is worth abandoning things with wide collars and a large, round neck.

Suitable clothing examples:

Choosing clothes can be difficult. Sometimes you know exactly what you want to buy, but sometimes when you go to the store, you can't decide where to start. There are so many different styles, styles, sizes, colors and brands that shopping can be intimidating. If you know what suits you, it will be easier for you to choose your clothes.


How to dress according to your figure

    Decide which parts of the body you want to highlight. With the help of clothes, you can hide or emphasize the features of the figure, as well as create visual illusions.

    • Drawing. Things in vertical stripe make part of the body visually slimmer, and a wide strip expands the space. Bright patterns draw attention to the part of the body on which they are worn, so if you want to emphasize the bust, wear a shirt with an expressive pattern. The opposite is also true: dark solids hide volume, especially in contrast with a bright pattern.
    • Waist fit. Pants with a low waist make the figure more expressive and emphasize the waist. High-waisted pieces accentuate the bust.
    • fit. Shapewear can accentuate and shape parts of the body, and baggy outerwear makes the upper body shapeless. Shoulder pads can widen the shoulders. Pants with arrows can make the legs visually thicker.
    • Skirt shape. A-line skirts flatter the figure and widen the lower body. Straight skirts are also suitable for this. Flared skirts have the opposite effect - wear them if you want to draw attention away from your lower body.
    • Style. As a rule, baggy things hide figure flaws, and tight-fitting ones emphasize them.
  1. Know your sizes. It is important to remember your parameters, and it does not matter if you buy ready-made clothes or sew it to order. You should take the following measurements:

    • head circumference for the selection of hats;
    • arm length along the outer edge to determine the length of the sleeve;
    • neck volume (more important for men);
    • the circumference of the chest or bust at its widest point;
    • Waist;
    • hip volume (for women);
    • length inside legs (from groin to ankle).
  2. Make sure your clothes fit well. Landing - main factor in choosing things. A piece that fits well but doesn't really suit your figure will look better than a piece that could shape your figure but doesn't fit well.

    • The clothes should be comfortable. It should not hang and should not restrict movement.
    • If you are planning to lose weight, do not buy things with the expectation that they will fit you well in a couple of months. It is better to postpone large purchases until you adjust the weight.
    • Shorten your pants, especially if you have short stature. Too long pants will make you look even shorter.
  3. Buy things that look good on you Now. If a thing does not sit well now, but you Seems that it will look better when you lose weight for the summer, do not buy this thing. Pick a thing for the figure that you have now, and not the one you want to get. Don't waste money on things you might never wear.

    • If the jacket or jacket does not button up all the way, this item is not suitable for you. Take a size up or look for something else.
    • If a thing hangs on you, it does not suit you. You need a different size.
  4. See how the thing looks from behind. This is an important step that many people forget. A dress or suit can look perfect from the front, but terrible from the back.

    • If your phone has a front-facing camera, take it to the fitting room with you and check how each item looks from the back. Check to see if the item is hanging or pulling at the back. The thing should emphasize the dignity of your figure, that is, it should not fit too tightly inappropriate places.
    • When you're sure the item looks good from the front, turn your back to the mirror. Turn on the front camera on your phone, bring it to you just above your shoulder and tilt it a little. You will see a reflection from the back on the screen.
    • If you don't have a front camera, take a small mirror with you.
  5. Don't follow fashion mindlessly. Perhaps you would like to buy fashion item, but if it does not suit you, discard this idea. Find your own style and follow only those fashion trends that suit you.

    • For example, if you skinny guy, and baggy suits are in fashion, do not buy such a thing - it suits people of a different physique.
    • And if the type of your figure is pear and in fashion voluminous scarves, use this opportunity to make your image more interesting.

    How to choose things

    1. Buy the brand you like. If some thing sat down on you perfectly, pay attention to other things of this brand. It is possible that you will be able to pick up something else. Sizes and styles often differ between brands, but within the same brand, sizes are most often kept for years.

    2. Buy multiple variations of the same item you like. People often buy the same quality item in several versions. This will help you to diversify your wardrobe and keep the confidence that everything will suit you.

      • Universal skirts and trousers can be bought in several pairs at once.
      • This is especially true for those who find it difficult to pick up comfortable things.
    3. Remember the value of things. Buying quality items allows you to save money in the future. A quality pair of shoes costs twice as much, but lasts ten times longer, and you don't have to buy a new cheap pair every season.

