Why do men like skinny girls more? Do guys like skinny girls? Demonstrative - definitely "yes

Beauty criteria are very conditional. And they are very fashionable. Life proves that love different women. There is a fan for everyone. But because of fashion, the number of lovers of overweight women is small. Men are conformists more women. Do girls like it?

About artists

Let's start with the fact that the men, whose taste we focus on, are different. Abstract statements about real guys will always be wrong to some extent. If it is important for a man to “seem” and not to be, if he is an artist in life and devotes a lot of time to his appearance, then fat girl will not suit him. And if the already existing girlfriend recovers, he will send her “retired” without any remorse. It will offend too.

Life for show and lack of masculinity

So before you get involved with a demonstrative type of man, think well. Today you are slim, and tomorrow you may be pregnant, need to take pills or a depressed state of mind that causes overeating. Demonstrative men are very susceptible to fashion for appearance. They lack masculinity, which is why they do not like feminine silhouettes. And in the background weak girl every little kid will feel like a hero. To the question: “Do guys like skinny girls? - such a hero will answer confidently positively.

Other values

By the way, about the appearance of men. Do girls like it Not always, girls in general are much more tolerant of flaws male appearance. They are more inclined to pay attention to the mind, talent, success and ... to be honest, financial solvency. So it is better to develop the ability to earn money - and a man will not need to think about the shortcomings of appearance. Of course, a belly is not very attractive, but only anorexic women will demand model thinness from guys (and even then not all).

Comparative anthropometry

Men also tend to compare their own physique and the figure of a potential candidate for a favorite. Most do not want the girl to be bigger than them. And this applies not only to weight, but also to height. And since in their youth almost all the guys are thin and thin, they choose for themselves miniature and not always physically developed girls. That is why the question: “What kind of men like plump women? - usually answer: "Men of middle age." Indeed, over time, a young man learns to distinguish his own taste from the imposed fashion. And he himself becomes fuller - and therefore the “range of acceptability” for him changes.

National Features

In addition, there is also an ethnic factor. Traditionally, fullness is considered beautiful in Africa and on Arab East. Therefore, many men from this region to the question: “Do guys like thin girls?” - answer emphatically: "No." It is difficult to say why the Arabs prefer women in the body. Africans like them because many tribes live on the edge of starvation, and fullness becomes synonymous with abundance. That is why it attracts on a subconscious level. And modern beauty fashion researchers say that in difficult economic or social times, overweight women become more popular. Do guys like skinny girls during periods of quiet life? Yes!

By profession I am an anthropologist, a physical anthropologist, to be more precise, and by personality I am a biologist. My area of ​​interest is modern man, as a biological species, the product of a long and complex process of anthroposociogenesis - biosocial evolution.

There is a rational grain in each of the answers - and personal preferences (experience) play a role, and the vagaries of fashion and basic instincts. Their voices do not always merge into a single choir. 1). To begin with, a person leaves behind a relatively small number of descendants, whom he must nurture for a long time until adulthood. If the situation were further complicated by too narrow selectivity in choosing a partner for reproduction, the prospects for survival of our species would become completely sad already at the stage of ancestral forms. In modern terms, the propensity for "diversity" justifies the polygamy of men and women - "more genes, good and different." Hundreds of thousands of years of selection have preserved, probably for our critical discussion, both thin and fat. 2). From the point of view of biological progress, the main thing is that the partner be of the same species and of the opposite sex. Galant, a well-known author of the typology of the physique of women, wrote that the beauty of a man is the beauty of muscles, and the beauty of a woman is the beauty of fat. From the onset of puberty, girls and boys begin to differ in the relative amount of both. From the age of 13, body weight in boys increases mainly due to the so-called. "lean mass", and in girls - "fat". But this is only one component of the definition of "social sex" - gender. As a woman, I will say that a smart, successful, gallant fat man may be preferable to a dumb Apollo. We are not only biological, we are social after all ... By the way, many animals and birds, too, in addition to all other articles, need to be able to perform a certain program of mating dances, if you don’t know how, you don’t multiply, without options. Therefore, men tend to choose women who are not built like men (whatever that means), and who are willing to try to please - behavior, jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetics, figure - not just like nature gave, but with an effort to please opposite sex. 3). And the saddest thing, yes, is more important for a man personal life(women) only work (social success). In one study of primates, it was noted that baboons, when kept in a cage, when different "male families" can see each other from a distance, master the technique of "dummy cages". It doesn’t matter at all what the female thinks about this and what she is, the main thing is that other males can see: he has a lot of females, he has a lot of them, and he himself is practically a super-male. When living in the wild, the females themselves evaluate the capabilities of the male and, in case of doubt, leave him for the sake of another. It remains an average of 4 per male (it echoes some confessional attitudes, right?). And prestige, it is in a person - prestige, not only in Africa. Maybe that's why, when a person tries to combine all these ancient instinctive needs (sexuality, attractiveness, prestige) into something socially sublime (beauty, for example), he is drawn to the proposed fashionable stereotypes? Who among those who prefer thin women has the courage to call Monroe unattractive? And thin - slender - athletic? That's it.

