Normal parameters of a girl. Do you have a good figure? What figure is considered feminine? The most ideal female figure is the one that exists in perspective

The ideal figure is a fickle concept. With every decade, the canons of beauty change a little. Today, the vision of a flawless female body is largely influenced by the media.


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There is constant debate regarding the parameters of the ideal female figure. Some are sure that it is 90-60-90. Others are of the opinion that the main thing in a woman is naturalness, not girth. Therefore, it is impossible to establish universal figures. Modern requirements for a female figure are determined in accordance with the girl’s body type.

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    Beauty standards in different eras

    What used to be the standard of female attractiveness today often seems ugly and inappropriate. To be convinced of this, just look at which women were considered beautiful at different stages of human development.

    Beauty standards have changed in different eras as follows:

    From the 2000s to the present day, a woman who looks thin is considered ideal. But this slimness must be healthy. It is considered beautiful if there is a small gap between the thighs. Rounded breasts and buttocks, a flat stomach are the main components of beauty nowadays.

    Body types in girls

    The first theory of anatomical proportions of the body was created by the ancient Greeks. Then it was developed by the great Leonardo da Vinci. Thanks to him, artists realized that beauty does not depend on individual parameters, but on their relationship. The volumes themselves may vary. They depend on what kind of figure nature has awarded the woman.

    There are three types of build:

    1. 1. Asthenic (thin, ectomorph)– thin bones, long limbs, weak muscles. Ideal proportions for the asthenic type: waist - 60-63 cm, hips - 26-30 cm wider than the waist.
    2. 2. Hypersthenic (dense, endomorph)– wide build, massive bones, powerful chest. The ideal waist for such women is 71–76 cm, hips should be 25–30 cm wider.
    3. 3. Normosthenic (normal, mesomorph)– intermediate between the two previous types, the most harmonious development of all parts of the body. Ideally, the waist is 69–75 cm, the hips are 26–30 cm larger, and the chest circumference is 2–5 cm larger than half the height.

    To find out the type of physique, you need to measure the size of the wrist. It amounts to:

    • for asthenics - 16 cm or less;
    • hypersthenics - 18.5 cm or more;
    • for normosthenics - 16-18.5 cm.

    There are also three body types: hourglass, athletic and lean.


    This is a physique that is taken as the standard due to the ideal proportions of the female body. Of the stars, Kelly Brook has such a figure.

    Characteristic features of this physique:

    • the volume of the hips is equal to the volume of the chest,
    • the waist is clearly defined, 25-30% narrower than the hips;
    • Characterized by large breasts and rounded hips.

    When you gain weight, the kilograms are distributed evenly, mainly on the hips and chest. The waist remains clearly defined at any body weight. If a woman of this type gains significant weight, fat on the sides will move the waist visually higher and the silhouette will turn into a diamond.

    Hourglass figure

    Women with this type of silhouette can be of different builds: thin, normal, thick. Their figure will look ideal if the difference between the waist and hips is more than 22 cm.

    Athletic build

    The woman has a boyish appearance. The volumes of the torso are approximately the same. Buttocks are flat. The shoulder girdle is pronounced, which is why the figure resembles an inverted triangle.

    The advantage of an athletic figure is long slender legs, but the main problem is a pronounced flatness. The ideal parameters for this type of figure are: chest - 92 cm, waist - 70 cm, hips - 92 cm.

    An example of a woman with this body type is Angelina Jolie.

    lean physique

    Girls of this type have narrow shoulders, protruding collarbones, and above average height.

    Many modern models have a thin physique. It is inherent in all gymnasts and ballerinas. Stars with such a figure are Audrey Hepburn, Whitney Houston.

    How to take measurements?

    To measure volumes, you will need a measuring tape made of non-stretchable material. The tape should fit tightly around the skin, but not dig into it. Each indicator is measured several times, and then the arithmetic mean is selected. Measurements are taken without clothes.

    It is correct to take measurements in the morning, after a normal night's rest.


    Height is measured without shoes, socks and hats. You need to lean against the wall so that your heels, buttocks, back and shoulders are in the same plane. You need to put a ruler or any flat object on your head and mark with a pencil the places where it comes into contact with the wall. All that remains is to measure the distance from the mark to the floor using a measuring tape.

    You can control the horizontal position of the ruler using a mirror.


    The main rule for measuring weight is to choose an accurate device. Electronic scales are preferable to mechanical ones. All measurements must be taken on the same device.

