How do men treat girls with no experience. How do men really feel about virgins? Sub-option "A": "The girl turned out to have weak nerves"

When a woman starts a relationship, she hopes that she will acquire a permanent life partner. A man, as a rule, divides women into supposed wives and mistresses. How to find out how a man really treats a woman? After all, he can use the same methods of courtship and it is difficult to determine the attitude of a man to a woman, and yet we will try.

How to find out how a man treats a woman

1 way

Sometimes the actions of a woman are impossible to predict, and men are very predictable. But men, no less than women, use various tricks to hide their real feelings.

However, many of the fair sex want to know exactly how a man treats them after a few dates. How to understand a serious relationship between you or not? You will have to watch your man very carefully.

2 way

When a man is in love, his emotions are violent. You can find out how a man treats a woman by his reaction. When he talks about his girlfriend or mentions her during the conversation, he immediately changes - his eyes light up, the man becomes more nervous and emotional.

When a woman evokes only friendly feelings in a man, then the man is calm and even a little indifferent. Talking about his mistress, a man looks pleased, looking forward to a new meeting, but these emotions only speak of sexual arousal.

3 way

How is sexual attraction expressed? If a man treats a woman as a friend, and nothing more, then they have no sexual attraction. When a man perceives his partner only as a lover, he will talk about it directly and openly, since his goal is only an intimate relationship. Couples who are in love, who are interested in a long-term relationship with serious intentions, who dream of marriage and having children, will talk about sex with interest, but with hints and leading questions.

4 way

A man stops communicating with other women. If a man has an increased interest in his chosen one, he will reduce the number of contacts with other girls to a minimum. Even female friends begin to notice the lack of communication with him, as he spends all his free time on his beloved.

5 way

You can determine the attitude of a man towards a woman by seeing how a man treats his promises. If a man does not call back, may be late for a meeting or cancel it altogether, this happens only in one case - he has no interest in a long-term relationship or he is completely indifferent.

A suitor experiencing strong passion will show perseverance and initiative, having very serious intentions - he will be soft, self-confident and adamant. When planning a date, an ardent admirer will adapt to his girlfriend and her schedule, thereby being flexible and taking into account her wishes.

6 way

Meeting friends and relatives. At the beginning of a relationship, a man hides his girlfriend in every possible way from loved ones, since he himself is not yet sure of his feelings. A man will not introduce his mistress to his parents, but he can take and invite her to a company of friends in order to show off.

You can find out how a man treats a woman by the fact that the man will not hide the girl he wants to see in the place of his wife from friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters, and, in the end, will introduce his parents - he has certain and enduring feelings.

7 way

The end point of a relationship between lovers is marriage. If a man is serious about you, then he will definitely introduce you to people close to him - relatives and friends. In addition, the seriousness of his intentions gives out an endlessly broken phone from calls and messages from your man.

8 way

The intensity of communication with you speaks about how a man treats a woman. When a man does not try to meet with you often, does not cut off your phone, and even more so does not introduce you to anyone, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps you are just a passing fad for your boyfriend.

If a guy often cancels your dates, while writing excuses along the way, then he is unlikely to take you seriously. Any man can always postpone his affairs, because his girlfriend is always in the first place for him.

9 way

Another sign of the frivolity of your relationship is your man's increased attention to other women. You can learn about how a man treats a woman by his reaction to other women. If a man without hesitation examines and discusses other representatives of the opposite sex with you, then you should not expect anything good from such a relationship.

10 way

Another sign that you are just a hobby is the lack of even the slightest interest in your affairs and problems. When a man treats a woman only as a temporary girlfriend, he will not want to listen to your problems, because he just wants sex from you. You should not simply waste your care and tenderness on a man who will not repay you the same.

11 way

Do not waste your last strength on a relationship that is doomed to break. When a man no longer calls you as often as before, he is always busy, he is interested in other girls - it is unlikely that your relationship will last for a long time. Breakups are always hard, but try to find the strength in yourself to survive this period and be ready for a completely new relationship.