      • Expensive things are not always of high quality, but quality things are always more expensive than low-quality ones.
      • Apart from light summer clothes, the presence of a lining is a sign of quality.
      • Check all seams before buying. Make sure they are even and do not diverge. Bad seams are a sign of poor quality.
      • Choose quality, not quantity. It is better to have a small wardrobe of quality items than a large wardrobe of poor quality.
      • If you're short on money, look for used items online and in secondhand stores. You can often find good things there for a low price.

    How to pack a wardrobe

    1. Buy basic things. When choosing clothes, give preference to plain clothes that you can wear in the most different occasions. You should have universal things in which you can go to work and to a restaurant. A wardrobe should not consist of things that are suitable for only one type of event.

      • For example, beautiful trousers can be worn to work with a jacket and blouse. In the restaurant, you can take off your jacket and tie a scarf.
      • A one-color skirt to the knee is suitable for work. If you add a few accessories to it, you can also wear it to brunch with friends.

It is foolish to blindly follow fashion without making allowances for one's own uniforms. Even the most stylish dress right size can sit on you unsuccessfully, emphasizing what you would like to hide from prying eyes. You need to choose clothes according to the type of figure - this is the only way the outfit will decorate you, and not stick out flaws. Use the recommendations on how to choose the right clothes for your body type and apply them when going to the store.

If you've ever been enamored with a friend's dress and tried it on only to find it doesn't look good on you, or admired a trendy piece like jeans with high waist, but could not find a model that suits you - do not worry, you are not the only one. Alas, cutters do not take into account every body shape.

You will immediately name your size of jeans, dress, skirt, shirt and shoes without hesitation, but can you tell what your body shape is? Have you ever thought about it? If so, do you know which pieces of clothing work for your figure and which work against it? How to choose clothes according to your figure so as not to look ridiculous in it? We live in a three-dimensional world, and one of our tasks is to find our model among all these clothes that look two-dimensional on a coat hanger. It's not about size, it's about shape.

Pay attention to the photo of the type of women's figures and the selection of clothes in accordance with each type:

How to choose the right clothes for the figure: dimensions and body shape

Many people confuse the dimensions of the body with its shape, but these are completely different things. Before choosing clothes according to the type of figure, remember the tables with clothing sizes - S, M, L - that hang in many stores in order to help customers find their size.

Has it ever occurred to you that these tables assign absolutely every person to one of the existing groups? Some stores also offer XS, XL, and XXL sizes, but more often than not, you and everyone else is supposed to fit one of the basic sizes. Also, not all women wearing the same clothing size are the same height and weight, right? In a sense, the number on the tag and the mark on the scale are just conditional indicators, since on different people the same clothes will fit differently.

The only way to learn how to choose clothes that fit you best and highlight your body's best features is to understand the shape of your body. You can only work with the one body that you have, and whatever you are - tall, short, thin, athletic (or maybe in your case all these traits add up to a unique combination). There are plenty of tips, tricks, and principles to help you make informed cut and silhouette choices. With a photo of how to choose clothes according to the figure, you can find on this page.

How to choose clothes according to your figure: balance and proportions

People strive for harmony; everyone - both supermodels and supermoms - wants to achieve visual balance. Scientists from the University of Brunel (UK) conducted a study: they developed virtual models of the body in all details, a total of seventy-seven figures of adults, and measured the degree of symmetry of each of them.

To avoid subjective assessment associated with facial features or skin color, all models were without heads, and the skin of all had the same neutral shade. The researchers then asked volunteers to rate how attractive the models of the opposite sex were to them. Although differences in symmetry were almost invisible to the naked eye, however, both men and women called those models that were the most symmetrical more attractive.

But as far as our bodies are concerned, unfortunately, very few people are naturally symmetrical. How to choose the right clothes according to the figure in this case? We can create the illusion of symmetry with clothing. Regardless of size, your goal is to balance your body with the outfit silhouettes, accents, and color combinations that work best for you. Finding the optimal balance in proportions is your first priority.

Look at the photo, how to choose clothes according to the type of figure, keeping a balance in proportions:

Types of women's figures and selection of clothes (with photo): X-factor

Choosing clothes according to your figure is not an easy task. From birth, you have the opportunity to meet own body, but probably, like most women, you still choose your wardrobe by trial and error: combine different things from your closet, try new trends on yourself, go beyond your comfort zone.