By profession I am an anthropologist, a physical anthropologist, to be more precise, and by personality I am a biologist. The scope of my interests is modern man as a biological species, a product of a long and complex process of anthroposociogenesis - biosocial evolution.

There is a rational grain in each of the answers - and personal preferences (experience) play a role, and the vagaries of fashion and basic instincts. Their voices do not always merge into a single choir. 1). To begin with, a person leaves behind a relatively small number of descendants, whom he must nurture for a long time until adulthood. If the situation were further complicated by too narrow selectivity in choosing a partner for reproduction, the prospects for survival of our species would become completely sad already at the stage of ancestral forms. In modern terms, the propensity for "diversity" justifies the polygamy of men and women - "more genes, good and different." Hundreds of thousands of years of selection have preserved, probably for our critical discussion, both thin and fat. 2). From the point of view of biological progress, the main thing is that the partner be of the same species and of the opposite sex. Galant, a well-known author of the typology of the physique of women, wrote that the beauty of a man is the beauty of muscles, and the beauty of a woman is the beauty of fat. From the onset of puberty, girls and boys begin to differ in the relative amount of both. From the age of 13, body weight in boys increases mainly due to the so-called. "lean mass", and in girls - "fat". But this is only one component of the definition of "social sex" - gender. As a woman, I will say that a smart, successful, gallant fat man may be preferable to a dumb Apollo. We are not only biological, we are social after all ... By the way, many animals and birds, too, in addition to all other articles, need to be able to perform a certain program of mating dances, if you don’t know how, you don’t multiply, without options. Therefore, men tend to choose women who are not built like men (whatever that means), and who are willing to try to please - behavior, jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetics, figure - not just like nature gave, but with an effort to please the opposite sex. 3). And the saddest thing, yes, for a man is more important than his personal life (women) only work (social success). In one study of primates, it was noted that baboons, when kept in a cage, when different "male families" can see each other from a distance, master the technique of "dummy cages". It doesn’t matter at all what the female thinks about this and what she is, the main thing is that other males can see: he has a lot of females, he has a lot of them, and he himself is practically a super-male. When living in the wild, the females themselves evaluate the capabilities of the male and, in case of doubt, leave him for the sake of another. It remains an average of 4 per male (it echoes some confessional attitudes, right?). And prestige, it is in a person - prestige, not only in Africa. Maybe that's why, when a person tries to combine all these ancient instinctive needs (sexuality, attractiveness, prestige) into something socially sublime (beauty, for example), he is drawn to the proposed fashionable stereotypes? Who among those who prefer thin women has the courage to call Monroe unattractive? And thin - slender - athletic? That's it.


Why do men like skinny people? My husband says I'm fat. Do men love with their eyes?

My husband keeps telling me that I need to lose weight.! What men love with their eyes! The question is, why did he love me then? Kohl says every day that she is fat! After all, the day I met, I was even fatter. How to understand this? Why men like skinny?