12 way

Of course, the easiest way to find out how a man feels about a woman is to ask him directly. But, alas, you can not always count on a sincere answer. Since in order to hide his dislike, a person, for his own benefit, can easily lie to you. By the way, if during the answer the object of interest to you answers indistinctly and at the same time does not look into your eyes, most likely he is lying.

13 way

You can create some kind of extreme situation, in other words, pretend that you are in trouble, as a rule, it is at such moments that absolutely any person shows his true face.

14 way

extreme way. Give the object of interest a small amount of money on credit - if it takes a very long time to return them, coming up with various "excuses" and excuses, then we can draw conclusions about how a man treats a woman.

15 way

Ask your girlfriend or friend to talk to the person you are interested in so that he unobtrusively, casually asks what he thinks of you. But this option is not very good, since your friend may misunderstand what the respondent will say.

16 way

Try to pay as little attention as possible or simply ignore the person in the company. By response, you can easily understand how a man really treats a woman.

17 way

Make up some interesting story and tell the person of interest as the biggest secret. Well, then - it is clear to everyone. If in a week the whole circle of him and your acquaintances finds out about your “secret”, then you are obviously unpleasant to the person who interests you.

18 way

According to research, we only need a couple of seconds to evaluate a person when we meet. And as practice shows, this opinion is the most correct, further only an attempt to approach it from a rational and social point of view. And this assessment, created later, is often incorrect, as it consists of experience gleaned from various subjective sources.

19 way

Well, in the end, most often to find out how a man treats a woman is as easy as shelling pears: if you didn’t do anything bad or good to a person, he will be indifferent; did good - warmly and benevolently. Of course, there are exceptions in life when someone responds to good with evil, but few people classify such instances as people.

20 way

The future of any relationship depends, first of all, on the sympathy of future partners. In a personal meeting, observe the behavior of your companion. You can find out how a man treats a woman like this: if a man is ready to listen to you for hours, does not take his admiring glance away from you and is constantly looking for meetings with you, then he certainly likes you.

The opinion of men regarding the existence of smart women was divided. Some believe that the female mind is something from the realm of fantasy. They do not get tired of coming up with sarcastic expressions on this topic and pouring them among like-minded people. Others, on the contrary, respect the female mind and consider it an exceptional gift.
There is an opinion that the attitude of a man to a smart woman depends on his sexual preferences. Some are turned on by the female mind, seduce and intrigue, while others treat female intellectuals with open apprehension and lose any sexual attraction to them. Depending on this, all men can be divided into four types:

Intellectually preoccupied. They are simply blown away by smart women. For them, a diploma of higher education, dissertations and articles in scientific journals are much more important than big breasts, pumped up ass and long legs. They are ready to completely surrender to the power of their mistress and give her hot nights of love.
Quantity - 1% of the total male population.
Reasonable. They adequately perceive and have nothing against the female mind. They are interested in such women, they are always happy to keep up the conversation and calmly listen to the philosophical reflections of their interlocutor. Sex with a smart woman is also normal. Their sexual desire does not depend on the level of intelligence of the partner. Commendable!
Number - 19% of the total male population.
advanced liberals. They are not against the female "sensual" mind, intuition, but they react very sharply to female erudition. In their opinion, all that interests a woman is tearful serials and heartbreaking stories. They are turned on by a little silly and sensual women, but any hints of intelligence immediately repel him. He cannot stand it when a woman talks about things in which he does not understand at all and always does everything in defiance.
Number - 30% of the total male population.
Obscurantists. They are afraid and bypass the tenth road of women, even with the slightest hint of intelligence. In their opinion, women's work is housekeeping, but work with the mind is available only to a man. They do not feel any sexual desire for smart women and even consider it a terrible, unacceptable, sinful perversion.
Number - 50% of the total male population.
Should you hide your mind?