This need gave rise to the X factor. When looking at someone, mentally draw an X on them to quickly determine that person's body type and how you can balance him or her. appearance, and offer the most suitable option. The fact that this X is mentally visible on it helps to imagine the starting point to which you can focus, and those parts of the body that should be emphasized or corrected. By shifting the focus in your mind, you will shift the focus in the shape of your body.

And the X factor will help you with this. How to choose clothes according to the type of figure, given this notorious "X"? For each problem area of ​​the body, there is an equal winning area. This concept will save you long hours of despair alone in your closet, decades of anguish and suffering in fitting rooms, and provide you with tips on how to look at an item hanging on a coat hanger.

The types of women's figures and the selection of clothes are inextricably linked concepts. We are all of different heights, everyone has a different body mass distribution, and each of our body parts is unique, only ours and no one else's. However, it is customary to distinguish five basic body shapes: hourglass, triangle, inverted triangle, rhombus and rectangle. To find out what shape your body belongs to, you just need to find your "X".

How to choose clothes according to the type of figure: body shape

The body shape you determine from the X factor is based on the shape of your skeleton. Therefore, some details, including height, weight and breast size, can and will differ for each person in each of the types. It is due to these variations that we are all similar and at the same time unique; representatives of each group have the same bright pronounced signs, but within one form there can be many subforms.

Throughout life, you tend to belong to the same form, however physical changes- for example, pregnancy, severe weight loss or gain, aging - can cause your body to change from one form to another. In addition, it often happens that a person refers himself to several forms at once. As with your colors, these five shapes are given here only as reference points.

If you find that some of your traits are a combination of two different categories, that's fine. Follow the tips for both forms. When choosing clothes for your body type, the main thing is to remember why some styles suit your X-factor more than others - and make your own rules.

Call a friend or family member because you will need help for this session. loved one. Stand near a white or plain wall; the back is straight, the arms hang relaxed along the body. You can wear a tight black outfit or, if you prefer, a swimsuit, or a bra and briefs. Have your session partner take a photo of you. The point is that the outlines of your body are clearly visible in the photo. Print this photo and mark with a pencil the most prominent points of the shoulders and hips. Then connect these points with the letter X. Now put two points on the line of your waist - that is, under chest just above the navel. If your waist is wider than your hips and shoulders, then the X will look more like a cross. Mark honestly and carefully.

Here you can find a photo of the selection of clothes according to the figure in accordance with the shape of the body:

How to choose the right clothes for an hourglass figure

If your "X" lines cross in the middle of your body, you are probably an hourglass shape. The implementation of the task “how to choose clothes according to the hourglass figure” is one of the easiest - basically, cutters are guided precisely by such shapes.

Dark areas:

Light areas:

"Hourglass" - a form balanced by nature. You can emphasize your symmetry by highlighting the middle of the body. Unlike other forms that work with segments of their body to align the X factor, your goal is to prevent imbalance. "Hourglass" should emphasize your waist; let the natural curves of their bodies speak for themselves. Therefore, in this illustration, the distribution of accents will be opposite to all other types. To do this, you need to minimize the bends and thus approach the shape of a rectangle, distributing accents in the same way as representatives of other forms do.

Clothing for the hourglass figure type (with photo)

Dresses. We control the curves: emphasize the waist and generally remember that your main trump card is the “middle”. Clothing for the hourglass figure should emphasize proportional figure Don't let her get lost in loose or baggy dresses.

Are looking for: wrap dresses, bodycon dresses and wide skirt, belted dresses, sheath dresses, tapered dresses.

We ignore: dresses with a low waist and hoodies in which the figure is not visible.

Top. "Do Not Puff Up": If you have a large bust, avoid loose blouses that are gathered at the bust or flare out from the bust line, as they add unnecessary volume.

Are looking for: skinny shirts and blazers; tight-fitting tops with darts; with a belt or gathering at the waist; tops with a V-neckline or an open neckline.

We ignore: T-shirts - trapezoid, which increase the volume.

Bottom. Be chic. Clothing for an hourglass body type should not have short bottoms (miniskirts, shorts that reveal the buttocks, etc.) unless you are petite (below 157 centimeters). Your luxurious figure is already sexy.