    Weight is measured in the morning after going to the toilet. For accuracy, you should step on the scale not once, but two or three times. If they show a different value, the arithmetic mean between all weighings is taken as the exact weight.


    Breast volume is measured at the most protruding points. During the measurement, you can wear a light bra that does not tighten the mammary glands.

    From the most protruding point of the chest, the measuring tape should be directed to the armpits strictly parallel to the floor.


    Hips are measured standing with your feet together. The measuring tape is wrapped around the most protruding part of the thighs, parallel to the floor. The easiest way to do this is in front of a mirror.


    The waist is considered the thinnest part of the torso. Normally, it is located slightly above the navel.

    The tape should go around your waist parallel to the floor, without twisting anywhere. Measurements must be taken several times to accurately find the bottleneck. There is no need to hold your breath when measuring.

    Leg shape and length

    The beauty of legs depends on their length and shape. To make your legs look proportional, their length should correspond to your height.

    Standard proportions, cm:

    There should be four gaps between the legs when they are pulled together. The shape of the knee is important. It should not have sharp corners. It’s beautiful when there are dimples a little above and below the knee.

    If you bend your leg slightly and look in the mirror, the owner of ideal legs will be able to see outlines on her knee that look like a child’s face with eyes, cheeks and even bangs.

    People who look the most advantageous are those whose distance from the beginning of the thigh to the ankle is divided exactly in half by the knee. If the circumference under the knee is equal to the circumference of the ankle, then another parameter of ideal legs has been met.

    The calves should be proportionally developed, strong, and round. Both over-inflated and flabby forms are equally unacceptable. Calf circumference, depending on body type, ranges from 36 to 40 centimeters. Another ideal criterion is the shape of the Achilles tendon, the place where the shin meets the heel. This area should be graceful, thin and embossed.

    The ideal hip shape can be achieved in the gym. This area of ​​the body looks most beautiful if its widest part is in the upper third. There must be a gap in the groin area. When viewed from the side, the thigh resembles a spindle - it is narrowed at the groin and knee, and widened in the middle.

    Breast shape and size

    It is generally accepted that the optimal female breast size is 2 and 3. According to surveys, more than half of both sexes consider medium-sized breasts ideal. Less than 10% of men and women chose the small one. A third of respondents admitted that they like large breasts.

    With age, breasts enlarge - this is inevitable, since extra pounds are deposited most quickly on this part of the body.

    If we talk about shape, there is a standard according to which a bust is considered beautiful, in which the upper and lower parts are correlated as 45 and 55. The hypothetical line dividing the gland into two halves should pass through the nipple. In an ideal chest, the latter should be directed upward.

    Correct weight

    The optimal indicator is the one noted at 18 years of age. It is recommended to keep it for the rest of your life.

    But if a person has gained weight with age, you should not get rid of kilograms at any cost. It is considered normal if for every 10 years of life your weight increases by no more than 10%. This is explained by the fact that human metabolism slows down by 1% annually.

    For a woman whose weight at age 20 was 60 kg, the following dynamics would be normal:

    • 30 years – 66 kg;
    • 40 years – 72 kg;
    • 50 years – 78 kg;
    • 60 years old – 84 kg.

    Despite the fact that weight gain at such a rate is considered normal, it spoils the figure. Those women who want to keep their body beautiful and slim at any age can and should get by with minimal weight gain. To do this, you need to annually reduce the calorie intake by 1%.

    To calculate the ideal female weight, the following formulas are used:

    • Brocca's formula: weight = (height in centimeters – 110)x1.15.
    • Lorentz formula: weight = (height in centimeters – 100) – (height in centimeters – 150) / 2.

    Ideal weight for a teenage girl

    Bust/waist/hip ratio

    Women with the most ideal weight and beautifully shaped legs and breasts cannot yet be considered beauties. The main attractiveness of the figure is given by its harmonious structure - a combination of the volumes of the chest, waist and hips.

    The reference chest/waist/hip ratio is an almost constant parameter. It changes slightly. So, if 50 years ago a figure in which the waist volume was 0.7 of the volume of the hips and chest was considered beautiful, now a different figure is allowed - 0.8. Crossing this threshold is not recommended, not only from an aesthetic point of view. It has been proven that the larger your waist circumference, the shorter your life expectancy. Every 5 cm in waist circumference above 0.8 increases the risk of premature death by 13%.

    Normally, a woman’s waist is considered to be less than 80 cm. A waist wider than 88 cm indicates obesity.