And how do you stand it? I don't think it's normal if husband says you are fat.

Husband ham...

Find another husband who won't hint at being overweight

Your husband has a terrible attitude towards you. But it can also be taken as a stimulus. Lose weight. Sign up for the room. Be beautiful

Don't know, do men like thin people. But after that, I would think about whether this man is worth my attention ...

Husband just teases you, not everyone has to be thin

When Husband says to lose weight He wants you to strive for perfection.

You know the author, my husband also fell in love with me completely, he also somehow kept saying, they say lose weight ... during the 2nd pregnancy and childbirth, I lost weight without diets, from toxicosis. And the result? Husband found another... fat one. So then think about it men like skinny. And now it whines, they say, before there was something to hold on to, but now there are only bones. Where is the logic? There is no logic. So, first of all, love yourself for who you are, and if you change your figure, then only for the sake of your beloved and not for the sake of men! And with your husband, you find something to reproach him for his reproaches

And the husband, interestingly, is a handsome athlete? Most often, ordinary gastropods are indignant aloud, to whom it suddenly seems that they deserve more. If he is really an athlete, you should listen to his opinion and the commonality of interests will bring you even closer. Physical education hello!!!

On the one hand, it's terrible that your husband says this to you so directly. On the other hand, it is good when spouses discuss problems and various dissatisfaction with each other. Much better than when you keep everything to yourself.

The husband just lacks tact. So directly telling a woman that she is fat is a complete tin!

It's not about weight, it's not about men like skinny: either your husband has a different one, or someone has spoken badly about you, shaming him.

I remembered an anecdote ... The husband returns home, the wife washes the floor. He slapped her on the ass and said: “Get your harvester out of the way,” she was offended. And at night, her husband climbs to her with intimate intentions:

"Well, turn to me, dear."

His wife: “Right now! I will turn my harvester because of one spikelet! Turn around and grind by hand!“

Go in for sports. And get a good figure, and show your husband that you are amazing woman! And will continue to resent your figure - you will find better. There are many handsome men in the hall.

The main thing is not to launch yourself to the level of lokhudra, but the fact that Husband talks about being overweight- of course, it's a shame.

I would only add that our heroine, it is quite likely, with desire and work, will achieve an ideal or close to perfect shape(remember that ideals are a subjective thing), but her spouse - nature has deprived her of humanity - this is a much more tragic flaw than being overweight.

How frustrating it must be to hear weight notes from a loved one. Start eating right and your weight will return to normal. Be strong.

Very simple! Because the cult of great weight loss, everyone men now like skinny! He hears this nonsense everywhere, that's all ... And not because you have something wrong. I basically eat cakes in protest, get fat and enjoy life! And I assure you that when I weighed 47 kg (after the divorce), no one looked at me, but now they are staring, well, this is probably because I am ugly fat and stand out from the mass that eats flaxseeds

When Husband says I need to lose weight- this is weird. This is what insecure men say, I have changed 100 times: getting fat and losing weight, and my man has never said that. And what to say now, he has already made his choice, let him be silent in a rag.

Well, it probably says that your husband fell in love with you not for your appearance, but for inner world. And now he wants not only to please the soul with you, but also the eyes. Don't be offended by remarks about overweight . Sign up for fitness and lose weight. And if he speaks very rudely, then poke him with his nose.

Lose weight and find another husband, let him admire.

- In my opinion, it is much more effective to give flowers to your woman, for example, for no reason or arrange other amenities, she will quickly begin to preen and try to become the best for her man. But this is in case we are talking about performance. It’s just that sometimes men behave this way not in order to push a woman to change, but to appease their own inadequacy. I can be wrong, of course. I am not a connoisseur of people.

My husband also constantly tells me that I need to lose weight, I weigh 50 kg. And I don't know why they say that.

It is not obligatory to be thin as a board, but if a husband allows himself to say such things, then everything is very bad. And you need to change something in your life. Either a figure or a husband.

Boy for a long time he called me a fat woman (the stomach was small), and when I involuntarily lost weight, he said that he liked the way it was before.