Are looking for: pencil skirts; tulip skirts; cropped trousers; fitted trousers with slits at the calf.

We ignore: Skirts that are pleated or gathered at the waist to add volume.

Look at the photo of clothes for the hourglass figure type for women of any height:

How to choose the right clothes for the type of figure "triangle"

If your shoulders are narrower than your hips and the "X" lines cross over your waist, then you are probably a "triangle".

Dark areas: hide them with dark and neutral colors, plain fabrics and vertical lines.

Light areas: draw attention to them through bright colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines.

How to choose clothes for the shape of the "triangle" to balance your X-factor? To do this, you need to shift the emphasis up - on the shoulders and neck line. Let visually interesting elements- bright and bright hues, eye-catching contrasting patterns - positioned at the top (above your waist) to move some energy from the bottom of the X to the top. You can easily use trends (for example, dresses and blouses with raised shoulders or expressive necklaces) or experiment with embellished tops to your heart's content.

Details about clothes for the type of figure "triangle" (with photo)

Here you can see photos of clothes for the type of "triangle" figure and learn in detail what things to avoid when compiling ensembles.

Dresses. best clothes for triangle-shaped girls, these are flirty dresses, since such a design contains elements that suit your physique.

Are looking for: flowing trapeze dresses; dresses with "American armhole" and high waist; sleeves with bare shoulders; dresses with a fitted top and a wide skirt. A good option for clothing according to the type of “triangle” figure is strapless dresses with ruffles at the top.

We ignore: Drop-waisted dresses that draw attention to the widest part of your body and hide your waist.

Top. Expressive neckline: To the best way to accentuate your "X" and balance your lower body, you need styles that will draw attention to your dainty upper half.

Are looking for: models with a boat neckline or a wide neckline; tops with a built-in bra. Great option clothes for the type of figure "triangle" - blouses with a neck bow and intricate shoulders; decorative elements in the bust or neckline.

We ignore: tops with sleeves " bat» or long, wide sleeves hide your waist and add extra volume to your figure

Bottom. Become aware of your shape and accentuate it with skirts and dresses that slide over the surface of your body and plain trousers with clear lines.

Are looking for: trapezoidal skirts to the knee; wide skirts with a high waist; trousers without tucks, slightly widened below the knee.

Look at the photo of clothes for the type of triangle figure: perfect option- Slightly flared yoga pants and palazzo pants:

We ignore: puffy bubble skirts and pleated skirts, which give extra volume to your lower, dominant part.

How to choose clothes for women according to the type of figure "inverted triangle"

If your hips are narrower than your shoulders, and your "X" lines intersect under your waist, then your figure belongs to the "inverted triangle" shape.

Dark areas: hide them with dark and neutral colors, solid colors, vertical lines.

Light areas: draw attention to them through bright colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines

In inverted triangles top part The “X” dominates the bottom, so you should shift the emphasis down to the hips to evenly distribute the energy. Short skirts and dresses light shades denim, trousers in fun colors and bright shorts accentuate your legs. And don't forget to wear cool shoes. Tie shoes, boots and other statement shoes will balance your shoulders.

Clothing for girls with an inverted triangle body type (with photo)

Dresses. You have legs and now you know how to use them! When choosing a dress, look for minimalist designs with a simple top. Balance your hips and shoulders with a full-skirted dress, or show how easy and casual you can wear a drop-waisted dress.

Are looking for: models with low waist; loose dresses flowing in folds; short shirts. A great option for clothing according to the type of “inverted triangle” figure is strapless or collarless dresses.

We ignore: Dresses with sleeves and open shoulders and neck; dresses with a fitted top and a wide skirt. They emphasize the widest part of the body and give the figure bulkiness.

Top. Top going down. Choose models that fit below your natural waistline or bring the accents down through pattern, trim, and so on.

Are looking for: blouses with raglan sleeves; V-neck blouses, tunics; trapezoid tops; sleeves "bat"; long wide sleeves.

We ignore: tops with a built-in bra that add extra volume.

Bottom. Chic Shine: Free your lower half from all that is superfluous and show off your legs.

Are looking for: pleated skirts, skirts with frills or flounces. Good clothes for the type of figure "inverted triangle" can serve as short skirts; ; tight pants and leggings.