Do not demonstrate your intellectual abilities if you are not well versed in this area. Fools will immediately recoil from you in wild horror, and smart ones will suspect something ...
Before you show a man your mind, decide what type he is, and then decide whether it is worth it or not.
Express yourself in a way that suits the situation. If you are sitting in a noisy company in a bar, then it is better to save intricate expressions and smart terms for another occasion.
Do not poke your nose into exclusively male conversations (football, fishing, cars, etc.). A reasonable man will take it with a bang, but will look at you as a friend, but not as an attractive woman. Obscurantists or advanced liberals will react very sharply to your intrusion into their exclusively male territory and will try to run away from you to hell.
Don't show your man your intellectual superiority, give him the opportunity to surprise you (and, of course, play along).
Do not use your mind to humiliate his lady of the heart. He will quickly figure out what's what and this will cause him disgust not for her, as you planned it, but for you.

2 months ago

What do men think about female beauty, youth, grinding, injections and other tricks that we undertake? Journalist Daria Korolkova talks about this based on personal experience.

When I first decided on Botox, I was sure that I should not tell my husband about it, as he always spoke rather contemptuously about “buffed up dolls” and “reshaped fifas”. However, it turned out that everything is not so simple.

I was just at the stage of making a decision - to inject or not to inject - when on the Internet I came across a discussion of various medical manipulations that girls preferred not to tell men about. To be honest, my hair stood on end: I thought that the story about beauties getting up in the dark, who are afraid to show their beloved without makeup, these are jokes. No, it turned out to be even worse. The girls hid that they dye their hair. What visit the beautician. That they use anti-wrinkle creams (peel off labels, yes). I am already silent about epilation.

In short, the general idea was this: a man should consider that you are so beautiful in yourself, no interference is made in the natural course of events, and you must stand firmly on this.

Otherwise ... Otherwise, of course, he will immediately go to another, because men prefer naturalness. In complete stupor, I came to my husband and asked a direct question: is it all - is it really THIS? What do men think about female beauty, youth, rubbing, injections (it was hard not to screw in the question that tormented me) and other tricks that we take?

The reader is already waiting for the “rose” rhyme, in the sense of a total debunking of malicious myths about male sensitivity and subtle mental organization, but I have to disappoint. It's like that. But not really. In short, there are no individuals who faint at the sight of a can of anti-age cream in nature. For the most part, men perceive a visit to a beautician as "a waste of money to lie down with a mask in silence." Hair coloring is like a woman's whim to wear a non-native color or paint over gray hair, which is generally approved. Everything men think about plastic surgery comes down to breast augmentation.

“Men have breasts, breasts and only breasts in their heads,” my dearest husband answered me, “plastic surgery is to sew on bigger breasts.”

Upon questioning, it turned out that there is another plastic surgery (it would be more accurate to say “intervention, but men don’t operate with such complex concepts, pardon the pun) - pumping lips with silicone (don’t ask, they really think so). Everything else they do not see, do not notice and do not take into account. “But what do you say if I inject Botox into this wrinkle (I pointed to the crease between the eyebrows)?” I asked. “Yes, please, if it makes you look better,” was my answer.

Over the centuries, attitudes towards virginity have changed dramatically. If earlier men married only immaculate girls, now the situation has changed a lot. Guys are currently in two minds about girls with no experience. In modern society, purity is not condemned, but it is not praised either. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how men relate to virgins.

Not so long ago, one social network organized a survey in which the opinion of guys to girls without sexual experience was found out. The results were quite interesting: more than 60% of the respondents said that they did not care how many partners the girl had before. However, 40% of respondents say that purity and innocence is a prerequisite for a long-term relationship for them. After reviewing the comments, it becomes clear that guys who plan to tie the knot with a girl prefer her to be innocent. If acquaintance is limited to one night or casual meetings, men prefer to deal with experienced partners.

Why do men prefer virgins

There is no single answer why guys prefer innocent young ladies, but the most important aspects can be highlighted:

  • Men are by nature possessive and do not like to share. The mere thought that his chosen one used to have another boyfriend infuriates many.
  • A girl with no experience simply cannot compare her first man to someone else. In this case, the guy greatly increases his self-esteem.
  • According to many men, the mother of his future children should certainly be a pure and innocent girl, and not a frivolous person jumping from one bed to another.