    The normal waist to height ratio should be less than 0.5. Another important indicator of health is the waist-to-hip ratio. Normally it is less than 0.85. Women without a waist often experience problems with conception, more often suffer from cancer of hormone-dependent organs, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and show worse results in intelligence tests.

    Several decades ago, the famous 90-60-90 was considered the ideal ratio. However, now these proportions have changed. To calculate volumes, tables and formulas began to be used, where the parameters depend on height, type of constitution and age.

    Ideal parameters and growth

    The ideal volume of the chest, waist and hips is determined by the following proportions:

    • chest circumference is 0.5 height + 2-5 cm;
    • the circumference of the bust is 8-10 cm larger than the chest;
    • Hips are 25-30 cm wider than waist.

    There is a formula for calculating ideal proportions depending on height. Each girl, using it, will be able to calculate the volumes that will give the most impressive look:

    • waist- 0.35 - 0.4 height,
    • hips- 0.52-0.6 height,
    • breast- 0.5 - 0.55 height.

    Ideal parameters of a female figure depending on height:

    Men's opinion

    From the point of view of men, the ideal figure is an “hourglass”, when a woman’s silhouette resembles a guitar. The volume of the waist with this physique does not exceed 70% of the volume of the hips. For men, it is not the size that matters, but the elegant curves. A thin waist, curvy hips and prominent breasts are guaranteed to attract male attention, regardless of the centimeters in girth.

    Men prefer athletic women with a straight posture and a taut belly. The concept of “athletic figure” in this case is not associated with thinness; the main requirement is the absence of folds.

    Modern men prefer women with large breasts. Therefore, many girls and women undergo expensive breast augmentation surgeries. But psychologists are sure that this is just a temporary fashion.

    Men don't like overweight women. Ladies with strong shoulders and toned abs cause them antipathy. The figure should be delicate and maintain smooth curves.

    Thus, most men consider the ideal lady with a thin waist and proportional shapes. It is not the girth that matters, but the prominence of the waist and the smoothness of the lines. The vast majority of modern men consider the most attractive girls with the 46th clothing size. This is 1-2 sizes larger than women themselves think.

    Most of the men surveyed said that women who weigh 57-59 kg with a height of 160-165 cm are especially attractive to them. Ladies consider other parameters ideal: height 170, weight 52-54 kg.

    The solution to the mystery of ideal beauty through the eyes of men lies in the fact that the mentioned proportions, in which the width of the hips is 30% greater than the width of the waist, are subconsciously perceived by men as an indicator of health and a high ability to bear children.

    Doctors' arguments

    Doctors believe that a woman with an ideal figure should have the parameters of model and actress Kelly Brook. Her height is 168 cm, waist 63 cm, hips 9 cm, chest 99 cm.

    Doctors consider healthy not skinny women, but women with well-developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, which helps maintain optimal hormonal levels in the female body. There is a minimum percentage of fat below which its level should not fall. Depending on age, this is 13-16% of body weight.

    Excessively thin and very plump women have problems conceiving and bearing children.

    Doctors have established a relationship between the waist-to-hip ratio and the risk of cardiovascular disease for women:

    • less than 0.8– the risk is low;
    • 0,8 – 0,89 – the risk is moderate;
    • 0.9 and above– the risk is high.

    The percentage of fat in total body weight is measured with a special device or by measuring the crease at the waist with a ruler or caliper. These services are provided in medical institutions or fitness centers.

    The ideal is practically unattainable, and disputes regarding its criteria continue. Therefore, many ladies do not give in to societal pressure about what kind of body they should have. To please yourself and men, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, feel healthy and keep your body in good shape.

    More and more people are beginning to strive for natural beauty in all its diversity. But it will be a long time before this idea gains popularity.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The great Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first to study and define the ideal parameters of the human body. The anatomical proportions he presented are still studied in art schools throughout the world. From the theory of ideal proportions by Leonardo da Vinci, it follows that the volumes of the chest, waist and hips, taken separately, do not solve anything, it's all about their ratio.

In modern society, changes in the parameters of the human body (anthropometric data) are reviewed every 15 years, because during this period, as a result of the acceleration process, changes in size, proportions and shapes occur figures person. The well-known 90 – 60 – 90, of course, are not the standard of ideal women's proportions for everyone. Body proportions generally cannot be the same for all women, since there are different body types given to us genetically.

Main body types

The main body types include asthenic (thin-boned), normosthenic (normo-boned) and hypersthenic (broad-boned).