We ignore: long pencil skirts, which enhance the contrast between the top and lower parts body.

How to choose clothes for a rhombus body type

If your hips and shoulders are the same width, your waist is the widest part of the figure, and the letter “X” is sort of littered to the side, then you are a “diamond”.

Dark areas: Hide them with dark and neutral colors, solid colors, vertical lines.

Light areas: Draw attention to them through bright colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines.

Rhombus, in order to balance the body, you need to shift the accents inward. light, bright colors and colorful patterns attract attention, so wear them; it’s good if the pattern on your outfit is located vertical stripes to visually lengthen the figure.

Look at the photo, when choosing clothes according to the type of “rhombus” figure, you need to select details and ornaments in such a way that the glances thrown at you move up and down:

You will suit clothes with such a neck line and a cut that will emphasize the shoulders and bust. Useful advice how to choose clothes according to the type of diamond shape: show the world your arms and legs; use long necklaces with several threads and light scarves.

Dresses. We draw lines: vertical seams, snakes, pleating and contrast stitching will help to visually lengthen the figure.

Are looking for: dresses with a light belt over the waist; vertical details that help to "lengthen" the figure; Y-shaped dresses; dresses with "American armhole".

We ignore: trumpet-style dresses that ruthlessly emphasize all horizontal proportions.

Top. A variety of V-shaped: from casual T-shirts and classic tunics to sexy blouses with a deep neckline; they will shade your face and emphasize the figure.

Are looking for: tops with "American armhole" or with a twisted bodice; boat neckline and deep neckline with rounded corners. Clothes for the diamond body type can be with playfully trimmed sleeves and necklines. V-neck tunics are also suitable.

We ignore: Tight blouses that accentuate excess weight in the abdomen.

Bottom. Straight and even: not flared, and not too narrowed down, but exactly what you need. Find clothes that will visually lengthen the lower half of the body.

Are looking for: elegant skirts with a high waist; trapezoidal models. When choosing clothes according to the type of “rhombus” figure, pay attention to Bermuda shorts or “urban” shorts; straight trousers.

We ignore: tapered trousers that visually thicken your “middle”.

How to choose clothes for women according to the type of figure "rectangle"

If your hips and shoulders are the same width, and the "X" lines intersect in the center of your body, and at the same time your torso looks the same and even along the entire length - such a figure is usually referred to as a rectangular shape.

Dark areas: hide them with dark and neutral colors, solid colors, vertical lines.

Light areas: draw attention to them through bright colors, printed fabrics, textures, horizontal lines.

In order to choose clothes according to the type of “rectangle” figure, you can create your own “X” by shifting the emphasis on the shoulders and hips. Light, bright colors and contrasting patterns are eye-catching, so you can wear similar colors on the shoulders or hips to draw attention to these areas, dark tones position closer to the center of the body. Look for diagonal patterns, printed fabrics with wavy patterns, and styles that flow as you move.

Clothes for the type of figure "rectangle" (with photo)

Dresses. Draw curves on yourself: choose dresses that shape your body and create the illusion of a well-defined waist.

Are looking for: tight-fitting models, curved elements; peplum dresses; tulip dresses narrowed down; wrap dresses.

We ignore: shirts-hoodies without a clear shape.

Top. Tighten Your Belts: Transform Your Midsection With Corsets And Wide Belts

Are looking for: dresses with pintucks and pleats; yoke collars and draped tops; feminine dresses with a corset. Perfect clothes for the type of figure "rectangle" - dresses with sleeves and bare shoulders, asymmetric models.

We ignore: square tunics that create a feeling of bulkiness.

Bottom. Highlight contours, grab attention: Rectangle-shaped clothing (trousers, skirts and shorts) should give volume to your lower half.

Are looking for: tucked trousers, tapered trousers; bubble skirts and tiered skirts; free, wide pants; year skirts, flared skirts.

We ignore: straight shapeless skirts.

Look at the photo of clothes for the type of "rectangle" figure and choose the options you like:

The bottom line is this: before you operate these tools, you need to master them, collecting valuable instructions. Take advantage useful tips on the selection of clothes according to the figure.

Tips for petite women with a rounded shape.

Extend and Stretch:

  • Vertical lines, seams, trim.
  • Monochromatic outfits or low contrast color combinations.
  • vertical patterns.
  • Rolled up or rolled up sleeves.