When the husband already directly says "lose weight", then you should already listen, and not laugh.

You have become boring to your husband, he just gets to the bottom. Not everyone men like skinny. Pay attention to appearance Special attention only at the beginning of an acquaintance, and then if love has been together for a long time, then the appearance is practically not noticed, unless of course you have changed so much that it has become "striking". In any case, you should always be yourself, and of course always be well-groomed. This is your body and it deserves to be loved by you!

If Husband says to lose weight it means he loves you and wants you to become even more beautiful

Author, you decide for yourself whether you want to lose weight or not!? My husband looks at thin and slim photos, but loves me donuts. In a dream, he hugs as if they want to take away. We are losing weight together now. I want to return the figure after childbirth, it is for health. Good luck!

My ex-husband He also told me to lose weight. Lost 12 kg. Became like a board. Still went to someone else. Conclusion... it's not from Great love he says so. And by the way, after the divorce, he became fat as a pig. Now he has a bigger ass than a woman! Checkmate, goat.

Well, men do not know how to do something beautiful. They can do anything and anything, but not beautifully. That's what they all say right. That's how he thinks - that's what he says. Few men know what a hint is, and even more so about how to apply it. This is inherent in women. Therefore, do not judge so harshly. Often a man says everything as it is and does not understand why you are offended. I think it's even better that he told you everything honestly. He confessed to you as he is, he wants to "improve" you. What's bad about it? Here they wrote: "Find another, this one is not worthy of you, how can he even say such a thing?" Do you think this problem will not arise with another? If there really is a problem with overweight then, sooner or later, any self-respecting man will tell you the same thing. If I were you, I would lose weight - not for a man, but first of all for myself. And I would try to save the family, because it is always easier to destroy. And if you still break up, you will have beautiful figure. In any case, you will be in the black.

I have a friend, she weighs 58, slender, her husband always says - lose weight, and he himself has a belly and a large muzzle ... So send a man to FIG, if he loves any sign

If he finds fault with you because of the figure, then it’s not there already. true love, lose weight and you will see how he will find another flaw in your figure ... This is a kind of people so rotten, they understand that they are not satisfied with life next to a person, but they are so afraid of changes in life that they begin to pick their soulmate and quietly take out on her his misfortune and discomfort from a failed life ...

I have previous husband was one of those, with my height of 173 and weight of 63, he threatened me: look, don’t even think about growing a belly ... Now I’ve been married to someone else for 10 years, it was time to gain 20 kg, six years ago I got terribly sick - diagnosed with cancer, and my husband, God grant him health, he endured everything with me, he never reproached me and I always only hear: you are the most beautiful with me, I love you very much! That's how a husband should be, run away from this freak, don't waste your life next to him!

The situation is familiar ... The first husband also became hint to lose weight... Although it was never complete. At that time, his friends' girlfriends were, well, very thin - in my opinion too much. I lost weight, with a height of 168 I weighed 45. He said that I needed to gain some weight. In a word, I divorced him a long time ago and I already live with another who, on the contrary, considers me thin, I eat whatever I want, sometimes I do sports for myself. By the way, the former became very fat, he just needs to lose weight.

Well, they will love you, but want others. Girls, don't be bullshit either! A lot of men are not kind and hungry for beauty. For your man, you always need to look chic! For the rest to be inaccessible! If you fulfill his desire, he will do everything for you! It is such a happiness to see desire in the eyes of your man, to be desired for him! What is the problem to put myself in order, I do not understand!

He wants a fit figure, not thinness. Think for yourself who loves loose asses, hanging tits and a puffy stomach. After all, it is not necessary to make yourself an athlete, this is not necessary, you just need to have a toned body

I don’t know, she moved to live with her fiancé - she was pleased with her figure, and now she is fat and pregnant. When I look in the mirror and sigh, he comes up and says, they say, you are beautiful and all mine.

No, it's bullshit. A man should love you all, including your folds!