  • In women with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type, thin bone, long limbs, thin neck, the muscles are relatively poorly developed. Representatives of this type usually have a small weight, they are energetic and mobile. Abundant nutrition for a long time does not lead them to increase in body weight, as they spend energy faster than they accumulate. If a woman of this type does not have a very thin waist and normal, not narrow hips, everything seems miniature because of the thin bone.
  • The physique of normosthenic women (norm-bone type) is distinguished by the proportionality of the main body dimensions, the correct ratio. Most beautiful female figures are found precisely with this body type.
  • In representatives of the hypersthenic (wide-boned) physique, the transverse dimensions of the body predominate. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and their legs are sometimes somewhat short. Women of this type need to remember that they tend to be overweight.

You can determine the approximate body type by measuring the circumference of the wrist of the working hand. For normosthenics it is 16-18.5 cm, for asthenics - 16 cm, and for hypersthenics - 18.5 cm.

Quite often there are mixed body types with a predominance of the parameters of the above types.

If we talk about gradations female height, then they are as follows: low height - 150 cm and below, below average height - 151-156 cm, average height - 157-167 cm, high - 168-175 cm, very tall - 176 cm and above.

True, in recent years this gradation needs to be changed taking into account the acceleration of modern youth, so normal height can be considered for normal and large-boned people from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned people from 168 to 172 cm.

Correct legs

There are certain proportions between height and leg length. Legs can be considered short if their length is less than half the height. Can be considered proportional figure when the length of the legs is more than half the height. Forfor broad-boned people, preferably by 2-4 cm, for normal-boned people - 4-6 cm, for thin-boned people - 6-9 cm. For example, ifIf you have a normal bone body type with a height of 168 cm, the length of your legs is 90 cm, then this is ideal.

The length of the legs should be measured from the protrusion of the femur to the floor. In cases where the legs are somewhat shorter than the accepted norm, shoes with heels will help change this ratio, since visually they eliminate the existing imbalance.

The diameter of the leg at the calf, depending on the body type, ranges from 36 to 40 centimeters, at the ankle from 16 to 20 cm. Experts even tried to compile a table of the ideal leg shape depending on the body type.
Here are the approximate parameters: with a height of 156 and a weight of 50 - 55 kg - leg circumference at the hip from 48 to 54 cm, in the calf 31-32 cm, in the ankle 18-20 cm; with a height of 160 and a weight of 55–58 kg, the leg circumference at the thigh is from 50 to 56 cm, in the calf 32–35 cm, in the ankle 19–22 cm; with a height of 167 and a weight of 56-65 kg, the leg circumference at the hip is from 52 to 58 cm, at the calf 33-36 cm, at the ankle 22-23 cm.

And above all, ideal legs should have three gaps between them. To do this, you need to stand in front of a large mirror and put your feet in the position - heels together, toes apart. You should see the first gap under the knees, the second at the ankles, and the third at the top closer to the hips. In other places the legs should converge.

Correct weight

Body weight depends on the body type, height and, very importantly, the age of the person. One option for calculating weight is the Quetelet index. According to this index, for women with a thin-boned body type, it is enough to have 325 g for every centimeter of height, for normal-boned women - 350 and for large-boned ones - 375 g. Then the index is multiplied by height, and the weight corresponding to your parameters is obtained.
It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women, especially those whose height is below 160 cm, should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women, at least under 20 years of age, it is advisable to weigh 3-5 kg ​​less than normal, i.e. calculated using the Quetelet index.

As mentioned above, body weight also depends on age. The table shows the weight-to-height ratio (weight in g divided by height in cm) for women aged 15 to 40 years.


Body types








To determine your normal weight, you need to multiply your height in cm by the weight-height coefficient corresponding to your age and body type.

Excess weight can be tracked by measuring the fat fold on the abdominal wall, above the navel, 3 cm from the midline. Its thickness should normally be from 1 to 2 cm.

Hips, waist and chest

Knowing your body circumferences - chest, waist and hips - also helps determine your body type. Suchthe indicator is called "whites".

Whiteles' normal indicators for young women (18 - 28 years old) of a normosthenic body type can be considered if the chest circumference is exactly half the height plus 2-5 cm, for the bust - chest circumference plus 8-10 cm, for the waist - standing height, minus 100, hips should be more than the waist circumference by about 25-30 cm. For thin-boned women, it can be considered the norm if the circumference of their chest is in the range of 84-86 cm, and the bust is plus 4-6 cm to the indicated figures.
The waist is usually thin, and is in the range of 60-64 cm, and the circumference of the hips is larger by about 25-30 cm. In women with a broad-boned body type, the circumference of the chest exceeds half the height by 8-10 cm, chest - by another 8-10 cm. The waist circumference with a height of 166-168 cm is in the range of 70-76 cm, and the hip circumference is larger by the same 25-30 cm.