These are purely subjective judgments of some representatives of the stronger sex. But the opinions of almost all the guys agree on one thing - girls without experience are more clamped and harder to make contact. They need to be treated more carefully, and a possible break could lead to a real tragedy.

What kind of men do not want to mess with virgins

Every girl loses her virginity due to certain circumstances. The first experience few people bring pleasure and enjoyment. A man whose plans include the desire to get sexual pleasure is unlikely to be happy with the news about the purity of his partner. After all, the upcoming act is a real test for the girl, physically and emotionally. The first partner must be experienced and patient with the girl, and not everyone wants to take on such responsibility.

There is also a certain category of representatives of the stronger sex, who, for their sexual improvement, enter into a relationship only with experienced women. They do not need to be persuaded, reassured and make impossible promises. These are a kind of males who are accustomed to treating intimacy as a certain sport. They are not interested in long-term relationships, a one-night stand is considered commonplace.

Men who treat sex as a physical release will also not be interested in virgins. This category includes married guys who like to "go left" with a sexy and experienced partner.

After listening to the advice of friends or reading a bunch of articles on the Internet on how men treat girls without experience, young ladies prefer to get rid of their virginity as early as adolescence, and most often with their peers. Therefore, an innocent girl aged 20-25 years is surprising in our time.

The price of innocence in the modern world

Another important issue for girls is the moment of parting with innocence. In this case, it is impossible to talk about any standards and norms, each case is strictly individual. Many young ladies are in a hurry to get rid of their virginity as soon as possible and enter into a relationship with the first partner they come across. Mostly they are peers with no experience. After such an "experience" there may be an aversion to sex or to men in general. It turns out that age is not so important, the first partner and mutual relations are of great importance. If a girl understands that she is ready for intimacy and is not afraid of her, then the moment has come. If in doubt, it is better to postpone intimacy until the next time.

Also of great importance in the issue of deprivation of virginity is the character of the girl. Some young ladies lose their innocence at the age of 15-16, without the slightest regret and psychological trauma. Having received the first experience, they part with a partner and look for a new relationship. Such girls, of course, it is easier to survive the loss of innocence. Other girls, on the contrary, even at the age of 18-20 are not quite ready for intimate relationships. We are not ready psychologically, not physically. This mainly affects strict upbringing, vulnerability of character, quick attachment to the opposite sex. The first bad experience for such young women can be a real tragedy in later personal life.

With the loss of virginity around the age of 18, everything is more or less clear, but what if the age is approaching 25, and there was no first time? According to psychologists, girls at this age begin to experience a number of psychological problems: they cannot freely communicate with members of the opposite sex, they feel inferior, they often hear ridicule from their friends, they are constrained and squeezed. Such a girl does not know how the guy will react to her innocence, and is afraid to scare him away in advance. As a result, the relationship does not develop and quickly ends. The girl no longer hopes to build a serious relationship, closes in on herself, depression and disappointment in life set in. Therefore, the proverb “Everything has its time” in this case comes in handy.

Conventionally, men can be divided into three categories:

  • The first category includes guys who consider innocence a symbol of purity and purity. They try to start a serious relationship only with girls with no experience.
  • The second category of men is wary of virgins, and they try not to mess with them. In their opinion, becoming a "pioneer" will certainly have to marry a girl.
  • And finally, the third category of representatives of the stronger sex, who bypass virgins. They are looking for experienced, passionate partners who do not have to be persuaded and taught something. As a rule, this category of men does not commit themselves to long-term relationships, and often change sexual partners.

The attitude of guys to girls without experience directly depends on their inner convictions.

Psychologists advise girls not to rush to part with innocence. No need to succumb to the persuasion of girlfriends and go to bed with the first person you meet. Perhaps such an experience will not be entirely successful, and the young lady will have a persistent dislike for sex. Let this step be deliberate, and happen with an attentive and experienced partner, and not with a peer in the alley. Only the girl should decide when to part with her virginity, and not those around her.