- Men love with their eyes? I wonder how many here even know what loves both a man and a woman? What is the name of this organ? But I completely agree with the person who wrote that a man is greedy for a girl’s appearance when meeting! That's just one beauty is not enough to keep him! And you can keep it with only one organ - the brain! If you have enough brains to hook his brain, then your man! This is how love is born! And if a man offers a girl something to change in himself, then you need to change a man!

After some time, the couple is saturated with each other, and changes are needed. Think about where our lovers come from? After all, they obviously do not go to them for love, but for affection, relaxation and pleasure. beautiful body. Therefore, you must always improve yourself, otherwise they sat down like seals and then complain that the husband communicates with others. They just piss off the ladies who themselves are waiting for flowers, gifts, dresses, as if a man owes everything, but a woman is nothing, such a princess is sitting! Ugh, it's disgusting to look at such young ladies. And understand, a man loves you! If he didn’t love, he would dump, no man would hold the house, the children and you in a dressing gown, with a flabby ass. But quality sex and a pleasant body will tame any bachelor

If quality sex and beautiful body tamed any bachelor, they would marry mostly priestesses of love! I already wrote that everything comes only from the brain! If a man has ceased to excite his wife, then this only says one thing, that love has passed! And you can change and transform even every day into a beauty, you cannot return love! And you can be a virtuoso in bed, but without love, a man will still leave you! Love lives in the brain! Love sees no flaws!

And why is it impossible to engage in development not only internally, but also externally? It is not necessary to visit gyms until you are blue in the face, you can also choose dancing, for example. And the figure will catch up and your man, oh, how you will please. Such a century, consumerism. Alluring figures are everywhere, so it’s worth making yourself alluring, and for this you need just brains.

Unfortunately, this is true, men first pay attention to appearance is 100%. Whatever soul you have, he will never pay attention to the one that will not catch on appearance! Men love with their eyes. And we love with our ears, tell us beautifully, and we melt!

Everyone wants to look beautiful and it is never superfluous! My brother was married to beautiful girl, after giving birth, she recovered, stretch marks on her chest and stomach were terrible, her stomach became flabby! It didn't make him love her any less! Many stared at my brother, but he didn’t even walk away from her! She visibly rounded, asked her to quit smoking, she said if she quit, she would get better even more, and he said that then he would just buy her new things and update her entire wardrobe! It's called love! And they divorced because she began to drink and walk! It was very hard for him!

And what do you think about it? You can express your opinion on our

Sigmund Freud believed that most men, when meeting, prefer women who look like their mother. Many studies have proven him right. From this it should be concluded that thin girls and girls have the same chance of getting married. It is believed that the ideal female beauty now there are models whose parameters are 90-60-90.

Wherein plump women exhaust themselves with diets, trying to get at least a little closer to the standard of beauty, but few of them know that the problem lies not in weight at all. It's all about the character and temperament of the girl. Men love to look at slender beauties, but no one wants to marry an empty picture. A person needs warmth and affection, cleanliness and comfort in the house. Not everyone slim women able to give a man everything he needs. But fat women very often have a flexible and soft character.

What kind of men like bbws?

As a result of research by psychologists, the following pattern was revealed: men who give their preference to full women with a large bust are very often quick-tempered and impatient. A number of representatives of the stronger sex, who prefer fat women, like to be in the spotlight. Some of them are very smart, however, there are touchy and weak personalities. If a man chooses women with his hips, he is often aggressive in life, active and likes to change his home, in addition, he is a big fan of cleanliness. Such men often lack family warmth and caresses.

Men subconsciously choose future mother who can give birth to a healthy child.

Also, bbws are liked by some men whose age has already crossed the forty-year-old border, for which the appearance fades into the background after the personality of a woman. men more middle age they already understand a lot in life, and for them “not the cover, but its content” becomes the main thing. For a man, it is important that a woman knows how to keep up a conversation, and is also cheerful and sociable.

Many cannot understand why tall mice sometimes give their preference to short gray mice. Psychologists sometimes explain this by the fact that, knowing about his complexes, a man begins to disguise himself. During the experiment, it turned out that 74% of men, when viewing photos of girls of various physiques, made a choice in favor of obese women.