Devendra Singh, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas, came to approximately the same conclusion in the early nineties. Only he calculated the proportion between the hips and waist as a percentage. According to his theory, the ideal proportions are those in which the waist volume is from 60 to 70% of the hip volume.

To do this, you need to divide the waist volume by the hip volume, the resulting coefficient should be from 0.6 to 0.7. By the way, the ideal beauties according to this ratio are the Venus de Milo - 70% and the Nude by Rubens, the same 70%. But among real women, the waist-to-hip ratio is ideal: Marilyn Monroe 0.61 (56/91.5), Brigitte Bardot 0.66 (58.5/89), Demi Moore 0.72 (66/91), Claudia Schiffer 0.67 (62/92), Cindy Crawford 0.69 (58/84), Gisele Bundchen 0.70 (61/86), Kylie Minogue 0.70 (63/89).

Doctors believe that the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference should not exceed the endocrine balance coefficient, which is 0.85. If your waist does not exceed 85% of your hips, then your figure in perfect order both from an aesthetic and medical point of view.

Time moves forward, new criteria for assessing the beauty of a female figure appear. The latest analysis of the results of an anthropometric examination of women, conducted in our country in the early 2000s, showed significant changes in body proportions. Young women have longer arms, legs, a higher waistline, broader shoulders with the same body size, improved posture. So we can conclude that the younger and middle generations of women have become taller and slimmer than the previous generation. Well, if your parameters do not match the ideal ones, don’t be upset! Still, the most important thing in a woman is her individuality and, of course, a well-groomed appearance.

The concept of an ideal female figure changes every decade, this can be seen if we recall the sex symbols of past years. We offer a look at how the reference female figure has changed from the 50s to the present day.

Known for her roles in the films “Miracle on 34th Street” and “West Side Story,” actress Natalie Wood is rightfully considered an exemplary lady of her generation. In the 1950s, she became a symbol of femininity and a role model for many American women.

Well, the sex symbol of the 1950s is the Hollywood blonde Marilyn Monroe. The actress was short - 162 centimeters. The waist circumference is 58 centimeters, and the chest and hips are 96 centimeters each.

1960s French icon Ursula Andress had proportions of 97-64-89. The first Bond girl to star in the 1962 film Dr. No. The scene in which she emerges from the sea in a snow-white bikini has become iconic and impressed not only men, but also women.

Another bright representative of the 1960s is the British fashion model Twiggy. Weight - 51 kilograms with a height of 167 centimeters. She marked the beginning of the fashion for thin, almost weightless women with short hair and expressive eyes, brightly lined with mascara. Moreover, Twiggy is considered to be the first real supermodel.

Millions of women around the world wanted to be like the American actress Farrah Fawcett. The peak of her popularity came in the 1970s, when every hair salon asked for her voluminous blonde hairstyle to be repeated.

Italian actress Ornella Muti has gone down in history as a standard of natural beauty. In the 1970s, women sought to replicate her appearance and achieve the same figure parameters. The artist was distinguished by her magnificent breasts and was slim, but not thin.

In the 1980s, the world became addicted to fitness: aerobics, running, all kinds of group classes. It was then that top model Cindy Crawford began to rise to the top of her fame: her tall stature, endless legs and medium-sized breasts were considered ideal.

Cindy Crawford's colleague, Linda Evangelista, whose peak of popularity also occurred in the 1980s and 1990s, had the same athletic model parameters.

The symbol of the 1990s was the supermodel Kate Moss, who became famous for her excessive thinness - the so-called heroin chic. “The most delicious thing is to be thin,” she said. In pursuit of her boyish figure, the girls stopped eating. It was during these years that the anorexia epidemic occurred.

But in the 1990s, the owner of magnificent breasts, Pamela Anderson, also shone. Filming in Baywatch, which lasted from 1991 to 2001, turned this blonde into a real sex symbol of her generation.

In the 2000s, thin and tanned girls with well-developed abdominal muscles gained particular popularity. Images from the clips of pop diva Christina Aguilera were repeated at all costume events.

Also in the 2000s, the model Tyra Banks, one of the most successful models of Victoria's Secret, reached the peak of her fame. Tall and athletic, she constantly graced the covers of fashion magazines.