A survey conducted in Russia showed that 63% consider a woman's accuracy to be her most important quality, and, of course, Russian men like women with a cheerful disposition and good character.

Most of the representatives of the stronger sex prefer cheerful and sociable companions of life, so it doesn’t matter if the woman is fat or not, and most importantly, it should be pleasant and easy to be around her.

The image of the ideal man begins to form among the fair sex as early as childhood. Most often, young ladies have different ideals, and yet they like men who have a certain set of characteristic features.

Despite the established stereotypes, the appearance of men is not always what women value in them in the first place. Certain components of their character are important, one of which is a man's ability to feel. The fairer sex needs someone who will truly love them and treat them with respect. Hardly anyone will like a man who values ​​only his own interests and neglects the feelings of girls.

Women also like strong men. But it is not at all necessary that these were two-meter athletes with an oblique fathom in their shoulders. Strength is largely manifested in the character and actions of males, regardless of their physique. In the life of women, there are often difficult situations, And a real man should know how to help his one and only. It is also equally important that a woman feels safe next to him, wherever she is.

Caring representatives of the stronger sex also remain held in high esteem. The perfect man knows how to make a woman feel the most beautiful, loved and just the happiest. It is not necessary to perform feats for this, but it is important to understand what the other half wants, how to please and surprise her.

The fidelity of a man is now also valued very highly. It is unlikely that a girl will like to constantly worry if her beloved will leave for another. The desire to love only one woman and always be close to her are the qualities of a real alpha male.

Finally, a man must be confident in himself and his actions. And not just confident, but truly unshakable in all decisions. Such a real ideal for women, because they know how to succeed in all areas of life, from financial to sexual.

Of course, it is unlikely that in life there will be a man endowed with all these features at the same time. Therefore, when choosing their ideal, women are also guided by whether this representative of the stronger sex is suitable for them or not. For someone will be enough frail and quiet young man, the main thing is that he be kind, caring and romantic. Some women look at the size of the wallet or try to find a simple-minded and not necessarily, but loving their family. So how much female characters and tastes, so many ideals. It is important to listen to your heart (and, of course, life experience), and it will show you Right way.

Artists, writers and poets have long been telling society the same facts: female body and her appearance is much more attractive to a man than her intellectual abilities and other qualities. There are special aspects in girls that make guys grateful for the fact that a woman was created at all.

What kind of women do guys like? First of all, they like a confident girl. Do not confuse with self-confident, which is not welcome and even scares away. In addition, the stronger sex also appreciates neatness and a cheerful disposition. A coquettish giggle can melt even a heavy male burrow. There is something special about happy woman whose eyes glow with joy. The easiest way to attract the attention of men is if the girl tries to dress and look good. At the same time, there is no need to stand out flashy and very bright colors. Find your style and feel confident. Also, don't forget to smell great, match your perfume scent. I would also like to note the bewitching voice of a woman. When talking to a man, you must avoid high notes in your voice. As a rule, guys do not like squeaks and squeals. You should speak in a low and soft voice. If you want to impress a guy, have a funny conversation with him. If you bring a flirtatious note to the conversation, there good chance that the guy you like will pay attention to you. Remember to show weakness towards yourself. Men love it when their girlfriend asks for help. So, in particular, this enables them to feel much more courageous, awakens in them the desire to be a real protector and support for their beloved. Sexually attractive for men is fit elastic body girl that signals good health. As a rule, guys prefer women with round and pear-shaped buttocks. Also long legs the girls look sexy enough. And this fact has its own explanation. When the girl is formed, the legs quickly begin to grow. Thus, this is a powerful visual signal for the stronger sex, telling them that the girl is ready for the birth of children. men count beautiful woman, which has healthy shine In eyes. This suggests that the girl finds the guy attractive, which, in fact, is a signal for him to take action. So, to please, a girl must watch her appearance, be neat, dress beautifully and stylishly, be cheerful and cheerful for others. Don't be too approachable or too reserved. You also need to remember that a man needs harmony in relationships, which sometimes he lacks so much and he looks for it subconsciously in a woman.

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Finding a man to create a long-term relationship is turning into a lifestyle for many women. Unfortunately, many of the fair sex do not even understand what exactly prevents them from finding their soul mate. The way out of this situation will be an objective assessment of yourself and your behavior.


Most men have a negative attitude towards. IN this case I mean not a single manifestation of weakness, but constant depression. If a girl hides answers to questions with tears or thus avoids a serious conversation, then it is likely that a man will not tolerate such behavior for a long time. In addition, constant talk about how unhappy you are, how unlucky you are in life, and other similar topics will also push the gentleman away from you. Men like women who are easy to communicate with, and not who have to spend hours asking what is the reason for their tears.

Style "glamor" can be safely called a disease modern society. The main drawback in this case is the desire for maximum artificiality. Girls try to put on "tons" of makeup, dress fashionable outfits even if they don't fit at all. Huge false nails, artificial eyelash extensions and silicone - all this only repels a man or causes you to be considered as a woman for several dates.

Excessive despotism is also a shortcoming of many women. Everyone wants their opinion to be respected. Men are no exception. If, at the time of the first meeting with a guy, you immediately show that in your relationship you will only have to listen to you, then he is unlikely to like this behavior. Despot women rarely attract attention from the opposite sex.

"Tomboy girls" is a category of women who quite often experience difficulties in their personal lives. Men perceive such girls as good friends, but they are in no hurry to build relationships. the main problem women in this case - the lack of femininity. It will take a lot of effort to correct this shortcoming.

Most men don't like vulgar women. The reason is obvious - a girl in a frank mini and with excessive bright makeup difficult to present to parents or friends. Defiant behavior can cause not only a lack of interest on the part of a man, but also a clear expression of a feeling of neglect.

Romance is good quality only if measures are taken. Sometimes the tendency to romanticism turns into outright tediousness. Constant comparisons with the heroes of novels, dreams that are unrealistic to realize in real life, a penchant for fantasies - all this can spoil the impression of a woman. With such a girl, men, as a rule, are bored and uninteresting.

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Often girls for a long time strenuously trying to deal with excess weight. Some of them are worried that they do not like themselves, while others believe that fullness makes them unattractive to members of the opposite sex. Therefore, “chubby women” sometimes have a reasonable question: “Why do guys like thin ones?” This is worth looking into.

Why do men like skinny girls?

It should be noted that very young people are usually negative towards overweight girls. But the older a man becomes, the more often he begins to pay attention to ladies with rounded or even magnificent forms. However, it is necessary to distinguish too thick, in which it is difficult to see the waist under layers of fat, from overweight, with a pronounced feminine figure.

Young guys often prefer it, because with such a physique they subconsciously consider it to be completely unformed, that is, not ready for procreation. Guys are often scared by the fear of early offspring. Adult men, on the contrary, are in search of a lady who would be able to continue his race. Therefore, they are looking mainly at women with rounded shapes.

Another reason guys like it is the desire to be in the role of a defender. A man looks like a real hero and knight when he is next to a slim and petite one. In addition, guys - especially romantic ones - want to protect, protect the woman they love, carry her in their arms. Small and fragile girls make men want to hug and protect them. And, of course, it is difficult to feel like a hero when there is a woman next to him who is taller and larger than him.

Also, men like thin girls if they look for a muse in them, inspiring them to various achievements. Miniature women are plastic, flexible, like French women, they are gentle and light, like moths. Full ladies in this regard is much more difficult.

Of course, not all of the "donuts" look heavy and awkward. Flexibility and plasticity can be developed, but not all full girls strive for this. A man wants to see in his woman a fairy, a muse, personifying everything beautiful and beautiful. The physique of petite girls resembles a figure fairy tale characters: sorceresses, princesses, who are laid in the mind from childhood. And it is worth noting that the appearance of such characters has a great influence on the subconscious preferences of many men.

Do you need to lose weight to be liked by men?

But in reality, men have different tastes. Do not think that no one likes full girls. First of all, it attracts femininity. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, you need to learn how to present yourself.