After 2010, three trends have been observed. For many, the standard is the American TV star Kim Kardashian. They imitate her and even go under the knife to achieve the same shape. Unnaturally large buttocks, a flat stomach and elastic breasts have made the American one of the most popular women of our time.

For fans of more modest volumes, the beauty guide is model Emily Ratajkowski. The girl’s fragile figure is also considered a reference.

Since 2015, non-standard models have come into fashion. Girls like Ashley Graham are becoming a symbol of freedom from stereotypes and strict diets. According to many, it is naturalness and relaxed exercise combined with a healthy appetite that should be the new benchmark for women.

At all times, artists and sculptors glorified the beauty of the female body, and women strived for ideal proportions of their figure. But what is considered an ideal - Venus de Milo, Danae or one of the current models, Kate Moss, for example? Let's see what the ideal figure should be according to men, and what medicine thinks about the ideal proportions of the female body.

Ideal female figure: men's opinion

Why do girls strive to make their figure ideal? Of course, to please men! But do the strong half of humanity like the well-known 90-60-90? It turns out that the figure of a girl does not have to meet these parameters. Many men call girls wearing size 46 clothes ideal figures. Therefore, the main thing is to maintain proportions. The male gaze is invariably attracted by ladies with a thin waist and wide rounded hips, owners of the hourglass figure. This is why corsets were so popular in the 19th century, because they allowed even “plumpy” women to make their waist thin.

How to explain men's weakness for this particular type of figure? Quite simply - the hourglass is considered symmetrical, and symmetry in the male brain is associated with the possibility of producing healthy offspring. In addition, this type of figure reports a sufficient amount of estrogen (the female hormone), which contributes to the formation of “correct” fat deposits - on the hips and chest, and not the waist. This also tells the male subconscious that a woman is ready for pregnancy. Well, a thin waist signals that the woman has not given birth yet, although many ladies return to their previous shape after childbirth. And looking at such a woman, you would never say that she has children.

But you shouldn’t blame men for being too picky - they are ready to be charmed by girls with a different body type. True, provided that the charming lady has long legs. For men associate short legs with childhood, and therefore they do not perceive such women as sexual partners.

Ideal proportions of the female body: medicine

The masculine ideal of a female figure, taken to the point of absurdity, is the Barbie doll, but if she were the size of an adult, her proportions would be 95-34-85. This is such an anatomical deformity. It is clear that doctors adhere to different concepts about female beauty. What, in their opinion, should be the ideal body size?

And everyone is different! So, for a woman with a wide build, 166-167 cm tall, a waist of 70-76 cm and hips of 95-106 cm are considered correct. In this case, the chest circumference should be more than half the height by 8-10 cm, and the bust should be 8-10 cm more than this figure. The length of the legs is considered normal if it exceeds ½ the height by 2-4 cm.

If a woman has a thin-boned build, then her parameters should be as follows:

  • waist – 60-64 cm;
  • hips – 85-94 cm;
  • chest – 84-86 cm;
  • bust larger than the chest – 4-6 cm;
  • the length of the legs is more than half the height by 6-9 cm.

If the lady has an average bone width, then the dimensions should be as follows:

Also, modern scientists have come up with a formula that can be used to calculate the proportionality of a figure. To do this, you need to divide the thigh circumference (under the gluteal fold) by the sum of the circumferences of the lower leg, shoulder and neck. If the resulting coefficient is in the range of 0.54-0.62, then your figure is proportional.

Girls with ideal proportions can calmly rest on their laurels, men love them anyway. But what should those women do whose figure cannot be called ideal? Don't be upset - some things can be corrected with diet and exercise, and the rest can be easily corrected with the right clothes and shoes.

Back in the 50s, it was at the peak of popularityideal female figurewith proportions 90-60-90. Marilyn Monroe easily fit into them, demonstrating the roundness of her forms. In the 60s and 70s, fashion suddenly switched to skinny women with flat stomachs. Then, until the early 2000s, triumph camemodel appearance, with Cindy Crawford's long legs and graceful bodyKate Moss. For two decades now I centuries pass under the auspices of girls with athletic figures. Slender hips, gorgeous abs and sculpted arms. Suchbeauty standardsto date. However, not everything depends on training and dieting. In different countriesideal female proportionsare different. In addition, there are generally accepted body types and body types for girls.

Girl's body types

You cannot measure all women to the same standard. In addition to their internal individuality, representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by their physique features. Something can be corrected with the help of sports, nutrition or plastic surgery. But there are three constant body types from which general proportionality is based.