If a plump woman dresses with taste, hiding flaws and emphasizing the dignity of her figure, looks well-groomed and neat, interesting in communication, sociable and kind, she has much more chances to meet her love.

It is worth considering that there are not so many men who find themselves attractive too thin women. flat figure and anorexia most often repel the representatives of the stronger sex. Men most often like fit, curvy girls, but not with a dystrophic physique.

Some women sometimes think about whether the stronger sex likes fat women. It is clear that men very often pay attention to slender long-legged beauties. However, in order to please a guy, it is absolutely not necessary to be thin.

What kind of women do men like?

Men have different character traits, so they also have different preferences. Someone likes women in the body, and someone likes girls without unnecessary components. That is why in the life of each of the ladies you need to find exactly your man who will love her for who she is.

In ancient times, a plump woman who can bear and protect her offspring was considered the standard of beauty. This is what men paid attention to when they chose their wife. Remember the pictures that were painted in past centuries. Do they show skinny girls? On the contrary, plump women flaunt there with wide hips and lush breasts, from which a feeling of health emanates.

IN different times people's preferences and tastes have changed. And today, men pay more attention to girls with a standard average figure.

Scientists note that when a man is under stress, he pays more attention to the full, as it seems to him that they will be able to protect him with their body. The studies were carried out in this way: the representatives of the stronger sex were shown photographs depicting women of various physiques. Ignoring accepted standards, men in times of stress chose curvaceous women, because in this state they idealized those properties that contributed to survival. Statistics show that thin, puny men most often choose fat women as their wives.

Men start families with full ones intuitively, since it is they who have the greatest ability to. When a man meets, children are not the first thing he thinks about, but still nature makes a choice for him.

How to please a man?

If a girl has curvaceous forms, this does not mean at all that men do not like her. She just needs to get used to her parameters and take them for granted.

If you are a plump girl, choose the right clothes, hide flaws and make people pay attention to your virtues. Everything depends on you. You need to learn to love yourself, take care of your body. Then the people around you will pay attention to you. But you definitely need to watch your weight, because proper nutrition and sport are the main components healthy body and your inner feminine beauty. Love yourself and then men will love you!

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Tip 7: Why Men Love But Don't Get Married
They don't want to take responsibility. Men like to live alone and answer only for themselves. But after marriage, he will have to solve the problems of his wife, then, perhaps, a child will appear and his whole life will change. He will be forced to give up his habits, and sometimes do things he does not feel like doing.

Fear financial matters. If a girl dreams of a magnificent and expensive wedding, and he cannot arrange it, the man will postpone this day as long as possible. And after creating a family, expenses increase - you need to look for an apartment, buy furniture and household appliances to provide for his wife, and later on for the child.

Reluctance to celebrate the wedding. Sometimes it’s not finances that confuse a man, but traditional ways holding a wedding. The ransom of the bride, competitions, toastmaster, the need to communicate with relatives all day and smile at the camera. And if a girl enthusiastically talks about it, he will postpone the offer.

Negative experience can play too important role. If a man was already married and the marriage fell apart, he may be afraid of history repeating itself. After all, they, most likely, at the beginning of the relationship were also happy and ready for a long life. life together. Unpleasant memories prevent him from proposing.

Fear that things will change. He is satisfied with your relationship at this stage. You do not depend on each other, do not require much, he does not feel pressure or any kind of responsibility. And after the wedding, everything can change: the beloved girl will turn into a capricious wife, and romantic feelings fade away.

Scary stories of married friends. Sometimes family life acquaintances can influence the guy's decision. If he hears stories every day about a grumpy wife, no sex, constant quarrels and a catastrophic lack of money, a man may change his mind about marrying. Take a closer look at the friends of your gentleman and their companions.

What to do

Talk to him. If the wait drags on for years and you are already losing hope for a happy ending to the story, ask the man about the reasons for the silence. Only he can accurately answer this question. Do not put pressure on him, let him talk and calmly discuss all the points that scare him. It is possible that after an open conversation, he will make you an offer.