Ectomorph. A girl with this body type is fragile and sophisticated. The fat layer is minimized. Arms and legs are thin. The waist is aspen. Height is high. It is difficult for her to gain muscle mass, since weight gain is not observed due to accelerated metabolic processes. An ectomorph girl shows others her thin wrists and fingers. Often the hip bones and collarbones protrude into relief. She cannot boast of large breasts and firm buttocks. A skinny woman is good with sports and can be particularly resilient, but not when it comes to strength training. A typical representative of ectomorphs is Keira Knightley.

Mesomorph. Body sizes for this type have an ideal ratio. Well-developed leg muscles, rounded hips and broad shoulders are harmonized by the waist. She is not wasp, but without excess fat. A girl with such proportions looks athletic. With moderate physical activity, the body becomes feminine and sculpted. Freely builds muscle mass, but can just as easily gain a couple of extra pounds. For a mesomorph, it is important not only to exercise regularly, but also to eat right. A striking example of such a physique is Halle Berry.

Endomorph. This type includes all girls who have crossed the mesomorph line in weight and volume. Their metabolism is slow. Fat is actively concentrated in the hips, buttocks, waist and arms. A distinctive feature is an expressive bust. Growth is predominantly low. Endomorphs easily gain muscle mass, which is hidden under fat reserves, if you do not include aerobic exercise and dietary restrictions. This category includes not only girls who are clearly overweight. But also those who have an idealized proportion of 90-60-90, with a tummy, extra pounds in the hips. A typical example among famous personalities is Marilyn Monroe. The actress was not overweight, but she did not hide her curvy figure.

Photo. Endomorph body type: Marilyn Monroe

It is impossible to distribute all women in the world between the three above-mentioned types. A 100% match for all characteristics is rare. Therefore, there is such a thing as a mixed body type. The girl combines the principles of the two predominant species.

Types of female figures: which one is ideal?

Each girl has different body features. Some of them are congenital, genetically determined, and the rest depend on lifestyle. The female body type is formed from pronounced characteristics. Based on them, the coach draws up a training program, and the stylist selects clothes.

Hourglass. This figure type is graceful. It shows balance. When a thin waist neutralizes moderately voluminous hips and bust. The buttocks are round and the legs are slender. Fat, if any, is distributed evenly over all parts of the body. An hourglass is the ideal parameters for a girl. Most representatives of the fair sex strive to approach them.

V-shape (triangle). Body type with broad shoulders, large breasts, fairly narrow hips and slender legs. When engaging in physical activity, a girl with such characteristics needs to increase the volume of her buttocks. The fat layer likes to accumulate in the upper abdomen, while the waist is visible, which means that this deficiency can be corrected with nutrition.

Rectangle. A boyish figure without embossed curves. Proportions: chest, waist, hips - almost the same. A rectangular girl gains weight with great difficulty, since her metabolism is accelerated.

Pear (spoon). With this type of female figure, the emphasis falls on the lower body. The buttocks are massive, the hips are wide, but the shoulders, chest and stomach look disproportionately small. The pear girl is predominantly short in stature and has short legs. Fat is concentrated below the belt.

Photo. Jennifer Lopez: a typical representative of the female "pear" figure

Apple. The most dangerous zone with this type of figure is the waist and stomach. They create a visual association of a girl with an apple. Flat buttocks and narrow hips add fuel to the fire. Slender legs and an expressive bust improve the situation. Intense training and serious dietary changes will help restore balance in your figure.

Deficiencies in one or another type of figure are covered by correction with the help of physical exercises. For example, girls with a V-shape need intense training for large muscle groups - the legs. For the “pear”, it is important to focus on the upper part of the body. For the “rectangle,” nutrition comes first. The “apple” will need an intensive training regime. Girls with this type of figure should lean on cardio. The “hourglass” is in the best position. Ideal proportions allow them to simply keep themselves in shape and enjoy the process.

Ideal parameters and standards

The world has long been struggling to develop a formula for the ideal proportions of the female body. This includes not only a visual picture of body types and body types. There is no escape from the basic parameters: weight, height, volume and leg length.

1. Ideal weight. A difficult topic for many girls. Some people want to get rid of extra pounds. Someone is trying to get the missing ones. The question arises: is there an ideal standard for female body weight and how to determine your comfortable weight? There is definitely no single standard. However, there are boundaries that must not be crossed in order to stay in shape. Each girl's performance is individual. To determine your ideal body weight, the following methods and tools come to your aid.

Case mass index according to the Quetelet formula. In order to calculate your personal body mass index, you need to know your current weight and height. The result obtained is compared with tabular indicators. The girl’s health status is determined and a recommendation is made on what to do - increase or decrease body weight. And it is possible not to change anything, since the weight is ideal.

With clear characteristics: below normal weight, optimal, overweight, obesity, severe obesity.

Table depending on the girl's age and body type. In this case, the age category from 15 to 40 years is considered. Body build types: thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned.

2. Ideal height and leg length. If a person can adjust his weight throughout his life, then he will have to come to terms with growth. There are general standards:

Girls with short stature- do not go beyond boundaries 150 cm;
- below average – from 151 to 156 cm;
- with average – from 157 to 167 cm;
- tall ladies – from 168 to 175 cm;
- very tall – above 176 cm.

The ideal leg length depends on body height. Girls whose legs are less than half their height are considered short-legged. If it is greater or approximately equal, then the figure is balanced. Compliance with proportions affects the visual perception of a girl. In addition, this parameter is taken into account in the models. There is nothing to do on the catwalk without long legs. To complete the characterization of the lower extremities, scientists derived the formula for ideal legs in three gaps: at the ankles, under the knees and between the thighs at the top. They can be seen simply by bringing your legs together. There shouldn’t be any other “holes”, only then the girl’s legs are perfect.

3. Ideal bust, waist and hip volume. Body parts must be proportional. The most expressive female forms have always been: bust, waist and hips. We are not talking about the exact 90-60-90 standard. Everything is much more delicate. A truly thin waist should be a maximum of 70% of the hips. Each girl has an individual result. Because everyone's body type is different.

The ideal proportions of a girl’s body are not those that men came up with in the fit of their wild fantasies. This is the daily work and self-love of the lady herself. Beautiful female figures are born from jewelry work: sports, nutrition, inner harmony and the right clothes. This is the key to success.

Ideal figure in different countries

The ideal parameters of a girl are different in every corner of the planet. There is no clear standard of what a woman should be. Whether in Spain, Japan or California, each has its own idea of ​​the proportions of beauty.

Europe. Most European girls have a slim figure. Spanish sportswomen. Italian women are graceful and have a thin waist, despite their delicious food. Slavic girls at the world “council” were recognized as thin. Ladies from the Netherlands can boast of long legs.

Photo. Italian with a thin waist Monica Bellucci

Asia. Fragile and short in stature, this is how others see Chinese women. In Israel, they do not attach special importance to the figure of girls; attention is directed to facial features. In Vietnam, women are sophisticated, with thin necks.

America. Despite the massive problem of obesity, most girls in the United States dream of ideal hourglass proportions. Those who managed to achieve a thin waist are Mexicans. In Peru, women became famous for their wide hips and full bust.

Africa. On the continent, representatives of the African race have very slender bodies. They are the envy of Europeans who go on diets and American women whose standards are far from ideal. In Africa, women know a sense of proportion and balance. They eat little and are constantly on the move.

How beauty standards have changed over the years

Over the past century, significant changes have occurred in the world of ideal standards for female figures. Every ten years the proportions changed. The hips were wide and narrow. The waist was retracted, the stomach added a couple of extra pounds. The bust changed its size every now and then depending on fashion. And only long legs have always been valued by true admirers of female beauty.

At the origins of the last century there were girls in corsets. Their thinnest waist is still considered an unattainable luxury. However, literally ten years later everything changed dramatically. A boyish figure, without a full bust and graceful waist, is becoming trendy. Men could not tolerate such beauty standards for a long time and protested. In the 30s, femininity with rounded shapes returned again. After another ten years, a woman takes on the responsibility of home, family, and work, which means she trades slimness for broad shoulders on which she carries all this burden.

In the 50s, the world was rocked by the sexy forms of famous actresses. They were followed sharply by a decline and a transition to blatant thinness. During that period, diets became fashionable. Since the early 70s, a woman's tummy was supposed to have a normal percentage of fat, or better yet, no fat at all. Another 10 years later, fashion models introduced thin standards with long legs. The 90s were famous for being painfully thin. But that time has passed too. Protruding ribs are replaced by slender legs, six-pack abs, or simply flat tummies and firm buttocks.

Photo. Sports female figure

conclusions. The concept of a girl's ideal figure varies depending on the continent, time and outlook on life. There are a lot of existing proportions and ratios. It is impossible to put the female form into a general formula. Each girl is individual, which means that her parameters are only subtly adjusted to the general standards of female beauty.